Utilization of Random Fields for Prediction of Displacements in Laterally Loaded Piles


  • Rafael Marcus Schwabe UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • André Luis Meier UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Gracieli Dienstmann UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




Foundations, Random Fields, Probabilistic Analysis


Soil is composed of materials that have organized over the ages, following the natural flow in the formation and development of the planet. Thus, we can infer that soil possesses characteristics of a random nature. Recent studies have been assisting geotechnical engineering in understanding this randomness, providing parameters for a more consistent mathematical representation of soil mass, aligned with probabilistic mathematics. Within this context, this work employs the theory of random variables coupled with the finite element method to estimate the behavior of laterally loaded piles. The study modeled the behavior of two piles using deterministic and stochastic methods, comparing the results with real load tests. These results showed good correspondence between predicted behavior and real tests.


