Nonlinear Dynamics of a Cantilever Beam under a Transversal Harmonic Follower Force
nonlinear dynamics, follower load, stabilityResumo
The nonlinear geometric of cantilever beams is well disseminated in current literature. Normally, in this type of analysis the load does not maintain its constant slope throughout the analysis. This work addresses the case of large displacements for beams considering a follower transversal load to the deformed axis. This type of situation generates interesting nonlinearities and has several applications, for example, the wind load in wind turbine blades must be considered always perpendicular to the beam element axis. This work will also address the dynamic behavior of this structural system as well as its implications regarding stability. According results for large response its possible to observe the great influence of load level, the beam curvature suffer a abrupt change highlighting the importance of nonlinearity in this problem