HOOP: a Python software for homogenization of multiphase composite materials using object-oriented architecture
Composite Materials, Micromechanics, MultiscaleResumo
HOOP (Homogenization Object-Oriented Programming) is a Python software package designed for efficient and flexible mean-field micromechanical analysis. Utilizing an object-oriented architecture, HOOP enables researchers to investigate mechanical and thermal phenomena within multiphase composite materials. By leveraging established libraries like NumPy, Seaborn, and Matplotlib, HOOP offers robust numerical operations, data manipulation capabilities, and compelling visualizations. The strategic integration of various Python libraries within HOOP's architecture fosters inherent flexibility and interoperability. This enables tailored workflows and seamless integration with established tools. Users can leverage alternative libraries for specific tasks, expanding capabilities beyond core functionalities. Moreover, HOOP has been rigorously tested and validated, emerging as a powerful and cost-effective alternative to commercial software for multiphase composite analysis. This makes it an invaluable tool for academic researchers and engineers alike, democratizing access to advanced micromechanical analysis capabilities.