Educational interactive graphics tool for teaching Mohr Circle


  • Luiz Fernando Martha PUC-RIO - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro



Mohr Circle, plane stress state, interactive educational software


Mohr Circle is a two-dimensional graphical representation of the transformation law for the Cauchy stress tensor. The components of the Cauchy stress tensor at a specific material point are known with respect to a coordinate system. Mohr Circle graphically determines the stress components acting in a rotated coordinate system, i.e., acting on a differently oriented plane passing through that point. The e-Mohr program is an interactive graphics tool that explains the Mohr Circle to Solid Mechanics (Strength of Materials) students in engineering courses. The program demonstrates how the Mohr Circle works for plane stress states, allowing users to interactively manipulate the plane's orientation where the stress tensor components are calculated. Furthermore, e-Mohr involves determining a point in the Mohr Circle called the pole or origin of the planes. Any straight line drawn from the pole will intersect the Mohr Circle at a point representing the state of stress on an inclined plane in the same orientation (parallel) in space as that line.






Mini-symposium on educational software for computational mechanics