Analytical formulae for the higher-order effective coefficients of periodic laminated elastic composites with imperfect contact
effective coefficients, laminate composite, asymptotic homogenizationResumo
Analytical formulae are derived for the effective coefficients of linear elastic second-order laminate composite materials made of any finite number of linear elastic first-order layers. Imperfect contact conditions are considered at the interfaces, and small strains are assumed at the micro and macro scales. The micro-macro homogenization procedure used here is reported in Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (2020) 32:1251-1270 wherein only numerical studies are presented. Asymptotic homogenization method results at the micro-scale level are combined with the macro-scale parameters based on the equivalence of the stored energies on the periodic cell (i.e., the energy-averaging theorem known as the Hill-Mandel condition). Some comparisons are considered for validation. To the best of our knowledge, the fully analytical application of this methodology to the case of laminate media has not been reported previously, that is, with the analytical solution of the local problems. The formulas obtained could be useful to control numerical codes in more complex periodic cells.
Projects PAPIIT DGAPA UNAM IN101822, Mexico, and CNPq Universal Nº 402857/2021-6, Brazil, are gratefully acknowledged. CAPES Brazil Program (PRAPG) Edital No 14/2023 is also recognized.