Cost and CO2 emission optimization of steel-concrete composite floor systems with composite tubular trusses
Topology Optimization, Composite Floor, Composite Tubular TrussesResumo
The objective of this study is to propose a formulation for the topological and dimensional optimization of composite floor systems, which comprise composite trusses, while considering both the costs and environmental impacts generated due to the consumption of materials from this structural system. To address this optimization problem, the Bonobo algorithm (BO) will be employed. For the structural analysis, the bar element was implemented with 2 nodes and 3 degrees of freedom per node to obtain displacements and efforts arising from the application of the vertical actions considered (dead and live load). Structural verification will adhere to the guidelines outlined in Brazilian standards for tubular structures, steel structures and composite steel and concrete structures. The models studied address examples from the literature in order to verify and compare solutions from an economic and environmental perspectives, identifying which factors impact the final solutions found.