Soil-structure interaction effects on modal analysis of a 3D reticulated structure supporting plane rectangular shells
Finite Element analysis, Modal analysis, Soil-structureResumo
This paper aims to verify the interference of soil-structure interaction (SSI) on the natural frequencies and on the respective vibration modes of a 3D reticulated structure supporting plane rectangular shells. This is done through a computational linear elastic 3D finite element model using EulerBernoulli frame elements, biquadratic Lagrangian thin shell elements and elastic translation springs for the soil at columns bases (representing pile embedded length). A convergence analysis is performed to determine the maximum mesh size and mass participation factors are measured to establish the number of considered vibration modes. Chosen elastic spring coefficients are extracted using polynomial linear regression applied to the results of experimental compressive and horizontal load tests of steel piles embedded in a silty clay soil. Using these parameters, nine models are processed via an eigen solver and obtained frequencies and some mode shapes are presented. It is found that, for the adopted approach and for the evaluated structure, there are not significant changes in modal response induced by SSI, being the mass distribution more important than soil stiffness in this case. Despite the results, this study indicates the need of further investigation to provide better measures about the interference of SSI on modal response of structures as the one analyzed in this research.