Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering2024-08-26T11:29:01+00:00Open Journal Systems BUCKLING LOAD BASED ON MODAL ANALYSIS BY RAYLEIGH METHOD AND FINITE ELEMENT METHOD OF A NONPRISMATIC SLENDER REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN2024-07-10T10:54:41+00:00Alexandre de M. Wahrhaftigalixa@ufba.brKaique M. M. Magalhãeskaique.magalhaes@ufba.brReyolando M. L. R. F.<p>In this study, an analytical and computational procedure were developed for determining the<br>critical buckling load. The analytical solution was based on the Rayleigh method and the computational<br>one on the finite element method (FEM). Rayleigh method preconize that one equation named as shape<br>(or trial) function should be defined to represent the vibrational movement of the system. Therefore, the<br>result obtained by this method is entirely conditioned to the correct choice of this equation. Different<br>equations even respecting the boundary conditions of the problem can lead to different results. Four<br>mathematical expressions as shape function were used in the present study: a trigonometric, two<br>polynomials and a potential equation. All these functions obey to the boundary conditions of the problem<br>and were valid in the whole domain. Therefore, the integrals obtained by the Rayleigh method were<br>solved considering the structural geometry. With comparative purpose the results obtained on the<br>analytical procedure were compared with those yielded by computational modelling using a finite<br>element modal analysis. The structure analyzed was a 46-m-high reinforced concrete pole, including its<br>foundation, which has geometry and reinforcement arrangement varying along its length. For both<br>solutions, three important items were considered: the geometric nonlinearity, due to the slenderness of<br>the system; the material nonlinearity and the creep of the concrete. The last one aspect was introduced<br>into the analysis by means of Eurocode criteria. Significant differences on the absolute value of the<br>critical load were found in comparison with the adopted procedures, being possible to observe that the<br>potential equation led to results too distant from the other equations. Analysis considering an elapsed<br>time of 4000 days revealed an average decreasing of 22% on the intensity of the critical buckling load.<br>The FEM presented the biggest percentual difference, 28%.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELASTIC TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF STEEL FRAMES WITH SEMI-RIGID CONNECTIONS2024-07-10T10:58:29+00:00Harley F. Vianaharley-viana@hotmail.comMarília C. S. P. G. L. Silvarglanna.silva@gmail.comArmando C. C. Lavalllavall@dees.ufmg.brRodrigo S.<p>Steel structures are reputed to have high slender ratio and excellent ductility. Due to these<br>features, the second-order effects and the influence of connection flexibility can play an important role<br>on the behavior of such structures since they can increase the risk of instability. Additionally, it has been<br>observed that only the linear static analysis may not describe the real behavior of a structure submitted<br>to various external requests, especially in the case of atypical situations, such as earthquakes and strong<br>wind gusts. Thus, the aim of this research is to evaluate the repercussion of the geometrical nonlinearity<br>and connection flexibility on the transient elastic response of plane steel frames. To this end, it is<br>employed a geometrically exact nonlinear formulation, based on Euler-Bernoulli model, that considers<br>the updated Lagrangian formulation and the corotational approach for the consistent deduction of the<br>element’s tangent stiffness matrix. The theory predicts that nodes will suffer large displacements and<br>rotations, and the elements of the structure, large stretches and curvatures. The semi-rigid connection is</p> <p>modelled by a rotational spring element whose behavior is obtained on the basis of a bilinear moment-<br>rotation diagram that follows the kinematic hardening rule. In order to solve the nonlinear transient</p> <p>equations, it is adopted the Newmark’s implicit time integration method combined with the Newton-<br>Raphson technique. The results of the performed analyzes showed a good agreement with the numerical</p> <p>solutions available in the literature, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed method in obtaining<br>the geometrically nonlinear dynamic response of steel structures with semi-rigid connections.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 QUE INFLUENCIAM NO MOMENTO CRÍTICO ELÁSTICO DE FLAMBAGEM LATERAL COM DISTORÇÃO DE VIGAS CASTELADAS MISTAS2024-07-10T15:50:29+00:00Carla Cristiane Barreto<p>Vigas casteladas são projetadas para atender diferentes requisitos estruturais e feitas de perfis<br>laminados com aberturas hexagonais padronizadas na alma. O processo de expansão da alma<br>proporciona maior momento de inércia, aumentando a resistência e a rigidez à flexão. Essas vigas podem<br>ser simplesmente apoiadas, contínuas e semicontínuas e podem ser projetadas como mistas quando há<br>uma conexão de cisalhamento entre o perfil de aço e a laje de concreto. Em vigas mistas contínuas e<br>semicontínuas, o deslocamento lateral e a rotação da mesa inferior na região de momentos negativos,<br>onde uma parte do perfil de aço é comprimida, podem causar uma flambagem global geralmente<br>conhecida como flambagem lateral com distorção (FLD). A norma europeia EN 1994-1-1:2004 e a<br>norma brasileira ANBT NBR 8800:2008 fornecem um procedimento para a verificação deste estado<br>limite último em vigas mistas com seção de alma cheia nas quais o momento fletor resistente à FLD é<br>calculado considerando o comportamento do mecanismo “U” invertido. Um parâmetro essencial para a<br>determinação desse momento resistente é o momento crítico elástico. Portanto, este artigo tem como<br>objetivo investigar o comportamento deste momento analisando os principais fatores que influenciam<br>no fenômeno, tais como, altura e espessura da alma, largura e espessura das mesas, comprimento do<br>vão, tamanho e espaçamento das aberturas. Além disso, uma análise comparativa foi realizada com vigas<br>mistas de alma cheia. Para atingir este objetivo, foram desenvolvidos e calibrados modelos numéricos<br>no software ANSYS com vigas casteladas mistas de aço-concreto submetidas a um momento fletor<br>uniforme.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL RESPONSE OF BUILDINGS BASED ON EXPERIMENTAL MONITORING AND FEM SIMULATIONS2024-07-10T15:52:27+00:00Leonardo Ferreira de Mirandaleonardofm.eng@gmail.comLeonardo de Sousa Bastoslbastosjdf@hotmail.comGilvan Lunzé Guilherme Santos da<p>Numerical analyses based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations are present in<br>everyday routine of many academic centres and structural design offices around the world. However,<br>one of the problems to be solved is the FEM reliability, in order to represent the actual response of the<br>analysed structural model. Currently, it is possible to use the results of dynamic experimental monitoring<br>to verify and adjust the numerical model and consequently improve accuracy of the results. The dynamic<br>experimental monitoring allows the extraction of modal parameters (natural frequencies, vibration<br>modes and damping coefficients). These parameters are relevant for a correct characterization of the<br>investigated model and are calculated based on the experimental signals of accelerations, velocities and<br>displacements. This way, in this work, the modal parameters, related to a real 5-story steel building<br>constructed in laboratory are determined, based on dynamic experimental monitoring. In sequence,<br>aiming to validate the motion equations of the structural system, both numerical and experimental<br>dynamic responses of the physical model were correlated. The results are presented in terms of modal<br>parameters, frequency response functions (FRFs) and time history. These modal parameters were used<br>to calibrate the steel building FEM. The proposed computational model, developed for the investigated<br>steel building dynamic analysis, adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in FEM<br>simulations implemented in the ANSYS program. In this numerical model, the steel columns were<br>represented by three-dimensional beam elements, where flexural and torsional effects are considered.<br>The slabs were represented by shell elements. After that, a forced vibration analysis was carried out and<br>the dynamic response of the building, when subjected to impact loads, was compared with the actual<br>structural response of the steel building model. The conclusions emphasize the relevance of the dynamic<br>experimental monitoring to characterize and adjust the developed FEM of the investigated building. The<br>good agreement between the numerical and experimental results can corroborate the adequate use of the<br>developed numerical model.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL RESPONSE OF SOCCER STADIUMS GRANDSTANDS BASED ON THE USE OF BIODYNAMIC MODELS2024-07-10T15:55:15+00:00Danielle Fernandesé Guilherme Santos da<p>Over the years, many soccer stadiums in Brazil have been designed to withstand accidental<br>loads (people loads) to be of static type (4kN/m2). However, based on the changes in the people’s<br>behaviour, especially in soccer matches, through the action of groups of fans and also with the use of<br>these structures for music shows, these structural systems have been subjected to dynamic impacts<br>related to the dynamic nature of the applied loads. Therefore, some of these stadiums have presented<br>excessive vibration problems and have required an effective consideration of the dynamic loadings in<br>the structural design. This way, this research aims to study the dynamic behaviour and evaluate the<br>structural system performance of the Brasilia National Stadium grandstands, when the human comfort<br>is considered, incorporating the effect of the people-structure dynamic interaction, based on the use of<br>biodynamic models representative of the people. It should be noted that the stadium was designed and<br>constructed to be used at the World Cup 2014, held in Brazil. Finally, a human comfort assessment<br>was performed on the investigated grandstands and the results are compared with those provided by<br>design standards and international recommendations. The presented results show the relevance of the<br>dynamic analysis in the structural design of soccer stadiums grandstands and the influence of the<br>people-structure dynamic effect with respect to obtaining relevant data for human comfort of this type<br>of structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE FLOORS CONSIDERING THE EFFECT OF THE BIODYNAMIC MODELS2024-07-10T15:57:14+00:00Fernanda Fernandesé Guilherme Santos da<p>The main objective of this research work is to investigate the dynamic structural behaviour<br>of steel-concrete composite floors when subjected to human rhythmic activities, considering the effect<br>of the people-structure dynamic interaction, based on the use of biodynamic models representative of<br>the people. The investigated structural model was based on a real steel-concrete composite floor<br>spanning 40m by 40m with a total area of 1600m2. The structure represents a typical interior floor of a<br>commercial building used for gym purposes, and designed according to the usual ULS and SLS<br>Eurocode provisions. The composite floor is supported by steel columns and is currently submitted to<br>human aerobic rhythmic loads. The floor is made from composite beams and a 100mm thick concrete<br>slab and the columns height is equal to 4m. The human comfort evaluation methods used in the<br>investigation indicated that the steel-concrete composite floor presented excessive vibrations. This<br>way, the presented results show the relevance of the dynamic analysis when the structural design of<br>floors is considered, and also the influence of the people-structure dynamic interaction effect on the<br>assessment of the human comfort of this type of structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE HUMAN COMFORT OF A TALL BUILDING CONSIDERING THE WIND NON-DETERMINISTIC ACTIONS2024-07-10T15:59:29+00:00Gabriel Bastos da Costa Santos da Silvagabibastos96@hotmail.comLeonardo de Souza Bastoslbastosjdf@hotmail.comJosé Guilherme Santos da<p>Based on a favourable economic scenario combined with a significative technological<br>advance in science materials and also construction processes, it must be emphasized that the Brazilian<br>cities have shown substantial growth, regarding the construction of tall and slender buildings. This<br>architectural trend has conducted the design of these buildings to structural solutions composed by<br>very flexible structural systems, resulting in slender buildings with very low natural frequencies values<br>and therefore more susceptible to excessive vibration problems. In this context, it is possible to<br>observe the project and construction of tall buildings and a notorious example is the city of Balneário<br>Camboriú/SC, which has several buildings exceeding 100 meters of height. Usually, in the verification<br>and structural calculations of buildings, the loads due to the wind action are considered purely static.<br>However, as the buildings become slender and taller, problems related to excessive vibrations tend to<br>be present, since the wind actions have a dynamic nature. This way, the main objective of this research<br>work is to investigate the static and dynamic structural behaviour of a slender 39-storey reinforced<br>concrete building, with height of 140 meters and a floor plan with 29 meters wide and 9 meters deep,<br>inspired by the real and existing building constructed at Balneário Camboriú/SC. The numerical<br>modelling of the investigated building is carried out based on the use of the Finite Element Method<br>(FEM) utilising the ANSYS computational program. The investigation considers all the usual loads<br>used in building projects and also the effect of the wind non-deterministic actions, defined based on<br>the spectral density of the dynamic excitation. The conclusions reached along this study deal with the<br>critical evaluation of the non-deterministic dynamic structural response of the investigated building<br>and the assessment of the human comfort.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE FLEXURAL BEHAVIOR OF DELTABEAM® IN THE SLIM FLOOR SYSTEM2024-07-10T16:01:45+00:00Tainá M. Borghitainaborghi@usp.brAna Lúcia H. C. El<p>The composite structures take the advantages of steel and concrete, creating a more resistant<br>system and with an easier assembly. These structures comply the current demands of civil construction,<br>saving time and consequently reducing costs. Therefore, new composite structures have being studied<br>and established worldwide, such as the slim floor beam. This system consists in steel beams and concrete<br>or composite slabs, reducing the total height of the floor by introducing the slab at the height of the<br>beam. It is a system that provides a range of possibilities, it may vary the type of steel profile employed,<br>can be the Deltabeam®. Thus, a numerical study of this slim floor typology was carried out, aiming to<br>compare its flexural behavior with the most usual typology, the Asymmetric Slimflor Beam. The study<br>is part of an extensive theoretical-numerical research in development at the University of São Paulo<br>(USP), which aims to elaborate a study of slim floor typologies. The finite element modeling is presented<br>as an alternative to conducting experimental investigations, due to its lower demand for financial, human<br>and time resources. The ABAQUS® was the software employed in the simulations, and were used<br>experimental and numerical studies to calibrate the model, carried out by the National Technical<br>University of Athens in partnership with Peikko, which holds the patent of Deltabeam®. From the<br>results of the simulations, it was possible to conclude that the characteristics of Deltabeam® contribute<br>to a greater rigidity and flexural strength of the system.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DESIGN OF AN URBAN BUS CHASSIS BASED ON GENETIC ALGORITHM AND FINITE ELEMENT METHOD SIMULATIONS2024-07-10T16:03:46+00:00José Elias de Oliveira Gomes Júniorjosegomes.uerj@gmail.comMatheus Abreu Lopesmatheus.lopes1@hotmail.comFrancisco José da Cunha Pires Soeirojosegomes.uerj@gmail.comJosé Guilherme Santos da<p>A very important part of the vehicles design is related to the chassis, on which several<br>mechanical components are mounted. An important feature to the chassis is to provide the highest<br>service reliability for as long as possible in a cost effective way. During its service life, the chassis is<br>subjected to several static and dynamic loadings. This way, this research work aims to obtain an<br>optimum design of an urban bus chassis manufactured based on current steel rectangular and “C”<br>section structural elements and subjected to deterministic loads. The optimization problem considers<br>the dimensions of the structural elements sections of the investigated chassis as its design variables,<br>which are established based on commercial standard dimensions. The lengths of these structural steel<br>elements are fixed in 9.75 m and 2.46 m, respectively. Throughout this investigation, the numerical<br>model of the analysed chassis was developed, based on the use of the Finite Element Method (FEM),<br>utilising usual discretization techniques implemented in the ANSYS computational program. The<br>optimization problem was resolved using Genetic Algorithms (GA), utilising the MATLAB software.<br>A properly interface between this two software ANSYS and MATLAB was developed in this<br>investigation to work in synergy considering the FEM and the GA. The results of this study show that<br>it is possible to obtain lower cost designs to the chassis, based on the application of optimization<br>techniques as the Genetic Algorithms in structural analysis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL RESPONSE OF HIGHWAY BRIDGES BASED ON A PROGRESSIVE PAVEMENT DETERIORATION MODEL2024-07-10T16:06:24+00:00Ana Célia Soares da Silvaanaceliasoares.eng@gmail.comRodrigo Guedes Simõesrodrigo_gsimoes@hotmail.comJosé Guilherme Santos da<p>Highway bridges are usually subjected to random dynamic actions of variable magnitude<br>due to vehicles convoys crossing on the bridge pavement deck along their service life. These dynamic<br>actions can generate the nucleation of fractures or even their propagation on the bridge deck structure.<br>The deteriorated road surface condition of the asphalt pavement represents a key issue to the<br>significant increase of the displacements and stresses values on the highway bridge decks. Therefore,<br>this investigation aims to develop an analysis methodology, in order to evaluate the displacements and<br>stresses values of a steel-concrete composite highway bridge, including the dynamic actions due to<br>vehicles convoy and the effect of the progressive deterioration of the pavement surface, considering<br>the road surface damages. This way, the investigated steel-concrete highway bridge is constituted by<br>four longitudinal composite girders and a concrete deck, spanning 40m. In this investigation, the<br>developed computational model adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in finite<br>element method simulations implemented in the ANSYS computational program. The main<br>conclusions of this study focused on alerting structural engineers to the possible distortions, associated<br>to the steel-concrete composite bridge dynamic structural response when subjected to vehicles<br>dynamic actions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 VIBRATIONS OF STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE FLOORS SUBJECTED TO HUMAN RHYTHMIC LOADS2024-07-10T16:08:40+00:00Felipe Almeida de Sousafelipesousa@id.uff.brFernanda Fernandes Fernandesé Guilherme Santos da<p>The increasing incidence of building vibration problems due to rhythmic activities led to<br>need of a specific design criterion for rhythmic excitations. This was the main motivation for the<br>development of a design methodology centred on the structural system dynamical response submitted<br>to dynamic loads due to human rhythmic activities. This way, this paper investigated the dynamic<br>structural behaviour of steel-concrete composite floors subjected to the human rhythmic activities,<br>when the human comfort is considered, incorporating the effect of the people-structure dynamic<br>interaction, based on the use of biodynamic models representative of the individuals. The dynamic<br>loads were obtained through experimental tests with individual carrying out rhythmic activities. The<br>proposed analysis methodology adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in the finite<br>element method (FEM) simulation implemented in the ANSYS program. The investigated structural<br>system was used based on a health club facility with an adjacent aerobics area. The floor system<br>consists of long span joist supported by concrete block walls. The floor effective weight was estimated<br>including people practicing aerobics and also sitting in the health club internal area. The floor effective<br>weight was estimated to be equal to 3.6 kPa, including 0.6 kPa for people activities. The effective<br>composite moment of inertia of the joists was selected based on its required strength, i.e.: 1.1x106<br>mm4. The peak acceleration values were compared to limits proposed by design codes, based on<br>human comfort and those values were not satisfied. Such fact has indicated that these rhythmic<br>activities could generate peak accelerations that surpass design criteria limits developed for ensuring<br>human comfort.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF STRENGTH OF A COMPOSITE SLAB SYSTEM OF STEEL AND CONCRETE BY SEMI-EMPIRICAL M-K METHOD2024-07-10T16:12:05+00:00Rafael Oliveira Senarafael_sena2002@hotmail.comRodrigo Sernizon Costarodrigo.sernizon@ufba.brArmando Cesar Campos Lavalllavall@dees.ufmg.brRenata Gomes Lanna da<p>In this work the results of an experimental study of the behavior and strength of a composite<br>slab system, after the cure of the concrete, are presented. The steel deck consists of trapezoidal profile<br>with embossments in V-shape. Tests were carried out on a series of twelve composite slab models,<br>simply supported, submitted to bending. Different thicknesses of the steel deck, heights of composite<br>slabs and shear spans, were employed in the manufacturing of the models, according the EN 1994-1-<br>1:2004 and ANSI/ASCE 3-91:1992. During the tests deflections, end slips and strains of the steel<br>decks were measured, allowing the analysis of the behavior of the composite slab system and the<br>determination of its failure mode. The semi empirical “m-k” method, according ABNT NBR<br>8800:2008, were used for the determination of the longitudinal shear strength of the composite slab<br>system of steel and concrete. In order to illustrate the use of the longitudinal shear strength obtained by<br>the m-k method, an example of practical application will be made.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS IN FOUNDATION ELEMENTS USING SOIL- STRUCTURE INTERACTION2024-07-10T16:15:00+00:00Sabiniano Fernandes Terceirosabinianoterceiro@gmail.comGilvan Bezerra dos Santos Jú<p>In the structural building design, it is usually considered the structure supported on a rigid<br>surface, which does not occur in real situations. It is necessary to analyze the soil deformations to<br>perform a structural determination closer to actual behavior. This work had as objective to analyze the<br>vertical and horizontal stresses of footing and pile cap subjected to normal force of compression. It<br>modeled with software that uses as a basis the Finite Element Method. It was analyzed in the footing<br>with fixed supports, that the loads imposed migrate to the supports just below the perimeter of the<br>column, without significant distribution and the strut-and-tie model was not verified. Therefore, the<br>foundations model on rigid supports does not satisfactorily represent the actual stresses behavior on the<br>element. In the footing supported on spring elements, more excellent distribution of the vertical<br>compressive stresses and the formation of tension and compression areas next to the column can be<br>observed in horizontal stresses analysis, describing the theoretical strut-and-tie model. The soil-structure</p> <p>interaction analysis in the pile cap did not modify the stress behavior due to being supported as non-<br>deformable or in soil with high resistance. As usually are the supporting layers of piles, with the soil</p> <p>spring stiffness coefficient high, considered as rigid. Therefore, the use of flexible supports made it<br>possible to analyze the stresses in the footing in an approximate way of real behavior, as observed in the<br>literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A FINITE ELEMENT MODEL OF STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE ALVEOLAR BEAMS2024-07-10T16:16:57+00:00Matheus E. Benincámatheuseb@hotmail.comInácio B.<p>The use of steel-concrete composite beams allows the best properties of these materials to be<br>explored, enabling the design of larger spans and the achievement of more economical structural<br>solutions. The alveolar steel beams, in turn, provide a greater rationalization in the use of this material,<br>since, with almost the same amount of steel, expanded profiles are produced with greater moment of<br>inertia and, consequently, greater flexural strength and better performance under serviceability limit<br>states. Through the union of these structural systems the composite alveolar beams are obtained, in<br>which the advantages of the two systems are enhanced, and their disadvantages are mitigated. Thus, it<br>is possible to reduce materials consumption and, consequently, the generation of environmental impacts.<br>Considering that the Brazilian and the international standards do not specify criteria for analysis and<br>design of composite alveolar beams, numerical and experimental studies have been carried out at the<br>academic level in order to deepen the understanding about the behavior of these structures, whose<br>complexity involves the occurrence of different modes of collapse. The present work aims to contribute<br>to the advances in the field of numerical analysis of composite alveolar beams by developing a finite<br>element model with ANSYS software, version 19.2, in which the steel profile was modeled by shell<br>elements, the concrete slab by hexahedral solid elements, the connectors by non-linear spring elements,<br>the steel deck sheet by shell elements and the slab reinforcement bars by embedded elements. In order<br>to capture the effects of local instabilities, initial geometric imperfections were added to the profile<br>through the combination of buckling modes. For the simulation of concrete behavior, two models have<br>been used: the first, denominated DP-Concrete, is a native ANSYS model, available in the more recent<br>versions of this software; and the second, denominated usermat, is a customizable model based on<br>Ottosen criterion. The validation of the model was done through the numerical analysis of beams tested<br>experimentally by other authors. The obtained results presented a good correlation with the experimental<br>results and with numerical results from previous works.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF PARTIALLY ENCASED STEEL AND CONCRETE COMPOSITE BEAMS IN FIRE USING THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-10T16:19:04+00:00José Victor Villela Carlos Fabio Martin Jorge Munaiar<p>It is known that unprotected steel elements perform poorly when exposed to high<br>temperatures. However, when the concrete is associated with steel elements, there is a gain in both the<br>structural and thermal aspects. Thus, in this paper, the numerical results of the thermal elevation -<br>obtained by the finite element method - are compared with the experimental resu<br>for partially encased composite beams in a fire. For this, a transient analysis was used to<br>determine the thermal gradient in the studied sections in order to obtain results closer to those<br>observed in the reference tests. The numerical results showed good approximation, accurately<br>representing the experimental model. From that point on, new analysis were carried out in order to<br>compare the numerical results with those obtained by national normative codes. It was verified that the<br>normative methods are not able to predict with precision the elevation of temperature in partially<br>encased steel and concrete composite sections, being necessary to use alternative methods found in the<br>literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF FAILURE MODES ON SLEEVE CONNECTIONS SUBJECTED TO COMPRESSION2024-07-10T16:21:24+00:00Matheus Miranda de Oliveiramatheusmoliveira4@gmail.comLucas Roquetelucasroquete@gmail.comArlene Maria Cunha<p>This work presents a study of failure modes on a type of connection between circular hollow<br>sections (CHS), called sleeve connection. It allows a harmony in the continuity of tubular profiles,<br>becoming a discrete connection in a real structure. The proposed connection is composed of two tubes,<br>in which an inner tube with a smaller diameter is connected to the outer tubes by bolts. The objective is<br>to evaluate the behavior of sleeve connections subjected to compression, evaluating the possible failure<br>modes caused by the variation of the number of bolts and inner tube geometric properties. The studies<br>were performed through a numerical analysis using the finite element computer program ANSYS. From<br>this model, the variation of the number of bolts and inner tubes properties was performed, where<br>alterations in the connection’s rigidity were observed. Thus, with the discovery of the failure modes it<br>is possible to propose analytical formulations for sleeve connection design subjected to compression.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMPLIFIED NUMERICAL METHOD OF PREDICTING SETTLEMENTS ON AX- IALLY STRESSED PILES2024-07-10T16:23:55+00:00Marlan D. S. Cutrimmarlancutrim@usp.brValerio S. Almeidavalerio.almeida@usp.brClaudius S. Barbosacsb@usp.brJose O. Avesani<p>The aim of this article is to simulate soil-structure interaction on multi-story buildings with<br>deep foundations (building + pile cap) using a simple numerical model via the Winkler model, based on<br>Mindlin’s equations, considering an empirical load transfer model proposed by Aoki-Velloso to calculate<br>bearing capacity in order to obtain settlements and coefficients of subgrade reaction between soil and<br>pile. The advantage of applying this methodology is supported by its simplicity and easy computational<br>implementation as well as avoiding a significant computational cost and memory. The use of this simple<br>proposed procedure is due to the future application in the analysis of more complex group, considering<br>the geometric non-linearity of the building and the coupling with a dynamic model associated with<br>fluid mechanics in the numerical wind tunnel solution. The formulation proved to be consistent when<br>comparing the responses obtained with analytical model - Poulos and Davis - and by numerical procedure<br>via the Boundary Element Method.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PRÁTICA PARA DETERMINAÇÃO DE CABLAGEM EM VIGAS DE PONTES ISOSTÁTICAS2024-07-10T16:27:10+00:00Huber R.Tokunagahuber.ribeiro@gmail.comPaulo Chaves de R. Martinsprofpaulochaves@gmail.comWillian Taylor M.<p>This paper aims to develop a practical methodology for determining the tendons in<br>prestressed bridge beams. In general, in Brazil, the tendons are defined by methods based on iterative<br>processes, highly dependent on the experience of the designer. Basically, the process involves the<br>definition of tendons and section checking. If the expected results are not achieved, the process is<br>repeated. The proposed methodology will include the determination of the tendons using Magnel<br>diagrams and the definition of the feasible domain, as well the definition of the limit zone for the<br>prestressing steel, considering isostatic structures. This article refers only to a methodology for cases<br>of isostatic bridges. However the final research also aims at the cases of continuous beams an<br>indeterminate bridge structures (Tokunaga,H.[1]). The developed proposal can be applied in manual<br>calculations or inserted in automated routines, in the framework of an application for practical design<br>process as in theoretical studies.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF CONVERGENCE METHODS FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BEHAVIOR OF CRESTBOND CONNECTORS APPLIED TO SLENDER CONCRETE FILLED STEEL TUBE COLUMNS2024-07-10T16:29:36+00:00Pereira, A. C.eng.arianycardoso@gmail.comCaldas, R. B.caldas@dees.ufmg.brSantos, L. R.luccasrsantos@gmail.comVilela, P. M.<p>Este artigo apresenta um estudo comparativo dos diferentes métodos de convergência em análises<br>numéricas não lineares do comportamento dos conectores Crestbond quando utilizados como<br>dispositivos de transferência de carga nos pilares mistos preenchidos com concreto (PMPC). A etapa<br>experimental foi realizada na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e, a partir dos resultados obtidos,<br>foi proposto um modelo numérico, elaborado no software Abaqus, capaz de representar o ensaio. No<br>processo de desenvolvimento dos modelos numéricos, testou-se a eficiência de diferentes métodos de<br>convergência para verificar qual deles apresentaria o melhor custo-benefício em relação ao custo<br>computacional e ao poder de convergência. Os métodos presentes na biblioteca do Abaqus analisados<br>no presente estudo foram: Static General, Static Riks e Dynamic Implicit. No entanto, também foram<br>feitas abordagens sobre o método Dynamic Explicit. O método Dynamic Implicit, bem como o<br>Dynamic Explicit, é geralmente, utilizado em problemas dinâmico e com maior grau de deformação.<br>No entanto, esse método pode ser adotado em ensaios mecânicos quando estes apresentam um<br>acréscimo de carga, ou deslocamento, com aceleração consideravelmente baixa, podendo considerar o<br>ensaio como quase estático. Realizadas as análises, verificou-se que os métodos estáticos não foram<br>capazes de obter convergência após ocorrer um decréscimo de força no processo iterativo, apesar de<br>praticamente coincidir com a curva obtida pelo método Dynamic Implicit. Sendo assim, verificou-se<br>que o método Dynamic Implicit não apresentou um custo computacional elevado e demonstrou melhor<br>convergência, se tornando o método de convergência escolhido para todos os modelos numéricos do<br>presente estudo.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO NUMÉRICA DE VIDA À FADIGA DE LONGARINAS DE PONTES UTILIZANDO MODELOS DE LARGA ESCALA2024-07-10T16:32:25+00:00Victor A. Silvavictoraraujosilvaa@gmail.comGuilherme S. Alencarguilherme.alencar@fe.up.ptAbílio M. P. de Jesusajesus@fe.up.ptJosé G. S. da Silvajgss@uerj.brRui Artur B. Calç<p>Fatigue can be characterized as a form of failure of elements subject to cyclic stress/<br>deformation throughout their lifecycle. The phenomenon occurs mainly in mechanical machines,<br>bridges, aircrafts, among other kind of structures. In this context, the study of fatigue is of fundamental<br>importance for the design of civil engineering structures, since most of the reported failures can be<br>related with fatigue. Particular for bridges, the phenomenon is the main responsible for the decrease of<br>the bridge’s life, due to the increase of traffic volume and vehicles weights. In this work, the nominal<br>stress method and the hot-spot stress method were used to assess the fatigue strength S-N curves of three<br>different large-scale girder bridge specimens. The girders were modelled using shell and solid elements<br>and the models were calibrated against fatigue experimental tests available in the literature and<br>performed mainly in the Fritz Engineering Laboratory of the Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, USA.<br>The fatigue assessment carried out obtained stress results similar to that found in bridges. The<br>experimental lives were compared with the lives obtained from the numerical models. Therefore, this<br>work emphasizes the importance of the fatigue limit state, either in the design stage or for evaluation of<br>existing bridges.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NÃO LINEAR DE VIGAS MISTAS AÇO-CONCRETO PROTENDIDAS CONTÍNUAS COM INTERAÇÃO PARCIAL 2024-07-10T16:35:46+00:00Bruno M. S. de Oliveiraeng.bmarinho@gmail.comJoao B. M. Sousa Jr.<p>Vigas mistas de aço e concreto podem se beneficiar pela protensao, particularmente pós ten- <br>sionamento, tanto para projeto quanto para reabilitação, avaliação e reparação. A Protens ̃ ao aumenta o ̃<br>regime elastico e melhora o comportamento ultimo e em servico das vigas. A maioria das pesquisas pub- <br>licadas, contudo, foram para o caso simplesmente apoiado de vigas mistas reforçadas por cabos externos<br>e muito poucos trabalhos lidaram com o caso contínuo. Essas vigas tem muitas aplicações, por exemplo, </p> <p>pontes de grandes vaos. As restrições hiperestáticas de vigas mistas mistas protendidas contínuas resul-<br>tam em um comportamento mais complexo quando comparado as simplesmente apoiadas. Além disso, a ́</p> <p>conexao entre o perfil de aço e a laje de concreto permite deslocamentos relativos entre os componentes, <br>que e chamado conexão parcial de cisalhamento ou interação parcial. O foco deste trabalho e apresentar <br>o desenvolvimento e implementação de uma formulação numérica, baseado em elemento finito unidi- <br>mensional de viga e cabo para analise n ́ ao linear de vigas mistas ac ̧o-concreto cont ̃ ́ınuas protendidas por<br>cabos externos. A interac ̧ao parcial ̃ e levada em conta por meio de elementos finitos especializados que ́<br>simulam os deslocamentos relativos entre ac ̧o e concreto. A acuracia e precis ́ ao da formulação e avali- <br>ada em comparac ̧ao com testes experimentais. Aspectos específicos da continuidade entre vaos foram<br>analisados e discutidos.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF COST AND RESISTANCE BETWEEN TUBULAR STEEL COLUMNS AND CONCRETE-FILLED TUBULAR STEEL COLUMNS2024-07-10T16:58:02+00:00DÉBORA MAIA GUIMARÃESdeboramaiag@gmail.comTIAGO CETTO PIETRALONGAtiagocettopietralonga@gmail.comADENILCIA FERNANDA GROBÉRIO<p>The use of steel-concrete composite structures is not a recent trend in construction; however,<br>it has significantly increased after the 1960s. The quest for streamlining construction processes<br>encouraged the employment of steel and steel-concrete composite structures. Both structural systems<br>provide reductions in cost with labor and materials, as well as increased dimensional precision, structural<br>efficiency and cleaner construction sites. In this context, the use of steel-concrete composite columns is<br>commonly observed, and these may present themselves as steel tubular sections, filled with concrete.<br>Such sections provide an increase in compressive strength due to concrete confinement within the steel<br>tube and eliminate the need for form-work and steel reinforcement during construction. Circular steel<br>sections are more efficient to bear torsional forces, and present good behavior when subjected to<br>combined actions. This study analyzes the main criteria and concepts for the design of composite<br>columns with concrete-filled circular hollow sections and steel circular hollow sections according to the<br>Brazilian standards ABNT NBR 8800 and ABNT NBR 16239, under compression and combined<br>bending. A cost comparison between the two aforementioned types of column was obtained by means<br>of an algorithm developed with Visual Basic for Applications, considering equivalent resistances and<br>the prices applied in Brazil’s Southeast region. As an additional analysis, the effect of the confined<br>concrete on the overall mechanical resistance of the columns was also evaluated.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DO COMPORTAMENTO DOS FUROS DE CONECTORES PERFOBOND EM DIFERENTES CONDIÇÕES DE PROFUNDIDADE E CONFINAMENTO DO CONCRETO2024-07-10T17:00:59+00:00Otavio Prates Aguiaropaguiar@gmail.comPaulo Estevão Carvalho Silvé Barreto<p>O presente trabalho refere-se a um estudo numérico experimental para desenvolvimento de<br>um novo modelo de cálculo para o conector Perfobond. Este trabalho está sendo empreendido, pois<br>observou-se na literatura que as diferentes disposições geométricas em que se insere o conector do tipo<br>Perfobond têm grande influência sobre seu comportamento mecânico, podendo-se observar variações<br>significativas na ductilidade, capacidade resistente e modo de falha do conector em função da</p> <p>profundidade e nível de confinamento do concreto na região da conexão. Portanto, nesse trabalho optou-<br>se por adotar uma nova geometria de ensaio de cisalhamento, similar a um ensaio de arrancamento, que</p> <p>permite simular o conector tanto em situação superficial quanto profunda. Observou-se que o furo<br>confinado com barra passante apresenta um estágio de resistência secundário onde, após a ruptura<br>localizada do concreto, a barra passante é mobilizada até sua ruptura, o que dá um acréscimo de<br>capacidade resistente e ductilidade ao conector. Esse acréscimo não é observado no conector superficial,<br>cuja capacidade resistente é definida pela falha localizada do concreto, que, devido à ausência de<br>confinamento, imediatamente se espalha para a superfície, causando fissuração e destacamento do<br>concreto. Visando gerar mais dados para a formulação de um novo modelo de cálculo, construiu-se um<br>modelo numérico no software ABAQUS que reproduz a configuração dos ensaios de cisalhamento<br>realizados. O modelo foi capaz de simular com boa precisão ensaios experimentais realizados e será, em<br>seguida, utilizado para extrapolar as configurações físicas e geométricas dos protótipos experimentais.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NONLINEAR TRANSIENT ANALYSIS OF PLANE STEEL FRAMES USING A COROTATIONAL UPDATED LAGRANGIAN FORMULATION2024-07-10T18:42:44+00:00Marília C. S. P. F. Vianaharley-viana@hotmail.comRenata G. L. Silvarglanna.silva@gmail.comArmando C. C. Lavalllavall@dees.ufmg.brRodrigo S.<p>The objective of this research is to present a study of the influence of the geometrical<br>nonlinearities in the dynamic behavior of plane steel frames. The adopted geometrically nonlinear<br>formulation is based on Euler-Bernoulli model and uses the updated Lagrangian description and the<br>corotational approach to deduce the tangent stiffness matrix of the element with both fixed ends. The<br>theory predicts that nodes will suffer large displacements and rotations, and the elements of the<br>structure, large stretches and curvatures. The solution of the nonlinear equations of motion is achieved<br>by combining the Newmark's implicit time integration method with the Newton-Raphson technique.<br>The results of the performed analyzes showed a good agreement with the numerical solutions available<br>in the literature, demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed method in obtaining the geometrically<br>nonlinear dynamic behavior of steel structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE VIGA VAGONADA, COMPARADA COM O MODELO DE TRELIÇA PLANA, NO USO DE PASSARELAS COM GRANDES VÃOS.2024-07-10T18:46:41+00:00Eduardo Bicudo de Castroão da Costa<p>Steel structures, due to the characteristics of the material, presents an efficient relation of<br>the resistance with its own weight, which makes it more suitable in works with needs to overcome<br>bigger spans. The Pavilhão com Estufa para Parque Botânico, winner of the 11th Architecture<br>Students Competition of the Centro Brasileiro da Construção em Aço (CBCA), stood out for its good<br>urban insertion and the choice of the place of implantation, which adapted well to the topography of<br>the land and valued the local biome, as well as presenting good use and adequate detailing of the steel<br>structure. According to the judging committee, the group provided good programmatic integration and<br>an aesthetic quality that stood out from the others. With the aim of promoting lightness and a better<br>interaction with the environment, a pedestrian walkway was proposed as a solution to access the set of<br>buildings, designed in a metallic structure with a span of 45m and a width of 10m, formed by<br>longitudinal wagon beams, structural model composed of a horizontal full-width element, columns and<br>cables. The trussed beams is another structural model used in large spans, formed by bars that join in<br>nodes, forming triangles. This ensures that when loads act on the nodes, only axial tensile and<br>compressive stresses will be developed, presenting a slimmer bar sizing and a lighter set to overcome<br>large gaps. In this article, we will analyze the structural model of the design of the Pavilhão com<br>Estufa para Parque Botânico, proposed with the use of steel wagon beams and compare with a<br>solution in Pratt trussed beams supported by the same actions and the weight aspect of the structure as<br>a function of the maximum vertical displacement defined in Annex C of ABNT NBR 8800: 2008 [2].</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE INELÁSTICA DE SEGUNDA ORDEM DE ARCOS METÁLICOS COM SEÇÃO I2024-07-10T18:49:24+00:00Lidiane R. R. M. de Deuslrdeus@gmail.comJéssica L. Silvajessicalorrany05@hotmail.comRicardo A. M. J. M.<p>Este trabalho se insere no contexto da Análise Inelástica de Segunda Ordem (AISO) de<br>estruturas metálicas, em particular de arcos metálicos. São apresentas as AISO de arcos metálicos, tanto<br>abatidos, quanto não abatidos, com variadas características, como diferentes seções transversais,<br>condições de contorno e carregamento. Para a realização dessas análises a plataforma computacional<br>utilizada na simulação dos modelos é o CS-ASA (Silva [1]), um programa baseado no Método dos<br>Elementos Finitos (MEF) que realiza a análise não linear estática e dinâmica de estruturas. Nesse<br>trabalho, a formulação do Referencial Corrotacional (RCR) é adotada para introduzir os efeitos da não<br>linearidade geométrica, e o comportamento inelástico do material é modelado através do acoplamento<br>do Método da Rótula Plástica Refinado (MRPR) com o Método de Compatibilidade de Deformações<br>(MCD). A solução estática não linear é baseada numa estratégia incremental iterativa (Método de<br>Newton-Raphson Modificado aliado a técnicas de continuidade). Nos modelos de arcos metálicos<br>simulados, atenção especial é dada aos caminhos de equilíbrio, à influência do fator de abatimento,<br>condições de contorno e carregamento, curvas de capacidade de carga, entre outros. Finalmente, os<br>resultados obtidos com a metodologia proposta são validados através de resultados encontrados na<br>literatura e aqueles obtidos via MASTAN2 (Ziemian e McGuire [2];, comprovando<br>o bom funcionamento das formulações utilizadas na análise de diversos arcos, demonstrando que o fator<br>de abatimento influencia diretamente na malha de discretização da estrutura, que o posicionamento das<br>cargas concentradas em um arco é determinante para conseguir seu melhor desempenho estrutural,<br>dentre outras conclusões.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE STRUCTURES UNDER FIRE SITUATION2024-07-10T18:52:34+00:00Rafael C.Ígor J.M. Lemesigor.lemes@deg.ufla.brRicardo A.M.<p>This work aims to study the behavior of steel-concrete composite structures under fire<br>situation. For this, numerical formulations were developed, implemented and evaluated. It is well<br>known that high temperature causes changes in physical properties and mechanical strength of<br>materials. In both steel and concrete, such characteristics deteriorate during the exposure to fire, and<br>the structure load capacity and stiffness are reduced significantly as a consequence of the temperature<br>rises. This work shows the efficiency of the CS-ASA/FA and CS-ASA/FSA FE code in the analysis of<br>steel-concrete composite structural elements. The first provide the temperature distribution at the<br>cross-section level of the elements; the second module was developed to performs the inelastic<br>second-order analysis of composite structures under fire using a large displacement FE co-rotational<br>formulation; the plastic effects are captured through the refined plastic hinge method (RPHM) coupled<br>to the strain compatibility method (SCM). The proposed numerical methodology success is proved by<br>comparison with experimental and numerical responses available in the literature, which concludes<br>that the developed computational tool can be used to study the composite steel-concrete cross-section<br>strength and advanced progressive collapse analysis of beams, columns, arches and composite frames<br>under fire.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BETWEEN STANDARDIZED APPROXIMATED AND RIGOROUS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FOR ESTIMATING 2ND ORDER EFFECTS APPLIED TO STEEL STRUCTURES2024-07-10T20:21:26+00:00Felipe Cunha Veiga Venturellifelipe.venturelli@engenharia.ufjf.brD. Sc. Marcelo Miranda Sc. Rodolfo de Azevedo<p>Considering the approximated method of structural analysis estimating 2nd order effects<br>applied to steel structures, recommended by the ABNT NBR 8800 (2008) standard, also known as<br>Amplification Coefficients Method, and the constant search for greater structural efficiency and<br>consequently economy, the aim of this study was to compare the numerical responses of steel<br>structures subjected to horizontal and vertical loadings, obtained by approximated standardized<br>analysis and by rigorous geometrically nonlinear analysis. For that, a program was developed to<br>perform all the constituent steps of the Amplification Coefficients Method and to determine internal<br>forces and displacements. The resulting considered models are useful for medium lateral<br>displaceability class in which the 2nd order analysis, as a rule, can be performed by simplified or<br>approximated method. The results from the approximated approach were compared to the results from<br>a more rigorous nonlinear approach aided by the software SAP2000. It was observed that the internal<br>forces obtained by approximation are similar to those with the rigorous one, concerning axial and<br>shearing forces. Differences can be witnessed regarding bending moment results, being the<br>standardized method conservative. Analysis of the results from structures classified with small and<br>large lateral displaceability were also made, grounding standard classification method and following<br>proceedures recommendations. Concluding, the normative methodology is a proper approach to<br>nonlinear analysis in steel structures as long as classification permits.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÊNCIA DA VARIAÇÃO DA SEÇÃO DE CONCRETO NO DIMENSIONAMENTO DE PILARES DE SEÇÃO I MISTOS DE AÇO E CONCRETO VIA COMPUTACIONAL2024-07-10T20:24:04+00:00Cristiane Caroline Campos Martins de Carvalho Saarrafaelasaar18@hotmail.comHisashi<p>This paper presents the development of a program in C++ language that intends to design<br>composite concrete encased steel (CES) columns, which are composed of I-shaped steel that it will be<br>totally surrounded by concrete. The formulation of the program is based on expressions of Attachment<br>P of ABNT NBR 8800:2008, so it can be possible to obtain an axial compressive force and moments as<br>well as to verify the interaction between concrete and steel, steel contribution factor and slenderness. It<br>was analyzed the influence of the variation of the concrete section in the resistance in terms of moments<br>of the CES column considering that other parameters remained constant. It is concluded that with the<br>increase of the concrete section there is an increase of the resistance in terms of bending moments. It is<br>also possible to perceive that if there is an increase in the height of the concrete section there is a growth<br>in the percentage variation of the bending moment in relation to the x and y axes. While only increasing<br>the width of the concrete section there is an increase of the bending moment with relation to the y-axis<br>and a small increase with relation to the x-axis, it occurs because the moment of inertia of the profile</p> <p>with relation to the x-axis is much larger than the moment of inertia of the profile with relation to the y-<br>axis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMÉRICO DE VIGAS MISTAS PROTENDIDAS COMPOSTAS POR PERFIS TUBULARES RETANGULARES DE AÇO PREENCHIDOS COM CONCRETO2024-07-10T20:26:49+00:00Cristiane Caroline Campos Vilela Moura Leitepaulinhamlvilela@gmail.comHermes Carvalhohermes@dees.ufmg.brAriany Cardoso Pereiraeng.arianycardoso@gmail.comCaroline Martins Barreto<p>Este artigo apresenta um modelo numérico capaz de representar o comportamento de vigas<br>mistas com protensão externa passiva durante seu processo de fabricação e quando estão submetidas a<br>solicitações de serviço. Essas vigas mistas são constituídas por perfis tubulares retangulares de aço<br>preenchidos com concreto auto adensável. Esse método de aplicação da protensão consiste em duas<br>etapas. Na primeira, o perfil de aço de seção tubular retangular é submetido a duas forças verticais<br>concentradas, localizadas nos quartos do vão; o perfil tubular retangular é, então, preenchido com<br>concreto e, à medida que este adquire resistência, as forças usadas para deformar o perfil metálico são<br>retiradas – segunda etapa. Ao tentar retornar à sua forma inicial, o perfil de aço introduz forças de<br>compressão no núcleo de concreto por meio das superfícies internas tracionadas do tubo que estão em<br>contato com o núcleo – protensão “passiva” no concreto. O modelo numérico proposto foi desenvolvido<br>no programa ABAQUS® com elementos sólidos tridimensionais C3D8R. Uma vez que a modelagem<br>numérica do processo de fabricação dessas vigas é bastante complexa nessa fase da simulação foram<br>utilizadas algumas ferramentas avançadas do programa, como “predefined field” e “orphan mesh”.<br>Finalmente, o modelo numérico de viga mista com protensão externa passiva é submetido a um<br>carregamento distribuído, e os deslocamentos verticais obtidos são comparados com resultados para<br>vigas de aço e mistas de mesma seção transversal sem protensão.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMERICAL APPROACH FOR SIMULATION OF STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE BEAMS WITH PARTIAL SHEAR CONNECTION2024-07-10T20:30:04+00:00́Igor J. M. Lemesigor.lemes@ufla.brTawany A. Carvalhotawanyacarvalho@gmail.comLuís E. S. A. M. Silveiraricardo@em.ufop.brAmilton R.<p>The present work aims at the implementation and validation of a two-dimensional displace-<br>ment-based numerical formulation for nonlinear analysis of steel-concrete composite beams with de-<br>formable shear connection. A finite element corrotational formulation is adopted in order to allow large</p> <p>displacements and rotations in the numerical model. The degradation of the axial and flexural stiffness is<br>determined exclusively at the nodal points of the structural discretization, characterizing the concentrated<br>plasticity. In the cross sections level, the Strain Compatibility Method is used to capture the axial strains<br>in the component members of the section as well as the slipping at the steel-concrete interface. Thus,<br>the constitutive models of materials under normal stresses and shear connection elements are described<br>by continuous functions. For validation of the proposed numerical formulation, the results obtained<br>are compared with numerical and experimental data available in the literature. Since the model proposed<br>here is based on the concentrated simulation of nonlinear effects, a finite element refinement study is also<br>performed. The numerical responses obtained in this paper are closed to experimental and numerical data<br>presented in literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AS TÉCNICAS DE BUSCA LINEAR COM CONTINUAÇÃO PARA A SOLUÇÃO DE PROBLEMAS ESTRUTURAIS NÃO LINEARES2024-07-10T20:34:12+00:00Jackson S. Rocha Segundojacksonsrsegundo@gmail.comRicardo A. M. R. D. C.<p>The demand for computational tools that simulate the real behavior of structures has been<br>intensified. Such numerical simulations usually involve highly nonlinear problems. For nonlinear<br>static problems, in particular, it is fundamental the implementation and use of numerical strategies to<br>trace the structure equilibrium paths in a complete way, overcoming critical points (limit and<br>bifurcations points). In the Finite Element Method (FEM) context, where incremental-iterative<br>strategies are usually adopted, the nonlinear solvers must have a high level of efficiency in the two<br>phases of the solution process (predictor and corrector), for each load step. In solving the nonlinear<br>algebraic equations, it is quite common that Newton-Raphson's iterations do not converge or require<br>an excessive number of iterations near the critical points. Therefore, the linear search optimization<br>technique appears as an additional sophistication. Basically, this technique aims to stagger the<br>corrective displacements vector in the iterative phase, seeking to guarantee and accelerate the<br>convergence of the process. The purpose of this work is to verify the efficiency of linear search<br>technique coupled with Newton-Raphson iterations and different path-following methods, and verify<br>its influence on the nonlinear solver efficiency. The effectiveness of the linear search algorithm<br>implemented is verified in solving slender structures with accentuated nonlinearity. It is previously<br>perceived that such a resource is triggered near load limit points (with more success when applied to<br>structures with these critical points), accelerates the iterative process and increases the chances of<br>convergence.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE UM MODELO NUMÉRICO EM ELEMENTOS FINITOS DE UMA TORRE EÓLICA PARA AVALIAÇÃO DE PERFORMANCE ESTRUTURAL2024-07-10T20:36:44+00:00Aurelio C. Felicianoaureliocfeng@gmail.comGuilherme S. Alencarguilherme.alencar@fe.up.ptJosé Guilherme S. da<p>Wind towers installed around the world have a particular behavior according to their<br>mechanical properties due to their ability to answer these questions in relation to their structural<br>performance. Consisting of steel elements and with a unique cross section, each tower has its own design<br>parameters and state variables that induce other analytical characteristics to be studied. From these we<br>can find a real model of a wind tower and from this, develop numerical analytical studies, encourage<br>and monitor the execution conditions and structural behavior. This paper presents a calibration of an<br>experimental model of a wind tower studied by Christophe Thierry Loraux in 2018 in Switzerland.<br>Hoping to determine the optimized natural frequencies of the structure, take the numerical-experimental<br>model as a future research tool for static and dynamic analysis. The numerical optimization performed<br>was based on the Powell Subproblem Approximation method proposed in 1964, where the limitation of<br>inaccurate parameters of the tower rotor set mass and the rigidity of the soil-structure interaction is<br>restricted in the motivation to determine the values. of the unlimited natural frequencies of the<br>experimental model.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE ESTRUTURAL NUMÉRICA DE PÓRTICOS PLANOS2024-07-10T20:39:07+00:00Caroline Martins Caroline Campos<p>As estruturas reticuladas podem ser divididas em estruturas planas e espaciais. Nesse trabalho<br>serão abordadas as estruturas planas, mais especificamente os pórticos planos. Então, esse artigo<br>apresenta o desenvolvimento de um programa em linguagem C++ que analisa numericamente essas<br>estruturas. A formulação do programa se baseia no Método da Rigidez e é denominado de PORT2D. A<br>sua versão possibilita obter os valores de esforços nas barras, as reações de apoios e os deslocamentos<br>a partir dos seguintes dados de entrada: número de barras, número de nós, número de restrições de apoio,<br>número de nós restringidos, módulo de elasticidade de material, número de barras carregadas e número<br>de nós carregados. Para validar a estratégia proposta, os resultados obtidos pelo programa PORT2D são<br>comparados com a resposta encontrada na literatura e com o software SAP2000. Em ambos os casos, os<br>resultados obtidos pelo PORT2D mostraram ser numericamente coincidentes. Assim, o programa<br>PORT2D apresenta resultados satisfatórios para a análise estrutural de pórticos planos.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMÉRICO PARA ANÁLISE DA CAPACIDADE RESISTENTE ÚLTIMA DE VIGAS HÍBRIDAS SUBMETIDAS À FLEXÃO2024-07-10T20:41:21+00:00Caroline Martins Dias Caroline Campos Lydia Reis de Castro e Silvaanalydiarcs@gmail.comHermes Carvalhohermes@dees.ufmg.brRodrigo Barreto<p>Este artigo apresenta um estudo do comportamento de vigas híbridas de aço com seção<br>transversal do tipo I submetidas à flexão. Para isso, foram desenvolvidos modelos numéricos no<br>software Abaqus. Nos modelos, desconsidera-se a flambagem lateral com torção, uma vez que a viga<br>será contida lateralmente, de maneira que somente as instabilidades locais sejam avaliadas. As análises<br>foram divididas em duas etapas, a saber: primeiramente, realizou-se a análise de flambagem elástica</p> <p>para obter as cargas críticas de flambagem e os modos de flambagem das vigas; posteriormente, efetuou-<br>se a análise da capacidade resistente última das vigas considerando tensões residuais e imperfeições</p> <p>iniciais. Os resultados obtidos a partir do modelo numérico desenvolvido foram satisfatórios e, como<br>esperado, mostraram que as vigas híbridas resistem a um esforço maior de momento fletor quando<br>comparadas com suas vigas homogêneas correspondentes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE VIGAS DE SEÇÃO I AFUNILADAS EM ESTRUTURAS DE AÇO DE GRANDE VÃO: VALIDAÇÃO DO MODELO DE ELEMENTOS FINITOS2024-07-10T20:44:43+00:00Tiago C. Zampaolocztiago@hotmail.comErnesto Massaroppi Jr.massaroppi@sc.usp.brMiguel Abambresmiguel.abambres@tecnico.ulisboa.ptTiago P.<p>Tapered steel beams and columns have been increasingly used as primary load carrying<br>members. The determination of their accurate ultimate capacity can only be achieved by means of<br>advanced numerical methods such as the finite element method. This paper presents a systematic study</p> <p>on the influence of the finite element model parameters on the ultimate load of I-section tapered beam-<br>columns typically used in large-span steel frames. It aims the determination of optimal sub-step</p> <p>number to be used during the arc-length scheme and the finite element mesh size for the performance<br>of an accurate, robust and efficient inelastic post-buckling parametric analysis. This is part of an<br>ongoing investigation aimed to use the parametric analysis results to develop analytical predictive<br>models of buckling and collapse loads of this type of members, using artificial neural networks. Once<br>validated the finite element model, using hexahedral 8-node finite elements, 5 sub-steps and finite<br>element edge sizes of 30 and 40 mm have been selected for use in the future parametric analysis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF THE NONLINEAR SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION PROBLEM2024-07-10T20:47:42+00:00Jéssica Lorrany e SilvaJessicalorrany05@hotmail.comRicardo Azoubel da MotaÍgor J. M.<p>Structural elements in contact with the soil (or rock) can work as support for the soil itself or<br>can be supported by the soil. In both cases it is important to evaluate the system movement to reach a<br>more efficient and realistic project. In this context, this work aims to perform a numerical study of the<br>nonlinear soil-structure interaction problem response, always looking for the most realistic engineering<br>problem modeling. This interaction will be considered initially as bilateral, i.e., when the structure and<br>the medium do not lose contact during the strain process, and the soil will be represented by discrete or<br>continuous spring models. The numerical methodology is based on the Euler-Bernoulli's theory to<br>simulate the nonlinear behavior of the structure and on the adoption of the FE corrotational formulation<br>to capture the structure’s large displacements. Plasticity is also considered, concentrated at the finite<br>elements nodes, through the Strain Compatibility Method (DCM), where the constitutive relations of<br>the materials are used explicitly. The DCM is also applied in determining the bearing capacity of the<br>sections. The agreement of the results obtained here with those from the literature and Mastan2 validated<br>the numerical formulations implemented in the CS-ASA.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE ESTRUTURAS DE CONCRETO EM SITUAÇÃO DE INCÊNDIO2024-07-10T20:50:11+00:00Lucas Vieira de Sousa da Chagas Sá Cabedo Juniorengcabedojr@gmail.comRebeka Manuela Lobo Sousarebekamanuela28@gmail.comSávio Torres<p>O comportamento do concreto frente a altas temperaturas vem se tornando uma linha de<br>pesquisa muito requisitada nos últimos anos. Estes estudos se justificam pela alta procura do<br>mercado por um elemento estrutural cada vez mais adequado e resistente a situações adversas que<br>possam ocorrer. Desta forma, o calor ocasionado pelo fogo poderá causar alterações na estrutura<br>do concreto, provocando efeitos como perda de resistência, fissuração e modificação da<br>tonalidade da coloração do concreto. Algumas situações podem levar uma estrutura ao colapso<br>quando exposta a altas temperaturas, como: a máxima temperatura atingida pelo fogo na<br>edificação, o tempo que a estrutura ficou exposta ao fogo e a velocidade do resfriamento. Este<br>trabalho pretende apresentar através da leitura e literatura contemporâneas algumas situações de<br>incêndio existentes e uma forma de minimizar estas situações a fim de proporcionar um devido<br>conforto e conhecimento sobre os assuntos de estruturas de concreto em situação de incêndio na<br>construção civil.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONDITIONS FOR HIGH-ORDER LATTICE BOLTZMANN MODELS2024-07-10T21:03:10+00:00Luiz Adolfo Hegele Júniorluiz.hegele@gmail.comKeijo Kalervo Mattilak.kalervo.mattila@gmail.comJonas Hilbert Hegelejonashegele@gmail.comRicardo Leite Martins BazarinRicardo_leitemartins@hotmail.comPaulo Cesar<p>In this work, lattice Boltzmann (LB) regularization is extended to boundary conditions (BC).<br>Dealing with boundary conditions was ever considered a puzzling question in the LB method, especially,<br>when a large set of lattice vectors is required for the description of a given physical problem in high<br>order models. The most popular BC models are based on Ad-Hoc rules and, although these BC models<br>were shown to be suitable for low-order LBE, their extension to high-order LBE was shown to be a very<br>difficult problem and, at authors knowledge, never solved with satisfaction. In fact, the main question<br>to be solved is how to deal with a problem when the number of unknowns (the particle populations<br>coming from the outside part of the numerical domain) is greater than the number of equations we have<br>at each boundary site. A new boundary condition model is here proposed. The main idea is that when<br>we write both the equilibrium and non-equilibrium parts of the discrete populations in terms of its<br>equilibrium and non-equilibrium hydrodynamic moments, these moments replace the discrete<br>populations as unknowns, independently of the number of discrete velocities that are needed for solving<br>a given problem. This idea is here applied to the 2D lid-driven cavity flow problem and improved<br>stability properties are demonstrated.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF RELATIVE PERMEABILITY CURVES IN DIGITAL ROCKS AS FUNCTION OF INITIAL SATURATION USING LATTICE-BOLTZMANN METHOD2024-07-10T21:06:09+00:00Carlise Ghislenicarlise.ghisleni@posgrad.ufsc.brDiogo Nardelli Siebertdiogo.siebert@ufsc.brFabiano Gilberto Wolffabiano.wolf@ufsc.brLuís Orlando Emerich dos Santosluis.emerich@ufsc.brRodrigo<p>The characterization of fluids in a porous media has attracted interest both academic research<br>and in engineering. Particularly, the comprehension of fluid displacement in a two-phase system affects<br>areas as, enhanced oil recovery, geological carbon dioxide sequestration and contaminated groundwater</p> <p>remediation. To properly characterize multiphase fluid transport in porous media it is necessary to con-<br>sider a set of properties that exerts influence in the subsurface flow like wettabillity, capillary pressure,</p> <p>viscosity and initial saturation. In this work, we aim to establish a correlation between initial saturation<br>and relative permeability. The later is a key to estimate two-phase flow in petroleum reservoirs because<br>it represents the mobility of one phase in a multiphase saturated porous media. There are many ways to<br>distribute the initial saturation in a porous media. The most common is to randomly allocate the fluids</p> <p>in porous space. Although easily computational implementation, it has no relation with initial distribu-<br>tion expected both from experiments and from natural migration inside reservoirs rocks. To solve this</p> <p>inconsistency, some approaches can be applied: (i) Using gravitational and oscillatory forces to induce<br>separation in an initially random saturated media; (ii) performing forced-drainage and forced-imbibition<br>processes; (iii) allocating the wetting phase next to the solid walls and (iv) filling the smaller pores with<br>wetting phase. In this work we quantify how relative permeability curves respond to the initial condition<br>(i) e (iii) using the color gradient Lattice-Boltzmann Model to simulate relative permeability curves in<br>a two-dimensional porous medium image obtained previously by Sheppard et al. [1]. It was possible to<br>see that random saturation implied in relative permeability deviations due the lack of control in filling<br>porous medium. To EDT, it was also observed some deviations because the nature of algorithm that used<br>random saturation to avoid tendentiousness in filling some porous. The deviations were less apparent in<br>wetting phase than in non-wetting phase. Also, it was observed increase in relative permeability to lower<br>contact angles due the lubrication effect, both, to random and EDT cases.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOLTZMANN SIMULATION OF A 2D BACKWARD FACING STEP AT LOW TO MODERATE REYNOLDS NUMBER: A COMPARISON OF THE STABIL- ITY OF BGK AND TRT COLLISION OPERATORS2024-07-10T21:11:57+00:00Juan P. L. C. Salazarjuan.salazar@ufsc.brLuis O. E. dos Santosluis.emerich@ufsc.brAlejandra C. Lagocas_ale14@hotmail.comDiogo N. Siebertdiogo.siebert@ufsc.brLuiz A. Hegele<p>In this study we present Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of a 2D backward facing step flow in<br>the low to moderate Reynolds number range. A single relaxation time model for the collision operator<br>(BGK) is compared to a two-relaxation-time model (TRT) and 3-D experiments of [Tihon, J., Penkakova,<br>V. and Pantzali, M., 2010. The effect of inlet pulsations on the backward- facing step flow. European<br>Journal of Mechanics B-Fluid, Vol. 29, pp. 224-235]. Special attention is devoted to detachment and<br>reattachment locations along the line of center of the computational domain, and to numerical stability<br>comparison between BGK and TRT as a function of grid resolution for similar accuracy. A traditional<br>finite volume method is also implemented for comparison. Results show that the BGK implementation</p> <p>achieves similar accuracy at lower grid resolution, maintaining numerical stability of the method at re-<br>duced computational cost. BGK and TRT implementations agree with experiments and the finite volume</p> <p>method at Reynolds number of 590.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE LATTICE BOLTZMANN METHOD IMPLEMENTATION ON GPU2024-07-10T21:15:13+00:00Waine B. de Oliveira T.<p>The computational interest on the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has grown over the years.<br>The simplicity of its implementation and the local nature of most of its operations allows the use of<br>a parallel computing architecture. In this way, GPUs (Graphics-Processing Units) suits very well for<br>LBM implementation, offering good performance and scalability for a relatively low price. This work<br>presents a LBM implementation on GPUs for D2Q9 and D3Q19. It is written in C/C++ programming<br>language and uses CUDA for the use of its GPU resources. For the code optimization, strategies such as<br>memory layout and merging all operations are presented. Also, designs principles to facilitate alternating<br>boundary conditions are described. The code is validated and its performance is evaluated. Because of<br>the lack of work on the matter, it is analyzed and discussed how some simulation’s parameters affects<br>the performance of the code. These are: single and double precision; number of threads per block; ECC<br>(error-correcting code memory) on and off; storing macroscopic variables; domain size; rates of saving<br>and residual. Tests are made using Nvidia’s GPUs from Kepler, Pascal and Volta micro-architectures.<br>The results are considered satisfactory, achieving the state-of-the-art performance.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ORDER DISCRETIZATION OF PSEUDO-POTENTIAL MODEL2024-07-10T21:20:23+00:00Ricardo Leite Martins Luiz de Mello<p>In this paper several discretization schemes that result in a improved multicomponent pseudo-<br>potential model of the Lattice-Boltzmann method are investigated. The discretization scheme here pro-<br>posed, when compared to the model original of Shan and Chen [1], considers the explicitness of the</p> <p>force term, the second order discretization of the stream term, the regularization model and also higher<br>orders of discretization of derivative terms. To verify the accuracy of the proposed model, the effect of<br>the viscosity ratio and the spurious currents obtained for the static bubble problem is investigated. The</p> <p>resulting algorithm maintains the simplicity of the pseudo-potential model while allowing an easy im-<br>plementation for multicomponent problems. The results show that the current model, besides showing</p> <p>a higher viscosity ratio range than the literature results, show a significant improvement in the spurious<br>currents range.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A COMPUTATIONAL CODE TO CALCULATE HEAT TRANSFER IN MULTILAYER WALLS2024-07-10T21:22:57+00:00GONÇALVES FILHO. PEDRO HENRIQUE MARIANO COSTA DOhmca13@gmail.comSOUSA FILHO. LOURIVAL MATOS<p>The main objective of this research is to analyze the thermal behavior of walls submitted to<br>different situations, through a program developed by the author. In the program, it is possible to vary<br>the amount of layers in the wall with different materials, to change the color of the surface submitted to</p> <p>the solar radiation, as well as the orientation of the wall in relation to the Sun. The transient and one-<br>dimensional model of the heat equation for solve the problem. Four examples with different properties</p> <p>(number of layers, azimuth, surface absorptivity) were analyzed. The influence of these variations was<br>verified in each case. In one example, the outer wall temperature without insulation was 28.1667 ° C,<br>internal 27.0295 ° C, while the insulated wall temperatures were 28.1127 ° C and 25.5351 ° C. An<br>internal wall reduction of 1.4944 ° C, with a decrease of 5.5287% of the temperature with the inclusion<br>of 2cm (1 cm on each surface) of polystyrene, pearls.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF INVERSE PROBLEMS ADDING VALUE TO CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT DATA IN WELLS: THERMAL PROFILE OF REHEATING IN OIL RESERVOIRS2024-07-10T21:25:23+00:00Victor Costa da Coutopcouto@petroleo.ufrj.brFranciane Conceição<p>The authors main objective in this work is to present, from different real conditions of the<br>Braziliam Pres-Salt wells, under various operating conditions, and through complex numerical models<br>and optimization tools and problems conversely as the temperature signatures can be considered for the<br>injectable effect, while the active zone, as well as the saturation of the rest environments as well as the<br>cooling of the same. This objective will be reached though the solution of an inverse problem, regarding<br>linear optimization aiming the history matching process. The optimization will gives the pursued<br>information, critical for the reservoir management.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND SIMULATION OF THE CONCENTRATION OF SPECIES FOR A DIRECT ETHANOL FUEL CELL2024-07-10T21:27:50+00:00Marcelo M. De S. Gomesranon@unifap.brAlvaro L. De<p>The generation of energy is a subject in constant debate, either for its efficiency and renewa-<br>bility or for the emission of pollutants. In addition, energy consumption has grown over the years, and</p> <p>fossil fuels, which account for around 80% of the world’s energy generation, run the risk of becoming<br>scarce. A technology with renewable features that has proven to be promising and more efficient than<br>traditional power generators is the fuel cell, making the process clean and efficient. The fuel cell is an</p> <p>electrochemical device that directly converts chemical energy into electricity. In this work, a numeri-<br>cal model is developed for fuel cells with proton exchange membrane and fed by ethanol. The model</p> <p>takes into account the flow, the variation of the concentration of chemical species, the rate of passage of<br>ethanol through the membrane and the overpotential losses in the anode and the cathode. In addition,<br>the concentration of each species is modeled according to the current density of the fuel cell. The finite<br>element method is used to calculate the flow and concentration of the species in different layers of the<br>cell (inlet and outlet channels, diffusion layer and catalyst layer). The Crank-Nicolson method is used</p> <p>for time discretization. Overpotential losses are calculated using parameters obtained with the numeri-<br>cal model. These losses can be estimated by calculating the activation, the ohmic polarization and the</p> <p>concentration overpotentials. The flow results, the variation of the species concentration, passage of the<br>ethanol through the membrane and the limiting current density are shown. Results of cell voltage are<br>compared for different catalysts and temperatures with experimental data found in the literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ORDER COMPACT METHOD USING EXPONENTIAL DIFFERENCE SCHEMES IN THE SOLUTION OF THE CONVECTIVE DIFFUSION EQUATION2024-07-10T21:30:55+00:00Henrique Mariano C. do Amaralhmca13@gmail.comRogerio Gonçalves dos<p>We will present in this paper scheme for the numerical solution of the convective-diffusive</p> <p>equations in incompressible, inviscid, stationary and transient flows by the technique known as High-<br>Order Exponential Finite Difference Schema. Today, it is generally accepted that a realities arise in the</p> <p>various branches of science, such as physics, biology, chemistry, materials, engineering, ecology, bio-<br>mechanical economics, combustion, computer science, epidemiology, finance, groundwater pollution,</p> <p>heat transfer, neurosciences, physiology, infiltration flow, solids mechanics, and turbulence are modeled<br>by EDP typically similar to the RDC equation - Reaction-Diffusion-Convection Equation. In the last<br>decades, many known numerical techniques have been applied to solve this problem. RDC equation:<br>finite differences, finite volumes, finite elements and spectral or meshless, to name a few.<br>In this respect, a general-purpose numerical methodology still does not seem to be available actually.<br>In general, the methods cited are successful when convection, reaction or combination of both acting</p> <p>together are largely dominated by diffusion, tending to purely diffusive process. The situation is drasti-<br>cally altered when convection, reaction, or a combination of both overload diffusion. In such situations,</p> <p>numerical instability arises in cases where diffusion becomes less predominant. Thus, the purpose of this<br>paper is to present the above scheme.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF A TWISTED TAPE FOR THE INTENSIFICATION OF HEAT TRANSFER IN SOLAR COLLECTOR2024-07-10T21:33:29+00:00Silva Junior, L. G.luis.goncalves@unesp.brLeandro O.<p>Large is the amount of thermal energy that needs to be supplied for the heating of water in<br>domestic or industrial environments, whether by burning gas, biomass or by direct use of electricity.<br>Today, these traditional methods have been resisted in their expansion in response to the inexorable<br>increase in demand. In this sense, solar energy has emerged as one of the most attractive renewable<br>sources for this type of application, requiring, in this way, the continuous technological development<br>of solar collectors more efficient thermally that meet the application requirements. Thus, the objective<br>of this paper is to perform the numerical simulation of the process of intensification of heat transfer in<br>a flat plate solar collector with active system and indirect circulation of single-phase working fluid,<br>through the device known as Twisted Tape, down Reynolds number 600. The geometric parameters of<br>the twisted tape subjected to the Direct Optimization approach are: Twisting tape pitch (P), length (L),<br>Translate (T) and twisted tape radius (R1 and R2). The analysis of the optimization process associated<br>to the heat transfer intensification performance and the associated pressure loss were analyzed through<br>computational modeling in ANSYS and ESTECO ModeFrontier software. The main results of this<br>project indicate that the optimization process using the Genetic Algorithm method led to a geometry<br>with asymmetric radius for both the Reynolds number evaluated, yielding significant results<br>corresponding to a global heat transfer increase of approximately 170 %, while the symmetric tape<br>with twist ratio 4 (R4) increased by 52 %. Evaluating the flow loss, the optimized tapes again showed<br>better performance as they increased the pressure loss by about 248 %, while the symmetrical (R4)<br>tapes increased by 268 % for Reynolds 600.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF CHOCKED TWO-PHASE FLOW FOR HAZARDOUS AREA CLASSIFICATION2024-07-10T21:35:52+00:00Paloma L. A. R. J. deônio T. P.é J. N.<p>Two-phase flashing jet is the type of flow that results from the release of liquefied gas into<br>the atmosphere. The study of this multiphase release is of particular interest in industrial risk<br>assessments, especially when hazardous area classification analysis is applicable. The understanding of<br>those release phenomena using numerical techniques is relevant since it contributes with reliable data<br>when experimental setup of several scenarios is not feasible. Both the behavior and the characteristics<br>of these two-phase flow can significantly affect the hazard zone, it means that as more accurate the<br>flashing jet model is, the more rigorous is the definition of the hazardous area. Hence, this work aims to<br>propose a Computational Fluid Dynamic model to predict chocked two-phase flow, thus a more reliable<br>vapor cloud shape can be obtained. The Leung model was implemented for calculating critical<br>conditions of a propane leak, along with a Eulerian-Lagrangian approach for particle tracking and Shear<br>Stress Transport turbulence model in Ansys CFX® software. Simulation results show the plume extent<br>and volume within a safety factor of the lower explosivity limit, velocity and molar fraction profiles<br>along the jet axis, and shock wave prediction expressed through the Mach number profile. The present<br>work demonstrates that the predicted spread angle outcome is crucial to determine the plume volume<br>and, consequently, to quantify the risk factor.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SOME PARAMETERS OF A LOW CONCENTRATION EVACUATED TUBE SOLAR COLLECTOR2024-07-10T21:39:08+00:00Mavd R. Telesmavd.ribeiro@hotmail.comKamal A. R.<p>This paper investigates the influence of essential parameters on a low concentration<br>evacuated tube solar collector in their efficiency. The conventional models of evacuated tube solar<br>collectors have an absorber tube covered by a glass tube with a vacuum between them. The studied<br>model collector has an absorbing tube eccentrically positioned inside a glass cover tube which has a<br>reflective film insert on its inner surface and vacuum in eccentric annular space. The proposed model<br>is based on the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy and discretized by using the<br>finite volumes method. A home-built numerical code is developed to evaluate the desired parameters.<br>This code is validated against available experimental and numerical results. The influence on the<br>efficiency of parameters such as absorptivity of the absorber tube, reflectivity of the reflecting surface<br>and radius of the absorber tube will be evaluated. Effects of the tracking systems in the thermal<br>efficiency are also evaluated. The results showed that a 20% drop in the absorber’s absorptivity can<br>generate a 15% reduction in collector efficiency and a 10% drop in reflectivity of the reflecting surface<br>can lead to a drop of around 4% in the efficiency of the solar collector.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONVECTION IN A VENTILATED DOUBLE GLASS WINDOW2024-07-10T21:40:57+00:00Taynara Geysa Silva do Lagotaynaragsl@fem.unicamp.brKamal Abdel Radi Ismailkamal@fem.unicamp.brMário Ventura<p>This study presents the numerical results of the flow problem induced by natural convection<br>in a channel between asymmetrically heated vertical parallel glass sheets of a ventilated double glass<br>window. The model is based on the equations of conservation of mass, energy and momentum in its<br>two-dimensional forms. The Finite Volume Method was used in the resolution with discretization<br>schemes of central differences for diffusive terms and Power Law for the convective terms. For the<br>coupling of pressure and velocity the SIMPLE algorithm is used, while the TDMA method is used in<br>the solution of the systems of equations. The numerical code is used to determine the velocity and<br>temperature fields between the glass sheets under real ambient conditions and asymmetric heating<br>conditions. The results were validated with available literature results indicating that the model is<br>adequate to solve this type of problem.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELLING OF AXIAL HYDROCYCLONE – PHASE SEGREGATION OF DISPERSED OIL IN CONTINUOUS WATER PHASE2024-07-10T21:43:19+00:00Rodrigo V. D. Rocha<p>This paper presents a numerical model of the particle trajectory in an axial hydrocyclone<br>under laminar flow conditions using Discrete Phase Model (DPM). The DPM is an implementation<br>of Lagrangian particle tracking which is essentially a means of tracking discrete particles through a<br>continuum of fluid. The primary phase (continuous phase) is water and the second phase (discrete phase)<br>is oil. The numerical analysis has been carried for laminar axial Reynolds numbers along a 91.2 mm<br>internal diameter size and 2.7 m long pipe. The swirling flow is generated from static swirler with 7<br>vanes, deflection angle of 65.5◦</p> <p>, and a gap width of 5 mm. The particle trajectory was obtained for<br>two Reynolds numbers (150 and 300) and three different diameters (10, 100 e 1000 μm). From this<br>conditions it is possible to conclued that the larger particle diameter the closer to the center of thecan<br>get closer to the center of the tube along the dowstream flow of the swirler. Besides that, the Reynolds<br>number impact shows that how smaller it was, the closer to the center the particle remais and reaches a<br>stable radial position.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF A CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR OPERATING WITH SUPERCRITICAL CO22024-07-10T21:45:29+00:00Allan Moreira de Jose Nagy Saltarafsaltara@usp.brJurandir Itizo Yanagiharajiy@usp.brPaulo Eduardo Batista de Oliveria Salvianoleandro.salviano@unesp.brDaniel Jonas<p>Centrifugal compressors performance can be benefited by the low viscosity, high density and<br>small compression work of the supercritical CO2. The design and aerodynamic optimization of such<br>devices must take into account the flow behaviour under these conditions, that can be ensured by high<br>fidelity three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic simulations. This work presents a numerical</p> <p>modeling and simulation of the highly turbulent, compressible flow inside the impeller of the proof-of-<br>concept supercritical CO2 microcompressor experimentally tested at Sandia National Laboratories. The</p> <p>steady state solution was obtained by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes<br>equations using the comercial software ANSYS CFX. The equation system was closed by the Shear</p> <p>Stress Transport turbulence model. Thermodynamic properties were evaluated through the Aungier ver-<br>sion of Redlich-Kwong equation of state, providing better accuracy near critical point condition than its</p> <p>original version. A grid convergence study was conducted to verify possible numerical error induced by<br>computational domain discretization. Finally the numerical method was validated against experimental<br>data and the flow characteristics, typical to centrigual compressors, like the suplementary depression and<br>leakage flow losses was discussed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF SOLUTIONS OBTAINED BY THE LTSN METHOD FOR A RADIATIVE TRANSFER PROBLEM IN A HIGHLY NON-HOMOGENEOUS MEDIUM2024-07-10T21:49:51+00:00Roberto P. Soutorpsouto@lncc.brHaroldo F. Campos Velhoharoldo.camposvelho@inpe.brStephan<p>Heat transfer can be a result of a radiative process. In such case, it is modeled by the ra-<br>diative transfer equation (RTE), which is an integro-differential mathematical model that simulates the</p> <p>movement of photons in a medium. However, many other applications are also modeled with the RTE.<br>Here, the RTE outputs the radiance distribution in the considered medium given the boundary conditions,<br>source term, and inherent optical properties, such as the absorption and scattering coefficients as well as</p> <p>the scattering phase function, in the case of a translucid medium. The domain is discretized into the az-<br>imuthal, polar and vertical dimensions. The azimuthal discretization is obtained by the finite expansion</p> <p>of the Legendre polynomial of the scattering phase function, and by the radiance expansion using the<br>Fourier decomposition of cosines. The resulting number of azimuthal modes is equivalent to the order of<br>anisotropy of the medium. The discretization in polar direction domain is made by an approximation of<br>the corresponding integral in the RTE, and the number of polar angles denotes the employed quadrature<br>order. Consequently, the RTE is expressed by a set of linear differential equations, one for each azimuthal<br>mode. The selected case study tackles an anisotropic and non-homogeneous medium, where the vertical<br>domain is discretized in 80 regions, with 50 polar angles, and the number of azimuthal modes is 174.