Geometric nonlinear analysis of planar frames constituted of nonprismatic Timoshenko-like elements referred to their noncentroidal axis
Nonprismatic Timoshenko-like elements, noncentroidal axis, geometric nonlinear formulationResumo
This paper proposes a geometric nonlinear formulation to solve 2D frames modeled with Timoshenko-like elements defined by their noncentroidal axis. The kinematics of deformation of the element and the cross-sectional constitutive relationships are referenced to any given axis. Thus, the element axes may be any simple straight-line segments intersecting the element's cross-sections at any position. Knowing the element's centroidal axis is of no relevance. As a consequence, the interaction between axial and flexural effects must be consistently taken into consideration. The methodology consists of using a flexibility-type method based on the principle of virtual forces to determine the structural property coefficients. Such a method is convenient for determining the exact solutions of nonprismatic Timoshenko beams because they avoid solving awkward differential equations governing the frame elements. In addition, the exact Timoshenkos shape functions (TSFs) for nonprismatic elements result as a by-product of the formulation. Thus, the exact deformed shape of the element may be determined at any load level in the nonlinear analysis. Polynomials of different orders may be used to interpolate the variable rigidities along the element length. Moreover, we adopt boundary integrals to compute the cross-sectional rigidities along the element, which facilitates the modeling of cross sections of complex shapes. Regular, low-order Gauss-Legendre quadratures are required to evaluate all integrals involved in the analyses. The proposed formulation is validated by comparing our responses with the ones determined by using highly refined 3D ANSYS models. Nonlinear equilibrium paths, stresses, and internal forces are observed in the comparison of results.