Discretization, pseudo-potential, multicomponent, Lattice-Boltzmann mehtodResumo
In this paper several discretization schemes that result in a improved multicomponent pseudo-
potential model of the Lattice-Boltzmann method are investigated. The discretization scheme here pro-
posed, when compared to the model original of Shan and Chen [1], considers the explicitness of the
force term, the second order discretization of the stream term, the regularization model and also higher
orders of discretization of derivative terms. To verify the accuracy of the proposed model, the effect of
the viscosity ratio and the spurious currents obtained for the static bubble problem is investigated. The
resulting algorithm maintains the simplicity of the pseudo-potential model while allowing an easy im-
plementation for multicomponent problems. The results show that the current model, besides showing
a higher viscosity ratio range than the literature results, show a significant improvement in the spurious
currents range.