Analysis of dynamic response on aircraft runway and taxiway bridges
Aircraft bridges, Structural Dynamics, Moving loadsResumo
This paper presents a computational analysis of the dynamic responses of an aircraft bridge subjected to a moving mass and corresponding load in conditions of taxiway and runway, moving through its entire length. It aims to understand the dynamic behavior of the bridge and to determine its transversal response. The Euler-Bernoulli beam model is here, discretized in finite elements and a dynamic algorithm was applied, using numerical integration by Newmarks Method for the solution of ordinary differential equations to obtain the transversal displacements of the structure in the time domain, to evaluate its responses comparing the results with different velocities, damping ratios, and the effect of contribution of moving mass. The main objective is to apply the results obtained with the method to obtain displacements due to moving masses and corresponding loads contributing to the design of aircraft bridges with reliability.