Aspects of Identifying a Damaged Site of a Wind Turbine Blade Using Power Spectral Density (PSD) Signature Curves and Energy Correlation Referenced Distance
Energy Correlation Referenced Distance, Temperature compensation, Structural restriction, Spatial damage positionResumo
The following procedure is based on the energy correlation distance applied to the PSD (power spectral density) signature curves. Each PSD curve is calculated from the measurements at a point in the structure. The energy correlation distance between a single PSD curve and the set of all PDS curves of the measurement mesh is a metric. This metric is called the energy correlation referenced distance. In this work, to increase the difference between a healthy site and a damaged site, frequency bands of PSD curves are used. Using the temperature compensation properties of the referenced distance, the results are computed for a wide range of temperatures and then an analysis is made considering the structural constraints. The data used comes from a composite wind turbine blade whose data is housed in a public repository.