<br>Therefore, each azimuthal mode requires to solve a linear system of differential equations with 80x50,<br>or 4000 unknowns. The chosen solver is the LTSN method. It emerged in the early 1990s in the neutron<br>transport research, being further extended to solve radiative transfer problems. The aim of this work is<br>to optimize the number of azimuthal modes and of the quadrature nodes while obtaining stable solutions<br>with accurate values of radiance. Another approach that is presented here is to solve only one linear<br>system for all azimuthal modes, in a single step, with a much larger number of unknowns.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF AN ALUMINOTHERMIC REACTION BY A FOURTH-ORDER FINITE DIFFERENCE SCHEME WITH THE REACTION RATE MODELED AS CONSTANT AND BY THE N-ORDER METHOD2024-07-10T21:52:13+00:00Kesiany Maxima de Souzakesianymaxima@gmail.comMarcelo Jose Santos de Lemos<p>Aluminothermic reactions have been widely applied in rail welding, pyrotechnics, and mate-<br>rial synthesis, as they are highly exothermic. However, they are not easily modeled since they involve</p> <p>condensed phases, hardly result in gas products, and produce heterogeneous combustion waves where</p> <p>no thermodynamic equilibrium condition is attained. Moreover, the reaction rate of these reactions de-<br>pends on particle sizes, oxidizer type, mixture ratios, and other physicochemical characteristics. So,</p> <p>major studies about aluminothermic reactions have been experimental, and just a few authors have tried<br>to model the front propagation, shock generation and the kinetics of them. In this point of view, the<br>present study aims to model the aluminothermic reaction between hematite and aluminum by solving the</p> <p>energy and mass conservation equations with a fourth-order finite difference scheme in space and first-<br>order forward scheme in time. As there are not enough experimental studies about the activation energy</p> <p>and pre-exponential factor for this specific reaction, the reaction rate was modeled both as a constant<br>and by the n-order method, which considers the dependence of reaction rate on temperature and species</p> <p>concentration and made it possible to observe the sensibility of these parameters. Moreover, the tem-<br>perature dependence of density, specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity were considered in the</p> <p>model. The geometry and boundary conditions were based on experimental data from literature, which<br>successfully enabled validation of the mean temperature and velocity propagation of the reaction.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF CONJUGATE NATURAL CONVECTION OVER VERTICAL FLAT PLATE WITH PROTRUDING HEAT SOURCES2024-07-11T00:14:36+00:00Henrique L.é D. M.<p>The paper presents a numerical simulation of conjugate natural-convection heat transfer from<br>protruding heat sources in a flat plat mounted vertically. This problem arises as a typical concern of<br>designing electronic systems that involves buoyance-driven flows above heat sources modules. The</p> <p>main objective is to apply a methodology to validate numerical results for vertical position using a bi-<br>dimensional, steady state, finite-volume method and to obtain dynamic and thermal fields. The plate</p> <p>contains seven elements uniformly distributed at the upper surface and an insulation layer at the bottom<br>guaranteeing convection mechanism in only one side of the sources. Fluid physical properties are<br>assumed uniform except for the buoyancy terms, which are obtained from the Boussinesq approximation<br>of Navier-Stokes equations. Heat conduction in the plate is accounted in addition to convection and<br>radiation in order to evaluate heat transfer mechanisms and non-dimensional parameters. Three different<br>power inputs were simulated and evaluated using temperature distributions and Nu distribution around<br>the sources</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 POWER PLANT PERFORMANCE AND EMISSION CONTROL SIMULATION2024-07-11T00:17:53+00:00Barbara A. P. C. Ferro barbara_cv_ferro@hotmail.comRicardo A. V. Ramosricardo.ramos@unesp.brAugusto S.<p>Energy is undoubtedly a subject that concerns the government and society. In addition<br>to the economic liability, the environmental aspects are equally important. A thermoelectric power<br>plant is a solution that fulfill both requirements. The present work evaluated the composition of the<br>combustion products of a thermoelectric power plant through an analytic and numerical models. The<br>main polluent components found in the methane combustion products are COX , SOX , NOX and<br>solid particles. Regarding the ozone formation, the NOX is the most harmful combustion product.<br>Brayton’s thermodynamic cycle, including combustion, was numerically modelled and implemented<br>through Scilab<br>c<br>routines. The input data was based on real power plant operation conditions, which the<br>compressor isotropic process, the compression rate, the air and fuel mass rates, the combustion chamber<br>and gas turbine’s efficiency are known. The combustion reaction methodology takes into account the<br>equilibrium constants, as proposed in the literature. The combustion products concentration were then<br>evaluated as they flow through the turbine and are released to the atmospheric conditions. The chemFoam<br>solver of the OpenFOAM software was used in order to compare the combustion product’s concentrations<br>obtained with the proposed model. In addition, the results from the combustion model were compared<br>with the equivalent air (ideal gas) model, without combustion. The difference in thermal efficiency<br>estimation was approximately of 28 %.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF THERMO-HYDRAULIC PERFORMANCE OF SOLAR AIR HEATER CHANNEL-TYPE WITH PERFORATED DWLS2024-07-11T00:20:42+00:00Alexia Ysabelli Antunesalexia.ysaantunes@gmail.comRafael Módolo Dias Jonas<p>The present work numerically investigates the effect of perforated area of DWL pairs in<br>common-flow-down arrangements mounted in a solar air heater channel-type on thermo-hydraulic</p> <p>performance of the channel. The flow is considered laminar, steady and incompressible. The three-<br>dimensional numerical simulations are performed by using the Finite Volume Method. The imposed</p> <p>inlet velocity to run the numerical simulations is 0.15737 m/s, corresponding to Reynolds number of<br>500 (based on the hydraulic diameter). The angle of attack is kept constant and equal to 30o, and the<br>aspect ratio of the DWLs is 1.9. Results show that, depending on the perforated areas, the friction<br>factor decreases about 8% in relation to a standard DWL pair whereas the useful heat gain increases<br>about 3%. Finally, the flow field and heat transfer characteristics are investigated and the main results<br>are discussed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEHAVIOUR OF VOLUMETRIC SOLAR RECEIVERS2024-07-11T00:23:30+00:00Roberta R. Ribeirorobertadosreisribeiro@gmail.comMarcelo J.S.<p>The transient behaviors of the volumetric solar air receiver are crucial for understanding<br>and optimizing the receiver characteristics. The present work numerically analyzes the transient<br>behaviors of the volumetric solar air receiver under various working conditions. Effects of inlet velocity,<br>and thermal conductivity ratio s f k / k</p> <p>on equilibrium temperature was investigated. Higher inlet<br>velocities attain quicker stabilization times and decreases equilibrium temperature, Teq. In addition,<br>increasing s f k / k</p> <p>increases stabilization time as well as equilibrium temperatures. The results are useful<br>in designing of volumetric solar air receivers and the thermal efficiency increases for lower inlet<br>velocities and higher thermal conductivity ratios, whereas η is reduced for more permeable structures<br>and higher porosities. Thermal efficiency (η) increases for lower inlet velocities and higher thermal<br>conductivity ratios.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF DARCY AND REYNOLDS NUMBERS ON THE THERMAL BEHAVIOR OF A THERMOCLINE THERMAL STORAGE SYSTEM2024-07-11T00:25:34+00:00Fernando A. Rodriguesferar@ita.brMarcelo J.S. de<p>This work explores the transient behavior of different flow velocities and porosities on the<br>charging cycle of a thermocline thermal storage system for a concentrated solar power plant filled with<br>solid porous material. In order to accomplish this goal, a transient model describing turbulent flow in a<br>hybrid medium (porous/clear) with mixed convection was used. Macroscopic flow equations are<br>obtained using the concept of double-decomposition. Discretization of the governing equations was<br>performed with the SIMPLE method and the SIP procedure was used to relax the algebraic system of<br>equations. Turbulent flow was modelled using the k-ε turbulence. A two-energy equation model was<br>employed to assess heat transfer between solid and fluid phases. The analyzed geometry consists of an<br>axisymmetrical tank with convection in the exterior, hot air flow entering the system from the top and<br>clear regions at the top and bottom of the tank. Transient temperatures and storage and charge<br>efficiencies were evaluated for different Da and Re number values. Results indicated that increasing Re<br>values improve efficiency up to Re= 3.104</p> <p>and further increases in Re slightly decreases thermal<br>efficiencies. Finally, it was found that decreasing the permeability of the system by either lowering<br>porosity or lowering particle diameter was beneficial for the thermal charge efficiency.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION AND ANALYTICAL PREDICTION OF AMMONIA LEAKAGE FOR HAZARDOUS AREA CLASSIFICATION2024-07-11T00:27:48+00:00Claudemi A. J. L. R.ônio T. P.é J. N.<p>Ammonia is widely used in several chemical and food industries around the world,<br>nevertheless it is a toxic and flammable component which may cause accidents due to leakage and<br>dispersion. The international standard IEC 60079-10-1 regards flammable components leakage, it<br>accounts criteria and guidelines for explosive atmosphere formation and reducing the risk of explosion.<br>The standard claims, based on experiences, that a release of ammonia vapor will often dissipate rapidly<br>in the open air. This scenario will result in a negligible hazardous area extent in most cases. Hence, this<br>work aims to investigate ammonia leakage in open air under different leakage conditions. For this<br>purpose, the authors compared the extent of hazardous area, at the Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), using<br>analytical models with those obtained from a 2D Computational Fluid Dynamics model. The CFD model<br>was able to predict a characteristic barrel pattern at the exit of the leaking orifice, typical of choked flow.<br>The results obtained from analytical models show that the extent of hazardous area was overestimated<br>compared to the CFD model. Among the analytical models used in this study, Souza’s, Tommasini’s,<br>and Ewan and Moodie’s yielded results were closer to the CFD model. Furthermore, the extent of<br>hazardous area for ammonia release are small, just as the plume volume, when compared to definitions<br>presented at the international standard IEC 60079-10-1.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF A SOLAR WATER HEATER THROUGH LONGITUDINAL VORTEX GENERATOR2024-07-11T00:31:10+00:00Felipe A. S. Silvafelipe.santos@unesp.brLuís G. Silva Juniorluis.goncalves@unesp.brLeandro O.<p>Nowadays, the development of technologies to harness energy from renewable sources as<br>solar and wind energy has increased a lot, mainly because of concerns about the burning fossil fuel<br>and the fast growth of the populations. The solar energy is a great alternative to meet the increasing<br>demand based on cost effectiveness and accessibility compared to other sources. For thermal solar<br>application, the researchers have been working to enhance the systems to find cheaper process and<br>higher efficiency. These studies are fundamental in order to promote the use of solar energy for,<br>among other, communities with financial restrictions, domestic activities and industry that need of<br>temperature at medium level. The Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) and Genetic Algorithm<br>Methodology have been successfully coupled to optimize an objective function problem related to<br>enhancement heat transfer of a solar water heater through Longitudinal Vortex Generators (LVG)<br>which increase the mix between the cold and hot streams near the wall of circular tubes. This passive<br>technique can improve the heat transfer by changing the flow dynamic and delay the detachment of the<br>boundary layer. This work aims to find the optimal shape of a stamped vortex generator over a flat<br>plate inside a circular tube for operating conditions similar those find in Brazil. The parameters of the<br>longitudinal vortex generator evaluated are the angle of attack, height and length which were<br>optimized through Genetic Algorithm approach using a commercial software called by ESTECO<br>ModeFrontier. The heat transfer and the dynamic flow were solved by ANSYS Fluent for Reynolds<br>number 900. The results show the optimal design of LGV which enhance 62% the heat transfer and<br>increase 3 times the pressure drop. The velocity and temperature contours show the mix between the<br>hot and cold streams and the low pressure zones size, besides, the streamlines indicated a corner<br>vortex presence.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AN ANALYTICAL AND A NUMERICAL MODEL FOR EARTH-AIR HEAT EXCHANGERS IN THE BRAZILIAN SOUTH REGION2024-07-11T00:33:41+00:00Nóbrega, E. S. B.eduardosbnobrega@gmail.comBrum, R., J. V., R.<p>The Earth-Air Heat Exchangers (EAHE) represent a promising option to reduce the<br>heating/cooling load of buildings. Unlike traditional air conditioning systems, the EAHE employ a<br>renewable source of energy and they can operate using little electric power. Basically, EAHE use<br>buried ducts, where the air is blown by fans to exchange heat with the soil. Since the first layers of the<br>ground are warmer than the outside air in the winter, and colder in the summer, the Earth can be used<br>as heat source or sink. Therefore, the air leaves the ducts at milder temperatures. Recent research has<br>shown that these devices can work properly in the south region of Brazil, where prevails a subtropical<br>climate. This work aims to compare an analytical model with a numerical one, analyzing their results<br>with experimental data from an EAHE installation in the city of Viamão, located in the Brazilian state<br>of Rio Grande do Sul. As it is shown ahead, the analytical model is not only more simple, but also<br>more accurate than the numerical model.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF STEP POSITION ON THE AERODYNAMIC SURFACE QUANTITIES OF A RAREFIED HYPERSONIC FLOW OVER FORWARD-FACING STEPS2024-07-11T00:36:31+00:00Paulo H. M. Leitephmineiro@gmail.comWilson F. N.<p>This work describes a computational analysis of a non-reacting hypersonic flow in thermal<br>non-equilibrium over forward-facing steps at zero-degree angle of attack. Effects on the aerodynamic<br>surface quantities due to changes on the step position have been investigated by employing the Direct<br>Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. The work focuses the attention of designers of hypersonic</p> <p>configurations on the fundamental parameter of surface discontinuity, which can have an important im-<br>pact on even initial design. Results highlight the sensitivity of the heat transfer, pressure, and skin friction</p> <p>coefficients due to changes on the step position for forward-facing step with different step height. The<br>analysis showed that the upstream disturbance in the step configuration decreased with increasing the</p> <p>step position and increased with increasing the frontal-face height. In addition, it was found that pres-<br>sure and heating loads decreased with increasing the step position and increased with increasing the step</p> <p>frontal face height.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS BASED ON MORRIS SCREENING METHOD FOR BLADE DESIGN OF A CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR2024-07-11T00:38:38+00:00Vitor Cesar N. Mattosvitormattosn@gmail.comElóy E. Gasparineloygasparin@gmail.comPaulo Eduardo B. Mellovitormattosn@gmail.comFábio Saltaravitormattosn@gmail.comDaniel J. Dezanvitormattosn@gmail.comJurandir I. Yanagiharavitormattosn@gmail.comLeandro O.<p>Sensitivity Analysis is an important tool for works that have a several number of input<br>variables which can influence the final results when the goal is enhancement of any machine or<br>system. For centrifugal compressors, the efficiency depends on the behavior of several phenomena<br>such as shock waves and recirculation, which these effects are dependent of the geometry parameters<br>as thickness, angle and shape. In order to find the influence of the thickness and distance between<br>main blade and splitter on total isentropic efficiency, an Elementary Effects analysis associated to a<br>robust CFD model using ANSYS CFX was performed, considering a 4:1 compressor known by<br>NASA CC3. The results indicate that the thicknesses at medium spanwise position are more important<br>than those at border. Furthermore, the leading-edge parameters are also more influent than those in<br>trailing-edge. Finally, four variables are found as no significant effect and other five can be used for<br>future analysis as optimizations reducing computational cost. The work also shows that the variation<br>on efficiency is closely connected with the changes in most influent parameters due to its geometric<br>changes in specifically regions which are immersed in the source of losses cited previously.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF A PARAFFIN BASED SOLID FUEL WITH GASEOUS OXYGEN INSIDE A HYBRID ROCKET MOTOR2024-07-11T00:42:29+00:00Paulo Gabriel Cunha Martinspaulomartins92@gmail.comRene Gonçalvesrenefbg@ita.brCristiane Aparecida Martinscmartins@ita.brLeonardo Henrique<p>During the past two decades, the state of art of hybrid rocket propulsion area has been in<br>research of blends containing paraffin-based fuels because paraffin itself shows higher regression rate</p> <p>compared to traditional fuels commonly used, such as hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene or polyethy-<br>lene, but it does not have good mechanical properties, which increases the risk of grain cracking and</p> <p>rupturing. With the objective to benefit the database development of paraffin-based hybrid rocket propul-<br>sion, this work is devoted to present a numerical study of the combustion process of paraffin and gaseous</p> <p>oxygen during the propulsion of a 100 newtons hybrid rocket motor. The paraffin solid wax was chosen<br>for the simulation since it exhibits more data about the regression rate with gaseous oxygen in literature.<br>The simulations utilize a mesh with around 100000 quadrilaterals elements, with an average orthogonal<br>quality of 96.5% and an average skewness of 11% . An axis-symmetric volume domain is considered.</p> <p>Paraffin is studied as hexadecane (C16H34) using a reduced reaction mechanism of diesel from “Creck-<br>modeling”. Paraffin is evaluated as a gas at 0, 5 and 10 seconds during a test of the hybrid rocket motor</p> <p>and the results of the simulations are compared. The results analyzed are temperature, pressure and ve-<br>locity profiles inside the hybrid rocket motor. The nozzle and the plume of the exhaust product gases are</p> <p>as well evaluated. This work will contribute to a project of a hybrid rocket motor, where it will operate<br>with paraffin solid wax and other paraffin-based blends on a laboratory test bench.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF BIODIESEL INJECTION OF FLUID DYNAMICS IN DIESEL ENGINES USING OPENFOAM2024-07-11T00:45:51+00:00Boniek Evangelista LeiteBoniek3@gmail.comMábia Ruana Silva de Senamabia_ruana@hotmail.comMarcella Mayara Costa Araújo Aragãomarcella.may@hotmail.comSeverino Rodrigues de Farias<p>Since the nineteenth century, internal combustion engines their development due to<br>thermodynamic models that describe their operation. The combustion and performance of a diesel<br>cycle engine depend on the quality of the air-fuel mixture and the amount of fuel injected. A<br>homogeneous blend results in reduced particulate emissions and higher engine efficiency. For fuel<br>injection optimization in compression-ignition engines, the use of computational methods as a tool is a<br>viable scientific method. Adding to this the implementation of free and open software enhances the<br>advantages of numerical methods, since it allows the researcher to have access and can modify the<br>routines and algorithm used in the simulation calculations. This work aims to study the injection of<br>biodiesel (soy) in diesel engines with direct injection. The simulations were performed with<br>OPENFOAM v6, using the cavitatingFoam solver, for the treatment of flow with phase change (liquid<br>- vapour), the simulation is transient, with three-dimensional geometry based on the BOSCH CRIP-1<br>injector, the turbulence model used and the κ-ω SST. The results of numerical simulations compared<br>with experimental data available in the literature. Preliminary results show the occurrence of cavitation<br>in the injection channel as a function of injection pressure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INVESTIGATION OF UNIFORM FLOW PAST STATIONARY SPHERE USING IMMERSED BOUNDARY-LATTICE BOLTZMANN METHOD2024-07-11T00:48:35+00:00Rodrigo S. Romanusrodrigo.romanus@gmail.comAlan T.<p>The Lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) has been attracting lot of interest as a tool to solve<br>hydrodynamic problems, mostly due its suitability for parallelization. However, the implementation of</p> <p>boundary conditions in LBM has some hardships, especially for flow domains containing immersed par-<br>ticles. An alternative to overcome this problem is the immersed boundary method (IBM), a numerical</p> <p>technique that uses a secondary Lagrangian mesh and imposes a boundary condition through a force field.<br>This study presents the development of an IB-LBM based algorithm that simulates a free flow around a</p> <p>stationary sphere, which can also be described as a uniform jet stream that encounters a spherical obsta-<br>cle. The fluid domain is described using a D3Q19 lattice arrangement and, a geodesic polyhedron based</p> <p>mesh delineates the spherical boundary. The flow evolution for fluid mesh is simulated using LBGK<br>equation, whose stability is enhanced through regularization, a process which discards non-physical high<br>order moments from LBM. In order to verify algorithm consistency, this document presents comparison<br>with literature benchmark data of flow profiles and drag coefficients for different Reynolds numbers,<br>showing good agreement between present work and available studies.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND PHASE CHANGE PROBLEMS AND IT’S NUMERICAL MODELLING USING OPENFOAM2024-07-11T00:50:48+00:00Maicon William Niebus Odonemaicon.odone@gmail.comOphir Valiante Duarte Netoophir.neto@engenharia.ufjf.brElson Magalhaes Toledoemtc@lncc.brLuis Paulo S. Barraluispbarra@gmail.comAline Cruz<p>Several applications in continuum mechanics involve processes such as solidification and</p> <p>melting of materials, natural convection, stresses and deformations in solids, among other related pheno-<br>mena. Given the complexity of the phenomena related to these processes, the numerical and computati-<br>onal modeling are powerful and of low costs tools suitable to understand and simulate problems which</p> <p>may envolve one or more of these complex phenomena. In this paper, a set of mathematical models<br>representing some of these processes is introduced, discretized and solved by the Finite Volume Method,</p> <p>using open-source package OpenFOAM, a based C++ toolbox for the development of customized nume-<br>rical solvers, and pre-/post-processing utilities for the solution of continuum mechanics problems from</p> <p>computational fluid dynamics, including also static solid elastic problems. Application examples are</p> <p>shown including the gallium melting problem, a process commonly needed in computer chips manufac-<br>turing; the lid-driven cavity problem, widely used for testing, verification and validation of numerical</p> <p>procedures and a simple linear elasticity problem. We show some of the basic features of OpenFOAM<br>as well as explore some of its potential pointing on some possible disadvantages of this code.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF A REFRIGERATION CYCLE COMBINED WITH CO2, PROPANE AND BRINE2024-07-11T00:53:48+00:00Lívia M. S. de Pontesliviadepontes@gmail.comJosegil J. P. de Araú<p>The destruction of the ozone layer was mainly caused by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used<br>as refrigerants, which were widely utilized during the twentieth century. Another problem produced by<br>the use of these substances was, and still is, the Global Warming, since these fluids have high "Global<br>Warming Potential" (GWP). Due to these consequences, this category of refrigerant was banned and<br>gradually replaced by natural refrigerants such as carbon dioxide (CO2 – R744) and propane (C3H8 –<br>R290). In this work a cascade refrigeration system was analyzed according to the First Law of<br>Thermodynamics (energy analysis). The cascade cycle consists of three subsystems: a vapor<br>compression cycle using R744 as a working fluid, a system operating with 40% ethylene glycol and a<br>vapor compression cycle which uses R290 as a refrigerant. The propane cycle receives heat that has<br>been absorbed in cycles of R744 and 40% ethylene glycol and rejects it into the atmosphere in the<br>condenser of the R290 cycle. For the cycle analysis, the system was subdivided into 18 control volumes<br>and 23 state points. Equations of mass and energy balances were applied, along with complementary<br>equations, which they were used to complete the system of equations. The solution of the system of<br>equations was obtained by applying Newton-Raphson method. The model was implemented in EES®<br>and simulated under different operating conditions. Finally, the thermal efficiency of the R744 cycle<br>was 8.784; for the R290 cycle, it was 4.09 and 3.393 was the result of the combined cycle.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FLUIDODINÂMICO DA INTERFCE ÁGUA - AR: MODELAGEM E SIMULAÇÃO2024-07-11T00:55:50+00:00Marcella M. C. A. Aragãomarcella.may@hotmail.comSeverino R. Farias Netos.fariasn@gmail.comBoniek E. Leiteboniek3@gmail.comMábia R. S.<p>Pollution of watery regions such as rivers, lakes, and seas with contaminants that disperse in<br>water has been a major concern in society in recent times. The dispersion of the various contaminants<br>present in the aqueous regions is influenced by various parameters such as: water and air velocity.<br>Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to know the relation of these properties in the propagation<br>of these pollutants.The use of tools that employ numerical methods are applied to predict the<br>dispersion behavior of contaminants present in free surface flows. The purpose of this study was to<br>evaluate the influence of air currents on the water surface. In the proposed mathematical model the<br>Eulerian-Eulerian approach was adopted for the two - phase (air-water) flow assuming the free surface<br>model, standard k–ε turbulence model. The constant physicochemical properties were adopted.<br>Numerical simulations were performed using the Ansy CFXR commercial package, varying the values<br>of air velocity and height of the water level. The results of the simulations confirm that the behavior of<br>the water-air interface is affected by the variation of the air velocity quantity and the height of the<br>water level of the reservoir.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PARALLEL FRAMEWORK USING OPENCL AND MULTIPROCESSING AP- PLIED TO COMPRESSIBLE TURBULENT REACTIVE FLOWS ON ROCKET EN- GINES WITH THE NEW SUBGRID CLOSURE MODEL2024-07-11T06:24:31+00:00Ruhan Ponceruhan.ponce@unesp.brEmanuel Rocha Woiskiwoiski@gmail.comJoao Batista Campos Silva jbcampos.silva@gmail.comElaine Maria<p>The objective of this work is to develop a methodology for the numerical analysis of a turbulent<br>compressible reactive transient flow of a homogeneous premixed mixture within a convergent-divergent<br>nozzle, applicable to rocket engines. The equations of continuity, momentum, energy and conservation<br>of chemical species are discretized by applying the Galerkin finite element method through the CBS<br>(Characteristic Based-Split) stabilization procedure. The Flamelet/Progress Variable scheme is employed<br>to simulate the combustion process and capture the flame front behavior. For the modeling of chemical<br>kinetics Canterar software is employed which uses GRI-3.0, a combustion mechanism that contains<br>325 reactions and includes 53 chemical species as combustion products. In the context of turbulence, the<br>LES methodology with the novel subgrid closure model will be applied. For the temporal and transient<br>resolution, the Euler explicit scheme was applied, while for the spatial behavior the Element by Element<br>(EbE) method was used, based on the Biconjugated Gradient method for the linear systems resolution,<br>incurring the low memory space associated to local full matrices. A solver was developed in Python,<br>deploying Object Oriented Programming (OOP), with the algebraic system resulting from the temporal<br>and spatial discretization of finite elements combined with homogeneous and heterogeneous parallelism,<br>with CPUs and GPUs through the control of multiprocessing, multithreads and using the OpenCL library.<br>to this type of analysis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS FOR THE BUBBLE GROWTH RADIUS BY CONSIDERING THE FLUID-SURFACE INTERACTION2024-07-11T06:28:34+00:00Mateus Faria de Andrade Paschoalmateus.f.a.p@gmail.comLeonardo Lachi Manettileonardo.manetti@unesp.brJoão Batista Campos Silvacampos.silva@unesp.brElaine Maria<p>The advance of new technologies, associated with the minimization of manufacturing and<br>installation costs, presents a great challenge for the refrigeration area since the heat generation has<br>increased in recent years. Several studies have shown the influence of surface topography on the heat<br>transfer performance, a strategic subject for the development of techniques for cooling of miniaturized<br>electronic components, thermal control of satellites, cooling of high concentration photovoltaic cells<br>and others. The objective of this work is to develop a theoretical and numerical study of the heat<br>transfer phenomenon with phase change involving pool boiling, taking into account the influence of<br>the heating surface characteristics and the use of different fluids (e.g., water or refrigerants) by the<br>numerical simulation of a vapor bubble dynamic onto the heating surface. A computational code is<br>developed in Fortran 90 language to solve the continuity, momentum, energy and interface capture<br>equations in three-dimensional spherical coordinates. Moreover, it is implemented a method to<br>capture the interface based on the coupled algorithm of Volume of Fluid Method and Level Set<br>Method (CVOFLS). The effects of microlayer, contact angle and surface tension on the vapor bubble<br>dynamic are also considered. The CVOFLS algorithm also allows the simulation in Eulerian fixed<br>mesh. The finite element method is applied for space discretization and the Characteristic Based Split<br>scheme (CBS) is applied for time discretization. The comparison with experimental data obtained by<br>the research group and by other researchers is used to validate the numerical model. Thus, the rate of<br>bubble growth and the bubble shape could be predicted until its departure time taking into account the<br>effects of microlayer and surface/fluid interaction.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPUTATIONAL STUDY OF THE HEAT TRANSFER PROCESS IN ANNULAR FINS2024-07-11T06:32:14+00:00Lucas E. F. de W. S. Araú I. S. de<p>In this work numerical simulation techniques was used as a way to evaluate the effects of<br>natural convection on a horizontal tube with annular fins. Three configurations were studied by<br>varying the spacing between the fins, 5 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm. The changes in the process of heat<br>transfer as a function of the spacing S and the existence of natural driving were investigated. For this,<br>a geometric model with two domains was developed. A domain contains fluid, Air outside, and a solid<br>domain composed of a steel tube with fins, where a fixed temperature has been set at the base of the<br>fins. A geometric model was developed and a CFD commercial code, ANSYS-CFX, was used in the<br>numerical solution of the transport equations. Results for the fields of temperature in the fins and the<br>heat transfer rates are presented. The results showed that the spacing between the fins has a thermal<br>influence until stabilized. The temperature distribution on the face were similar.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO MATEMÁTICA DAS EQUAÇÕES NECESSÁRIAS PARA MODELAGEM DE FLUIDO COMPRESSÍVEL BIDIMENSIONAL COM CVFEM2024-07-11T06:36:41+00:00Bruno de Sousa Barrosbrunobarros02@hotmail.comFábio Alfaia da<p>The present work provides in details the discretization of a set of mathematical equations<br>required to model a two‐dimensional compressible fluid flow. The hypothesis of not viscous flow is<br>considered in this work for effect of simplifying the equations, thus the compressible flow of the fluid<br>can be described by the Euler equations. The control volume based finite element method – CVFEM<br>was chosen to describe the differential equations of conservation. The numerical method uses<br>unstructured mesh (based on triangular elements) to discretize the geometric domain and the polygonal<br>control volumes for discretization of conservation equations. For that purposed, it was opted for the<br>segregated solution of the momentum and mass conservation equations, by the use of primitive variables<br>(velocity, pression and temperature) and co-located (integration of the momentum and mass<br>conservation equations is done above the same control volume for pressure and velocity). A<br>computational code programmed in MATLAB software language was developed to realize the<br>numerical simulations of compressible flows, two-dimensional (planar or axisymmetric) and transients.<br>The case of a subsonic / supersonic flow through a Channel with a Circular Arc Bump and the case of<br>the supersonic flow through the convergent-divergent channel were used to verify the developed code.<br>At the end of the work are presented results obtained by means of a numerical solution and these results<br>are compared to results available in literature, to ascertain that the computational code developed works<br>as it was expected.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF CARBON MONOXIDE DISPERSION IN AN URBAN MICRO REGION2024-07-11T06:38:40+00:00Vivian Antonini de Souza<p>This paper presents the numerical study of the dispersion of carbon monoxide (CO) in an<br>urban micro region, located in the city of Ponta Grossa/PR, Brazil. Three main roads are considered<br>polluting sources: Vicente Machado Avenue, Ermelino de Leão Street, and Benjamin Constant Street.<br>The mass flow of CO emission in the simulated routes was calculated based on emission factors and<br>the counting of the vehicles (cars, buses, trucks, and motorcycles) in the place. The simulations were<br>performed using ANSYS/FluentTM 19.1 software. With the results it was possible to obtain<br>visualizations of the fluid dynamics conditions in the place, behavior of the pollutants and possible<br>regions of accumulation due to the recirculation. The pollutant concentration results presented values<br>of 14.4 ppm, at the monitoring point considering a height of 1.5 m in relation to the soil level. The<br>values obtained in the simulations presented concentrations higher than the 9 ppm limit established by<br>the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULTÂNEO DE CALOR, UMIDADE E SAL EM CONCRETO2024-07-11T06:41:09+00:00Rhayssa M. M. Ribasrhayssa87@gmail.comGerson H.<p>Concrete structures can suffer various types of damage, which can considerably shorten<br>their life. One of the responsible for this process is the transport of salts into the concrete pores. In<br>addition to accelerating the corrosion process in the steel frame, these salts can concentrate at some<br>points (nucleation), causing cracks and fractures in the structure, consequently decreasing its<br>resistance. Thus, the objective of this work is the analysis of how this transport takes place inside the<br>porous structures, simultaneously considering the transport of heat, moisture and salt in the porous<br>medium. The discretization of the governing equations was performed using the finite volume method,<br>and the algebraic equations system was solved through the MultiTriDiagonal Matrix Algorithm<br>(MTDMA) algorithm, which allows the simultaneous solution of the governing equations. For the<br>model verification, several simulations considering different boundary conditions were performed and<br>compared with a model proposed by other authors, showing good similarity between the results. From<br>the results it was possible to observe the influence of moisture transport on the salt displacement inside<br>the concrete, in the drying and imbibition processes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING OF TWO LINKS OF A THREE DEGREES OF FREEDOM ROBOT2024-07-11T06:43:14+00:00José Antonio Riulriul@ct.ufpb.brPaulo Henrique de Miranda Montenegropaulo@ct.ufpb.brNaor Moraes<p>The objective of this paper is the nonlinear modeling of two links of a manipulator robot<br>with three degrees of freedom (3 DOF).The manipulator robot consists of two rotational joints and a<br>prismatic one. A gearmotor with frequency inverter and two electropneumatic valves are used to drive<br>the robot. There are dynamic systems that can’t be represented by linear models; in these cases, the<br>use of nonlinear models is indispensable. Robot Models, known as white box models, that are coupled<br>and presenting nonlinear equations can be obtained using Newton-Euler or Lagrange equations. In this<br>work a nonlinear model, known as black box model, will be obtained using data collected from links 1<br>and 3 of the robot and considering the dynamic coupling between the links of the robot. In the models<br>obtained the nonlinearities will be in the inputs, and the parameters of the obtained models are linear.<br>A parametric model described by an equation the difference with nonlinearity at the input, is called the<br>Volterra parametric model. Finally, the results obtained will be presented through the generated<br>model.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO E ANÁLISE EM BASE DE DADOS EDUCACIONAIS: UMA ABORDAGEM UTILIZANDO CLUSTERIZAÇÃO NOS DADOS DA PLATAFORMA LATTES2024-07-11T06:45:34+00:00Guilherme Santos da Silveirag.silveira.eng@gmail.comTiago Alves de Oliveiratiagofga@gmail.comThiago Magela Rodrigues<p>Recent technological developments have enabled the generation of large volumes of data that<br>due to their complexity, require computational assistance to generate accurate results in a short period of<br>time. The Lattes Platform is a set of Web systems containing databases of curricula, research groups and<br>institutions, focused on the field of Science and Technology and maintained by CNPq. Due to its rich<br>database it has important information in the field of Science & Technology. In this article, the feasibility<br>of applying the data mining methods in the Lattes Platform database is demonstrated externalizing its<br>knowledge. Thus, as main contributions of this article forms of interpretation, development of standards<br>and generation of knowledge are presented from this data base, where clustering techniques were applied.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DATA: BRIEF REVIEW AND CASE STUDIES2024-07-11T06:48:43+00:00Giovanni Amormino da Silva Junior gigio_jr@hotmail.comAlisson M. Silvaalisson@cefetmg.brPaulo E. M.<p>A major difficulty faced in developing real applications that use data streams to solve pre-<br>diction and/or classification problems are the missing data. Although there are techniques to reduce</p> <p>the impacts caused by this problem, most systems are not preventively modeled to allow the adequate<br>treatment of this type of occurrence. Unreliable or damaged sensors, partial occlusion, interference in<br>communication, restrictions in the data transmission band, are some of the reasons that can cause this<br>problem. Some authors classify this lack of data regarding their randomness and show that in some cases<br>this absence may also be related to the lack of other attributes. Basically there are two ways of dealing<br>with missing data: i) exclusion, where all or part of the sample is removed or ignored; and ii) imputation,<br>where the missing value is replaced by zero, by the average of the variable up to the sample with the<br>problem or by an estimated value, where the problematic variable has its estimated value by some model<br>that, in some cases, can lead to variables and/or previous values. In this context, this article presents a<br>review of the literature addressing the main methodologies used to address the problem of missing data.<br>In addition, case studies are presented for comparing results and defining situations where each type of<br>approach is best employed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPUTACIONAL DE CONDICIONANTES DE RISCOS AMBIENTAIS 2024-07-11T06:51:07+00:00Caio Vincenzo Reis Dimacaiovincenzo@ice.ufjf.brGislaine dos Santosgislaine.santos@engenharia.ufjf.brJoao Victor Dutra Balboajbalboa@ice.ufjf.brJordan Henrique de Souzajordan.souza@engenharia.ufjf.brLuciana Conceição Dias Camposluciana.campos@ice.ufjf.brMarcelo Caniato<p>The intense urbanization process since the 1970s, coupled with the lack of adequate housing<br>and social policies, has led large urban centers to disordered occupations and situations of geotechnical<br>risk. These occupations were not implemented in a technically correct manner from the point of view of<br>civil engineering, considering landscaping, drainage and paving, as well as in the edification. Areas at<br>risk are regions where it is not recommended to build houses or facilities because they are very exposed to<br>natural disasters, such as landslides and floods. In Brazil, the main institution responsible for monitoring<br>areas at risk is Civil Defense. There is a large database with history of occurrences of risk areas served<br>by the Municipal Civil Defense, in Juiz de Fora city, Minas Gerais state - Brazil, from 1996 to 2017.<br>Some important informations contained in this database are the physical aspects of the soil, such as<br>slope, altitude, amplitude, curvature and accumulated flow, as well as processed data from the sliding<br>risk susceptibility methodologies. The objective of this work is to apply Machine Learning techniques to<br>identify, from the mentioned database, the susceptibility to the risk of environmental disasters in regions<br>that have not yet participated in events attended by the Municipal Civil Defense. This database is large<br>and unbalanced, so it is necessary to apply data analysis methodologies so as a machine learning model<br>can correctly identify the standards with the least human intervention.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPENING VALUES ANALISYS2024-07-11T09:20:39+00:00Filipe Barreto de Oliveirafilipe.bsc@gmail.comLuciana Conceição Dias<p>A crypto-currency is a decentralized exchange means that uses blockchain technology, which<br>is a type of distributed log book operated on a point-to-point network of thousands of computers, where<br>everyone has an equal copy of the entire transaction history, preventing a central entity from promoting<br>changes to the registry or to the software unilaterally, and from cryptography to ensure the validity of<br>transactions and the creation of new currency units. Bitcoin, the first decentralized digital currency in<br>history, was created in 2009. The idea with Bitcoin was to replicate the properties of physical money in<br>a digital environment, the digitization of money in the fullest sense of the term. Since then, many other<br>crypto-coins have been created, and the challenge has been raised to discover which crypto-coins are<br>most promising to invest. Investing in the financial market involves buying and selling financial assets,<br>and every investor expects to find standards in the market that allow him to buy low value’s assets and sell<br>high value’s assets. The objective of this work is to propose a deep learning method to learn the behavior<br>of increasing or decreasing the opening values of each day of the Bitcoin crypto-currency in an interval of<br>up to 20 days. We used Bitcoin purchase values from April 2013 to February 2018. Different forecasting<br>strategies were studied. The experimental results showed relevance in the price trend of Bitcoin.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE ACADEMIC FORMATION PROCESS OF PHD’s IN ENGINEERING IN BRAZIL2024-07-11T09:24:09+00:00Higor A. D. Mascarenhashigoralexandre1996@gmail.comThiago M. R. Diasthiagomagela@gmail.comPatricia M.<p>The exodus of individuals for various reasons or circumstances has been growing<br>significantly in recent years in the Brazilian and worldwide scenario. One of the reasons identified for<br>this migratory flow is the academic formation of these individuals who seek to qualify in higher quality<br>educational institutions. Therefore, this work will correspond to the type of qualitative and quantitative<br>research, whose objective will be to analyze how the scientific exodus of Ph’d engineers occurs in Brazil,<br>in which individuals from different localities of the country migrate in search of a better academic and<br>scientific formation. It will be necessary to extract academic data from the curricula of this set of<br>individuals registered in the Lattes Platform. Thus, the set to be analyzed will be all individuals with<br>doctorate degree completed in the Engineering Areas. Then, the data will be filtered, selecting the<br>relevant attributes to the research, and finally the data will be processed in order to find the geographical<br>location of the institutions in which they trained. As result it will be possible to make a portrait about<br>how the Brazilian scientific exodus occurs with the set of individuals analyzed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Brazilian’s Information Science Future Co-Authorships2024-07-11T09:26:51+00:00Felipe Affonsofelipe-affonso@hotmail.comThiago Magela Rodrigues<p>When publishing a work together with other scientists, a connection is formed by the colla-<br>boration done. Papers written together represent the edges, and the authors represent the nodes of the</p> <p>network. By using the concepts of social network analysis, it is possible to better understand the relati-<br>onship between these nodes. At this point, the following question arises: ”How does the evolution of the</p> <p>network occur over time?”. In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand how two nodes</p> <p>interact with one another, that is, what factors are essential for a new connection to be created. The pur-<br>pose of this paper is to predict connections in co-authorship networks formed by doctors with resumes</p> <p>registered in the Lattes Platform in the area of Information Sciences. Currently, the Lattes Platform has<br>6.1 million resumes from researchers and represents one of the most relevant and recognized scientific</p> <p>repositories worldwide. With this, it will be possible to understand the behavior of the network and mo-<br>nitor its evolution over time. Through this study, it will also be possible to identify the researchers who</p> <p>can collaborate in a future moment of time. To this end, recommendation systems will be used, these<br>represent a specific approach to the concepts of machine learning. Through the use of this technique it is<br>possible to understand which attributes of the nodes make them closer to each other, and therefore have<br>a greater chance of creating a connection between them in the future. This work is extremely relevant<br>because it uses a data set that has been little used in previous studies. Through the results it will be<br>possible to establish the evolution of the network of scientific collaborations of researchers at national<br>level, thus helping the development agencies in the selection of future outstanding researchers.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE CONTEXT OF WORDS IN PORTUGUESE USING WORD2VEC2024-07-11T09:28:54+00:00Alexandre D’Eliadelialexandre@poli.ufrj.comMyrian C.A. Costamyrian@ntt.ufrj.brNelson F.F. Ebeckennelson@ntt.ufrj.brValéria M.<p>Due to the wide availability of textual documents on the Web, there was an intense study on<br>how the machine should deal with related words and contexts. The usual methods of<br>representing words as index in a vocabulary have become obsolete for new applications. Faced<br>with this demand was developed a new way to study words and contexts efficiently. Word2Vec,<br>presented in [1], is a group of templates used to produce word integrations. These models are<br>two-layered neural networks trained to reconstruct linguistic contexts of words.Word2Vec takes<br>as input a large text corpus, producing a vector space, typically containing several hundred<br>dimensions, with each unique word in the body being assigned to a corresponding vector in<br>space. The word vectors are positioned in the vector space so that words that share common<br>corpus contexts are located close to each other in space.This paper aims to make an analysis of<br>documents in contexts in the Portuguese language. For a general study on the language, a<br>database of 37.5 million randomly selected Web pages was used. In this way, it became possible<br>to observe the use of words based on the context in which they are inserted in an empirical way.<br>Finally, according to tests, the performance was higher than expected.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CO-AUTHORSHIP NETWORK ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH FROM GRADUATE PROGRAMS OF THE INTERDISCIPLINARY AREA IN BRAZIL2024-07-11T09:31:25+00:00Solon M. Soaressoares.solonm@gmail.comPedro H. T.<p>Scientific collaboration has an increasing acknowledgment as one of the keys to research<br>quality, which impacts the academic performance of graduate programs (GP). This investigation<br>assesses the researchers' collaboration in terms of the co-authorship network formed by scientific papers<br>published by permanent professors in Brazilian GPs from the Interdisciplinary area in 2017. In general,<br>the co-authorship network is formed by permanent professors as the vertices, and the joint publication<br>of a paper identifies the edges. We obtained data from the Sucupira and Lattes platform of a sample set<br>of 1040 permanent professors, in 56 graduate programs, in 48 universities for the 2017 year. For each<br>GP, a collaborative network was created based on published articles, and topological parameters, like<br>cluster coefficient, density, diameter, degree, and shortest path were calculated. Other variables have<br>been taken into consideration to help the analysis, such as the GPs number of permanent professors, the<br>GPs evaluation grade applied by CAPES in the 2013-2016 period analysis, the university management<br>type (public or private), and the region from Brazil where it is located. Therefore, the objective is to<br>verify the variables which may indicate the GP quality, and although the properties of the network are<br>not statistically related to the GP quality, they help to analyze some characteristics of GPs according to<br>the management type of the institution.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 IRRADIATION FORECASTING BY THE APPLICATION OF FIVE MACHINE LEARNING ALGORITHMS2024-07-11T09:33:40+00:00Felipe P. Marinhofelipe.pinto.marinho@gmail.comJuliana S. Brasiljulianasbra@gmail.comJuarez P. A. Netojuarezneto33@hotmail.comPaulo A. C. Rochapaulo.rocha@ufc.brMaria E. V. Silvaeugenia@ufc.brRicardo J. P.<p>In this work, the forecast of global solar irradiation for a one-day ahead forecast horizon was<br>carried out using some machine learning models, namely: Minimal Learning Machine, Support Vector<br>Machine, Random Forests, K- Nearest Neighbors and a regression tree with the application of a Bagging<br>procedure. The Minimal Learning Machine algorithm is a relatively recent method based on the distance<br>calculation between vectors and used for supervised learning purposes in both classification and<br>regression problems. In addition, we used a data set with the presence of attributes (predictors) formed<br>by exogenous variables (insolation, air temperature, precipitation, etc.), endogenous variables (solar<br>irradiation historical data) and temporal variables (year, month and day of measurement) totalizing 44<br>attributes and 3254 observations. The root mean squared error and forecast skill obtained by applying<br>the Minimal Learning Machine in the validation set were respectively 40.882 W/m2 and 7.637 %, and<br>the arithmetic mean of the root mean squared error in conjunction with the arithmetic mean of the<br>forecast skill obtained by the use of the other models for the same validation set were 40.752 W/m2 and<br>7.93 %. In this way, it can be drawn by the evaluation of the results that the Minimal Learning Machine<br>presents a performance comparable to the classic machine learning methods. Furthermore, it presents<br>the advantage in the training stage of using only a single adjustment parameter.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SHADING CLASSIFICATION BY MEANS OF AN IDENTIFICATION ALGORITHM FOR RADIATION TRANSITIONS USING LOW COST SENSORS2024-07-11T09:37:23+00:00Felipe P. Marinhofelipe.pinto.marinho@gmail.comJuarez P. Amorimjuarezneto33@hotmail.comJuliana S. Brasiljulianasbra@gmail.comJonathan B. Araújobarroso26jonathan@gmail.comPaulo A. C. Rochapaulo.rocha@ufc.brMaria E. V. Silvaeugenia@ufc.brRicardo J. P.<p>In the current energy scenario, renewable energies such as solar and wind power have<br>significant relevance. In this context, an algorithm capable of recognizing irradiation transitions was<br>implemented. This algorithm was used to classify data obtained from light dependent resistance in two<br>classes: shadow and non-shadow. These results were compared with those obtained by a standard<br>algorithm that has a input global or beam irradiation values collected by pyranometer and pyreliometer<br>sensors, respectively. This way, a practical tool was obtained. Such tool uses data collected by low cost<br>sensors to perform an initial statistical study about days and hours when there is a higher level of<br>irradiation. Therefore, this information can be used to optimize the solar power capture. The irradiation<br>transition identification algorithm, generally, had a better compilance at peaks hours, where for the same<br>days it reached ranging around 100% and 87.10% using the global and beam components as input to the<br>standard algorithm, respectively. From the results, it is clears that a better performance of the irradiation<br>transition identification algorithm when using global irradiation values as input to the standard<br>algorithm, as well as a lower compilance of the irradiation transition algorithm during the dawn and<br>twilight periods.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ALGORITHMS TO DETERMINE THE OPTIMAL PARAMETERS OF AN ENSEMBLE LOCAL MEAN DECOMPOSITION2024-07-11T09:41:43+00:00Willian T. F. D. Silvawillian.silva7@unioeste.brFilipe D. D. M.<p>An optimization method for an ensemble local mean decomposition (ELMD)</p> <p>parameters selection was proposed by using evolutionary algorithms. ELMD is an adaptive, non-<br>stationary and non-linear signal processing method based on the addition of different white</p> <p>noises to the target signal to be decomposed into a local mean decomposition (LMD) in order to<br>solve its large mode mixing problem. Even though it has satisfactory performance for fault<br>diagnosis of rotating machinery and reduced maintenance costs, the execution of this technique<br>depends heavily on the correct choice of the parameters of its model. Although it was proposed<br>to optimize the selection of these parameters through relative root-mean-square error (RRMSE)<br>and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the optimized ensemble local mean decomposition (OELMD)<br>based its selection by testing several values for amplitude, noise bandwidth and ensemble trials in<br>order to obtain the optimum value. However, even with excellent signal processing results, this<br>technique can raise computational costs and become prohibitive, especially in real-time analysis.<br>Thus, this work also proposed an optimized ELMD, but in this occasion using the inclusion of<br>genetic algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated using synthetic<br>signals, which was used by several authors for such purposes. Despite presenting inferior results<br>to OELMD in avoiding mode mixing problem, the suggested algorithm obtained better results<br>regarding the signal processing time.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND COMPARISON BETWEEN REGRESSION MODELS FOR TEMPERATURE ESTIMATION OF SOLAR COLLECTORS OPERATING WITH NANOFUIDS2024-07-11T09:43:58+00:00Juarez Pompeu de Amorim Netojuareznet33@hotmail.comPaulo Alexandre Costa Rochapaulo.rocha@ufc.comFelipe Pinto Marinhofelipe.pinto.marinho@gmail.comRicardo José Pontes Limarjponteslima@gmail.comLino Wagner Castelo Branco Portelarjponteslima@gmail.comMaria Eugênia Vieira da<p>The objective of this work is to verify the application of polynomial regression methods,<br>Ridge and Lasso regression in the nowcasting of the fluid temperature and energy gain of a solar<br>collector operating with nanofluids. The collector has temperature and global/direct solar radiation<br>sensors for data logging. In addition the R programming language was used for the statistical analysis<br>of R2, MAE (Mean Absolute Error) and RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error). The models were applied<br>in three different data sets, which regarded to the data for water temperature prediction and TiO2<br>nanofluids with a concentration of 25 ppm and 75 ppm, where each method applied seven predictors<br>for the fluid temperature nowcasting. The best Root Mean Squared error found in the test sets was<br>2.281°C for a degree 3 polynomial regression, whereas the Ridge presented an RMSE of 3.190°C. The<br>Ridge and the Lasso usually improve least squares methods but they did not perform well in this data<br>set, the Ridge regression considered a model with all the predictors and got a high test error, as far as<br>the Lasso excluded some predictors and got an improved result. A cross-validation was performed to<br>know the degree of the most effective polynomial for the analysis of these data and the polynomial<br>regression of degree 3 obtained the best result, confirming that the fluid temperature does not follow a<br>linear trend mainly during the hours from 5:30 to 21:30.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TO SUPPORT ENERGY PLANNING APPLICATIONS2024-07-11T09:47:47+00:00Karen, F. de, A. da, C. M., Asano, F., T. L.<p>Currently, obtaining updated real data for analyzes related to the generation of hydroelectric<br>and thermoelectric energy in Brazil is only accessible through the database provided by the National<br>System Operator (ONS), by means of a file package used in the computational model NEWAVE (Long<br>and Medium Term Interconnected Hydrothermal Systems Operation Planning Model). NEWAVE was<br>developed to determine the optimal operation policy for the hydrothermal power system, but working<br>with this information in a direct way is practically impossible, which makes it difficult to carry out new<br>studies by industry and academia. Opposing this difficulty, researchers at the Laboratory of Technologies<br>and Bioinspired Solutions of the Federal University of ABC (LabBITS) implemented an open platform<br>for general access of the information of the Brazilian electric power generation system, where the main<br>objective was to concatenate all the information to foment the studies with different operative scenarios<br>referring to the energetic planning in Brazil. The data is constantly updated with files from the Electric<br>Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE) database. The data was reorganized through JAVA programming<br>language and was recorded in a new single database with MySQL as a template, to facilitate the reading<br>and recording of study’s input data and results. From this organization, a visual query platform is being<br>developed to support the development of modules for the determination of optimal generation within a<br>bioinspired computational platform called Energ.IA. 1</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE REDE DE INFLUÊNCIAS VIA GRAFO DE VISIBILIDADE HORIZONTAL2024-07-11T09:51:38+00:00Rabelo, A. F. C.andresonax@gmail.comDias, T. M. R.thiagomagela@cefetmg.brMoita, G.<p>Redes de influências são capazes de identificar relações intrínsecas entre elementos distintos<br>em um universo. O método chamado de Grafo de Visibilidade Horizontal (Horizontal Visibility Graph<br>– HVG), tem como função transformar uma série temporal em um grafo. Atualmente, este método pode<br>ser utilizado para estudar diversos sistemas dinâmicos. Pode ser utilizado também, como ferramenta de<br>distinção entre sistemas caóticos e estocásticos. Neste artigo, os autores propõem a construção de uma<br>rede de influência, baseada nas variações diárias das moedas mundiais. Para tanto, analisou-se este<br>sistema de natureza estocástica, utilizando quantificadores tradicionais de redes, por meio dos quais foi<br>possível a distinção entre os diferentes graus de estruturas de correlação. Por fim, apresentamos a rede<br>gerada a partir das séries temporais do Movimento Browniano Fracionário, comparando os resultados<br>com a distribuição da distância e do grau de elementos da rede.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF IDF CURVE: COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN THE BELL METHOD AND RAINFALL EQUATION IN THE CITY OF BREVES, PARÁ2024-07-11T09:54:10+00:00Giulianna T. A. Listogiuliannalisto@gmail.comVanessa M. Barbosavanessa.mesquita8@gmail.comJaqueline dos S. S. S.<p>Urban drainage systems are often planned and designed using rainfall intensity equations.<br>These equations allow to estimate the maximum precipitation of heavy rainfall and may be obtained<br>through different methods based on the correlation of a few rainfall data, such as its duration, frequency<br>and distribution. One of those is the Bell’s method, used in this paper. However, the lack of pluviograph<br>records as well as short duration data in certain areas have pointed out to the use of pluviometry registers<br>and statistical models as alternatives to assist the design of drainage infrastructure. This paper aims to<br>investigate and compare the performances of the Bell’s method and the rainfall equation proposed by<br>Souza et al. (2012) for the city of Breves, in the State of Pará, Brazil. The study was carried out mostly<br>by the processing of rainfall data repositories of three meteorological stations situated in Breves using<br>periods of observation of 8, 11 and 26 years and its statistical analysis. The results obtained showed that<br>the Bell methodology and the intense rainfall equation for the estimation of maximum rainfall with small<br>return periods is applicable and consistent, considering the use of a large data series.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF PLANE STRESS PROBLEMS BY THE HIERARCHICAL FINITE ELEMENT METHOD WITH THE USE OF ERROR INDICATORS FOR SELECTIVE MESH ENRICHMENTS2024-07-11T09:57:09+00:00Carolina C. Cittadincarolinacittadin@gmail.comMarcos<p>The search for optimized projects has led to the design of leaner and lighter structures, which<br>are more susceptible to dynamic effects. These must be thoroughly analyzed in order to avoid excessive<br>displacements, structural damage and to guarantee user comfort. However, the analytic solution of<br>dynamic problems tends to present great difficulties and, in some cases, cannot be obtained. Therefore,<br>researchers developed approximated methods. The most used approximated method is the Finite<br>Element Method (FEM). As a well-established method, the main focus of FEM studies has shifted from<br>the development of the method to the improvement of its results. In this context two lines of research<br>have proven to greatly influence the accuracy and efficiency of the method, the study of refinements<br>and the study of error indicators. Even though refinements improve the accuracy of solutions they can<br>lead to greater computational efforts and complexity. A way to balance these drawbacks is to combine<br>them with error indicators. These allow the engineer to specify which mesh elements have greater<br>influence on the results and apply refinements selectively. The present study focuses on precisely these</p> <p>characteristics and evaluates the use of the Friberg Error Indicator in the dynamic analyses of two-<br>dimensional structures as a mean to the application of a selective p-refinement. Numerical examples,</p> <p>considering plane stress state, are computationally modeled with the use of Lobatto’s hierarchical shape<br>functions and trigonometrical enrichments. The results of eigenvalues for the enrichment of different<br>elements are compared with those present in past literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE GENERALIZED FINITE ELEMENT METHOD TO THE FIRST ORDER SHEAR DEFORMATION THEORY APPLIED TO ISOTROPIC AND SANDWICH PLATES UNDER LARGE DISPLACEMENTS2024-07-11T10:01:16+00:00Wellington Rhoden de Lemoswellington_lemos@hotmail.comPaulo de Tarso Rocha de Mendonç<p>This paper presents a procedure to extract accurate transverse normal and shear stresses, and<br>the transverse and in-plane displacements, in isotropic plates, symmetric laminated composite plates and<br>plates with sandwich structure, modeled by the First Order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT), under<br>large displacements considered in the von Kármán sense. The Generalized Finite Element Method<br>(GFEM) is used, in which the enrichment of the Partition of Unity (PoU) functions is done by complete<br>polynomials functions, improving the obtained results, and making it possible to obtain basis of<br>approximate functions with degree 4 of polynomial reproducibility. This makes possible to obtain<br>straightforwardly the third derivatives of transverse displacement w, which is needed in most extraction<br>procedures based on the integration of the local equilibrium and kinematic equations. The procedure<br>starts with the integration of the local differential equations static equilibrium, using the results obtained<br>from the direct calculations of stresses and displacements by the constitutive equations using the results<br>of the GFEM. Modifications of the stresses at given integration points are performed to enforce the<br>following conditions: (a) the satisfaction of boundary conditions on both faces of the laminate, (b)<br>equivalence with the resultant shear forces, and (c) interlaminar continuity of stresses. The transverse</p> <p>and in-plane displacements are integrated along the thickness using the three-dimensional local stress-<br>strain relations for anisotropic layers. The stresses and deflections calculated with the proposed post-<br>processing are compared with the stresses and deflections obtained in the literature or calculated using</p> <p>a three-dimensional Finite Element (FEM) analysis that serves as a reference. The proposed stress<br>recovery procedure, when applied to geometrically nonlinear problems, generate estimates that show a<br>good correlation with the three-dimensional FEM reference solutions and with the solutions present in<br>the literature, for all test cases of isotropic, laminated plates and sandwich plates. For the displacements<br>along the thickness the results are satisfactory, considering that the solution comes from a first order<br>model.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO NUMÉRICA NO CONTEXTO DO MÉTODO DOS ELEMENTOS FINITOS GENERALIZADOS THE NUMERICAL INTEGRATION IN GFEM ANALYSIS2024-07-11T10:03:20+00:00Bruna C. Camposbu_caroline@hotmail.comFelício B. Barrosfeliciobbarros@gmail.comSamuel S.<p>Structural problems involving variables with a quick change in a small scale of a certain do-<br>main requires a numerical approach which considers discontinuities, singularities and high gradients.</p> <p>Fracture Mechanics problems are an example of this kind, considering its process of evaluation of crack<br>nucleation and propagation. Using the conventional Finite Element Method (FEM) for modelling this</p> <p>type of situation may be time spending and not achieve great precision due to remeshing and inexact nu-<br>merical integration. An alternative approach is the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM), which</p> <p>associates FEM with enrichment functions in local regions of the problem. In this paper it is evalu-<br>ated some strategies for GFEM numerical integration, allowing the representation of non-polynomial</p> <p>enrichment functions – frequently seen in GFEM for crack modelling – to be more precise with less<br>processing time when compared to those results obtained with conventional Gauss quadrature rule. The</p> <p>computational analysis is inserted on the open source software INSANE (Interactive Structural Analy-<br>sis Environment), developed by the Structural Engineering Department of Federal University of Minas</p> <p>Gerais.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT METHOD VS FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR PRANDTL’S SOLUTION OF ST. VENANT TORSION PROBLEM2024-07-11T10:05:40+00:00Tiago Fernandes Moherdauitiago.moherdaui@usp.brAlfredo Gay<p>This work presents a comparison of the novel virtual element method and the traditional finite<br>element method for Prandtl’s solution to the St. Venant torsion problem. The solved field is the Prandtl<br>function for a given cross-section that experiences torsion. This function is approximated using both<br>methods with a collection of different meshes. These meshes vary in properties such as the element size,<br>geometry (Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi tessellations are employed), and polynomial order<br>(linear and quadratic elements). The numerical error measurement is based on the torsion constant, a<br>global scalar associated with the solution, with physical significance for the problem. Two different<br>cross-sections with analytical solutions are used as benchmarks. The results are presented in a set of<br>convergence curves for each cross-section geometry. The virtual element method showed more<br>versatility regarding element geometry, while retaining the same convergence properties of the finite<br>element method.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TRIGONOMETRIC WAVELET FINITE ELEMENT METHOD APPLIED TO FREE VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF EULER-BERNOULLI BEAMS2024-07-11T10:21:11+00:00Thamara Petrolithamarapetroli@gmail.comMarcos Arndtarndt@ufpr.brRoberto Dalledone<p>Over the past years several numerical methods have been formulated so as to not only find the<br>numerical solution of a mathematical model that describes a phenomenon, but also to find this solution<br>in the fastest way, with low computational cost and especially, in the most accurate way. One of the<br>characteristics of the enriched methods based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) is the possibility of<br>including new shape functions, which are not necessarily polynomial, in the approximate solution space.<br>The Wavelet Finite Element Method (WFEM) is an example of an enriched method that seeks to find<br>numerical solutions to engineering problems using the adaptability that Wavelet functions present. The<br>WFEM is the combination of FEM and Wavelets. WFEM uses the so-called scaling functions as shape<br>functions, whose linear combination, using the FEM techniques, will describe the approximate solution<br>space. In this sense, the objective of this work is to study the use of trigonometric Wavelets as enrichment<br>functions in WFEM for dynamic analysis of structures, seeking to combine the high convergence rates<br>of enriched methods with the trigonometric Wavelet properties. In this work the trigonometric WFEM<br>method is applied to free vibration analysis of Euler Bernoulli beams in order to verify its efficiency in<br>dynamic analysis. The natural frequencies obtained by the WFEM are compared with those obtained<br>from analytical solutions and by other numerical methods such as the traditional FEM.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THICK CURVED BEAMS WITH THE GENERALIZED FINITE ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-11T10:24:24+00:00Ramon Macedo Correaramoncorrea1992@gmail.comMarcos Arndtarndt@ufpr.brRoberto Dalledone<p>The traditional Finite Element Method (FEM) is widely applied in the dynamic analysis of</p> <p>structures, but, mostly, for higher frequencies, a great computational effort is required. In order to de-<br>crease this computational effort, the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) arise as an alternative.</p> <p>The GFEM is based on the Partition of Unity Method and it has as its main characteristic the ability to</p> <p>incorporate aspects of the problem solution into the approximation space, which may decrease the com-<br>putational effort involved. The curved beam element has received much attention from researchers for</p> <p>two main reasons: firstly, because it is a very efficient structural element that can span large distances;<br>and secondly because it provides insight into various aspects of shell element behavior. The curved beam<br>element is very sensitive to membrane and shear locking. In order to avoid these issues, trigonometric<br>functions are used to expand the traditional FEM approximation space using the GFEM approach. In this<br>paper the application of the GFEM for modal and transient analysis of thick curved beams is proposed.<br>The GFEM results are compared to reference solutions found in literature and traditional FEM results.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF TRIGONOMETRIC ENRICHMENTS USED IN DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF TIMOSHENKO BEAMS BY THE GENERALIZED FINITE ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-11T10:26:50+00:00Patrícia L. M. Freislebenpatriciafreisleben@hotmail.comPaulo de Oliveira Weinhardtpaulo.weinhardt@gmail.comMarcos Arndtarndt.marcos@gmail.comRoberto Dalledone<p>The Finite Element Method (FEM) is widely used in the dynamic analysis of structures, how-<br>ever it has some limitations. In order to improve the numerical response, enriching functions can be</p> <p>incorporated to FEM approximation space using the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) pro-<br>cedure. Several studies have already been carried out to prove the efficiency of GFEM in the dynamic</p> <p>analysis of bars, Euler-Bernoulli beams, trusses, among other structural elements, but few studies have<br>investigated the application of GFEM in the dynamic analysis of Timoshenko beams. The present work<br>aims to contribute to this field presenting modal and transient analyses of Timoshenko beams using the<br>GFEM technique. Three different trigonometric enrichments are used to perform modal and transient<br>analyses of Timoshenko clamped-free beams without damping and the results are compared with those</p> <p>obtained by FEM. The normalized spectrum is obtained by the modal analysis and displacements, ve-<br>locities and accelerations of the beam along the time are also calculated by transient analysis. In that</p> <p>manner the efficiency of each GFEM enrichment in modal and transient analysis of Timoshenko beams<br>is discussed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ASSESSMENT OF A STRESS RECOVERY PROCEDURE APPLIED TO STABLE GFEM USING FLAT-TOP PARTITION OF UNITY2024-07-11T10:30:12+00:00Murilo H. C. Bentom.bento@usp.brCaio S. Ramoscaio_silva@usp.brRafael Marques Linsmlins@ita.brSergio P. B. Proenç<p>The Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is a Galerkin method based on augmenting<br>low-order FE approximation spaces with functions that well represent local behaviors of the solution.<br>Since its proposition, the method has demonstrated good performance and has provided higher-order<br>convergence rates. A particular drawback related to it, however, is the possibility of linear dependencies<br>between its shape functions, which leads to loss of accuracy and convergence rates decrease. In this<br>context, stable versions for the method, with modifications in the enrichment functions and Partitions of</p> <p>Unity (PU), were developed aiming to eliminate these dependencies and keep GFEM optimal conver-<br>gence rates. On the other hand, it is known that for displacement formulations the stress field coming</p> <p>from numerical approaches is less accurate than the main displacement field. Very recently, a stress<br>recovery procedure was proposed for Stable GFEM (SGFEM). This process is based on a weighted L<br>2<br>inner product, which leads to a block-diagonal matrix, being therefore very efficient. In this work, we<br>aim to assess this recovery procedure when applied to SGFEM using Flat-Top PU for quadrilateral FE<br>meshes. In particular, we evaluate the effect of using Lagrangian PU for weighting the L<br>2<br>inner product</p> <p>used to generate the recovered stress field and the conditioning of this system coefficient matrix. Numer-<br>ical examples show that the combination of this GFEM version and the recovery procedure in addition</p> <p>to guaranteeing stability for the solution also provides very accurate stress distributions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOUNDARY METHOD FOR POISSON PROBLEMS IN LIBMESH2024-07-11T10:33:14+00:00Vinicius da C. Reisviniciusreis@coc.ufrj.brAlvaro L.G.A<p>The embedded finite element method is one approach to diminish the mesh generation burden in<br>finite element analysis. It consists of dealing with a description of a boundary that does not necessarily<br>match the problem’s physical boundary. It can potentially shrink the workflow giving the opportunity<br>of immediately inputting a CAD geometry or tomographic image into a simulation, without necessarily</p> <p>using isogeometric elements or performing substantial preprocessing. This work presents an imple-<br>mentation of the recently proposed embedded formulation for Poisson problems in the general purpose</p> <p>library libMesh. In the formulation, the boundary condition is shifted and enforced weakly by a Nitsche</p> <p>approach, and then referred as surrogated boundary. This is accomplished provided the surrogate bound-<br>ary is close enough to the physical boundary so a Taylor expansion can be used to describe the chopped</p> <p>off region. This approach provides a significant computational relief compared to the alternative selected</p> <p>point integration, especially when dealing with complex domains where the total point-locating opera-<br>tions’ cost can be significantly high. Moreover, computational experiments indicates that second order</p> <p>convergence can achieved.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STABLE AND IMPROVED VERSION OF THE GFEM FOR THE ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS IN ELASTIC LINEAR FRACTURE2024-07-11T11:15:57+00:00Caio S. Ramoscaio_silva@usp.brMurilo H. C. Bentom.bento@usp.brSergio P. B. Proenç<p>Currently the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) has been widely applied in the<br>modeling of localized solids failures. Its main advantage consists of the expansion of the Finite Element<br>Method (FEM) approach space by inserting functions (known as enrichment functions) that best locally<br>represent the behavior of the searched solution. Such functions may have specific characteristics or even<br>be generated numerically. On the one hand, the GFEM provides optimal convergence, however, it is<br>prone to introduce linear dependencies into its system of equations, making the matrix ill-conditioned or<br>even singular. The so-called stable version of the Generalized Finite Element Method (SGFEM) explores<br>a modification in the enrichment functions to improve the conditioning of the stiffness matrix. However,</p> <p>such a modification leads to loss of precision in problems such as strong discontinuities. In order to rec-<br>oncile the incompatibility between the solution precision and the system matrix conditioning, this work</p> <p>addresses a new modification of the space of GFEM shape functions associated with enrichment: flat-top</p> <p>functions as Partition of Unit (PU) and a new PU based on trigonometric functions, these are used exclu-<br>sively in the construction of enriched shape functions. This new version of the GFEM presents a system</p> <p>matrix conditioning almost insensitive to the mesh / discontinuity configuration, even if the crack path</p> <p>approaches the element nodes. In addition, for flat-top PU with a small stabilization parameter, this ver-<br>sion is almost of the same precision as the GFEM. Since only the PU is modified, the presented proposal</p> <p>can be easily implemented in pre-existing GFEM codes. Several representative numerical simulations of<br>benchmark tests are presented to validate the proposal, considering both the accuracy of the solution and<br>the conditioning of the system matrix.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Global-Local Automatizada para o Método dos Elementos Finitos Generalizados2024-07-11T11:20:46+00:00Gabriela Marinho Fonsecagmarinhofonseca@gmail.comFelício Bruzzi Barrosfelicio@dees.ufmg.brHumberto Alves da Silveira Monteirohmonteiro@ufmg.brLarissa Novellilarissan@ufmg.brRoque Luiz da Silva<p>This work presents an automation of the global-local strategy under the Generalized Finite<br>Element Method approach, evaluating its performance in the analysis of two-dimensional problems of<br>Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics. An automated strategy for building local problems, defined in order<br>to follow the crack growth path, is proposed. Solutions of the local problems, obtained with reduced user<br>interference, enriches a single global problem. The automated creation of local problems significantly<br>reduces the time spent in the simulation, which can be quite high for problems involving the propagation<br>of defects. The implementation was carried out as an expansion of the INSANE (Interactive Structural</p> <p>Analysis Environment) system, a free software project developed in the Department of Structural Engi-<br>neering of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. The proposed approach is validated by the numerical</p> <p>simulation of problems with different characteristics, seeking the extraction of stress intensity factors for<br>opening modes I and II. Influences of the global-local analysis cycles and polynomial enrichments in the<br>global problem are considered.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of a procedure for the solution of non-homogeneous partial differential equa- tions using the Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method2024-07-11T11:24:13+00:00Karolinne O. Coelhokarolinneoc@gmail.comPhilippe R. B.<p>The Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method (SBFEM) is a finite element approximation<br>technique in which the shape functions are constructed based on a semi-analytical approach. Due to its<br>features, this method is particularly efficient to approximate problems with strong internal singularities,</p> <p>for instance, fracture mechanics simulation. The main focus of this study is to analyze the approxi-<br>mation properties of SBFEM and use them to develop a procedure to approximate non-homogeneous</p> <p>partial differential equations (PDEs). It was observed optimal rates of convergence for problems with<br>square-root singularity. Furthermore, the orthogonality between SBFEM approximation at the boundary</p> <p>and the internal bubble functions, which represent the non-homogeneous term, is observed. Such a prop-<br>erty is applied to extend the SBFEM to approximate non-homogeneous PDEs with internal polynomial</p> <p>functions. Rates of convergence are computed to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE MEIOS PARCIALMENTE FR ́ AGEIS VIA ABORDAGEM GLOBAL-LOCAL COM METODOS SEM MALHA2024-07-11T11:26:31+00:00Debora Coelho Cordeiro Pinheirodeboracordeiro@ufmg.brFelício Bruzzi Barrosfelicio@dees.ufmg.brRoque Luiz da Silva Pitangueiraroque@dees.ufmg.brSamuel Silva<p>Meshfree Methods have been used as alternatives to Finite Element Method, due to the fle-<br>xibility in building conforming approximations. Another attractive feature is the capacity of obtaining</p> <p>approximate solutions of high regularity. Such characteristics can be successfully used to describe state<br>variables based on the derivatives of the problem solution and responsible for representing the nonlinear</p> <p>behavior of structures of quasi-brittle material. On the other hand, the lack of the Kronecker-delta pro-<br>perty, a more complex computation of the shape functions and numerical integration problems represent</p> <p>drawbacks that can overburden the computational analysis. In nonlinear analysis, the time processing be-<br>comes an important issue to be considered. Aiming to conciliate the efficiency of finite element analysis</p> <p>with the flexibility of meshfree methods, coupling techniques for both methods have been proposed, es-<br>pecially in cases where the nonlinear phenomenon is confined in a small part of the structure. Here, a new</p> <p>coupling strategy is proposed based on the Global-local Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM-gl)</p> <p>to simulate damage propagation in quasi-brittle media. The global domain of the structure is represen-<br>ted by a coarse mesh of finite elements. The region of damage propagation defines the local domain,</p> <p>represented by a set of nodes of the meshfree approach called Element Free Galerkin Method (EFG).<br>This local discretization is responsible for providing a numerically obtained function used to enrich the</p> <p>approximate solution of the global problem. Numerical examples in two-dimensional domain are pre-<br>sented to discuss how the meshfree method can efficiently describe the damage propagation, while the</p> <p>global behavior of the structure is represented by the enriched finite element solution.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF INEXTENSIBLE SUSPENDED CABLES BY THE GFEM2024-07-11T11:29:48+00:00Julio Cesar Dalledone Machadordm@ufpr.brPaulo de Oliveira Weinhardtpaulo.weinhardt@gmail.comMarcos<p>Cable structures have high performance when required for traction and therefore provide<br>lighter and thinner structures. On the other hand, the shape of the cable may vary according to its<br>loading, which makes its analysis difficult. The Finite Element Method (FEM) has good results in the<br>analysis of cable structures, but demands a high number of degrees of freedom to achieve a better<br>accuracy. In order to evaluate the application of the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) in<br>suspended cable structures, a simplified cable model is presented, considering a static and inextensible<br>analysis. The formulation considers the weak form of the inextensible cable problem and does the<br>enrichment of the shape functions space for the conventional Finite Element Method. The model is</p> <p>implemented in Python language and tested with applications in the literature. In this work, second-<br>degree Lobatto’s polynomials are used and also hyperbolic enriching functions are proposed. The</p> <p>efficiency and convergence of the proposed model are verified and the matrix condition number is<br>calculated to examine the numerical stability. The application of GFEM for inextensible cable<br>problem, as presented here, is an original approach. Models based on parabolic or catenary<br>configuration, when compared with others found in literature, have the closest results with the<br>analytical solutions. GFEM proved to be an excellent method for cable problems. In conclusion, it is<br>possible to solve several cable problems with a single element, surpassing the results presented by<br>FEM.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PARTITION OF UNIT IN THE GENERALIZED FINITE ELEMENT METHOD APPLIED TO DYNAMIC ANALYSIS2024-07-11T11:33:41+00:00Ivan Assing da Silvaivanassing@gmail.comRoberto Dalledone Machadordm@ufpr.brMarcos Arndtarndt.marcos@gmail.comPaulo de Oliveira<p>The Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) has presented excellent results in the<br>dynamic analysis, especially in the obtaining of higher frequencies, one advantage compared to the<br>standard Finite Element Method (FEM). An important feature of GFEM is the possibility of expanding<br>the approximation space through the inclusion of non-polynomial enrichment functions, which usually<br>contain a-priori knowledge about the solution of the problem. However, this enrichment process may<br>lead a problem considerably ill-conditioned, limiting its applicability. This paper proposes the use of<br>flat-top functions as a Partition of Unit (PU) for the construction of approximation spaces enriched<br>with non-polynomial functions, aiming to improve the conditioning of the problem by reducing the</p> <p>condition number of stiffness and mass matrices. Results are presented for one-dimensional and two-<br>dimensional problems, such as bars and membranes modal analysis, respectively. The condition</p> <p>number of stiffness and mass matrices are evaluated and compared with results obtained by GFEM<br>with approximation spaces constructed with PU linear. Results obtained with the PU flat-top shown<br>improvement in the conditioning of the problems, with the reduction of the condition number of<br>stiffness and mass matrices, however with influences in the accuracy of responses.