Active suspension using a PID controller with an inerter device


  • Carlos Vinicius da Silva Martins UNB - Universidade de Brasília
  • Michele Karine Rodrigues de Andrade Universidade de Brasilia
  • SUZANA MOREIRA AVILA UNB - Universidade de Brasília



Active Suspension, Inerter, Vehicle Suspension


This article is dedicated to a thorough investigation of the behavior of an active suspension system that incorporates the PID controller in a vehicle quarter, adding an inerter component to the system. Through comprehensive analysis of a variety of track profiles, the active suspension system demonstrates its ability to precisely control wheel movements, with the primary aim of improving passenger comfort and vehicle handling. By using the PID controller in conjunction with track sensors, the system is able to continuously evaluate road conditions, identifying the most effective movements to optimize the driving experience. The PID controller, incorporating proportional, integral, and derivative components, plays a fundamental role in minimizing error, integrating corrections, and adjusting response time as needed. The inerter, an innovative mechanical device with two terminals, is introduced to provide inertia without adding mass to the system, utilizing the difference in angular acceleration between the terminals. To validate and compare the performance of the active suspension system with and without the inerter, detailed simulations are conducted using the powerful tools of MATLAB and Simulink. The inclusion of the inerter in the active suspension system, along with the PID controller, aims to enhance the overall effectiveness of the system, even if it results in a slight increase in manufacturing costs. However, the substantial benefits in terms of passenger comfort and vehicle safety fully justify this additional investment. This approach represents a significant advancement in the field of automotive suspension systems, offering an ideal balance between performance, cost, and user satisfaction.






Advance in Modelling and Simulation of Automotive Systems