Nonlinear finite element analysis of steel-concrete composite beams with cellular I-section under hogging moment


  • Carlos Humberto Martins State University of Maringá
  • Vinicius Moura de Oliveira Federal University of São Carlos
  • Lucas Mognon Santiago Prates Federal University of São Carlos
  • Alexandre Rossi Federal University of Uberlândia
  • Felipe Piana Vendramell Ferreira Federal University of Uberlândia



Hybrid cellular I-sections, teel-concrete composite cellular beams, Lateral-distortional buckling


Adopting hybrid cellular I-sections can favor optimizing steel consumption, as the higher steel grade is localized only in the compression tee. In addition, continuous steel-concrete composite cellular beams allow the construction of longer spans due to the combination of higher bending stiffness of the cellular I-section and its connection with the concrete slab, further the continuous of the beam, which provides a better distribution of the bending moment diagram. However, due to the hogging moment on the support regions, the steel-concrete composite beam can present lateral instability of the compression flange accompanied by web distortion, named Lateral-Distortional

Buckling (LDB). No investigations have evaluated the behavior of steel-concrete composite beams with hybrid cellular I-section under hogging moment. This way, the present study aims to assess the behavior of the structure in question using a nonlinear finite element model via ABAQUS software. The investigation consists of verifying the beams' failure mode, considering plastic behavior or LDB, and the effects
of different combinations of steel grades for the hybrid I-section, and further comparing the use of hybrid and homogeneous steel profiles on the composite beams.


