Dynamic Analysis of Fixed Offshore Structures for Wind Turbines
Fixed offshore wind turbine, Structural dynamics, HydrodynamicsResumo
Offshore wind power presents itself as an alternative for complementing and diversifying the Brazilian energy matrix. In this context, fixed jacket-type platforms, widely used by the oil industry, are alternatives for supporting offshore wind turbine towers. However, the unique characteristics of these structures, such as their large dimensions, high centers of mass, and eccentricities of assemblies, as well as the random nature of the loads acting simultaneously on the structure, such as ocean waves, winds, and currents, are challenging components for the engineering of structures built in the marine environment. This article presents some of the main computational models for dynamic structural analysis of fixed offshore wind turbines. In the applied methodology, the sea state is modeled based on second-order Stokes wave theory, where fluid kinematics are calculated from the analysis of random waves in the frequency domain, using the Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. The aeroelastic-dynamic forces and interactions acting above the free surface were simplified through the adoption of values prescribed in the literature. Finally, structural analysis is carried out using the finite element method, with the jacket bars modeled using plane frame elements. The results obtained in terms of dynamic properties, as well as structural responses, were compared with those extracted from recent works, thus confirming the validity of the chosen methods and consolidating the results for the development of future work.