A permutation algorithm for stacking sequence optimization of composite laminates


  • Renata de Araujo Braga UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Elias Saraiva Barroso Universidade Federal do Ceará




Fiber-reinforced Composites, Combinatorial Optimization, Laminated Structures


Structures made of fiber-reinforced composite material are used in many industries, such as automotive, naval, aeronautical, and construction civil. Laminated structures are produced by thin layers of composite material, such as carbon fiber-reinforced laminates, which have high strength and stiffness. These composites are stacked in different orientations in order to provide superior mechanical properties compared to other conventional structures. Due to the number of variables, the conventional design methodology based on trial and error is not attractive, and it is advantageous to use optimization techniques. When designing laminated structures, strength, stiffness, and performance constraints must be satisfied. Using optimization techniques, it is possible to find an optimal lamination scheme that meets the established prerequisites. In this type of structure, the arrangement of the layers and the orientation of the fibers can have a significant impact on the final performance of the structure. The permutation problem in optimization refers to determining the most effective sequence of layers and fiber orientations that meets the design requirements. This work proposes the implementation of a heuristic optimization technique based on design variable permutation. In this specific combinatorial optimization problem, the quantity of layers of each type (i.e. orientation) is known a prior, and the optimal arrangement of these layers is to be evaluated. The algorithm is implemented in Octave language and is demonstrated in optimization of laminated plates.


