On the numerical simulation of two-phase flow in shale gas reservoirs


  • Gillyan Macario da Silva IPRJ
  • Mayksoel Medeiros de Freitas UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Grazione de Souza UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Helio Pedro Amaral Souto UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro




Shale gas, Two-phase flow, Picard-Newton method


In the past two decades, the scientific and technological community dedicated to oil and gas production has demonstrated a growing interest in unconventional reservoirs containing natural gas, such as shale reservoirs. These deposits typically contain significant volumes of gas, but their low intrinsic permeability is a drawback. For example, technological advances using horizontal well drilling have led to economically viable production from such reservoirs, and in this context, numerical simulations are relevant in planning natural gas recovery. In this paper, we carry out numerical simulations of isothermal two-phase gas-water flow in shale gas reservoirs. We considered the effects of slippage and adsorption employing the Klinkenberg model and the Langmuir isotherm for the gas phase. It also incorporates a pressure-dependent correction in determining effective permeability for both phases and horizontal wells for production. The Control Volume-Finite Difference method is applied to discretize the governing flow equations, employing centered block grids and fully implicit numerical formulations. We linearize the discretized equation for gas phase pressure using the Picard method, while we use the Newton method for the discretized equation for water phase saturation. The results are analyzed in terms of the pressure at the production well, leading to an evaluation of how the effects considered for the effective permeabilities of the phases influence pressure variation and the times of occurrence of the flow regimes for the considered well-reservoir system.






Advanced Numerical Techniques for Fluid Flow in Porous Media