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF POLYMOMIAL ENRICHMENT FOR ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES IN DAMAGE PROCESS USING S/GFEM2024-07-11T11:36:39+00:00Guilherme Olivera Ferraz de Evangelista<p>This work aimed to implement polynomial enrichment functions, according to the strategy of<br>the Stabilized Generalized Finite Element Method (S/GFEM), for application in simulations of failure<br>problems in structures using a bilinear damage model for quasi-brittle materials. The results were<br>verified by comparison with experimental curves drawn from the three-point bending test in central<br>notched beam. The efficiency and accuracy of the polynomial S/GFEM were then tested to improve the<br>prediction of the rupture behavior over a conventional Finite Element analysis. This has become more<br>evident in simulations with coarse meshes, presenting results with precision equivalent to others found<br>in the literature, but with a much smaller number of elements.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE CONVECTED LEVEL-SET METHOD WITH ADAPTIVE MESH REFINEMENT USING LIBMESH2024-07-11T11:40:19+00:00Malu Gravemalugrave@nacad.ufrj.brJose J. Camatacamata@ice.ufjf.brAlvaro L.G.A.<p>In the computation of flow problems, the modeling of moving boundaries and interfaces<br>is still challenging. There are different techniques to model such problems: interface-tracking and<br>interface-capturing methods. Here we study an interface-capturing method called convected level-set.<br>The difference to the standard level-set method is that the reinitialization step is embedded in the transport<br>equation model, avoiding a separate step during the calculation. We also use a hyperbolic tangent<br>distance function to get a smooth truncation far from the interface. We couple this interface-capturing<br>method with the Navier-Stokes equations to simulate free-surface problems. We implement all equations<br>on libMesh, an open finite element library that provides a framework for multiphysics, considering<br>adaptive mesh refinement. Numerical results are presented for classical interface-capturing benchmarks<br>to study the influence of mesh refinement, time-step, and time discretization. Finally, we present the<br>results of a free-surface problem, simulating a dam-break benchmark.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONFIABILÍSTICO DE CHAPAS PERFURADAS UTILIZANDO O MÉTODO DOS ELEMENTOS DE CONTORNO2024-07-11T11:43:12+00:00Lucas H. O.ís P. R. Almeidaluisphilipealmeida@gmail.comFrancisco de Assis V. B. Júniorbinasjunior@gmail.comLucas M. R. Menezeslucass.menezes@gmail.comEduardo T. L. Juniorlimajunior@lccv.ufal.brWilliam W. M. Lirawilliam@lccv.ufal.brJoão C. C.<p>Neste trabalho, é desenvolvido uma análise da redução do custo computacional no cálculo<br>da probabilidade de falha de conexões metálicas, utilizando-se de fundamentos da computação<br>paralela. Na análise, dimensionamento e manutenção de estruturas de aço, verificações no que diz<br>respeito a requisitos mínimos para um bom funcionamento estrutural se traduzem em critérios quase<br>sempre definidos como eventos estatísticos, ou seja, as variáveis envolvidas nesses eventos traduzem<br>incertezas inerentes a fatores presentes em todas as etapas do projeto. O método de simulação de<br>Monte Carlo surge como uma ferramenta a quantificar essas incertezas presentes, considerando os<br>parâmetros estatísticos presentes no processo. Embora possa obter respostas satisfatórias, a precisão<br>está relacionada com o número de simulações executadas para obter uniformidade na solução.<br>Inicialmente foi desenvolvido um estudo referente à computação de alto desempenho, analisando os<br>conceitos da programação paralela, bem como os seus principais padrões. Dentre eles, destaca-se o<br>MPI o qual se baseia no conceito de comunicação entre máquinas paralelas com memória distribuída<br>por meio da troca de mensagens, e foi escolhido como foco para desenvolver o estudo proposto neste<br>trabalho. Posteriormente, é elaborado a formulação linear do Método dos Elementos de Contorno<br>(MEC), desenvolvendo suas equações integrais e apresentando a discretização utilizada no contorno<br>do problema, através de elementos isoparamétricos com aproximação linear. Em seguida, são<br>formulados os conceitos da confiabilidade estrutural, com foco no método de simulação de Monte<br>Carlo. Por fim, é realizado a validação da teoria apresentada com uma aplicação referente à ligação<br>metálica de uma chapa perfurada. Exemplos foram desenvolvidos e uma significativa melhoria em<br>termos de custo computacional foi observada quando a computação de alto desempenho (MPI) foi<br>utilizado em associação com o método de simulação de Monte Carlo. A principal contribuição deste<br>trabalho é fornecer resultados que apontam as contribuições benéficas da utilização da computação de<br>alto desempenho em problemas de engenharia. Auxiliando engenheiros e estudantes no<br>desenvolvimento deste tema, contribuindo para a disseminação e avanço da sua análise.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF EDDY VISCOSITY MODELS IN A RESIDUAL-BASED VARIATIONAL MULTISCALE FRAMEWORK2024-07-11T11:47:50+00:00Gabriel V. Badiolagabrielbadiola@coc.ufrj.brAlvaro L.G.A. Coutinhoalvaro@nacad.ufrj.brRenato N.<p>Highly turbulent flows are present in several industrial applications and natural phenomena,<br>such as flows around aircraft airfoils and turbine blades, fluid-structure interaction problems in offshore<br>platforms and formation of turbidity currents. In this work, a general family of eddy viscosity models<br>(EVM) for the large-eddy simulation (LES) of turbulence is implemented in an edge-based stabilized<br>finite element incompressible Navier-Stokes solver within the framework of the residual-based<br>variational multiscale method (RB-VMS). We evaluate and compare the different fine-scale eddy<br>viscosity models proposed by Oberai and Hughes. These models are incorporated into EdgeCFD, a<br>highly optimized fully implicit parallel edge-based code, with inexact Newton solver and adaptive time<br>step. The performance and accuracy of the proposed models are tested with validation problems for high<br>Reynolds numbers. Results are then compared to those of highly resolved numerical simulations and<br>experimental data and discussed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CUDA ACCELERATED NUMERICAL INTEGRATION OF ELASTOPLASTIC FINITE ELEMENTS RESIDUALS2024-07-11T11:50:46+00:00Natalia R. Vilas Boasnataliarvboas@gmail.comPhilippe R. B. Devloophil@fec.unicamp.comOmar Duran<p>Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique to approximate partial differential<br>equations. It has been widely used to approximate solutions of physical problems in different fields<br>of research. The numerical simulation challenging engineering problems with small error require fine<br>meshes and leads to high computational cost. To overcome this difficulty parallel computing is becoming</p> <p>a mainstream tool. Among the techniques available to improve the performance of this type of computa-<br>tional application is the execution of the algorithm using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) programming.</p> <p>Although GPU was originally developed for graphics processing, it has been used in the last years as a<br>general purpose machine with high parallelism power through the availability of libraries such as CUDA<br>or OpenGL. The purpose of this research is to develop an efficient algorithm for the evaluation of the</p> <p>finite element residual and Jacobian matrix. We target the particular variational formulation of an elasto-<br>plastic problem with associative plasticity but will try to show that the approach can be extended to other</p> <p>fields and problems. The presented strategy for the calculation of the residual and tangent matrix rely</p> <p>on several computational ingredients such as gathering and scattering operations, sparse matrix mul-<br>tiplications, and a parallel coloring procedure for assembly process. The verification of the nonlinear</p> <p>approximated solution includes comparison with regular CPU implementation in terms of numerical re-<br>sults and execution efficiency. For residual computations of elasto-plasticity, the GPU outperforms the</p> <p>CPU by a factor of up to 10 (details of the architecture are given in the paper).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A FUZZY PID CONTROLLER INVOLVED IN RASPBERRY ARCHITECTURE PI AND PYTHON: A CASE STUDY OF A THERMAL PLANT2024-07-11T11:53:29+00:00Daniel Carvalho Dr. Orlando Donato Rocha . Dra. Danubia Soares<p>Computational intelligence has several techniques that are executed in several fields for learn-<br>ing, perception, prediction and control. We can use computational methods allied to fuzzy logic to obtain</p> <p>control meshes with a minimal degree of error. In this work we have developed a PID controller based<br>on fuzzy logic written in Python programming language that can be applied to microcomputers such<br>as Raspberry Pi for control with robustness, reliability and connectivity. The PID, or also known as<br>proportional integral derivative controller is a method of control of processes that groups computational</p> <p>executions, generating minimum degree of error. This control was modeled in Python from object ori-<br>ented programming and with mathematical and fuzzy libraries, executed in a microcomputer, that has</p> <p>GPIO‘s (General Purpose Input / Output) which are an interface of data input and output directly on<br>the board and can be connected to sensors / actuators and M2M (Machine to Machine) communication,<br>which facilitates the final application in industrial or residential plants, crossing concepts of IoT and<br>Industry 4.0. The PID controller coupled with fuzzy logic produces a fuzzy-PID controller, robust and<br>dynamic based on IF-THEN rules and pertinence functions, capable of working with linguistic variables<br>that model physical media based on human cognition. The set of rules used in the code can be extended<br>to various models and plants, such as in temperature control. The data obtained can be exported and<br>analyzed in software such as MATLAB, SCILAB, thus obtaining graphs and analyzes in real time, being</p> <p>able to perform the parallelism with analysis and simultaneous control. We can apply the control algo-<br>rithm in an electric thermal plant where the desired temperature and the current temperature are input</p> <p>data of the plant, these values are fuzzified and are processed mathematically based on the system rules,<br>inference machine and the fuzzy-PID operation, the values where they are transformed into a PWM<br>(Pulse-Width Modulation) control signal applied to an electric resistance. As one of the goals of control<br>and automation is to try to minimize human interference in a machine or procedure, making the system<br>more optimized, safe and efficient. The computational control establishes relations with the automation<br>area in order to transform processes control as more ”intelligent” and implement decision making so that<br>their choices are progressively more reliable.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE USE OF STABILIZED AND FLUX-CORRECTED TRANSPORT FINITE ELEMENT METHODS TO SOLVE THE SHALLOW WATER EQUATIONS2024-07-11T11:58:23+00:00Tulio L. L. G. A.<p>A study is carried out to assess the use of stabilized and flux-corrected transport (FCT) finite<br>element approaches to solve the shallow water equations. The adopted stabilized formulation employs a<br>Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin term supplemented by a shock-capturing operator. In the examined<br>FCT technique, the low-order equation considers an artificial viscosity term based on a Rusanov-like<br>scalar dissipation. Anti-diffusive fluxes are linearized around the low-order solution and limited with</p> <p>the Zalesak’s algorithm. Both approaches use semi-discrete finite elements with implicit time integra-<br>tion over time steps constrained by a CFL condition. Numerical results are presented for standard test</p> <p>problems available in the literature, and the accuracy and stability of the solutions are discussed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF GLOBAL AND LOCAL PRECONDITIONERS FOR PARALLEL FINITE ELEMENT COMPUTATIONS2024-07-11T13:00:18+00:00Leonardo Muniz de M. P. Valliavalli@inf.ufes.brLucia<p>Numerous engineering problems require an enormous computational effort to solve large<br>sparse linear systems with matrices resulting of finite element discretizations. Parallel computing of<br>GMRES or other Krylov subspace-based method combined with a good preconditioner is an excellent<br>option to fulfill this role. Mostelly, the two main operations of Krylov subspace methods, the inner<br>and the matrix-vector products, demand less memory consumption and present better parallelism when<br>compared with the main operations of the traditional direct solvers. Global storage allows the use of<br>block Jacobi preconditioners based on incomplete LU factorization. In contrast, local storage schemes</p> <p>provide preconditioners performed at the element level factorizations (e.g., the local LU, the local Gauss-<br>Seidel and the diagonal or the block-diagonal schemes). In this work, we present a trade-off analysis</p> <p>between global and local preconditioners for parallel finite element implementations. In the context of a<br>specific domain decomposition approach, we evaluate the preconditioners according to memory usage,<br>load balancing and MPI communication. Robustness and scalability of these parallel preconditioning<br>strategies are demonstrated for two benchmark cases: the rotating cone modeled by the transient transport<br>equation, and the explosion problem modeled by the Euler equations. All experiments point out the<br>supremacy of the global preconditioners, and the local preconditioners dependence on the number of<br>degrees of freedom per node.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE CONEXÃO SEMIRRÍGIDA EM MODELOS RETICULADOS NO CONTEXTO DA PROGRAMAÇÃO ORIENTADA A OBJETOS2024-07-11T13:02:58+00:00Ícaro R. Marquesicarormarques@tecgraf.puc-rio.brPedro C. Lopescortezpedro@tecgraf.puc-rio.brRafael L. Rangelrafaelrangel@tecgraf.puc-rio.comLuiz Fernando C. R.<p>This work presents the implementation of a methodology to simulate semi-rigid joints in two</p> <p>and three-dimensional framed models using the Direct Stiffness Method. The idea is to add a linear-<br>elastic rotational spring to the structure by inserting new degrees of freedom to the system of equilibrium</p> <p>equations to account for the spring rotations. This implementation was incorporated to the LESM<br>(Linear Elements Structure Model) program, which is an educational open-source program. This<br>program is based on the Object Oriented Programming (OOP), which was used in order to handle the<br>problem in a generic fashion. A new class in the context of the OOP was created to simulate the behavior<br>of semi-rigid joints.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF FEM MECHANICAL SIMULATIONS WITH A PARALLEL IMPLEMENTATION IN GPU2024-07-11T13:06:26+00:00Cicero Vitor Chaves Juniorcicerovtjr@gmail.comPaulo Marcelo Vieira<p>Finite element simulations with the use of large scale models are becoming more frequent.<br>Modern strategies applied to transient problems seize efficient assembly of global matrices as well as the<br>fast solution of system of equations in models with hundreds of millions of degrees of freedom. The use<br>of General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) enables extreme parallelization<br>and acceleration of these processes. In this direction, the present work presents several applications of</p> <p>computational mechanics problems using the C ++ programming language coupled to the NVCC (NVI-<br>DIA CUDA Compiler) for the CUDA platform. These simulations require only native C ++ functions,</p> <p>without external dependencies. The code was developed in a modular structure, with the hybrid imple-<br>mentation of subroutines in CPU and Graphical Processing Units (GPU). An iterative solver with the</p> <p>conjugate gradient method is presented and can be coupled to codes developed in other programming<br>languages for dedicated GPU solution. CPU solutions using the Eigen linear algebra library are also<br>developed, and several benchmarks are discussed, including the use of OpenMP for parallel computing<br>and computations on the GPU using double and single precision accuracy, as well as different GPU<br>kernels for sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV). Results obtained using the proposed strategies<br>reveal that computations using the described routines are effective and provide significant speedups over<br>single-threaded computations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ALGORITHM FOR AUTOMATIC DISCRETIZATION OF ISOGEOMETRIC PLANE MODELS2024-07-11T13:09:00+00:00Elias Saraiva Barrosoelias.barroso@gmail.comJohn Andrew Evansjohn.a.evans@colorado.eduJoaquim Bento Cavalcante Netojoaquimb@dc.ufc.brCreto Augusto Vidalcvidal@dc.ufc.brEvandro Parente<p>Mesh generation is an important component of Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) systems.</p> <p>To generate a high quality mesh, suitable discretization must be assigned to a model’s boundaries. Un-<br>fortunately, many CAE software packages require considerable user interaction to define appropriate</p> <p>discretization when models have complex features, such as high curvatures and narrow regions. This<br>work presents an algorithm for the automatic discretization of boundary curves of plane models capable<br>of handling complex features. Moreover, the algorithm is capable of producing curvilinear boundary</p> <p>discretization by taking into account the parameterization of the boundary curves, and these curvilin-<br>ear boundary discretizations may be used to generate high quality isogeometric meshes consisting of</p> <p>Bezier triangles. The algorithm has three input parameters, the maximum and minimum edge length ́<br>and the maximum curvature angle. The proposed algorithm is applied in complex geometric models,<br>demonstrating its ability to balance mesh size and quality.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TO PERFORM GENERALIZED ASSEMBLY OF FINITE ELEMENT MATRICES2024-07-11T13:12:25+00:00Natalie von Paraskigatterr@gmail.comÍtalo Rangel P. Mendesitalopenaforte@gmail.comAlexandre da Silva Galvã<p>Each type of computational system, with its dimension and degrees of freedom, makes the<br>implementation of the finite element (FE) matrices assembly developments very specific, sometimes<br>generating unnecessary redundancy in codes, which make them more difficult to understand,<br>implement, read and update. A generalization of the assembly numerical methodologies for any kind<br>of FE matrices can give us a unique algorithm that can be implemented once for all FEM<br>computational problems, without the necessity to create a new code for each different case. This work<br>presents an algorithm based on the general assembly strategy for finite-elements matrices for plane<br>frames, implemented in Paraski [2]. This one algorithm tries to extrapolate the previous idea, being<br>capable to perform the assembly of FE matrices for simple and multi connected systems, not only for<br>plane frames, with one-dimensional FE bar, having three degrees of freedom, but for other kinds of<br>finite element types, like FE triangular and quadrilateral in two dimensions, and FE hexahedron and<br>tetrahedron in three dimensions, all of them having their own variations on their quantity of degrees of<br>freedom. Some validation tests using MatLab codes for static analysis for plane frames with one<br>dimensional FE bar, and Helmholtz equations problems with two-dimensional FE quadrilateral, was<br>successfully made, showing the efficiency of this algorithm being used in different cases, for different<br>elements working in different dimensions, with specific degrees of freedom.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT MODELLING OF PLANE FRAME SUBJECTED TO RANDOM WIND EXCITATION WITH DYNAMIC ELASTOPLASTIC BEHAVIOR2024-07-11T15:17:16+00:00Hsu Yang Shanghsu.shang@pucpr.brIgor Alexandre<p>This work presents a finite element approach of dynamic elastoplastic analysis in plane<br>frame subjected to random excitation caused by wind action. The wind random velocity is modelled<br>mathematically by using Power Spectra Density Method in combination with Shinozuka’s model, with<br>commonly employed wind spectra, such as von Kármán, Davenport, Kaimal and Harris. From these<br>spectra, the dynamic wind loading is determined from the sum of the mean and floating wind<br>velocities. Thus, it is possible to obtain the wind loading vector that is applied in the structure dynamic<br>governing equation. The governing equation is formulated by Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, and it is<br>discretized by using a conventional Lagrange – Hermite element. The time stepping process is carry<br>out by HHT algorithm, and the material nonlinearity is modelled by von Mises isotropic hardening<br>model. Finally, several applications are presented, where different wind spectra are employed to<br>determine mechanical parameters of structure responses, such as stress, strain, displacement, among<br>the other. The error norm L2 of displacement is determined for different finite element discretization<br>refine, which aims to analyze the effects of space discretization in this type of analysis. Also, the<br>relative differences are determined with the purpose to compare the different mechanical behavior of<br>structure when subjected to different wind spectra.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INTERFEROMETRY TECHNIQUE FOR BUILDING MONITORING: A COMPUTATIONAL METHOD TO DETERMINE DYNAMIC PARAMETERS2024-07-11T15:19:33+00:00Maria Luíza Cardoso Felipemalucardoso92@gmail.comAderson Farias do Nascimentonascimentoafd.dgef.ufrn@gmail.comPetrus Gorgônio Bulhões da Nóbregapetrus.nobrega@gmail.comSelma Hissae Shimura da Nó<p>Seismic interferometry applied to environmental vibration data is an advantageous strategy<br>used to verify structures responses, especially regarding to continuous data logging and in situations<br>where it is not practical or even unsafe, to allocate dynamic sources. Its application yields important<br>information about mechanical properties and discontinuities of the medium, since the produced waves<br>establishes an elastic response regarding the medium in which it propagates. The analysis, after the<br>monitoring procedure, consisted in an application of a computational technique known as<br>“deconvolution” of environmental-vibration records to obtain traveling waves and extract the natural<br>frequency due to the linear response of the building, from peaks of the average power spectrum of<br>these deconvolved waves. As application, the environmental noise propagated in a five-story building<br>located at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte was studied to obtain responses of frequencies.<br>Accelerometers localized on the floors of the building registered the environmental noise along some<br>days and, consequently, made it possible to observe the relation between human and environmental<br>activities and the oscillation amplitude of the signal. To confirm these values, a computational<br>mathematical model of the building was built, using a commercial software, in order to obtain the<br>numerical natural frequencies. At last, a critical analysis of the results is performed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRUCTURAL MONITORING TECHNIQUES IN LARGE RC BUILDING: A CASE STUDY2024-07-11T15:22:11+00:00Marcos A. Silvamarcos@fec.unicamp.brAndreia R. Fantonmarcos@fec.unicamp.brLuiz C. Almeidamarcos@fec.unicamp.brLeandro M. Trautweinmarcos@fec.unicamp.brMaria Teresa Françosomarcos@fec.unicamp.brIrving P.<p>Civil construction area is in continuous technological evolution, either related to new material and<br>execution techniques or development of analytical and design methods. In Brazil, particularly, standard<br>codes have been created and updated in the last 10 years due to new studies related to a better behavior<br>of concrete structures, i.e., ABNT NBR 15961 (2011), NBR 16055 (2012), NBR 15575 (2013), NBR<br>6118 (2014), etc. These standard codes are fundamental to ensure the safety of structures, qualifying<br>them for their use. Nowadays, however, it is still able to find recent buildings with obvious pathologies<br>which are consequence of error and mistakes in different stages of the construction and might cause<br>the building interdiction or even collapse. Excessive displacements and crack openings in reinforced<br>concrete constructions represents examples of pathology and require structural intervention to eliminate<br>or mitigate these effects. After the pathologies correction, it is important to verify the structural behavior<br>regarding to acting forces, in order to ensure safety and the correct structural performance. In this paper,<br>a retrofit study was conducted in a large RC building after the structural intervention to correct some<br>pathologies found. Vertical displacement of slabs and supporting beams was measured in specific points<br>with auxiliary of dial gauges and precision geometric levelling as the load was applied in increments. In<br>addition, numerical models were created using the computational programme TQS, which allowed for<br>grid analogy method, in order to compare its results with experimental values. The results showed good<br>agreement in terms of vertical displacement and structure behavior. It was possible to validate numerical<br>results obtained by grid analogy and also certify both the safety and the performance of these structural<br>elements.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND EXPERIMENTAL CORRELATION OF A RECTANGULAR BEAM USING A GUYAN-SEREP MIXED METHOD2024-07-11T15:26:25+00:00Claudio de Oliveira Mendonç H. Gutiérrezrhramirez@oceanica.ufrj.brUlisses A. Monteiroulisses@oceanica.ufrj.brLuiz A. Vazvaz@oceanica.ufrj.brBrenno C.<p>Structures and equipment under dynamic loading are susceptible to a vibration response,<br>which can reduce its reliability and life span. Continuous monitoring can be a complicated and expensive<br>task, its complexity makes it impossible to always measure vibration in the locations with higher risk of<br>failure, especially in regions with poor accessibility. One way of estimating vibration levels of the<br>structure in areas of interest is using numerical Finite Element method models, however, these models<br>have the disadvantage of not always representing the real structure adequately, as they do not take into<br>account manufacturing errors and other uncertainties. The differences between model and real structure<br>may be minimized through calibration using experimental data, nevertheless, another difficulty arises,<br>as the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element model are a lot bigger than the number of<br>measured degrees of freedom, therefore, calibration cannot be performed directly. The use of reduction<br>techniques makes the calibration, regarding the modal parameters, feasible as it allows the compatibility<br>between model and experimental degrees of freedom, therefore allowing prediction of vibration levels<br>at any point in the structure. In the present work we have used a mixed GUYAN-SEREP methodology<br>for the model reduction of complex structures. This process is based on two steps: first, using GUYAN<br>method to reduce, on the physical domain, the complete model up to a manageable number of degrees<br>of freedom; then, secondly, using SEREP method to end the reduction, on the modal domain, ensuring<br>the compatibilization of the degrees of freedom with the available experimental data. This methodology<br>was applied to a rectangular beam, free-free condition, the results were compared with data obtained by<br>an experimental modal analysis, by means of MAC, relative difference (RD) and coordinate modal<br>assurance criteria (COMAC), obtaining high accuracy. Finally, a correlation of numerical modes was<br>undertaken in relation to the experimental modes yielding improvements on the results for the criteria<br>used.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION OF A RECTANGULAR BEAM USING EXPERIMENTAL AND OUTPUT-ONLY MODAL ANALYSES2024-07-11T15:30:05+00:00Luíza da C. Albuquerqueluiza.albuquerque@poli.ufrj.brUlisses A. Monteiroulisses@oceanica.ufrj.brRicardo H. Gutiérrezrhramirez@oceanica.ufrj.brJairo A. Huamanialvarocotaquispe@gmail.comLuiz A.<p>In order to obtain the modal parameters of a structure, different approaches can be used: (i)<br>Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA), which uses excitation (input) and response (output) data; (ii)<br>Output-Only Modal Analysis (O-OMA), which uses only the output. Both techniques are widely used<br>and their advantages and disadvantages are known. The EMA allows performing a full numerical<br>validation, because the estimated modal matrix is already mass normalized. In the O-OMA case, since<br>the excitation force is unmeasured, the estimated modal matrix can only be normalized to unity. This<br>paper aims to identify the modal parameters of a rectangular beam, simulating “free-free” boundary<br>condition in the excitation’s direction. The beam was instrumented with 9 accelerometers equidistantly<br>arranged along the length and the excitation was through a multiple reference impact testing. The<br>modal parameters were identified using the Polyreference Least Square Complex Frequency Domain<br>method, considering two approaches: (i) EMA and (ii) O-OMA methods. Results from the EMA and<br>O-OMA showed that the discrepancies between the natural frequencies were at most 0.5%, and all the<br>vibration modes presented MAC values higher than 0.9. Experimental results were also compared with<br>those obtained through a finite element model of the rectangular beam, showing small differences both<br>in the natural frequencies and vibration modes. It is therefore concluded that the two approaches lead<br>to good estimates of natural frequencies. As for the vibration modes, the modal matrices obtained by<br>the two methods present a small difference, since the mass of the beam is small.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODAL PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION OF A RECTANGULAR BEAM USING MIMO AND SIMO TESTS2024-07-11T19:41:57+00:00Luiza B. Machado e Silvaluiza_busson@poli.ufrj.brUlisses A. Monteiroulisses@oceanica.ufrj.brRicardo H. Gutiérrezrhramirez@oceanica.ufrj.brLuiz A. Vazvaz@oceanica.ufrj.brClaudio de Oliveira Mendonç<p>The dynamic behavior of structures can be evaluated through modal parameters, which can<br>be obtained experimentally, and used to solve vibration problems, in sensitivity analyses, in structural<br>modification, for numerical and experimental model correlation, for updating numerical model, for<br>structural health monitoring, etc. The present work aims to identify the modal parameters (natural<br>frequencies, damping ratios and vibration modes) of a rectangular aluminum beam suspended in the air,<br>simulating the “free-free” boundary condition. The rectangular beam was instrumented with 09<br>accelerometers arranged equidistantly along the length. Two types of tests were performed: (i) the<br>multiple reference impact testing (MRIT), which simulates MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) test;<br>(ii) the SIMO (single input/multiple output) test, which generates responses in the 09 accelerometers<br>due to the impacts in 01 degree of freedom. Modal parameters were identified using only the vibration<br>responses, through two frequency domain techniques: Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition<br>(EFDD) and Frequency-Spatial Domain Decomposition (FSDD). Results showed that the average<br>difference in natural frequencies estimation with the EFDD technique, using MIMO and SIMO tests,<br>was 0.25%, a low and acceptable percentage. When comparing EFDD (MIMO test), FSDD (SIMO test)<br>and FEM model results, the average differences in natural frequencies estimation are 0.33% and 1.63%,<br>respectively. According to the results, both EFDD and FSDD methods can be used to identify the modal<br>parameters, with similar results, using either the MIMO or SIMO tests. As the SIMO test demands less<br>time, it becomes a fast alternative for modal identification of structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SMOOTH ORTHOGONAL DECOMPOSITION ON DAMAGE IDENTIFICATION2024-07-11T19:45:41+00:00Vinícius Vaguetti da Costavinicius.costa2@usp.brGuilherme Rosa<p>This is an ongoing research in which a Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) methodology,<br>namely, the Smooth Orthogonal Decomposition (SOD), is employed on damage identification on beams.<br>In a first step, displacement data from the structure is subjected to a Spectrum Analysis Amplitude and the</p> <p>most energetic vibration frequencies are acquired. Subsequently, SOD is applied to the same displace-<br>ment data in order to obtain the linear mode shapes and natural frequencies of the structure. Finally, most</p> <p>energetic mode shapes are selected by correlation of frequencies obtained on the two previous steps. The<br>procedure is applied to both a damaged structure and a similar healthy one. Damage spot identification<br>is achieved by mode shapes comparison of healthy and damaged models. The technique is tested using<br>Finite Elements models for beams under two boundary conditions, namely, simply supported beams and<br>cantilevered beams. For each of the two case studies above, numerical models concerning damage in<br>different spots are generated for comparison. The results show that the method is successful aiming at<br>identifying structural damage. Robustness and limitations of this procedure are discussed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS AND APPLICATION ON COVARIANCE-DRIVEN STOCHASTIC SUBSPACE METHOD IN MODAL PARAMETERS IDENTIFICATION2024-07-11T19:48:05+00:00Yeny V. D.ús D. A.<p>The SSI-COV method (Covariance-driven Stochastic Subspace Identification) is a technique<br>within time domain modal identification methods that uses ambient vibrations as the input forces for the<br>identification of modal parameters (natural frequencies, damping ratios and vibration modes). In this<br>method two alternatives are available for the identification of the state space transition matrix: a)<br>applying the decomposition property of a shifted block Toeplitz correlation matrix or b) by applying the<br>shift property of the observability matrix. In this research, the SSI-COV was applied for the<br>determination of dynamic characteristics (natural frequencies and damping ratios) of a concrete block<br>of the Itaipú Hydroelectric Dam. This dam is equipped with a monitoring system, currently in operation,<br>which collects acceleration data. For the implementation, the method was programmed in the Python<br>language and validated through two types of simulations in which the sensitivity of the method was<br>evaluated. Then, for the identification of modal parameters of the concrete block, it was applied to the<br>acceleration records from a sensor installed in it the two alternatives for identification. Finally, the<br>obtained results from the two variants to compute the state transition matrix allowed us to define that<br>applying the shift property of the observability matrix is more advantageous in terms of data accuracy<br>and computational cost.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 analysis in metal beams by changes in their natural frequencies.2024-07-11T19:52:35+00:00Rodrigo Vieira Fonsecarodrigovf2102@gmail.comMaira Rolla Camposmairarc7@gmail.comClaudio José<p>Nowadays, the concern with structural damages in the civil construction is in growth,<br>slender structures, of great dimensions, and old or more economic generate constant concern for the<br>engineers responsible for its maintenance and stability. In this scenario, considering the growing<br>demand for structural damage monitoring, this paper presents the results of laboratory tests performed<br>to indicate the feasibility of a simple signal processing method to identify structural damages. This<br>method consists of experimental tests using a set of accelerometers that were coupled in two metal<br>beams to obtain acceleration responses at various levels of structural integrity (cuts in the cross section<br>of the profile corresponding to 80%, 60% and 40% of the original). The recorded accelerations went<br>through a simple processing of data for identification of natural frequencies. The numerical modeling<br>of the beams was also performed in the ANSYS software based on the finite element method, from<br>which the natural numerical frequencies were extracted. Finally, the experimental natural frequencies<br>were compared with the numerical ones for the validation of the results. It was possible to identify<br>damages in the two beams since changes in the natural frequency values were identified at all levels of<br>section integrity. A good approximation between the experimental and theoretical values was<br>observed, and in this way, it was concluded that the tests were able to detect structural damage<br>correctly.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 METHOD FOR INFERENCE OF THE UNCERTAINTIES OF THE MODAL PARAMETERS THROUGH THE BOOTSTRAP AND CLUSTERING TECHNIQUES ASSOCIATION2024-07-11T19:55:30+00:00Renato Cancherini Lefonelefone@ime.eb.brCarlos Maglutamagluta@coc.ufrj.brLuiz Augusto Cavalcante Moniz de Aragão<p>The evaluation of structural integrity is a complex task that has increased the development of<br>techniques for monitoring the physical responses of structural systems. Monitoring can be accomplished<br>by acquiring different types of response from the structure to the loads that act on it through continuous<br>signals in time. These signals can be studied through modal analysis, obtaining estimates of the modal<br>parameters and, after them, global information of the structural integrity. In this context, it is of<br>paramount importance to quantify the uncertainties of the estimated modal parameters. An inaccurate<br>estimate can compromise the entire monitoring of a structure, and thus avoid a possible interruption of<br>its operation, or even its collapse. This work aims to develop a modal analysis methodology capable of<br>obtaining more robust estimates and with lower levels of uncertainty of the modal parameters of a<br>structure through the association of bootstrap, clustering and Data-driven Stochastic Subspace<br>Identification (SSI-DATA) techniques. To achieve this goal, simulated data of a structural system<br>subjected to uncorrelated random loading introducing noise are used. Finally, we discuss the results<br>found for the uncertainties of the estimated parameters.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DO ACRÉSCIMO DE MASSA EM UM PÓRTICO METÁLICO, ATRAVÉS DO ESPECTRO DE FREQUENCIAS2024-07-11T19:58:01+00:00Maíra Rolla Camposmairarc7@gmail.comTharley Castro de Limatharleycastro@gmail.comRodrigo Vieira Fonsecarodrigovf2102@gmail.comClaudio José<p>A investigação estrutural não-destrutiva baseada na Análise Modal Operacional consiste em<br>uma técnica de determinação dos parâmetros modais (frequências naturais, modos de vibração e taxas<br>de amortecimento) a partir do registro das acelerações em pontos localizados sobre uma estrutura. Essa<br>técnica considera apenas as ações de operação como fonte de excitação, evitando, dessa forma, a<br>interrupção ou paralisação da estrutura. Essa peculiaridade torna a técnica bastante atrativa na análise<br>de estruturas civis. Este estudo tem por finalidade a obtenção dos parâmetros modais de um pórtico<br>metálico localizado no laboratório de estruturas do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil<br>(PPGEC) do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), e, a partir desses,<br>verificar alterações nas matrizes de densidade espectrais devido ao acréscimo de massa. Para atingir tal<br>objetivo, foram realizados ensaios de campo no pórtico para obtenção dos dados dinâmicos com o<br>auxílio de acelerômetros e uma modelagem computacional da estrutura, utilizando o método dos<br>elementos finitos. Os dados obtidos em ambas atividades foram processados, utilizando a técnica de<br>processamento de sinais e, posteriormente, analisados. Os resultados obtidos no experimento<br>apresentaram diminuição da frequência natural, à medida que o acréscimo de massa aumentou, o que<br>respeita integralmente a equação da frequência natural e, consequentemente, permite inferir que o<br>resultado do estudo foi satisfatório. Além disso, os erros médios das frequências naturais medidos nos<br>ensaios de campo, quando comparados ao modelo numérico, foram inferiores a 4,0%, o que indica que<br>o modelo foi calibrado corretamente.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SPRING-MASS-DAMPER MODEL OF BIPEDAL WALKING TO SIMULATE GROUND REACTION FORCES PRODUCED BY HUMANS2024-07-11T20:00:52+00:00Dianelys Vegadianelys@coc.ufrj.brCarlos<p>The pedestrian-bridge dynamic interaction problem has been the focus of significant research<br>worldwide due to the increase in vibration problems of footbridges caused by walking pedestrians. On<br>this topic, several authors have proposed biomechanical models to represent the pedestrian. However,<br>turning these models practical for use in engineering is still a challenge as numerous experimental results<br>are needed to validate them and identify their parameters. In this research, a numerical model of bipedal</p> <p>walking with stiffness and damping was implemented in MATLAB. In parallel, experimental tests in-<br>volving different volunteers were carried out at the Structures Laboratory of COPPE/UFRJ (LabEst).</p> <p>The volunteers were asked to walk at three different speeds on a test structure. The step forces were<br>measured by instrumented force plates and the acceleration nearest to the pedestrian’s center of mass<br>by using an accelerometer placed on a belt attached at the waist of each subject. In order to validate</p> <p>this model, the simulated ground reaction forces (GRFs) were correlated with the experimental measure-<br>ments obtained from force plates, and thus the model parameters were identified. A large number of</p> <p>Monte Carlo simulations were performed to find the best numerical-experimental correlation for each<br>case. This work intends to provide a database of parameters for a bipedal walking model aiming the<br>future use of this model in practice.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 UPDATING ANALYSIS BASED ON BAYESIAN INFERENCE2024-07-11T20:03:19+00:00Michael L. M. de Souzamichael.souza@coc.ufrj.brNey Roitmanroitman@coc.ufrj.brDaniel A. Castellocastello@mecanica.coppe.ufrj.brThiago G.<p>The aim of this work is to estimate unknown system parameters based on observed dynamic<br>data, e.g. natural frequencies and damping rates. These dynamical inputs are extracted from experimental<br>modal analyses on a simply supported aluminum beam. Measurements come from three accelerometers<br>and the input excitation is provided by an impact hammer. The experimental setup is submitted into a<br>process of assembling and disassembling the beam for the purpose of increase the variability of modal<br>data. The Young’s modulus and the coefficients of the proportional damping model are considered the<br>updating variables in this study. The exploration of the posterior density function (pdf) of these unknown<br>model parameters is performed by a novel Markov Chain Monte Carlo method (MCMC) named Delayed<br>Rejection Adaptive Metropolis (DRAM). In other words the Bayesian paradigm for inverse problems<br>is adopted to tackles the structural identification. The impact of two likelihood functions at posterior<br>parameter distributions is analyzed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MONITORING SYSTEM The use of Accelerometers for Structural Analysis2024-07-11T20:05:56+00:00Eng. Ricardo Luiz Coutinhorlcout.eng@gmail.comMSc. Eng Renato Raposorenatopaulinelli@gmail.comEng. Claudemar<p>due to the high investment for construction, the major disorders and risks that involve the<br>maintenance of Special Artworks (OAE - Obra de Arte Especial in Portuguese), increases the<br>importance of monitoring the performance of these works to ensure the project has been adequacy of<br>the project to the actual conditions of service. Monitoring the performance of these structures ensures<br>planning to aim to prolong the average times between maintenance and decreasing repairs downtime.<br>This study seeks to analyze the movements of arrows at a viaduct stringer, verifying its behavior<br>compared to that specified in structural previous design. The applied methodology consists in the<br>implantation of sensors in part of the structure, aiming to capture the displacement caused by the bending<br>moment. The results are aimed at the creation of computational modeling with the aid of a specific<br>computer program to compare the behavior of the viaduct loaded with data from the calculation<br>memorial with the data presented in the readings performed by the sensors of monitoring in a given<br>charging period.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE DANOS EM PLACA USANDO OTIMIZAÇÃO DE SEGUNDA ORDEM2024-07-11T20:08:54+00:00Nora Nei Jesica Oliveira Santananoraneyjesica18@hotmail.comMarcus Alexandre Noronha de Mendes Bezerralmbz@unb.brWillian Taylor Matias<p>The need to monitor the condition of the structures is of fundamental importance for safety<br>and perfect use. With this, the numerical analysis allows significant cost reduction in a possible real<br>analysis of the structure. Methods of identifying structural damage are increasingly developed and<br>applied more easily in Structural Engineering. This paper applies the discretization of a structural<br>element of plate in finite elements and through comparisons of the static and dynamic responses of this<br>structure reaches an optimal solution for the inverse problem of damage identification. In order to<br>achieve the optimal solution, the second order optimization of Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno<br>(BFGS) and Davidon-Flecher-Powell (DFP) methods coupled to an objective function is used in this<br>paper, which deals with the solution in identification of internal damage to the structure, which will be<br>compared to each other, highlighting the one with the best efficiency in plate structure. The minimization<br>of the residuals between the static (displacement) and dynamic responses (natural frequencies of<br>vibration) between the predicted damages and the actual damage allows the observation of the structural<br>mechanical behavior and with it the identification of the damage in the structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING OF SHEAR-WALLS STRUCTURES2024-07-11T20:11:55+00:00Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Batista da Silvacarloshecv@gmail.comPetrus Gorgônio Bulhões da Nóbregapetrus.nobrega@gmail.comSelma Hissae Shimura da Nó<p>The consideration of the horizontal displacements and forces produced by lateral actions<br>such as wind or earthquake is mandatory for tall buildings. In order to reduce the effects generated by<br>bending and twisting of the building, structural systems known as "bracing" are used. As examples of<br>these systems, there are frames and shear-wall elements; this last one, usually located inside the<br>buildings, with a small thickness when compared to the other dimension of the cross section. The<br>Brazilian design of concrete structures standard code (NBR 6118:2014) has some procedures related<br>to the shear-walls analysis. Although the NBR 6118 considers it as a surface structure, this code<br>permits its representation by a linear element. This structural model simplification has advantages, but<br>nowadays, considering the wide access to computational softwares for structural analysis, it is<br>important to evaluate the shear-wall behavior and internal forces with more complex models. This<br>paper analyses several mathematical models with increasing degree of complexity (hierarchical<br>modeling) to simulate usual geometries of shear-walls such as rectangular, U, lipped-U and E sections,<br>evaluating their behavior by a Finite Elements code. The results were compared to those obtained from<br>the evaluation of a model considered more complex called the “comprehensive mathematical model”.<br>In addition, the main theoretical concepts of the hierarchical modelling are discussed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ESTATÍSTICA PARA REMOÇÃO DOS EFEITOS OPERACIONAIS DAS RESPOSTAS DINÂMICAS DE UMA TORRE DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES2024-07-11T20:14:44+00:00D. Ribeirodrr@isep.ipp.ptJ. Leitejleite.eng@gmail.comA. Meixedoameixedo@fe.up.ptN. Pintonpinto@fe.up.ptR. Calç<p>This paper describes a statistical methodology for removing the influence of operational<br>factors from the dynamic responses of a telecommunications tower. The characterization of the<br>dynamic responses of the structure, over a period of 3 months, was based on a continuous monitoring<br>system that included accelerometers and anemometers. The analysis of the results allowed to identify a<br>significant number of critical events, for which the dynamic response under wind action is amplified,<br>as well as sporadic events, associated with high peak acceleration values, due to the influence of<br>operational factors related to the lift movements, technical staff and equipment. Automatic<br>identification of critical events based on extreme acceleration values requires the prior removal of<br>operational effects from the records, which was performed using a methodology based on the crest<br>factor (CF) and autoregressive models (AR). The methodology demonstrated efficiency and<br>robustness in eliminating acceleration peaks due to operational factors, as well as being<br>computationally efficient, minimizing the possibility of false positives in the identification of critical<br>events. The developed methodology has potential be integrated in a Structural Health Monitoring<br>(SHM) system in order to evaluate the safety and operational conditions of the tower.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT NUMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF A MICROMECHANICS-BASED VISCOELASTIC MODEL FOR FRACTURED GEOMATERIALS2024-07-11T20:18:35+00:00Ricardo Haniel Moran Ramirezricardo.moran@ufrgs.brCassio B. de Aguiarcassio.barros.aguiar@gmail.comEduardo Bittencourteduardo.bittencourt@ufrgs.brSamir<p>The constitutive behavior of geomaterials is generally affected by the presence at different<br>scales of discontinuity surfaces with different sizes and orientations. According to their mechanical<br>behavior, such discontinuities can be distinguished as cracks or fractures. Fractures are interfaces that<br>can transmit normal and tangential stresses, whereas cracks are discontinuities without stress transfer.<br>As far as the formulation of the behavior of materials with isotropic distribution of micro-cracks or<br>fractures is concerned, previous works had essentially focused on their instantaneous response induced<br>by structural loading. Few research works have addressed time-dependent (delayed) behavior of such<br>materials. The present contribution describes the formulation and computational implementation of a<br>micromechanics-based modeling for viscoelastic micro-fractured media. The effective viscoelastic</p> <p>properties are assessed by implementing a reasoning based on linear homogenization schemes (Mori-<br>Tanaka) together with the correspondence principle for non-aging viscoelastic materials. It is shown</p> <p>that the homogenized viscoelastic behavior can be described by means of a generalized Maxwell<br>rheological model. The computational implementation is developed within the finite element<br>framework to analyze the delayed behavior of geomaterials with presence of isotropically distributed<br>micro-fractures under plane strain conditions. Several examples of applications are presented with the<br>aim to illustrate the performances of the finite element modeling. The accuracy of the approach is also<br>assessed by comparing the numerical predictions with analytical solutions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CRITERION FOR MICRO-FRACTURE PROPAGATION IN VISCOELASTIC MATERIALS2024-07-11T20:22:23+00:00Cássio B. Aguiarcassio.barros.aguiar@gmail.comSamir<p>Most of engineering materials exhibit natural or load-induced fractures, which strongly<br>affect both the instantaneous and delayed mechanical behaviors at macroscopic level. Unlike cracks,<br>fractures are mechanically regarded as interfaces able to transfer normal and tangential efforts. The<br>aim of this paper is to formulate the conditions for fracture propagation in randomly-micro-fractured<br>viscoelastic materials. The homogenized viscoelastic relaxation tensor was formulated by applying the<br>correspondence principle upon the already-known homogenized elastic stiffness tensor. Extending the<br>Griffith-like thermodynamic framework to the macroscopic viscoelastic context, the propagation<br>criterion is first formulated, once again comparing the energy release rate to the critical energy.<br>Mathematical evidences shows the energy release rate is written as the derivative of the macroscopic<br>elastic energy, written to the viscoelasticity, with respect to the parameter which represents the<br>damage in the macroscopic scale. Under certain conditions, the elastic energy derivative can be<br>simplified, being reduced only to an instantaneous term, leading to a simplified propagation criterion.<br>It was notably found that for constant strain loadings, the fracture propagation is exactly driven by<br>elastic components. Analyses performed for constant strain rates on specimen made of Burger solid<br>matrix show that the energy release rate increases from zero to a constant asymptotic value. This<br>asymptotic energy release rate is used in a time-independent propagation criterion, evidencing an<br>interval to initial damage parameter where the propagation is possible. The main contribution of<br>asymptotic energy release rate, however, refers to the estimative of final damage parameter after the<br>end of propagation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF EFFECTIVE THERMOELASTIC PROPERTIES OF PERIODIC COMPOSITES USING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL FINITE-VOLUME MODEL2024-07-11T20:24:51+00:00Camila S. Vieiramilavieira@gmail.comSeverino P. C.<p>The prediction of the effective thermomechanical behavior of composite materials has been<br>a matter of great interest over the last decades. This is justified because in many important industrial<br>applications such materials are subjected simultaneously to high thermal gradients and mechanical<br>loading. The level and distribution of the stress and strain produced by these actions are strongly<br>dependent on the microstructural details of the composite. This work presents a theoretical study on<br>the evaluation of the effective thermoelastic properties of composites with periodic microstructures.<br>The focused effective properties are the elastic moduli and thermal expansion coefficients. For this<br>end, it is applied a three-dimensional micromechanical model based on the parametric finite-volume<br>formulation. In the employed three-dimensional model, the repeating unit cell of the composite is<br>discretized into hexahedral subvolumes to capture the in situ microstructural details. The effective<br>thermal expansion coefficients are evaluated using the well-known Levin’s formula. To demonstrate<br>the efficiency of the homogenization model, numerical examples of periodic composites reinforced by</p> <p>short and long aligned fibers are presented and their results are compared with analytical and finite-<br>element solutions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TERMOMECÂNICA DE MATERIAIS COM GRADAÇÃO FUNCIONAL2024-07-11T20:27:07+00:00Diogo R. Ramos e SilvaDiogorramos2@gmail.comMarcelo S. Medeiros Juniormarcelomedeiros@ufc.brEvandro Parente<p>Materiais com gradac ̧ao funcional (MGF) foram primeiramente estudados no Japão no inicio<br>da decada de 1980. Esses materiais foram desenvolvidos para atuar como barreiras térmicas em reato- <br>res de fusao e na indústria aeroespacial, devido aos elevados gradientes de temperatura as quais estas <br>estruturas sao submetidas. Esse tipo de composito geralmente é formado por dois materiais, usualmente <br>ceramica e metal. O uso da ceramica proporciona melhor comportamento frente a cargas térmicas, <br>enquanto que melhores propriedades mecanicas são obtidas graças a matriz metálica. As fraçõees de <br>volume variam ao longo de uma direção predefinida para se obter o comportamento termomecanico desejado. Devido a variação das propriedades mecanicas, a obtenção de soluções analíticas para estru-<br>turas com MGFs se torna mais difícil, sendo necessaria a utilização de métodos numéricos para análise</p> <p>de estruturas com MGFs. Portanto, neste trabalho realiza-se um estudo sobre a aplicac ̧ao de MGFs a <br>placas submetidas a diferentes cargas mecanicas e térmicas. Para isso, são implementadas sub-rotinas<br>de usuario (UMAT e UMATHT) no programa de elementos finitos ABAQUS de forma a representar a <br>variação espacial das propriedades termomecanicas. Diferentes métodos de homogeneização são utiliza- <br>dos para avaliar as propriedades efetivas desses compositos como função das frações de volume. Neste <br>trabalho, as cargas mecanicas e térmicas são aplicadas e os resultados são comparados com soluções<br>anal ́ıticas encontradas na literatura, as quais consideram o desacoplamento entre os campos termico e ́<br>mecanico. Após a validação, realiza-se um estudo parametrico que considera diferentes métodos de <br>homogeneização e frações de volume.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY ON EFFECTIVE THERMAL CONDUCTIVITIES OF PERIODIC COMPOSITES REINFORCED BY UNIDIRECTIONAL LONG FIBERS2024-07-11T20:35:33+00:00Eduardo N. Lagesenl@ctec.ufal.brSeverino P. C.<p>Due to their excellent physical properties, the composite materials have achieved an<br>increasing field of industrial applications over the last decades. In many of these applications such<br>materials are subjected to high thermal gradients which can generate critical stresses and strains. The<br>magnitude and distribution of the thermal fields induced inside a device or structural element have<br>strong dependency on the composite microstructure. For the analysis and design of these composite<br>systems under thermomechanical loading, the effective thermal conductivity of the material is a<br>property of paramount importance. This effective property depends on many microstructural details,<br>such as, volume fractions and thermal conductivities of the constituent phases, geometrical shapes and<br>distribution of the fibers, among others. The present work consists in a theoretical investigation on the<br>influences of the cross section geometry and volume fraction of the fibers and the contrast between<br>thermal conductivities of the phases of unidirectional periodic fiber reinforced composites. To develop<br>the study, a semi-analytical model expressed in terms of Fourier series and based on the thermal<br>equivalent inclusion strategy is employed. Those mentioned influences are illustrated and discussed<br>for several numerical examples. Results obtained by other homogenization procedures available in the<br>literature are also presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the model used in the study.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND MICROMECHANICAL APPROACH TO ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF PERVIOUS CONCRETE2024-07-11T20:37:49+00:00Vanessa F. Pasa Dutrapasa.dutra@ufrgs.brSamir Maghoussamir.maghous@ufrgs.brAngelo S. Pessuttoangelo.pessutto@gmail.comBruna Gonç<p>Pervious concrete refers to a material composed by Portland cement, coarse aggregate, little<br>or none fine aggregate, water and, at times, additives and additions. The pervious concrete porosity<br>affects its elastic properties, as pointed by available studies. In the perspective of a wide use, a<br>comprehensive formulation of the corresponding behavior is necessary. In this context, the present<br>study describes a micromechanical model for the macroscopic elastic properties of the pervious<br>concrete. Reasoning on the representative elementary volume (REV) of such a composite, the overall<br>elastic characteristics are determined from the knowledge of the elastic properties of its constituents<br>(aggregate + cement paste + pores). Moreover, aiming the comprehension of the elastic and strength<br>behaviors of pervious concrete produced with local supplies (Porto Alegre, RS), this work evaluates<br>experimentally the following parameters: elastic modulus and uniaxial compressive strength. The<br>results show how the elastic properties are related to the porosity of pervious concrete produced with<br>local materials and confirm the possibility of estimating the elastic properties through the<br>micromechanical approach.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CODE TO COMPUTE PERMEABILITY OF POROUS MATERIALS USING HOMOGENIZATION, MICRO-CT AND FEM2024-07-11T20:41:28+00:00Rafael S. Viannarafaelvianna@id.uff.brAlexsander M. Cunhaamarciano@id.uff.brRodrigo R. B. V. Azeredorbagueira@id.uff.brRicardo Leidermanleider@ic.uff.brAndre M. B.<p>In this work, we present a description of the method and an educational program to<br>determine permeability of a porous media considering the microstructure of pores provided by micro<br>computed tomography (micro-CT) images using numerical homogenization based on finite element<br>(FE) implementation. Permeability is a very important parameter for transport analysis that is<br>commonly determined in laboratorial tests using the Darcy’s law. However, laboratorial tests can be<br>expensive, time-consuming and do not offer a deep understanding of the internal structure of the<br>material. An alternative and efficient strategy to determine permeability of porous materials<br>considering their microstructures is by means of numerical homogenization technique. In this strategy,<br>determining permeability requires dealing with a multiscale problem, where the determination of the<br>macro parameter relies on the simulation of a fluid flowing through canals created by connected pores<br>presented in the material’s internal microstructure. This paper aims to explain how to model a Stokes<br>flow through the porous media using FE code implemented in MatLab/Octave to compute materials’<br>permeability. The boundary value problem is modeled with periodic boundary conditions and a unit<br>gradient pressure applied in the desired direction to obtain the macro parameter. The velocity field<br>caused by the prescribed pressure gradient is determined solving the Stokes equation. Lastly, the micro<br>and macro scales are linked together with the average volume flow rate and the unit pressure gradient<br>using Darcy’s law. The accuracy of the method depends on reliable computational models, therefore<br>micro-CT has an important role in numerical homogenization generating representative virtual models<br>for numerical simulations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODE LOCALIZATION PHENOMENON IN TURBINES BLADES2024-07-11T21:16:58+00:00Gabriel M. M. L. R. F. C.<p>We present a numerical study of vibration modes localization phenomenon in blades of<br>aeronautical turbines. This kind of equipment is an example of a class of structures called periodic, that<br>are composed of a sequence of a large number of nominally identical substructures, the blades<br>themselves, lightly coupled by their hub. In the case they are really equal, the vibration modes will<br>extend to the whole set of substructures. If, as is to be expected of real machinery, there are very small<br>differences between the dynamic characteristics of the blades (stiffness, mass etc.), the mode localization<br>phenomenon may occur.<br>For localized modes, energy may get to be restricted to very few or even a single one of the substructures,<br>the turbine blades. This unexpected behavior may lead to catastrophic failure of the affected part due to<br>excessive vibration amplitude or accelerated fatigue considerations.<br>Our work is carried out using matrix structural analysis and we consider real geometric characteristics<br>of jet turbine motors for a more accurate modelling. Geometric stiffness due to traction centrifugal forces<br>are also taken into account, as such turbines rotate at very high frequencies. A case study of a N2 turbine<br>of the CFM56 engine is presented.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DIFFERENCES FOR PLATES MODAL ANALYSIS2024-07-11T21:19:45+00:00Adson Batistabatistaadson@gmail.comReyolando M.L.R.F.<p>Plates are flat structural members with a thickness much less than the other two dimensions,<br>loaded in the direction perpendicular to the plane containing these two larger lengths. In case the<br>thickness does not exceed 1/10 of the other dimensions, these structures are called thin plates. In this<br>case, it is possible to adopt the so-called classical thin plate theory of plate dynamics, developed by<br>Lagrange / Sophie-Germain, in which Kirchhoff's hypotheses are given as valid. Due to the difficulty of<br>obtaining analytical solutions for the differential equations that govern this structural model, and to the<br>advancement of software and computational hardware, numerical methods have been used in the<br>modeling of this type of structural system. Our objective in this paper is to present modal analysis of<br>aircraft plates using a computer implementation of the Central Finite Differences Method. The<br>numerical results will be compared to solutions available in the literature. The numerical method of<br>finite differences is an approach to obtain the approximation of the solution of differential equations.<br>The basic idea of this method is to transform the resolution of a differential equation into a system of<br>algebraic equations, replacing the derivatives by differences.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF DYNAMIC LARGE DISPLACEMENTS OF HALE AIRCRAFT WINGS2024-07-11T21:23:11+00:00Reyolando M.L.R.F. F. Picchilucaspicchi@gmail.comAmanda P.<p>We revisit a classical structural engineering problem, fist solved by Euler and Bernoulli, that<br>of large transversal displacements of cantilever beams. Their pioneering work, in the 16th century,<br>stablished that curvature is proportional to the applied bending moment. In this context, many posterior<br>authors simplified the resulting differential equation by assuming that, for small displacements, this<br>curvature could be taken as the second partial derivative of the beam’s axis transversal displacement<br>with respect to the its longitudinal coordinate. This assumption may be adequate for Civil, Naval and<br>Mechanical Engineering usual purposes, as in these fields of application such displacements are usually<br>small. In recent aerospace applications this assumption is no long acceptable. HALE (High-Altitude<br>Long-Endurance) aircraft wings are known to undergo large flexural displacements, due to their<br>relatively small stiffness. Further, they are usually built of new high technology flexible materials. Thus,<br>it is a design necessity to evaluate its deformed shape along time as it interferes with aeroelastic and<br>aerodynamic concerns. In this paper, we present a simple, low cost, numerical solutions of the exact<br>Euler-Bernoulli differential equation of the “elastica”, to be compared to contemporaneous nonlinear<br>large-scale Finite Element models via available either academic or commercial codes. The proposed<br>algorithms basically numerically integrates the exact Euler-Bernolli differential equation using the<br>MATLAB ode 45 code. The goal is always simulation of the dynamic behavior of such aircraft wings<br>under turbulent aerodynamic excitation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF AXIAL FORCE ON THE DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF A BEAM SUPPORTING A ROTATING MACHINE2024-07-11T21:25:51+00:00Flávio José Garzerifj.garzeri@gmail.comReyolando M.L.R.F.<p>We present an experimental study of the effects of geometric nonlinearities on<br>vibrations of rotating machines support structures. Dynamic characteristics of structures depend on<br>their stiffness, damping and mass. The initial stiffness of a structure, computed in its unloaded state, is<br>affected by the applied forces, the so-called geometric stiffness. Compressive forces reduce the<br>stiffness and the frequencies and may lead to buckling, for zero frequencies.<br>In bases of machines excited by the supported equipment, vibrations may affect the structures but,<br>in general, they may generate damage to the suspended equipment and the quality of the production.<br>Although machine support structures are, as a rule, very bulky, little affected by geometric<br>stiffness considerations, the tendency of modern structural engineering, especially in aerospace<br>applications, is towards slender members, due to more efficient materials and powerful analysis tools.<br>Here we study these effects via experimental methods designed to evaluate previous<br>mathematical models. Our model is a metal beam under compression supporting a DC motor. We<br>suppose the original design provided natural frequencies away from the excitation frequency.<br>Nevertheless, the presence of large axial compressive force will reduce the beam stiffness and natural<br>frequencies leading to unexpected, potentially dangerous resonance states.<br>Experimental imperfections led to observation of interesting phenomena not predicted in our<br>previous theoretical and numerical studies. We also observe, as expected, occurrence of the so called<br>Sommerfeld Effect, when underpowered excitation sources get their rotation regime stuck at<br>resonances.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THRUST EFFECTS ON DIRECTIONAL STABILITY OF A SIMPLIFIED 2-DOF MODEL OF AN ELASTIC ROCKET STRUCTURE2024-07-11T21:28:05+00:00Leandro M. L. R. F.<p>A simplified model of a rocket structure by means of a 2-DOF, lumped parameter Beck<br>column analogue was studied through stability analysis by Lyapunov’s first method linearization of the<br>equations of motion around equilibrium under different thrust intensities and spring constants. The<br>equations of motion were generated from the analytical differentiation of the Lagrange’s equations<br>with dissipative effects lumped into a Rayleigh function and external forces represented by the action<br>of a single follower force, which is tangent to the nozzle.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ATTITUDE CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERING FUEL SLOSH DYNAMICS AND PARAMETERS ESTIMATION2024-07-11T21:30:16+00:00Alain G Souzagiacobin@ita.brLuiz C Gadelha de<p>The design of the satellite Attitude Control System (ACS) becomes more complex when the<br>satellite structure has great number of components like, flexible solar panels and antennas, mechanical<br>manipulators and tanks with fuel. Besides, the ACS performance and robustness depend on the effects<br>of dynamics interaction between these components being considered in the satellite controller design.<br>When the satellite is performing a translational and/or rotational maneuver the fuel slosh motion can<br>change the center of mass position damaging the ACS accuracy. Therefore, controller performance and<br>robustness depend not only on a good control technique but also on the knowledge of the system<br>interactions characteristics. In this paper one apply the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) technique to<br>designs the ACS for a rigid satellite with a partially filled fuel tank taking into account the slosh<br>dynamics using mechanical analogies type pendulum. During the LQR controller design some physical<br>parameters of the system are estimated using the Kalman filter technique. The focus of the estimation is<br>the length of the pendulum which represents the sloshing dynamics. The investigation is performed<br>considering planar maneuver of the satellite caused by fixed thruster.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DYNAMIC STUDY OF A SIMPLIFIED SOLAR SAIL STRUCTURE2024-07-11T21:32:21+00:00Lucas Sardinha de Arrudaarrudalucas@usp.brReyolando M.L.R.F<p>We propose a nonlinear dynamic study of a solar sail model, to understand the structural<br>response of large lightweight appendages in space environment and to set an adequate procedure to<br>simulate one. Initially, a static linear/nonlinear analysis is carried out using the commercial software<br>ABAQUS® and an implemented nonlinear algorithm to determine the limit conditions of this structure.<br>After that, we perform a dynamic simulation in order to determine the real impact of the nonlinear<br>assumption in the final response of this lightweight model. The numerical algorithm is written in<br>MATLAB® language and based on a ‘composite scheme’, where the first sub-step solution is obtained<br>via the trapezoidal rule, and for the second sub-step solution, a 3-point Euler backward formula is<br>employed. The dynamic equilibrium at each load step is achieved via a path following methodology,<br>seeking to solve the nonlinear systems of equations derived from the time integration procedure. The<br>proposed 450m2</p> <p>solar sail is modelled as a kite-shape structure, consisting of four-swallow lattice<br>members kept in the cross configuration by guyed cables, each one modeled with nonlinear space truss<br>elements. To represent working conditions, solar wind pressure is applied at the upmost elements of<br>the lattice members in conjunction with a set of concentrated forces at the corners of the cross<br>configuration to represent the cables linking the appendage to a supposed mother spacecraft/satellite.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS STUDY OF AIRCRAFT SEAT CONFIGURATION FOR CRASHWORTHINESS2024-07-11T21:34:22+00:00Lucas T. Fariasfarias.formula@gmail.comFábio Matiellofabio.sangali@gmail.comRogério J.<p>Every day, around 180,000 commercial flights transport people to all parts of the globe.<br>Although the airplane is one of the safest means of transportation, it is well known that when accidents<br>occur many lives are at risk. Through dynamic simulation, these situations can be computationally<br>modeled to understand the forces, velocities, displacements, and accelerations acting at the plane<br>components/ passenger model and more suitable materials, convenient geometries and seat structures<br>can be tested/ improved to increase passenger’s safety. In the present work, a specific guideline is<br>developed in the software LS-DYNA for those who are interested in this type of research. From<br>import/create the aircraft CAD seat geometry, meshing the model, dummy positioning, belt fitting,<br>contact definitions, setting the boundary conditions and model parametrization, to post-processing, a<br>simple example is given showing the step by step procedure to model an aircraft seat with a dummy in<br>emergency landing conditions. The result is to obtain the head injury criterion (HIC) for this example<br>and compare with the ones found in literature, showing the importance of studying passenger's safety<br>and keep improving their survival conditions in emergency landing situations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING AND DYNAMICS OF TWO TETHERED SATELLITES: RIGID BODY APPROACH2024-07-11T21:36:56+00:00André Monteiro<p>A two-dimensional nonlinear mathematical model for two tethered satellites is developed.<br>This complex system comprises of a long cable (also known as tether or, in this case, space tether)<br>connecting two masses (satellites). Tethered satellites can be used in a variety of space applications<br>such as electrodynamic propulsion, energy harvesting, momentum exchange, artificial gravity, etc. As<br>a first rough mathematical model, the cable connecting the satellites is approximated by two<br>connecting rod-like rigid bodies. If these rods are not aligned, it is assumed that the cable is not<br>stretched (i.e. the cable is not under tension). This is an undesirable situation for this type of system.<br>The whole system is allowed to rotate and translate only on a two-dimensional space. The set of<br>ordinary differential governing equations of motion are obtained using the Lagrange ́s equations<br>approach. These nonlinear equations are numerically integrated and the dynamics of the system is<br>investigated under several practical circumstances.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FOR "DISTANCE-STABLE" ORBITS FOR A SPACECRAFT TO OBSERVE THE TRIPLE ASTEROID 2001SN2632024-07-11T21:40:41+00:00Antonio F. B. A.<p>Missions to asteroids are very popular in current space research, for many reasons. In the<br>scientific side, it is believed that some asteroids have information about the original cloud of particles<br>that formed the Solar System in the past. There are also commercial reasons, with a large interest in<br>exploring minerals from asteroids, and even planetary defense related studies, searching for<br>alternatives to avoid a collision of an asteroid with the Earth. The objective of the present paper is to<br>search for stable orbits to locate a spacecraft that has the goal of observing the triple system of<br>asteroids 2001SN263. This is a very interesting system and a very good candidate to receive a<br>spacecraft. Trajectories near the primary body, in the middle of the orbits of both smaller bodies of the<br>system and outside the orbit of the external satellite body are investigated. A new definition of<br>stability for the orbit is made, with a very practical goal, which is to keep the spacecraft-primary body<br>distance inside a given interval. We called this type of stability "Distance-Stability". Preferred orbits<br>are found in the three regions studied, and a physical explanation is made, based in the integral of the<br>accelerations received by the spacecraft.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE APPROACHING TRAJECTORIES FOR LANDING ON THE ASTEROID 216 KLEOPATRA2024-07-11T21:42:34+00:00Evandro Marconi<p>The goal of this work is to evaluate some orbital trajectories seeking the approaching for<br>landing on surface of the asteroid 216 Kleopatra. This asteroid, discovered by Johann Palisa in 1880,<br>has a very irregular shape with approximate dimensions of 217 x 94 x 81 km. Due to its shape, the<br>gravitational field around the asteroid cannot be considered central. Thus, a spacecraft approaching the<br>asteroid is subject to orbital perturbations, which can hinder the vehicle to describe the nominal<br>trajectory. In maneuvers for approach and landing, the trajectory deviations may result in very high<br>approach velocities, making impossible the soft landing on the surface of the asteroid. In addition, the<br>rotation of the asteroid is another difficulty for missions aimed at the soft landing. Due to the irregular<br>shape of the asteroid the relative distance between the surface and the spacecraft varies significantly<br>depending on the orbital plane adopted for the trajectory. In this work, the intention is to evaluate,<br>through numerical simulations, orbits of a spacecraft around the asteroid Kleopatra more appropriate<br>to get closer to the asteroid in order to minimize the relative velocity between the surface and the<br>spacecraft. For this, was used a polyhedral model of the asteroid's volume, based on radar<br>measurements from the Arecibo Observatory, to model the non-central gravitational field generated by<br>the heterogeneous mass distribution of the asteroid. Using the model of the gravitational field and the<br>simulation environment Spacecraft Trajectory Simulator (STRS), several approach paths were<br>simulated and compared in order to assist the choice of trajectories, considering the minimum value<br>for the velocity with respect to the surface at the point of the trajectory with minimum altitude.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SUB-OPTIMAL SDRE CONTROL SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE BY DEFINING A SET OF RANDOM WEIGHTING MATRICES2024-07-11T21:44:26+00:00Leonardo M.<p>It is well known that the design of a huge class of non-linear control systems depends heavily<br>on the state-space representation of the to-be-controlled system. So, the task of choosing appropriate<br>control parameters for the nonlinear system’s stability and performance requirements tends to be time<br>consuming, tedious and relies mostly on the designer’s experience. The work presented here evaluates the<br>system performance using sets of random weighting matrices as input for the feedback control technique<br>based on the State-Dependent-Riccati-Equation (SDRE). These randomly generated sets are obtained by<br>using Monte Carlo sampling and UQLab, then evaluated using numerical simulations of two one degree<br>of freedom strongly non-linear systems and a slewing flexible structure. The results showed that these<br>sets serve as an interesting tool to map controllable regions of interest while allowing the designer to<br>visualize the effects of these weights on the system’s constraints and the performance requirements of<br>the systems response.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING, LINEAR CONTROL AND CONTACT DYNAMICS OF A UN- DERWATER VEHICLE WITH 2 DEGREES OF FREEDOM2024-07-11T21:46:37+00:00Eduardo dos Santos<p>This paper investigates the contact dynamics of a hybrid underwater vehicle operated remotely.<br>In this first model, the vehicle has two degrees of freedom, executing the movement of submersion and<br>rotation around it‘s center of mass. The main activity of such vehicle is to perform inspections on<br>underwater and naval structures. For this, it is equipped with a set of motorized tracks. In this model,<br>two points of contact will be considered along the length of the motorized tracks. Each of these points,<br>when in contact, caracterizes a solution to the problem. The contact occurs on horizontal surface with<br>complicity. To analyze this phenomenon will be using the Lagrange multipliers method to compute the<br>contact force at each point of contact of the motorized tracks. In order to control the angular position<br>of the vehicle, a control law will be proposed based on the LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator) control<br>methodology, the purpose of this control law is to provide that the two contact points established on the<br>vehicle‘s motorized tracks will simultaneously contact or ensure that vehicle contacts the surface through<br>one of these points.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONTROLLER DESIGN OF THE BRAZILIAN SATELLITE LAUNCHER VIA HYBRID NEURAL-GENETIC APPROACH2024-07-11T21:48:38+00:00Paulo R. Silvapaulosilva14@aluno.uema.brIvanildo S. Abreuivanildoabreu@professor.uema.brHenrique M. C. do<p>This work proposes the design of an attitude controller for the Brazilian launching vehicle via<br>mode-selection using a hybrid neural-genetic method. Given the high complexity of the rocket dynamic<br>equations, the model was linearised and minimized with a model order reduction technique, in particular<br>mode-selection. The hybrid approach performs the weighting matrices search of the linear quadratic<br>(LQ) method and the solution of the Algebraic Riccati Equation (ARE) that leads to the attitude controller<br>gains. The performance analysis of the reduced order model and the designed controller was performed<br>in the frequency and time domain, while the hybrid neural-genetic approach was evaluated through fitness<br>function and energy and infinity norms, respectively. The proposed controller reached the time domain<br>specifications, i.e. rise time, settling time and overshoot for the maximum dynamic pressure instant. The<br>results suggest that the hybrid approach could speed up the attitude controller design process of Brazilian<br>launchers, reducing costs and re-design possibility.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF WING PLATE MODEL.2024-07-11T21:51:12+00:00Barreto<p>The development of thin plate theory was due to the evolution of engineering that<br>continually needed to improve the mode of analysis of elements in a plate. In 1888 Augustus Edward</p> <p>Hough Love (Weston-Super-Mare, 1863 - 1940) used Kirchhoff's hypothesis to determine a two-<br>dimensional mathematical model for the determination of stresses and deformations in thin plates</p> <p>subjected to forces and moments, assuming a surface plane. Average can be used to represent a three-<br>dimensional plate in two-dimensional form (LOVE, 1897). As the flat plate theory has been refined by</p> <p>adding new methods of analysis and theories, the approximation of equations by a discrete point<br>system in spacetime has become a fundamental necessity, the most common methods being: 1.<br>Volume Method Finite; 2. Finite Element Method and 3. Finite Difference Method. Equations can be<br>written in different forms depending on the coordinate system, such as Cartesian, cylindrical,<br>spherical, curvilinear, orthogonal, and non-orthogonal curvilinear. The present work had as main<br>motivation the comparison between two (2) different methods of analysis of flat plates of thickness t /<br>a << 1, where “t” is the thickness and “a” the largest dimension of the plate, with the configuration<br>Free-Free-Embossed Edges (LLLE). Thus, the objectives of this work are the assembly of an analysis<br>system using accelerometers (Model MPU 6050) in meshes (5x8 points) to verify the displacement of<br>x, y and z coordinates, spread over forty (40) points forming a mesh, and two (2) points with Geokon<br>@ 4150 vibrating string sensors horizontally and vertically.With these sensors it was possible to verify<br>the plate displacement dimension for both methods, as well as the difference between the experimental<br>analysis methods and their applicability in other projects.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONTROL OF SATELLITE WITH PROPELLANT SLOSHING DYNAMICS2024-07-11T21:53:14+00:00Victoria de Souza<p>Space vehicles can carry large amounts of liquid propellant in their tanks, especially</p> <p>when performing interplanetary missions. When these tanks are not completely filled, the move-<br>ment of the vehicle excites the propellant such that the free surface of the liquid describes an</p> <p>oscillatory movement. This movement confined inside the tank is known as sloshing. Depend-<br>ing on the type of excitation and the geometry of the tank, the liquid sloshing may have an</p> <p>infinite number of natural frequencies; these frequencies tend, in turn, to excite the movement<br>of the vehicle and, consequently, affect attitude control. This paper investigates the attitude<br>control of a satellite, modeled as a rigid body, whose motion is coupled with the slosh effect<br>of the liquid propellant in its interior, represented by an equivalent mechanical model, in this<br>case a simple pendulum. The equations of motion are obtained through Lagrangian formalism.<br>The excitation frequency is assumed to be remote from resonance. Only small amplitudes of</p> <p>oscillation are allowed for the pendulum, so that the free surface remains planar without rota-<br>tion of its nodal diameter. Attitude control is investigated for different volumes of liquid in the</p> <p>tank. The control technique used is the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and the results are<br>obtained numerically.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Optimization for Elastic Analysis of 3D Structures using Evolutionary Methods2024-07-11T21:55:31+00:00Hélio Luiz Simonettihéério Silva Almeidavalerio.almeida@pq.cnpq.brFrancisco de Assis das Del Duca<p>This work aims at the study and application of Topology Optimization (TO) in problems of<br>elasticity for the determination of the final configuration in 3D structures using the criterion of minimum<br>compliance, seeking the minimization of volume and maintaining its rigidity. The methods of<br>evolutionary structural optimization employed are: a) Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP);<br>b) Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO); c) Smoothing Evolutionary Structural Optimization<br>(SESO) and d) Sequential Element Rejection and Admission (SERA) which are based on the systematic<br>and gradual removal of the elements following a set of sensitivity criteria. For this, all the methods are<br>implemented in Matlab software and numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the ability of the<br>proposed methods to solve 3D topology problems, presenting the difference in computational time<br>among them.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF PREFABRICATED PILES2024-07-11T22:00:59+00:00Lucas Estrela Portigolucasestrelaportigo@hotmail.comMarcelo Araujo da<p>The prefabricated foundations of concrete are deep piles driven in situ with a high-quality<br>concrete, due to its regularized and controlled production at factories. This concrete can be reinforced<br>or prestressed so it can resist flexure, traction and shear force within the soil, and even during the<br>transport and handling. The prefabricated pile to be treated in this current study is the centrifuged pile,<br>which has a circular hollow section. This type of piles has a high-quality concrete, less self-weight,<br>cheap cost of machinery (pile driver) and dispensable digging. Under the eyes of sustainability,<br>nowadays people concern a lot about the reduction of construction supplies, avoiding the excessive<br>waste of those. The objective of this research is to optimize the calculus of prefabricated concrete piles<br>sizing with circular hollow section to minimize the involved components, consequently reducing the<br>final cost of the item. In the optimization problem, the project variables are the diameter, the thickness<br>and the length of the piles, the objection function is the volume, and the project constraints are defined<br>by the ABNT norms. Therefore, in order to optimize, it’s needed to evaluate the bearing loads, and the<br>soil and pile structure resistance, searching for an optimal cost, ensuring the safety of the construction<br>with less consumption of steel and concrete, attending to the project constraints. Thus, will be used the<br>Excel’s function SOLVER, allied with the semiempirical methods described by Aoki-Velloso (1975)<br>and Décourt-Quaresma (1978) to obtain optimal project values.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO TOPOLÓGICA DE UMA LONGARINA UTILIZANDO-SE O PROGRAMA MATLAB E COMPARAÇÃO DOS RESULTADOS COM O SOFTWARE ANSYS.2024-07-11T22:03:09+00:00Júlia da Silva Araujo da<p>O presente trabalho visa estudar e determinar computacionalmente a otimização de<br>estruturas aeronáuticas, determinando o máximo de material a ser retirado da estrutura com<br>confiabilidade e segurança. Para isso, o elemento estrutural de alumínio pertencente a longarina de<br>uma asa, formato I será otimizado através de um algoritmo de elementos finitos implementado em<br>Matlab e os resultados comparados aos do software Ansys. Primeiramente, a estrutura será<br>discretizada através dos elementos finitos, logo após serão determinados os carregamentos e<br>parâmetros como tensão, deformação e deslocamento, para que a análise estrutural seja realizada,<br>respeitando os parâmetros desejados.