Collection and Processing of Data from Articles in Scientific Events
Scientific production, Events, Lattes PlatformResumo
Several studies focus on exploring the behavior of scientific evolution. For this reason, one of the main means of scientific communication today is events, in which diverse and valuable works are generated, also enabling fast communication and possibilities for argumentation. However, most works that evaluate scientific production in scientific events generally have specific repositories as a data source, often restricted to some areas of knowledge. Although such works present interesting results, no studies were found that encompass events in general, with a large number of publications or that address different areas. In this context, this work aims to analyze the scientific production published in the annals of events of the group of physicians who have CVs registered on the Lattes Platform. The data used were extracted from the Lattes Platform in January 2021, so that all the selection and processing of the data of interest could be carried out. Therefore, this work has the general objective of analyzing the scientific production published in events, understanding how Brazilian scientific production occurs in this means of dissemination, using bibliometric metrics in the data extracted from the curricula registered in the Lattes Platform.