Aesthetic Integration of Structural Elements: Joaquim Cardozo’s Legacy in Modern Architecture


  • Leonardo da Silveira Pirillo Inojosa Universidade de Brasília
  • Márcio Augusto Roma Buzar Universidade de Brasília – UNB, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Departamento de Tecnologia
  • Marcos Ritter De Gregório Centro Universitário de Brasília - CEUB



Structural Elements, Modern Architecture, Joaquim Cardozo


In established architectural projects, the structure serves as a guiding parameter, meaning architecture is designed simultaneously with the structure. "Once the structure is complete, the architecture is already present, simple, and beautiful" (NIEMEYER, 2002). In modern Brazilian architecture, the role of structure in the composition of buildings is particularly noteworthy. Structural elements are often incorporated in an apparent manner, directly linked to the building's aesthetics. Engineer Joaquim Cardozo's works highlight several structural elements with these features, including the arches of the Alberto Torres Rural School in Recife (1935), the shells of the Igreja de São Francisco de Assis in Pampulha (1943), and the columns of the Igrejinha Nossa Senhora de Fátima in Brasilia (1957). In this study, we analyze these and other structural elements calculated by Joaquim Cardozo, using the software SAP2000. Our goal is to identify the significant contribution of the engineer and his structural solutions to modern Brazilian architecture, while also highlighting the relationship between structural systems and architectural aesthetics.






Numerical Methods Applied in the Architectural Conception and Structural Design of Construction