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO TOPOLÓGICA DE UMA AERONAVE UTILIZANDO O SOFTWARE AUTODESK INVENTOR2024-07-11T22:05:13+00:00Paulo Henrique Matavelli Araujo da<p>This work intends to perform the topological optimization of the Cessna 172 Skyhawk<br>aircraft, with the objective of reduce its mass, using the software Autodesk Inventor. Given a choice<br>among several options, the optimization is related to the choice that is the best possible, considering<br>criteria and limitations, such as available resources and design requirements, which directly impact<br>the analysis, manufacturing, sales research and development of the design of an aeronautical product<br>(Silva and Brazil, 2017) [1.] After structural and performance studies, each part of the chosen aircraft<br>will be modelled in the Autodesk Inventor software. Boundary conditions and loading applications will<br>be carried out, simulating different flight assumptions, in order to make optimization consistent with<br>the reality; afterwards, the topological optimization will be carried out in this software, followed by<br>analysis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ABSORBERS FOR APPLICATION TO THE CASING OF EXPERIMENTAL ROCKETS2024-07-11T22:07:24+00:00Willian Kenji Takaracywk.takaracy@hotmail.comMarcelo Araujo da<p>This project had an intent to research and determine materials with good damping<br>characteristics that serve as impact absorber.The materials determined here can serve as the inner<br>casing of experimental rockets, minimizing the damage caused by impacts to the ground to the ejected<br>capsules, aiming the reuse of internal components. A mathematical model with a degree of freedom<br>was used, which shows the spring, the damping and the mass of the capsule. The dynamic loading was<br>due to the impact on the ground. The elastic, damping and inertial forces were considered. The goal<br>was to minimize the acceleration of the part through the use of materials that could serve as the inner<br>lining of these rockets. Several materials were researched, with the objective of determining its<br>modulus of elasticity, coefficient of internal damping and density. A material with a high density, or a<br>low damping factor, is not desirable. Once these properties were determined, they were introduced in<br>the mathematical model to verify the ones that produce the most acceleration reduction after impact.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE FORMULAÇÕES DE PROBLEMAS DE CONFIABILIDADE ESTRUTURAL2024-07-11T22:09:21+00:00Marcelo Araujo da<p>A formulação clássica dos problemas de confiabilidade estrutural, como aquela utilizada nos<br>métodos GRG (Generalized Reduced Gradient) e FORM (First Order Reliability Method), é definida<br>através de um problema de otimização, onde se tem as variáveis aleatórias como variáveis de projeto,<br>o índice de confiabilidade como a função objetivo e a restrição de igualdade dada pela função de<br>performance, calculada como a margem de segurança. O índice de confiabilidade pode ser definido<br>como a menor distância, no espaço das variáveis reduzidas, entre a função de performance e a origem<br>do sistema. Então o problema de confiabilidade é usualmente formulado como: determinar as variáveis<br>de projeto (variáveis aleatórias) que minimizem a função objetivo (índice de confiabilidade) sujeito à<br>restrição de igualdade (margem de segurança). Como a função objetivo é a distância do projeto até a<br>origem, no espaço das variáveis reduzidas, não importa na equação se estas variáveis apresentam<br>valores positivos ou negativos. Este fato pode trazer problemas para a solução, pois o sinal destas<br>variáveis interfere significativamente no cômputo da probabilidade de falha do modelo analisado.<br>Serão mostrados exemplos onde esta formulação não é válida. Conclui-se no trabalho que as<br>formulações mais adequadas são aquelas baseadas na definição do índice de confiabilidade como<br>sendo a razão entre a média e o desvio padrão da função de desempenho. Formulações como o<br>Processo de Monte Carlo (MC) usam esta definição e, portanto, não causam prejuízos aos resultados<br>obtidos, sendo mais confiáveis, principalmente em problemas mais complexos, com um número<br>significativo de variáveis aleatórias. Serão apresentados exemplos com a utilização do método GRG e<br>do Processo de Monte Carlo e mostradas as discrepâncias daquele e dos resultados coerentes dados<br>por este em alguns problemas clássicos. Sugestões para estudos futuros também serão apresentadas.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MATERIAL DESIGN THROUGH STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION APPROACH2024-07-11T22:11:15+00:00Cícero Ribeiro de<p>Unlike conventional materials, an auxetic material has negative Poisson’s ratio, that is, it<br>increases the size of its cross-section when is under traction and decrease when is compressed. The<br>auxetic structural behavior can provide many benefits, since the structural material may acquire<br>notable mechanical properties, such as increased resistance to impact. Due to this improved impact<br>absorption capacity, the auxetic materials have great potential for use in the aerospace structures. In<br>this work, parametric optimization has been applied to develop a re-entrant structure (periodic cell)<br>that simulates the behavior of the auxetic material microstructure. Thus, the auxetic behavior arises<br>from the mechanism deformation of geometric configuration of the re-entrant structure. The main<br>motivation of this work is to contributes with a more systematic methodology to design of the auxetic<br>structures, make it independent of the designer expertise. Some 3D re-entrant auxetic structures of the<br>literature are adopted as initial design domain and a parametric optimization is carried out to obtain<br>optimized dimensional configurations for the geometry of the auxetic structure. Dimensional<br>parameters of the domain, such as angles, wall thickness, height, and width, are considered as design<br>variables in the optimization problem, in which the objective function is formulated to maximize de<br>behavior of the auxetic structure (negative Poisson’s ratio). Computational simulations of finite<br>element models are carried out to evaluate the optimized auxetic structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A NOVEL FRAMEWORK FOR SEQUENTIAL COUPLING OF RESERVOIR, WELLS, AND SURFACE FACILITIES2024-07-11T22:25:55+00:00Alireza Bigdelialirezabigdeli71@gmail.comIvens Da Costa Menezes Sepehrnoorikamys@mail.utexas.eduFrancisco<p>Petroleum production systems consist of three individual elements that are operating together:<br>reservoir, wells, and surface facilities. Design, construction, and maintenance of surface facilities for<br>hydrocarbon production require realistic simulation studies. These studies become much more realistic<br>when well and surface facilities are simulated together with the reservoir. In this work, a literature survey<br>was performed and different coupling approaches were discussed. Then, the new framework was<br>introduced as a tool for coupling the reservoir, well and surface facility using the in-house UTCOMP<br>simulator. UTCOMP is a compositional simulator, which has been developed at The University of Texas<br>at Austin. This formulation is designed to use flow tables in order to compute wells and surface facility<br>interactions. The presented framework enabled UTCOMP to read surface facilities data, which were<br>generated by a commercial simulator. Some new software was developed to read and compare the flow<br>table’s data and enable surface facility option within UTCOMP. In this study, the new features added to<br>UTCOMP were: (a) inserting a new flow table option, (b) including surface pipelines length and<br>diameter, (c) calculation of operational condition like gas-oil ratio and water-oil ratio at the surface<br>condition and (d) an output file for surface facilities information. Also, we show results of two case<br>studies. Using the developed tool, we are able to understand the behavior of petroleum production<br>systems and identify the main factors that affect production operations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TO ACCELERATE EXPLICIT INTEGRATION BETWEEN RESERVOIR AND PRODUCTION SYSTEM SIMULATORS2024-07-11T22:29:24+00:00João Carlos von Hohendorff Filhohohendorff@cepetro.unicamp.brDenis José<p>Integrated models are needed in some situations to analyze the interaction between<br>reservoirs and production system models. However, the dynamics of the two systems is different and<br>there are situations in which the production system response is very similar over time. The aim of this<br>work is to propose a more efficient interaction between the simulators, avoiding repetitions, reducing<br>the total time of the numerical coupling and accelerating the decision making process for the field. The<br>methodology of this work proposes a proxy model for the production system, similarly to that done in<br>decoupled approach with VLP (Vertical Lift Performance) tables previously generated, but with the<br>proxy model being generated during the integrated simulation using explicit coupling. Integration with<br>proxy model obtained total time values close to those obtained with the use of VLP tables previously<br>generated, showing an efficient way of efficient interaction between the reservoir and production<br>system simulators for the explicit coupling approach, without the need to run unnecessary values, as<br>done in the generation of VLP tables.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DA LOCAÇÃO DE POÇOS EM RESERVATÓRIOS DE PETRÓLEO UTILIZANDO MODELOS SUBSTITUTOS E ALGORITMOS GENETICOS2024-07-11T22:31:52+00:00Matheus Alves Garridomatheus.agarrido@gmail.comSilvana M. B. Afonsosmb@ufpe.brLeonardo Correia de<p>O desenvolvimento de um reservatorio de petr ́ oleo envolve diversas vari ́ aveis, sendo o seu ́<br>desempenho altamente dependente de escolhas otimas por parte de seus operadores. Dentre aquelas, se ́<br>destaca a localizac ̧ao de poc ̧os, visando um maior varrido do fluido de interesse e menor produc ̧ ̃ ao de ̃<br>agua durante a vida produtiva do campo. O objetivo deste trabalho ́ e maximizar o valor presente l ́ ́ıquido<br>(VPL) de um modelo sintetico de reservat ́ orio, atrav ́ es da locac ̧ ́ ao de seus poc ̧os produtores e injetores. ̃<br>Para tanto, utilizou-se o algoritmo genetico (GA) na otimizac ̧ ́ ao da func ̧ ̃ ao objetivo (VPL) acoplado a ̃<br>um simulador comercial, que fornece as curvas de produc ̧ao de ̃ oleo e ́ agua do modelo. Foi verificado ́<br>um aumento de 60% no valor presente l ́ıquido em comparac ̧ao ao caso base, devido, principalmente, a ̃<br>reduc ̧ao da produc ̧ ̃ ao de ̃ agua. O cen ́ ario otimizado apresentou diferentes posic ̧ ́ oes para todos os poc ̧os, ̃<br>daquelas propostas incialmente pelo operador, ressaltando a robustez do GA no aux ́ılio de tomada de<br>decisoes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE NATURAL FREQUENCIES OF EULER-BERNOULLI BEAMS2024-07-11T22:39:01+00:00Juan G. Q. S.<p>Various types of engineering structures are subject to periodic loading such as offshore plat-<br>form parts and wind turbine blades. One of the main causes of failure in these structures is due to the</p> <p>resonance effect, when the frequency of external loading coincides with some natural frequency of the<br>structure. Therefore, the maximization of natural frequencies is an increasingly sought-after topic in the</p> <p>design of these components. In this paper a genetic algorithm is developed to maximize natural frequen-<br>cies of Euler-Bernoulli beams. Genetic algorithms are stochastic search methods, which are based on</p> <p>biological concepts of adaptation, natural selection, fitness and evolution, to solve optimization prob-<br>lems. A beam population is created, each of them discretized in a mesh of cylindrical elements with</p> <p>different diameters, initially random. The natural frequencies of the beam are found by the Finite Ele-<br>ment Method, and the one with the highest natural frequency creates a new generation of offsprings. In</p> <p>each offspring is applied a mutation scheme that changes the diameter of any random element, making</p> <p>the entire population change. So over the generations the algorithm finds out the best diameter combina-<br>tion that maximizes the natural frequency of the beam. Results present different shapes are obtained for</p> <p>several boundary conditions and different natural frequencies maximized.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 APPROXIMATE OPTIMIZATION USING KRIGING AND RADIAL BASIS FUNCTIONS2024-07-11T22:41:11+00:00Marina A. Maiamarinaalvesmaia@gmail.comLeonardo G. Ribeiroleo14330@gmail.comEvandro Parente Jr.evandro@ufc.brAntonio M. C.<p>Despite steady advance in computing power, the number of function evaluations in global opti-<br>mization problems is often limited due to time-consuming analyses. In structural optimization problems,</p> <p>for instance, these analyses are typically carried out using the Finite Elements Method (FEM). This issue<br>is especially critical when dealing with bio-inspired algorithms, where a high number of trial designs are<br>usually required. Therefore, surrogate models are a valuable alternative to help reduce computational</p> <p>cost. With that in mind, present work proposes three Sequential Approximate Optimization (SAO) tech-<br>niques. For that purpose, two surrogate models were chosen: the Radial Basis Functions (RBF) and</p> <p>Kriging. As for the infill criteria, three methodologies were investigated: the Expected Improvement,<br>the Density Function and the addition of the global best. Two bio-inspired meta-heuristics were used<br>in different stages of the optimization, namely Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm. To<br>validate the proposed methodologies, a set of benchmarks functions were selected from the literature.<br>Results showed a significant reduction in the number of high-fidelity evaluations. In terms of accuracy,<br>efficiency, and robustness, Kriging excelled in most categories for all problems. Finally, these techniques<br>were applied to the solution of a laminated composite plate, which demands a more complex analysis<br>using FEM.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY ON MULTIPLE WIDTH-DEFINING METHODS FOR RADIAL BASIS FUNCTIONS2024-07-11T22:49:02+00:00Leonardo G. Ribeiroleogoncalvesrib@gmail.comMarina A. Maiamarinaalvesmaia@gmail.comEvandro Parente Juniorevandro@ufc.brAntonio M. C. de<p>In structural problems, numerical methods such as the Finite Element Method are often used<br>due to the scarce and limited applicability of analytical methods. In these cases, the design optimization<br>may become computationally costly and the time consumed starts to be a hindrance. To overcome this<br>problem, a significant effort has been made by researchers to understand and improve the so-called<br>surrogate models. Surrogate models provide computational efficiency by using a few samples from<br>the true function to build an approximated response surface to predict points in the design space not<br>yet evaluated during the optimization process. This approximated surface may also be improved at each<br>generation with the addition of new samples in regions of interest on a methodology known as Sequential<br>Approximate Optimization (SAO). In this context, the Radial Basis Functions (RBF) are a powerful and<br>robust surrogate model while keeping implementation simple. The Gaussian function is often chosen as<br>the basis function despite uncertainty on the definition of one of its main parameters: the kernel width<br>(σ). This paper performed a comparative study on different methods to estimate the width parameter<br>using two types of solutions: closed-form expressions proposed by different researchers in the last few<br>years and direct search methods. The efficiency of each of these approaches is assessed using metrics<br>such as the number of high fidelity model evaluations and the error at the end of each optimization.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF GEOMETRICALLY NONLINEAR LATTICE STRUCTURES UNDER DYNAMIC LOADING2024-07-11T22:53:40+00:00Larissa B. Martinellilarissabastosm@gmail.comÉlcio C.<p>This study addresses the optimization of lattice structures with geometrically nonlinear</p> <p>behavior under dynamic loading. The formulated optimization problem aims to determine the cross-<br>sectional area of the bars which minimizes the total mass of the structure, imposing constraints on</p> <p>nodal displacements and stresses. In order to solve this optimization problem, it was developed a<br>computational program on MATLAB®, using the Interior Point method and the Sequential Quadratic<br>Programming method, the algorithms of which are available on Optimization ToolboxTM. The<br>nonlinear finite space truss element is described by an updated Lagrangian formulation. The<br>geometric nonlinear dynamic analysis performed combines the Newmark method with<br>Newton-Raphson iterations, being validated by comparison with solutions available in the literature<br>and with solutions generated by the ANSYS® software. Examples of trusses under different dynamic<br>loading are solved using the developed computational program. The results show that the Sequential<br>Quadratic Programming method is the most efficient to solve the studied optimization problem and<br>that the consideration of structural damping can lead to a significant reduction in the total mass.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ÓTIMO DE PILARES MISTOS PREENCHIDOS DE AÇO E CONCRETO ATRAVÉS DO EN1994-1-1:20042024-07-11T22:55:46+00:00Jéssica Salomão Lourençãojessica_lourencao@hotmail.comÉlcio Cassimiro<p>The objective of this work is to present the formulation of the optimization problem and<br>applications of filled composite columns of steel and concrete with and without reinforcement according<br>to EN 1994-1-1:2004. The solution of the optimization problem was obtained through the Genetic<br>Algorithm Method. A software was developed on the Matlab platform using the tool guide. Numerical<br>examples are presented, and the results found by the elaborated software demonstrated that the Genetic<br>Algorithm Method obtained relatively lower costs due to the use of hollow section catalogs.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of colapse modes in the optimum design of alveolar steel beams through the Genetic Algorithm method2024-07-11T22:59:05+00:00Tiago Cetto Pietralongajessica_lourencao@hotmail.comÉlcio Cassimiro<p>The application of steel structures in Brazil has grown considerably in recent years, not only<br>in industrial sectors, such as large warehouses, but also in buildings with a high number of floors.<br>With this, new solutions in the field have become more studied, such as beams of sequential apertures<br>in the web (alveolar) that are formed by "I" or "H" laminated profiles previously cut in the web to the<br>established standard and later displaced in the longitudinal to weld them, thus increasing the capacity<br>resistant to bending stress without adding weight to the profile. Moreover, these profiles have a great<br>advantage to the installations, such as electrical and plumbing systems, because the journey by web is<br>not restricted. The objective of this work is realizing an analysis and comparison of the optimized<br>sizing of castellated and cellular steel beams by means of genetic algorithm (AG) in a system<br>implemented in the MATLAB. The optimization process is of greater relevance in the elaboration of<br>less expensive projects, whereas is found a solution with smaller steel consumption to comply with all<br>requirements established in standards and resit to the active efforts. To validate and show the<br>applicability of the proposed problem, we will analyze the sizing of 12 alveolar beams (roof and floor)<br>for each type of cut, cellular and castellated (Peiner, Litzka, Anglo-Saxão), observing the linear weight<br>of optimized profiles and the collapse modes that govern the sizing of the same.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF TRUSSES UNDER ELASTIC AND INELASTIC BUCKLING CONSTRAINTS2024-07-11T23:02:10+00:00Marcela A. Julianimarcelajulianii@gmail.comMariana O. Milanezmariana.omilanez@gmail.comWellison J. S.<p>It is well known in the literature and practice of structural optimization that optimal struc-<br>tural configurations are highly dependent on the constraints applied to the problem or, in other words,</p> <p>on the definition of what is feasible or not. Results obtained under a certain type of constraints may<br>be not optimal, or even not acceptable, if other types of constraints are considered. Discussions related<br>to constraints and their effects on structural optimization are found in many papers, but only a few of<br>them directly address this subject. In the specific case of optimization of trusses, it is common to find<br>applications involving two different scenarios, where stress-based constraints are combined with elastic<br>buckling or with inelastic buckling constraints, respectively. The first scenario is much more common,<br>and the differences between results related to each of these combinations are hardly ever discussed or</p> <p>emphasized. The present paper focus on the comparison of structural optimization of trusses, consid-<br>ering these two scenarios, in an attempt to identify in which cases similar results are obtained and how</p> <p>different the results can be. The paper also proposes a simple multistart optimization scheme combined</p> <p>with sequential quadratic programming, so that the optimization problems are solved in a global and ef-<br>ficient manner, and the comparisons are not significantly compromised by local minima. Two trusses are</p> <p>evaluated, for some different cases of boundary conditions, and the results indicate that the optimal con-<br>figurations may be significantly different in the cases where a sufficient number of compressed slender</p> <p>bars is present.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of unbonded post-tensioned concrete ribberd floors2024-07-11T23:04:41+00:00Joao Pedro Alexandre Silva Motajpsm@alu.ufc.brAntonio Macario Cartaxo de Melomacario@ufc.brEvandro Parente<p>Floors represent a great portion of the total cost of multistory reinforced concrete structures.<br>The ribbed slabs, benefited by the reduction of concrete in the tension region, become a good alternative<br>when it is necessary to overcome large spans. Solutions more efficient with respect to structural behavior<br>and economy can be obtained combining the ribbed slabs with post-tensioning unbonded tendons. This</p> <p>way, it is important to find the optimum section and vertical tendons profile which improve its capabili-<br>ties. The traditional design process can be aided by the use of optimization techniques. Hence, several</p> <p>works with cost optimization of isolated ribbed slabs of reinforced and prestressed concrete have indica-<br>ted new design trends of formwork. In this research, it is performed the optimization of a typical one-way</p> <p>multiple spans ribbed floor. Formulations to minimize the cost of the slab are studied, considering the<br>cost of material, formwork and labor. The design variables are the dimensions of formwork, the vertical</p> <p>profile of unbonded post-tensioned tendons and the number of tendons, considering all variables as dis-<br>crete ones. The analysis is performed by grid analogy considering the entire floor, considering the beams</p> <p>as non-deformable elements. A Finite Element Model is used to stress analyses. The load balancing<br>method is used to simulate the effect of prestressed unbonded tendons. Constraints on Serviceability and<br>Ultimate Limit States are verified. A Genetic Algorithm of an open-source program, that has presented<br>robustness for structural optimization, is used to solve the discrete optimization problem. In order to<br>investigate the effects of optimization process against the traditional modeling, literature examples have<br>been chosen trying to represent the widest range of cases faced in practice.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PIECEWISE LINEARIZATION (TPWL) USING THE MATLAB RESERVOIR SIMULATION TOOLBOX (MRST) FOR RESERVOIR SIMULATION2024-07-11T23:07:29+00:00Andresa Dornelas de Castroandresa_dornelas@hotmail.comAlexandre de Sousa Júniorsouza.alexandrejr@gmail.comBernardo<p>The goal of the present work is to show the Trajectory Piecewise Linearization (TPWL)<br>procedure for modeling of two-phase flow in subsurface formations, using the Matlab Reservoir<br>Simulation Toolbox - MRST for reservoir simulation, developed by SINTEF Digital. In this work we<br>will show how MRST can be used to simulate black-oil models using automatic differentiation to<br>compute the Jacobian matrices required for the nonlinear Newton-type solver. In automatic<br>differentiation (AD) the key idea is to keep track of quantities and their derivatives simultaneously:<br>every time an operation is applied to a quantity, the corresponding differential operation is applied to<br>its derivative. Thus, MRST-AD allows the fully-implicit nonlinear pressure equation, using a discrete<br>operators and equations simulator, to compute automatically the correct Jacobian for black-oil system.<br>In general, the simulator code presented in automatic differentiation black-oil module (ad – blackoil)<br>is modified to export the necessary data to build the TPWL procedure. This is known as semi-intrusive<br>methodology, since it requires knowledge of the simulator code, but the changes do not affect the<br>equations solutions. The Trajectory Piecewise Linearization (TPWL) procedure reduces the numerical<br>complexity of the problem by performing the linearization of governing equations around converged<br>states stored during a training simulation. Therefore, we will show implementation of TPWL after<br>getting the system states (pressure and saturation) and the derivatives of residual equation from the<br>MRST. The method is shown to be accurate in the neighborhood of the training trajectory.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF STIFFENING IN COLD-FORMED CHANNEL SECTIONS IN THE NATURAL FREQUENCY OF VIBRATION2024-07-12T00:12:38+00:00Lucas Fadini Favaratolucasffavarato@gmail.comAdenilcia Fernanda Grobério Calenzaniafcalenzani@gmail.comFelipe Barbosa Teixeirafelipebarbosateixeira@gmail.comJuliana da Cruz<p>The modernization in structural engineering in the last years led to the search for economic</p> <p>and modern solutions, using quickly built systems, elements with lower self-weight as well as column-<br>free structural systems, which allows for more architectural flexibility. This practice, however, gave</p> <p>rise to elements with thinner cross-section and, consequently, lower natural frequencies, which are<br>closer to the dynamic excitation frequency of loads due to human activities such as running, jumping<br>and walking. This fact can be specially noticed in cold-formed steel (CFS) structures on account of its<br>lightness and lower stiffness when compared to rolled and welded steel sections. Hence, this article<br>aims to evaluate the influence of stiffening in cold-formed isolated elements with lipped channel<br>sections. Finite element analyses were carried out in order to assess its influence in the range of first<br>natural frequency of vibration. For the most results obtained, the increment in the edge stiffener’s<br>width has increased the natural frequency of vibration while the presence or absence of web stiffener<br>did not affect the outcomes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OVERVIEW OF LOCAL AND DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING IN COLD- FORMED U LIPPED SECTIONS IN FLEXURE2024-07-12T00:18:37+00:00Lucas Fadini Favaratolucasffavarato@gmail.comDaniel Carvalho de Moura Candidodanielcandido89@gmail.comAndré Vasconcelos Soares Gomesandrevsg91@hotmail.comAdenilcia Fernanda Groberio Calenzaniafcalenzani@gmail.comJuliana da Cruz Viannajcvianna30@gmail.comJohann Andrade<p>The design of cold-formed steel elements in flexure can be easily performed by the Direct<br>Strength Method – a simplified alternative based on experimental data, in which the critical buckling<br>bending moments are needed to assess the ultimate resistance of steel elements. Whereas numerous<br>theoretical models are found in the literature to appraise local and distortional buckling loads, they’re<br>usually based on simplifications and don’t provide their exact values so that different formulations<br>conduct to different results. In this sense, through analyses based on the Finite Element and the Finite</p> <p>Strip Methods, this work seeks to numerically obtain local and distortional buckling loads of a cold-<br>formed U stiffened section bent about both principal axes and compare the results with those provided</p> <p>by the theoretical models. While numerical results have shown good agreement between them, with<br>deviations less than 5% on mean, the analytical ones seemed to be conservative but not accurate when<br>compared to the firsts, with deviations varying from 7% up-to 60%.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 RESISTENTE DE COLUNAS CONTRAVENTADAS EM PERFIS FORMADOS A FRIO COM PERFURAÇÕES2024-07-12T00:22:41+00:00Luiz Henrique de Almeida Neivalhalmeidaneiva@gmail.comGuilherme Cássio Eliaseliasguilhermec@gmail.comJuliane Aparecida Braz Nicchio Alvesvnichio@hotmail.comArlene Maria Cunha<p>The use of cold-formed profiles, due to its versatility, economy and lightness, has been<br>increasingly incorporated into the civil construction. The workability found in the thin-walled sections<br>allows a great variety of cross sections, allowing its use in several segments. One of these uses is in<br>the Industrial Storage Systems, usually called racks, in which the cold-formed steel profiles are used in<br>most elements, including the uprights. These uprights have perforations along the length, in order to<br>facilitate the assembly of the system as a whole. The objective of this work is to evaluate the influence<br>of the perforations and the arrangement of bracings in the ultimate load of pinned uprights under axial<br>compression, with lengths in which the distortional buckling mode is dominant. The analyzed cross<br>sections are of the rack type, commonly used in these systems. Numerical studies were carried out<br>using ANSYS commercial program, calibrated with results of experimental program. An elastic<br>stability analysis was performed in the ANSYS and in conjunction with a modification of the Direct<br>Strength Method proposed by the authors, were obtained the ultimate loads that were compared to the<br>experimental results.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TESTS AND ANALYSIS OF BUILT-UP COLD-FORMED STEEL COLUMNS2024-07-12T00:26:13+00:00Cristiane C.D.O. Bastoscdaemon@coc.ufrj.brEduardo M.<p>The present article includes the results of the structural stability of laced built-up cold-formed steel<br>(CFS) columns, subjected to axial compression. The objective is to analyze the behavior of these<br>spatial laced columns through full scale experimental tests, in which the collapse is caused by the<br>interaction between local and global buckling in the compressed chord members. The spatial columns,<br>composed of four plane-trussed members designed with lipped channel CFS and fully connected with<br>self-drilling screws, were tested with 12200 and 16200mm length, 0.8 or 1.25mm plate thickness. In<br>addition to these tests, it was also carried out experimental tests of columns ́ chord members to obtain<br>the collapse loads and comparison with the analytical DSM equations (direct strength method). The</p> <p>tested chord members were of 480mm length, double 88x86x40x42x12mm lipped channel cross-<br>section and 0.8mm thickness. The results showed that the DSM can be applied to obtain the collapse</p> <p>loads of the chord built-up members, composed of two lipped channels connected with self-drilling<br>screws. Two analytical methods were applied to obtain global buckling load of the special laced<br>column and compared with numerical results. The obtained results indicated that critical buckling load<br>may be accessed with the help of available analytical equations. The final results of the investigation<br>indicate the adopted methodology, including the column global buckling nonlinear behavior combined<br>with the collapse mode of the double lipped channel CFS chord members connected by self-drilling<br>screws, is able to be applied for regular structural design of the CFS spatial trussed arrangement.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SECTION METHOD APPLICATION TO COLD-FORMED STEEL LIPPED ANGLE COLUMNS2024-07-12T00:29:15+00:00William Douglas de Paula Lopeswpdlopes6@gmail.comAndré Luis Riqueira Brandã Batistaílio Sousa da Rocha<p>In the structural design of the cold formed sections, the procedures described in NBR<br>14762:2010 are adopted. The Brazilian standard establishes three bar design methods: Direct Strength<br>Method (DSM), Effective Section Method (ESM), and Effective Width Method (EWM). The DSM is<br>developed by calculating the geometric properties of the gross section. In the ESM, the local buckling<br>is considered through the effective section obtained directly, and not by the calculation of the effective<br>widths of its elements, as in the case of the traditional Effective Width Method (EWM). The<br>dispensation of numerical methods for elastic stability analysis constitutes a certain advantage of the<br>ESM in relation to the DSM. For cold formed steel section on compression, an important step is to<br>obtain the elastic buckling axial force, which in the case of ESM is obtained by means of an equation<br>that is a function of the local buckling coefficient for the complete section. The NBR 14762:2010<br>presents expressions of this coefficient for open sections of the type U, Z and rack, besides hollow<br>section. The objective of this work is to present a procedure to obtain the axial force of elastic<br>buckling, for lipped angles on compression, in order to complement the Effective Section Method. In<br>this context, an equation is present for the local buckling coefficient for lipped angle, as a function of<br>the geometric properties of the cross section.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND STRENGTH OF COLD-FORMED STEEL COLUMNS WITH INTERMEDIATE STIFFENERS2024-07-12T08:11:43+00:00Amanda Isabela de Camposamanda.campos@coc.ufrj.brEduardo de Miranda Batistabatista@coc.ufrj.brJuarez Moara Santos<p>Cold-formed steel (CFS) profiles have the advantage of combining low weight with high<br>strength capacity, which can be improved with the inclusion of intermediate stiffeners. This paper<br>analyzes the influence of stiffeners on CFS columns and proposes a search for geometry with highest<br>critical buckling load and highest compressive strength. For this purpose, (i) the lipped channel-type<br>parametric model was developed with flange and web stiffeners and (ii) performed the sensitivity<br>analysis that relates these variables to the mechanical performance of the columns. The elastic buckling<br>analysis was performed using the Finite Strip Method (FSM), which allowed identifying the local (L)<br>and distortional (D) buckling modes and the relationship between their critical loads (Rdl). The resistance<br>was obtained by nonlinear analysis with arc control technique, in an implementation of the Finite<br>Element Method (FEM). The parametric model also incorporated manufacturing constraints, such as<br>coil width, sheet thickness and usual bending angles. All studies adopt, as restriction, a constant area in<br>the cross section of the profile. This study is particularly interested in (i) verifying whether the signature<br>curves of the optimal profiles present common properties, such as the Rdl ≈ 1, and in cases where this is<br>verified (ii) measure resistance erosion due to LD interaction. The ultimate objective of this work is to<br>determine the value for Rdl that maximizes the strength of stiffened columns. Future applications of these<br>results include the development of resistance optimization routines based on FSM.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 METÁLICAS EM PERFIL FORMADO À FRIO SOB COLAPSO FLEXO-TORCIONAL E TEMPERATURAS ELEVADAS2024-07-12T08:14:50+00:00Antonio Renato Albuquerque BicelliAntonio.bicelli@coc.ufrj.brAlexandre Landesmannalandes@coc.ufrj.brDinar<p>Este artigo apresenta e discute os resultados numéricos relativos a colunas de aço em perfis<br>formado a frio, com seção-transversal U enrijecido (Ue) submetidos a temperaturas elevadas devido a<br>condições acidentais de incêndio, com colapso por flambagem flexo-torcional. Tais resultados<br>consistem na trajetória de equilíbrio da pós-flambagem elasto-plástica e cargas últimas, que foram<br>determinadas por meio de análises não-lineares em elementos finitos de casca utilizando o código<br>comercial ANSYS. De modo a cobrir uma ampla faixa do índice de esbeltez flexo-torcional, várias</p> <p>tensões de escoamento em temperatura ambiente, comprimentos de colunas e dimensões de seção-<br>transversal foram considerados. A dependência da temperatura nas propriedades mecânicas do material</p> <p>é simulada usando o modelo prescrito no Eurocode 3 – parte 1.2. Aborda-se a influência da temperatura<br>no comportamento de pós-flambagem elasto-plástica e na carga última, fornecendo um primeiro passo</p> <p>na busca por uma diretriz de dimensionamento eficiente e confiável para colunas sob colapso por flexo-<br>torção em temperaturas elevadas</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMAL DESIGN OF COLD-FORMED STEEL LIPPED CHANNELS USING ACCELERATED PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION2024-07-12T08:17:57+00:00Felipe Ramos de Oliveirafelipe.oliveira@coc.ufrj.brJoão Alfredo de Lazzarijoao.lazzari@coc.ufrj.brEduardo de Miranda Batistabatista@coc.ufrj.brJuarez Moara Santos<p>This study aims to present a practical method for optimizing cold-formed steel (CFS) lipped<br>channel beam-columns using an Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization method (APSO). To<br>eliminate impracticable cross-section shapes from the optimization results, several manufacturing and<br>construction constraints are applied into the optimization process. Targeting this goal, 128 different<br>lipped channel sections prototypes were selected and then optimized with respect to their buckling load,<br>determined according to the finite strip method (FSM), then assessing the strength according to the<br>provisions based on direct strength method (DSM). Comparing the structural resistance of the optimized<br>sections with the sections of the original channel CFS with the same steel consumption, significant<br>improvements were obtained. The results indicate that the optimized sections provide a compressive<br>strength which is up to 50% higher than the initial shapes, and for flexural strength 30% higher than the<br>reference profiles, while they meting predefined design and manufacturing constraints. The results of<br>this study demonstrate the useful of APSO in CFS practical design problems.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF COLD-FORMED OPEN STEEL SECTIONS UNDER SIMPLE BENDING2024-07-12T08:21:07+00:00Nadia S. N. Otanadia.ota@coc.ufrj.brEduardo M. Batistabatista@coc.ufrj.brJuarez M. S.<p>Cold-formed open steel sections under flexural loading are subjected to the combined<br>phenomena of bending, local (L), distortional (D), global (G) buckling and flange curling. Some of the<br>main challenges in evaluating the results obtained by numerical and experimental analysis are (i)<br>defining the displacement portion due to each one of these phenomena, as some of them occur in the<br>same plane of loading; (ii) the presence of intermediate stiffeners in these members makes the<br>buckling modes classification imprecise. Additionally, it is known that small changes in the section<br>geometry may imply large variations in the structural performance. This paper analyzes stiffened CFS<br>beams through Finite Strip Method (elastic stability analysis) and Finite Element Method (non-linear<br>analysis with arc-length control for strength prediction). The careful records of the displacements by<br>numerical analysis, combined with linear regression techniques, allowed evaluating the evolution of<br>the different mechanical phenomena during loading. The contribution of the stiffener height variation<br>on the critical bending moments was investigated. Particular interest is addressed to the strength<br>erosion due to the modal LD interaction, since the tendency of McrL/McrD = 1 ratio is obtained by<br>optimization methods where the objective function is directed towards the maximization of critical<br>moments. In this work, the geometric parameters were defined in order to generate variations of the<br>commercial self-supporting roofing tile RT-260/620 (Regional Telhas), with steel plate thickness of<br>0.95 mm.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STEEL LIPPED CHANNEL COLUMNS UNDER LOCAL- DISTORTIONAL-GLOBAL BUCKLING MODE INTERACTION2024-07-12T08:24:03+00:00Gustavo Yoshio Matsubaragustavoyoshio@coc.ufrj.brEduardo de Miranda<p>Thin-walled steel cold-formed lipped channel members in axial compression are susceptible<br>to buckling phenomena in the following modes: Local buckling (L), Distortional buckling (D) and<br>Global buckling (G). In these cases, the Direct Strength Method (DSM) predicts the ultimate strength.<br>However, some geometries are affected by the occurrence of coupling phenomena involving two or<br>three buckling modes interaction. The buckling modes interaction produces additional column strength<br>reduction if compared to isolated buckling modes occurrence. Furthermore, the design specifications<br>and codes for cold-formed steel members do not handle properly the ultimate strength for the cases of<br>L-D, D-G and L-D-G interactions. In this context, the present article is aimed at developing a Direct<br>Strength Method (DSM) approach to estimate the ultimate strength of lipped channel columns affected<br>by Local-Distortional-Global buckling mode interaction. To achieve this goal, the investigation is based<br>on: (i) literature review of experimental columns affected by buckling mode interaction (ii) calibration<br>of the FEM model based on experimental results; (iii) nonlinear FEM analysis of post-buckling behavior<br>affected by mode interaction performed with the help of the ANSYS computational program; (iv)<br>propose a Direct Strength Method (DSM) approach to estimate the ultimate strength of lipped channel<br>columns affected by Local-Distortional-Global buckling mode interaction.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND STRENGTH OF DISTORTIONAL-GLOBAL INTERACTION IN COLD FORMED STEEL LIPPED CHANNEL COLUMNS2024-07-12T08:26:17+00:00João Alfredo de Lazzarijoao.lazzari@coc.ufrj.brEduardo de Miranda<p>The cold formed steel members (CFS) are light steel options widely applied in the civil<br>construction. Furthermore, the CFS is a very slender option that allows the buckling behavior to develop<br>on local, distortional and global modes. In this away, it is expected that a greater attention over this<br>structural solution is necessary to guarantee the reliability and safety of the structure. On recent studies,<br>it has been shown that when the local, distortional and global modes occur with similar critical loads,<br>the strength capacity of the structural member is reduced due to a coupled phenomenon. The proposed<br>paper will discuss the distortional-global (D-G) buckling interaction of CFS lipped channels columns<br>under axial load. Additionally, it is developed a computer program (FStr) for elastic buckling analysis,<br>based on Finite Strip Method (FSM), in order to find CFS columns experiencing D-G interaction. The<br>program is developed on MATLAB with an easy graphical user interface. After settled the profiles under<br>strong interaction, a non-linear analysis using Finite Element Method (FEM) is used to find the strength<br>of the columns. Additional analysis and comments are discussed in order to understand the behavior and<br>the strength capacity of the CFS lipped channel columns under the proposed buckling interaction.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO ENTRE OS MODOS DE FLAMBAGEM LOCAL E DISTORCIONAL EM COLUNAS DE SEÇÃO RACK FORMADAS A FRIO2024-07-12T08:28:29+00:00Raquel Gabriela A. Camposraquel.campos@coc.ufrj.brEduardo de Miranda Batistabatista@coc.ufrj.brJuarez Moara Santos<p>Na última década, diversas pesquisas foram desenvolvidas para investigar a interação local-<br>distorcional de colunas com seções U enrijecido. Entretanto, estender as descobertas para colunas</p> <p>exibindo outras formas de seção transversal é essencial para avaliar a generalidade, abrindo assim o<br>caminho para o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem de projeto baseada no Método da Resistência<br>Direta (MRD) para colunas afetadas pela interação local-distorcional. Deste modo, este trabalho de<br>pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar o comportamento de interação entre os modos de flambagem<br>local e distorcional em perfis de aço formados a frio com paredes finas de seção rack sem furos. O estudo<br>será baseado (i) em resultados experimentais divulgados por pesquisadores anteriores, (ii) no<br>desenvolvimento de um modelo numérico computacional tridimensional apropriado, com a utilização<br>do programa de elementos finitos ANSYS e, (iii) na adoção dos princípios do Método da Resistência<br>Direta (MRD). Espera-se que a combinação dos recursos de análise estrutural citados permita melhorar<br>os procedimentos de projeto de perfis de aço formados a frio com paredes finas de seção rack.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE CRITICAL LENGTH EQUATION OF DISTORTIONAL BUCKLING2024-07-12T08:31:27+00:00Patrícia dos S. Andradepatriciadossantosandrade@gmail.comKoji de J. Nagahamakjnagahama@gmail.comAnderson de S. Matos Gádeaagadea@gmail.comMônica B. Leitemleite.uefs@gmail.comDurval O. Pinto<p>The use of cold-formed steel members has grown significantly and for this reason a number<br>of design codes have been used such as NBR 14762 [1], AISI S100 [2] and AS/NZS 4600 [3]. The<br>susceptibility of these types of profiles to the phenomena of local, global and distortional instability<br>mainly has made the design codes to approach this topic in more detail. Nevertheless, the present<br>methodologies are little simplified or result in high conservatism. Thus, several studies have been carried<br>out aiming at the presentation of more simplified equations that result in a less conservative way to<br>represent the real behavior of these profiles. It was observed that the buckling length has relevant<br>participation in determining buckling mode, however there are many difficulties in determination of the<br>distortional buckling stress and its associated length. Thus, this paper aims to express a more simplified<br>equation for the length associated with distortional buckling. So, a selection of profiles with a C-section<br>with stiffener that complied with the geometric and mechanical specifications of the design codes was<br>performed. Using software based in Generalized Beam Theory, presented by Silvestre and Camotim [4],<br>several simulations were made with these profiles. The profiles were analyzed with end support<br>condition pinned-pinned under centered compression. The results were used to create artificial neural<br>networks from which were generated equations for the critical length of distortional buckling. The<br>equations were validated with the results available in the literature, whether experimental or numerical,<br>and showed good correlations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FRAMES WITH I-BEAM TO RHS-COLUMN JOINTS2024-07-12T08:35:04+00:00Daniel J. R. Pereiradrocha044@gmail.comJoão B. S. Netojoaobatista011@gmail.comMatheus M. Oliveiramatheusmoliveira4@gmail.comMessias J. L. V. M. C.<p>This paper analyses welded joints in portal frames with I-beams and rectangular hollow<br>section columns. The study of joints is essential to the understanding of the structural behavior of portal<br>frames, and the analysis of its stiffness enables a better understanding of moment transmission between<br>tubular columns and I-beams, besides enabling the joint classification. Through numerical analysis using<br>a commercial software, the representation of the models was implemented in finite elements, with<br>subsequent displacement simulation. The slenderness of the tubular columns and the beam-to-column<br>width ratio were varied. The moment-rotation curves for each joint in a portal frame were presented,<br>and the influence of the parameters involved was presented graphically, where it was possible to<br>visualize yielding in some regions. Plastification of the column face occurred in the cases, while all<br>connections were classified as semi-rigid. Arrangements with different beam lengths were made, where<br>it was possible to observe its influence on the joint classification.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEHAVIOR OF NEW THIN-WALLED COMPOSITE TRUSSED BEAMS AND PARTIALLY PREFABRICATED CONCRETE SLABS2024-07-12T08:38:36+00:00Luiz Alberto Araújo de Seixas Lealalbertoleal26@hotmail.comEduardo de Miranda<p>The composite trussed beams consist of a very traditional solution for building floors and<br>are associated to several benefits, such as reduced consumption of materials, excellent structural<br>response in terms of bending capacity, as well as flexural stiffness, ease of fabrication and erection.<br>Furthermore, the adoption of open-web composite beam enables larger free-spanning, compared to<br>traditional T-sections (composed by the association of hot-rolled I-shaped steel member and concrete</p> <p>slabs), and allows the detailing of electric, hydraulic and HVAC (Heat, Ventilation and Air-<br>Conditioning) lines through the web of the trusses. One of the first researches regarding the structural</p> <p>behavior of this type of composite floor system was conducted in 1960’s, from the experimental full-<br>scale tests in the United States. In the last 40 years, a lot of work has been published to provide</p> <p>reliable information in terms of shear connection solutions, degree of interaction between the steel<br>trusses and concrete slabs, mechanisms of collapse and analytical models for the prediction of the<br>bending capacity. In almost all cases, the steel members are composed with hot-rolled sections (double<br>angle, for example) and the shear connectors are welded to the top chord of the truss. In this context,<br>the objective of the present work consists of presenting (a) alternative types of shear connectors, (b)<br>innovative structural floor system, composed by thin-walled trusses and prefabricated concrete slabs.</p> <p>Three types of steel shear connectors were developed, manufactured with 0.95 mm thick plates: Thin-<br>Walled Perfobond, Thin-Walled Channel and Thin-Walled Vertical Post. The connection between the</p> <p>connectors and the top chord of the trusses were provided with the help of 4.8 mm self-drilling screws.<br>Cold-formed lipped channel members (0.95 or 1.25 mm thick), partial prefabricated one-way concrete<br>slabs and styrofoam blocks compose the floor systems. Based on the results of an extensive<br>experimental program, important preliminary conclusions can be assessed. The obtained data revealed<br>higher bending capacity compared to traditional analytical predictions and excellent structural<br>response in terms of flexural stiffness and ductility.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DAS CURVAS DE FLAMBAGEM DISTORCIOANAL DE VIGAS DE AÇO EM PERFIL FORMADO À FRIO VIA MRD E GBTUL2024-07-12T08:41:00+00:00Emerson Rodrigues da Silvaemersonrodrigues.72@gmail.comGregório Sandro<p>Due to the wide variety of transverse shapes as well as their good mass / strength ratio, cold<br>formed steel (CFS) components are gaining prominence among metal structures. However, this material<br>is more susceptible to local, distorted and global buckling. The Direct Strength Method (DSM) requires<br>obtaining the full limb buckling critical loads and applying these data in conjunction with a series of<br>resistance curves to determine the final cross section strength. This study aims to investigate the behavior<br>of different buckling modes for a supported single beam CFS, and to compare the results obtained<br>through DSM and GBTUL (program responsible for numerical computational analysis). To obtain the<br>data, the Finite Element Method (FEM) was used, which, in turn, uses the geometries and flow stresses<br>to be studied in this work, as well as the understanding of the influence that the bending moment diagram</p> <p>has on the behavior. buckling and post buckling. For this analysis, a cold-formed, non-drilled, multi-<br>dimension steel member design was chosen. From the analyzes presented in this paper it was noticed</p> <p>that the distortive curves available in the Brazilian standard underestimate the final strength of the bars<br>simply supported by cold formed steel members when subjected to uniform bending.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CHARACTERIZATION OF THIN-WALLED GFRP MEMBERS BASED ON EXPERIMENTAL DYNAMIC TESTING2024-07-12T08:43:39+00:00Jessé Beserrajesse.eng@yahoo.comCássio Gasparcassiogaspar@esp.puc-rio.brDaniel<p>The use of composite materials such as pultruded members of glass-fiber reinforced polymer<br>(GFRP) has increased in recent years, with important applications for footbridges, bridge decks, cooling<br>towers, stair towers, industrial structures, and rapid-assembly kits for temporary accommodation. The<br>mechanical characterization of GFRP in terms of elastic properties is often carried out by means of<br>destructive tests as specified by international standards. On the other hand, recent studies have proposed<br>the use of non-destructive techniques based on dynamic testing also known as experimental modal<br>analysis (EMA). In this sense, this work aims to identify the dynamic properties of thin-walled GFRP<br>members regarding their natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios. These experimental<br>dynamic characteristics obtained for a C-channel beam are, then, used to determine specific material<br>elastic properties back-calculated from numerical optimization process. Finally, the properties<br>determined from proposed approach are compared to those obtained from classical destructive tests.<br>Therefore, the non-destructive procedure presented in this paper gives an alternative approach for the<br>mechanical characterization of GFRP members, which is especially important for low cost in situ quality<br>control.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 O COMPORTAMENTO ESTRUTURAL E O DIMENSIONAMENTO DE CANTONEIRAS PULTRUDADAS PRFV SUBMETIDAS À COMPRESSÃO2024-07-12T08:46:22+00:00Anne C. L. Monteiroanneclmonteiro@usp.brMaria A. Branquinhomaria.branquinho@usp.brMaximiliano<p>With high values of strength-weight ratio, non-corrosivity and low levels of electrical<br>conductivity, glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pultruded profiles have been attracting interest in<br>the civil construction market. Although promising as structural elements, further research is needed,<br>especially on the design approach. Given the singularities of the angle profiles – widely discussed in the<br>context of steel structures – this paper presents a brief review of the mechanical behavior of GFRP<br>pultruded angles columns and a theorical analysis of predicted strengths from design standards. Almost<br>90 experimental results of angles subjected to compression were summarized and compared to the<br>predicted strengths from pre-standard for pultruded GFRP structures, design standard for steel members,<br>variations of normative approaches and proposed procedures in literature. A total of 14 procedures were<br>compared using the model error parameter. The results allowed to conclude that, among the available<br>procedures for pultruded profiles, the consideration of the shear effect and the use of the classical<br>flexural-torsional equation guarantee greater accuracy of the theoretical prediction. Although steel<br>procedures do not present clear advantages, the similarity observed between the mechanical behavior of<br>steel and pultruded angles leads to believe that, from adjustments to the resistance curves due to the<br>material characteristics, more sophisticated procedures than the current ones for pultruded columns can<br>be proposed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMÉRICO SOBRE O COEFICIENTE DE FLAMBAGEM LOCAL DE SEÇÃO COMPLETA DE PERFIS S ENRIJECIDOS: PROPOSTA DE FORMULAÇÃO2024-07-12T08:49:01+00:00Ruan Richelly Santosruanrichelly@gmail.comCarolina Silva Oliveiracarolinasoliveira05@gmail.comJosé Osvaldo Ferreira Filhojf2004@hotmail.comFrancisco Carlos Rodriguesfrancisco@dees.ufmg.brHermes<p>Os perfis de aço formados a frio têm sido amplamente empregados na construção civil em<br>função da facilidade de fabricação e montagem, variedade de formas de seção transversal, além da<br>leveza e eficiência estrutural. Entretanto, tais perfis apresentam elevada esbeltez, tornando-os<br>suscetíveis a fenômenos de instabilidade, como, por exemplo, a flambagem local de seus elementos. No<br>dimensionamento de barras com esse tipo de perfil, um dos métodos empregados consiste no Método<br>da Seção Efetiva (MSE), definido pela ABNT NBR 14762:2010. Nesse método, a flambagem local é<br>considerada por meio de propriedades geométricas efetivas da seção transversal completa das barras,<br>sendo essa definida pelo coeficiente de flambagem da seção completa. A norma brasileira preconiza<br>formulações para obtenção desse coeficiente apenas para algumas seções transversais específicas, sendo<br>que seções S enrijecidas não constam no escopo de fórmulas da prescrição normativa. Em casos de<br>perfis distintos dos apresentados na norma, é necessária consulta à literatura ou aplicação de métodos<br>numéricos. Neste contexto, o trabalho em questão tem como objetivo a obtenção de uma formulação<br>para o coeficiente de flambagem local para seção completa de uma barra de seção S enrijecida submetida<br>à compressão uniforme, com elemento central inclinado. Para tanto, uma análise numérica consistente<br>foi desenvolvida utilizando o software de elementos finitos ABAQUS, a fim de determinar a tensão<br>crítica de flambagem local e, a partir de um estudo paramétrico do perfil S enrijecido, definir uma<br>formulação válida para o coeficiente de flambagem. Uma formulação com boa correlação de valores<br>para o coeficiente da seção em questão foi obtida, sendo apresentadas informações relevantes para o<br>dimensionamento de barras com perfil S enrijecido com elemento central da alma inclinado.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON THE INTERACTION BETWEEN GLOBAL AND LOCAL BUCKLING MODES IN CASTELLATED BEAMS2024-07-12T08:52:25+00:00Felipe da C. T. T. Souzatourinho.felipe@aluno.puc-rio.brDaniel C. T. Cardosodctcardoso@puc-rio.brElisa D.<p>The present work aims to investigate the interaction between lateral torsional buckling and<br>compression ‘tee’ local buckling in castellated beams. Finite element method (FEM) is used to perform<br>a parametric analysis for Litzka-beams subject to pure bending moment and considering combinations<br>of flange-to-web width and thickness ratios and unbraced lengths. To account for the possibility of<br>different yield strengths, non-dimensional local and global slenderness are used to assess the behavior<br>in a comprehensive manner. The responses for beams having different combinations of slendernesses<br>are compared and the relative strengths are discussed. The FEM ultimate bending moments are<br>compared to those calculated according to the current design recommendations for castellated beams,<br>showing that these may either over or underpredict actual capacities. Finally, a direct strength method<br>approach is tested for the prediction of the nominal bending strength.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INVESTIGATION ON THE MOMENT-ROTATION PERFORMANCE OF PULTRUDED GFRP WEB-FLANGE JUNCTIONS2024-07-12T08:54:52+00:00Gisele Góes Cintragiseleg.cintra@aluno.puc-rio.brDaniel C. T. Cardosodctcardoso@puc-rio.brJanine D.<p>This paper aims to present an experimental investigation on the rotational stiffness of<br>pultruded glass-fiber reinforced polymer (pGFRP) cross-section junctions. Channels and I-sections with<br>different types of resins were studied and a novel set-up was developed to experimentally characterize<br>the junctions in a direct manner. The digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used to monitor<br>deflections and angles of rotation, as well as the cracks formation. In addition, fiber architecture was<br>analyzed through an optical microscope and correlated with the moment-rotation response.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITE BEAM2024-07-12T08:57:30+00:00Vivianna Principe dos Santosvivianna.principe@gmail.comGabriel Emídio Lagegabriellage20@gmail.comPaula Meirelles Bolellipaula.bolelli@maua.brJanuário Pellegrino Neto Marcelo Otávio dos Santosjneto@maua.brMarcelo Otávio dos Santosmarcelo.santos@maua.brGuilherme Wolf Lebrã<p>Composite materials have advantages like their lightness and strength that make them<br>attractive for purposes in engineering. This paper describes a thin-walled square composite beam<br>subjected to three-point bending test. Computational and experimental models are studied for this beam<br>using carbon fiber as composite material. It is also explored ways to make it as light as possible,<br>supporting a minimum pre-established load. Using ANSYS® Composite PrepPost it is possible to<br>defined layers, thicknesses and orientations for the studied layered composite structures. Then, structural<br>analysis of the geometric model defined is performed with the aid of ANSYS® Mechanical. Numerical<br>results obtained are compared with experimental models produced in laboratory. The beam is made of<br>carbon fiber and epoxy resin by the application of vacuum bagging process after the hand lay-up<br>lamination and post-curing at high temperature. This work is part of the researches of an undergraduate<br>engineering program that aims to study composites, specially for civil and mechanical engineering, in<br>order to analyze their main features using computational tools and experiments.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRUT AND SISAL CABLE TENSEGRITY STRUCTURE FOOTBRIDGE2024-07-12T09:01:34+00:00Nathalia B. de Albuquerquenathalia.burger@gmail.comDaniel C. T. Cardosodctcardoso@puc-rio.brMario<p>This paper presents a study on the behavior of a pedestrian bridge tensegrity structure built<br>with natural materials. Initially, a prototype module of the structure is developed in a 1:25 scale. A<br>constructive method is proposed applying foldable techniques for assembly and disassembly procedures.<br>The methodology for the construction of the structure applied scaled models, from small to full-scale<br>models. Bamboo culms of Phyllostachys aurea species were employed for the struts (compressive<br>elements) and sisal ropes were selected for the cables (tensile elements). The modeling of the structure<br>is carried out using the software Galileo, a program for structural analysis of tensegrity structures<br>developed at PUC-Rio. Bar and cable elements were adopted to model the tensegrity footbridge. The<br>effect of the prestress of the cables on the structure is studied. A comparison between the computational<br>models considering a steel tensegrity structure and a bamboo strut and sisal cable net tensegrity structure<br>with regard to the stresses acting on the cables and the displacement of the mid-span. Finally, the use of<br>natural materials in civil engineering is evaluated regarding the mechanical performance of the structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF TRAILING EDGE INCLUDING POROSITY EFFECTS2024-07-12T09:04:56+00:00William D. P. Fonsecafonsecawdp@gmail.comAdriano M. Gotogotoadriano8@gmail.comLourival M. S.<p>Trailing edge noise on rigid surfaces is a significant source of sound in aircraft. In order to minimize</p> <p>the sound radiated by a process involving acoustic waves, the present article investigates the effects of trail-<br>ing edge noise generation on rigid semi - infinite and porous plates. For this purpose, the Boundary Element</p> <p>Method is employed to solve the Helmholtz equation, subject to boundary conditions that seek to model the<br>vibration and porosity effects of the plates. The study is developed for a two-dimensional problem, in which<br>the incident source of noise generation was a lateral quadrupole, positioned at the trailing edge. In this paper<br>the lateral quadrupole represents a turbulent vortex in the boundary layer of the plate, according considerations<br>presented in the literature. Initially, the study verified the acoustical directivity for the rigid plate with the wave<br>numbers k = 0.1, 1, 5 and 10. In a second moment, the directives for the porous plate with k = 0.1 and 10 were<br>analyzed. From the results it was found that because the sides of the porous plate have opposite phases, the<br>pressure variation on the surface of the plate opposes pressure in the region above it causing noise reduction. It<br>was also found that the porosity effect causes noise reduction more effectively at low wave numbers.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DA INFLUÊNCIA DO POSICIONAMENTO DO NÚCLEO RÍGIDO EM ESTRUTURAS DE AÇO: ESTUDO DE CASO2024-07-12T09:08:13+00:00Erasmo A. B. S. R. Barbozaaline@lccv.ufal.brAyslan D. A.<p>One of the main ways of stiffening tall buildings or formed by slender profiles, case of multi-<br>storey steel buildings, are based on the introduction of the concrete core, capable of resisting both</p> <p>vertical and horizontal efforts. Generally, this bracing subsystem is positioned around the service core<br>in the central regions of the building. However, architectural proposals accasionally lead to asymmetry<br>of the plant core, a factor that influences the capability of the structure to withstand lateral efforts, and<br>to the appearance of torsion. This work proposes the analysis of displacements, distribution of efforts<br>and overall stability of models of a twelve-story steel structure, with the indicated variations: 1) center<br>of gravity of the coincident concrete core and structure; 2) shear center of the concrete core coinciding<br>with the center of gravity of the structure; 3) asymmetric concrete core in relation to the two axes. The<br>models were analyzed in the SAP2000 finite element software, where the efforts were obtained in the<br>metallic profiles in linear and geometrically non-linear analysis by the process P-delta process and<br>displacements used to calculate second order efforts through the Effort Amplification Method<br>Applicants. For verification of the core and calculation of the coefficient γz was used the TQS software.<br>It was concluded that the core positioning influences the torsion efforts, which become more accentuated<br>by the increasing distance from the shear center to the action resulting from the lateral loads. For the<br>building under analysis, the greatest variation of second-order efforts occurred in the Amplification<br>Method of the Requester Efforts, but did not show considerable variations through the P-delta analysis<br>process and the enhancement method γz coefficient. The difference of efforts between the models was<br>basically die to the geometric distribution generated by the positioning of the concrete core.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INSTABILITY OF WIND TOWERS2024-07-12T09:10:52+00:00Matheus Moreno Fortesmatheuseng97@gmail.comZenón José Gúzman Núnez Del<p>In this work the dynamic instability of a coupled tower-blade wind turbine system is<br>investigated numerically. For this, the linear Euler-Bernoulli theory is used to describe the coupled<br>tower-blade system and considering the lateral acceleration of the nacelle at the top of the tower,<br>which is the base of the flexible blade. The Galerkin method is applied to obtain a set of linear<br>ordinary differential equations of dynamic equilibrium which are, in turn, solved using the runge-kutta<br>method. First, the coupled eigenvalues are obtained considering several blade rotational speeds and<br>both the veering and instability phenomena are studied. Second, an external harmonic load is applied<br>to the system and the linear dynamic behavior is analyzed. A parametric analysis is performed to</p> <p>observe their influence on the linear oscillations of the system. Obtained results show that the tower-<br>blade system can show instability or veering regions mainly due to blade rotation and, it is possible to</p> <p>observe jumps or large amplitude oscillations due to external loads</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND SIMULATION OF TUBULAR REACTORS PACKED WITH A BED OF INERT PARTICLES AT SUPERCRITICAL CONDITIONS2024-07-12T09:13:42+00:00Giovanny S. Oliveiragiovannysdo@outlook.comJosé Daladiê B. Costa-Filhodaladiefilho@gmail.comDaniel S. F. S. Souzadomingos.fabiano@gmail.comJackson A. Oliveirajackson@eq.ufrn.brLuiz E. P. Santiagoeduardoengquimico@gmail.comAnderson A.<p>The usage of tubular reactors for triglycerides transesterification process at supercritical<br>condition has gained contrast as a promising technology to large-scale continuous production of<br>biodiesel. Among the features which make this technique feasible, it is possible to highlight the use of<br>low quality oils, absence of catalyst and smaller reaction time when compared to conventional<br>processes.The intensification of continuous processes is possible applying mixing promoters, which<br>purpose is reducing the mass transfer resistances as a consequence of increasing the contact between the<br>components. A bed of inert particles inserted in a pipeline might work as a mixing promoter. Thus, this<br>study aims to examine the triglycerides alcoholysis process at supercritical conditions in a tubular reactor<br>fulfilled with inert particles. Two types of fillings were considered in this study: glass and stainless steel<br>316.The Method of Lines was selected to solve the proposed mathematical model. The use of stainless<br>steel spheres had better simulation results and this behavior occur mainly due to the thermal properties<br>of this material.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A MODEL BASED CONTROL STRATEGY FOR A NON- ISOTHERMAL SYSTEM WITH MULTIPLE INLETS AND OUTLETS2024-07-12T09:17:43+00:00Isabele V. Silvabelaventer@gmail.comLuiz A. F. Oliveiraluizfialhooliveira@outlook.comMarcelo S. Pedromarcelopedrocz@hotmail.comDomingos F. S. Souzadomingos.fabiano@gmail.comJackson A. Oliveirajackson@eq.ufrn.brDaniel S. S. Oliveiragiovannysdo@outlook.comAnderson A.<p>With the rising development of embedded technologies, the use of a controller with a<br>traditional control strategy, such as a PID, can be replaced by advanced control methods. Advanced<br>control methods guarantee greater efficiency in complex situations which enhances process security<br>and final product quality. The present work investigated how model-based control methods performed<br>in a laboratorial tank system scenario. For this purpose, a theoretical and stochastic model was<br>developed which was based on mass, energy, momentum, and analysis of the data collected. After</p> <p>validation, a model-based control strategy with a generic and then optimal approach was applied off-<br>line, with ISE tuning. To solve the model, an explicit Runge-Kutta’s method and parameter</p> <p>optimization with PSO method was used. Finally, the influence of data reconciliation processing on<br>control development was investigated. It was concluded that both model-base strategies were more<br>efficient regarding the stability and proximity of the controlled variable to the setpoint, especially<br>when the data reconciliation was present.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE PLACAS DE VIDRO LAMINADO UTILIZANDO O MÉTODO DOS ELEMENTOS FINITOS2024-07-12T09:22:07+00:00Lara de Andrade Kunhen dos Santoslarakandrade@hotmail.comCarlos David Rodrigues<p>A utilização do vidro laminado na construção civil tem crescido muito nos últimos anos,<br>principalmente devido ao avanço das pesquisas e ao aumento da compreensão sobre seu comportamento<br>mecânico, apesar do seu uso em estruturas ainda ser considerado recente. O vidro laminado é composto<br>de lâminas de vidro intercaladas com camadas intermediárias (interlayers) poliméricas. Esta estrutura<br>faz com o que o compósito adquira maior resistência quando comparado ao vidro monolítico. A<br>interlayer geralmente é composta por um material viscoelástico não-linear. Este trabalho tem como<br>objetivo analisar a influência do tipo de interlayer na rigidez de placas de vidro laminado à flexão. Os<br>modelos desenvolvidos são baseados na norma EN 1288-3:2000, que determina a resistência à flexão<br>do vidro por meio de um ensaio de quatro pontos. São estudadas as três camadas intermediárias mais<br>comuns comercialmente, PVB (Polivinil Butiral), EVA (Etileno Vinil Acetato) e DuPont’s SentryGlas<br>(SG). As placas são modeladas no programa comercial de elementos finitos ABAQUS e os modelos<br>validados a partir de ensaios disponíveis na literatura científica. São utilizados modelos constitutivos<br>lineares elásticos para os elementos de vidro e as interlayers. Uma análise paramétrica é realizada<br>considerando a variação da espessura e o material das camadas intermediárias. Os resultados mostram<br>que o modelo numérico desenvolvido apresenta uma boa aproximação ao resultado experimental. A<br>partir dos modelos estudados, mostra-se que o PVB e o EVA diminuem a rigidez do conjunto conforme<br>o aumento de suas espessuras. Entretanto, o SG segue o comportamento contrário, aumentando a rigidez<br>do conjunto.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DA CAPACIDADE RESISTENTE DE SEÇÕES GENÉRICAS DE CONCRETO ARMADO USANDO O MÉTODO DA COMPATIBILIDADE DE DEFORMAÇÕES2024-07-12T09:24:18+00:00Mariana Nayara L. da Silveiramariana.nalisi@gmail.comÍgor José M. Lemesigor.lemes@ufla.brLuís Eduardo Silveira Azoubel da M.<p>The development of computational routines for structural analysis allows great engineering<br>evolutions. With its use, more accurate results are obtained and the study of more complex<br>architecturally cases become possible. The present work aims at the dvelopment of an algorithm for<br>calculate the bearing capacity of an arbitrary reinforced concrete cross section. The Strain<br>Compatibility Method (SCM) was used as numerical formulation to obtain the normal effort-bending<br>moment interaction curves. This method is based on Euler-Bernoulli's theory for the evaluation of<br>cross sections deformations admitting them linear and continuous. The constitutive models used for<br>steel rebars and concrete were based on the requirements of NBR 6118 (2014). The solution of the<br>non-linear problem and obtaining the moment-curvature relationship were approached through an<br>incremental-iterative strategy coupled to the Newton-Raphson method. In addition, the scanning of the<br>strain domains was carried out in a comparative manner. It is hoped that the results obtained will be<br>compatible with the pre-existing literatures and even more accurate.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS IN A 2U CUBESAT STRUCTURE2024-07-12T09:27:17+00:00Vitor H. L. C. Limavitorhugo_mec@alu.ufc.brRomulo do N. Rodrigueseng.romulorodrigues@gmail.comRoberto de A. Bezerraroberto.bezerra@gmail.comPierre M. C.<p>The miniaturization of satellites has helped students practice their knowledge and build a<br>real satellite. Many universities have turned to this study, as other private and important institutions.<br>The CubeSat standard gives a set of specifications to developers and defines a cubic picosatellite with<br>less than 1.33kg. The vibration tests are some set of important tests to improve a satellite structure<br>safety. Also, before doing vibration tests, FEM analysis is largely used to analysis the CAD model,<br>before built the satellite. In this work is aimed make some modal analysis in an ordinary structure<br>developed. The results can be applied in a real CubeSat that is going to be developed and later<br>withstand the vibration tests in the Mechanical Vibration and Acoustics Laboratory of Federal<br>University of Ceará. It was made modal analysis varying the load conditions and putting a circuit<br>plate. In addition, it was also made harmonic analysis evaluating slack in the CubeSat’s feet. Some<br>changes in the mode shape were found in the presence of the circuit plate, and principally with<br>slacking in the feet. There are mode shapes that all the deformation concentrates in the circuit plate,<br>this natural frequency may damage the circuit. The results and observations will help in future analysis<br>and tests.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FOR SIMULATION AND NUMERIC ANALYSIS OF CREEP GROAN IN DISC BRAKES2024-07-12T09:43:22+00:00Gabriel R. N. Daltonobredalto@gmail.comAna L. F. Telesanaleticia2702@gmail.comRômulo do N. Rodrigueseng.romulorodrigues@gmail.comRoberto de A. Bezerraroberto.bezerra@gmail.comPierre M. C.<p>According to Brecht, Hoffrichter & Dohle [1], Creep Groan is a low frequency noise, from<br>20 to 200 Hz, that appearing in automotive brakes, mainly in automatic transmission cars, occurring in<br>disc brake systems at low pressure and velocity conditions, i. e., in the beginning of movement and<br>instants previous a complete stop. The Creep Groan noise may be easily identified by drivers and<br>passengers which impacts directly the impression about the vehicle quality and reliability. Thus a<br>better understanding of the parameters that cause the phenomenon is necessary to mitigate it and<br>provide greater comfort to the passengers. Considering the existing means to study the phenomenon, a<br>computational model was developed to numerical analysis focusing in the friction coefficient<br>variation, so it may be compared to experimental test results. The model was developed aided by the<br>MATLAB software. The model consists in a disc brake system simplification, a spring-mass model<br>with one degree of freedom, so the movement and forces patterns may be easily described and<br>understood.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARISON BETWEEN THE CLASSICAL BEAM THEORIES BASED ON EQUIVALENT SINGLE LAYER AND MURAKAMI’S ZIGZAG THEORY.2024-07-12T09:47:37+00:00Herbert C. L. Meloherbertmelo21@academico.ufs.brGabriel D. de Menezesgabriel.dantas@academico.ufs.brFabio C. da<p>The necessity for better properties materials has made advances in the composition of<br>structural elements such as composite beams introduced in the fields of civil, marine, aerospace<br>and mechanical engineering, which requires better material properties. However, the rapid<br>increase in using composite materials required improvements in the kinematics of classical<br>beam theories made to describe the mechanical properties of composited laminated beams. This<br>paper presents a comparison between the Euler-Bernoulli Theory (EBT) and Timoshenko Beam<br>Theory (TBT), applying in laminated composited beams associated with multilayer composite<br>analysis theories: Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) and Murakami’s ZigZag Theory (MZZ). The<br>work reported here shows examples of different beam configuration and loading, subject to<br>both theories. It was possible to compare the results with the exact solution derived by Pagano<br>[1]. Defining the length/thickness relation in which these theories are valid. EBT presents<br>precise results for low thickness beams; however, it presents low precision in the interlaminar<br>stress analysis. To contour this limitation and get better results in the stress field this paper used<br>the equilibrium equations of the elasticity theory. Meanwhile, TBT presents more accurate<br>results for thicker laminate beams, and the effects of transverse shear deformation are more<br>relevant in these cases. This article recognizes that TBT is more precise than EBT in all<br>comparisons presented and can represent the mechanical properties with certain precision and<br>simplicity.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF NORMATIVE MODELS INTEGRATED TO NONLINEAR COM- PUTATIONAL MODELS FOR SIMULATION OF STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE BEAMS WITH PARTIAL INTERACTION2024-07-12T09:50:27+00:00Tawany A. Carvalhotawanyacarvalho@gmail.comSamuel S. Louzadasamuel.l.s@estudante.ufla.bŕIgor J. M. Lemesigor.lemes@ufla.brRicardo A. M.<p>The present study refers to the composite steel-concrete beams analysis considering the vari-<br>ous nonlinear effects inherent to the structural typology. These effects generate complexity to the design</p> <p>requiring computational methodologies for the accurate measurement of structural behavior. With good</p> <p>numerical efficiency, the Refined Plastic Hinge Method also stands out for its simplicity. This method-<br>ology will be used considering rotational pseudo-springs at the finite elements ends for the simulation</p> <p>of plasticity. However, this approach was developed for isotropic materials with elastic-perfectly-plastic</p> <p>behavior, implying loss of precision in the analysis of structures containing concrete in their compo-<br>sition. Furthermore, the effects of partial interaction can not be simulated by the inherently rotational</p> <p>behavior of the pseudo-springs. Thus, the introduction of the cracking and partial interaction effects will<br>be approached through effective moment of inertia defined by normative criteria. The validation of the<br>implementations will be done based on the comparison with numerical and experimental data present in<br>the literature through several parameters extracted from the program.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GRAPHICAL INTERFACE FOR COMPUTATIONAL TOOL OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL ELASTIC-LINEAR ANALYSIS OF BARS WITH STRAIGHT AND CURVED AXIS2024-07-12T09:53:11+00:00Fernanda G.B.S.é S. Müís F.S.<p>This paper describes the details of a graphical interface for a linear-elastic analysis program<br>based on the finite element method with two-dimensional straight and curved bars elements, without<br>considering the shear deformations (Navier beams theory). The software adds curved-axis elements,<br>such as circular arcs, to the linear analysis of bars based structures (beams, frames) as a way to assist</p> <p>the teaching and learning in the structural environment. The interface was developed in Java, object-<br>oriented paradigm and associated with the program already developed in FORTRAN. The system</p> <p>generates the preprocessing of the analysis. Preprocessing includes data entry with constitutive and<br>geometric properties, graphical arrangement of nodes and elements, boundary conditions and loads.<br>This graphical interface is part of a research project aiming to develop a software for analysis of<br>frames with both straight and curved bars, as well as bars with variable inertia.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE MODELAGEM GEOMÉTRICA PARA ANÁLISE ISOGEOMÉTRICA DE COMPÓSITOS LAMINADOS2024-07-12T10:10:21+00:00Jonas Aguiar Juniorjonasaguiarj@hotmail.comEvandro Parente<p>The finite elements method (FEM) is the most commonly used numerical approach for<br>structural analysis. Recently, the Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) was proposed as an alternative method<br>to FEM. IGA uses the same functions used in CAD systems in geometric modeling as B-Splines and<br>Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS). Thus, IGA has gained attention by being able to exactly<br>represent complex geometries due to the use of B-Splines and NURBS in the numerical solution,<br>eliminating errors caused by geometry approximation present in FEM. NURBS are described by a set<br>of control points, weights and knot vectors, allowing the representation of both analytical shapes (e.g.<br>circles, cylinders, and quadrics) and free form models using the same database. However, as the IGA is<br>more recent than the FEM, there are not many tools to perform isogeometric modeling and analysis.<br>Therefore, in this paper presents a simple approach for preprocessing isogeometric models based on the<br>use of a well-known geometric modeler. This program is used for geometry creation and model<br>refinement using NURBS. These data and the associated attributes (e.g. material, loads and boundary<br>conditions) are saved in an input file for the analysis program. This preprocessing tool was validated<br>using of a set benchmarks and very good results were obtained.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE FLOW OF A 2-D JETS UNDER VARIABLE NOISE2024-07-12T10:12:22+00:00Thiago F. S. Freitasthsantiago1@gmail.comAndreia A. Nascimentoaanascimento@ufg.brLeonardo Q.<p>The present paper shows an physical analysis for bidimensional fluid flow evolutions of a<br>submerged rectangular free jet at low Reynolds Number. The flows were simulated using a code based<br>on the Fourier Pseudospectral Method coupled with immersed boundary method (IBM) IMERSPEC2D<br>(Mariano [1]), which uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to solve the bi dimensional Navier-Stokes<br>equations; the jet profile was implemented using the multidirect-forcing method, and the Runge-Kutta<br>4th order method with 6 steps (RK46) was used temporal method. The aims of this paper is validate<br>of noise required (0%, 1% and 3% of noise) to simulate the jet flows to Re = 100, at five different<br>mesh: 64x16, 128x32, 256x64, 512x128 and 1024x256. The results presented in this paper are based in<br>the velocity profile at five positions: vertical profile at position 12D, 16D, 32D and 64D, where D is the<br>diameter of the jet. A preferential mesh of 256 x 64 is chosen according to its accuracy and computational<br>cost, however when the noise was being analyzed, the mesh was considered inadequate due to its low<br>precision and the already existing numerical noise in its structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OFFSHORE PIPELINE MONITORING: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW2024-07-12T10:14:42+00:00Diana M. P. Cairesdiana_cairess@lccv.ufal.brEduardo S. S. da Silveiraeduardosetton@lccv.ufal.brEmerson A. F. Santosemerson_acacio@lccv.ufal.brJosue D. da S.<p>In-situ monitoring of submerged pipelines is an extremely important procedure since the<br>continuous monitoring of this system helps to avoid possible errors and allows better visualization of<br>a necessary solution. In this sense, the retro-analysis also shows a very fundamental method, which<br>consists in the observation and analysis of a real situation, already occurred. In this way, mistakes or<br>poorly adjusted parameters that prevent the success of the work, are more easily adjusted. This work<br>consists of a systematic review of free spanning pipelines in-situ monitoring. A systematic review of the<br>literature consists of investigating the state of the art of a subject or area, however against a common<br>literature review, systematic reviews have the purpose of being replicable, accurate and methodical.<br>Therefore, they are accomplished through the definition of a research question, a search strategy, the<br>establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria and the careful analysis of the material. In this sense, a<br>whole study on the chosen theme, as well as the definition of a search string is being elaborated to reach a<br>final amount of Works that represent the subject of this article. Thus, the careful analysis of the keywords,<br>abstracts, and introductions has been of great relevance in this phase of the research. Finally, through<br>the application of systematic review techniques, the most relevant works of the area were identified and<br>the construction of a bibliographic review was made possible. Hence, as a final result of this project,<br>it is intended to build a systematic review article that serves both to exercise this tool and to base other<br>studies that need a precise and in-depth knowledge regarding the subject in question.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEW TECHNIQUES IN THE STUDY OF STRUC- TURAL MODELING OF FREE-SPAN RIGID DUCTS SUBJECTED TO VORTEX-INDUCED VIBRATION2024-07-12T10:17:45+00:00Ruan Lucas G. Cavalcanteruan.cavalcante@lccv.ufal.brJosue Domingos da S. Neto josue.neto@lccv.ufal.brEmerson Acacio F. Santosemerson_acacio@lccv.ufal.brEduardo Setton S. da<p>The project focuses on the analysis of rigid duct structures on the phenomenon of vortex<br>induced vibration (VIV) in free-space areas in the underwater bed from the perspective of the Systematic<br>Review (RS). the SR methodology was utilized for its systematic and explicit ways of identification,<br>selection and critic evaluation in a large quantity of other researches and studies. In this project, the<br>systematic review techniques were applied to analyze the state of the art for Computational Modeling<br>and Analysis of Structural Behavior of Hard Ducts in Free Spans Undergoing Vortex Induced Vibration.<br>Computational analysis, via finite element simulation, is one of the best tools to study this complex<br>phenomenon. The simulation replicates the situation of the subsea pipeline when in vain free. It was<br>necessary to define the string that would be used for the beginning of the search, by testing with the<br>keywords. Already structured string, it was possible to gather a material cluster, starting the filtering,<br>choosing the inclusion and exclusion criteria that fit the process as a filter, separating the most relevant<br>material. Thus, with the previous steps already performed, it was possible to draw a script to be followed<br>during the research, therefore, StArtwas used as support the steps of the SR process, helping from the<br>creation of the script to the result. A systematic review was applied to the subject of research, providing<br>reproducible results and pointing out what is current in the area, proving its potential in the survey phase<br>in scientific research.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÊNCIA DA CURVATURA E DAS CONDIÇÕES DE APOIO NOS ESFORÇOS DE UMA CASCA CONOIDAL2024-07-12T10:20:37+00:00ALVES, Rafael Henrique Claudino, Renata<p>The structural elements of the shell type are a good technical and aesthetic solution for<br>application in different types of construction works. In general, the shells can be used as cover, they<br>have a structural function and, in this situation, the knowledge of the influence of their contour<br>conditions and their curvature on the behavior of the structure assists in the execution of structural<br>projects. Thus, this paper studies the influence of curvature and boundary conditions on the behavior of<br>a conoidal shell of parabolic curvature when subjected to a uniformly distributed transverse load on its<br>surface. The solution of the problem is done by means of the finite element method (MEF), using the<br>commercial software Abaqus ® and one obtains the relation of the displacements, moment bending and<br>normal stress with the variation of the magnitude of the applied load. It is observed that the increase of<br>the height of the curvature and change of the conditions of support in the bark influence in the magnitude<br>and the distribution of the efforts of flexion and of membrane. In addition, a greater non-linearity of<br>responses is observed for certain combinations of curvature height and support conditions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FLUID DYNAMICS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE FLOW AROUND A SQUARE PRISM IN TURBULENT REGIME2024-07-12T10:22:55+00:00Mariana Reis Pereiramariana.reis@engenharia.ufjf.brPatricia Habib<p>The use of models in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been increasing<br>considerably, since the description of the phenomena in an analytical way is sometimes very complex<br>and wind tunnel tests can not always be used. In this research, the characteristics of the turbulent flow<br>around an obstacle of square section, for different Reynolds numbers, were studied, using the<br>computer code in CFD, OpenFoam, which is an open source program in C ++ programming language.