Brazilian academic mobility: exploring the journey towards training


  • Higor Alexandre Duarte Mascarenhas CEFET/MG - Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais
  • Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias CEFET-MG
  • Letícia Duarte Mascarenhas UIT



Lattes platform, Brazilian Scientific Exodus, Data analysis


The exodus of individuals for various reasons or circumstances has increased significantly in recent years in Brazil and the world. One of the reasons identified for this migratory flow is the academic training of these individuals, who seek to train in better quality educational institutions. In this context, this work aims to analyze how the scientific exodus occurs in Brazil, in which individuals from different locations in the country migrate in search of better academic training. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed how the Brazilian scientific exodus occurs. To do this, it was necessary to extract academic training data from the CVs of individuals registered on the Lattes Platform. Therefore, all individuals with completed doctorates were selected, aggregating 381,463 CVs. The choice of this group is justified because it is the group with the highest level of completed academic training, and which has the characteristic of having recently updated data in their CVs. Initially, the data was filtered, selecting the attributes relevant to the research, and finally, the data was processed with the aim of finding the geographic location of the institutions in which the individuals trained. As initial results, it was possible to characterize the data collected on the Lattes Platform, measuring distances traveled by individuals throughout their academic training, as well as flows followed by doctors at state level and an analysis of the internationalization process of doctors Brazilians. Link networks were created demonstrating the main locations occupied by doctors during their academic training, as well as the connections between these locations. Possible indicators were subsequently extracted and analyzed, seeking justifications for the choice of individuals to migrate to locations during training, such as a correlation between the results found and some indicators extracted from open access data repositories, such as population and undergraduate and postgraduate courses. -graduation. Therefore, it was possible to present an unprecedented portrait of how the Brazilian scientific exodus occurs.