<br>The choice of the OpenFoam code was due to the fact that is a free open source program and has a<br>great study potential. The square obstacle was chosen because it has similarities with several structures<br>studied by the engineering, that is to say, it is a blunt body with sharp corners and has many already<br>consolidated data. The beginning of the study was done by performing a mesh analysis. For this, a<br>value of the Reynolds number was set and analyzes were carried out with meshes of different<br>refinements in order to evaluate the sensitivity of the mesh. The turbulence model used was the RANS<br>category (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equation) and the values of the aerodynamic coefficients<br>found were compared with those obtained in the literature. The most efficient mesh was defined<br>relating the aerodynamic coefficients with the execution time of the analysis and the level of the<br>refinement of the meshes. In a second instance, the Reynolds number were varied and thus the values<br>of the aerodynamic coefficients and their fluctuations were obtained.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 APPLICATION FOR THE CALCULATION OF WARPING CONSTANT AND OTHER GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES FOR THIN-WALLED ARBITRARY SECTIONS2024-07-12T10:24:54+00:00Ítalo Samuel da Silva Araújoitalo.-samuel@hotmail.comSelma Hissae Shimura da Nó<p>In the design of structures, when loadings that cause torsion and / or buckling are<br>considered, it is essential to calculate the warping constant. This parameter can be easily obtained by<br>expressions available in many technical publications, and they are applicable to mono-symmetric or<br>double-symmetric profiles (standard sections). The problem, however, is to obtain the warping<br>constant for thin-walled arbitrary sections, without symmetry axes, that can eventually be found in<br>structural designs. This paper does not focus on the explanation of torsion theories (that was in fact<br>used) nor the presentation of all expressions that allow the calculation of the warping constant, but<br>summarizes and organizes them in a computer application. The idea is to offer an easy and friendly<br>code to the technical community so that undergraduate students and even structural engineers can use<br>it in their projects. In order to make it comprehensive and employed in the various levels of the<br>Engineering courses, several other geometric properties were considered, such as centroid and shear<br>center positions, moments of inertia, radii of gyration, principal moments of inertia, section moduli,<br>among others. The obtained results are compared with those presented in expressions available in<br>technical literature and international publications.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THE DEVELOPMENT OF DOMAIN PARTITIONING TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO THE MATERIAL POINT METHOD2024-07-12T10:26:59+00:00Joao Gabriel da Costa de Souza Duartejoao.duarte@ctec.ufal.brAdeildo Soares Ramos Junioradramos@lccv.ufal.brDiogo Tenorio Cintra diogotc@lccv.ufal.brRicardo Garske<p>This paper aims the development of domain partitioning techniques applied to numerical sim-<br>ulations using the Material Point Method (MPM). The MPM can be used to simulate various engineering</p> <p>problems, including those involving submarine landslides, installation of torpedo anchors and dynamical<br>analysis of structures. The parallel solution of MPM involves the use of parallel computing libraries<br>and domain partitioning techniques. This procedure potentially increases the processing speed of the</p> <p>problem and, consequently, reduces computational time. In this work, two geometric domain partition-<br>ing techniques were adopted: 1) division by horizontal or vertical bands; 2) the Recursive Coordinate</p> <p>Bisection (RCB) method. Both partitioning algorithms were developed using the C/C++ language and<br>the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library. The MPI library allows the exchange of data among the<br>several processors used in the simulations considering the use of distributed memory systems. In order to</p> <p>measure the partitioning quality for the obtained results in several simulations, the load balance param-<br>eter was adopted. The obtained values were compared to the optimal value calculated analytically. The</p> <p>results show that the RCB implementation drastically reduces the communication regions between the<br>processors, which represents a computational gain in simulation time. Therefore, the RCB partitioning<br>technique has a better performance, compared to the technique of division by bands, since the method<br>optimizes the partitioning, due to its recursive and iterative characteristics.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING OF PROPELLERS AND VALIDATION OF AERODYNAMIC COEFFICIENTS VIA BEMT2024-07-12T10:30:28+00:00Rafael Grande Pancini Delmonterafael.delmonte@engenharia.ufjf.brLucas Machado Rochalucas.machado@engenharia.ufjf.brFlávia de Souza Habib<p>Advances on aeronautical sector demand research in all areas involved in the project. This<br>includes the aerodynamic analysis of propellers, since these are used to generate the necessary thrust to<br>move the airplane, absorbing to the best possible way the supplied power. Among the analytical theories,<br>those of Theodorsen [1] and Adkins and Liebeck [2] are notable. These theories are denominated blade</p> <p>element momentum theory (BEMT). The interest in these study in the UFJF was encouraged by the Aero-<br>design Team (Microraptor), which participates annually in the SAE BRASIL AeroDesign competitions.</p> <p>In these competitions, the team develop an aircraft, from initial design to construction and testing. In this<br>context, the present work proposes the study of a propeller chosen by the team for the 2019 season. The<br>study consists of the geometric modeling of this propeller and subsequent calculation of the aerodynamic<br>parameters through BEMT model. The necessary data was provided by the manufacturer, and also via<br>a 3D scanner. The aerodynamic coefficients of the profiles were obtained using the XFOIL program,<br>developed by Drela [3]. Subsequently, for the calculations of thrust, power and efficiency coefficients,<br>the QPROP Program, also developed by Drela [4], was used and applies the BEMT methodology. It is</p> <p>possible to obtain satisfactory values of the traction generated by the propeller, validating both the geo-<br>metric and the analysis methodology with wind tunnel results. After validation, the power and propeller</p> <p>efficiency curves were generated, certifying their use for the flight envelope.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION AND FINITE ELEMENT METHOD TO SOLVE INVERSE PROBLEM USING DISPLACEMENT FIELDS.2024-07-12T10:34:15+00:00Kevin T. L. M. de Souzakevin.tenorio98@gmail.comRomildo S. Escarpini Filhoromildo@lccv.ufal.brChristiano A. F. Várady<p>One of the most common problems in solids mechanics is the determination of displacement,<br>strain and/or stress fields of a sample, given the geometry, constitutive parameters and boundary<br>conditions. This problem is known as Direct Problems, being solved numerically by techniques such as<br>the Finite Element Method (FEM). In this work, however, it is explored how to solve the inverse<br>problem. To calculate the constituent parameters of the sample, we use the displacement fields obtained<br>with a Digital Image Correlation (DIC) algorithm. Then, FEM simulations are performed using the same<br>geometry, loading, boundary conditions and an arbitrary set of elastic parameters (Young's Modulus and<br>Poisson's Coefficient). Displacement data measured via DIC serves as a reference in an optimization<br>algorithm that minimizes the difference between the FEM and DIC offset data set using the initial FEM<br>simulation as kickstart and updating the set of constituent material parameters for subsequent iterations.<br>Material parameters are obtained when the optimization is completed, and the two displacement fields<br>are close enough. At the end of the work, numerical examples are presented and compared with those<br>obtained by the Finite Element Method Updating (FEMU), which works with deformations states.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ABOUT APPROXIMATE AND RIGOROUS METHODS FOR ANALYSIS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGE DECK2024-07-12T10:36:46+00:00Victória Guimarães Bomjardim Portothiago.porto@cefetmg.brThiago Pena Bortonethiago.bortone@cefetmg.brAntônio Ribeiro de Oliveira Netoantonioribeiro@cefetmg.brIsabella Caroline Vieira Machadoisabella.machado.eng@gmail.comThiago Fonseca<p>This paper presents an evaluation of the approximated methods for the calculation of<br>reinforced concrete bridge deck, considering the available numerical resources. In the past, it was<br>common to use simplifications in the calculation of the constituent elements of the bridge: the<br>superstructure and substructure, on the definition of the internal forces on the ultimate limit state<br>(ULS) and the displacements on the serviceability limit state (SLS). From this trivial analysis, usually<br>analytical, the verification of the parameters of the structure was made. It is known, however, that the<br>simplified structural analysis causes eventual inaccuracy on the internal forces and deflection values of<br>the bridges and viaducts, since it is not considered the real interaction, three-dimensional, between the<br>main constituent elements of the structure: bridge deck, girders, columns, abutments, wing walls and<br>foundation elements. Thus, an oversizing of the inputs is done, for example, consumption of steel and<br>concrete, thus, burdening the project in question. Considering the above, it was intended in this<br>research to make a comparison of the results obtained analytically in a reinforced concrete slab bridge<br>with the results using the tables of Rusch [1] taking into account the moving loads based on Brazilian<br>Technical Standards NBR 7188 [2] and NBR 7187 [3]. The analyzed bridge has two spans and total<br>lenght of 23.10 m, with central reinforced concrete pier. The abutments are closed and have, each one,<br>two wing walls, simultaneously acting as containment element and columns. For the analysis of the<br>bridge moving load, was considered the standard Brazilian vehicle class TB-450. Finally, after a<br>systematical analysis of results obtained from the analytical and numerical models of the bridge, some<br>considerations are made, especially regarding the use of simplified methods of structural analysis and<br>design.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 APPLIED COMPUTATION TO SOLVE PROBLEMS OF SOLID MECHANICS2024-07-12T10:40:44+00:00Juscelina R. Ferreirajuscelina.ferreira@uemg.brLukerman D. M. C.<p>This paper aims to present the program BEAMS, initials in Portuguese for Exercise Bank<br>Applied to Solid Mechanics. It is an open source software-in-progress that intends to available a bank<br>of editable examples about different issues of Solid Mechanics. It has been developed in State University<br>of Minas Gerais, using Scilab and LaTeX. Scilab language has some advantages: It is open software, in<br>continuous improvement and evolution; Obtaining high-resolution graphics is simple; working with<br>vectors and matrices is easy; Good Graphical User Interface with icons, selection buttons, editable input<br>fields, checkboxes and others. Regarding to the LaTeX, it is a high quality typesetting system that<br>produces technical and scientific documentation, allowing to write equations in a mathematical format,<br>by using symbols and specific characters. In this way, the output file obtained via BEAMS displays the<br>results in a pdf format file, with all detailed calculations, adding formatted texts to the explanations,<br>math equations, figures and tables. It is possible because Scilab uses the LaTeX syntax, through of<br>JLaTeXMath library. The implementation developed until here of BEAMS lets the calculation of<br>unsymmetrical bending of the cross-section. Since the whole process is automated, it is enough to<br>modify the input data so the calculations are updated according to each type of cross section. In this way<br>the solution of different examples can be done quickly, allowing teachers and students to conference the<br>calculations and visualizing how to the dimensions and each cross section induce the value of the<br>calculated stresses.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF NEIGHBORHOOD EFFECTS ON WIND ACTION IN A BUILDING2024-07-12T10:43:21+00:00Camila C. Torreão camilacanoa@hotmail.comThaís L. V. Saldanhathais_lages@hotmail.comRicardo S. Romão<p>The modernization of civil construction led to the appearance of taller and more slender<br>buildings. As a result of this new trend, the buildings became more susceptible to the impacts of natural<br>actions, one of the main being the wind action. ABNT NBR 6123:1988 predicts the efforts generated by<br>the wind action in the structures according to the location in which it is located. Another way to analyze<br>the wind action is through the wind tunnel test, which can be replaced by computational simulations.<br>The present work intends to analyze the wind behavior on the influence of neighborhoods through a<br>comparison of the results found by ABNT NBR 6123:1988 and by the finite element method. The<br>analysis aims to study a hypothetical concrete building in isolation and with the insertion of five distinct<br>neighborhood models on the influence of high turbulence winds. The incidence of wind will be<br>considered every 30 degree. With the results, the influence of neighborhood in all the directions of wind<br>incidence was observed, being possible to realize that the values obtained by norm are not appropriate<br>for all the cases of proposed neighborhoods. In this way, it is necessary to produce more individualized<br>analyzes for each type of building as well as for each type of environment in which the building may be<br>inserted.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NAVIGATION FUZZY SYSTEM FOR UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES2024-07-12T10:46:01+00:00Diego Dutra Sampaiodiego.sampaio@acad.ifma.brWashington Luis Santos Reis Conceição<p>This Academic research aims to develop an autonomous navigation system for unmanned aerial<br>vehicles (UAV) of quadrotor type, based on fuzzy logic and the vehicle sensing, in order to automate the pilot<br>function, to allow the maximum degree of autonomy. To develop the project, the radio hardware control of the<br>drone Syma X8HC and the common ultrasound sensors used on the market were changed to allow the vehicle<br>to identify the presence and distance of several obstacles during the course. The fuzzy controller of structures<br>was tested by computer simulations and laboratory tests. The experiments results conducted on a test platform<br>and computer simulations have demonstrated the effectiveness and performance of the both used methods and<br>the main system in this work.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AUTOMATED STRATEGY FOR SIMULATION OF WELLBORE DRILLING IN SALT ROCKS2024-07-12T10:48:34+00:00Jonathan F. Franciscojonhff@gmail.comRicardo A. Fernandesricardoaf@lccv.ufal.brCatarina N. A. Fernandescatarina@lccv.ufal.brEduardo N. Lagesenl@ctec.ufal.brLuiz F. M. L. R.ílio C. C. M.<p>This work proposes an automated strategy for simulation of wellbore drilling in salt rocks.<br>Drilling operations in salt rocks are often complex due to the creep behavior of such materials inducing<br>borehole closure. In many cases, this behavior may lead to stuck pipe problems and, once the drilling<br>equipments get stuck, they cannot be freed without damaging the well, not to mention that it can delay<br>the well execution for several days. To avoid such undesirable event, numerical simulations are used to<br>predict the closure of the borehole, providing support in backreaming operations. Also, the information<br>of salt response in some zones may lead to a better decision-making process of drilling or not in an area<br>of interest, once the technical and economical feasibility of the operation can be better evaluated. In this<br>context, this work presents an automated strategy for simulation of wellbore drilling in salt rocks. The<br>model is based on finite element analysis using Abaqus software. Python routines are developed using</p> <p>the abaqus scripting API to automate the modeling and simulation procedures for different scenarios con-<br>sidering user-defined variations on geometric and material properties and allowing a proper visualization</p> <p>of obtained results. Case studies are presented in order to verify the reliability of the proposed strategy.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF NON-PREMIXED LAMINAR COMBUSTION CONSIDERING DIFFERENT CHEMICAL MECHANISMS2024-07-12T10:52:27+00:00Pedro F. P.ábio A. da Cunhafabioalfaia@unb.brLucas G.<p>Our understanding of combustion has developed greatly over the past century and the most<br>recent improvement is associated to modeling and simulation of combustion. To contribute to such<br>advancement this work presents a mathematical modeling of non-premixed gaseous combustion and<br>verifies the effects of chemical kinetic mechanisms over the velocity, temperature and chemical species<br>concentration fields. This paper presents simulations with two different reaction mechanisms: global<br>mechanism and skeletal mechanism. On the utilized mathematical model, the flow field is obtained by<br>the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, the temperature field is obtained by the solution of the<br>energy conservation equations and the species concentration fields are obtained by the solution of the<br>conservation equations for individual chemical species. A computational code was written on MATLAB<br>for the simulations, considering bidimensional domain and axial symmetry. The simulation model is<br>validated by comparing with experimental data.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF EMBEDDED FUZZY SYSTEM TO CONTROL HYDROPONIC CROPS2024-07-12T10:55:08+00:00Kayon V. L. Lopeskayonvinicius222@hotmail.comDanubia S. D. R.<p>The hydroponics consists of a technique for cultivation that dispenses the use of soil, cul-<br>tivating the plants in water medium, from a solution enriched with nutritious substances necessary for</p> <p>the development of the plant. Although still incipient, there is a significant increase in the use of this<br>technique in several locations where the unstable climate harms agricultural production. In this sense,<br>automation is extremely necessary to minimize the losses, through the control of several variables in<br>crop shelters. In addition to minimizing the risk of crop failure, automation enables a higher quality</p> <p>of products by providing optimal conditions for production, allowing autonomy in cultivation and, con-<br>sequently, that the human workforce is directed to activities that require greater dedication. This paper</p> <p>presents a system of multiple inputs and multiple outputs (MIMO) that allowing to control the production</p> <p>and the monitoring of vegetables in greenhouses for cultivation, collecting and controlling essential vari-<br>ables such as temperature, humidity, luminosity, among others, using fuzzy logic. This system optimizes</p> <p>production by automating data collection and hydroponic crop management in order to minimize errors</p> <p>resulting from these activities. First, the study of the variables and the survey of the components neces-<br>sary for the assembly of the system were realized, defining the following input variables: temperature,</p> <p>humidity, time and luminosity as input variables, and LEDs irradiation and ventilation, as output vari-<br>ables. Then, a study of how these variables are related in the fuzzy system decision-making process was</p> <p>carried out. The Mamdani model was chosen as an inference method, since it is better suited to use in<br>systems to support decision making. Thus, the fuzzy sets and rules of the Mamdani model were defined.<br>The fuzzy controller was implemented in C language using an Arduino Mega 2560 board. In order to<br>verify the operation of the system, tests were performed in the data collection stage, inference procedure<br>and output activation. The test results converged, and the system outputs responded appropriately.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF METAHEURISTICS BASED ON SWARM INTELLIGENCE: WHALE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION2024-07-12T11:21:30+00:00Kayon V. L. Lopeskayonvinicius222@hotmail.comHadriel R. Santoshadrireis@gmail.comLucas N. Mendonçalnm.lucas@hotmail.comJoao P. F. Pereirajpfp15@hotmail.comDanubia. S.<p>Optimization is the field of studies that seeks to develop techniques to improve processes,</p> <p>leading them to the best operating scenario. Within the field of optimization studies, the idea of con-<br>structing new techniques influenced by the adaptation mechanisms of living beings has been developed.</p> <p>In the context of computation, the construction of bio-inspired algorithms gains notoriety because it al-<br>lows agents that perform computationally simple tasks to contribute to solve complex problems when</p> <p>grouped together. This paper presents a comparative study between the metaheuristic techniques based<br>on swarm intelligence: WOA (Whale Optimization Algorithm) and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization),<br>in order to identify among the techniques the algorithm that obtains the best performance, investigating</p> <p>the influence of the number of individuals of the population, the influence of parameters on computa-<br>tional cost and execution time, as well as enriching the literature regarding the choice of methods and</p> <p>parameters according to the determined domains. The algorithms were implemented and benchmark<br>functions widely known in the literature were used to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed methods<br>and compare the results obtained. The results demonstrated the optimum performance for the search of<br>minimums and maximums, and the best parameters for each algorithm.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE CONEXÃO SEMIRRÍGIDA EM MODELOS RETICULADOS NO CONTEXTO DA PROGRAMAÇÃO ORIENTADA A OBJETOS2024-07-12T11:25:44+00:00Ícaro R. Marquesicarormarques@tecgraf.puc-rio.brPedro C. Lopescortezpedro@tecgraf.puc-rio.brRafael L. Rangelrafaelrangel@tecgraf.puc-rio.comLuiz Fernando C. R.<p>This work presents the implementation of a methodology to simulate semi-rigid joints in two</p> <p>and three-dimensional framed models using the Direct Stiffness Method. The idea is to add a linear-<br>elastic rotational spring to the structure by inserting new degrees of freedom to the system of equilibrium</p> <p>equations to account for the spring rotations. This implementation was incorporated to the LESM<br>(Linear Elements Structure Model) program, which is an educational open-source program. This<br>program is based on the Object Oriented Programming (OOP), which was used in order to handle the<br>problem in a generic fashion. A new class in the context of the OOP was created to simulate the behavior<br>of semi-rigid joints.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COUPLED VISCOELASTIC DAMAGE MODEL APPLIED TO SALT ROCK MECHANICS2024-07-12T11:28:49+00:00Otávio B. de A. Rodriguesotavio.rodrigues@ctec.ufal.brCatarina N. de A. Fernandescatarina@lccv.ufal.brEduardo T. de L. Juniorlimajunior@lccv.ufal.brWilliam W. M.<p>This work describes the application of a viscoelastic damage formulation to the<br>preliminary study of one-dimensional finite element (FE) modeling of salt caverns structural<br>behavior. The evaluation of damage in salt rocks is important due the stress relief caused by the<br>cavern dissolution that generates a large strain energy. If this energy is not reduced, it can lead to<br>instabilities, and the collapse of the cavern walls. The proposed methodology is divided in two main<br>steps: a) incorporation of a damage model to one-dimensional analysis of elastic and viscoelastic<br>materials considering analytical and numerical FE approach, aiming to acquire sensitivity on the<br>studied problem; b) application of the referred model to the simplified evaluation of salt caverns,<br>addressing strain levels, damage accumulation due to cyclic load induced by temperature and<br>pressure variation, and the closure of such caverns. It is expected that this preliminary study allows<br>the evaluation of the damage modeling influence on the behavior of caverns open in salt domes<br>under cyclic loading, addressing the rupture mechanisms of these rocks.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AS A DECISION-MAKING TOOL IN THE TUBULAR DESIGN AGAINST COLLAPSE2024-07-12T11:31:56+00:00Gabriel T. da Silveiragabriel.silveira@ctec.ufal.brEduardo T. Lima<p>During drilling and lifetime production of an oil well, the casing system is responsible for its<br>hydraulic isolation and structural integrity, having a high associated cost in relation to the total amount<br>of the well. The occurrence of failure events in casing tubes can result in large environmental damage<br>and human losses. Its structural design must comprise the different load scenarios acting on the tubular,<br>including internal and external pressures, besides axial, bending and torque efforts. Among the possible<br>failure modes, the collapse of the tubulars, due to the action of external pressure, stands out. The casing<br>design methodology currently adopted in the oil and gas industry is the Serviceability Limit State (SLS)<br>verification proposed by API/TR 5C3 (2008), based on a model of four collapse regimes, depending on<br>the slenderness of the tube. Its formulation does not deal with the uncertainties inherent to projects of<br>this magnitude, which could improve the structural safety analysis of the tubular, without compromising<br>its economicity. In this way, it is proposed to apply reliability-based design optimization (RBDO)<br>techniques in confluence with an Ultimate Limit State (ULS) model in order to find optimal<br>configurations for the design variables, taking into account the variability of some geometrical and<br>mechanical parameters, due to the manufacturing process, considering required target safety levels.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE VIGA DE TIMOSHENKO PELO MÉTODO DOS ELEMENTOS FINITOS2024-07-12T11:34:18+00:00Amadeo K. P. de Souzaamadeo_10@hotmail.comFernanda R.<p>This work aims to analyze the structural behavior of beams in linear elastic regime by the<br>Finite Element Method (MEF) based on the Timoshenko Beam Theory. A numerical study of the<br>problem was developed and used as a base to a computational code that was developed in Fortran<br>language to be capable of simulating the structural behavior of beams through the aforementioned<br>theory. In order to validate the computational code, the results obtained through the analytical solutions<br>of the Timoshenko Beam Theory were compared with the numerical results, which were also compared<br>with the results of the analytical solutions obtained through the Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory,<br>highlighting the differences between the two theories.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF VISCOELASTIC LAWS APPLIED TO SALT ROCK MODELS2024-07-12T11:37:07+00:00Gleide K. M. Linsgleidekarolayne.gk@gmail.comRicardo A. Fernandesricardoaf@lccv.ufal.brWilliam W. M. Lirawilliam@lccv.ufal.brEduardo N.<p>This work proposes a preliminary analysis of discrete mechanical models considering viscoe-<br>lastic laws as an introduction to the study of salt geomechanics. For the oil industry, the presence of salt</p> <p>rocks during exploration significantly increases the probability of finding oil due to its sealing capacity.<br>However, its viscoelastic rheological properties promote a faster closure of the well over time, causing,<br>e.g., pipe stuck issues during drilling procedure. In this context, a discrete numerical model is used as a<br>standard numerical framework to the proposed constitutive investigations. A time-dependent approach is<br>incorporated and a double deformation mechanism is applied to consider the viscous effects on problem.</p> <p>Based on this methodology, creep tests using applied forces as user-defined time functions are simula-<br>ted. Finally, in the way to model the wellbore closure problem, a simplified axisymmetric analysis is</p> <p>proposed. Case studies are presented in order to verify the obtained numerical results.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMERICAL MODELING OF TRUSSES2024-07-12T11:40:02+00:00Gabriel de Carvalho Freitasgabriel.freitas@ctec.ufal.brEduardo Toledo de Lima<p>Trusses are a type of structural system widely applied in Engineering, performing, in many<br>cases, as an agile and economically advantageous solution. In Structural Engineering, computational<br>modeling consists of a powerful tool for representing the behavior of structural elements and systems,<br>especially if a non-linear approach is utilized, allowing the evaluation of its mechanical performance<br>both in the design phase and throughout its lifetime. Metal alloys, specially the steel, are currently</p> <p>employed on the construction of trusses. This kind of ductile material presents a pronounced non-<br>linear mechanical behavior, more specifically an elastoplastic one. Therefore, it is of importance the</p> <p>consideration of the hardening effect in the structural analysis of structural systems constituted by<br>ductile materials, for allowing a better understanding of the structural behavior of these systems and<br>the study of their resistance in the post-yield regime. This work aims to develop numerical models of<br>trusses, considering different elastoplastic models – e.g., perfectly elastoplastic, isotropic hardening<br>and Ramberg-Osgood – in order to verify its influence on the response of the trusses, regarding<br>serviceability limit state (SLS) failure modes, in terms of allowable displacements and stresses. The<br>models are implemented in Python language and validated according to examples presented in the<br>literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE CHEVRON NOTCHED BRAZILIAN DISC2024-07-12T11:45:09+00:00João Marcelo M. Guimarãesjoaomarcelo@tecgraf.puc-rio.brLourdes M. S. Souzalmsilvadesouza@tecgraf.puc-rio.brMarlon A. A. C. Nunesmarlonaugustus@tecgraf.puc-rio.brDeane<p>The Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) tries to describe the fracture and damage<br>phenomena in materials that obey Hooke ́s law. However some small scale plasticity can be bypassed.<br>The main studies in the fracture mechanics area come from the energy balance of Griffith, in 1920 and<br>some improvement with the energy release rate added by Irwin, in 1956. Rocks often features structural<br>defects, including flaws, cracks, cleavages and natural fractures. Fracture toughness represents the<br>capability of fragile materials, such as rocks and concretes, containing initial cracks to resist further<br>fracturing. A widely used test that provide this information to model fracture propagation is the Cracked<br>Chevron Notched Brazilian Disc (CCNBD). Nevertheless, there is some discussion about the precision<br>of this test. In this study, mortar specimens had their fracture toughness experimentally assessed by the<br>CCBND method. Numerical fracture analyses were carried out using the Extended Finite Element<br>Method (XFEM) trying to reproduce the CCNBD test comparing with the experimental results aiming<br>to better understand this test.Results indicate that the CCNBD test underestimatesthe fracture toughness<br>in about 13%.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF BURST STRENGTH OF CASING TUBES: THE INFLUENCE OF CORRELATION BETWEEN DESIGN VARIABLES2024-07-12T11:48:19+00:00Jonathan H. Cordeiro Nunesjonathanhenrique000@gmail.comLucas P. de Gouveialucasgouveia@lccv.ufal.brEduardo T. de Lima Juniorlimajunior@lccv.ufal.brJoão Paulo N. de Araújojoaopna@lccv.ufal.brThiago S. Barbosathiago.barbosa@lccv.ufal.brWilliam Wagner M. Lirawilliam@lccv.ufal.brFelipe L. de Lopes Rodrigues dos<p>In structural design normative codes, safety factors are used to reduce the value of the<br>resistance and the probability of failure of the structure due to project uncertainties. Regarding oil<br>exploration, there is a concern about the risk of oil well failure, considering the new challenges of this<br>sector, especially in offshore exploration. Even applying safety factors, these uncertainties leads to a<br>non-zero probability that the structural system does not meet the requirements for which it was<br>designed. In order to improve the decision-making process in structural safety analysis, the structural<br>reliability methods arise with the possibility of calculating the probability of failure of the structure,<br>taking into account the inherent uncertainties of the design variables. However, in order to assure the<br>success of the reliability analysis, it is necessary to have the statistical description of the design<br>variables and a mathematical model to determine the failure functions of interest. In the context of oil<br>well design, the API 5C3 [1] recommends the use of data with independent random variables (r.v.) in<br>the reliability analysis of well casing tubes, because this consideration simplifies the problem and is<br>beneficial for safety. However, the present work aims to analyze the influence of the use of correlation<br>between the r.v. in the results obtained through structural reliability methods. The limit state of ductile<br>rupture under internal pressure is defined, in which the tube strength is defined by the Klever-Stewart<br>[2] model, as determined by API 5C3 [1]. The First Order Reliability Method (FORM) and the Monte<br>Carlo simulation are applied for extreme correlation values of a real sample of casing tubes<br>manufactured in industry. Finally, the results obtained are discussed, in order to evaluate the<br>importance of the use of correlation between r.v. on the casing integrity analysis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF COMPUTATIONAL TOOL FOR STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF CONCRETE’S HOMOGENEITY BY DETERMINATION OF REBOUND HAMMER TEST’S RESULTS2024-07-12T11:52:59+00:00Christian Carneiro de OliveiraChristian.oli13@gmail.comFlávio Barboza de<p>This paper presents the development of a computational tool that provides support to in-site<br>structural concrete integrity analysis through the determination of its homogeneity, parameter that is<br>directly related to fundamental aspects of the quoted material, such as resistance and durability. The<br>related homogeneity determination is made by statistical analysis of the results of rebound hammer tests,<br>which are non-destructive tests (that is, tests that does not compromise the integrity and functionality of<br>the measured structural element) that determinates the superficial toughness of concrete. The statistical<br>analysis is consisted in the computational implementation of comparative hypothesis tests associated to<br>a program logic that prioritizes the effectuation of the most statistically trustable, according to the sample<br>characteristics of the rebound hammer test’s indexes obtained during the tests. From the comparison<br>between the measured indexes in different regions of the same structural element, it is determined if<br>those are, or not, homogeneous. In addition to this, regions of different elements are also compared to<br>statistically determinate if those are (or not) of equal characteristics concretes. Regarding to the<br>programming language, the tool was written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language linked to<br>Microsoft Excel applications, which provides the automatization of several processes inside Excel’s<br>spreadsheets and tables through the creation of personalized routines; Therefore, through the integration<br>with Microsoft Excel, an widely used software, it was possible to create an useful, trustable and easy to<br>access tool of health concrete evaluation and monitorization.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPEN SOURCE FINITE ELEMENT CODE FOR STRUCTURAL DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES2024-07-12T11:56:10+00:00Alan Lins Alvesalanlinsalves@gmail.comPaulo Marcelo Vieira<p>The wind energy potential of the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is significant,<br>with a shallow continental shelf and extremely favorable wind speed in the northeast region. The<br>exploration of offshore wind energy emerges as an alternative for the growing energy demand of the<br>country, as well as for renewable energy requirements. Offshore wind turbines are slender structures,<br>subjected continuously to dynamic actions mainly from wind and sea. Therefore, these structures<br>demand an accurate prediction of eigenvalues to avoid mechanical resonance concerning loading<br>spectra. This paper presents a study of natural modes in NREL Phase 2 offshore wind turbine, as well<br>as the steps required for the development of an open-source finite element solution in Python. The<br>computational solution developed in this paper considers both fluid-structure (FSI) and soil-structure<br>(SSI) interactions in tridimensional models. This code is embedded in SALOME preprocessor as a<br>plugin. This plugin extends the preprocessing capabilities of SALOME to a complete code for modal<br>analysis of offshore wind turbines. The blades, hub, tower, and monopile are discretized using DKT<br>shell elements. The nacelle is modeled using tetrahedral elements. FSI is evaluated using additional<br>masses, and Winkler springs define SSI. Comparisons between the proposed plugin and ANSYS<br>simulations present errors inferior to 1%. Case studies were made, similar to those found in literature,<br>considering elastic or rigid supports, and additional fluid masses, or neglecting FSI. The results confirm<br>that both SSI and FSI are required for accurate modeling and ignoring these effects might lead to<br>divergences that compromise the prediction of offshore wind turbine behavior.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE AUTOMÁTICA DE ESTRUTURAS RETICULADAS PLANAS E ESPACIAIS2024-07-12T11:58:25+00:00Kaio G. de Medeiros Dantaskaiogeovanne@gmail.comFernanda Rodrigues Mittelbachfernanda_mittelbach@ufrnet.brAdryano J. Mafaldo de<p>The structural analysis allows the determination of fundamental quantities to evaluate the<br>behavior of the structures due of the requesting actions, as well as to carry out their correct design. In<br>the case of framed structures, the objective of the structural analysis is the determination of nodal<br>displacements, support reactions and nodal internal forces. To achieve this goal it is necessary to create<br>an analytical structural model by which the real structure is represented mathematically, thus making an<br>idealization of its behavior. Most commercial programs are limited to the analysis of plane structures,<br>restricting the number of elements of structures, as well as not allowing multiple support configurations.<br>Therefore, this work has proposed the development of a computational code, using Fortran, to solve<br>plane frames and space frames structures, with formulation based on the Direct Stiffness Method.<br>Subroutines were developed to solve plane trusses, space trusses, plane frames, space frames and grids,<br>with the objective of determining their support reactions, nodal displacements and nodal internal forces.<br>In plane frame, sub-routines were developed to consider the insertion of hinges (rotation liberation). In<br>order to validate the obtained results, they were compared with those obtained in commercial programs<br>already validated (Ftool and Salt), considering acceptable divergences of up to 2.0% between the values<br>provided by the code and those provided by the cited programs. Considering the results, it was possible<br>to verify that the parameters evaluated were congruent with those obtained in commercial programs and<br>their values did not exceed the divergence criterion.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRATEGY BASED ON GENETIC FUZZY LOGIC APPLIED IN PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT2024-07-12T12:01:09+00:00Hadriel R. Santoshadrireis@gmail.comDanubia S. D. R. V. L.<p>The search for the implementation of intelligent systems that provide greater effectiveness<br>in urban planning, especially urban mobility, in order to facilitate the development of metropolises,<br>has grown in recent years. The real world is too complicated to get accurate descriptions, therefore<br>the approximation or inaccuracy must be introduced to get a reasonable model. In view of this, fuzzy<br>logic presents itself as a powerful tool, since it is able to deal with systems that present problems for<br>conventional techniques, mainly the nonlinearity and the lack of precise knowledge about these systems.<br>Initially it was only approached the quantitative population of a given region and o timetable as input<br>variables. The objective of cluster analysis is to classify objects according to the similarities between<br>them and the organization of data in groups. Therefore, the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) fuzzy clustering<br>algorithm can be used to work with the initial collected data. The centers of the clusters provided by FCM<br>correspond to the parameters of the rules of the proposed Takagi-Sugeno model. In order to guarantee<br>the characteristics of performance, robustness and stability, the use of hybrid systems, it is necessary,<br>specifically, to include the genetic algorithm to aid and optimize the fuzzy system, having as a function<br>of suitability the output of the Takagi- Sugeno system. Consequently, the current routes are evaluated<br>according to their cost of implementation, since they include as many people as possible, in order to<br>validate or even reformulate existing routes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FOR LEARNING MECHANICS OF MATERIALS2024-07-12T12:04:14+00:00Pedro P. Sarkis Rosapedrosarkis.1@gmail.comRamon Pereira da<p>This work presents Mechanics of Materials 3D, a mobile application initially targeting the<br>Android platform. This app is the result of a beginner's research program at the Federal University of<br>Minas Gerais, whose objective is to design a tool to help students to learn elementary concepts of<br>Mechanics of Materials, especially in the study of stress states. The fundamental idea of the project was<br>to make knowledge more accessible to students by allowing abstract concepts to be better understood<br>and absorbed through playful interaction and graphic representation. It is an attempt to reconcile<br>traditional teaching with new learning possibilities provided by technology, with a special focus on the<br>new generations of students enrolling at universities every year. The application uses the matrix library<br>JAMA to perform the diagonalization of the stress tensor provided, thereby obtaining the principal<br>stresses and corresponding directions. In sequence, it gives access to graphical interfaces that present in<br>an intuitive and interactive way these results, as well as other results such as the Mohr’s circle and the<br>infinitesimal cube in different configurations (state supplied by the user, principal stresses and maximum<br>shear stress). These interfaces were elaborated through the synthesis of Java programming, layout design<br>in the XML markup language, the Android Canvas class along with the OpenGL ES graphic API.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÊNCIA DA VARIAÇÃO DA SEÇÃO DE CONCRETO NO DIMENSIONAMENTO DE PILARES DE SEÇÃO I MISTOS DE AÇO E CONCRETO VIA COMPUTACIONAL2024-07-12T12:10:55+00:00Cristiane Caroline Campos Martins de Carvalho Saarrafaelasaar18@hotmail.comHisashi<p>This paper presents the development of a program in C++ language that intends to design<br>composite concrete encased steel (CES) columns, which are composed of I-shaped steel that it will be<br>totally surrounded by concrete. The formulation of the program is based on expressions of Attachment<br>P of ABNT NBR 8800:2008, so it can be possible to obtain an axial compressive force and moments as<br>well as to verify the interaction between concrete and steel, steel contribution factor and slenderness. It<br>was analyzed the influence of the variation of the concrete section in the resistance in terms of moments<br>of the CES column considering that other parameters remained constant. It is concluded that with the<br>increase of the concrete section there is an increase of the resistance in terms of bending moments. It is<br>also possible to perceive that if there is an increase in the height of the concrete section there is a growth<br>in the percentage variation of the bending moment in relation to the x and y axes. While only increasing<br>the width of the concrete section there is an increase of the bending moment with relation to the y-axis<br>and a small increase with relation to the x-axis, it occurs because the moment of inertia of the profile</p> <p>with relation to the x-axis is much larger than the moment of inertia of the profile with relation to the y-<br>axis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Police Contingent Management Based on a Genetic Fuzzy System2024-07-12T12:15:18+00:00Lucas N. Mendonçalucas.nascimento@acad.ifma.comDanubia S. D. R. V. L.<p>In a worldwide trend for technologies development that assist in the efficient management<br>of people and resources, there is a great effort by the scientific community to provide viable ways to<br>atach this goal. In this way, to insert in these approaches the analyses of variables that influence the<br>public safety administration assists in the decision making of an intelligent system. This paper proposes</p> <p>a software development based on Genetic Fuzzy system to help authorities in police contingent manage-<br>ment in order to reduce crime in urban centers. Were selected indicators that have a greater impact on</p> <p>the planning and management of public security and, from this perspective, was searched for data that<br>best represent the real situations and correlate with the study object. The data used in the modeling and<br>training of the algorithm were extracted from a database that shows the occurrence of Intentional Lethal<br>Crimes in Sao Lu ̃ ́ıs, Brazil. The Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm was used as a fuzzy grouping and<br>unsupervised learning tool to estimate the performance regions (antecedent parameters) and the rules</p> <p>number of the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) inference model. The genetic algorithm is a search and optimiza-<br>tion technique based on the principles of genetics and natural selection. A fitness function is used in</p> <p>each generation of the algorithm to gradually improve the solutions. Since the output of Takagi-Sugeno</p> <p>model is the weighted sum of functions of the consequent rule, the local models parameters are opti-<br>mized from a fitness function. With the algorithm convergence, the answer given is a family of solutions</p> <p>wich representing the best police force distribution scenarios within the optimized areas. This feature is<br>important for the proposed system operation, because it allows this software to function as a tool to aid<br>decision-making, contributing to the responsible authorities. The use of the structure of a Genetic Fuzzy<br>system has been shown to be efficient to the proposed problem. It can be noted as advantages of using</p> <p>this method in solving problems of resource management and people the possibility of acting on contin-<br>uous or discrete variables, efficiency in the treatment of multiple variables, possibility of working with</p> <p>numerical data, experimental and analytical functions. Computational results demonstrate the efficiency<br>of the methodology developed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ALGEBRAIC DYNAMIC MULTILEVEL (ADM) METHOD FOR THE SIMULA- TION OF TWO-PHASE FLOWS THROUGH HIGHLY HETEROGENEOUS PETROLEUM RESERVOIRS2024-07-12T12:20:24+00:00Joao Paulo Rodrigues de Andrade jprandrade2@gmail.comDarlan Karlo Elisiario de Carvalho<p>Nowadays, large reservoir geocellular static models may size up to 106<br>- 109<br>cells. In practice,</p> <p>this might turn impossible the dynamic multiphase flow simulation, even using the most powerful High-<br>Performance Computing techniques. To overcome this problem, industry standards to apply some kind of</p> <p>homogenization (upscaling) technique, in order to reduce the original fine scale problem into a coarser</p> <p>one, containing less degrees of freedom. Despite the gains in CPU performance, these homogeniza-<br>tion methods imply in scale information losses. An alternative approach is to use multiscale/multilevel</p> <p>methods, such as the Multiscale Finite Volume Method (MsFVM). In the MsFVM, nested solutions are<br>calculated in coarser scales then projected back to the fine scale, by using restriction and prolongation</p> <p>operators. These operators are constructed using auxiliary primal and dual coarser grids. Recent de-<br>velopments in multiscale techniques led to the Algebraic Dynamic Multilevel (ADM) method. This</p> <p>methodology allows for the use of more than one auxiliary grid levels in a fully automatic adaptive scale<br>approach. In this paper, we use the classical IMPES (Implicit Pressure Explicit Saturation) strategy for<br>the modeling of oil-water flows on highly heterogeneous porous media using the ADM methodology.<br>The ADM solver is used for the implicit solution of the elliptic pressure equation and is constructed</p> <p>using the Two-Point Flux Approximation scheme (TPFA). The explicit solution of the hyperbolic satu-<br>ration equation is calculated using a First Order Upwind Method (FOUM). As a preprocessing stage, a</p> <p>pressure error estimator is performed to define regions to keep the mesh more refined, such as wells and<br>geological features (channels, barriers, etc.), to define a Static Multilevel Grid (SMG). For the simulation<br>of multiphase flows an algorithm that detects high gradients in the saturation solution (e.g., the saturation<br>front) is used, in order to define the Dynamic Multilevel Grid (DMG), nested to the SMG. In order to<br>evaluate our methodology, we have solved some benchmark problems found in literature. Our results,<br>are very promising, as we are able to obtain solutions almost as accurate as using the fine grid solution,<br>with a significant reduction in computational efforts.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION APPLIED TO DESIGN A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR LOWER LIMB PROSTHESIS2024-07-12T12:24:01+00:00Crismilia Alves dos Santoscrismilia.santos@ctec.ufal.brLuísa Vitoria Santos dos Anjosluisa.vitoria@hotmail.comJose Adeilson de Amorimadeilson_amorim@lccv.ufal.brAdeildo Soares Ramos<p>The objective of this work is to develop a methodology for a conceptual model for lower<br>limb prostheses using the discrete Topology Optimization (TO) techniques as a design tool. The TO<br>of structures is currently presented as a very promising tool for the conceptual design of structures,<br>structural components, and even the materials microstructure. The TO techniques allow the conception<br>of the structural model to be part of the optimization process, giving great freedom for the designer.<br>The bridging of the TO technics and the addictive manufacturing is very promising to associate the<br>personalized design with its manufacture. The prostheses are elements that replace partially or totally<br>the members and that bring an increase of the independence and functionality of the people or animals<br>that have incapacity or reduced mobility. In this context, the application of TO techniques allows the<br>creation of personalized and low cost prostheses, that, in Brasilian context, is very impor tant. The<br>discrete TO is based on the ground structures method that consists of the generation of truss members<br>connecting a mesh of nodes. The level of connectivity between the nodes can be defined by the designer.<br>In this work, the initial mesh is based on the 3D parameterization of ellipses defined by the geometry<br>of the personalized lower limb of the patient. We use the elastic topology optimization formulation<br>with multiple load cases and the cross-sectional areas of the members as design variables. Illustrative<br>examples are presented to show the potentialities the formulation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE LAJES E PAREDES DE VEDAÇÃO NA RESISTÊNCIA DE UM PÓRTICO ESPACIAL DE CONCRETO ARMADO FRENTE A SISMOS NA CIDADE DE FORTALEZA2024-07-12T12:27:42+00:00Wandson L.Motawandsonloiola10@gmail.comCarlos David Rodrigues<p>No projeto de estruturas em geral, é importante uma análise dos possíveis carregamentos<br>estáticos e dinâmicos que venham a ocorrer. Casos comuns são cargas estáticas relativas à utilização<br>da estrutura, a ação de ondas nos pilares de uma ponte, ação do vento, sismos etc. Um bom projeto<br>estrutural deve ter rigidez suficiente para resistir aos possíveis carregamentos atuantes, ao passo que<br>busca manter a configuração mais eficiente possível. Vários fatores influenciam na rigidez das<br>estruturas, como a resistência dos materiais constituintes, área de seção transversal dos elementos,<br>tamanho dos vãos, condições de apoio etc. No entanto, a literatura mostra que lajes e paredes também<br>podem tem um papel importante na rigidez global dos edifícios. Considerando que a norma técnica<br>brasileira NBR 15421 – Projeto de Estruturas Resistentes a Sismos, em vigor desde 2006, considera<br>que parte do nordeste, incluindo o Ceará, possui risco sísmico não desprezível, é importante conhecer<br>o quanto esses elementos (lajes e paredes) influenciam na rigidez e até que ponto vale a pena<br>considerá-los no modelo de cálculo. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a influência das<br>paredes de vedação e das lajes na rigidez e desempenho de um pórtico espacial de concreto armado<br>submetido a um sismo. Para isso, foi projetado a estrutura de um edifício de utilização residencial com<br>cinco pavimentos segundo a NBR 6118:2014 e através do software TQS. Em seguida, o efeito do<br>sismo foi aplicado e sua resposta estudada através do programa Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis,<br>baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos. Para o estudo proposto, foram criados três modelos, a<br>saber: pórtico espacial sem lajes e paredes, pórtico espacial apenas com lajes e pórtico espacial com<br>lajes e paredes. Cada um foi analisado e as respostas comparadas. Os resultados apontam que modelos<br>que consideram lajes e paredes de vedação tendem a ter deslocamentos, rotações e frequências<br>naturais até 40% menores dos que não consideram. Além disso, não só a laje apresenta importante<br>participação na rigidez e resposta a sismos, as paredes podem ter significativa importância e atuar<br>como um amortecedor.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÊNCIA DE MODELOS MICROMECÂNICOS NA OBTENÇÃO DAS PROPRIEDADES MECÂNICAS DO CONCRETO DE ULTRA ALTO DESEMPENHO REFORÇADO POR FIBRAS2024-07-12T12:31:01+00:00Daniel Nascimento Campos Dos AnjosDanyel.nascimento92@hotmail.comCarlos David Rodrigues<p>Devido as características excepcionais de resistência a compressão, durabilidade e ductilidade,<br>o concreto de ultra alto desempenho reforçado com fibras (CUADRF) apresenta-se como uma<br>alternativa a elaboração de projetos estruturais que possuam condições específicas de elevadas<br>solicitações, seja por ação de agentes deletérios ambientais, proeminentes cargas estruturais ou variações<br>térmicas extremas. Neste cenário, o CUADRF tem sido utilizado preponderantemente em recuperação<br>ou reforço de estruturas. Para que as propriedades do CUADRF sejam integralmente desenvolvidas,<br>demanda-se que sua microestrutura se apresente densa, resultando em um material de baixa porosidade.<br>Em vista disso, a caracterização do comportamento mecânico depende primordialmente da interação<br>entre as diversas fases que compõe a mistura, muitas vezes tornando-se necessária uma análise da<br>microestrutura para definir o desempenho global do material. Dessa forma, o presente artigo visa estudar<br>a obtenção das principais propriedades mecânicas do CUADRF por meio de simulação numérica<br>utilizando uma abordagem micromecânica. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com resultados<br>experimentais e analíticos obtidos na literatura. Os modelos de homogeneização adotados no presente<br>artigo são: Mori-Tanaka, Auto Consistente, Voigt e Reuss. Ao final, os resultados aprontam que os<br>modelos de Mori-Tanaka e Auto Consistente apresentam relativa precisão, subestimando os resultados<br>experimentais do módulo de elasticidade. Enquanto que os modelos de Voigt e Reuss se mostram<br>imprecisos para elevadas frações volumétricas de fibras.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF PRESTRESSED WAFFLE SLABS VIA GENETIC ALGORITHM2024-07-12T12:34:38+00:00Levy Ivel Sousa Ribeirolevy.missionariodapaz@gmail.comAntonio Macario Cartaxo de<p>In the majority of current buildings, the use of prestressing has enabled the design of projects<br>with larger spans than the conventional ones. Besides, the technique has favoured greater durability of<br>the structures, since it avoids problems of cracking and excessive deformation in service. However, most<br>projects are still heavily guided by the expertise of the structural designer, which does not guarantee<br>optimal projects from an economic point of view. This work aims to present an optimization formulation<br>for waffle slabs executed with current plastic moulds, using the heuristic of genetic algorithms in the<br>program ‘BIOS‘ (Biologically Inspired Optimization System). The analysis of the efforts was integrated<br>into the model using the ‘FAST‘ program (Finite Element Analysis Tool). To evaluate optimum changes<br>in the geometric characteristics of plastic moulds, currently provided in commercial catalogues, design</p> <p>variables related to the cross-section geometry of the slab, the number of tendons per rib and their ec-<br>centricity in the middle of the span were selected. Thus, the application of the evolutionary algorithm</p> <p>seeks to minimize the objective function of the model, composed of the costs with the materials and<br>labour used, while attending to the constraints of ultimate and service states in the design, arranged in<br>standards. In all cases, the slabs are simply supported and the prestressing was considered as equivalent<br>load. A comparison is made between the costs of the formulated optimization model and another one that<br>incorporates the geometry of the plastic moulds currently available in the market. The outcomes indicate<br>that reasonable reductions can be achieved in the total execution costs of the waffle slabs by varying the<br>input parameters of the algorithm, such as the spans adopted. Also, is evaluated the effect of adopting<br>slabs with higher spans ratio over the optimization results.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF PHYSICAL MODELS FOR STRINGED INSTRUMENT SOUND SYNTHESIS2024-07-12T12:37:58+00:00Guilherme N. Fontebassoguilhermenishifonte@gmail.comGuilherme O. Paivapitupaiva@gmail.comLucas N. Egidioegidio@fem.unicamp.brRodolfo Thomazellirodolfo.thomazelli@gmail.comJose M. C. dos Santos<p>Despite the growing accessibility to computational power, sound synthesis via physical mod-<br>elling still demands fast algorithms to allow its popularization. This work is concerned with a time-based</p> <p>comparison of two hybrid modal models for sound synthesis implemented in Python. One of them ap-<br>proaches the modal based synthesis problem coupling the string and body in the frequency domain. The</p> <p>other works in the modal domain, that is, it uses a finite difference scheme to integrate directly the modal<br>differential equations governing the string motion coupled to the body. Both models are called “hybrid<br>modal” because the string modal parameters, i.e., natural frequencies, modal shapes and damping factors,<br>are obtained from analytical expressions, and the body modal parameters are extracted from numerical</p> <p>modal analysis. In this paper, a set of time-domain simulations including the planar and nonplanar mo-<br>tions of a monochord string is presented. The measurements of their execution time are obtained for</p> <p>the same computational setup, programming language and simulation parameters, delivering a quantita-<br>tive comparison about the execution cost of these models. Furthermore, an asymptotic analysis for the</p> <p>proposed algorithms is also presented for the understanding of their scalability.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT IN FORCE PATHS IN RC STRUCTURES USING TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION2024-07-12T12:41:40+00:00Danilo B. Cavalcantidaniloborgescavalcanti@gmail.comSylvia R. M.<p>Strut-and tie models are mechanism-based models used to describe the complex behavior of<br>reinforced concrete structures that do not satisfy the Bernoulli hypothesis. The continuum structure is<br>replaced by truss representing the force paths inside the cracked continuum. This paper uses topology<br>optimization techniques to generate the force paths automatically in reinforced concrete structures. The<br>traditional density approach is adopted to represent the behavior of the concrete continuum and, in<br>addition, truss elements are used to represent the steel reinforcement. Bi-linear models are associated to<br>each material in order to separate the tensile and compressive paths. A numerical example shows the<br>influence of the reinforcement in the final force path.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRUT-AND-TIE MODELS USING TRUSS STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION2024-07-12T12:45:01+00:00Camilla Pereiracamillapereira1@hotmail.comSylvia R. M.<p>Strut-and-tie models are mechanism-based truss models applied in the design of reinforced<br>concrete structures. This paper applies the plastic formulation of the ground structure method to obtain<br>the force paths used in such models. The educational code GRAND is adapted to include the reactions<br>in the constraint nodes in the design variables in addition to que cross-sectional areas and the axial forces<br>of the bars. The optimization problem is written as a linear programing by introducing slack variables<br>related to the areas, axial forces and reactions. The maximum filter is applied to extract a topology in<br>equilibrium at the end of the optimization process. The original filter is adapted in order to apply the<br>filter to the maximum areas of the tensile and compression bars. This procedure prevents inadvertent<br>cut of thin bars of the resistant material. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the<br>applicability of the proposal.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES TO MINIMIZE THE EFFECTS OF VORTEX-INDUCED VIBRATION (VIV) IN FREE SPANNING PIPELINES2024-07-12T15:22:15+00:00Renato Ramos de Lima Santosrenato.ramos@lccv.ufal.brEmerson Acácio Feitosa Santosemerson_acacio@lccv.ufal.brJosué Domingos da Silva Netojosue.neto@lccv.ufal.brEduardo Setton Sampaio da Silveiraeduardosetton@lccv.ufal.brEduardo Nobre Lagesenl@ctec.ufal.brFábio Martins Gonçalves<p>The use of submarine pipelines to transport oil and gas is a common practice. However, one of<br>the main problems associated with the use of this technology is related to the irregularities of the seabed,<br>which creates regions with free spans, propitiating the occurrence of the phenomenon of vortex-induced<br>vibration (VIV). The design of pipelines in regions with free spans involves a thorough evaluation, which<br>allows identifying the VIV and the probable damage due to fatigue, to find out the need to increase the<br>operational life of pipelines. A widely used method for VIV mitigation is the reduction of the effective<br>length of the span installing supports at strategic points of the pipeline, minimizing the fatigue damage.<br>The search for these points can be seen as an optimization problem to identify the position and the<br>adequate amount of supports to minimize the occurrence of VIV. Thus, this work consists of a study on<br>the use of optimization techniques to identify the most suitable configuration for the installation of the<br>supports, assisting in the development of pipelines projects. For that, different situations were analyzed,<br>involving the change of bathymetry and the variation of the effective span length.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Graphical Interface for Modeling via Boundary Element Method2024-07-12T15:26:16+00:00Tito A. Grossitito.brossi@gmail.comGilberto<p>Developing and adapting computation methods for engineering problems, especially the<br>Boundary Element Method (BEM), has been an important area of research. In this context, BEMGUI</p> <p>emerges with the goal of being a graphical user interface (GUI) for the generation of drawings, physical-<br>geometric modeling and contour element meshes, in order to interact with programs that use the BEM to</p> <p>analyze elastostatic problems. It also aims to give a form of visual representation of the results, being a pre<br>and post processing tool. For this, the program is implemented in the Python language and follows the<br>object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, as Python adapts well to the application programming<br>interface (IPA) of a GUI. In addition, the flexibility and powerful ideas of this paradigm offers great<br>advantages to the scripting of a program. The result is a fast, interactive GUI that talks to the user through<br>mouse click and mouse movement events, in addition to keyboard keys. User-supplied information is, at<br>the end of a modeling process, provided to programs such as BEMCRACKER2D, which uses BEM to<br>generate results in crack problems, for example.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INFERENCE TECHNIQUES APPLIED TO LARGE SAMPLES2024-07-12T15:29:16+00:00Hugo Vinícius Ferreira Azevedohugovazevedo@gmail.comEduardo Toledo de Lima<p>The growing evolution of structural materials and analysis models demands a proper un-<br>derstanding of the safety levels adopted in the design practice. The uncertainties inherent to structural</p> <p>engineering problems can be evaluated from the statistical description of their design variables – dimen-<br>sional, mechanical and loading ones – and incorporated into the analysis by using structural reliability</p> <p>models. The statistical characterization is a crucial part of the whole process, being carried out by<br>inference techniques, as the goodness-of-fit (GoF) tests, which verify if sample data fits a theoretical<br>distribution model, given a specified significance level. The GoF tests can be very sensitive to large<br>samples - from the order of thousands of data, becoming unsuitable for this kind of analysis. Alternative<br>techniques can be applied to handle large datasets. This is the case of the subsampling principle, which<br>involves the random, non-biased withdrawal of subsamples from the original dataset, so that a part of the<br>sample is used in the parameterization of the model and another part is used for the GoF test, in varying<br>proportions, to be studied. In addition, the AIC and BIC (Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria)<br>values can be used as a preliminary indicative of the congruence between data sample and a theoretical</p> <p>distribution. It is proposed the analysis of two different samples, in order to apply some inference tech-<br>niques, implemented in Python language. It is expected to contribute with the characterization of large</p> <p>samples for studies in data science and reliability analysis applied to engineering.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 QUANTIFICATION OF FRACTURE POTENTIAL AT CONCRETE-ROCK INTERFACE FOR GRAVITY DAMS2024-07-12T15:36:54+00:00Mariana de Alvarenga Silvamari.alvarenga96@gmail.comFrancisco Evangelista<p>The uncertainties are present in engineering projects, in which can be due to materials,<br>models or constructive inaccuracies. This is very important in dams, because the failure of this<br>structure can lead to enormous social, economic and environmental impacts. In addition, dams must<br>resist overtopping occurrence, in which it has intensity, period and duration variabilities. Thus, this<br>paper aims to analyze the behavior of a concrete gravity dam in the presence of a crack along interface<br>dam/foundation, where it is, normally, the weakest zone of the structure. The study of this<br>discontinuity was based in linear elastic fracture mechanics, considering mixed-mode propagation, due<br>to the particulars of the problem. Furthermore, a reliability analysis was made to take account the<br>uncertainty of main design properties and loadings. The results showed the tendency of energy release<br>rate to follow a lognormal distribution. The importance of flood control was evidenced, because the<br>analyzed dam presented high failure probability with overtopping. Moreover, consider triangular uplift<br>or constant uplift acting on the crack generated great differences in reliability analysis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND VALIDATION OF FILTERING TECHNIQUES FOR CASING WEAR PROFILES IN OIL WELLS2024-07-12T15:40:02+00:00Antonio Paulo Amancio Ferroantonio.ferro@lccv.ufal.brDiego de Vasconcelos Gonçalves Ferreiradiegovasconcelos@lccv.ufal.brLucas Pereira de Gouveialucasgouveia@lccv.ufal.brAline da Silva Ramos Barbozaaline@lccv.ufal.brJoseir Gandra<p>Aimed to achieve a better petroleum well planning, engineers have to correlate several data<br>about drilling parameters, geological formations and reservoir properties, as well as many other details<br>collected from drilled wells databases. This information helps to generate well’s trajectory and improve<br>casing design. In the actual scenario of reaching deeper reservoirs and running complex well paths, a<br>common problem is casing wear. This phenomenon mainly results in material removal from casing inner<br>wall during well drilling process. Since this problem impacts well’s integrity and safety, the<br>improvement of casing design to consider accurate material loss is crucial. A regular procedure for<br>casing wear inspection is to use a logging device, like the ultrasonic logging tool, to collect several<br>discrete measures of inner radius and thickness variations. This data is used to determinate wear rate<br>along well depth. Therefore, wear profiles obtained from drilled wells, could be used to express<br>important information about wear intensity to future projects on planning phase. A problem that usually<br>appears in attempt to analyze this profiles, is the spurious spikes constant presence that corresponds to<br>unrealistic wear values, which are known as noise. The source of this meaningless data is mostly<br>attached to the presence of numerous connections between pipes, due to the great casing string<br>extension, and it is called casing collars. This study aims to use ultrasonic logging data to determine<br>more representatives wear profiles ignoring positions of unrealistic wear measurements. A revision and<br>validation of filtering methods is used to accomplish the wear profile improvement study. A Fast-Fourier<br>Transform low-pass filtering is implemented. The filter’s input is a raw profile with wear rate estimated<br>for several measure depth and with intrinsic noise that could be misinterpreted as casing wear. It is<br>discussed the effectiveness of the filtered profile when correlated to casing collars positions input<br>obtained from logging. Therefore, a study is performed using a regular industry’s procedure to<br>demonstrate the potential of the methodology to improve a casing wear representation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF STEEL TUBULAR TOWERS OF WIND TURBINES2024-07-12T15:43:43+00:00Raphael de Oliveira Guedes de Meloraphael.melo@ceca.ufal.brMárcio André Araújo<p>The wind energy is an important renewable energy resource, and it has been recently<br>explored in Brazil, with a strong tendency to increase in the next decades, considering the Brazil's<br>potential. The most common way to explore the wind energy is through the wind turbines, usually<br>designed to have a maximum efficiency. The tower is an important part of the wind turbine design,<br>once it defines the wind turbine efficiency and must be designed to resist to different loadings,<br>responding for 30% of the wind turbine cost, approximately. This work presents a structural<br>optimization study of steel tubular towers of wind turbines, within a framework based on the strength<br>of materials and the principle virtual work for the structural analysis of the tower, besides optimization<br>techniques, with the goal to minimize the tower’s weight. Some comparisons are made with optimized<br>aluminum tower. The minimization of the tower’s weight through the employment of optimization<br>techniques allows a reduction of the costs with inputs, transportation, assembling and maintenance of<br>the tower, especially those ones that will be installed in remote areas with difficult access, besides<br>contributing with the study of this technology.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE COMPARATIVA DOS ESFORÇOS INTERNOS EM VIGAS LONGARINAS UTILIZANDO O MÉTODO DA LINHA DE INFLUÊNCIA E O MÉTODO DOS ELEMENTOS FINITOS2024-07-12T15:47:31+00:00Lara de Andrade Kunhen dos Santoslarakandrade@hotmail.comBergson da Silva<p>A determinação do trem-tipo de vigas longarinas em pontes de duas vigas retas utiliza, de<br>forma simplificada, a hipótese de que a rigidez destas vigas é suficiente para que possam ser<br>consideradas como apoios rígidos. Apesar de ser considerada uma metodologia eficiente em muitos<br>casos, não é capaz de abranger todas as possibilidades. Isto porque, em situações onde a rigidez das<br>vigas é baixa, a obtenção do trem-tipo para a viga longarina pode não ser uma metodologia apropriada.<br>Desta maneira, o presente trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo entre o método de obtenção de<br>esforços nas vigas longarinas através da linha de influência da seção transversal com o Método dos<br>Elementos Finitos (MEF), buscando demonstrar a influência da rigidez nos resultados de esforços<br>internos das vigas e da laje. Neste trabalho, foram analisadas as envoltórias de esforços internos de vigas<br>longarinas em três modelos, utilizando duas metodologias: obtenção do trem-tipo da viga longarina por<br>linha de influência e MEF. Os três modelos foram feitos variando-se a altura das vigas longarinas. Os<br>resultados mostraram que há uma influência direta da rigidez das vigas na distribuição de esforços<br>internos. Além disto, a flexibilidade das vigas acarreta em distribuições distintas de momentos fletores<br>na laje do tabuleiro.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF REINFORCED CONCRETE UNDER ECCENTRIC LOADS WITH NEWTON-RAPHSON’S METHOD2024-07-12T15:49:45+00:00Jéssica Yasmin Vieira Limajessicavieiral94@gmail.comDanilo Menezes Santosdmsantosse@gmail.comJorge Carvalho<p>This article aims to use a numerical algorithm in Matlab for the design of rectangular<br>reinforced concrete columns under eccentric loads. Usually, both in academic and professional practice,<br>the design of such columns makes use of dimensionless charts or tables. These charts are subject to<br>specific restrictions as section shape, reinforcement positioning, covering dimensions, among others, so<br>that the design is limited to their availability. The alternative described employs Newton-Raphson’s<br>method to solve the nonlinear system of equations that arises from section equilibrium, keeping the<br>neutral axis position and reinforcement diameters as variables. The nonlinear constitutive behavior of<br>both materials involved is considered so that the equilibrium is expressed as a system of two nonlinear<br>equations for bending normal to a symmetry axis. The concrete stress distribution proposed by Brazilian<br>standard NBR 6118:2014 was used and a perfect elasto-plastic model was adopted for steel. The<br>algorithm was validated by comparing the steel area and modes of failures obtained with traditional<br>design methods, for several columns on different limit states.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SOBRE EFICIENCIA DE RESOLUÇÃO NUMÉRICA DO FENÔMENO MASSA-MOLA2024-07-12T15:52:18+00:00Joao Marcos Alves de Oliveiraj.marcosspace@gmail.comRodrigo Toledo Teixeira<p>The study of numerical methods is essential for the sciences, being that we often can’t solve<br>analytically the mathematical problems. However, these generate errors, in which they can often cause<br>catastrophic disasters if proper precautions are not taken. In this article, we will make a case study for the<br>mass-spring phenomenon. For purposes of comparison and demonstration of efficiency, we will solve<br>the problem by the numerical methods based on Taylor series, Euler First Order, Runge-Kutta Second<br>and Fourth Order, and by the classic analytic form. The theory about Taylor series allows us to only<br>estimate the order of magnitude of the error. In this case study, the error generated by each method<br>will be analyzed directly and compared by means of the relative error criterion, absolute and relative<br>amplitude. As a measure of quality, we will propose an adapted variation of the six-sigma quality control<br>system. We conclude that the method of Runge-Kutta Fourth Order is of excellent quality (“four sigma”)<br>under some conditions (step h of lengths 0.025).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TELEMETRIC SYSTEM: A PROTOTYPICAL IMPLEMENTATION2024-07-12T15:55:35+00:00Arthur Diniz Flor Torquato Fernandesarthurdinizflor@gmail.comProf. Carlos Magno de Limacmagno@ufrnet.brProf. Maria Christine Werba Saldanhacwerbasaldanha@gmail.comProf. William Fernandes de Queirozwilliam@dem.ufrn.brPedro Henrique de Oliveira Freirepedrofreirect@gmail.comAnny Beatriz Pinheiro Fernandesbiaany@hotmail.comJulio César Silva Aprí<p>This paper has as the main objective to help rafts to be stable and safe by doing a printed circuit<br>board (PCB) based on the Arduino platform - with sensors as MPU6050 and NEO-6M GPS - which<br>have the goal of sending data to a receptor base in an external computer, where this data is processed<br>and analyzed, and shows the current rotation and location of the rafts. In this project, a phenolic sheet,<br>Heat Exchangers and Photographic methods were used to manufacture a printed circuit board, the main<br>object of the work. Also, a specific software was developed to process, analyze and show all the data<br>collected by the sensors on the PCB. This software uses the C/C++ language with Arduino libraries<br>and the Karman complementary filter, it is executed at the Arduino IDE and saved at the ATMega328p<br>microcontroller and for the communication of the PCB with an external computer, the XBee module with<br>ZigBee and SPI protocol using a 2.4GH frequency transmitted by a prototype was used.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CFD ANALYSIS OF FLOW OVER A CIRCULAR CYLINDER2024-07-12T16:00:20+00:00Luiz F. C. de Oliveiralfelipecarvalhedo@gmail.comMario R. Freitasmariofreitas.enc@gmail.comLineu j.<p>The flow of air over a circular cylinder can be observed in many civil engineering problems.<br>Tall buildings, towers and silos can be subject to strong winds that can impact the structure local or<br>global stability. The flow over a cylindrical structure is a dynamic problem with transient response<br>characterized by vortex shedding. If the Reynolds number is sufficiently high, an alternate vortex<br>shedding pattern is formed, known as von Karman vortex street. In this scenario, the flow applies<br>dynamic drag and lift forces on the structure. This paper presents a methodology to simulate the fluid<br>flow over a circular cylinder and compute the drag and lift coefficients using Computational Fluid<br>Dynamics (CFD). A two-dimensional cross-section of a structure is modelled in ANSYS Fluent<br>applying the proper boundary conditions. The pressure fields are computed from the simulations and<br>numerical integration is used to obtain the drag and lift coefficients. From the simulations, the<br>streamlines, and pressure fields can also be obtained and plotted. Geometry, mesh and time step size<br>independence studies are conducted to ensure convergence. The results are compared to numerical data<br>found in the literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF 3D WEB PLATAFORM TO SUPPORT THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS IN ENGINEERING2024-07-12T16:02:56+00:00Joao Arthur da Cruz Nunes Carlos Magno de<p>The University of the future, the theme of the Second Academic Congress of UNIFESP, had</p> <p>as its most defended ideals the need for innovation in higher education and the promotion of social inclu-<br>sion and integration.The ”Knowledge Society” requires new skills and knowledge from its professionals,</p> <p>such as technical skills like: application of knowledge and learning continuous updating through re-<br>search, openness to criticism, search for creative and innovation solutions and team management. Such</p> <p>demands directly affect universities, which automatically directs us to think of innovation in higher edu-<br>cation. Studies have shown that the students’ greatest difficulty relates to the ability to visualize and un-<br>derstand the analyzed problem as well as interpret the results. The exact interpretation of a phenomenon</p> <p>is the result of training and perfecting these skills. Virtual Reality is an advanced user interface technique<br>with a computer, which allows simulating a real environment and allows the users to immerse, interact<br>and navigate in a three-dimensional synthetic environment generated by a computer using multisensory<br>channels. The potential of using Virtual Reality technology in education is widely recognized. Christine<br>Youngblut in her work ”Educational Uses of Virtual Reality Technology” lists several experiences with<br>the development, evaluation, and use of Virtual Reality in Teaching. Recently new technologies aimed<br>at WEB development have caused a revolution in the construction of content of educational character.<br>In particular, the JavaScript language and new paradigms of programming have become the basis for the<br>proliferation of frameworks that make it possible to transform the WEB into a development platform for</p> <p>Virtual Reality, generating an effective environment for the simulation of the sensorial channels respon-<br>sible for capturing the content and retention learning. This work aims to present a Platform developed</p> <p>for WEB 3D content in Virtual reality focused on the exploration of contents that require the under-<br>standing and interpretation of a phenomena and complex concepts in Mathematics, Physics, Biology and</p> <p>Chemistry disciplines seeking to help teachers and students in a journey in search of knowledge.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 RESERVOIR SIMULATOR BASED ON FORMULATIONS OF ISOGEOMETRIC BOUNDARY ELEMENTS2024-07-12T16:05:29+00:00Lúcio G. Nascimentolucio.engmec@gmail.comGustavo S. V. Gontijoggontijo@gmail.comÉder L. de Albuquerqueeder@unb.brLucas S. Camposufesisc@gmail.comJon<p>The development of the reservoir simulator for the study of water and gas cone phenomena<br>in the producer well (represented by a sink) is obtained by combining the Boundary Element Method<br>(BEM) and the Isogeometric Formulation using the NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline) as<br>shape functions. Through the Isogeometric Formulation, the discretization of the geometric model<br>(mesh generation), which is the step of the numerical analysis that requires more time for the engineer,<br>is no longer necessary, since the same functions that describe the geometry can also approximate the<br>field variables in the BEM, making it a great advantage in its use. The same discretization used in the<br>geometric model, generated in CAD (Computer Aided Design) modeling programs, can also be used<br>by the BEM. From the modeling of the potential flow, i.e. the study of multiphase flow in porous<br>media from the Laplace Equation, the isogeometric formulation can be coupled to the problem and,<br>therefore, to obtain the reservoir simulator for the single phase case. The determination of the<br>boundary conditions for the model, including the analysis of fluids interface movement, is also<br>presented. The final code is able to present itself as an efficient tool for the analysis of oil extraction in<br>reservoirs in the presence of undesirable fluid production. Validation of the results is carried out by<br>comparing to the conventional Boundary Element Method.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 EXTENDED BOUNDARY ELEMENT FORMULATION FOR PUNCTUAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS MODELLING2024-07-12T16:09:16+00:00Matheus Rocharocha.matheus@usp.brEdson D.<p>The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is a numerical approach accurate in the solution of<br>several elastostatic problems. Because the method formulation involves integrals written at the<br>boundary, solely the bodies’ boundaries are discretised. Then, in three-dimensional problems, the BEM<br>mesh is composed of plane elements. However, the standard BEM formulation is limited in the solution<br>of problems where punctual boundary conditions are present. Then, concentrated loads and punctual<br>support conditions are not properly represented by the standard BEM. Such boundary conditions may</p> <p>be approximately represented through small BEM elements. However, this strategy may lead to the ill-<br>positioned algebraic system of equations because of the small distance among the source points in such</p> <p>elements. In this regard, this study presents an enriched BEM formulation (XBEM) capable to represent<br>properly punctual boundary conditions in three-dimensional problems. The Dirac’s function is utilized<br>in this enrichment process. Three numerical applications illustrate the accuracy of the proposed XBEM<br>scheme. The results achieved by the proposed XBEM formulation are compared with responses<br>provided by equivalent models constructed on Finite Element Method.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COHESIVE CRACK GROWTH MODELLING USING THE BEM2024-07-12T16:11:25+00:00Matheus Rocharocha.matheus@usp.brEdson D.<p>The mechanical collapse of several materials is consistently modelled through the fracture<br>mechanics theories. The Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) is properly utilized when the<br>fracture process zone ahead the crack tip is small in comparison with other structural dimensions.<br>Nevertheless, such zone is not small enough in various material types. Among them, it is worth citing<br>the composites, concrete and ceramics, which are generally classified as quasi-brittle materials. In this<br>case, the fracture process zone may be mechanically represented by the cohesive fracture approach,<br>which leads to the Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics. In the present study, the three-dimensional Boundary<br>Element Formulation (BEM) is coupled to the cohesive crack approach for modelling the nonlinear<br>fracture process of quasi-brittle materials. Moreover, three cohesive crack laws are utilized to represent<br>the residual material resistance at the fracture process zone. The nonlinear problem is solved by either<br>constant or tangent operators. The accuracy of the proposed BEM approach is demonstrated through<br>two applications. The results of the proposed numerical scheme are compared with numerical and<br>experimental responses available in the literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELLING WITH SMOOTHED POINT INTERPOLATION METHODS2024-07-12T16:15:10+00:00Lapo Gorilapo@dees.ufmg.brSamuel Silva Pennaspenna@dees.ufmg.brRoque Luiz da Silva<p>Due to the non-local character embedded in their formulation, meshfree methods belonging to<br>the class of Smoothed Point Interpolation Methods (S-PIMs) have been recently shown to possess certain<br>regularization properties when applied to localization problems. Since meshfree methods usually provide<br>only a weak regularization effect, the combination with other regularization strategies is often necessary.<br>The present work aims to exploit the regularization properties of S-PIMs strategies in the analysis of<br>quasi-brittle media with scalar damage models; a stronger regularization effect is obtained combining the<br>meshfree approach with the micropolar continuum theory, another well-known regularization strategy.</p> <p>The basic theoretical and computational aspects of the application of two S-PIM strategies, the Edge-<br>Based Smoothed Point Interpolation Method (ES-PIM) and Node-Based Smoothed Point Interpolation</p> <p>Method (NS-PIM), to micropolar damage models are discussed, and numerical simulations of two plain<br>concrete experimental tests are presented.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 EFFECTIVE BEM/FEM FORMULATION FOR THE STATIC INTERACTION ANALYSIS OF PILE GROUPS EMBEDDED IN A SEMI- INFINITE CONTINUUM2024-07-12T16:18:12+00:00Endi S. Luambaluamba@usp.brRay C.S. Silvaraycalazans@usp.brAna P.F. Ramosramosapf@gmail.comJoão B. de<p>In the literature, numerical analysis of pilesoil interaction is performed by a variety of<br>formulations based on Finite Element Method (FEM), Finite Difference Method (FDM), Boundary<br>Element Method (BEM) or a combination of two numerical methods. In those formulations, very<br>complex and computationally expensive meshes are generally used. In this paper, pilesoil interaction<br>problems are solved with relatively simple and yet efficient meshes as a result of coupling the BEM<br>with the FEM, and using Mindlin’s fundamental solution for the soil modeling. To adequately</p> <p>consider the flexibility of the pile, the same is discretized into a parametric number of three-<br>dimensional finite beam elements. Therefore, the pile can be of any size and subjected to any type of</p> <p>loading including axial, lateral and moment loads. Moreover, the formulation can be easily extended<br>so that a foundation plate can be coupled to piles to form a capped pile group or a piled raft. The<br>efficiency of the developed and implemented formulations is properly demonstrated through<br>numerical examples including single piles and pile groups.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF INSERTION LOSS OF THIN ACOUSTIC BARRIERS USING THE METHOD OF FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS2024-07-16T20:58:27+00:00Edmundo G. de A. Costaedmundo_costa@coc.ufrj.brSamuel B. J. dos Santoswilianj@ufrrj.brJosé A. F.<p>In this paper, the Method of Fundamental Solutions (MFS) is applied to predict the<br>insertion loss of thin acoustic barriers on a rigid ground in the vicinity of a tall building. The MFS<br>formulation makes use of suitable Green’s functions defined by the image-source technique, allowing<br>decreasing the number of discretized surfaces and consequently reducing the computational cost of<br>the numerical model. Both the ground and the building are modeled as infinite rigid plane surfaces.<br>To validate the implementation of the proposed formulation, the MFS results are compared with those<br>provided by the Dual-BEM formulation. Numerical simulations are carried out in order to illustrate<br>the acoustic performance of thin barriers of different shapes for typical cases of traffic noise.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 2D BOUNDARY ELEMENT FORMULATION FOR POLLUTANT DISPERSION ON THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER2024-07-16T21:02:31+00:00Luiz F. Bezluiz.bez@ufrgs.brRogerio J. Marczakrato@mecanica.ufrgs.brMarco T. M. B. de<p>This paper presents a boundary element formulation for 2D, steady-state advection-diffusion<br>problems with a variable velocity field and punctual source terms. The boundary and the variables are<br>discretized with continuous linear elements. The domain effects are computed with discontinuous linear<br>cells. The model shows good agreement with analytical results for variable velocity fields. Four cases<br>are presented with wind configuration typical of the atmospheric boundary layer - a combination of wind<br>power classes 1 and 4 for mean velocity, and open flat terrain and suburban areas for roughness. The<br>response of a unitary point source is analyzed and compared for each case.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOUNDARY ELEMENT ANALYSIS APPLIED TO ELASTIC PROBLEMS2024-07-16T21:04:56+00:00Fernando Morais de Loyolaf.loyola91@gmail.comEder Lima de Albuquerque eder@unb.brLucas Silveira<p>The main idea of this work is to solve elastic problems using Isogeometric Boundary Element<br>Formulation. A standard BEM with quadratic elements is also used in order to compare the efficiency of<br>both methods. In isogeometric method, instead of using polynomial shape functions, both geometry and<br>analysis use non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS). NURBS are widely used for geometric modelling<br>in CAD software and, due to this, makes the discretization of the geometry unnecessary. One obvious<br>advantage of using this type of B-splines is that it can perfectly describe complex shapes, making results<br>more accurate. The most important feature, however, is the decrease in the amount of user’s work,<br>because the most time-consuming step – mesh generation – is reduced or even eliminated. In order to<br>easy implementation in existing boundary element codes, NURBS are transformed into Bezier curves ́<br>(Bezier decomposition). So, each B ́ ezier curve can be viewed as a boundary element in a conventional ́<br>boundary element implementation.<br>It is worth mentioning that displacement and tractions have their values solved at the control points</p> <p>and NURBS curves do not necessarily touch them. For the definition of collocation points, Gauss-<br>Legendre collocation points are used in this study. Therefore, a transformation matrix, which uses basis</p> <p>functions for relating values at control and at collocation points, is needed. The equation for isogeometric<br>BEM is defined in terms of the control points and, after applying the transformation, can be solved as the<br>standard BEM. Lastly, numerical and analytical solutions are compared in order to validate the method.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DISPLACEMENT JUMPS IN CELLS WITH EMBEDDED DISCON- TINUITY FOR MATERIAL FAILURE ANALYSIS THROUGH THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-16T21:07:44+00:00Tiago S. Mendonçatiagodesouzamendonca@gmail.comRodrigo G. Peixotorodrigo.peixoto@dees.ufmg.brGabriel O.<p>The numerical material failures analysis is extremely important, since it allows predicting<br>the collapse and the structures post-critical behavior. Thus, in this work the implicit formulation of<br>the boundary element method is adopted to analyze material failures in models commonly studied in<br>literature. For this purpose, the continuum strong discontinuity approach together with an automatic<br>cell generation algorithm that accompanies the crack trajectory during the non-linear analysis are used.<br>Therefore, the main objective is the insertion of non-uniform jumps discontinuities in the displacement<br>field inside cells aiming at reducing the stress locking phenomenon presented by cells with constant<br>embedded jumps. This phenomenon is responsible for the stiffening in structural response due to the<br>constant cells inability to represent rotation movement. In this way, the results presented by linear cells<br>were more satisfactory than those presented by constant cells, since the stress locking phenomenon was<br>considerably reduced, demonstrating that the first class is more adequate in the representation of the<br>crack opening that occurs during the loading process.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MÉTODO DOS ELEMENTOS DE CONTORNO COM INTERPOLAÇÃO DIRETA APLICADO A MEIOS SUAVEMENTE HETEROGÊNEOS UTILIZANDO A TÉCNICA DE SUPERPOSIÇÃO DE DOMÍNIOS2024-07-16T21:10:31+00:00Hercules de Melo Barcelosengercules@gmail.comCarlos Friedrich de Oliveira Castro<p>This work presents a formulation of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) applied to<br>problems governed by the piecewise inhomogeneous Laplace's Equation. Thus, the constitutive<br>property is isotropic but varies according to a known function along with the complete domain or then<br>within of distinct sectors inside it. For solving accurately this complex case, the domain integral<br>generated by the non-homogeneity of the medium is transformed into a boundary integral using the<br>Direct Interpolation Boundary Element Method (DIBEM). Another important operational advantage<br>of the proposed model is given by the application of the Domain Superposition Technique (DST) to<br>compute the sectorial heterogeneities. Reference results for evaluation of the accuracy are given<br>through simulations using the Finite Element Method with finer meshes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND TRANSIENT DYNAMIC VERTICAL RESPONSES OF STRUCTURES INTERACTING WITH DISTINCT SOIL-FOUNDATION ARRENGEMENTS USING CORRECTED STRUCTURAL MODAL DATA2024-07-16T21:13:50+00:00Tamara Silva Louzadat193284@unicamp.brLuis Filipe do Vale Limalfvlima@fem.unicamp.brEuclides Mesquitaeuclides@fem.unicamp.brJosue<p>This work investigates stationary and transient vertical response of multidegree of freedom<br>structures interacting with different soil profiles through an extended modal analysis procedure. The<br>methodology was originally proposed by Wu and Smith [1] to analyze the dynamic behavior of<br>structures subjected to an incident wave fields. The present article revisits the previously mentioned<br>article and expand it to consider external force excitations acting upon the structure. The original<br>formulation considered the soil as a homogeneous half-space. In the present article, the response of<br>structures supported by the half-space, layered soil profiles and also by piled structures is addressed.<br>The stationary soil and pile response were synthetized through Boundary Element Method. The main<br>characteristic of the method stated in this work is to modify the modal original parameters of the<br>structure in other to incorporate in these parameters the dynamic response of the soil-foundation<br>arrangements. Numerical studies will address the quantity of modified structural modes necessary to<br>describe, with certain precision, the transient response of structure as a function of the soil-foundation</p> <p>supporting scheme. The numerical examples presented will also investigate the role of the soil-<br>foundation system properties, like foundation mass, pile mass, density and length and the soil profile</p> <p>(half-space, layered) on the structural response. The methodology used in this work will allow to<br>determine the transient response of multidegree of freedom structures interacting with several soil<br>profiles with a low computational cost compared to concurrent methodologies.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HYBRID MESHLESS METHOD APPLIED TO 2D UNBOUNDED SCATTERING PROBLEMS USING RPIM SHAPE FUNCTIONS2024-07-16T21:16:58+00:00Amorim, Tiago V. L.tiagovla@ufmg.brMoreira, Fernando J. S.fernandomoreira@ufmg.brResende, Ursula<p>Meshless methods have increasingly gained attention in recent years. Nonetheless, similar<br>to the Finite Element Method (FEM), they cannot properly handle unbounded domains. For scattering</p> <p>problems, however, the Method of Moments (MoM) is fairly well consolidated, efficient, and easily ap-<br>plied to unbounded homogeneous mediums. This work couples the MoM used to model the unbounded</p> <p>free space, with the traditional Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin modeling of a dielectric bounded object.<br>In the inner region, the meshless method uses shape functions generated by radial point interpolation<br>with polynomial reproduction, whereas in the outer region, the MoM uses triangular shape functions to<br>describe the surface currents. As both shape functions possess the delta Kronecker property, the coupling</p> <p>is straightforwardly imposed by forcing the continuity of the tangential components of the electromag-<br>netic field. In order to evaluate the convergence of the method, the TEz and TMz plane wave scattering</p> <p>from a homogeneous dielectric circular cylinder was analyzed since it has a modal analytical solution,</p> <p>providing means to study the precision of the numerical results. Nevertheless, the formulation is appli-<br>cable to any arbitrary cylindrical contour shape. Also knowing that meshless methods are quite flexible</p> <p>to handle material inhomogeneity, a 2-dimensional Luneburg lens, which has a continuous permittivity ̈</p> <p>profile, was analyzed, and its results were compared to FEM solutions. For both TMz and TEz polar-<br>izations, it was observed that the convergence rate remains nearly the same for the electromagnetic field</p> <p>and equivalent current densities. This technique also provided a good agreement for the near and far<br>electromagnetic field calculation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 1DBEM/BEM COUPLING FORMULATION FOR REINFORCED DOMAINS2024-07-16T21:19:24+00:00Antonio Rodrigues Netoantonio.rodrigues.neto@usp.brEdson Denner<p>This work presents a coupled numerical formulation based on the Boundary Element<br>Method (BEM) for the mechanical analysis of two-dimensional non-homogeneous reinforced<br>domains. In this technique, the material matrix (two-dimensional domain) is represented by the usual<br>two-dimensional singular BEM formulation, considering either isotropic or anisotropic behaviors.<br>Whereas a one-dimensional approach of the BEM, called 1DBEM, is used to represent the<br>reinforcements, which can be understood as trusses or fibers. The 1DBEM is based on an axial<br>fundamental solution for elastic 1D domains, which can be easily found in the literature. The<br>interaction between the matrix and reinforcements is described by an adherence force over the<br>reinforcements’ line, considering no relative displacements (perfect adherence). These aspects<br>characterize the 1DBEM/BEM coupling as an alternative to the usual FEM/BEM technique, which has<br>been widely applied in the literature for modelling this type of problem. Nonhomogeneous reinforced<br>domains can be correctly represented in this formulation by the sub-region technique in the 2D BEM,<br>already presented in the literature. In addition, the use of connection fiber-elements enable the crossing<br>between reinforcements and sub-regions’ interfaces. A one-dimensional approach of elastoplasticity is<br>supported over to the 1DMEC elements, which can represent the mechanical degradation of the<br>reinforcement’s material. Numerical applications exhibits equally accurate displacements results and<br>better stress/force results obtained by the proposed formulation, when compared to the usual<br>FEM/BEM approach. The 1DBEM/BEM results exhibit minor perturbations in the force results near<br>discontinuity points, which are usually observed in this type of coupled formulation. Finally, the<br>numerical applications show accurate and stable results in the modelling of nonhomogeneous<br>reinforced structures, when compared to the reference results available in the literature, which<br>demonstrates the robustness of the formulation proposed in this work.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 1DBEM/BEM COUPLING FORMULATION APPLIED TO REINFORCED VISCOELASTIC DOMAINS2024-07-16T21:22:04+00:00Antonio Rodrigues Netoantonio.rodrigues.neto@usp.brEdson Denner<p>This work presents a numerical formulation based on the Boundary Element Method (BEM)<br>for the mechanical analysis of reinforced viscoelastic materials. The reinforced domain is represented<br>by a numerical methods coupling technique, in which the material matrix is modelled by the usual<br>two-dimensional singular BEM formulation and a one-dimensional approach of the BEM, called<br>1DBEM, is used for the reinforcements. The 1DBEM is based on an axial fundamental solution for<br>elastic 1D domains, easily found in the literature. No relative displacements between matrix and<br>reinforcements are considered to formulate the coupling and the contact force is a one-dimensional<br>load distributed along the reinforcement’s line, which define this 1DBEM/BEM coupling as an<br>alternative to the usual FEM/BEM coupling. The viscoelastic response is added to the matrix behavior,<br>using the Kelvin-Voigt rheological model in the two-dimensional BEM formulation. This approach<br>enables introducing the time-dependent material properties without the need for cells within the<br>domain or convolution integrals. A time discretization is needed to solve the resulting time-dependent<br>equation. However, as previously mentioned in the literature, this approach shows a good convergence<br>behavior regarding the time step size. Finally, the proposed formulation is able to represent reinforced<br>domains with a viscoelastic matrix, such as reinforced structures or fiber-reinforced materials.<br>Numerical applications exhibit the convergence of the model and compare the answer obtained with<br>both 1DBEM/BEM coupling and FEM/BEM coupling techniques with reference results, available in<br>the literature. The results obtained are stable and accurate, which demonstrates the robustness of the<br>formulation proposed in this work.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INTEGRATION OF GREEN’S FUNCTIONS FOR LAYERED MEDIA: A CASE STUDY2024-07-16T21:24:11+00:00Cavalcante I.i209496@dac.unicamp.brLabaki<p>Classical Green’s functions for transversely isotropic media are typically expressed in terms<br>of improper integrals containing a number of singularities and a decaying tail that oscillates indefinitely.<br>Currently, there are no known numerical methods capable of dealing precisely with both characteristics<br>of these integrands simultaneously. In this work, Green’s functions for layered media are presented in<br>terms of an exact stiffness matrix scheme, in which a stiffness matrix for the medium is assembled from<br>the stiffness matrices of each layer. The integrand in such cases is characterized by an infinite number</p> <p>of singularities, corresponding to the propagation and reflection waves in the medium. The oscillatory-<br>decaying tail presents more than one frequency of oscillation, which makes them difficult to integrate</p> <p>by classical extrapolation methods. This work presents strategies with which to evaluate such integrals<br>numerically. We have shown that the singularities can be located within the integration interval at points<br>that correspond to physical wavenumbers of each layer, which are then integrated through a appropriate<br>contour deformation paths. For the oscillatory-decaying part, we use a combination of strategies. The<br>first is to use Fast Fourier Transforms to break down the oscillation into its component frequencies.<br>The fundamental frequency is used to yield a sequence of partial sums, from which the integral can be<br>obtained by extrapolation though the -algorithm. As a case study, the scheme is used to evaluate the<br>displacement of layered, transversely isotropic soil medium under time-harmonic external excitations.<br>The results are compared with classical adaptive quadrature integration schemes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT FORMULATION TO ANALYZE TORSION PROBLEMS IN GENERIC COMPOSITE BARS2024-07-16T21:27:28+00:00Maicon José Hillesheimmaicon@unemat-net.brGabriel Viecelli Renostroviecellieng@gmail.comFrancisco Célio de Araú<p>This paper applies the boundary-element subregion-by-subregion (BE SBS) technique to<br>solve torsion problems in general composite bars. One presents details of the BE formulation for primary<br>torsion in coupled domains, including the discussion on the Krylov solvers embedded in the coupling<br>algorithm. The general principles involved in the derivation of the preconditioned Krylov solvers are<br>presented, although particular emphasis will be given in the applications to the short-recurrence methods<br>as the BiCG (biconjugate gradient) and BiCGSTAB(l) (l-dimensional biconjugate gradient stabilized)<br>solvers. Discontinuous boundary elements, essential to alleviate the modeling process of coupled<br>domains, are also developed. In this respect, efficient (low-order) quadratures for integrating singular<br>and nearly-singular fundamental kernels over the boundary elements are proposed. In addition, in order<br>to accelerate the iterative solution process, the BE SBS matrix structure is used to form an efficient<br>sparse incomplete LU factorization (SILU) preconditioner. Bars with complex composite patterns (e.g.<br>with many different materials) are analyzed to attest the efficiency and robustness of the whole<br>boundary-element technique.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEMS2024-07-16T21:30:02+00:00Samuel B. G. de A. Costaedmundo_costa@coc.ufrj.brWilian J. dos Santoswilianj@ufrrj.brJosé A. F. Santiagosantiago@coc.ufrj.brJosé C. de F.<p>In this paper, the Method of Fundamental Solutions (MFS) and the Meshless Local Petrov-<br>Galerkin (MLPG) method are applied to the numerical simulation of Cathodic Protection (CP)</p> <p>systems. The problem of CP systems is governed by the Laplace equation. In this problem, the<br>boundary conditions are characterized by a nonlinear relationship between the electrochemical<br>potential and the current density, called cathodic polarization curve. Thus, the Levenberg-Marquardt<br>algorithm is here used to solve the nonlinear problem. The performance of both methods is evaluated<br>by comparing its results with these provided by the Boundary Element Method (BEM). Furthermore,<br>the BEM coupled with the Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is applied for the simulation of inverse problems<br>in CP systems. The van Genuchten-Mualem model is here used to predict the parameters of the<br>nonlinear polarization curve. A numerical simulation is presented in order to illustrate the good<br>performance of the coupled BEM-GAs approach.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ISOGEOMETRIC BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD WITH FAST MULTIPOLE EXPANSION APPLIED TO PROBLEMS OF HEAT CONDUCTION2024-07-16T21:33:20+00:00Emerson Bastosemersonbas@gmail.comEder L. de Albuquerqueeder@unb.brLucas S.<p>This work presents an isogeometric formulation of the fast multipole boundary element<br>method and its application in heat conduction problems. The formulation is developed using complex<br>variables, expansion of fundamental solutions in Taylor series and using NURBS as shape functions. To<br>reduce the computational cost and facilitate implementation, NURBS are decomposed into Bezier curves, ́<br>making the isogeometric formulation more similar to the traditional boundary element method. Since<br>influence matrices are not explicitly assembled, it is necessary to use an iterative method for solving<br>the linear system. The generalized minimum residue method (GMRES) was chosen, based on previous<br>work. A description of the hierarchical data structure and of the implemented algorithm is presented.<br>Validation is performed by comparing results of the proposed formulation with those of the conventional<br>boundary element formulation. The computational cost of both formulations are analyzed showing the<br>advantages of the proposed formulation for large scale problems (problems with more than 100 thousand<br>degrees for freedom).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE DESEMPENHO DE ALGUMAS FUNÇÕES DE BASE RADIAL COM A TÉCNICA DE INTERPOLAÇÃO DIRETA PARA CALCULAR FREQUÊNCIAS NATURAIS EM PROBLEMAS ACÚSTICOS TRIDIMENSIONAIS2024-07-16T21:35:46+00:00João Paulo Friedrich de Oliveira Castro<p>Direct Interpolation Boundary Element Method (DIBEM) has been an effective alternative to<br>other techniques aimed at transforms domain integrals in boundary integrals since it solves problems<br>modeled by non-adjoint differential operators. The DIBEM was successfully applied to two-dimensional<br>problems involving the solution of Poisson, Helmholtz, and Diffusion-advection equations. The reason<br>for its better performance is based, above all, on the fact that the approximation is given by on the use<br>of radial functions whose mathematical model is more similar to an interpolation procedure, compared<br>to other techniques. Intended to further improve the knowledge about the particularities of DIBEM, in<br>this work, an extension of the technique to the three-dimensional eigenvalue problems was done,</p> <p>focusing on the performance analysis of the various classic radial basis functions, widely used in two-<br>dimensional problems. Some radial functions have already been used satisfactorily in the solution of</p> <p>three-dimensional problems, but in this work, the tests are performed with a broader spectrum of radial<br>functions. To evaluate the accuracy of the results, the natural frequencies are calculated numerically and<br>comparison with the available analytical solutions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD TO ANALYZE STEADY- STATE HEAT CONDUCTION IN GENERIC MULTIMATERIAL HEAT EXCHANGER TUBES2024-07-16T21:38:22+00:00Maicon J. Hillesheimmaicon@unemat-net.brLidianne P. Pinto Mapamaicon@unemat-net.brFrancisco C. de Araú<p>The determination of the temperature distribution in exchanger tubes of arbitrary geometric<br>shapes, under different boundary conditions of temperature and normal fluxes, allows for their optimized<br>design. In this paper, we apply the Boundary Element Method (BEM) to carry out two-dimensional<br>analysis of steady-state heat transfer in exchanger tubes with cross sections of any shapes, and having<br>walls that may present any type of prescribed boundary values (temperature, normal flux or convective<br>condition). For simulating heat exchangers constituted of multimaterials, the generic boundary-element<br>subregion-by-subregion (BE SBS) technique is applied. In this technique, the global matrix resulting<br>from coupling the many domains available is not explicitly assembled. Instead of that, Krylov solvers<br>are applied to the iterative solution of the global system of equations by taking into account the separate<br>contributions of the systems stated for each independent subdomain. A very important step in this<br>strategy is the inclusion of discontinuous boundary elements, which are fundamental for the simulation<br>of sharp corners inside interface boundaries or at outer boundaries with prescribed temperature values.<br>To cope with the quasi-singular and singular integrals involved in the BE models, the Telles cubic<br>coordinate transformation is applied to derive efficient (low-order) quadratures. They are particularly<br>relevant for dealing with the quasi-singular integrals resulting from the use of discontinuous boundary<br>elements. Comparisons with the ANSYS software are considered in the validation/efficiency discussion<br>of the strategy proposed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF PLANE STRESS PROBLEMS USING THE SUBDOMAIN MESHLESS METHOD2024-07-16T21:41:30+00:00André L. A. Silveiraandre.silveira@coc.ufrj.brEdmundo G. de A. Costaedmundo_costa@coc.ufrj.brJosé A. F.<p>In this paper, the Subdomain Meshless Method (SMM) is applied to the numerical solution<br>of plane stress problems. An efficient integration scheme is proposed by using only a support of<br>approximation centered at the base point for all Gauss points. At the end of the paper, an example is<br>presented in order to assess the efficiency of the proposed method by comparing its results with those<br>provided by analytical solutions reported in the literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING OF VISCOELASTIC BIDIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS USING MESHLESS LOCAL PETROV-GALERKIN METHOD2024-07-16T21:43:51+00:00Catarina de Nazare P. Pinheirocatarina.pinheiro@coc.ufrj.brJose Antonio F. Santiago santiago@coc.ufrj.brJose Claudio de F.<p>In engineering studies, most of the existing phenomena are modeled by differential and in-<br>tegral equations. The analysis of the behavior of these systems can be performed through analytical or</p> <p>numerical methods, the latter which presents an approximate approach to the results. Due to the com-<br>plexity of the real-life structure models, the use of approximate solutions is increasing.Among these</p> <p>solutions, the Meshless methods are the most recent and have as advantage over those without of mesh,</p> <p>making easy the refinement where existing more complexity of the behaviors variables. However, be-<br>cause they are relatively recent methods, the use of these solutions is not still enough to research and</p> <p>to apply in real structures. Viscoelastic materials are defined as presenting a combination of elastic and<br>viscous elements. A viscoelastic structure is represented by physical models that increase the number of<br>elements as the complexity of the problem grows. Therefore, for more complex models,it is necessary to<br>use numerical solutions. In this context, the purpose of this paper is the application of the Meshless Local<br>Petrov-Galerkin 01 (MLPG-01) and MLPG-02 or Local Collocation Method to study two-dimensional<br>viscoelastic structures, subjected to in-plane state, in order to perform an analysis of the effectiveness<br>and convergence of each method evaluated, thus verifying its efficiency for these structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A HOMOGENIZATION-BASED APPROACH FOR ANALYSIS OF METAL MATRIX COMPOSITES BY THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD CONSIDERING PHASE DEBONDING2024-07-16T21:46:27+00:00Gabriela R. Fernandesgabrielar.fernandes@gmail.comJosé J. C.<p>A formulation of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) to perform analysis of ductile<br>heterogeneous microstructures considering phase debonding is presented in the context of multi-scale<br>analysis. The microstructure is modelled by a zoned plate, where different mechanical behaviour can<br>be adopted for each sub-region. To solve the domain integrals written in terms of in-plane<br>displacements or plastic forces, the matrix and inclusions domains have to be discretized into cells<br>where the displacements and forces are approximated. In multi-scale analysis, a point of the<br>macrocontinuum is represented by a Representative Volume Element (RVE) which in this work, to<br>model metal matrix composites, is assumed to contain a ductile matrix, rigid inclusions and interface<br>zone. The rigid inclusions are considered as elastic medium whereas the matrix behaviour is governed<br>by the Von Mises elastoplastic model with linear strain hardening. The phase debonding is modelled<br>by a cohesive fracture model using embedded cohesive contact finite elements in the boundary<br>element mesh. The homogenized results are compared with the ones obtained from a model based on<br>Finite Element Method (FEM). The accuracy of the results show the capability of the new formulation<br>based on BEM to deal with complex microstructures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DISPLACEMENT AND STRAIN FIELDS WITHIN TRENCHED SOILS: POST-PROCESSING QUANTITIES FROM INDIRECT-BEM’S FICTITIOUS LOADS2024-07-16T21:48:35+00:00David A. S. Carneirodavid_ascarneiro@hotmail.comJosue Labakilabaki@fem.unicamp.brSimone S. L. A.<p>This work investigates time-harmonic strain and displacement fields within trenched soils<br>through an Indirect-BEM (IBEM) approach. The method consists of a superposition of Green’s functions<br>for surface and buried loads. Solutions for surface loads are used to discretize a rigid plate at the surface<br>of the soil, on top of which time-harmonic vertical loads are applied. Solutions for buried load are used<br>together with zero-stress boundary conditions to model the presence of trenches in the soil. The soil<br>is modeled as homogeneous isotropic or transversely isotropic half-spaces, for which classical Green’s<br>functions are available in the literature. Stress and displacement fields within the trenched half-space<br>containing a surface plate are related through sets of fictitious loads. Post-processing from these loads</p> <p>yield quantities such as the displacement field anywhere in the half-space. This work uses these post-<br>processed quantities to study how the ground vibration propagating from the loaded plate is affected by</p> <p>the presence of trenches.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ON THE STATIONARY DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF A FOUNDATION SUPPORTED BY FLEXIBLE PILE AND SOIL TO A VERTICAL INCIDENT WAVE FIELD OR EXTERNAL FORCE2024-07-16T21:51:44+00:00Luis Filipe do Vale Limalfvlima@fem.unicamp.brJosue Labakilabaki@fem.unicamp.brEuclides<p>This paper investigates the vertical response of rigid circular foundation resting on the surface<br>of a three-dimensional, transversely isotropic soil. In a previous study, the dynamic response of a surface<br>foundation laying on a homogeneous transversely isotropic half-space was compared to the response of<br>the same foundation supported by a pile embedded in the soil profile. External forces and vertical<br>incident waves were considered as exciting energy sources in those studies. But the modelling presented<br>in the previous analysis was subjected to many simplifying assumptions. The incident vertical wave<br>field was assumed to impinge solely at the head of the pile. The response of the pile to an incident wave<br>field impinging the whole length of the embedded pile was not considered. The present article intends<br>to show a numerical methodology and results to overcome these mentioned simplifying assumptions. In<br>the present case the surface foundation is rigid and the incident vertical wave field will be interacting<br>with the pile throughout its entire length. The soil response was previously obtained through the<br>synthesis of a series of Green’s functions. The pile was modelled as a one dimensional, elastic finite<br>element body. This pile-soil coupling was obtained by establishing direct kinematic compatibility and<br>equilibrium at discrete points of the pile-soil contact. The numerical studies reported in this article<br>investigate the role of the pile inertia ratio as well as the relative stiffness of the soil and the pile. The<br>results show the influence of the pile presence on the vibration amplitude on the foundation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF PLATES ACCORDING TO THE REISSNER’S THEORY USING THE LOCAL RADIAL POINT INTERPOLATION METHOD2024-07-16T21:54:11+00:00Danilo H. Kondadanilokonda@ufmt.brJoab G. L. Silvadanilokonda@ufmt.brJosé A. F. Santiagosantiago@coc.ufrj.brEdmundo G. de A. Costaedmundo_costa@coc.ufrj.brJosé C. de F.<p>In this paper, the Local Radial Point Interpolation Method (LRPIM) is applied to analyse<br>the problem of plates according to the Reissner’s theory. An efficient interpolation scheme is<br>employed to improve the computational performance of the proposed method. To validate the<br>numerical implementation of the LRPIM, the results are compared with those provided by the Finite<br>Element Method (FEM) and the Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method. A detailed<br>discussion of the proposed interpolation scheme is carried out in order to demonstrate the performance<br>of the LRPIM applied to the problem of plate bending.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELS FOR CRACK PROPAGATION ANALYSIS BY USING THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-16T21:57:37+00:00Luís Philipe Ribeiro Almeidaluis.almeida@ctec.ufal.brEduardo Toledo de Lima Juniorlimajunior@lccv.ufal.brJoão Carlos Cordeiro<p>This work presents a crack propagation analysis using an alternative boundary element<br>method (BEM), in both deterministic and probabilistic approach. The fracture effects are captured<br>using an initial stress field, this procedure leads to the appearance of a variable called dipole and<br>responsible for representing the cohesive zone. Both geometry and fracture boundary are discretized<br>using linear elements, the fracture elements are discontinuous. Regarding the structural reliability<br>analysis, the boundary element formulation was coupled with the reliability algorithms for<br>probabilistic analysis of crack problems. The fracture parameters are treated as random variables. First<br>Order Reliability Method (FORM) is used in order to evaluate the reliability index and the failure<br>probability for fractured problems. A comparative study between the Monte Carlo simulation<br>technique are performed. Numerical examples are presented in order to show the accuracy of the BEM<br>formulation in crack propagation analysis, as well in the assessment of structural reliability in two<br>dimensional problems.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GRAPHICS TOOL FOR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF CONTINUOUS PRESTRESSED BEAMS ACCORDING TO NBR 6118/20142024-07-16T22:00:14+00:00Matheus P. Tinocotinocomatheus19@gmail.comChristian L. Diaschristianltdias@gmail.comRonald J. L. Assunçã<p>Nowadays, prestressed concrete structures have been increasingly used for covering long<br>spans due to several advantages over conventional reinforced concrete structures. In the design of such<br>structures, a fundamental step consists on the structural analysis to obtain the loads generated by the<br>prestressing. There are few commercial software, however, that allow the analysis of statically<br>indeterminate prestressed structures, such as continuous beams, widely used in bridges. In this sense,<br>the current work presents an interactive graphics software developed in MATLAB, which allows the<br>analysis of continuous beams for any cable layout. The analysis step is based on an association of the<br>force method, used to obtain the equivalent loads generated by prestressing, with the direct stiffness<br>method, used to obtain displacements, support reactions and diagrams, generated by the prestressing and<br>other user defined loads. The software also allows to obtain the stresses generated by different load<br>combinations over sections throughout the length of the beam, which can be used for performing<br>structural checks according to NBR 6118/2014. In order to verify its correct functioning, results of tests<br>carried out with several beams models are presented, varying the number of spans and the cable layout,<br>which were compared with values obtained with a commercial finite element software. The results were<br>satisfactory and show that the developed software is a useful and easy-to-use tool that can be used by<br>engineers, teachers and students of the area.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÓN NUMÉRICA DE COLUMNAS DE CONCRETO ARMADO REFORZADAS MEDIANTE RECRECIDO DE SU SECCIÓN TRANSVERSAL NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMNS STRENGTHENED WITH INCREASED THEIR CROSS SECTION2024-07-16T22:02:49+00:00Jose R. Yépezjose.aguirre@ufrgs.brRosangel Rojasrosangel.rojas@ufrgs.brAmerico<p>Jacketing in reinforced concrete (enlarging the existing cross section of a column with a<br>new layer of concrete that is reinforced with both longitudinal and transversal bars) is one of the most<br>used techniques in the rehabilitation, repair and/or strengthening of columns of this material. This<br>technique is carried out in most cases without totally discharging the columns during the<br>reinforcement construction process, due to the difficulty that this represent. There is a small amount of<br>test where the reinforcement is built under the action of a load on the column, this is a reason why we<br>still need to delve into the influence of the load on the column during the reinforcement process on the<br>behavior of the strengthening column. A numerical simulation is carried out by the finite element<br>method of a series of reinforced concrete columns strengthening by increasing its cross section, the<br>results are compared with those obtained in the experimental tests.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF INTERFACE BETWEEN CONCRETE AND STRAND IN THE WEB SHEAR FAILURE OF HOLLOW CORE SLABS2024-07-16T22:05:15+00:00Sales. Marcel Willianújo. Daniel de Limadaniel.araujo.ufg@gmail.comFerreira. Marcelo de Araújomarcelof@ufscar.brRabelo. Rafaela<p>Many researches have been carried out in the world about hollow core slabs. One area that<br>has the most of those researches is about web shear failure to represent more accurately the shear<br>strength. One of those uncertainties is related with the behavior the interface between concrete and slab.<br>Therefore, in this research a hollow core slab that already were carried out for other researcher was<br>modelled, wherein the main variable is the interface law with aim to verify what the influence in shear<br>strength, variating tensile strength and slip. Firstly, one curve, which is present in the software and was<br>created for Doer in 1980, was used. The results showed that tensile strength of interface influences the<br>shear strength and the how the hardness of interface law affects the slab strength. Beside, a analyze<br>strain is realized to verify a concrete behavior. Lastly, is processed a model without stands and prestress<br>to understand show influences of prestress in the slab and it was compared with Brazilian code.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE COMPARATIVA DE MÉTODOS ANALÍTICOS CLÁSSICOS E NUMÉRICO VIA MÉTODO DOS ELEMENTOS FINITOS PARA A OBTENÇÃO DE ESFORÇOS EM RESERVATÓRIO PARALELEPIPÉDICO ELEVADO EM CONCRETO ARMADO2024-07-16T22:08:11+00:00Fernanda K. M. da Costafernandakmcosta@gmail.comJosé N. Silva Filhojneres@ect.ufrn.brYngrid R. F. do Nascimentoyngrid.rayane.eng@gmail.comRodrigo Barrosbarroscivil@gmail.comDaniel N.<p>The objective of this research is to present a comparative analysis of the bending effects and<br>tension forces of three tanks in reinforced concrete with different storage capacities. To obtain these<br>efforts two methodologies were considered: (a) one by classical analytical methods and (b) another by<br>numerical method using the Finite Element Method (FEM). In the analytical methodology, the tanks<br>were treated as structures composed of isolated slabs where the internal tensions were obtained<br>through the Plate Theory. In the numerical methodology (FEM), the three tanks were modeled in the<br>SAP2000® using shell elements. The structures were modeled considering discrete finite elements<br>meshes with dimensions varying from 20 cm to 40 cm, sufficient to obtain satisfactory bending and<br>tensile efforts with little computational cost. The results showed that the two methodologies presented<br>similar results for the slabs of the tank cap while for the tanks bottom slabs, the numerical analysis<br>presented slightly lower than the values found with the analytical study. The bending moments<br>between the wall-wall and the wall-bottom were very similar in the two methodologies, while the<br>positive bending moments presented some divergences.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE UMA LAJE DE FUNDAÇÃO UTILIZANDO O SOFTWARE DIANA FEA2024-07-16T22:11:22+00:00Gabriella P. Valentimgabriella.valentim@coc.ufrj.brFabiana G. O. Rochafabianaguedes@coc.ufrj.brMariane R. Ritamariane_rita@coc.ufrj.brEduardo M. R.<p>There are several types of structures that can be considered as massive structures. They are<br>structures for which the effects of the cementitious materials at the early ages, such as heat generation<br>and autogenous shrinkage, can lead to cracking. There are some ways to avoid thermal cracking in<br>those structures, such as changing the concrete mix, using a pre or post cooling system, adopting<br>expansion joints, or increasing reinforcement with iron bars or fibers. The use of fibers increases the<br>ductility from the earliest ages and thus decreases the cracking potential. The numerical modeling of<br>concrete in the early ages, including the phenomenon of hydration, naturally implies the consideration<br>of the exothermic and thermally activated nature of the chemical reactions involved. Therefore, a<br>numerical model that is capable of anticipate the thermal field in the concrete during the hydration and<br>subsequent cooling process should be used to analysis massive structures.<br>In order to study the thermal fields in a ground slab, it was used a FEM software known as DIANA<br>FEA. A simplified 2D numerical model was developed based on the example presented by Rita [1].<br>With the optimization through genetic algorithms, the best way to build this slab was studied. This<br>means the way to build it, with the least probability of cracking. In the model developed in DIANA<br>FEA, the symmetry was used and the construction was simulated without any pre-cooling or<br>reinforcement method, using cooling pipes and adopting fibrous concrete. The cracking index (ICR)<br>corresponding to the first days after the casting of the first and second layers were higher than 1,<br>indicating that the structure does not tend to crack, as in Rita [1]. However, in the model developed in<br>DIANA FEA, it was observed that at 26 days, there is already a probability of cracking. For the model<br>using fibrous concrete, this tendency is observed at 28 days, which corresponds to an improvement<br>compared to the one without the fibers. In the modeling using cooling pipes, it could be observed a<br>decrease in the maximum temperature in the core of the structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF ORTHOTROPIC DEGRADATION MODELS FROM DAMAGE- EFFECT TENSORS FOR PHYSICALLY NONLINEAR ANALYSIS2024-07-16T22:14:12+00:00Lívia Ramos Santos Pereiraliviarsp.eng@gmail.comSamuel Silva<p>In constitutive models based on the continuum damage mechanics, the process of material<br>degradation is described from damage variables that evaluate the nucleation and growth of micro voids</p> <p>and microcracks in the medium. These variables can be expressed from tensorial entities called damage-<br>effect tensors, which is able to describe the material behavior considering, in the most general form,</p> <p>anisotropic degradation. These entities are defined by a fourth-order tensor. This degradation approach<br>leads to a generalization of the deterioration process, since the secant tensor is obtained from a product<br>between the damage-effect tensor and the elastic tensor. This work presents a formulation of a continuum<br>damage model to deal with orthotropic material degradation, assuming different damage evolutions laws.<br>The degradation process is considered from damage-effect tensors for the physically nonlinear analysis<br>of concrete structures subjected to monotonic loadings. Different approaches of damage-effect tensors<br>presented on literature are discussed and implemented to validate this theory. The formulation was<br>implemented in the INSANE platform (INteractive Structural ANalysis Environment), a free computing<br>system developed in the Structural Engineering Department of Federal University of Minas Gerais.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF THE STEEL-CONCRETE BOND PHENOMENON - PULL-OUT TEST ANALYSIS WITH AN ELASTOPLASTIC MODEL2024-07-16T22:16:16+00:00Miranda, Ms. Marcela Palharesm_palhares@yahoo.comMorsch, Dr. Inácio Benvegnumorsch@ufrgs.brBittencourt, Dr. Eduardoeduardo.bittencourt@ufrgs.brBrisotto, Dra. Daiane de, Dra. Eliene<p>Experimental and numerical analysis were performed to evaluate the bond behavior<br>between steel and reinforced concrete with thin bars. The pull-out test is the most used mechanical test<br>to study the bond phenomenon and the results of this test may adequately represent the interaction of<br>the materials in reinforced concrete structures. Numerical analysis based in the finite element method<br>may be used to better understand the bond behavior, but the numerical models need some specific<br>parameters that can influence the stresses and the slip, which are important to understand the interface<br>zone. However, the correct determination of these values is not an easy job, so in many cases the<br>experimental data is necessary to develop a satisfactory model. In this study a modified pull-out test<br>was applied with cylindrical specimens of 150x150 cm, composed by ribbed bars (CA-50) with 6.3,</p> <p>8.0 and 10.0 mm, conventional concrete and bond length of 10 times the bar diameter. An elastic-<br>plastic model was developed to study stress bond and the failures mechanisms, using parameters</p> <p>related to bar properties and the interact mechanisms between steel and concrete. The numerical model<br>was adequately to represent the bond in pull-out test, with results able to represent the specimen<br>behavior, especially for the 10.0 mm diameter bar.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DIFFUSION OVER A MASSIVE PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE STRUCTURE2024-07-16T22:19:42+00:00Edmilson Lira Morais de Leandro de Azevedo Silvaarthur_leandro33@hotmail.comGabriel de Bessa<p>The thermal diffusion in continuous solid media is of relevant once temperature and its<br>oscillations influence over a wide diversity of natural phenomena, namely, the alkali-aggregate reaction,<br>concrete Creep and Shrinkage, that affect the concrete structures mechanical performance. The physical<br>model referring to phenomenon approached in this paper culminates in the Heat Diffusion Differential<br>Equation. Despite its modest formulation, the Finite Difference Technique may be used to support the<br>computational tools applied to the numerical analysis expeditiously, suitable to the endorsement of<br>studies and designs. The subject of this work is the numerical simulation of te thermal diffusion across<br>concrete massive structures focusing specially over the temperature fields evolution by time of its<br>continuous soli mass. With a view to the full development of the proposed subject one-dimensional and<br>two-dimensional models are implemented using an automatic language translated algorithm through the<br>Finite Difference Approach on the Heat Diffusion Differential Equation. The obtained results confirm<br>the proposed model suitability to simulate the studied phenomenon behavior, so that represents<br>strategically promising tools to perform similar tasks.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FORMULATION OF CORROSION-CRACKING COUPLING IN REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAMES2024-07-16T22:22:42+00:00C. A. C. Brantbetocbrant@hotmail.comJ. Flórez-Ló<p>The objective of this work is to propose a mathematical model for the coupling of corrosion,<br>cracking and plasticity in the analysis of reinforced concrete structures. The corrosion phenomenon is<br>considered due to chloride ions in the concrete that causes the reduction of the cross section of the steel<br>bars and the penalization of the yield stress. The modeling of structural behavior is based on lumped<br>damage mechanics and the laws of the thermodynamics of solids. The model proposed in this work is<br>called elastoplastic with linear kinematic hardening, damage and corrosion; its internal variables are<br>plastic rotation, damage level and corrosion level. The proposed model was used for the simulation of a<br>reinforced concrete slab. In the simulation, the model represents the increase of the corrosion resulting<br>from increments of cracking. Accelerating the corrosive process, damage evolution causes the reduction<br>of the corrosion time for the appearance of the first plastic hinge.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF PLATES FROM APPROXIMATED METHOD2024-07-16T22:24:59+00:00Edmilson Lira de Bessa Spinolagabrielbessasp@gmail.comArthur Leandro de Azevedo Silvaarthur_leandro33@hotmail.comEduardo Morais de<p>Due to the lack of consensus among the several models applied to its internal forces</p> <p>assessment, the design of slabs represents a task of reasonable complexity. The availability of high-<br>performance software allows its mechanical performance simulation from the continuous plate</p> <p>concept. Despite its great acceptability the results obtained from such procedure are far from the<br>reality since the knowledge domain of the mechanical behavior of concrete yet did not reached<br>fullness. The validation of software’s can be performed by using simplified procedures adopting in<br>hand calculation or small algorithms. Such kinds of approaches are useful, including, as design<br>resources for more modest constructive units, namely, residential buildings or small commercial and<br>industrial structures. The Thin Plates Theory is applied to solid bodies composed by linear, elastic and<br>homogeneous material, whose thickness is inferior to its remaining dimensions. Some solutions of the<br>Differential Equation, derived from the referring Model, were proposed by Navier and by Levi. The<br>aim of this work is the analysis of mechanical performance of reinforced concrete slabs, layered upon<br>a group of high stiffness beams, from the Thin Plates Theory considering the solutions proposed by<br>Navier and by Levi. The obtained results have revealed that, even for that cases involving symmetrical<br>loading and edge conditions, the maximum bend moment in the “y” direction occur at a point deviated<br>from the center of the plate, and its magnitude is greater than that one recorded at the plate center.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF SHALLOW TUNNELS LINED IN STEEL REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSIDERING THE EFFECTS OF CRACKING2024-07-16T22:28:11+00:00Betina M. Jensenbetina.jensen95@gmail.comDenise Bernauddenise.bernaud@ufrgs.brAmérico Campos<p>Tunnel design requires the correct evaluation of both soil strains and lining stresses levels<br>through an analysis that must contemplate the soil-structure interaction and the excavation process.<br>When tunnels are installed close to the ground surface, the complexity of the problem increases in<br>comparison to deep tunnels, since shallow tunnels show an ovalized shape of the deformed cross-section<br>and a heterogeneous stress field around the excavation, inducing tension stresses to appear and possibly<br>resulting in the cracking of the concrete lining. In this context, this paper presents a numerical simulation<br>in finite elements, with the software Ansys, focused on the study of the structural behavior of shallow<br>tunnels lined in steel reinforced concrete. To perform such analysis, the soil mass was represented by a<br>plastic model using the Mohr-Coulomb criterion and, regarding the concrete, three different models of<br>behavior were admitted: an elastic, a viscoelastic and a viscoelastic with cracking consideration.<br>Moreover, the embedded reinforcement model was adopted to represent the steel reinforcement of the<br>concrete. The results obtained in the investigation indicate the influence of the cracking consideration<br>in the tunnel model, which modifies the stresses field of the lining and causes higher values of final<br>convergence.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DA CURVA TENSÃO-DEFORMAÇÃO DO CONCRETO REFORÇADO COM FIBRAS DE AÇO POR MEIO DE ANÁLISE INVERSA2024-07-16T22:30:42+00:00Danilo B. Cavalcantidaniloborgescavalcanti@gmail.comSylvia R.M. de Almeidasylvia@ufg.brDaniel L. de Araú<p>One way to measure the increase of ductility, from the addition of steel fibers in concrete, is<br>from the uniaxial tension tests. However, this test is difficult to carry out and the equipment is highly</p> <p>rigid and is not present in most concrete laboratories. Thus, the solution could be obtaining the stress-<br>strain diagram for uniaxial tension of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) from inverse analysis of a</p> <p>bending tests. The inverse analysis proposed in this paper consists of an automatic search of the<br>softening behavior of the SFRC. To achieve this, the objective function is defined to minimize the<br>difference between load-deflection curve obtained by the finite element software DIANA®<br>10.1 and<br>experimental curves obtained by test a simply supported beam under third-point loading, as proposed<br>by ASTM C1609/C1609M-12. The optimization process is performed in two steps, that is, first it is</p> <p>determined the flexural modulus of the SFRC, which defines the initial linear elastic part of the load-<br>deflection curve. Then, points of the softening diagram of SFRC are determined. Since the design</p> <p>variables are not explicit in optimization process of the objective function, it was necessary to use a<br>heuristic method, among which a genetic algorithm (GA) available on MATLAB (2007) was chosen.<br>The GA algorithmic has been showed efficient to obtain the softening diagram of SRFC with two<br>volume of steel fibers, 0.5% and 1.5%, with index of agreement over 90%.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPUTACIONAIS DA UTILIZAÇÃO DA MATRIZ DE RIGIDEZ DE ̃ELEMENTOS SEGMENTADOS NA ANÁLISE NÃO LINEAR DE ELEMENTOS DE CONCRETO ARMADO TIPO PÓRTICO2024-07-17T08:49:42+00:00Juan MartÍnezjuandejesusmartinezp@gmail.comLuiz C. de Almeidaalmeida@fec.unicamp.brLeandro M.<p>A segmented element can be defined as a structural member that is composed of segments<br>whose properties cannot be expressed as a continuous function and vary randomly throughout the element<br>(e.g. modulus of elasticity, cross section, length). The present work aimed to develop the stiffness matrix<br>of a segmented element to compare the computational performance of this in relation to the conventional<br>stiffness matrix. A simply supported reinforced concrete beam was analyzed linearly and not linearly.<br>The non-linear analysis with stiffness degradation was based on the moment-curvature relationship of<br>the cross section of the beam, where the stiffness of a segment depends on the bending moment acting at<br>the midpoint of it. The results confirmed that it is possible to significantly reduce the time of analysis of<br>a reinforced concrete structure using the stiffness matrix of a segmented element. The numerical models<br>were able to represent the behavior of the tested beam to values above 95% of the ultimate load</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE CLASSICAL ANALYTICAL METHODS AND THE FINITE ELEMENTS METHOD (FEM) IN OBTAINING EFFORTS ON SUPPORTED AND FREE STANDING STAIRS IN REINFORCED CONCRETE2024-07-17T08:54:44+00:00Jônatas G. Mafaldojonatasmafaldo@gmail.comJosé N. Silva Filhojneres@ect.ufrn.brPedro M. Coutinhopedromitzcun@gmail.comJoel A. Nascimentojoelneto@ct.ufrn.brNormando L. Oliveira<p>Free standing stairs in reinforced concrete are important structural elements that make up<br>the buildings. They are designed and executed to join, through successive steps, without intermediate<br>support, in a comfortable way the different levels of a building. In this context, the objective of this<br>research is to realize a comparative study of internal forces of the bending moment, shearing and<br>torsion in free standing stairs considering two methodologies: (a) one using classical analytical<br>methods for obtaining efforts in stairs and (b) other using Finite Element Method (FEM). In the<br>analytical modeling, the free standing stairs were treated as structures composed of: (1) isolated slabs<br>through the Plate Theory with resolution of Lagrange‘s non-homogeneous fourth-order differential<br>equation, (2) simplified method proposed by Araújo [1] and (3) Knijnik & Tavares’ simplified method<br>[2]. In order to obtain FEM efforts, the free standing stair were modeled using the SAP2000® [3]<br>program, using frame elements, both individual and in grid structures, and shell elements. The<br>structures were made considering discretized finite element meshes with dimensions varying from 20<br>cm to 25 cm, sufficient to obtain the satisfactory efforts and with low computational cost. The results<br>showed that on average the analytical models overestimated the values of internal forces (bending<br>moments in the transversal direction in the landing and in the longitudinal direction of the stair),<br>mainly by the fact of not considering the three-dimensionality of the stairs, redistribution of efforts and<br>the consequent interaction among the bending and torsion efforts. It was also observed that shell<br>element modeling, when compared to the frame elements, presented results closer to the analytical<br>models considering the supported stairs. Finally, the conclusions of the research indicated that<br>although free standing stairs present much greater efforts and require higher thicknesses of bids and<br>levels than ladders supported in beams, however, the lack of intermediate and adjacent structural<br>elements results in a much more accelerated constructive process.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FOR MODELLING BY FINITE ELEMENT METHOD THE DEFORMED STEEL BARS EMBEDDED IN PLAIN CONCRETE2024-07-17T08:58:12+00:00ALVES, Lorena da Silvalorenadasilvaalves@ufg.brARAÚJO, Daniel de<p>In the study of connections between structural elements of concrete must be guaranteed the<br>transfer of efforts through connection and sufficient strength to avoid the failure on connections. The<br>connection strength depends of the bond characteristics of deformed reinforcing steel bars embedded<br>in concrete. This paper aims to study the bond behaviour of deformed steel bars embedded in plain<br>concretes from computational modelling of pull out test of high strength ribbed steel bars available in<br>the literature. Three strategies for modelling the ribs of the steel bar using the finite element method<br>and two models for characterization the bond between steel and concrete were analysed. The strategies<br>for modelling ribs of the bars were circular ribs or two longitudinal ribs interspersed by oblique ribs.<br>In these cases, it was used the real geometry of the ribs. The last strategy modify the geometry of the<br>ribs from the angle of sliding plane between steel and concrete after crushing. For bond characteristics<br>of the interface between steel and concrete, the elastic-linear model and the non-linear Coulomb<br>Friction model were used. The computational results were also compared to the analytical models<br>available in the literature for deformed bars embedded in plain concrete. The results showed that the<br>bond characteristics of the interface and the shape of the ribs influence the bond strength. The strategy<br>modelling with modified ribs to incorporate the crushed concrete in front of the ribs and the Coulomb<br>Friction model for the interface is the one that shows best approximation of the computational and<br>experimental tests.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURE PILE CAP (“D REGION”) USING CONCRETE DAMAGED PLASTICITY AND NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS2024-07-17T09:00:30+00:00Guilherme Niclewicz Saddock de Ságuilherme_niclewicz@hotmail.comRoberto Dalledone<p>The design of reinforced concrete structures aims to define the amount and distribution of<br>steel rebars (reinforcement) required in the elements. In complex situations, the Strut and Tie Method is<br>used for design parts that are subject to complex stress distributions (known in the literature as "D<br>Regions"). One of the difficulties in the application of the method is the determination of the most<br>probable distribution of tensions that the part will suffer, since it depends on its own geometry and the<br>amount of reinforcement used. For this reason, on an initial step, elastic analyzes can be used to suggest<br>a probable field of stresses to be used in the definition of the Strut and Tie Model. However, in the<br>ultimate strength, the stress distribution can be affected by non-linear effects like non regular<br>constitutive relations of the materials (concrete and steel), by damage processes that the part will suffer<br>and also by the distribution of reinforcements. The objective of this work is to present nonlinear<br>computational analysis of several elements of reinforced concrete, considering the distribution of<br>reinforcement, in order to evaluate its real behavior in the ultimate state, and to compare with the results<br>predicted by the usual methods of design, mainly the Strut and Tie method. In order reach this objective,<br>the models of reinforced concrete are developed through the software of finite elements ABAQUS,<br>considering Concrete Damage Plasticity. The models constructed on this paper consider the<br>reinforcement distribution, including the constructive ones, trying to evaluate its influence in the field<br>of tensions and its resistant capacity. Several situations are examined and the results are compared with<br>the conventional design methods or with the Strut and Tie Model. The developed examples confirm that<br>the stress field and the resistance capacity are affected by the reinforcement distribution. In this way,<br>the present work intends to discuss how the Strut and Tie models are affected by non-linear behavior<br>and by the designed reinforcements.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TEMPERATURES INFLUENCE ON THE REINFORCED CONCRETE PANELS STRENGTH THROUGH THE LIMIT ANALYSIS THEORY2024-07-17T09:02:56+00:00Luisa R. Machadoluisamrossini@gmail.comVanessa F. P. Dutrapasa.dutra@ufrgs.brSamir<p>The constitutive behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) structures is significantly altered when<br>exposed to high temperatures. The high thermal gradients cause deterioration of the thermo-mechanical<br>properties of the materials together with thermal-induced deformations, which in turn modify the<br>geometry of the structure. The aim of the present work is to evaluate the influence of fire occurrence on<br>the stability of the RC panel structures, through the limit analysis theory. By modelling the panel as a<br>beam, determining the interaction diagrams for each time of fire exposure is the first step. The<br>temperature profiles along the sections of the panels are obtained numerically and the interaction<br>diagrams by integrating the concrete and steel strengths along the section with explicit account for the<br>different parameters controlling the problem, such as the section thickness, reinforcement area and<br>concrete compressive strength. The second step consists in determining the deformed configuration of<br>panel and associated distribution of axial and bending moment efforts, considering the second order<br>effects caused by the eccentricity of the self-weight load induced by the thermal deformations. This is<br>achieved by analyzing the thermo-elastic equilibrium of the panel under the combined action of thermal<br>gradient induced by fire and self-weight loading. The analysis is done by overlapping the interaction<br>diagrams of the sections and the distribution of internal efforts along the structure. Several numerical<br>examples are presented to assess the effect of relevant parameters on the overall fire safety of the<br>structure, emphasizing the effectiveness of the approach for design purposes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DA FISSURAÇÃO TÉRMICA DOS BLOCOS DE CONTRAFORTE DA UHE ITAIPU: ANÁLISE NUMÉRICA TERMO-QUÍMICO-MECÂNICA2024-07-17T09:06:24+00:00Gabriella P. Valentimgabriella.valentim@coc.ufrj.brMariane R. Ritamariane_rita@coc.ufrj.brEduardo M. R. Fairbairneduardo@coc.ufrj.brÉtore F.<p>Itaipu Dam’s hydroelectric power plant is the largest producer of electric power in the<br>world. It is composed by structures made of concrete, rock and earthfill that serve to harness the water<br>and obtain the difference in levels of 120 m, which allows the operation of the turbines. The first<br>buttresses blocks, which were located in the right bank dam, began to be built in November 1978. The<br>first cracks were noticed by visual inspection in August 1980. A 2-D simplified FEM analysis has<br>shown a high adiabatic raise of temperature in the core of the blocks due to the cement hydration,<br>causing thermal stresses. The location of the cracks in the modelling is very similar to the pattern of<br>cracking that is presented in the construction reports. Therefore, it is possible to assure that the cause<br>of cracking in the buttresses blocks of Itaipu Dam is thermal cracking.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF UNBONDED PRESTRESSED CON- CRETE BEAMS SUBJECTED TO SHORT-TERM LOADING2024-07-17T09:10:15+00:00Juliana C. Alvesjulianacunhalves@gmail.comEvandro Parente Jr.evandro@ufc.brJoao Batista M. Sousa Jr.<p>Prestressed concrete with unbonded tendons is an excellent structural solution for beams and</p> <p>slabs, allowing the design of slender elements with long spans. However, the consideration of the un-<br>bonded tendon in the structural analysis is complex, requiring the development and implementation of</p> <p>adequate methods. This work presents a finite element model formulation for material and geometric<br>nonlinear analysis of unbonded prestressed beams. The Euler-Bernoulli nonlinear plane frame element<br>formulation for large displacements and moderate rotations is used to model the reinforced concrete<br>beam. The tendon is modeled as a single polygonal element with a variable number of straight segments.</p> <p>The tendon element allows the consideration of material and geometric nonlinearities. The formula-<br>tion was successfully implemented and the obtained results were in good agreement with experimental</p> <p>data for beams with external and internal unbonded tendons. The presented formulation was applied<br>to assess the influence of the geometric nonlinearity on the structural behavior of presstressed beams<br>with unbonded tendons. The results showed that the geometric linear analysis overestimates the beam<br>capacity.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FOR THE CALCULATION OF IMMEDIATE AND TIMEDEPENDENT LOSSES, ON SIMPLY SUPPORTED PRESTRESSED CONCRETE GIRDERS2024-07-17T09:12:55+00:00Cleyton de Oliveira Marizcleytonmariz@hotmail.comThiago Bomjardim Portothiago.porto@cefetmg.brThiago Pena Bortonethiago.bortone@cefetmg.brAntônio Ribeiro de Oliveira<p>The prestressing losses are related to physical and geometric factors, from which, through<br>empirical equations, it is possible to estimate this value for any given time. Temperature will be<br>considered constant over time and all prestressing procedure will be done for adherent post-tensile. This<br>paper is based on the development of a tool in programming language Visual Basic for Applications<br>(VBA) to calculate the immediate and time-dependent losses, on simply supported prestressed concrete<br>girders of beams in a manner that presents intuitive interface between the user and the system. Starting<br>from the necessity of automation of the prestressed concrete projects, this tool uses ordinary pre-defined<br>cross sections (rectangular, “T” and “I”) with user-defined dimensions for the application of prestressing<br>forces and for an unlimited number of cables, being possible both the visualization of the each cable<br>layouts in girder, as well as the immediate and time-dependent losses, following the formulation<br>proposed by Brazilian Technical Standard NBR 6118 [1].</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF RC BEAMS STRENGTHENED WITH EXTERNALLY BONDED CFRP SYSTEMS2024-07-17T09:16:03+00:00Mariana V. F. S. B. Araújomfsbaraujo@hotmail.comPaula M. Lazzarip.manica.lazzari@gmail.comAmérico Campos<p>The strengthening and rehabilitation of concrete structures using carbon fiber reinforced<br>polymers (CFRP) has consolidated itself as an attractive alternative in civil construction. Some factors<br>that led to a greater use of this material are its excellent mechanical properties, low specific weight and<br>high durability. The development of this type of strengthening, and the concrete technology as a whole,<br>require refined analysis methods. Therefore, it is proposed to perform a computational modeling of<br>flexural beams with CFRP externally bonded (EB) strengthening systems, through the finite element<br>method (FEM) in the commercial software ANSYS. The physical nonlinearities of the materials are<br>included. A special focus is given to the behavior of the bond between the structure and reinforcement,<br>through contact elements and bilinear cohesive zone models provided by the program. In this way, it is<br>possible to detect in the computational simulations, premature failure modes that occur by detachment<br>of the reinforcement and that often limit full employment of CFRP’s resistance properties. The<br>developed numerical model was able to predict the instantaneous behavior from systems involving<br>reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP, analyzed through load-displacement curves, as well<br>as the failure mode and ultimate load.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ABOUT APPROXIMATE AND RIGOROUS METHODS FOR SECOND-ORDER GLOBAL ANALYSIS IN BUILDINGS WITH REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES2024-07-17T09:19:00+00:00Ingrid Kelly Leal de Assisingridkelly.leal@gmail.comThiago Bomjardim Portothiago.porto@cefetmg.brThiago Pena Bortonethiago.bortone@cefetmg.brAntônio Ribeiro de Oliveira<p>This paper presents an evaluation of the approximate methods for the calculation of plane<br>frames subjected to horizontal actions from wind force, considering the current numerical resources<br>available. In the past, it was common to use equivalent plane frame in the calculation of tall reinforced<br>concrete buildings, in the definition of ultimate limit states (ULS) and for the evaluation of the lateral<br>displacements of the building in service limit states (SLS). From these trivial analyzes, usually theorical,<br>verifications of the structure's instability parameters were made. It is known, however, that simplified<br>structural analysis, such as obtaining the parameters α and γz, causes eventual inaccuracy in the internal<br>forces and the deflection values of the building, since it is not considering the real three-dimensional<br>interaction among the main constituent elements of the structure: slabs, beams and pillars. In view of<br>the above, the purpose of this research was to make a comparison of the results obtained analytically in<br>a usual 9th floor reinforced concrete building, with the results of a 3D structural design and analysis<br>software in accordance with NBR 6118/2014. Finally, after a systematic analysis of the results obtained<br>from the analytical and numerical models of the pilot building, some considerations are made, especially<br>regarding the use of simplified structural analysis methods.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FORECAST IN CONCRETE DAM BY HOLT-WINTERS MODELS AND THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-17T09:22:14+00:00David Silva Marques de Souzadavids.souza@hotmail.comTásia Bellido Marlon Corrê Antonio Sucapuca<p>The article describes a method of forecasting the temperature fields of a buttress-type concrete<br>block from the Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam located in a region with high thermal gradients, approximately<br>7 to 40°C. The method involves the application of Holt-Winters exponential smoothing models and a<br>heat conduction model that follows Fourier's Law. Initially, the temperature series from 2000 to 2016<br>of two surface-to-block thermometers, whose read periodicity is not well defined, were adjusted by cubic splines and the now monthly series were used as input for Holt- Winters to produce temperature<br>forecasts as outputs for 2017. Monthly (interpolated) and 2017 (predicted) monthly temperatures were<br>used as boundary conditions for the transient thermal block model and it was solved by the Finite<br>Element Method (FEM) in Python language. The predicted temperature fields of the block for 2017 are<br>thus obtained. The numerical results at a specific point and interior of the structure were compared with<br>the observed data of an internal thermometer installed in the block by means of the MAPE error, and<br>this was around 7%. The proposed method has an innovative approach to the thermal analysis of<br>structures, particularly in concrete dams, regarding thermal field prediction and a first application of the<br>Python language to this problem.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO NÚMERICA DA EFICIÊNCIA DO USO DE FIBRAS DE AÇO NO PROJETO DE SEÇÕES TRANVERSAIS DE CONCRETO ARMADO NO ESTADO LIMITE ÚLTIMO2024-07-17T09:25:40+00:00Ana Clara Pedras Buenoaa.anabueno@gmail.comAntônio Ribeiro de Oliveira Netoantonioribeiro@cefetmg.brThiago Pena Bortonethiago.bortone@cefetmg.brThiago Bomjardim<p>This paper presents a numerical evaluation of the efficiency of the use of steel fibers in<br>reinforced concrete elements under bending with axial force in the Ultimate Limit State (ULS). The<br>calculation of the strength of each cross section, is an iterative method that requires the integration of<br>the stress in the area. This process is performed in a rigorous way using the algorithm implemented by<br>Ribeiro [6][7] in Java programming language. In order to present the mechanical behavior of the fiber<br>reinforced concrete (FRC) under tension, it is necessary to assume a constitutive law, since the use of<br>steel fibers provides an increase of residual strength (Model Code 2010, RILEM TC 162-TDF). The<br>parameters for the characterization of the compressive strength were obtained from the Brazilian<br>Technical Standard NBR 6118 (ABNT [8]), and the tensile constitutive law was given by<br>experimental results of Barros et. al. [9]. In this study, two cross sections of beams with usual<br>dimensions of buildings and one cross section of bridge column were used. The sections strength are<br>presented in the form of interaction diagrams for bending with axial forces, for fiber rates of 0 kg/m3<br>(without fiber), 15 kg/m3 and 30 kg/m3. The analysis of the results demonstrates an increase of the<br>strength as a function of the fiber content in cases that there are regions under tension.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LUMPED DAMAGE MODEL FOR THE ANALYSIS OF DUAL SYSTEMS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE2024-07-17T13:28:44+00:00Julio Neumannjulio.neumann@hotmail.comRicardo Picónricardo.picon@gmail.comJulio Flórez Ló<p>The search for mathematical models capable of estimating the level of degradation of<br>reinforced concrete structures is increasing. However, due to the complexity, the number of variables<br>involved and the physical non-linearity of the problem, the determination of these models becomes<br>somewhat complicated. Due to this need, there are behavioral models for elements with bending failure<br>and behavioral models for elements with shear failure that have been proposed independently. However,<br>there are still few models that include the evaluation of the inelastic response considering the interaction<br>between the two types of forces (shear force and bending moment). In addition, the models proposed in<br>the literature have as main limitation the uncertainty in the selection of parameters that adequately<br>represent the inelastic behavior of the elements. To overcome these difficulties, in this paper, it is<br>proposed a constitutive model based on lumped damage mechanics (LDM). A finite element is used that<br>includes two auxiliary subroutines capable of representing the inelastic behavior of the structure<br>considering the two types of forces. The model was validated through comparisons of results of<br>numerical simulations with experimental results. Later, the model is used for the dynamic analysis of<br>dual systems. The results show that the proposed model is interesting because besides being able to use<br>to verify the structural integrity of already completed buildings, it can contribute to the realization of<br>more advanced projects, in such a way that the cracking during a loading can be controlled and prevent<br>structural collapse.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMÉRICA DA FASE DE PROPAGAÇÃO DA CORROSÃO INDUZIDA POR CLORETOS EM ESTRUTURAS DE CONCRETO ARMADO2024-07-17T13:31:53+00:00Éverton Souza de Godoy Tavaresmatheust@usp.brRogério<p>Com o crescimento da indústria da construção civil, o surgimento de patologias relacionadas<br>à corrosão em estruturas de concreto armado se intensificou globalmente, motivando o desenvolvimento<br>de ferramentas capazes de prever seu comportamento frente à durabilidade. A corrosão devido ao<br>ingresso dos íons cloretos promove o cenário mais devastador à integridade dos elementos estruturais.<br>Este fenômeno é caracterizado pela formação de pites nas barras de aço, promovendo uma corrosão<br>localizada e não uniforme da seção transversal das armaduras. Neste contexto, o principal objetivo deste<br>estudo é o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para a análise do comportamento de<br>estruturas de concreto armado sujeitas ao ataque de íons cloretos. A fim de modelar o fenômeno, é<br>empregado o Método dos Elementos Finitos Posicional (MEFP) com formulação Lagrangiana total,<br>considerando os efeitos advindos da não linearidade geométrica. A matriz de concreto e as armaduras<br>são modeladas com elementos finitos triangulares bidimensionais. O acoplamento reforço/matriz é<br>realizado por meio de técnica de embutimento. A não linearidade física do concreto é considerada com<br>o emprego do modelo de dano de Mazars. Uma abordagem determinística é adotada para avaliar os<br>efeitos deletérios do período de propagação. Assim, modelos presentes na literatura são selecionados<br>para implementar as tensões expansivas provindas da formação dos produtos de corrosão e a redução da<br>seção transversal das armaduras. Por fim, exemplos numéricos são expostos objetivando evidenciar a<br>robustez do código desenvolvido e sua aplicabilidade na avaliação da vida útil das estruturas.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FINITE ELEMENT APPROACH TO UPPER BOUND SOLUTIONS FOR ULTIMATE LOADS OF PLATES AND SLABS2024-07-17T13:34:21+00:00Michael Parisottomica.parisotto@gmail.comVanessa F. Pasa Dutrapasa.dutra@ufrgs.brSamir<p>Structural engineering projects involves the elements design considering the ultimate limit<br>state (ULS) conditions and the service limit state (SLS) check. The ULS is characterized by the<br>exhaustion of the strength capacity of the entire structure or some specific regions. SLS conditions<br>should be checked to ensure durability of the structure, maintenance of non-structural elements<br>appearance and integrity, which influence users comfort as well as the buildings functionality. No<br>additional loading can be sustained by the structure beyond the ultimate state conditions. The present<br>work aims at analyzing the ULS of plates and slabs under predominating flexion through numerical<br>evaluation of their load capacities. The combination of the kinematic approach of limit analysis theory<br>(LAT) with the finite element method (FEM) enabled the development of a computational tool that<br>allows for assessing the failure load of plates and slabs with arbitrarily geometry and associated<br>support conditions when subjected to different loading modes (surface, linear and concentrated).<br>Adopting the normal deflection rate as main variable that controls the failure mechanism, six-node<br>triangular finite elements were used for geometry and kinematics discretization. The numerical<br>determination of ultimate load of the structure relies upon a minimization procedure. The latter is<br>achieved by Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method, which is an iterative method for<br>constrained nonlinear optimization. The developed finite element tool also allows the analysis of the</p> <p>failure mechanism of plates and slabs and visualization through the software of pre-and post-<br>processing GiD®. For the validation of the proposed analysis methodology (LAT + FEM) and</p> <p>associated computational implementation, analytical results of various slab and plate configurations<br>and their respective rupture mechanisms were favorably compared with the numerical predictions.<br>Comparison with available approaches are also presented, thus indicating the ability of the developed<br>numerical tool to accurately assess the ultimate loads and failure mechanisms of bending plates or<br>slabs.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOUNDARY ELEMENT FORMULATION APPLIED FOR CORROSION TIME INITIATION ASSESSMENT IN REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES SUBJECTED TO CHLORIDE INGRESS2024-07-17T13:37:10+00:00Antonio Rodrigues Netoantonio.rodrigues.neto@usp.brGiovanni Pais Pellizzeragpais@usp.brMatheus Rocharocha.matheus@usp.brEdson Denner<p>The reinforcements’ depassivation in reinforced concrete structures caused by chloride<br>ingress occurs when the chloride concentration at the reinforcements’ interface reaches the threshold<br>content. The main transport mechanism of chlorides ions into concrete pores is the diffusion. Then, the<br>realistic chloride diffusion modelling into concrete pores enables the accurate determination of the<br>corrosion time initiation. This study presents a transient formulation based on the Boundary Element<br>Method (BEM) applied for diffusion problems, which provides the accurate assessment of the<br>corrosion time initiation. The diffusion fields evaluated by the BEM are utilized into a probabilistic<br>framework, which determines probabilistic values for corrosion time initiation. Therefore, the<br>uncertainties are properly quantified in this model by an approach based on simulation. Two<br>applications are presented, which illustrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed formulation<br>when compared with classical analytical approaches.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A PORTLAND CEMENT HYDRATION MODEL USING CALORIMETRY METHODS2024-07-17T13:40:05+00:00Victória D. Reisvictoria.reis@coc.ufrj.brGiuseppe C. Moitagiuseppe.moita@coc.ufrj.brOscar A.M. Realesoscar@coc.ufrj.brEduardo M.R. Fairbairneduardo@coc.ufrj.brEmílio C.C.M. da<p>The exothermic characteristic of cement particles hydration is a widely studied phenomenon<br>by academy, which uses calorimetric methods as a tool to describe the reactions of cementitious<br>matrixes. The development of models that describe and predict the results of calorimetric tests from few<br>experiments is essential, given the technical difficulties and time required to perform the tests. This work<br>aimed to predict the adiabatic temperature rise of a concrete mass starting from the paste isothermal<br>calorimetry results and thermal properties of its components, using a homogenization model developed<br>by the authors. The experimental validation was done in comparison with results obtained by the<br>elevation temperature of concrete of the same cementitious matrix in a full adiabatic calorimeter.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COLUMNS MODELING THROUGH INFINITE NUMERICAL SERIES CONVERGENCE2024-07-17T13:43:13+00:00Edmilson Lira de Bessa<p>A numerical series is defined as the sum of terms in a numerical sequence. If the<br>quantity of terms of the series is known, it is denominated as a finite series, and, the referring sum can<br>be obtained from the elementary algebra. In the unlike case the series is classified as an infinite series,<br>and, the employment of elementary algebra is no longer enough, requiring the use of a convergence<br>analysis procedure. The series used to approach, as a satisfactory numerical quality, a set of values of<br>given function in a certain work domain, must be of the infinite mode because, in such cases, the<br>quantity of terms that the series needs to attend such demand, is unpredictable. There are cases<br>wherein the solution of engineering problems that may be aided, directly, by the modeling based on<br>approach for infinite numerical series, as the slender columns performance analysis. The slender<br>columns analysis cast by elastic and ductile material has been based on the concept of critical load, or<br>Euler’s load. Such modeling version is not enough at all, for specimens cast of weak rupture pattern<br>material, as the reinforced concrete, but even thus, there are concepts involved in such a formulation<br>that can be used as a classificatory reference. The Mechanics of the Materials uses the physical<br>modeling capabilities in deriving the equations object of approach on the featured theme. The aim of<br>this work is the slender columns mechanical performance modeling through infinite numerical series<br>convergence concept.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MONITORING OF FOZ DO CHAPECÓ POWER PLANT2024-07-17T13:45:40+00:00Gustavo Alcalá Batistelagustavoabatistela@gmail.comTiago L. G.ão Rodolfo Cortes<p>Hydroelectric power plants represent the most important source of electricity in Brazil.<br>Hydroelectric plants are a clean source of energy that produce no residua or pollution during its<br>operational lifetime. However, the storage of great amounts of water may represent a risk to cities<br>downstream. Although the chances of accidents are small, their impact may be catastrophic. Therefore,<br>monitoring the structures is paramount to have a safe operation. This work focuses on monitoring the<br>structural safety of Foz do Chapecó Power Plant. The plant is installed on Uruguai River in the border<br>of states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The structure consists of a rock fill dam with<br>asphaltic core and concrete spillways. The spillway structure is 350 meters long and 60 meters high with<br>15 gates. At the current stage of the research, the numerical simulation of the spillway is developed. The<br>structure is modelled with the Finite Element Method in 3D, with the entire structure in the same mesh.<br>Emphasis is given to mesh generation, where details such as galleries, contact with rock foundation and<br>expansion joints are modelled. Loads are given in terms of reservoir upstream level, openings of gates<br>and foundation sub-pressures caused by water percolation. The solver is developed using the finite<br>element program PZ, which provides a whole family of elements morphology, different approximation<br>spaces and mesh adaption technologies. The displacements obtained by the simulations are compared<br>to the displacement history of the spillway measured by various sensors. This comparison is used to<br>adjust simulation data such as the assumed material parameters. In next steps of this work, the numerical<br>simulation will be integrated to physical monitoring of robotic total stations and other sensors yet to be<br>installed in the structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMÉRICA DO ENSAIO DE VIGA EM DUPLO BALANÇO UTILIZANDO UM MODELO PROBABILÍSTICO2024-07-17T13:48:53+00:00Mariane R. Ritamariane_rita@coc.ufrj.brMagno T. Motamagnomota@coc.ufrj.brHenrique C. C. de Andradehenriqueconde@coc.ufrj.brEduardo de M. R. Fairbairneduardo@coc.ufrj.brFernando L. B. Ribeirofernando@coc.ufrj.brJean-Louis Tailhanjean-louis.tailhan@ifsttar.frPierre<p>In most published studies with the objective of characterizing the concrete fracture under<br>tensile loads, the Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) test has been used. This test provides information<br>that allows to determine the critical stress intensity factor (KIC) and the critical energy release rate<br>(GIC) of concrete which are values that qualify the toughness of material. Therefore, in this work is<br>presented a numerical model of the DCB test, performed by means of the finite element method (FEM)<br>considering a probabilistic approach. The stochastic process is introduced in the model at the local scale<br>of the material by considering a random distribution of the tensile strength and the local cracking energy,<br>assuming that cracks are created within the concrete with different energy dissipation depending on the<br>spatial distribution of constituents and initial defects. The Monte Carlo method whose main idea is to<br>compute the results based on repeated random sampling and statistical analysis is used to statistically<br>validate the probabilistic numerical model.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 EFFECTS OF MODELLING TOWER-FOUNDATION CONNECTION STIFFNESS IN A FINITE ELEMENT WIND TURBINE CONCRETE FOUNDATION MODEL2024-07-17T13:53:17+00:00Robson RibeiroRobsonribeiro620@gmail.comJosé Neres da Silva<p>Nowadays, one of the main challenges regarding the design of concrete wind turbine<br>foundations is the search of reliable structural numerical models, which allows concrete and steel<br>volume reduction, providing more cost benefit solutions. Due to the necessity of modelling the physical<br>situation in a trustworthy manner, it’s imperative to consider not only the soil-structure interaction, but<br>also the stiffness of support structure (wind turbine tower). Therefore, the present paper aims to analyse<br>the effects of tower-foundation connection stiffness in the internal stresses of foundation element (pile<br>group foundation with a pile cap), as well the global rotational stiffness provided to the system, that<br>being an essential parameter to guarantee dynamic stability to the wind turbine. The foundations were<br>model using the SAP 2000, a finite element software. Shell (thin and thick) and solid elements were use<br>in the foundation model, whilst thin shell elements were designate to represent the tower behaviour. The<br>results show that the anchor bolt cage provide a high stiffness to the foundation core modifying the stress<br>distribution along all the pile cap.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DA FISSURAÇÃO TÉRMICA EM ESTRUTURAS DE CONCRETO MASSA ASSOCIADA ÀS PROPRIEDADES FÍSICO-QUÍMICA DO MATERIAL2024-07-17T13:55:22+00:00Igor de Azevedo Fragaifraga@coc.ufrj.brMariane Rodrigues Ritamariane_rita@coc.ufrj.brEduardo de Moraes Rego Fairbairneduardo@coc.ufrj.brRomildo Dias Toledotoledo@coc.ufrj.brAnne Neiry de Mendonça<p>Massive concrete structures are those for which the hydration effects of the cementitious ma-<br>terials at the early ages, such as heat generation and autogenous shrinkage, can lead to cracking, since the</p> <p>properties of the material are changing rapidly under the influence of hydration. The thermal cracking<br>in these structures is an important phenomenon, originated and induced mainly by matterss related to<br>the hydration reaction of the cementitious binder, becoming an important issue to the durability of the</p> <p>structure. In this way, knowing the influence of the parameters that govern this problem is of remar-<br>kable importance for engineering, considering that the determination of the values of these parameters</p> <p>sometimes involves complex and not exact procedures, generally obtained by inverse analysis, or simply</p> <p>neglected by professionals for lack of knowledge of its impact on the project. I this work, the term mas-<br>sive concrete is used in a broad sense, comprising all types of concrete elements for which the effects of</p> <p>cement hydration can lead to thermal cracking risks. With regard to the researches using computational<br>simulations, programs have been developed to map the temperature in the concrete, besides its transient<br>fields of tensions and deformations, enabling the prevention of cracking, through the establishment of<br>strategies to prevent it. In order to establish the influence of some parameters intrinsic to the material,<br>in this work will be simulated the construction of a concrete slab, previously builded and tested in the</p> <p>laboratory of FURNAS (Goiania ˆ / GO), using the finite element program DAMTHE implemented in lan-<br>guage FORTRAN, developed by PEC / COPPE / UFRJ, using experimental data as the starting point for</p> <p>adjustment of the thermochemical-mechanical model, aiming at obtaining a simulation of reference that<br>represents the most accurate tests performed and then do an factor analysis, changing intrinsic properties</p> <p>of the material, such as: specific heat, activation energy, thermal conductivity and convective heat trans-<br>fer in order to know the influence of the correlations between the uncertainties of the input parameters of</p> <p>the model in the structure cracking.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE INTERFACIAL TRANSITION ZONE AND AIR VOIDS EFFECTS ON CONCRETE CRACKING USING A MULTISCALE FE APPROACH2024-07-17T13:59:36+00:00Marcela Gimenesmarcela.gimenes@unesp.brEduardo Alexandre Rodrigueseduardo.alexandre@unesp.brOsvaldo Luís Manzoliosvaldo.l.manzoli@unesp.brLuis Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt<p>Many models successfully consider concrete as a continuous and homogeneous material.<br>However, mechanical and cracking behavior of concrete can be significantly dictated by its constituents<br>and interactions between them on a finer scale. This means that considering the different phases of the<br>mesostructure results in a more accurate modeling of concrete fracturing. Two of the concrete<br>components that play an essential role in the mechanical response are: air voids and interfacial transition<br>zone (ITZ), which are acknowledged as the two weakest phases of the material. Therefore, this work<br>proposes a four-phase mesoscale representation of concrete, which consists of coarse aggregate, cement<br>matrix, aggregate-matrix interface (ITZ) and air voids. Coarse aggregates and macro air voids are<br>randomly embedded in the matrix. As a part of the mesh fragmentation technique (MFT) [6], high aspect<br>ratio elements are placed between regular elements, meaning that the ITZ is explicitly represented and<br>has its particular properties. An appropriate tension damage model is employed to describe the material<br>nonlinear behavior. Such approach can also be extended to a multiscale approach, in which a higher<br>refinement is given only to certain critical regions and the other regions are considered to be elastic with<br>homogenized properties, resulting in an improved computational performance. The non-matching<br>meshes are bonded with coupling finite elements (CFE) [8] in their shared boundaries, ensuring<br>displacement continuity. The analysis of the ITZ and air voids effects on concrete cracking is performed<br>by comparing the numerical responses for varied ITZ fracture properties and void ratio and size using<br>the multiscale approach proposed. The study demonstrated that the mechanical response is extremely<br>sensitive to the air void content, and its increase results in the formation of a very tortuous fracture and<br>drastic drop of peak load.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF MODAL ANALYSIS AS A METHOD TO ESTIMATE SECOND ORDER GLOBAL EFFECTS IN REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES2024-07-17T14:02:43+00:00Wagner de Almeida Ferreirawagnervt.almeida@gmail.comIván Dario Gómez Araúús Antonio García Sá<p>Recent work shows that there is a relationship between the natural vibration period and the<br>second-order global effects in the reinforced concrete frames, this link occurs because both depend<br>essentially on the rigidity and mass matrix of the structure. Formulations are developed to demonstrate<br>and validate that an amplification factor is able to approximate second-order global effects satisfactorily.<br>Previous studies just consider the additional mass as a load increment. However, the second-order effects<br>of external loads on the structure not beem take into account to calculate the internal forces in structural<br>elements and their influence on the dynamic characteristics. Therefore, the second-order effects are<br>included to analyze the influence of the dynamic characteristics (natural frequencies and vibration<br>modes) and the amplification of the structure moment. Analyzes will be carried in a regular element of<br>reinforced concrete. The amplification will be evaluated by means of natural frequencies and modes of<br>vibration. Thus, this work generally aims at obtaining an alternative parameter of calculation, based on<br>the natural frequency and mode of vibration of the structure, to be used as an indicator of the necessity<br>or not of the consideration of the second-order global effects in reinforced concrete structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMERICAL 3D MODEL OF SFRC PIPES: PARAMETRIC STUDY OF THE STRENGTH CAPACITY.2024-07-17T14:05:13+00:00Facundo L. R. C.<p>The incorporation of steel fibers to concrete is beneficial from the structural point of view,<br>giving place to the use of the composite material called Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) in<br>several applications, among which concrete pipes are found. The main contribution of the fibers is<br>their ability to improve the tensile strength and tenacity of plain concrete. This contribution depends<br>mainly on the geometric characteristics and mechanical properties of the fibers, the amount incorporated<br>and the properties of the cement matrix itself. All these factors together will determine the mechanical<br>performance of the structural piece under consideration. This work contributes to a better understanding<br>of the mechanical behavior of this composite material applied to pipes through a parametric study of the<br>strength capacity of pipes considering variations in the dosage and type of fibers as well as variations in<br>the concrete class used. The fibers are represented as discrete elements and randomly distributed in the<br>concrete mass whose characteristics are adopted from fibers available in the local market. The proposed<br>model is simulated in combination with the Monte Carlo method in order to obtain average probabilistic<br>values of strength capacity of pipes, considering the variability of the orientation and distribution of steel<br>fibers within the concrete mass. The maximum load values are obtained by simulating the three edge<br>bearing test (TEBT) according to the IRAM 11503 standard, which is implemented in a finite element<br>analysis tool (ABAQUS</p> <p>R ). A constitutive model of damage-plasticity was used for plain concrete and<br>a model of steel for the fibers which takes into account the pull-out phenomenon. Finally, results of the<br>simulations are shown through tables of maximum loads, load-displacement curves and histograms.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF PILE CAP AS WIND TURBINE FOUNDATION2024-07-17T14:08:08+00:00Kaique Yuri Marcio Araújokaiqueyuri@gmail.comRodrigo Barrosbarroscivil@gmail.comJoel Araújo do Nascimento Netojoelneto@ct.ufrn.brJose Neres da Silva<p>This paper analyzes the structural behavior of reinforced concrete pile caps, as onshore wind<br>turbine foundations, using tridimensional numerical models. In order to do, four finite elements models<br>were constructed, with the aid of the ANSYS software. It was adopted as variables: i) consideration or<br>not of the soil under the pile cap base; and, ii) soil (under the pile cap base) stiffness. All the materials<br>constitutive models were considered as with linear elastic behavior. The interest results were: pile ́s<br>reaction; division of loading between soil and piles; pile cap ́s displacement; radial normal stress and<br>bending moments in the pile cap.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 de gran altura de hormigon reforzado con fibras: estudio numerico y experimental2024-07-17T14:12:45+00:00Miqueas C. C. R.<p>The study of new materials for structural uses with better properties than traditional ones has<br>always been the object of study of scientific researches. Thus, traditional materials have been replaced</p> <p>by others such as the composites, intelligent and biodegradable materials. In this context, this work con-<br>tributes to a better understanding of the behavior of steel and hybrid fiber reinforced concrete applied to</p> <p>deep beams. The latter are structural elements loaded as beams but with small shear span/depth ratios.<br>They have useful applications in many structures, such as tall buildings, foundations, offshore structures,<br>tanks, etc. Some studies carried out in the last decades have proved that the use of steel fiber concrete<br>(SFRC) and hybrid fiber reinforced concrete (HFRC) in those structural elements helps to a better control<br>of cracking, improves the toughness and the tensile behavior. Although there are numerous publications<br>dedicated to the study of the behavior of this structural element, a few ones evaluate the behavior of<br>SFRC and HFRC deep beams. In relation to the latter, the existing information in the literature is limited<br>and in general it is based on experimental works. Even if the experimental data are valuable, numerical<br>and analytical solutions are also needed to obtain a better understanding and prediction of the behavior<br>and failure of mechanisms of SFRC and HRF deep beams. Conventional analytical techniques for the<br>study of concrete are not suitable for the analysis of elements constructed with FRC. In this work, a</p> <p>numerical-experimental study of the ultimate shear capacity of SFRC and HFRC deep beams is presen-<br>ted. In the experimental campaign the contribution of the fibers to the shear capacity and ductility was</p> <p>evaluated. To do this, reinforced concrete deep beams with traditional bars and stirrups, and SFRC and<br>HFRC beams without stirrups were built. In addition, a numerical model was implemented in a finite<br>element analysis software in which the fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) was modeled as a homogeneous<br>composite material. Finally, the experimental and numerical results are discussed in terms of ultimate<br>loads and they are illustrated by means of tables, graphs and axial load-displacement curves.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NONLINEAR LIMIT POINT ANALYSIS OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES WITH DAMAGE AND TEMPERATURE EFFECTS2024-07-17T14:15:18+00:00Henrique C. F. Curcihenrique.curci@usp.brEduardo M. B. Campellocampello@usp.brHenrique C. Gomeshenrique.campelo@usp.brFlávio L. Maranhã<p>This work seeks to analyse a buckling and limit point problems of concrete structures based<br>on a geometrically nonlinear formulation with the consideration of thermal effects and material damage.<br>The thermal expansion effects due to heating processes in confined structures have an important role in<br>the stress-strain evolution. Damage is treated in a simple way through the Mazar’s continuum damage<br>model. The resulting equations are approached by means of a finite element discretization, the solution<br>of which is pursued through an incremental, iterative standard Newton-Raphson numerical scheme<br>implemented by the authors in an in-house nonlinear FEM code. We then present two examples of<br>numerical simulations to validate our formulation and illustrate its applicability to the nonlinear stability<br>analysis of slender concrete structures under thermal loads.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND NUMERICAL EVALUATION OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE BEAMS WITH WEB OPENNING2024-07-17T16:03:46+00:00Ivan D. Semeniukivan_seme@hotmail.comJosé L. Gutierrezjgutierrez@ing.una.pyAntonio<p>In the construction of either small or large buildings, we often find problematic openings in<br>beams of the structure, due to the need of passing of different kinds of pipes.<br>The present study aims to investigate the influence of lateral openings in beams of prestressed concrete<br>that were not design to resist this disturbance. Four combinations of openings where selected with height<br>equal to the half of the total deep of the beam. The height/long rates studied are 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 y 1:4. Three<br>beams where tested for every configuration of opening, as well as three beams without openings, by<br>flexural test until the beams reach total collapse.<br>Once the failure loading was obtained, a numerical model was built that represents the observed and<br>measure phenomenon in the load test. With the experimental and numerical results, the failure<br>mechanism for every single configuration of beams was found.<br>Similar results were identified regarding the ultimate bearing capacity, however, the beams with<br>openings tend to form cracks in an earlier station.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE VIGAS DE CONCRETO ARMADO BASEADA NA ABORDAGEM MOMENTO-ROTAÇÃO2024-07-17T16:06:39+00:00Gilcyvania Castro Corvelo Costagilcyvania@gmail.comDaniel Carlos Taissum<p>Neste trabalho, um modelo numérico para análise de vigas de concreto armado estaticamente<br>determinadas é desenvolvido com base na abordagem momento-rotação para avaliar a rigidez e a<br>flexibilidade do elemento pós fissuração. Essa abordagem é baseada no deslocamento de corpo rígido<br>de um comprimento de prisma entre fissuras e nos mecanismos de interação parcial. Esses<br>mecanismos retratam efeitos importantes que tem como base a fissuração do concreto e o<br>deslizamento entre interfaces, sendo fundamentados em expressões que utilizam propriedades<br>adicionais dos materiais. A propriedade bond-slip da interface é base para o mecanismo de<br>enrijecimento à tração, enquanto que o mecanismo de amolecimento do concreto é tratado por meio de<br>expressões embasadas na teoria do atrito-cisalhamento. O modelo numérico apresentado permite obter<br>a capacidade resistente da seção crítica do elemento considerando os efeitos supracitados, além de<br>apresentar uma resposta carga-deslocamento para vigas. Por fim, os resultados numéricos são<br>comparados com resultados de ensaios experimentais disponíveis na literatura, além de serem<br>confrontados com resultados oriundos de uma análise baseada na premissa de interação completa entre<br>materiais.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DAS ETAPAS DE PROTENSÃO PARA VIGAS DE CONCRETO PROTENDIDAS PÓS-TRACIONADAS COM CABOS NÃO ADERENTES2024-07-17T16:08:47+00:00Leonardo do Nascimento Cunhalnc_eng_civil@hotmail.comJoão Batista Marques Sousa<p>As estruturas de concreto protendido com cabos não-aderentes, especialmente vigas e lajes,<br>tem sido amplamente difundidas e utilizadas em construções pelo mundo. A solução numérica destes<br>elementos pelo método dos elementos finitos estabelece alguns problemas desafiadores devido a<br>ausência de compatibilidade de deformação e deslocamento entre o cabo e o concreto envolto. Este<br>trabalho apresenta a aplicação de uma formulação de MEF para uma análise numérica não linear de<br>viga de concreto pós-tracionada com cabos não aderentes, focada na fase de aplicação da protensão.<br>Foram empregados elementos não-lineares unidimensionais de pórticos planos baseados na teoria de<br>vigas de Euler-Bernoulli para a seção de concreto armado e um elemento de treliça para a simulação<br>dos cabos. A simulação da protensão é realizada através de analogia com as vigas pré-tracionadas,<br>onde uma posição de equilíbrio é alcançada sem aplicação de carregamento externo. Neste estudo, a<br>formulação é extendida para avaliação sequencial de diversos cabos. Assim, analisou-se três modelos<br>de diferentes vigas protendidas de diferentes trajetórias de cabos não aderentes, baseados em modelos<br>reconhecidos na literatura. Os resultados demonstraram a influência da protensão sequencial e os<br>efeitos nos cabos pós-tracionados anteriormente estirados, principalmente para vigas com valores<br>elevados de forças de protensão.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONSTITUTIVE MODELS FOR NONLINEAR STATIC ANALYSIS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES2024-07-17T16:11:02+00:00Bergson S. Parente Jrevandro@ufc.brTereza D. P. Araujo<p>This work aims at the nonlinear static analysis of reinforced concrete structures using con-<br>stitutive models based on the Plasticity Theory and the Continuum Damage Mechanics. The elastic</p> <p>damage model proposed by Mazars and the elastic-plastic damage model proposed by Lee and Fenves<br>are studied and one-dimensional versions of these models are implemented in a finite element program.<br>The plane frame elements used in this work are formulated with a co-rotacional Lagrangean kinematic<br>description. The integration of stress resultants and tangent constitutive matrix is carried out by the Fiber</p> <p>Method. The formulation and computational implementation at the material and element level are vali-<br>dated using numerical and experimental results available in the literature. A reinforced concrete column</p> <p>under the action of a monotonic load is analyzed and the results show that the use of the implemented<br>one-dimensional models for concrete structures is an effective methodology to capture some important<br>effects.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS USING THE COMPOSITION OF TWO PLASTIFICATION SURFACES2024-07-17T16:13:42+00:00Matheus E. Benincámatheuseb@hotmail.comInácio B.<p>In order to consider the multiaxial behavior of concrete, several plastification and rupture<br>surfaces have already been proposed, such as the Ottosen surface or the Willam-Warnke surface.<br>However, the use of these surfaces in numerical finite element models can often lead to convergence<br>difficulties, due to the complexity of their formulations. In this context, the present work simulated<br>numerically the behavior of two reinforced concrete beams tested experimentally in a previous work,<br>using ANSYS software, version 19.2, with a new elastoplastic model available in the recent versions of<br>this software, denominated DP-Concrete. This model uses the composition of two simpler plastification<br>surfaces, one for tensile behavior, which can be a Rankine or a Drucker-Prager surface, and another<br>Drucker-Prager surface for compressive behavior. This surface composition allows simulating the large<br>differences in the concrete behavior under tension and compression, which would not be possible with<br>a single Drucker-Prager surface. In addition, because it is a newly available material model, it can be<br>applied to the SOLID186 element, which is classified as a current-technology element by this software,<br>and therefore is compatible with several current ANSYS features, such as the generation of embedded<br>elements by the mesh-independent method, through the MESH200 guide elements, which were also<br>used in this work. In order to consider the cracking and crushing phenomena, different softening and<br>hardening laws available in the software were used. The obtained results were compared with each other<br>and with the results of the experimental tests. In addition, numerical analyses were performed with a<br>customized material model based on the Ottosen criterion, whose results were also used for comparison<br>purposes. It was concluded that the DP-Concrete model is an adequate modeling strategy for the concrete<br>behavior, and its main advantages are its simplicity, flexibility and compatibility with other current<br>ANSYS functionalities.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 da Aplicação do Método das Camadas no Método dos Elementos Finitos 1d Para Análise de Vigas de Concreto Armado2024-07-17T16:16:02+00:00Luis Felipe dos Santos Ribeiroestudanteluis12@gmail.comAgno Alves<p>Este trabalho apresenta a implementação de uma rotina computacional que realiza análises <br>nao lineares de vigas de concreto armado por meio do Método dos Elementos Finitos 1d (MEF 1d), <br>onde o concreto e o aço sao discretizados pelo Método das Camadas. Este, consiste em discretizar a <br>seção transversal em n camadas, que por sua vez, considera as nao linearidades físicas dos materiais<br>em cada uma, sendo ele, aplicado nos pontos de integração dos elementos finitos. Os fenômenos como ˆfissuração e seus efeitos de redistribuição de tensões ao longo da seção transversal do elemento são inse- <br>ridos implicitamente por meio das relações constitutivas dos materiais. A formulação do elemento adota <br>a hipotese da viga de Euler-Bernoulli, assim como, aderência perfeita entre o aço e o concreto. Para <br>resolução do problema não-linear utiliza-se o Método da Rigidez Secante. Deste modo, para validação<br>da implementação proposta, os resultados obtidos são comparados com resultados experimentais propos- <br>tos por Bresler e Scordelis. Alem disso, são avaliadas a influência dos modelos constitutivos adotados e <br>da malha de elementos finitos. Por fim, sao observados excelentes resultados numéricos quando compa- <br>rados com os dados experimentais, apesar de se empregar uma formulação elementar e de baixo custo <br>computacional em relação ao MEF 2d e 3d.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT ANALYSIS USING THE MODIFIED COMPRESSION FIELD AND THE CRACKED MEMBRANE MODEL FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SUBJECT TO IN-PLANE STRESS2024-07-17T16:23:51+00:00Lucas Marques Teles da Silvalucasmarques_17@hotmail.comEzio da Rocha Araújoezio@ufpe.brRamiro Brito<p>In this paper, the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT, Vecchio and Collins, 1986) and<br>the Cracked Membrane Model (CMM, Kaufmann and Marti, 1998) are developed into a finite element<br>formulation for the analysis of orthogonally reinforced and prestressed structural elements in plane stress<br>condition.<br>MCFT considers orthotropic concrete, distributed and rotating cracks that are normal to the principal<br>tension stresses. Tension stiffening, aggregate interlock, and interactions between concrete and steel at<br>surface of cracks use average strains and stress. Use of average constitutive equations relating average<br>stress and strains are complicated and debatable.<br>CMM falls into the category of compression field models, combining components from MCFT and<br>Tension Chord Model (TCM, Kaufmann, 1998) extended to cracked plane stress. In this way, the link<br>to limit analysis is maintained and there is no need to introduce constitutive equations relating average<br>stress and average strains in tension: the equilibrium is formulated in terms of stresses at cracks rather<br>than average stress between cracks. This make easy to evaluated results from practical strut and tie<br>models (STM).<br>Two above FE models are verified and compared against experimental results of beams, shear panels<br>and deep beams.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN WALLS GROUPS ON VERTICAL LOADS DISTRIBUTION OF STRUCTURAL MANSORY BUILDINGS2024-07-17T16:26:35+00:00Matheus P. A. N. Netojoelneto@ct.ufrn.brAdryano J. M.<p>The walls behavior intersections has been studied by many researchers, the structural<br>engineers usually incorporate this aspect in the design procedures defining the model of walls group<br>action. In this specific cases, many researchers have been studied the walls intersections in order to<br>verify the connections strength. In most cases, the group action of interconnected walls is delimited by<br>doors and window openings. Despite of that, masonry lintels under openings can affect this behavior<br>spreading the vertical loads through the openings and inducing a group interaction. This aspect isn ́t<br>enough explored by researchers. Therefore, the study presented herein developed a systematic analysis<br>to take into account the lintels masonry in the panels modeling, in order to evaluate it’s influence on<br>vertical loads distribution. Numerical simulations were performed using the equivalent frame model<br>developed by Nascimento Neto et al [1] and also using models based on shell finite elements. The<br>analyses conducted to evaluate the vertical stress redistribution on wall groups and to verify the<br>internal forces induced on lintels. The results showed that the reduction of stresses intensities must be<br>take into account carefully because it ́s influenced by many factors and not just by incorporating the<br>lintel in the modeling.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÕES E ESTABILIDADE DE CASCAS CILÍNDRICAS SANDUÍCHE COM NÚCLEO DE ESPUMA METÁLICA COM GRADAÇÃO FUNCIONAL2024-07-17T16:29:22+00:00Ewerton Alves Bezerraewerton.alvbez@gmail.comPaulo Batista Gonç<p>Cylindrical shells have applications in several areas of engineering. The last decades have<br>seen the emergence of several new materials and production techniques to be used in these structural<br>elements. Functionally graded materials, metal foams and sandwich structures are part of this<br>development. The sandwich shells, with solid metal faces and metal foam core, are used to improve<br>structural performance in line with a reduction in weight. The objective of this work is to study the<br>natural frequencies and the critical loads of sandwich shells with a metal foam core (CSCN) and<br>compare the results with those of a homogeneous isotropic shell (CH) and with functionally graded<br>(CGF) shells. For this, the Donnell shell theory is used. First, the equations of motion are derived and<br>using the analytical solution for a simply supported shell, the mass, stiffness and geometric matrices<br>are obtained, allowing the calculation of natural frequencies and critical loads under axial compression<br>and lateral pressure. In order to evaluate the importance of the foam core, shells of the same mass and<br>shells with the same natural frequencies and critical loads are analyze.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DINÂMICA DE ESTRUTURAS E MECANISMOS 3D COM LIGAÇÕES DESLIZANTES POR UMA FORMULAÇÃO NÃO LINEAR GEOMÉTRICA DE ELEMENTOS FINITOS2024-07-17T19:58:10+00:00Tiago Morkis Siqueiramorkis@usp.brHumberto Breves<p>Este trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de uma formulação matemática para ligações<br>deslizantes aplicadas na análise dinâmica não linear geométrica de estruturas e mecanismos<br>tridimensionais junto à sua implementação computacional. Esse tipo de conexão permite a modelagem<br>de diversas aplicações nas indústrias civil, mecânica e aeroespacial como, por exemplo: antenas de</p> <p>satélites, braços robóticos e guindastes, estruturas aporticadas como as formadas por elementos pré-<br>moldados, o acoplamento entre veículos e pontes, dentre outras. Emprega-se uma formulação</p> <p>Lagrangeana total para descrição dos elementos finitos de pórtico espacial e casca utilizados. Nessa<br>abordagem são utilizadas posições e vetores generalizados como parâmetros nodais, evitando o</p> <p>emprego de fórmulas para o tratamento de giros finitos. A relação constitutiva de Saint-Venant-<br>Kirchhoff, que relaciona a deformação de Green-Lagrange com a tensão de Piola-Kirchhoff de</p> <p>segunda espécie, é adotada para descrever os materiais. As equações do movimento são obtidas pelo<br>Princípio da Energia Total Estacionária no qual são introduzidos multiplicadores de Lagrange para<br>impor as equações de restrição cinemática que descrevem as ligações deslizantes. Dada a presença das<br>restrições, adota-se o método α-generalizado para desenvolver a marcha no tempo. O sistema não<br>linear resultante é resolvido pelo método de Newton-Raphson e se discute um exemplo de aplicação<br>da formulação desenvolvida.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODEL OF HUMAN WALKING ACTION FOR DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES2024-07-17T20:00:18+00:00Otavio Brunet Juniorotaviobrunet@id.uff.brFilipe A. Rezendefilipe.rezende@coc.ufrj.brWendell D. Varelawendell@fau.ufrj.brAndré M. Brabo Pereiraandremaues@gmail.comEliane M. L.<p>The recent use of new materials and innovative structural designs in pedestrian bridges has<br>been resulting in structures with low natural frequencies susceptible to excessive vibration problems,<br>requiring a dynamic analysis in the design phase. In the present work, dynamic analyzes were<br>performed considering initially deterministic models with two distinct formulations of the human<br>loading simulation, Fourier series and biodynamic model, the latter to evaluate the relevance of the<br>person-structure interaction in the structural response. To simulate the typical random characteristics<br>of human walking loading, a probabilistic model was also implemented for the simulation of loading<br>parameters. The theoretical results, considering the deterministic and probabilistic models for the two<br>human loading formulations, were correlated with the experimental results of controlled human<br>walking vibration tests (one and four persons walking on the fundamental frequency of the pedestrian<br>bridge) and in normal operation. The best correlation between the theoretical and experimental results<br>was obtained for the probabilistic model of the loading parameters considering the biodynamic<br>formulation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 EFFICIENT LOCKING-FREE COROTATIONAL BEAM FINITE ELEMENT2024-07-17T20:03:24+00:00Jéssica G. S. A. Meirelesjessicagmeireles@gmail.comRegiane P. de Barrosregianefp@hotmail.comEliseu Lucena Netoeliseu@ita.brFrancisco A. C.<p>An efficient and accurate locking-free corotational beam finite element is developed in this<br>work. The element is locally linear, with the displacement varying according to the Timoshenko<br>assumption and the difference of electric potential varying linearly through each piezoelectric layer<br>thickness. The shape functions are appropriately derived from the exact solution of the homogeneous<br>form of the linear equilibrium equations written in terms of displacements, rotations and differences of<br>electric potential. Since the resulting 2-node element has the same degrees of freedom as the<br>associated purely mechanical beam element (two displacements and one rotation per node), it can be<br>directly plugged into an element-independent corotational algorithm to suitably analyze piezoelectric<br>plane frames under small strains but large rotations. A consistent incremental-iterative technique based<br>on the Newton-Raphson method is employed for the solution of the nonlinear equilibrium equations.<br>Numerical examples that demonstrate the efficiency and large rotation capability of the corotational<br>formulation are presented. The element results are validated by exact solutions available in the<br>literature. Very good agreement is found in all cases.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF VISCOELASTIC RECTANGULAR PLATES2024-07-17T20:06:39+00:00Phablo V. I. Diasphablo@discente.ufg.brZenón J. G. N. del Pradozenon@ufg.brRenata M.<p>In this work, the non linear vibrations of thin, viscoelastic and isotropic clamped<br>rectangular plates, subjected to concentrated harmonic load are studied. The Von Karman<br>non linear strains relations are used and to describe the clamped boundary conditions,<br>rotational springs are considered. The viscoelastic material is described as the Kelvin-Voigt<br>model and the Raylrigh Ritz method is used to obtain a system of non linear dynamic<br>equilibrium equations with 39 degrees of freedom which is solved, in turn, by the Runge-Kutta<br>tnethod. A parametric detailed analysis is performed to study the influence of axial load,</p> <p>viscosity parameter and geometry on the non linear response of the plate. The frequency-<br>amplitude relation and resonance curves were plotted. The frequency-amplitude curves</p> <p>showed that as the viscosity parameter is increased, the maximum amplitudes and the degree<br>of nonlinearity are reduced, it was also observed that when both the dimentions of the plate<br>and external load are increased, the frequency-amplitude relations are quasi linear, The<br>resonance curves showed that the plate has a typical hardening behavior with two coexisting<br>atractors with high sensitivity to initial conditions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 E VIBRAÇÃO NÃO LINEARES DE UMA TRELIÇA PIRAMIDAL DE MATERIAL HIPERELÁSTICO2024-07-17T20:08:58+00:00Renata M.<p>In pyramidal space trusses the geometric nonlinearity is particularly significant and<br>in recent years, intensive research has been conducted on the development of new materials,<br>including shape memory polymers and elastomers. This work presents an analyzed for a<br>shallow pyramidal truss composed of 6 equally spaced bars using the finite element method<br>through the Abaqus®</p> <p>program. The truss is composed of an isotropic, homogeneous and<br>hyperelastic material, which is modeled with neo-Hookean and Mooney–Rivlin models. The<br>loss of stability and nonlinear vibrations of these structures under static and dynamic loads is<br>analyzed. A parametric analysis of the geometric relation height and base is made and its<br>nonlinear behavior, time responses, phase portraits are obtained. The results highlight the<br>complex nonlinear dynamics of this class of structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRENGTH OF COLD-FORMED STEEL PINNED-FIXED LIPPED CHANEL COLUMNS2024-07-17T20:11:55+00:00Warlley S. Santoswarlley.santos@vale.comAlexandre Landesmannalandes@coc.ufrj.brDinar<p>This work addresses the buckling behaviour, ultimate strength and Direct Strength Method (DSM) design<br>of pinned-fixed (bolted-fixed) cold-formed steel lipped channel columns, selected to fail in distortional<br>modes. The end-connections consist of a pair of cylindrical high-strength bolts with hexagonal head and<br>nut, which are inserted in two standard-size holes located at the intersections of the flanges with the<br>principal centroidal axis parallel to the web – on the other hand, the fixed end support consist a welded<br>end-plate. After selecting the columns with various combinations of geometry (length and cross-section<br>dimensions) and yield stresses, Ansys Shell Finite Element (SFE) analyses are used to investigate the<br>failure modes of selected columns and assemble ultimate strength data. Together with experimental failure<br>data previously reported by authors out at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, these values are then<br>employed (i) to assess the merits of the current DSM design curves and, in view of their inadequacy, (ii)<br>to propose new strength curves that provide efficient failure load predictions for the whole set of columns<br>considered.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LATTICE TOWER UNDER DYNAMIC WIND LOADS2024-07-17T20:14:23+00:00Claudia Slongoclaudiaslongo@ufpr.brMarcos<p>The difficulty to determine time-variant loadings, such as wind loading, stands out among</p> <p>the structural engineering challenges. For example, the wind is the preponderant action in a self-<br>supporting lattice tower, and its wrong estimation can lead to unwanted vibration and displacements in</p> <p>the structure. Those structures are usually designed with a simplified dynamic effect, in which the<br>wind is considered as a static load, increasing its value by dynamic coefficients proposed in standard<br>codes. However, this simplification can easily lead an improper design. Although there are various<br>non-standard methods for the determination of the time variant loading of the wind in order to achieve</p> <p>a more accurate and reliable analysis, this work focuses on the Synthetic Wind Method, that is a non-<br>deterministic process using the Monte Carlo simulation in order to obtain wind loadings by</p> <p>superposition of harmonic functions with random phase angles. This work provides a dynamic<br>analysis of a self-supporting lattice tower using the Synthetic Wind Method with different wind<br>spectra (Davenport, slightly modified Davenport, Harris and Kaimal). A comparison between the<br>dynamic and the static response obtained by the Brazilian code NBR 6123/1988 – Forces due to wind<br>on buildings is also made. The structure calculated with the original and the slightly modified<br>Davenport spectra have given similar and the largest displacement responses. Whereas the Harris<br>power spectral density proved to be the least conservative for this study.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF A BEAM-COLUMN SUBJECTED TO NONCON- SERVATIVE FORCES2024-07-17T20:17:02+00:00Thiago Jose Duprat Fortestjdfortes@gmail.comRaul Rosas e Silvaraul@puc-rio.brDaniel Carlos Taissum<p>The structure known as Beck’s Column consists of a beam-column, subject to a tangential fol-<br>lower force applied at its free end. Beck presented in 1952 the critical load, which induces the vibration</p> <p>of the structure (flutter). This paper uses a simple and general numerical model that allows the solu-<br>tion of the problem of columns with different properties and different boundary conditions associated to</p> <p>follower forces. In this work, emphasis was given to the experimental simulation of the phenomenon,<br>in a qualitative way. A metal ruler was adopted to represent a slender fixed-free beam-column and, to<br>simulate the following force, a brushless motor was attached to the free end. A thrust force is generated</p> <p>when air is moved by the propeller and the motor follows the rotation of the free end, changing the direc-<br>tion of the thrust force. Tests were performed with different setups in order to observe the effect caused</p> <p>in the presence of gravitational force (motor weight) in concomitance with the tensile and compression</p> <p>follower effect. The results were remarkably different, showing that the follower force can induce stabi-<br>lization, flutter and divergence. As the analysis was qualitative, videos and photos were made to record</p> <p>the results. The values of critical loads and frequencies were within the range expected by numerical<br>analysis. Attempts to instrument the tests with accelerometers and LVDTs (Linear Variable Differential<br>Transformer) were made and a discussion is presented on the differences and influence of these devices<br>on the structure behavior.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THE SOLUTION OF GENERALIZED EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS USING PROJECTED ARNOLDI AND DUAL DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION METHODS2024-07-17T20:19:25+00:00Guilherme Jenovencioguilherme.jenovencio@tum.deDaniel J.<p>Modal Analysis plays an important role in understanding the dynamics of structures. The</p> <p>mode shapes and natural frequencies are crucial structural properties that must the known to avoid catas-<br>trophic failures due to resonances. Moreover, eigenmodes can be used to reduce the number of degrees</p> <p>of freedom of a Dynamic System by using Reduced Order Models (ROM) such as Craig-Bampton, Dual-<br>Craig-Bampton, Rubin, among others. Despite its importance, full eigenanalysis is rarely required, and</p> <p>in general, only the smallest eigenvalues are computed due to their relevance for practical problems.<br>Therefore, Lanczos and implicit restarted Arnoldi algorithms are often used as eigensolvers due to their<br>efficiency. The major cost of those algorithms lies in the multiple solutions of static-like problems, which<br>can produce prohibitive computational cost when the discretized dynamic model has more than millions</p> <p>of unknowns. In this work, a nonoverlapping dual domain decomposition method, namely Finite El-<br>ement Tearing and Interconnection, is combined with a modified version of the Arnoldi Algorithm to</p> <p>efficiently compute the eigenpairs of large scale structural problems.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF A STEEL FLOOR SYSTEM WITH DRY FLOORS: A NUMERICAL – EXPERIMENTAL STUDY2024-07-17T20:23:07+00:00André V. S. Gomesandrevsg91@hotmail.comPriscilla Izabel S. Ribeiropriscillaisribeiro@gmail.comAdenilcia Fernanda G.<p>One of the trends of contemporary architecture is the design of buildings with long spans and<br>increasingly slender structural elements. In addition, the use of dry floors has been common in<br>residential and commercial constructions. Thus, the structural design adopted for current buildings is<br>usually more susceptible to vibrations from human activities, since these structures have lower natural<br>frequencies. However, researches dealing with the study of vibrations in dry slab floors supported by<br>rolled or welded steel beams are scarce. For this reason, this project aimed to study the dynamic behavior<br>of a steel floor system with dry floors. A finite element (FE) numerical model was developed using<br>ANSYS 19.0 software to simulate this as-built floor system. This numerical model was adjusted and<br>validated by the first two natural frequencies of the structure obtained by an experimental modal<br>analysis. In this practical analysis, two accelerometers, an A/D converter and a portable computer were<br>used to acquire the signals in the time domain. With features and routines developed in MATLAB, these<br>signals are processed and transformed into the frequency domain by the FFT algorithm (Fast Fourier<br>Transform). It was observed that the deviation between the numerical and experimental results were<br>close enough to prove the reliability of the models developed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS FOR FREE VIBRATION OF ELASTICALLY SUPPORTED NANOBEAMS2024-07-17T20:25:29+00:00Aldemar P. Siqueira S.<p>Nanobeams are nanoscale structures extensively used in nanotechnology applications. Due<br>to the small scale effect, this nanostructures cannot be accurately modelled by traditional elastic theory.<br>To overcome this difficulty, several continuous models including the material length scale effect were<br>developed, like nonlocal elasticity theory. In this paper, a nonlocal finite element model for elastically<br>supported Euler-Bernoulli (EBT) and Timoshenko (TBT) nanobeams is developed. Nonlocal differential<br>constitutive equations of Eringen are considered to account for the small scale effect. The stiffness and<br>mass matrices for a two-node nonlocal beam element with two degrees of freedom per node are obtained<br>based upon Hamilton’s principle. The influence of nonlocal parameter, slenderness ratio and support<br>stiffness on the free vibration characteristics is investigated. Numerical results obtained are discussed<br>and compared with results obtained by other researchers.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A ROLLER SEISMIC ISOLATION BEARING FOR BUILDINGS UNDER BIDIRECTIONAL EXCITATIONS2024-07-17T20:27:52+00:00Daniel<p>This work presents the assessment of a base isolation bearing system for seismic protection of<br>buildings under bidirectional excitations. The isolation system consists of roller supports that move on<br>inclined V-shaped surfaces plus an energy dissipation system. The orthogonal arrangement of the roller<br>supports seeks to isolate seismically the building in its main directions, while the dissipation system<br>controls the horizontal displacements of the isolator. Experimental tests of free vibration allowed to<br>identify damping of the isolation system. Besides, accelerations record was found through bidirectional<br>and unidirectional test. By the other hand, numerical responses were obtained with the motion equation<br>solution and these responses were correlated with the experimental accelerations of the system in both<br>directions. According to the experimental and numerical results, it was possible to conclude that the<br>isolation system is viable for analysis in the seismic protection of buildings subjected to real records of<br>earthquakes.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF A BUILDING UNDER SEISMIC EXCITATION2024-07-17T20:35:13+00:00Raiza Michele Guimaraesraizaguimaraesmt@gmail.comTiago Wagner Dadatiagowdada@gmail.comEduardo Pagnussat Titelloeduardotitello@gmail.comNatalia Pinheiro da Silvapinheiros.natalia@gmail.comLivio Pires de Caravalho Meloliviopires@gmail.comLeticia Fleck Fadel<p>This paper implemented a numerical routine in MATLAB software to analyze the dynamic<br>response of a building with several degrees of freedom excited by seismic motion. The loading was<br>modeled as a one-dimensional stochastic process, which was simulated by passing a Gaussian white noise<br>process through a Kanai-Tajimi filter. Parameters of ground motion such as frequency, damping and peak<br>acceleration were considered taking into account a region located in Chile where the seismic problem is<br>of great importance, and another one taken from a region of Brazil that has the largest seismic activity for<br>this country. The ground acceleration, in the frequency domain, was generated by Kanai-Tajimi spectrum<br>and it was transformed into the time domain by the Shinozuka & Jan Method. The structure analyzed<br>is a 12-story building modeled as a two-dimensional finite element discretized into frame elements.<br>The structural damping model considered was the Rayleigh model and the mass consistent matrix was<br>adopted. The structural dynamic motion equation was solved by the Newmark Method and the maximum<br>values, in absolute values, of the displacements, accelerations and the inter-story drift of the building<br>were calculated. A maximum value established by national codes for the inter-story drift was considered<br>as a limiting parameter for structural damage. The results indicate that major damages are obtained when<br>the frequencies of the site condition were closed to the natural frequencies of the first three vibration<br>modes of the structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSES OF COMPOSITE MATERIAL FOOTBRIDGE UNDER ACTION OF PEDESTRIAN WALKING2024-07-17T20:39:29+00:00João Pedro de Castro Torresjoaopctorres@gmail.comEliane Maria Lopes Carvalhoelianemaria@id.uff.brJanine Domingos<p>This work aims the optimization of a design of footbridges made of pultruded glass fiber<br>reinforced polymer (GFRP) profiles, under the dynamic effect of pedestrian walking. First, a footbridge<br>with a structural arch associated to trusses was designed, respecting the ultimate and serviceability states<br>for static analysis. The accelerations found in the dynamic analysis, was considerate intolerable for<br>human comfort according with the design guides. Therefore, it was necessary to design a synchronized<br>passive dynamic attenuator (SDA) to mitigate the excessive vibrations. Besides this first one, others<br>structural conceptions using truss beams and inverted queen post truss were analyzed aiming the most<br>efficient structural behavior. A computation program considering a two-dimensional model was<br>developed to integrate the equation of the movement taking into account the pedestrian crowd load. The<br>dynamics properties used in the two-dimensional model were obtained from one three-dimensional<br>model using a finite element method. Since the pultruded profiles are lightweight, it was considerate the<br>interaction between pedestrians and the structure by increasing the mass and the damping ratio. It was<br>noticed that without considering the pedestrian versus structure interaction the accelerations were found<br>to be excessive high showing that for very light structures, this consideration is extremely important.<br>Also, it was seen that modifying the structural design increasing the stiffness and mass resulted in<br>comfortable structures without the necessity of use SDA.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE ADAMS-BASHFORTH FOURTH-ORDER SCHEME IN THE NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS2024-07-17T20:45:39+00:00Davi H. S. P. dos Santosdavihf@pq.uenf.brNelson M.<p>Generally, the real physical systems are chaotic and /or dynamics, modeling problems in</p> <p>conditions similar to this one will be discussed in this work, testing a method that numerically and ap-<br>propriately models the problems of this class. Ordinary differential equations are used to model these</p> <p>physical systems, since they present non-linear, deterministic and three-dimensional characteristics. The</p> <p>numerical method of type predictor-corrector of fourth-order Adams-Bashforth was tested for conduct-<br>ing simulations. The use of this method proved to be efficient for these types of systems. The method</p> <p>appropriately simulates the Lorenz Attractor, other models familiar to Lorenz are analyzed, such as the<br>attractor of Lorenz with source term, attractor of Rossler, attractor of Pan-Xu-Zhou, attractor of Chen and ̈<br>the modified Chen attractor which are fundamental systems for the processing and estimation of climatic</p> <p>phenomena, whether natural or controlled forms. The fourth-order Adams-Brashforth method appro-<br>priately simulated the dynamic systems mentioned, which has proved to be efficient when compared to</p> <p>other scientific works.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TOOL FOR BUCKLING ANALYSIS VIA POSITIONAL FINITE ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-17T20:48:55+00:00Henrique B. Soareshenriquebsoares@usp.brRodrigo R. Paccolarpaccola@sc.usp.brHumberto B.<p>In this work, a computational program is developed to perform stability analysis of thin-<br>walled profiles employing the positional formulation of the Finite Element Method (FEM). The profiles</p> <p>are discretized in shell finite elements, which, unlike the traditional formulation, have position and un-<br>constrained vector as nodal parameters. Besides, the formulation considers a parameter corresponding to</p> <p>the rate of thickness variation, which makes the kinematics of the element more general than Reissner-<br>Mindlin. Due to the use of unconstrained vector instead of rotation, it was necessary to use a strategy</p> <p>to perform the coupling between non-coplanar elements. This coupling was accomplished by means<br>of a one-dimensional element connecting the end of the non-coincident vectors of a node. A nonlinear<br>geometric formulation of FEM is adopted, using the total Lagrangian description of the equilibrium. The<br>material is assumed to be elastic linear, represented by the Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff constitutive law. To<br>incorporate the stability analysis, a technique based on the decomposition of the stiffness matrix in the<br>elastic and geometric parts is used. This technique consists of determining eigenvalues and eigenvectors,</p> <p>which corresponds, respectively, to buckling loads and instability modes of the resulting generalized ei-<br>genvalue problem. A graphical interface for the program is developed, making it easier to use. For this,</p> <p>an algorithm for triangular and quadrilateral finite element mesh generation was also developed, as well<br>as a post-processing viewer, avoiding possible dependencies with external programs. Finally, numerical<br>examples are presented to validate the developed code and demonstrate the program functionalities.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÃO DE PROGRAMA GRÁFICO PARA ANÁLISE DE VIBRAÇÕES DE MODELOS ESTRUTURAIS RETICULADOS2024-07-17T21:24:08+00:00Pedro Cortez Lopescortezpedro@tecgraf.puc-rio.brRafael Lopez Rangelrafaelrangel@tecgraf.puc-rio.brLuiz Fernando<p>This paper aims to present a user-friendly graphical tool for the dynamic analysis of<br>reticulated structural models, such as trusses, frames and grillages, implemented entirely on Matlab®.<br>The code was written as an addition to the LESM (Linear Elements Structure Model) program, an<br>open source structural analysis software developed in Tecgraf/PUC-Rio, based on the object-oriented<br>programing paradigm (OOP), with an interactive graphical interface for modeling and an educational<br>approach. Four numerical solvers for obtaining the dynamic structural response were implemented.<br>The system of differential equations of motion may be analyzed on its coupled form, where free and<br>forced vibration are computed numerically, or on an uncoupled fashion, on the modal domain. On the<br>second case, it is possible to obtain analytical solutions for free vibration. The vibration modes are<br>found with the solution of the eigenvalue problem of an undamped oscillation system, achieved with a<br>Matlab built-in function. Viscous damping is treated as proportional to mass and to stiffness.<br>Consistent mass matrices were formulated for Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam bending<br>behavior theories, using parameters that unify both approaches. Alternatively, lumped mass matrices<br>were implemented as well. An effort in computer graphics was made to obtain multiple result<br>visualization options. A new interactive dialog of the graphical user interface was created in order to<br>display results on time and frequency domain, for each degree-of-freedom, being also possible to<br>visualize phase portraits of the solution. In addition, animations to depict the dynamic behavior of the<br>model were achieved.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PARA ANÁLISE GEOMETRICAMENTE NÃO LINEAR DE PÓRTICOS POR MEIO DE UM CONTROLE EXTENSIVO DO USUÁRIO2024-07-17T21:26:43+00:00Rafael L. Rangelrafaelrangel@tecgraf.puc-rio.comLuiz Fernando C. R.<p>This work presents the development and use of a graphical tool to analyze two-dimensional<br>framed models considering geometric nonlinearity. The goal is to provide an application that allows<br>users to have full control of the numerical procedures for solving the nonlinear problem and, therefore,<br>to improve their understanding about the nonlinear behavior of structures. This application was<br>implemented as a new feature of the Ftool (Two-dimensional Frame Analysis Tool) program, which<br>has demonstrated to be a valuable program for teaching structural engineering over the last years. A<br>user-friendly interface was designed so that several analysis options, including the most well-known<br>solution algorithms, and the numerical parameters used in these algorithms, are available to be set. All<br>of these options and parameters can be changed as the analysis progresses, and it is also possible to go<br>back and forward in the analysis steps. Since no algorithm is able to solve all the nonlinear problems,<br>as shown in an example of this work, this extensive analysis control allows a greater possibility to<br>obtain the convergence along the full path of any geometrically nonlinear analysis. The equilibrium<br>path of the structures can be plotted in an exclusive environment that provides several distinct data to<br>be shown in each axis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DINÂMICA DE PLACAS CONSIDERANDO O EFEITO DE MEMBRANA SUBMETIDAS A CARREGAMENTOS EXPLOSIVOS2024-07-17T21:30:56+00:00Ana Waldila de Queiroz Ramiro Reisanawaldila@hotmail.comRodrigo Bird Burgosrburgos@eng.uerj.brMaria Fernanda Figueiredo de<p>The behavior of civil engineering structures under blast loads has been studied quite<br>frequently in the last years and much effort has been made to create idealized blast wave curves and<br>predict the corresponding response of structural and protective elements. The blast phenomenon results<br>in an abrupt overpressure wave followed by an underpressure wave, the last being usually disregarded<br>in most structural analyses. However, recent studies show that this suction phase is of paramount<br>importance since it may lead to substantially higher stresses. In the case of high-intensity pressure<br>waves, structural elements may experience large displacements, thus requiring second-order effects to<br>be included in the analysis. This work investigates the nonlinear dynamic behavior of thin rectangular<br>plates subjected to explosive charges. The problem was modeled as a nonlinear single degree of freedom<br>system by applying von Karman’s theory for large deflections to simply supported and clamped plate<br>configurations. A uniform pressure load simulates the overpressure and underpressure waves by<br>employing the Friedlander equation and a cubic approximation, respectively. Runge-Kutta method was<br>used to solve the equation of motion for displacement amplitude. Numerical solutions for displacements<br>and stresses were derived for several plate geometry configurations and blast loads, making it possible<br>to measure the influence of the suction pressure and the membrane effect on the plate response.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF 2D FRAME STRUCTURES USING A GENERALIZED MODAL ANALYSIS2024-07-17T21:34:07+00:00Ney A. Dumontdumont@puc-rio.brRodrigo N. Barrosrodrigonb.eng@gmail.comCarlos A.<p>The hybrid finite element method, proposed by Pian on the basis of the Hellinger-Reissner<br>potential, has proved itself a conceptual breakthrough among the discretization formulations. A<br>proposition made by Przemieniecki – for the generalized free vibration analysis of truss and beam<br>elements – was incorporated into the hybrid finite/boundary element method developed by the third<br>author and extended to the analysis of time-dependent problems by making use of an advanced mode<br>superposition procedure that adequately takes into account general initial conditions as well as general<br>body actions. It is shown that such a consistent approach leads to frequency-dependent stiffness and<br>mass matrices that enter a generalized modal analysis based on a nonlinear eigenvalue problem for<br>complex-symmetric systems. This paper presents the basic features of the formulation as applied to<br>plane frame structures and assesses some examples available in the technical literature to show that<br>remarkable improvements may be achieved with the proposed formulation when compared to the<br>classical structural dynamics. Although the formulation is generally valid for three-dimensional<br>analysis, owing to space restrictions only two-dimensional plane frames and trusses are dealt with. The<br>analytical frequency-domain expressions of beams with and without hinges on the extremities is<br>displayed to make evident how axial and transversal modes interact and should be properly taken into<br>account.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 POSITIONAL FORMULATION APPLIED FOR DYNAMIC 2D SOLIDS ANALYSIS CONSIDERING DIFFERENT TEMPORAL INTEGRATION METHODS2024-07-17T21:36:37+00:00Marcos D. F. S. Saraivamarcosdaian@hotmail.comDaniel N. Macieldnmaciel@ect.ufrn.brRodrigo<p>The analytical resolution for dynamic problems employs partial derivarives regarding time<br>and space. However, sereral methods of temporal integration replace the resolution of it. Thus, this paper<br>aims to analyze the dynamic response of two dimensional structural solids through different methods of<br>temporal integration for both implicit and explicit cases. In this sense, methods of Newmark, Houbolt<br>and Wilson-θ are used as the implicit one. In addition, methods of Central Differences, Souza and Moura<br>and Chung and Lee correspond to the explicit case. The analysis of 2D solids under dynamic response<br>considers both geometric and material nonlinearities. In order to regard nonlinear geometric effect, the<br>positional Finite Element Method (FEM) formulation wich uses node coordinates as variables instead<br>of displacements is taken into account. Therefore, the development of each computational routines for<br>the proposed formulation induces numerical results that are discussed and compared with examples from<br>the specialized literature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF MODAL ANALYSIS AS A METHOD TO ESTIMATE SECOND- ORDER GLOBAL EFFECTS IN REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES2024-07-17T21:38:56+00:00Wagner de Almeida Ferreirawagnervt.almeida@gmail.comIván Dario Gómez Araúús Antonio García Sá<p>Recent work shows that there is a relationship between the natural vibration period and the<br>second-order global effects in the reinforced concrete frames, this link occurs because both depend<br>essentially on the rigidity and mass matrix of the structure. Formulations are developed to demonstrate<br>and validate that an amplification factor is able to approximate second-order global effects satisfactorily.<br>Previous studies just consider the additional mass as a load increment. However, the second-order effects<br>of external loads on the structure not beem take into account to calculate the internal forces in structural<br>elements and their influence on the dynamic characteristics. Therefore, the second-order effects are<br>included to analyze the influence of the dynamic characteristics (natural frequencies and vibration<br>modes) and the amplification of the structure moment. Analyzes will be carried in a regular element of<br>reinforced concrete. The amplification will be evaluated by means of natural frequencies and modes of<br>vibration. Thus, this work generally aims at obtaining an alternative parameter of calculation, based on<br>the natural frequency and mode of vibration of the structure, to be used as an indicator of the necessity<br>or not of the consideration of the second-order global effects in reinforced concrete structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE RESPONSE OF A BUILDING SUBJECTED TO WIND ACTION IN THE FREQUENCY DOMAIN FOR FUTURE PROPOSAL TO THE NP-1962024-07-17T21:41:30+00:00Raúl I. Silvasilva.raul.ivan@gmail.comMaría A. Arévalosaliarevalos@gmail.comMaría B. Martínezlenbester@gmail.comFulgencio A. Aquinoaaquino@ing.una.pyJuan P. Bellassaijpbellassai@ing.una.pyRubén A. Ló<p>The accelerated growth of urban centers and the exponential development of real estate<br>industry have led to an increase of the construction of tall buildings. In addition, thanks to<br>technological advances, new construction methodologies have emerged that make structures slenderer.<br>In this sense, wind action is of fundamental importance in the structures design, especially on a<br>national level, due to the high wind speeds perceived in recent years and that have cause structural<br>collapses.<br>The national wind code NP-196 does not consider the dynamic action of high winds in slender<br>structures. Some international wind codes consider such action through an amplification factor (gust<br>response factor). Others, such as NBR-6123, present a simplified methodology of a probabilistic<br>analysis. Both methodologies arise from the spectral density response of a typical building by applying<br>a theoretical spectrum of wind gusts. In this context, the present work aims to analyze such<br>methodologies through the application of the mentioned theoretical spectrum on a building, in order to<br>suggest pertinent recommendations for a future proposal of the dynamic action of wind in structures.<br>For this purpose, a dynamic comparative analysis is made of the structure response through vibration<br>theory in the frequency domain. The spectrum of the fluctuating component of the wind force and<br>response spectra were obtained for different theoretical power spectral density of wind velocity,<br>suggested by several authors. The gust response factor for each case analyzed is then obtained as well<br>as the static equivalent fluctuating force, both of which are related to wind codes. Finally, a<br>comparative analysis is presented in which the variation of the wind force over the structure remains<br>under 10%, between different velocity spectrums.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE NÃO LINEAR DE PÓRTICO POR ELEMENTOS FINITOS E COMPARAÇÃO COM AS CONSIDERAÇÕES DA NBR 8800:2008 PARA OS EFEITOS DE 2a ORDEM2024-07-17T21:46:01+00:00SANTANA, Jovynttino F. de Araujojovyuna@hotmail.comBRITO, Camila Limacamil92@hotmail.comANDRADE, Elvis Soareselvissoares@hotmail.comROSENDO SOBRINHO, Franciscofrs_sobrinho@hotmail.comBEZERRA, Eric M.<p>O presente trabalho procura realizar uma análise estrutural de vários tipos de pórticos planos<br>com diferentes níveis de pavimentos e com isso diferentes características de deslocabilidade, para<br>observar o comportamento do mesmo em relação aos esforços gerados e aos deslocamentos quando o<br>mesmo é sujeito a um determinado carregamento de vento e obviamente ao restante dos carregamentos<br>normalmente considerados, além da importância do uso de elementos de contraventamento na redução<br>dos deslocamentos horizontais que a estrutura poderá sofrer global ente. As análises serão feitas<br>utilizando o software de elementos finitos ABAQUS e também o software para análise d e estruturas<br>FTOOL. Com isso será feita uma comparação entre os valores obtidos diretamente por uma análise<br>pura não linear em pórticos planos por meio de elementos finitos utilizando o ABAQUS, com os<br>valores que serão fornecidos pelo FTOOL e ajustados com as considerações pela norma brasileira de<br>estruturas metálicas NBR 8800:2008 para amplificação dos esforços solicitantes para a consideração<br>dos efeitos de segunda ordem nas estruturas PΔ e Pδ, para os comportamento s globais e locais da<br>estrutura gerando assim uma análise próxima aceitável para uma análise de segunda ordem a partir da<br>obtenção dos coeficientes B1 e B2. Ao final poderá ser observado as aproximações entre os resultados<br>obtidos por meio das análises numéricas com os obtidos pelas equações um pouco mais conservadoras<br>da referida norma. Buscando mostrar principalmente o poder das ferramentas de elementos finitos em<br>representar de forma bastante aproximada o comportamento real de estruturas porticadas planas.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF DEFLECTIONS IN METALLIC TRUSSES2024-07-17T21:49:34+00:00Sebastião L. Pimentasebapimenta@gmail.comLeonardo M. C. Silvadaniel.costa.silva@hotmail.comFrancisco R. R. Sousaramon_desousa@hotmail.comJosé R. L. Paixão Filhojoserobertopaixao@hotmail.comLuiz R. S.<p>Geometric non-linearity consists of determining the stresses and displacements of a structure<br>considering the deformed state of the structure after load application, and therefore the equilibrium<br>equations must be reformulated for each of these changes. The present paper, in this sense, has proposed<br>to elaborate a software capable of analyzing the deflections of a structure of the trellis type,<br>implementing the changes of geometry with each applied load step. In order to perform the calculations,<br>the Finite Element Method was used, and the algorithm was written in the Python programming<br>language. With the results obtained in the software developed, and through comparisons with SAP2000<br>V15, it was verified that the simplified approach of geometric non-linearity, which was implemented in<br>the computational program elaborated, is very close to the results of SAP2000 as the load increase<br>decreases. The results show that the lattice node analyzed with the greatest divergence between the<br>software had a decrease in the difference between the deflections of the two software from 5.61% to<br>1.89% when changing the number of load steps, from two to one hundred steps.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF PLANE TRUSSES AND FRAMES USING AN AUTOMATIC DERIVATION ALGORITHM2024-07-17T21:53:01+00:00Danilo Menezes Santosdmsantosse@gmail.comJorge Carvalho<p>Structural analysis requires the derivation of complex functions usually of many variables,<br>especially when nonlinearities are considered. From a computational standpoint, to derivate can be a<br>great challenge due to a series of limitations inbuilt in the usual derivation techniques. Surmising both<br>these factors, this work presents the development of an automatic differentiation (AD) algorithm in<br>Python 3.x and its application to structural analysis, aiming at preventing possible compatibility and<br>truncation errors inherent to other derivation processes. The software implemented both the forward and<br>reverse modes of differentiation and is able to work with algorithms written as string or def Python<br>classes. Later, the package was used to obtain the local stiffness (tangent) matrices for plane trusses and<br>frames in linear and geometrically nonlinear analysis, derived through energy methods. The results were<br>compared with benchmarks found in the literature. Excellent results were found for the stiffness<br>matrices, nodal displacements and internal forces, supporting that this technique can be used for solid<br>mechanics problem with ease.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO NUMÉRICA DE VIGAS EM PERFIS DE AÇO FORMADOS A FRIO COM SEÇÃO TRANSVERSAL SIGMA EM SITUAÇÃO DE INCÊNDIO2024-07-17T21:55:01+00:00Isabela B. Santiagoibotelhosantiago@gmail.comFrancisco C. Rodriguesfrancisco@dees.ufmg.brRodrigo B. Caldascaldas@dees.ufmg.brJoão Paulo C.<p>This paper presents the development of a finite element model suitable for predicting the<br>flexural behaviour of cold-formed steel beams under fire conditions. The numerical simulations were<br>performed with the finite element program Abaqus in order to understand the potential that this<br>program provides in modelling cold-formed steel under fire conditions. This paper provides details of<br>the simulation methodology for achieving numerical stability and faithful representation of detailed<br>structural behaviour under fire condition. The assessment of the accuracy of the developed numerical<br>model was conducted by comparing the axial restraining forces, vertical displacements, critical<br>temperatures and failure modes obtained from finite element simulations with some experimental<br>results, in order to validate the developed finite element model and to consequently obtain reliable<br>numerical results.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF GENERATION AND PROPAGATION OF TENSILE FRACTURES IN LAMINATED CARBONATES OF THE CRATO FORMATION CONSIDERING STRATIGRAPHIC HETEROGENEITY2024-07-17T21:58:03+00:00Ana Itamara Paz de Araújoanaitapaz@hotmail.comIgor Fernandes Gomesgomes@ufpe.brTiago Siqueira Mirandatiagogeoufpe@gmail.comAntônio José<p>The Crato-PE Fm is part of the Araripe Basin, being one of the largest areas in relation to<br>the interior basins of north e astern Brazil. This led to the reactivation of old paddles for inversions,<br>and converting an old graven into a horst. This work seeks to simulate numerically a generation and<br>propagation of natural fractures for the effect of vertical lithological variation on fractures. In the<br>present work, it is proposed the use of the technique of fragmentation of high aspect ratio mesh<br>elements to model, together with the constitutive model of Damage to traction, a generation and<br>propagation of fractures. This type of model is able to divert the effect of the materials when submitted<br>to progressive processes of mechanical degradation by reducing the rigidity of the material. The<br>problem analysed is the simulation of the generation and propagation of extension fractures in a<br>profile considering interleaving of laminate layers with other types of lithology’s, representing a<br>faciological variation with impact on the mechanical competence of the layers on the genesis and<br>propagation of the extension fractures. In order to perform the study of fracture generation and<br>propagation, we used the fragmentation technique with special interface finite elements. This<br>technique was chosen because it numerically represents the behaviour of intensively fractured media,<br>in which the special interface elements are located between the regular finite elements. Was<br>considered submitted to a vertical tension representing a vertical burial state, and a horizontal tension<br>variation the extension direction. The base and one of the lateral borders of the domain are restricted<br>as to the displacement in the normal direction. The analysis is in flat deformation considering a<br>Lagrangean approach for the deformations. It has been found that as the prescribed tensile stress on<br>the left side of the section increases, horizontal tensile stresses develop in the layers, but with a higher<br>concentration in the laminate layer of greater stiffness and tensile strength.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 A SOFTWARE PACKAGE FOR TWO-DIMENSIONAL FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH ANALYSIS2024-07-17T22:01:49+00:00Gilberto Gomesggomes2007@gmail.comÁlvaro M Delgado Netoalvaro.martins.bok@gmail.comThiago A A Oliveiraeng.thiagoarnaud@gmail.comDanilo C de<p>The stress analysis in structures with complex geometry, such as in aircraft<br>fuselages, where geometry is continuously altered by crack growth, usually requires the use of<br>numerical methods, since the presence of cracks in the structure raises difficulties related to<br>the modeling and, consequently, to the calculation of the stress intensity factors (SIF). In this<br>aspect, the dual boundary element method (DBEM) has been applied in this type of analysis,<br>taking advantage over the FEM considered, since there is no need for continuous remeshing at<br>each crack increment. In this context, this work proposes the development of software written</p> <p>in C ++ and based on Object Oriented Programming, called BemCracker2D, for two-<br>dimensional analysis by DBEM of fatigue crack propagation problems in the field of linear</p> <p>elastic fracture mechanics. Parameters such as SIF, crack propagation path, number of load<br>cycles and others, will be computed and compared with examples from the open literature in<br>order to attest to the program's efficiency and robustness.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF CRACK GROWTH IN DUCTILE MATERIALS2024-07-17T22:04:36+00:00Machado, G. A.giancarlo.machado@ufrgs.brBittencourt,<p>Rupture in metals can occur by cleavage, where all process is controlled by stresses, or by a<br>combination of critical stresses and strains in a process known as ductile fracture. The Linear Elastic<br>Fracture Mechanics, widely used in engineering practice, is in general based on the assumption that<br>the first process prevails, which occurs only under certain conditions. Consideration of the second<br>fracture process is not so well disseminated. In this work, two methodologies are considered to take<br>into account the transition cleavage/ductile. One is based on the Tvergaard-Hutchinson's trapezoidal<br>cohesive model and the other is based on the Gurson's ductile damage model. The two models are<br>considerably different and in this work, initially, the relationships between the two models are<br>established. Then, the conditions for a transition from cleavage to ductile fracture are determined and<br>discussed. Results are presented based on crack growth resistance curves obtained for different<br>material parameters. A simple numerical model in mode I rupture is considered.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF LOCAL TENSILE RUPTURE INFLUENCING SHEAR STRENGTH ON UNIAXIAL TEST MODELLING2024-07-17T22:06:43+00:00Ana Itamara Paz de Araújoanaitapaz@hotmail.comNayara Belfort Accioli Magalhãesntbelfort@gmail.comIgor Fernandes Gomesgomes@ufpe.brLeonardo José do Nascimento Guimarã<p>Constitutive models are mathematical formulations capable of describing the macroscopic<br>behaviour of an ideal medium. These models result from the application of simplifying hypotheses<br>about the behaviour of the real environment. Therefore, the selection of the constitutive model to be<br>used must be related to the problem to be solved, since it would not be trivial to obtain a single<br>formulation that would allow reaching the general solution for the material behaviour. In this sense,<br>modelling is a feature that describes the behaviour of materials subjected to real stress states, such as<br>uniaxial tests performed in the laboratory. Modelling of this type of test is generally performed</p> <p>through models that describe the shear behaviour of the sample, such as Mohr Coulomb and Drucker-<br>Prager models. However, when observing some experiments in the laboratory, it was verified that</p> <p>there are local tensile zones in the samples, which allows a reduction of the material resistance. In this<br>sense, this article presents a study of a rock sample that was submitted to the Uniaxial laboratory test<br>and its resistance was reduced by the tensile zones. Furthermore, in this work the numerical modelling<br>of this test will be presented and the impact of considering these zones of damage in the sample, the<br>constitutive model adopted in these simulations was the tensile damage.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AIRCRAFT FUSELAGE FRACTURE ANALYSIS2024-07-17T22:09:20+00:00Thiago A. A. OliveiraEng.thiagoarnaud@gmail.comGilberto<p>The continuum mechanics deals with the interaction between two bodies in order to analyze the<br>stresses in the domain due to the contact load. In this way, to compute the stresses, it is considered<br>each body as a semi-infinite in extent and having a plane surface. The Boundary Element Method<br>(BEM) appears as a numerical technique for evaluating this type of problem. Using this technique, the<br>boundary is discretized and the stresses are computed in the body domain. This paper consists of the<br>multiscale analysis via Dual Boundary Element Method (DBEM) of fatigue life of aircraft fuselage<br>plate. The macro analysis is evaluated through the stress field in the plate due to continuum<br>mechanics. With this stress field, a micro element, composed by different distribution of cracks, is<br>subjected to fatigue and analyzed by Dual Boundary Element Method (DBEM). This is accomplished<br>using the software BemCracker2D obtaining fatigue life data in each crack increment. For this,<br>advanced computational techniques were developed to evaluate the fracture mechanics behavior with<br>the purpose of ensuring the integrity and the good functioning of the fuselage during its design<br>lifespan.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HYDROMECHANICAL MODELING OF WATERFLOODING IN FRACTURING CONDITIONS USING FINITE ELEMENTS WITH HIGH ASPECT RATIO2024-07-17T22:11:25+00:00Matheus N. C. Brunetmatheus.brunet@ufpe.brBruno M. C. M. Macielbruno.canabarro@ufpe.brIgor F. Gomesgomes@ufpe.brLeonardo J. N. Guimarã<p>Waterflooding is a widely used methodology in the oil & gas industry and its main objective<br>is to guarantee the pore pressure maintenance in reservoirs during production as well as to sweep the oil<br>towards the producing wells. Injection of water in pressure conditions that exceed the reservoir fracture<br>pressure in operations known as IAFP (Injection Above Fracture Pressure) it's often necessary to ensure<br>the high injection rates required in secondary recovery processes. In order to model the hydromechanical<br>behavior of the fracking in the presence of producing wells, which particularly occurs in IAFP<br>operations, this work used the finite element method in two dimensions with high aspect ratio elements<br>and a constitutive law based on the tensile damage mechanics to model the opening and propagation of<br>hydraulic fractures. The fluid flow was described by Darcy's law and the fully coupled method was used<br>to solve the hydromechanical equations. Numerical examples with different injection rates and<br>production pressures were performed in order to verify the ability of the method to reproduce the<br>opening and propagation of fractures in the presence of producing wells. The results showed the method<br>was able to reproduce the opening and propagation of fractures in IAFP conditions and they also suggest<br>that in some cases the producing wells can play an important role in the propagation length of the<br>fractures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND DISCONTINUOUS MODELING OF FAILURE FOR QUASI-BRITTLE MATERIALS2024-07-17T22:14:00+00:00José Fabiano Araújo Moreirajf_moreira1991@hotmail.comFrancisco Evangelista<p>This research aims to formulate and implement a continuous-discontinuous approach for<br>failure of quasi-brittle materials. This approach is based on a damage evolution law using only<br>physical parameters, which can be obtained through fracture and resistance tests without the need of<br>further calibration. Comparison with experimental results were performed to assess the accuracy and<br>efficiency. The tests simulated with the model were the three-point bending in a single edge notch<br>beam. The results obtained herein confirmed the efficiency and accuracy of the model in predicting<br>rupture behavior. Moreover, the model can provide results with equivalent accuracy to others in the<br>literature using fewer elements in the mesh.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION OF ANISOTROPIC MEDIA2024-07-18T08:16:42+00:00Felipe L. Lorenzifelipellorenzi@gmail.comRogério J.<p>The objective of this work is to present the implementation of a topological sensitivity based<br>material removal procedure in a standard Boundary Element Method formulation. The approach used<br>selects the areas showing the lowest sensitivities, where material is removed by opening a small cavity.<br>As the iterative process evolves, the original domain has volume progressively removed, until a desired<br>material volume is achieved. Because the Boundary Element Method does not employ domain meshes<br>in linear cases, the resulting topologies are completely devoid of intermediary material densities.<br>Additionally, with Bézier Curves, a method of smoothing lines was implemented during the topological<br>optimization scheme, aiming to reduce some usual problems in the optimization process, such as the<br>irregularity of the boundaries, eliminating the need for post-processing and reducing the computational<br>cost of the process. Anisotropic elastic cases are presented and compared with their isotropic counterpart<br>optimums.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM WITH ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING CONSTRAINTS2024-07-18T08:20:09+00:00Lucas S. daícero R. de<p>Topology Optimization (TO) is a systematic method with wide application to structural<br>optimization. TO combines optimization algorithms with finite element method, in order to provide an<br>optimal material distribution inside a design domain, aiming to attend a specified objective function and<br>to satisfy the constraints on the optimization problem. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a generalized<br>term utilized to designate the manufacturing techniques, that employ the principle of fabrication by<br>adding material layer by layer to obtain the final geometry of a product. This principle is powerful for<br>manufacturing geometries of higher complexity when compared to traditional manufacturing<br>techniques, such as machining, forging and others. Although AM techniques have a high capacity of<br>producing TO geometries, without compromising to much its optimality, these techniques still have<br>manufacturing restrictions. Feasible AM geometries have associated requirements such as minimum<br>member size, minimum overhang angle and minimum hole size, for instance. The aim of this work is to<br>develop a structural optimization algorithm, including in the formulation of the TO problem a<br>projection-based filter which implicitly applies a manufacturing constraint imposed by the AM<br>manufacturing process known as FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling), whose technique possess a<br>critical overhang angle at which the structure does not self-supports. In this case, a projection function<br>and variable mappings are defined to impose the maximum overhang constraint. Specifically, it aims to<br>avoid or eliminate the support material utilized in the FDM process and, consequently, reduce the<br>fabrication costs of the process. Some results are presented to demonstrate the potential of the proposed<br>TO algorithm.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MECHANISM DESIGN BY TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION IN TRUSS GROUND STRUCTURE DOMAINS WITH LARGE DISPLACEMENTS2024-07-18T08:22:40+00:00José H. C. L.ícero R. de<p>Metamaterials are artificial structures engineered to have extremal properties that are not<br>found in naturally occurring materials, such as negative Poisson’s ratio (auxetic behavior). These<br>structures are obtained by repetitive cell patterns. Each cell of the metamaterial can be designed to<br>have a controlled directional movement. This allows the creation of devices with a desired mechanical<br>function. Compliant mechanisms perform certain functions from the elastic deformation of its body.<br>The topology optimization (TO) technique has been shown to be the most generic and systematic for<br>the design of compliant mechanisms. It consists of a method that distributes material within a domain<br>in order to achieve the specified objective function, satisfying the imposed constraints. In this work,<br>compliant mechanism is designed by using the Topology Optimization method to generate<br>microstructure unit cells that simulate the effect of metamaterials that have negative Poisson’s ratio<br>(auxetic materials). The unit cell (microstructure) of metamaterial is driven to have the same<br>characteristics of a compliant mechanism, that is, a monolithic body that delivers a desired motion<br>when is loaded in a certain way. TO is performed in domains discretized by truss elements (ground<br>structure), where the cross-sectional areas of the elements are the design variables. Large<br>displacements are considered, which establishes a nonlinear relation between deformation and<br>displacement and requires the use of nonlinear FEM. Computational simulations are presented to<br>verify the results of the metamaterial design.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Optimization of Fiber and Material Distribution for Composite Materials Based on Topology Optimization2024-07-18T08:25:30+00:00Andre Luis Ferreira da Silvaandre_fersi@usp.brRuben Andres Salasandre_fersi@usp.brEmílio Carlos Nelli<p>New additive manufacturing technologies are been developed to obtain particular composite<br>structures. In the case of fiber-reinforced composite structures, fiber angle influences material properties.<br>This work presents a method based on topology optimization, which combines two models to design<br>structures made of fiber-reinforced composite, considering simultaneously the distribution of material<br>and the fiber orientation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION APPROACH FOR THE 2D ACOUSTIC INVERSE PROBLEM IN TIME DOMAIN2024-07-18T08:28:18+00:00Mohammad M. Ghorbanimohammadgh@usp.brRuben A. Salasmohammadgh@usp.brJuliano F. Gonçalvesmohammadgh@usp.brEmílio C. N.<p>Acoustic Tomography (AT) is a method widely used in the oil and gas industry for the purpose<br>of finding and/or monitoring sub-sea bed hydrocarbon reservoirs. This approach is based on propagation<br>and measurement of acoustic waves in order to acquire information about unknown media. As a result,<br>physical properties of the medium can be identified by solving an inverse problem, which is usually<br>formulated as the minimization of the difference between the response measured by the receivers, and<br>a simulated response obtained by a numerical model. An efficient method to solve inverse problems<br>and to find the distribution of material parameters is the Topology Optimization Method (TOM). This<br>work proposes a topology optimization approach for the acoustic inverse problem in the time-domain<br>using finite element method. A material interpolation scheme based on the Solid Isotropic Material<br>with Penalization (SIMP) is employed to represent the velocity model for the acoustic problem. The<br>sensitivity analysis is carry out using an automated differentiation tool and the optimization problem is<br>solved by a Limited-Memory BFGS algorithm. Two examples considering different velocity models are<br>analyzed and a perturbation is imposed on the measured responses in order to avoid inverse crime.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF SURFACE STRUCTURES SUPPORTED BY PILE GROUPS2024-07-18T08:31:36+00:00Emanuel S. Tavarese212013@g.unicamp.brJosue<p>This work investigates an aspect of topology optimization strategies in dynamic soil-structure<br>interaction problems. The aim is to understand the influence of the presence of embedded pile groups in</p> <p>the optimal shape of a piled structure. The surface structure is modeled by classical three-dimensional fi-<br>nite elements. The embedded pile group that supports the structure is modeled via the impedance matrix</p> <p>method. The soil is an isotropic, viscoelastic, layered medium, and the piles are elastic isotropic bodies<br>with fully bonded contact with the soil throughout their interfaces. Coupling between the structure and<br>the pile foundation is obtained by establishing direct kinematic compatibility and equilibrium criteria at</p> <p>discrete nodes of the structure that connect to pile heads. The system is considered to be under arbi-<br>trary static external loads. Shape optimization of the surface structure is obtained with the bidirectional</p> <p>evolutionary structural optimization method (BESO), in which elements of the mesh of the structure are<br>included or removed in order to achieve a certain optimal topology. Objective functions in this work is<br>the stiffness of the structure. The results compare the difference between the optimized shapes in the<br>case in which the structure rests on rigid supports, and the case in which energy dissipation to the soil<br>through the piles is considered.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FINITE VOLUME THEORY APPLIED TO TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION FOR COMPLIANCE MINIMIZATION OF CONTINUUM ELASTIC STRUCTURES2024-07-18T08:33:43+00:00Marcelo Vitor Oliveira Araujomarcelo.vitor.o.a@gmail.comEduardo Nobre Lagesenl@lccv.ufal.brMarcio André Araújo<p>In topology optimization of structures, the objective is to establish the best material<br>distribution inside of an analysis domain given an objective function, as compliance minimization, and<br>mechanical restriction to the problem. Normally, in the gradient-based topology optimization<br>algorithms, there are some problems related to numerical instabilities, such as checkerboard pattern,<br>mesh dependence and local minima. The checkerboard effect is directly related to the assumptions of<br>the finite element method, as the satisfaction of equilibrium equations and continuity conditions<br>through the nodes. On the other hand, the finite volume theory satisfies the equilibrium equations at<br>the subvolume level, and the static and kinematic continuities are established through adjacent<br>subvolumes interfaces, as expected from the continuum mechanics point of view. To solve the<br>problems related to the checkerboard and mesh dependence in the finite element method, it is often<br>recommended the use of sensitivity or perimeter control filters. For the finite volume theory, the<br>sensitivity filter is employed with the purpose to control better the mesh dependence and length scale<br>numerical issues. Comparisons of the optimum topologies and computational performances of the<br>analyzed approaches are presented, demonstrating the influence of the adopted numerical method on<br>the obtaining optimal solution when a filtering technique is employed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Optimization Software Tools: Literature Review and Real Application2024-07-18T08:36:38+00:00Nagera, Maicon Júnior B. maicon.j.nagera@hotmail.comToniasso, Pedro H.pedro.toniasso@hotmail.comSlaviero, Guilherme M.GuilhermeSlaviero@hotmail.comde Souza, Carlos E.carlos.souza@ufsm.brRodríguez, Rene<p>The sake for the optimal condition or shape is inherent in us. Some optimization examples are<br>visible even in nature. In metals, for example, atoms tend to take positions of minimum energy in order<br>to form unit cells, which define the crystalline structure of these materials. In a zero gravity condition,<br>a liquid droplet forms a perfect sphere, which has the least surface area for a given volume. The first<br>historical example of structural optimization is present in Galileo’s work, in which he sought the optimal<br>structural shape of a cantilever beam. Since then, the optimization field has growth exponentially. In this<br>context, not only significant evolution in the theoretical field is necessary, but also, computational tools<br>capable to follow this growth are compulsory. New numerical methods have also been developed, such as<br>the Finite Element Method (FEM), distinguished for its accuracy and high adaptability for a broad type of<br>physical problems. Several software tools for topology optimization based on the FEM are available on<br>the market, however, few or none information about the optimization method or optimization parameters<br>are explicitly presented. This work aims to fulfill this conceptual lack, as well as, to show an extensive<br>review of topology optimization tools available for common users, such as commercial softwares or apps.<br>Thus, a realistic example of topology optimization is presented to show the feasibility of constructing an<br>optimized mechanical component using the computational tools described on this work.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 HYBRID TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION APPROACH TO FORCE VISUALIZATION IN REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES2024-07-18T08:40:10+00:00Kênia A. T. F. Gouveiakeniatogoe@ufmt.brDaniel L. Araújodlaraujo@ufg.brSylvia R. M.<p>The Strut-and-Tie Method is a rational approach used to circumvent complexities in the<br>analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures, especially those that do not meet the Bernoulli’s<br>hypothesis. This work applies topology optimization techniques to automatically obtain power paths in<br>reinforced concrete structures to be applied in strut-and-tie models. A hybrid formulation of the<br>minimum compliance problem is adopted in which the concrete struts are represented by continuous<br>elements associated with material density and steel reinforcing bars. Bilinear isotropic elastic models<br>are applied to both materials to separate compressive and tensile load paths. In order to eliminate<br>resultant thin bars and provide a force layout applicable in the design practice, a maximum filter is<br>applied at the end of the optimization process. Tikhonov regularization is applied to the potential energy<br>of the structure to solve singular equilibrium equations and check the equilibrium of the extracted<br>solutions in the filtering procedure. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the applicability<br>of the proposed formulation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT IN FORCE PATHS IN RC STRUCTURES USING TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION2024-07-18T08:42:50+00:00Danilo B. Cavalcantidaniloborgescavalcanti@gmail.comSylvia R. M.<p>Strut-and tie models are mechanism-based models used to describe the complex behavior of<br>reinforced concrete structures that do not satisfy the Bernoulli hypothesis. The continuum structure is<br>replaced by truss representing the force paths inside the cracked continuum. This paper uses topology<br>optimization techniques to generate the force paths automatically in reinforced concrete structures. The<br>traditional density approach is adopted to represent the behavior of the concrete continuum and, in<br>addition, truss elements are used to represent the steel reinforcement. Bi-linear models are associated to<br>each material in order to separate the tensile and compressive paths. A numerical example shows the<br>influence of the reinforcement in the final force path.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF CONTINUUM TWO-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE UNDER VOLUME CONSTRAINT2024-07-18T08:45:02+00:00Higo L. S. Nascimentoleo.higo@hotmail.comRafael B. S. Araú<p>This work presents the Topology Optimization Method where the objective is to minimize<br>compliance with lateral and volume constraints of a rib from aircraft wings profile leading edge. The<br>problem is solved by a Topology Optimization Method technique, formulated as finding the best<br>material distribution into the domain. The static problem is solved with the Finite Element Method were</p> <p>the structural response is given as nodal displacements. The Optimality criteria are based in the power-<br>law approach, also known as Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization that uses a “fictitious” density</p> <p>to represent the material distribution into each finite element that defines the elastic properties of<br>isotropic porous material. The solution is implemented with a didactic algorithm. No linear<br>programming is used and a heuristic updating scheme is used as standard optimality criteria. Besides,<br>sensitivity and densities filters are used to minimize the occurrence of numerical instabilities:<br>checkerboards, mesh-dependencies, and local minima. The results are evaluated in three criteria: first,<br>the occurrence of these instabilities and filter performance, second the convergence and implementation<br>time and the last one a brief comparison with the literature and a general analysis of the results.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF SLOSHING SUPPRESSORS IN LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS CARRIERS TANKS2024-07-18T08:47:40+00:00Danilo de A. P. Piccolifabio_p_p@hotmail.comDaniel dos Santos Moreirafabio_p_p@hotmail.comThiago N.<p>The problem of sloshing has been studied in the last decades, seeking to reduce the<br>deleterious effects promoted by this phenomenon in liquefied natural gas carriers tanks. Since there is<br>a need to develop tank designs capable of reducing the damaging effects of sloshing, a study on the<br>hydrodynamic loads involving the fluid-structure relationship becomes necessary. In this work,<br>attenuation devices were installed to reduce the effect of sloshing on containers, such as deflector<br>blades positioned on tank walls. Regarding this topic, our work was devoted to testing two types of<br>sloshing suppressor bulkheads, where two different heights were assigned and tested for the first<br>vertical deflector located in the center of the tank. Secondly we change the morphology of the baffle,<br>leaving it in the shape of an arrow pointing upwards. The results show that the baffles can be efficient<br>mechanisms for the suppression of slonging and that there is a strongly relationship between the<br>height of the baffles and the level of fluid filling in relation to the tank.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE HOLDING CAPACITY OF TORPEDO ANCHORS CONSIDERING SETUP EFFECTS2024-07-18T08:50:51+00:00Guilherme K. Lopeskronemberger.guilherme@laceo.coppe.ufrj.brJosé R. M. de Sousajrenato@laceo.coppe.ufrj.brGilberto B.<p>Torpedo anchors have proven to be an outstanding alternative of fixed anchor point for taut<br>leg mooring systems on Brazilian offshore fields. This type of anchor has low construction and<br>fabrication costs, which are not dependent on water depth and withstands high vertical loads. Torpedo<br>anchor has a “rocket” shape and its installation is given by free fall using heavy weights as the driving<br>kinetic energy. Its driving process induces an excess pore water pressure generation and causes<br>significant shearing and disturbance, which affects the stress, strain and strength characteristics of the<br>soil surrounding the anchor. Immediately after installation, the holding capacity of the torpedo anchor<br>is significantly reduced. Although, after the anchor is driven, holding capacity is observed to increase<br>with time. This phenomenon is referred as setup. This paper presents a numerical based study of a finless<br>torpedo anchor embedded in a purely cohesive isotropic soil using an axisymmetric nonlinear finite<br>element model. The plasticity Cap model was chosen to describe the mechanical behavior of the soil.<br>Anchor-soil interaction is simulated using surface-to-surface contact pairs with a penalty type contact<br>property to represent friction behavior between the surfaces in contact. A number of analyses are<br>conducted using Abaqus/CAE® in order to understand the response of this structure when considering<br>setup effects. Additionally, a parametric study is also performed. The results indicated that soil<br>permeability plays an important role into setup process. Furthermore, plasticity parameters are also<br>investigated and the results followed a pattern of behavior on structure response.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE GROUTED CONNECTION OF AN OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE2024-07-18T08:53:15+00:00Fellipe A. Gomesfellipe.gomes@coc.ufrj.brGilberto B. Ellwangergbe@coc.ufrj.brJosé R. M. de<p>Due to technological advances, Offshore Wind Turbines (OWT) have proven to be a viable<br>investment alternative in Brazil. However, unlike offshore structures originally developed for the oil<br>and gas industry, OWT support structures are subject to large bending moments due to the wind and<br>wave loads on the structure. One of the critical regions of an OWT is the structural connection between<br>the superstructure and its foundation. This is commonly performed through a cylindrical joint filled with<br>high-performance grout, made by a metal transition piece that transfers the stresses to foundation<br>through the grout. The present article aims to evaluate the structural fatigue, under operational and<br>parked condition, of the grouted connection of a monopile foundation in water depth of 20 meters in<br>cohesive soil, using SIMA-RIFLEX and TurbSim software. The soil-structure interaction is simulated<br>applying p-y curves proposed by ANSI / API-RP-2GEO (2011) and DNVGL-ST-0126 (2016). Fatigue<br>damage is analyzed by applying the Rainflow Counting and S-N curve proposed by DNVGL-ST-C502<br>(2018) for the grout. It was identified that more severe environmental conditions generate greater<br>damages, and this behavior is strongly influenced by the rated speed of the turbine and natural frequency<br>of the structure.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE GARANTIA DE ESCOAMENTO EM SISTEMAS SUBMARINOS2024-07-18T08:55:50+00:00Thalita Mongarde Daerthalitadaer@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brPhilip Stapephilipstape@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brJuliana Souza Baiocojsbaioco@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brCarl Horst Albrechtcarl@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brBreno Pinheiro Jacobbreno@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brDjalene Maria<p>The discovery of offshore fields at great distances from the coast and high water depths made<br>oil and gas production a challenge to the industry. Some of these challenges are due to the possibility of<br>solids depositions along the subsea pipes, the high cost of exploration and difficult accessibility.<br>Therefore, flow assurance studies become important to find mitigation strategies and early identification<br>of possible complications on the production subsea system. However, this analysis demands knowledge<br>of the pressure and temperature variation along the pipelines (thermo hydraulic profile of the lines). In<br>order to predict the possible occurrence of flow assurance problems, more specifically the formation of<br>hydrates and wax, this paper suggests defining and evaluating the thermo hydraulic profile from the<br>wellhead to the primary processing plant on the surface and associate it to the possible appearance of<br>flow problems. Taking as input the physical properties of the fluids and the system’s geometry and<br>applying heat transfer equations in subsea pipelines. Afterwards, integrating the pressure and<br>temperature gradient equations in short increments of the pipe to calculate the thermo hydraulic profile.<br>Finally, pipeline insulation designs will be studied in order to prevent the flow assurance problems,<br>evaluating from the available methods (pipe-in-pipe system, buried pipelines and insulation layers)<br>which is the most suitable for the studied scenario.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF FLOW AROUND A CIRCULAR CYLINDER - INFLUENCE OF REYNOLDS NUMBER AND TURBULENCE INTENSITY2024-07-18T08:59:33+00:00Leonardo L. V. Rodriguesleonardo.rodrigues@engenharia.ufjf.brPatrícia H.<p>Flexible risers, widely used in offshore engineering, are long multilayer tubes designed to<br>carry fluid — such as oil and natural gas — from the seabed to the sea platforms. In this scenario, the<br>risers have to be able to withstand efforts ranging from their weight, water column pressure, to dynamic<br>loads resulting from sea currents. This study aims to evaluate the influence of sea currents on flexible<br>risers. For this interaction, the fluid passage was evaluated in a uniform flow around the cross-section of<br>the tube in a two-dimensional analysis. The seasonality and variation of sea currents over time make it<br>necessary to study different flow regimes. This phenomenon generates pressure variation on the surface<br>structure, causing dynamic efforts that can induce oscillations, increase drag force and cause structural<br>failure if the frequency of vortex shedding approaching one of the natural frequencies in a structure.</p> <p>Therefore, the drag and lift coefficients and Strouhal for Reynolds numbers in the laminar and turbu-<br>lent regime are so important. They are obtained through modeling using computational fluid dynamics</p> <p>software, ANSYS</p> <p>R Fluent, and then compared with the results of other models in the literature. In the<br>case of the k − ω SST turbulence model simulations, it is used fixed turbulence intensity values for all<br>Reynolds numbers. This work intends to vary this parameter in order to verify its influence in some<br>aerodynamics coefficients, taking into account the Reynolds number.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE BEHAVIOR OF MONOPILE FIXED OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES2024-07-18T09:01:57+00:00Gabriel Nogueiragabriel.nogueira@laceo.coppe.ufrj.brGilberto B. Ellwangergbe@laceo.coppe.ufrj.brJosé R. M. de<p>This work follows a worldwide trend of developing new wind farm projects on sea. Standard<br>models used by the academy of 5 and 10 MW wind turbines are introduced to the Brazilian environment<br>being supported by fixed foundations of the monopile type. The aim is to develop a sensitivity analysis<br>of the fatigue damage in a critical point of the foundation under the effect of important offshore cyclic<br>loads. The models employed in this paper were firstly validated through analyses of their natural<br>frequencies. The next step was to subject them to extreme loads caused by wind, wave and current to<br>determine the critical point in each turbine’s foundation. With these points in hand, the sensitivity<br>analysis was conducted assuming the wind with and without a dynamic component, while the sea waves<br>were represented by the Jonswap or Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum. Finally, fatigue was assessed through<br>the damage calculated by the Palmgren-Miner rule in association with the largely employed S-N curves<br>and the rainflow method for counting stress cycles in the time series generated by SIMA-RIFLEX. This<br>study showed the importance of the dynamic component of the wind in the structure’s lifespan, which<br>was reduced by at least one order of magnitude when considered. No significant change in fatigue<br>damage was observed with different wave spectra. Lastly, life results obtained for the 10 MW turbine<br>were better than the 5 MW due to its more robust geometric characteristics.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NEURAL NETWORKS FOR OPTIMIZATION PROCEDURES OF LAZY WAVE FLEXIBLE RISER CONFIGURATION2024-07-18T09:04:29+00:00Ana Paula Beneteanaoliveira@poli.ufrj.brBruno da Fonseca Monteirobruno.monteiro@poli.ufrj.brCarl Horst Albrechtcarl@poli.ufrj.brBreno Pinheiro Jacobbreno@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brMauro Henrique Alves de Lima<p>Risers are among the most expensive and complex components of an offshore production<br>system, because they suffer the action of a series of dynamic and environmental loads when connecting<br>the seabed to the floating unit. An optimal design of such structures can bring more security and cost<br>savings, which can be achieved by optimization techniques. In this context, this work presents the<br>development and implementation of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in optimization procedures of<br>Lazy Wave flexible riser configuration as an alternative to Finite Element simulations, which has a high<br>computational cost. For the network selection, a parametric analysis has been done considering the mean<br>square error, accuracy of two different types of training algorithms and different amounts of neurons<br>layers. A case study is presented comparing the results of the ANN optimization process with a<br>simulation by the Finite Element Method (FEM). The results indicate a significant reduction of the<br>computational cost of all optimization process was achieved using ANN, which was able to predict with<br>accuracy the magnitudes involved in this type of problem.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PATTERNS IN THE INTERACTION BETWEEN RISERS AND SEABED2024-07-18T09:07:40+00:00Edgar Stonyo B. Micoloedgar.micolo@coccoppe.ufrj.brAnderson Barata Custó<p>Risers play an important role in offshore production systems by conveying oil, gas and other<br>fluids from subsea wells to floating production units (FPU) or vice versa. Free hanging (catenary) risers<br>using flexible pipes have been the most conventional configuration in Brazilian production assets, but<br>the participation of steel catenary risers has long been fostered by oil companies and their technological<br>partners. The most challenging sections of free hanging risers are the vicinity of their top end and the<br>touchdown zone (TDZ). This investigation focuses on the latter section, by examining the static<br>interaction between riser and seabed, which is described by Skempton’s backbone curve. Besides the<br>external pressure and possible wall compression, the curvatures often impose the strongest constraints<br>to the riser design space. Parametric studies using finite element methods, non-dimensional analysis and<br>statistics seem to be promising route to assess the riser response. The results documented herein are<br>limited to static response with no marine current or wave loads, focusing on the maximum curvature<br>along the TDZ, and they supply zero-order approximations to studies which aim at describing the<br>dynamic response using asymptotic approximation techniques.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT METHOD FOR STATIC ANALYSIS OF MARINE RISERS2024-07-18T09:10:45+00:00Luana A. G. Mouraluanaandreza10@gmail.comJuliana C. Alvesjulianacunhalves@gmail.comEvandro Parente Jr.evandro@ufc.brLigia<p>Risers are essential components of offshore oil and gas production systems since they are<br>responsible for transport these fluids to/from the wells from/to the floating facilities. Thus, structural<br>analysis of marine risers has been an active research field in the last decades. Currently, there are<br>many reliable analysis programs for riser analysis based on the Finite Element Method (FEM).<br>However, this approach incurs in high computational costs due to its complexity and alternatives that<br>are more efficient have been sought. Risers are subjected to static and dynamic loads, but it is known<br>that in the earlier steps of riser design it is very important to evaluate the riser behavior under static<br>loads, as self-weight, buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, currents and floater movements (static offset).<br>This paper presents an efficient and accurate approach for riser static analysis based on the numerical<br>integration of the differential equilibrium equations of a cable subjected to vertical and horizontal<br>static loads. The riser is modeled as an inextensible cable without bending stiffness, subjected to<br>effective weight, drag force and offset. The riser behavior is governed by a nonlinear system of<br>ordinary differential equations. The resulting nonlinear Boundary Value Problem (BVP) is solved<br>using the Newton-Raphson Method with line searches to guarantee global convergence and increase<br>efficiency. Initial values are estimated in order to transform the BVP in an initial value problem. The<br>fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is used in the numerical integration of the resulting initial value<br>problem. A post-processing procedure is used to evaluate the bending moment along the riser. This<br>approach is suitable for analyzing analyze different riser configurations, such as steel catenary risers<br>and lazy-wave risers. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed approach are assessed and the<br>results are compared with the FEM for different riser configurations. The results show that the<br>presented approach is not only much more efficient than FEM but also can be more accurate.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE UMA NOVA CONFIGURAÇÃO DE LINHAS DE ANCORAGEM PARA PLATAFORMAS DE PETRÓLEO EM ÁGUAS PROFUNDAS2024-07-18T09:13:39+00:00Rodrigo Moretti Kochemrodrigomk@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brFabrício Nogueira Correafabricio@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brBreno Pinheiro<p>O petróleo é o principal recurso natural utilizado para suprir a demanda da matriz energética<br>mundial. Com o aumento progressivo para lâminas d’água cada vez maiores, obstáculos são revelados,<br>solicitando a engenharia offshore tecnologias cada vez mais sofisticadas para lidar com essa nova<br>realidade. Dentro desse contexto encontra-se novos desenvolvimentos relacionados ao posicionamento<br>da unidade flutuante. O sistema de ancoragem é responsável pelo posicionamento da plataforma dentro<br>dos limites operacionais, proporcionando segurança na exploração de petróleo. Para grandes<br>profundidades é utilizada uma configuração da linha de ancoragem denominada configuração Taut-Leg,<br>na qual as linhas se encontram retesadas e apresentam em sua composição materiais mais leves, esta<br>configuração é composta nas extremidades por cabos de aço ou amarras e no seu trecho intermediário<br>por cabos de poliéster. A configuração Taut Leg das linhas de ancoragem tem o intuito de diminuir o<br>raio da ancoragem, garantindo maiores possibilidades de arranjos submarinos, e fornecer maior rigidez<br>vertical a plataforma garantindo menores passeios. Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar os efeitos de<br>um sistema de ancoragem spread mooring com uma variação da configuração Taut Leg, que consiste<br>em inserir um peso, propondo uma nova configuração da linha de ancoragem. Esta nova configuração,<br>tem por objetivo diminuir o raio de ancoragem, além de aplicar uma pré-tração inicial menor do que a<br>prevista em projeto, sendo esta diferença suplantada pela inserção de peso em determinado ponto da<br>linha, possibilitando o emprego de guinchos menos potentes. Para expor as vantagens e desvantagens<br>da configuração proposta, foram realizadas análises acopladas no domínio do tempo com o intuito de<br>comparar a configuração proposta com uma configuração Taut Leg. Para tal, foi utilizado o programa<br>SITUA-PROSIM.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÊNCIA DO ROMPIMENTO DE LINHAS DE ANCORAGEM NA RIGIDEZ HORIZONTAL DE UMA PLATAFORMA DE PETRÓLEO2024-07-18T09:16:14+00:00Rodrigo Moretti Kochemrodrigomk@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brElói Daniel de Araújo Netoeloi.araujo@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brGuilherme Romar Borzacchielloromar@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brWilliam Steven Mendez Rodriguezwilliam@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brFabrício Nogueira Corrêafabricio@lamcso.coppe.ufrj.brBreno Pinheiro<p>Dada a importância dos sistemas de ancoragem na manutenção do posicionamento projetado<br>para plataformas de petróleo e da sua influência no comportamento da estrutura (particularmente em<br>águas profundas e ultraprofundas), faz-se pertinente a investigação da variação dos seus níveis de<br>rigidez conforme diferentes configurações do sistema. Assim, este trabalho investiga a influência do<br>offset e da condição de avaria na rigidez no plano horizontal de uma plataforma flutuante com sistema<br>de ancoragem spread-mooring. Os resultados obtidos em termos de mapas polares de rigidez<br>confirmam a influência do offset da plataforma, bem como da perda de linhas de ancoragem, na<br>rigidez horizontal obtida. Observou-se também um comportamento não-linear da rigidez horizontal<br>global da unidade flutuante. Além disso, sob determinadas condições, há registro de aumento de<br>rigidez mesmo com a avaria de uma linha de ancoragem. A ferramenta utilizada para as análises foi o<br>software Situa-Prosim desenvolvido pelo LAMCSO – COPPE/UFRJ para a Petrobras e que simula o<br>comportamento de sistemas de produção de petróleo utilizado análises estáticas e não-lineares.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION METHOD APPLIED TO SUBSEA STRUCTURES UNDER SIMULTANEOUS THERMAL EXPANSION AND HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE LOADS2024-07-18T09:19:58+00:00Renato Picellirpicelli@usp.brRaghavendra<p>The effect of severe environmental conditions, i.e., high pressure and high temperature<br>(HPHT), is known to cause various difficulties for the design of deepwater structures for oil and gas</p> <p>production [1]. Subsea structures can be difficult to be repaired and/or replaced in response to the oc-<br>currence of unexpected problems due to severe HPHT conditions. Therefore, several methods have been</p> <p>developed to design structures to withstand simultaneous pressure and thermal expansion [2]. This paper<br>aims to propose a topology optimization method to handle the challenges that simultaneous hydrostatic<br>pressure and thermal expansion impose on structural design. Topology optimization methods aim to find</p> <p>optimal material distribution layouts (topologies) on specified design domains minimizing or maximiz-<br>ing an objective function subject to a set of constraints. The structural topologies are usually organic and</p> <p>non-intuitive designs and they represent a powerful computational tool in the early stage of the struc-<br>tural design. Herein, the proposed Topology Optimization of Binary Structures (TOBS) method [3] uses</p> <p>discrete 0,1 design variables within a finite element mesh to indicate the existence of solid 1 and void 0<br>material inside the design domain. A fluid pressure field is solved with a separate domain and constant<br>thermal expansion is applied on the structural volume. Sequential integer linear programming is used</p> <p>to solve the optimization problem iteratively. The discrete nature of the method presents attractive fea-<br>tures when dealing with design dependent body and surface loads. In this paper, we use the structural</p> <p>mean compliance and volume as functions for optimization. The methods of topology optimization have<br>achieved industrial maturity to be applied in stiffness maximization problems, but they are still quite<br>limited when it comes to Multiphysics design. A numerical example of a subsea structural design is<br>explored in this paper.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE MONOPILE FOUNDATION USING THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD AND THE P-Y CURVES METHOD2024-07-18T09:22:29+00:00Flávia E. S. Cabralflaviacabral@coc.ufrj.brJosé R. M. de Sousajrenato@laceo.coppe.ufrj.brGilberto B.<p>The Monopile type foundation has been widely used by the offshore industry as an<br>economically and technically optimal choice for water depths from 20 to 40m. However, with the<br>current trend towards the installation of wind turbines with higher capacities and deeper waters, the<br>need for large diameters arises, which directly affects pile-soil interaction and dynamic structure<br>response. Common design procedures for laterally loaded piles are based on the p-y curves method<br>present in the API regulation. Such procedures were developed considering small diameter piles<br>subjected to low loading cycles. However, recent studies have questioned the applicability of the<br>traditional method for the design of the most modern monopiles, which have diameters between 6 and<br>8m, whose behavior tends to be rigid body and not a flexible foundation, as expected when using the<br>curves p-y. This work aims to analyze the behavior of the foundation of a wind turbine of 5MW under<br>horizontal load induced by wind, waves and currents taking into account the load x displacement curve<br>obtained from three dimensional models in finite elements. In the construction of the models, the<br>elastoplastic and non-linear behavior of the soil are considered. The obtained results are later<br>compared with those obtained by the traditional method of the p-y curves. It is expected to show that<br>for the monopiles analysis of wind towers, the p-y curves can be imprecise when representing the<br>behavior of the soil, presenting values of displacements and rotations at the top of the monopile<br>significantly different from the real displacements, making necessary a method that best represents the<br>behavior of these structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS OF VESSELS BERTHED AT DOLPHINS2024-07-18T09:25:42+00:00Arina van L. B. de Carvalhoarina.vlc@usp.brEduardo M. B. Campellocampello@usp.brKalil J.<p>Vessel mooring systems consist of mooring lines, fenders and a fixed (harborage) structure.<br>Their role is to ensure the operational safety of port terminals by restraining the vessel movements at<br>berth during loading and unloading operations. This work presents partial results of an on-going research<br>on the dynamic behavior of a vessel berthed at dolphins subjected to environmental oscillatory loadings.<br>It is a case study of a VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier) berthed at the Porto Central/ES, Brazil,<br>subjected to wind and current forces. At first, a simplified static analysis, used in structural design’s<br>current practice, is made to estimate the maximum loads in the mooring lines. Then, a nonlinear static<br>analysis with geometrical nonlinearities, caused by the slacking of the mooring lines and loss of contact<br>between the vessel and the fenders, as well as physical nonlinearity due to the fenders ́ stiffness and<br>buckling-column-type behavior, is performed. The analysis consists of balancing the resultant forces<br>and moments applied to vessel by the environment against the reaction forces exerted by the mooring<br>lines’ stretching and the fenders’ compression. As a result, we arrive at a system of nonlinear equations<br>as a function of the vessel ́s displacements, which are then solved by a fully consistent Newton's<br>numerical method. At last, the behavior of the mooring system with respect to the vessel’s displacements<br>is investigated in order to better understand the effects of the considered nonlinearities.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JACKET FOUNDATIONS FOR OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES2024-07-18T09:28:19+00:00Erica M. de Mendoncaerica.mendonca@coc.ufrj.brGilberto B. Ellwangergbe@laceo.coppe.ufrj.brJose R. M. de<p>The increasing use of wind energy comes from the need to ensure diversity and energy supply,<br>as well as the search for renewable energy sources, reducing the environmental impacts accentuated by<br>the use of fossil fuels. In this context, the worldwide trend in the development of technologies associated<br>with the production of wind energy has become more present in several countries. In Brazil, the first<br>wind turbines were installed in the northeast region, that suffers most from the critical levels of water<br>reservoirs and is well known for its great wind potential, which contributes to the success obtained in<br>the production of onshore wind farms. Aiming at the constant increase of the production of this type of<br>energy, the studies for offshore turbine installations have started. This work aims to study the installation<br>of wind turbines in a water depth of 40m using jackets as foundations. The natural frequencies and<br>stresses in a jacket structure used to support 5MW and 10MW wind turbines are evaluated. The analyses<br>were performed considering static and environmental loads of wind, wave and current. It was possible<br>to verify that the structural set related to the 10MW turbine has greater periods of vibration, besides<br>greater efforts, becoming necessary to adapt the jacket, as base enlargement. In addition, an adjustment<br>of structures geometries was also necessary in order to obtain greater cost-benefit.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMULATION OF BEAMS MANUFACTURED WITH ULTRA- HIGH PERFORMANCE FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE (UHPFRC)2024-07-18T09:31:09+00:00Rosangel Rojasrosangel.rojas@ufrgs.brJose R. Yepezjose.aguirre@ufrgs.brAmérico C.<p>The ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) is a new material that<br>exhibits strength values higher than 150 MPa and 18 MPa in compression and tension, respectively. Its<br>dense matrix minimizes pores and increases durability. The presence of fibers, increases the energy<br>absorption capacity, induces deformation hardening behavior in the post-cracking phase and prevents<br>fragile failure, when subjected to stress tensions. These properties place the UHPFRC among the most<br>advanced concrete technologies, enhancing their use in the construction or repair of bridges, high-rise<br>buildings and special structures such as nuclear facilities. The objective of this work is to numerically<br>model the behavior of beams subjected to bending stress, through a finite element analysis using<br>ANSYS. A total of thirteen beams were tested experimentally; these results are compared with the<br>numerical simulation. Steel fibers with an aspect ratio of 65 were used, in percentages of 1% and 2%.<br>In the simulation, 150.89 MPa is considered as the average value for the compressive strength,<br>obtained from experimental tests carried out on twenty specimens. The elastic modulus considered is<br>obtained from the behavior curve, by linear approximation between 5% and 80% of the peak<br>resistance, whose average value was 48 GPa. Additionally, fracture energy is measured, which<br>reached values of 16,26 kJ / m2 and 22,60 kJ / m2 for fiber percentages of 1% and 2% respectively.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF KNEE IMPLANTS MANUFACTURED BY FDM TECHNOLOGY2024-07-18T09:33:46+00:00Jayann Ismar Lira Almeidajayann.almeida@ufba.brRyanne Soares da Silvarianne.silva@hotmail.comThiago Dantas<p>Knee prostheses are used in knee replacement surgery in patients who have or develop some<br>type of disease in this joint. The prostheses currently on the market have the femoral component in a<br>metal body and have been used for many years. Problems of metallic implants such as patient sensitivity,<br>adaptation to existing models of prosthesis and cost of prosthesis are some of the factors that influenced<br>the study of non-metallic prosthesis materials. The finite element method will be applied in the study of<br>prostheses made in 3D by Fused Modeling Deposition (FDM) in ABS and PLA materials, and its<br>orthotropic nature will be evaluated. In order to achieve this objective, the prosthesis was modeled<br>graphically, in which the load and boundary conditions to simulate the activity of an individual walking<br>with the prosthesis were applied and the Tsai-Hill’ and Tsai-Wu’ failure theories for composite materials<br>were used to evaluate the functionality of this prosthesis. Thus, several results are obtained, such as<br>failure index and strain rate for these materials.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT METHOD APPLIED TO HIGHER-ORDER ZIG-ZAG THEORY FOR LAMINATED BEAMS2024-07-18T09:36:16+00:00Hilton M. S. Santanahiltonmarquess@gmail.comFabio C. da Rochafcrocha@ufs.brMaria S. M.<p>Due to the continuing importance of laminated materials in civil, naval, mechanical<br>and aerospace engineering, the development of structural analysis theories of laminated beams<br>has been an active area of research. The well-known classical theories of Euler-Bernoulli and<br>Timoshenko have limitations because they do not present a field of shear deformation or by the<br>incorrect consideration of such deformations, without respecting the nullity of the shear stress<br>in the edges of the beam. Thus, high-order theories have emerged to remedy the limitations of<br>classical theories, especially the Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) theories. In ESL theory, the<br>displacement function in the thickness coordinate are assumed to Class C1</p> <p>. This feature<br>provides a discontinuous shear stress field at the interfaces of adjacent layers with different<br>materials. In the 1980s, DiSciuva introduced a new class of laminated theories, where a zig-zag<br>function is added to the ESL theories to describe the displacement in the thickness coordinate.<br>This new theory allows the continuity of interlaminar tensions and a number of variables<br>independent of the number of layers of the beam. In this way, the present work seeks to present<br>the complete development of a finite element model of several ESL-Zig-Zag theories. Thus, a<br>unified displacement field will be used that allows the simultaneous development and<br>comparison of several refined theories found in the literature. After obtaining the governing<br>equations, the finite element model is constructed using the Lagrange and Hermite polynomial<br>functions. Finally, to show the good efficiency of the finite element model, numerical results<br>are shown and compared with the exact solution of the elasticity of Pagano (1970).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SOLUTION OF THERMAL STRESSES IN A COMPOSITE HOLLOW DISK UNDER STEEP TEMPERATURE2024-07-18T09:39:11+00:00Santiago H. de P. Macielpmaciel@ita.brMarcelo J. S. de<p>This work studies the effects of thermal stresses in composite disk during heating by imposing<br>high heat fluxes at the inner face. The medium is formed by layers of steel, cement and rock. Thermal<br>stresses are caused by distinct displacements in different layers. It is important to analyze the movements<br>of contraction and expansion of these layers in addiction to verify the tensions caused by temperature<br>difference. This configuration, or say, composite layers, is found in completed oil wells. These stresses<br>can induce fissures and failures that can let a movement of fluids from oil reservoir through them and<br>cause environmental problems in oceans and seas where oil is extracted. The numerical solution is based<br>on finite element method (FEM) applied by the commercial code ANSYS</p> <p>R which was employed in the<br>simulations. Materials of layers were assumed isotropic and no thermal resistance between them was<br>considered. Transient heat transfer was analyzed. The idea of this work is to investigate the interaction<br>between steel and cement because it configures a point of concern due to the fact that coefficients of<br>thermal expansion from these materials are different and there is a large probability of unwanted fissures.<br>Another point is to establish an optimal heat flux that does not allow a formation of fissures and empty<br>spaces between the layers that allow a flow of fluids from the oil field through them, especially at the<br>steel-cement interface.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY ON THE BEST CONVENTIONAL SHAPES FOR COMPOSITE REPAIR PATCHES2024-07-18T09:41:20+00:00Leonel Echerleonel.echer@ufrgs.brCarlos E. de Souzacarlos.souza@ufsm.brRogerio J.<p>Adhesively bonded repair patches are an excellent approach for repairing locally damaged</p> <p>composite components. If correctly applied, fiber reinforced patches may restore/increment the me-<br>chanical response of damaged laminates without significantly increasing the structure’s mass or altering</p> <p>its geometry. However, in order to take full advantage of this repairing technique, one must employ</p> <p>patches with a minimal surface area and maximum efficiency in incrementing the strength of the compo-<br>nent. The present work aims to study optimum-based patch shapes for conventional repair geometries,</p> <p>namely rectangular and elliptical. Shell Finite Elements models simulated a parent plate, a rectangular<br>flat laminate, with a central trespassing damage region. Unbalanced single-ply patches were modeled<br>on the upper surface of the damaged laminate. The patches efficiency was computed as its capability<br>in restoring the modal response of the repaired component to its undamaged configuration. Sequential<br>linear programming was employed alongside shell finite element models to obtain optimal geometrical<br>parameters for the patches shape. The study cases comported two different boundary conditions and two<br>stacking sequences. The optimum-based repair patches were defined regarding size and fiber orientation<br>angle.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Element Method applied to the single-layer equivalent theory for laminated beams2024-07-18T09:44:09+00:00Santana H. Mhiltonmarquess@gmail.comDa Rocha F. Cfcrocha@ufs.brKzam A. K.<p>Over the last decades, laminated beams have been widely used as a structural element in<br>several areas of knowledge, such as in civil, naval, mechanical and aeronautical engineering. Having<br>advanced the knowledge and development of composite materials, theoretical modeling to describe the<br>mechanical behavior of laminated beams has become of great importance. Among the various theories,<br>we have the refined (or high order) theories that have emerged to heal the limitations present in classical<br>theories. This limitation is represented by the failure to consider the shear strain field or by incorrect<br>consideration of such deformations, without respecting the nullity of the shear stress at the edges of the<br>beam. Thus, the present work seeks to present the development of a finite element model applied to the<br>Equivalent Layer (ESL) theories for laminated beams. Therefore, a unified displacement field will be<br>used that allows the simultaneous development and comparison of several refined theories found in the<br>literature. After obtaining the governing equations, the finite element model is constructed using the<br>Hermite and Lagrange polynomial functions. Finally, to show the good efficiency of the theories and<br>the finite element model, numerical results for static and dynamics analysis are shown and compared<br>with the exact solution of the elasticity.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF APPLICATION OF FINITE ELEMENT SEMI-EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE BEAMS SIMULATION PRESTRESSED2024-07-18T09:46:54+00:00Jordana F. Vieirajordanaferreirav@gmail.comRaul D. Durand Farfá<p>Computer modeling has become an increasingly integral part of the activities of<br>researchers and civil engineering professionals. To characterize a model that best represents a<br>material, one must consider the knowledge of their mechanical behavior. In this context, this<br>article aims to review the constitutive models that are being used to model prestressed concrete<br>structures and present a representation proposal for this type of structure based on the model<br>defined by Durand (2008). This method stems from an adaptation of two already consolidated<br>methods for this type of structure, the embedded method, and the discrete method and was<br>adopted as a semi-embedded method. It differs from the other methods, the reinforcing steel<br>shall be discretized in front of elements and, such as the conditions of contact cannot be<br>corrected in each node of elements. The final element of the bar is obtained after the<br>reinforcement and finite element discretization of the concrete, being necessary to obtain stress<br>and strain fields in the bars and together with the interface. Thus, from the model, it can be said<br>that the semi-supplied method proposed is more advantageous than other methods of literature,<br>since, from it, an example of analysis for concrete and reinforcement. Moreover, by simulating<br>the element with its reinforcement, it is understood that the simulated concrete structures are<br>approximated in a context closer to the real one.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MULTIOBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAMES USING RELIABILITY CONSTRAINTS2024-07-18T09:49:35+00:00Jacqueline C. M. do Nascimentojacqueline-cristine1@hotmail.comRenato S. Mottarenatodesiqueira@hotmail.comSilvana M. B.<p>In most structural engineering designs deterministic models are used with requirements<br>defined by standards, specifically, designs of reinforced concrete structures in Brazil are based on the<br>NBR 6118:2014. This standard recommends the use of safety coefficients, without the consideration<br>of the uncertainties associated to concrete structures designs. On the other hand, the Reliability-Based<br>Robust Design Optimization (RBRDO), that will be studied in this paper, is characterized by<br>optimization problems where the design uncertainties are treated statistically, allowing to measure the<br>level of structural reliability and performance variability. In this type of problem, some constraint<br>associated with the probability of failure is present in its formulation. The method to obtain the failure<br>probability in this work will be FORM (First Order Reliability Method). Robust optimization<br>problems aim to obtain a robust design, which in addition to a good performance, a low sensitivity to<br>uncertainties of the problem are intended. The robustness measures employed in this work are mean<br>and the standard deviation of functions of interest. This leads to a Robust Multiobjective Optimization<br>(RMO) problem, due to multiple objectives, which has several optimum solutions called Pareto points.<br>The main aim of the present research is to develop a computational tool to efficiently obtain robust<br>optimum pareto designs of reinforced concrete framed structures under uncertainties. Such optimum<br>pareto points will be found through Weighted Sums (WS), Min-Max e Normal Boundary Intersection<br>(NBI) methods that were implement in the Python language. In addition, it will be used pre-existing<br>in-house finite element libraries, which will be the method used for structural analysis. The reliability<br>and optimization public libraries, also in the same language, will be considered. The applications in<br>this work, is two 2D frames of reinforced concrete with one and three floors, with respectively 3 and<br>30 bars.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF A REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAM STRENGTHENED WITH CARBON FIBER2024-07-18T09:52:12+00:00Vinícius D'Agostini Pittarellovpittarello@hotmail.comFlávia Gelattiflaviagellati@univali.brAlverlando Silva<p>Concrete beams and strengthening design procedures are commonly specified in normative<br>codes, using simplified deterministic procedures. This prescriptive methodology has as a consequence<br>in practice in which structural safety is indeterminate, since the innumerable sources of uncertainty when<br>designing the project can result in significant deviations from reality. As an alternative, the safety of<br>these beams can be quantified through the application of structural reliability theory. The present work<br>analyzes safety of a reinforced concrete beam strengthened with carbon fiber. For this, the Monte Carlo<br>method is applied to determine the reliability index and probability of failure of the structural element.<br>The steel reinforcement design of the beam was performed according to NBR 6118 [1], and in sequence<br>a load increase analysis was conducted to justify the strengthening. The fiber strengthening was designed<br>according to two methods, the available in ACI 440.2R-17 [11] and in Machado [3]. In the specific ACI<br>method two set of material parameters were tested, the recommended on ACI 318-14 [2] and the<br>designated on NBR 6118 [1]. As a result of the analysis with both methods it was observed that in some<br>cases the reliability indexes were unanimously superior to the coefficients targeted. In the case of the<br>use of parameters of the Brazilian standard in the ACI 440.2R-17 [11] design methodology, there were<br>cases in which the same indexes were not satisfactory. Because the central verification in the ACI<br>440.2R-17 [11] design procedure is the steel tension, a different assumption in its yield limit changes<br>considerably the results and the probabilistic response.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BRIDGE FATIGUE RELIABILITY AND BRAZILIAN STRUCTURAL DESIGN ADEQUACY ASSESSMENT2024-07-18T09:55:03+00:00Daniel Higor Leite Brazdanielhlbraz@gmail.comFrancisco Evangelista Junior,<p>The fatigue ultimate limit state is one of the most important considerations in the bridges’<br>design. Sections’ geometric characteristics, material properties and traffic are influential factors<br>subjected to different levels of uncertainty. Hence, it is interesting to investigate the impact of their<br>variabilities in the fatigue reliability of the reinforcements, here defined for four isostatic reinforced<br>concrete (RC) bridges with two girders, through Monte Carlo simulations (MCS). It is also analyzed<br>how adequate is the typical design approach. The results show that the extrapolated traffic has greater<br>potential to penalize the reinforcements’ fatigue performance than the Brazilian standard design vehicle<br>TB-450. The importance of a more accurate technical control in the execution of bridges is highlighted,<br>since the geometrical and material variabilities also contribute to the penalizations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BASED PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE FOR CORRODED PIPELINES2024-07-18T09:57:34+00:00Paulo Fernando Silva Sousapaulofss92@gmail.comSilvana Maria Bastos Afonsosmb@ufpe.brRamiro Brito<p>Pipeline’s infrastructure grows every year, worldwide. Although pipelines are one of the<br>safest ways of transporting oil and gas, corrosion is a major concern in the petroleum industry. Due to<br>corrosive environment (underground or undersea), defects can be generated and increased through<br>time, reducing pipe’s resistance. In order to evaluate effectively pipeline’s integrity during its service<br>life, understanding uncertainties involved in corrosion is necessary; therefore, reliability assessment is<br>necessary. With reliability predictions, maintenances plans can be developed. Maintenance means that<br>a segment of pipe is excavated and the corrosion defects are “fixed”, which restores the pipeline<br>segment to its pristine condition, without defects. Whenever reliability coefficient falls to a predefined<br>threshold, maintenance takes place, this approach is called Reliability Based Preventive Maintenance<br>(RBPM), and it is used in this paper, according to industry’s practice. There are two main<br>contributions in this paper: first, a parametric study is conducted, using RBPM strategy, and the<br>parameters are 3 design variables: wall thickness of the pipe, type of steel used (tensile strength) and<br>also operation (internal) pressure, which is the load considered in all examples. In addition to that, the<br>second contribution is to evaluate how different ways of modeling growth of defects influence<br>maintenance planning; preliminary results indicate that the way of modeling growth can cause<br>significant changes in the reliability coefficient against time. The parameters will be considered as<br>random variables, with distributions, means and standard deviations considered as indicated in<br>literature. The internal pressure will be considered as a stochastic process.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF HYPERSTATIC REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS CONSIDERING THE SYSTEM RELIABILITY2024-07-18T10:02:06+00:00Lucas da Rosa Ribeirolucasribeiro@usp.brAndré Teófilo<p>Civil engineering structures are inevitably under uncertainties, constituted by multiple<br>components, and also subjected to several failure modes. Thus, the design could be made considering<br>the global system reliability, the correlation between failure modes, and also the correlation between the<br>failure of its components, defining where it is worth spending more or less material. Thereby, a system<br>component with little influence over the system reliability could be designed with less reliability, for<br>instance. However, regarding reinforced concrete structures, the current Brazilian normative that guides<br>its design presents very few techniques intending to avoid the progressive collapse. Moreover, it<br>stablishes that the structural system is obtained after the individual design of each of its structural<br>elements, without any consideration of the system reliability. Aiming to analyze the optimal designs of<br>usual structural systems, the Reliability Based Design Optimization (RBDO) is performed on a<br>hyperstatic beam of reinforced concrete while considering the system reliability as a constraint. Optimal<br>parameters are usual design variables, such as the height of the beam and the concrete compressive<br>strength. In order to better represent the physical and geometrical nonlinearities involved, a finite<br>element approach based on positions is used herein. The obtained optimal designs are compared to those<br>acquired by the semi probabilistic approach proposed by the current Brazilian normative. Results of a<br>preliminary example shows that the RBDO leads to a more economical results while maintaining the<br>desired target reliability.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 LIFE ESTIMATION USING FREQUENCY DOMAIN TECHNIQUE AND PROBABILISTIC LINEAR CUMULATIVE DAMAGE MODEL2024-07-18T10:04:28+00:00Vagner Pascualinotto Juniorvagnerpj@gmail.comDiego Felipe Sarzosa<p>Engineering structures are designed to withstand a variety of in service loading specific to<br>their intended application. Random vibration excitation is observed in most of the structural<br>component applications in the naval, aerospace and automotive industry. Likewise, fatigue life<br>estimation for such components is fundamental to verify the design robustness assuring structural<br>integrity throughout service. The linear damage accumulation model (Palmgren-Miner rule) is still</p> <p>largely used for damage assessment on fatigue estimations, even though, its limitations are well-<br>known. The fact that fatigue behavior of materials exposed to cyclic loading is a random phenomenon</p> <p>at any scale of description, at a specimen scale, for example, fatigue initiation sites, inclusions, defects<br>and trans-granular crack propagation are hardly predicted, indicates that a probabilistic<br>characterization of the material behavior is needed. In this work, the inherent uncertainties of the<br>fatigue life and fatigue strength of the material are characterized using the random fatigue limit (RFL)<br>statistic method, which incorporates the maximum likelihood estimation to produce probabilistic S-N<br>curves. Furthermore, a frequency domain technique is used to determine the response power spectrum<br>density (PSD) function of a structural component subjected to a random vibration profile excitation.<br>The fatigue life of the component is then estimated through a probabilistic linear damage cumulative<br>model, where not only the time to failure is predicted but also its variability. The methodology was<br>applied to a Titanium alloy structural component, exposed to a specific random excitation, where the<br>predicted life using the material percentile curves 5% and 95% has shown a significant variability<br>when compared to the common used percentile 50%. Thus, this characterization might be relevant for<br>the definition of material design curves.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE RELIABILITY OF COLD-FORMED STEEL MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO BENDING AND COMPRESSION USING THE FORM METHOD2024-07-18T10:06:41+00:00Fernanda Ferra Andrade Christie de Oliveira Capanemadenise_capanema@hotmail.comMarcílio Sousa da Rochaé Luis Riqueira Brandã<p>The structural reliability consists to the analysis of the probability of limit state violation for<br>a structural system during the useful life. This paper presents an analysis of reliability indexes for cold<br>formed members subjected to bending and to the axial compression force, designed according to the<br>Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 14762:2010 [1] and the North American standard AISI S100:2016 [2].<br>For this purpose, a database of experimental results of several authors was elaborated for the limit<br>states in question and the strengths were obtained for each model tested, using ABNT NBR<br>14762:2010 [1]. The model errors, relation between the theoretical and the experimental values, were<br>also evaluated, providing a statistical result, also called the professional coefficient. Then, it was<br>obtained the reliability index (β) as a function of the resistance factor (γ) based on the First Order<br>Reliability Method - FORM. The resistance factors were obtained to combinations of gravitational<br>loads of the North American and Brazilian standards, beyond the relations between the live and dead<br>loads, Ln/Dn, equals to 3 and 5. The results were compared to the target reliability index (β0) usually<br>employed in calibration of the main international standards and to the recommended values by<br>Brazilian and North American standards, considering the similarity between both specifications for the<br>limit states studied.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY INDEX BY STUDY OF HOT ROLLED STEEL BEAMS2024-07-18T10:10:03+00:00Juliana Araujo daé Luis Riqueira Brandã Batistaílio Sousa da Rocha<p>Reliability analysis is a used tool to measure a structure’s ability of perform safety and<br>serviceability requirements. Methods for reliability assessment have been developed based on using the<br>probability distribution functions of input random variables accounting for the uncertainties coming both<br>structural properties and external actions. In the present structural codes the safety verification is based<br>on a linear analysis of the structure and the satisfaction of ultimate and serviceability limit states, using<br>a semi-probabilistic security format through the consideration of resistance factor and load factors,<br>which affect the action values and the characteristic values of the material properties. This work presents<br>an investigation of the safety level of hot rolled steel I-beams dimensioned according to Brazilian<br>building code NBR 8800:2008. The study allows an interpretation of the reliability indexes calculated<br>for steel beams by the First-Order Reliability Method (FORM), when this reliability analysis is<br>compared with structural design results. In the analyzed beams, it is assumed that local buckling and<br>lateral-torsional buckling are not controlling limit states, i.e., the beam section is compact and laterally<br>supported along the length. The results of this study show the correspondence of the structural reliability<br>indices with the beams calculated by the standard.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Time-Variant Risk Optimization Problems using Two-Level Active Learning Kriging Approach2024-07-18T10:12:52+00:00H. M. Kroetzhenrique.kroetz@ufpr.brM. Moustaphamoustapha@ibk.baug.ethz.chA.T. Beckatbeck@sc.usp.brB.<p>Risk optimization is a general approach for structural optimization regarding uncertainties.<br>Different life-cycle costs are considered, including expected failure costs, whose calculation requires<br>the computation of failure probabilities. Although more comprehensive than concurrent approaches,<br>the literature about this topic is scarce. Time-dependency can be considered, broadening the scope of<br>the analysis, but further complicating the solution. In this work, a numerical framework for solving<br>time-dependent risk optimization problems is proposed. It consists in a Monte Carlo simulation based<br>approach, where two adaptive coupled metamodels are employed. In the first level, objective functions<br>are approximated, and in the second, the limit state functions related to the computation of the failure<br>probabilities. An iterative procedure is developed for selecting candidate points to each surrogate model’s<br>design of experiment. The accuracy and generality of the method is shown in an example including<br>system-reliability and load-path dependent failures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE STEEL-CONCRETE SLABS DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ABNT NBR 8800:20082024-07-18T10:16:05+00:00Gabriela R. Mouragabrielaribmoura@gmail.comEunice S.<p>This paper presents a study on the reliability of composite steel-concrete slabs designed<br>according to ABNT NBR 8800:2008 (Design of steel and composite structures for buildings) for<br>longitudinal shear failure mode. For the calculation of the shear resistance, according to m-k method,<br>results of bending tests were used. The probabilistic models of the random variables considered in the<br>analysis were found in the literature, except for the model error variable for longitudinal shear<br>resistance, which was determined from a base of experimental studies. The reliability indexes were<br>obtained through the Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) and the First Order Reliability Method (FORM),<br>implemented in MATLAB®, for several composite slabs configurations and combinations of actions.<br>In addition, the influence of geometric parameter variation on reliability was evaluated. Regarding the<br>partial safety factor for longitudinal shear, the ABNT NBR 8800:2008 recommends that it to be equal<br>to that determined by the specification used in the bending tests, so a comparison was made between<br>the safety levels recommended by EUROCODE 4 Part 1-1:2004 (Design of composite steel and<br>concrete structures) and CSSBI S2:2008 (Criteria for the testing of composite slabs).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE RELIABILITY OF FRICTION TUNED MASS DAMPERS USING STOCHASTIC GRADIENT METHODS2024-07-18T10:18:35+00:00Andre Gustavo Carlonagcarlon@gmail.comRafael Holdorf Lopezrafael.holdorf@ufsc.brLuis Espathespath@gmail.comLeandro Fleck Fadel Miguelleandro.miguel@ufsc.brAndre Teófilo Beck<p>We use an efficient stochastic optimization framework to optimize the design of friction tuned<br>mass dampers (FTMD). To deal with the uncertainties in the model, we use a reliability analysis based<br>on the out-crossing rate approach. We formulate the unbiased gradient estimator of the reliability index<br>with respect to the design parameters, a condition for the use of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and<br>its variations. We couple SGD with Nesterov’s acceleration, Polyak–Ruppert averaging, and a restart</p> <p>technique to evaluate their improvement on SGD efficiency for design optimization. To assess the per-<br>formance of the proposed stochastic optimization framework, we optimize the parameters of an FTMD</p> <p>in a steel frame building. Comparing the obtained results with the state-of-the-art in the literature, we<br>observe a reduction of up to an order of magnitude in cost to achieve a given accuracy. Given that an<br>unbiased estimator for the true gradient can be evaluated, stochastic gradient methods can efficiently<br>perform local search in design problems on the presence of uncertainties.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONSISTENCY IN UNCERTAINTY BASED DESIGN OPTIMIZATION2024-07-18T10:23:04+00:00Andre J. Torii<p>A previous work demonstrated that standard probabilistic robust optimization (that takes into<br>account a weighted sum of the expected value and the standard deviation) may become non-consistent<br>from the physical point of view, when too much weight is given to the standard deviation. If this occurs,<br>the optimum designs may have no meaning from the physical/engineering point of view. An alternative</p> <p>probabilistic robust optimization approach was then proposed, that is able to ensure physical consis-<br>tency of the problem a priori (i.e. before the optimization procedure is started). In this work, physical</p> <p>consistency of reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) and worst-case robust optimization is in-<br>vestigated. We show that the RBDO and the worst-case problems are consistent under milder conditions</p> <p>than standard probabilistic robust optimization. This indicates that RBDO and worst-case optimization<br>are inherently more consistent than probabilistic robust optimization, at least from the physical point of<br>view.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF CIRCULAR TUNNELS IN ELASTIC MEDIA BY USING THE BOUNDARY ELEMENT METHOD2024-07-18T10:25:27+00:00Luís Philipe Ribeiro Almeidaluis.almeida@ctec.ufal.brEduardo Toledo de Lima Juniorlimajunior@lccv.ufal.brJoão Carlos Cordeiro<p>Problems involving cavities or excavations are widely addressed in geomechanics, in both<br>analytical and numerical approaches. The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is well-known as an<br>interesting choice for the analysis of problems involving semi-infinite domains, providing accurate<br>results at a low computational cost. The study of circular tunnels is traditionally performed through a<br>deterministic approach, not considering the uncertainties inherent to the design variables. Since the<br>properties of geomaterials vary in a considerable range, the use of mean or characteristic values in the<br>deterministic methodology does not comprise the several combinations of critical random values (r.v.)<br>of the variables, for the different failure modes considered. This work deals with the probabilistic<br>analysis of circular tunnels embedded in elastic media, by coupling a BEM formulation to a structural<br>reliability model. Some of the loads applied and material parameters are treated as random variables,<br>whose statistical description is found in the literature. The loadings considered include the vertical<br>overburden stress and the lateral earth pressure. Regarding the reliability evaluation, First Order<br>Reliability Method (FORM) and Monte Carlo simulation technique are employed, being compared in<br>terms of accuracy. Regarding the BEM model, the Multiple Reciprocity Method (MRM) is used in the<br>evaluation of domain integrals, and the sub-region technique is employed for the analysis of the tunnel<br>lining. Some examples are presented, in order to validate the coupled BEM-FORM model and apply it<br>to the estimation of failure probability, evaluating the influence of the r.v. taken into account in the<br>probabilistic response.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 RELIABILITY OF A STEEL COLUMN UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS2024-07-18T10:29:15+00:00Lucas Araújo R. da Silvaaraujolucasrs@gmail.comAlverlando S. Ricardoalverlando.ricardo@hotmail.comFlávia<p>The structural projects are usually made in a deterministic way through normative codes that<br>do not consider directly the uncertainties associated to the problem. However, for exceptional cases such<br>as fire and earthquake conditions, the use of prescriptive methodologies may lead to projects with high<br>costs and indeterminate or unacceptable levels of safety. In this context, the application of the reliability<br>theory to structures under fire conditions arises as a better option than the deterministic methods<br>contained in the normative codes. The structural reliability analysis enables that the uncertainties<br>associated to each variable are considered, quantifying the safety level of the structure and giving the<br>engineer a better comprehension of the structural behavior under fire situation. The present study aims<br>to apply the structural reliability theory to a steel column under fire condition, analyzed by the ABNT<br>NBR 14323:2013. First, the basis of the application of this kind of analysis is stated. Then, the<br>methodology is applied through computer modules developed in Excel and MATLAB and the<br>probabilities of failure are determined as a function of time, temperature, and other variables involved<br>in the problem. Eventually, the results indicate that the deterministic design made according to the<br>Brazilian code does not lead to an acceptable safety level proving the importance of the reliability<br>analysis in the structural projects.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO ESTOCÁSTICA DA PROPAGAÇÃO DE TRINCAS EM TUBOS DO GERADOR DE VAPOR2024-07-18T10:32:19+00:00Alexandre S. Franciscoafrancisco@id.uff.brHeber R.<p>In pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants, the deterioration of steam generator tubes<br>has been both an economical and safety problems. The steam generator tubes are subjected to<br>deterioration mechanisms, such as stress corrosion cracking, which lead to structural failure by the<br>unstable crack growth. The crack growth rate can be estimated from inspection data. As the crack<br>growth rate by stress corrosion cracking is a phenomenom of highly random nature, a structural integrity<br>assessment in the steam generator tubes must be performed based on the failure probability along some<br>operational cycle. In this work, a stochastic model is applied for probabilistic assessment of the structural<br>integrity of the steam generator tubes. The proposed model is able to provide efficiently results of failure<br>probability more realistics. The results from this model are compared with others from Monte-Carlo<br>simulation and a non-evolutionary model.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONTROL FOR STEEL TUBULAR TOWERS OF HORIZONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINES2024-07-18T14:04:32+00:00Matheus Alves Pereiramatheus_alves1996@hotmail.comDouglas Mateus de Limadouglasortoedro@gmail.comPablo Aníbal López-Yá<p>This paper analyzes the effectiveness of three types of vibration control, namely, Tuned<br>Mass Damper (TMD), Active Mass Damper (AMD) and a Hybrid Mass Damper (HMD), applied to a<br>steel tubular tower, 120 m high, for an onshore Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). For this, the<br>tower was modeled using beam (own code) and shell and solid finite elements (via ANSYS). In all<br>cases, the insertion of the control device was idealized at the top of the tower. The theory proposed by<br>Den Hartog was used to determine the coefficients of the absorber and the Linear Quadratic Regulator<br>(LQR) was applied to obtain the optimal control variables introduced by the hydraulic actuators. It was<br>observed a reduction of the root mean square (r.m.s) of displacements of the top of the tower with<br>control in relation to the without control displacements, when subjected to a harmonic and resonant<br>action to the first mode of vibration of the uncontrolled structure: 67.78% for the TMD and 71.64%<br>for the AMD in a transient excitation; 93.87% for the TMD and 95.26% for the AMD in a permanent<br>excitation. In addition, the effective displacements (r.m.s) with the use of HMD were smaller<br>compared to the TMD results, presenting a reduction of 26.68% in the transient excitation and 39.46%<br>in the permanent excitation.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OTIMIZADO DOS PARÂMETROS DO AMORTECEDOR DE MASSA SINTONIZADO EM VIGAS METÁLICAS2024-07-18T14:15:39+00:00Lucas M. R. Menezeslucass.menezes@gmail.comFábio M. G. Ferreirafabio.ferreira@lccv.ufal.brEduardo N.<p>Problemas de vibrações em vigas não são incomuns; vigas metálicas que são utilizadas como<br>suporte de máquinas, por exemplo, estão sujeitas a vários tipos de ações dinâmicas simultâneas<br>provenientes das diversas máquinas em operação. Outro caso são as vigas que suportam os pisos de<br>academias, salões de festas e outros ambientes com grande movimento de pessoas que geram<br>acelerações no piso. As abordagens mais comumente empregadas para controle dessas vibrações<br>excessivas é o enrijecimento da estrutura, porém em muitos casos este tipo de abordagem é<br>inviabilizada por restrições arquitetônicas, estéticas ou relativa à própria capacidade da estrutura ao<br>sofrer o acréscimo de elementos estruturais pesados para o enrijecimento. Este trabalho é motivado em<br>desenvolver um amparo teórico para controlar vibrações com a utilização de sistemas mecânicos<br>acoplados às estruturas, especificamente em vigas metálicas, como uma solução alternativa à<br>resolução do problema de engenharia. Técnicas de otimização são utilizadas com o objetivo de obter<br>projetos com a melhor relação custo-benefício do atenuador. Dessa forma é realizada uma modelagem<br>numérica via implementações computacionais do problema de vibração e seu controle em vigas<br>metálicas. Os estudos realizados neste trabalho apontam a eficiência do atenuador com a inclusão de<br>uma pequena massa adicional, juntamente com especificação de molas e amortecedores. Um pequeno<br>acréscimo de massa (em torno de 4%) do atenuador leva a reduções consideráveis (acima de 55%) na<br>resposta dinâmica da estrutura. Com o emprego de técnicas de otimização é possível automatizar o<br>dimensionamento dos parâmetros do atenuador, podendo incluir critérios de eficiência quanto à faixa<br>de operação do mesmo.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF PARAMETERS OF TUNED MASS DAMPERS FOR USE IN TALL BUILDINGS SUBJECTED TO THE WIND ACTION2024-07-18T14:18:15+00:00Bibiana B. Rossatorossatobibi@gmail.comLetícia F. F.<p>This paper proposes a methodology to optimize the parameters of tuned mass dampers<br>(TMD’s) installed in a high-rise building subject to wind-induced vibration. The cost function is the<br>minimization of the maximum displacement at the top-floor of the building, while the design variables<br>are the spring stiffness and damping coefficients. The total mass of the TMD’s are assumed to be<br>between 2% to 10% of the total mass of the building. To carry out the proposed optimization, the<br>Search Group Algorithm (SGA) is employed. Several different scenarios are taken into account, such</p> <p>as: (i) a single TMD (STMD) installed at the top, (ii) multiple TMD’s (MTMD) positioned at the top-<br>floor and also (iii) MTMD installed on different stories of the building. The effectiveness of the</p> <p>proposed method to optimize the parameters of TMD’s in order to minimize the dynamic response of<br>the building is shown in each case. At the end of this paper, a comparison among the results is carried<br>out.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 IN VIBRATIONS FOR THE STEEL-CONCRETE COMPOSITE FLOORS: AN APPRAISAL FOR REVIEW OF ABNT NBR 8800:20082024-07-18T14:20:27+00:00João Vitor V. Freirejoao-vvf@hotmail.comAndré V. Soares Gomesandrevsg@hotmail.comAdenílcia Fernanda G. Calenzaniafcalenzani@hotmail.comJohann A.<p>Steel-concrete composite floors often have human comfort for excessive vibrations as the<br>most critical Service Limit State, in which vibration-sensitive floor systems must be designed so as to<br>avoid the unacceptable transient oscillations due to the walking of people or due to other sources.<br>According to ABNT NBR 8800:2008 [1], this limit state is designed by controlling the natural<br>frequency of the floor under service loads, keeping it above a certain threshold, generally from 3.0Hz<br>to 4.0Hz for the most common cases according to its Annex "L". The main objective of this article is<br>to propose a bibliographic review on the evaluation of comfort for floors, based on their dynamic<br>characteristics, such as natural frequency (f), modal mass (Mmod) and damping (D) to obtain speed<br>values (OS-RMS90) and acceleration (peak), when applying dynamic loads as predicted by Sedlacek<br>[2]. The object of study is a steel-concrete composite slab of a steel construction at the Federal<br>University of Espírito Santo (UFES, Brazil). After analytical calculations and numerical modeling<br>with dynamic loads, the floor is instrumented and kinematic results (velocity and acceleration) are<br>compared between model and experiment. By means of spectral analyzes of vibration energy, stiffness<br>gains by concrete ageing are observed for calibration of the model, accordingly to Ji Young Kim [3].<br>Finally, the answers of a questionnaire about comfort answered by the occupants are discussed and<br>compared with international publications to integrate new comfort thresholds and analysis<br>methodology in the new related chapter of ABNT NBR 8800:2008, currently under review.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONTROL USING THE STRUCTURAL COUPLING TECHNIQUE BETWEEN ADJACENT BUILDINGS WITH DIFFERENT CONTROL DEVICES2024-07-18T14:23:10+00:00Augusto S. Pippiaugustopippi@hotmail.comSuzana M. Avilaavilas@unb.brAndré M. de Almeidaandremurilo@unb.comGraciela<p>The use of structural control in vibration mitigation is becoming increasingly common in<br>buildings. Forces of nature such as wind and earthquakes show how buildings are vulnerable to their<br>actions. A control technique that is gaining space is the structural coupling. This technique consists of<br>connecting two adjacent structures using different control devices, so that control forces are exerted<br>from one structure on the other to reduce the dynamic response of each structure individually and the<br>coupled system. To study the efficiency of this technique, a system containing two adjacent structures<br>was used. The system was modeled as having two degrees of freedom and subjected to seismic action<br>of three earthquakes with different frequencies. In the first step of the analysis, a passive control device<br>was used. The device parameters were optimized through a particle swarm optimization algorithm. In<br>the second step, an actuator was used, an active control device, in which it was optimized by the Linear<br>Quadratic Regulator. Finally, in the last step, the two devices, passive and active, were used together,<br>composing an hybrid control. The results indicated the importance of the structure response in the<br>performance of each control device. The coupling technique proved effective in mitigating vibration<br>amplitude, with reductions of up to 80% in displacements and 85% in velocities and accelerations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONTROL ON CANTILEVER BEAM BY NEURAL NETWORK : OBJECTIVE FUNCTION2024-07-18T14:26:07+00:00Venicio Silva Araujoeng.venicio@gmail.comCayo Cespedes da Silvacayocespedes@hotmail.comHeinsten Frederich Leal dos<p>Piezoelectric materials have been extensively studied in recent years for the development of<br>electromechanical harvesting devices. Usually connected to a structure, these kinds of materials convert<br>kinetic energy into electric energy, and your electronic parameters interact directly to the vibrations of<br>the system they are coupled on. Therefore, this work aims at comparing the use of genetic algorithms and<br>artificial neural network techniques in the implement of shunt control in a structural set of a cantilever<br>beam coupled to a piezoelectric layer in the piezo-beam configuration. For the architecture of the genetic<br>algorithm and the neural network, was used a software with finite element model implemented and<br>the comparisons were made analyzing the computational demand of the algorithms and their respective<br>responses when both of them were defined on the task of finding the best combination between the<br>parameters of resistance and inductance of the piezoelectric patch that result in the best damping to the<br>structure. The comparison between the techniques had a focus on the use of the objective function of<br>the system by them, parameter used as a metric to gauge the aggregate computational demand, and the<br>damping provided with the respective configurations suggested by the two techniques. The results show<br>that the neural network after training completes your execution in order of 102 seconds, much faster<br>than the genetic algorithm, presenting a response with an average gain in damping of 23,24dB, but, even<br>though faster, this technique demands much more iterations than the genetic algorithm, due to its nature<br>of parallel computations, and additional care for the input data, that need a pre-processing not seen in the<br>genetic algorithm technique.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF VIBRATION CONTROL USING TLCDS AND PERFORMED BY THE SOFTWARE DYNAPY IN A VISUAL WAY2024-07-18T14:28:48+00:00Lucas B. Ghedinilbghedini@gmail.comMario R. Freitasmariofreitas.enc@gmail.comLineu J.<p>The problem of scarce construction area in highly populated cities of the world has led to<br>the use of tall buildings in the modern era. They provide a way to allocate more space for homes and<br>the commerce, increasing density in major cities. However, this type of structure is more susceptible to<br>vibration problems caused by winds and earthquakes. Tall building designers need to address this<br>liability carefully, since even small vibrations can cause extreme nuisance and discomfort to the<br>inhabitants of the building. One way to reduce the vibrations in a building is to use damper<br>mechanisms, such as a Tuned Liquid Column Damper (TLCD). This damper is a passive device that<br>works by absorbing a portion of the building’s oscillation energy, thanks to the relative movement<br>between them. The energy is mainly dissipated due to local pressure losses, such as the ones that occur<br>when a fluid is forced to pass through orifices. The effectiveness of a damper in a dynamically excited<br>structure can be computed by comparing its undamped response to the dampened response. In order to<br>obtain these responses, a numerical study of shear buildings equipped with TLCDs is done using<br>DynaPy, an open source software developed in the Python programming language. New features have<br>been incorporated into DynaPy, allowing the user to visualize and better understand the steps<br>performed by the program to obtain the dynamic response of the system.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A LOW-COST PROTOTYPE FOR PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE APPLICATIONS BY VIBRATION ANALYSIS2024-07-18T14:31:52+00:00Gabriel S. Vieiragabrielsv063@gmail.comRichardônio A.<p>Rotary machines typically have vibrations which, due to deterioration and lack of proper<br>maintenance, cause equipment failure. Predictive maintenance by vibration analysis has the task of<br>evaluating the operating conditions from global root mean square (RMS) velocity measurements,<br>comparing them with standards established by technical norms. It is possible to define the causes of<br>vibrations from the frequencies. Characteristics observed in the frequency spectrum. Nowadays the<br>conventional equipment used for these analyzes has a high cost and often have a very complex user<br>interface. In this context, this work proposes the development of a low-cost instrument for vibration<br>analysis, as this is the main barrier to the application of this technique. The prototype should be able to<br>acquire system acceleration from this data, calculate instantaneous speeds and RMS speed within a fixed<br>time frame, the latter being sent to an online server allowing the evolution of vibration severity to be<br>monitored remotely. By the user. The data obtained will be recorded on a micro SD card so that you can<br>perform more detailed analyzes with a computer, such as frequency domain spectrum analyzes. To assist<br>in the analysis, a software with an interactive interface capable of importing the data from the generated<br>text files, performing the fast Fourier transform (FFT) and plotting the graph for analysis was developed.<br>For validation of vibration analysis, an Agilent® benchtop analyzer was used. In the calibration tests<br>with the commercial model, the low-cost prototype was able to identify the defects, unbalances and<br>misalignments, provided in a rotary system, compared to the Agilent® analyzer. RMS acceleration and<br>25% for speed. Even with the errors obtained in the measurements, the developed prototype proved to<br>be effective for the application of low-cost predictive maintenance, since besides being able to identify<br>the defects in the rotating systems, it can remotely follow the evolution of the vibration severity.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF TLCD-MAIN STRUCTURE COUPLED SYSTEM SUBJECT TO ARBITRARY STOCHASTIC EXCITATION2024-07-18T14:34:36+00:00Juliano F. Martinsjuliano.martins@hotmail.comMarcus V. G. de Moraismvmorais@unb.brSuzana M.<p>The vibration levels in slender structures, such as walkways, bridges, high towers, and wind<br>turbines, are receiving more importance with free span increase. To preserve the structure lifespan, it is<br>necessary to study additional mechanical devices capable of reducing the vibrational level of the main<br>structure. Tuned Liquid Column Damper (TLCD) is a kind of passive absorber composed by a U-shaped<br>tube filled with liquid, commonly, water. This study performs a parametric optimization using response<br>maps to obtain TLCD optimum parameters to several arbitrary stochastic excitation. First of all, the<br>optimum parameters of TLCD coupled to the main structure using response maps were compared to<br>the analytical solution. Finally, the same procedure was reproduced to obtain an optimal parameter for<br>other arbitrary stochastic excitation. The result obtained show a reasonable accuracy compared to the<br>analytical solution. With this validation performed, we obtain the optimum values for Kaimal wind<br>spectrum.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF A SEMI-ACTIVE FRICTION-TYPE SEISMIC PROTECTION SYSTEMS IN THE SEISMIC RESPONSE OF PALANAR REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME2024-07-18T14:37:11+00:00Gomez-Martínez A. J.<p>The use of semi-active control devices to protect building from the occurrence of earthquakes have<br>received focused attention in the last decades as these systems combine characteristics from passive and<br>active control devices. The determination of the optimal parameters of a semi-active system, including<br>the number and position of the devices, depends on the characteristics of the protection system, the main<br>structural configuration and the seismic hazard. This research deals with the assessment of the influence<br>in the seismic response of planar reinforced concrete (PRC) frames of equipping it with proposed<br>friction-type semi-active dampers. The device is of variable damping, which has a passive reaction while<br>the ranges of displacements do not exceed the imposed limit to generate the operation of the active part<br>of the device. The active part has a function is used that allows to generate different frictional forces in<br>the device that depend on the displacements of the structure due to the earthquake. The function has a<br>minimum and maximum force that is exclusive of the capacity of the friction device. The assessment<br>criteria correspond to the number, position and properties of the devices. The state space formulation<br>for a shear-building configuration including semi-active dampers is reported and implemented in<br>Matlab. Six PRC frames are subjected to the ten earthquake signals corresponding to the seismic hazard<br>of Bucaramanga (Colombia).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO TEÓRICO EXPERIMENTAL DA RESPOSTA DINÂMICA DE UM SISTEMA DE UM GRAU DE LIBERDADE COM E SEM ABSORVEDOR DINÂMICO DE VIBRAÇÃO2024-07-18T14:40:18+00:00Fabiana da Rosa Sufiattifabisufiatti@hotmail.comJanicely Fatima Stressersjanicely@gmail.comPaulo Rogerio<p>The constant progress of the civil construction provided by the increase of the resistance of<br>materials and control of executive methods, has been designed and built increasingly slender structures<br>and winning greater spans. However, these structures are more subject to vibrations and have a smaller<br>capacity to dissipate energy. Therefore, it is necessary for a study to characterize mathematically<br>external dynamic actions, analyzing the consequences of the fluctuations, for an assertive sizing of the<br>components and connections of the structure. A technique developed to control unwanted vibrations is<br>the use of Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD’s), which can be of type mass spring or pendulum type. In this<br>study, comparison between experimental data and theorical calculations will be made for one degree of<br>freedom system formed by a rod pivoted at one end and supported by a spring at another end. From the<br>dynamic characteristics of the system, a TMD will be fixed to the structure for vibration control. The<br>results demonstrated that the TMD controlled the vibration of the resonance system.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SIMPLIFIED NUMERICAL APPROACH TO EVALUATION OF RESIDUAL SHAFT FRICTION IN DRILLED SHAFTS2024-07-18T14:42:53+00:00Augusto Bopsin Borgesaugusto.borges@ufrgs.brRenato Vaz Linnrenato.linn@ufrgs.brFernando Schnaidfernando@ufrgs.brSamir<p>Interpretation procedures of load-tests on instrumented piles rely conventionally upon mea-<br>surements of strains assuming the instant immediately before starting the test as reference configuration</p> <p>for strains measures. Some experimental evidence shows that concrete in drilled shafts undergoes strains<br>induced by the curing process comparable in magnitude to the strains measured during the load-tests. It<br>is therefore expected that mobilization of shaft friction takes place before the load-test. Several authors</p> <p>have performed experimental and numerical analyses aiming to quantify the influence of those pre-load-<br>test concrete volumetric strains on the measured bearing capacity using different approaches. The present</p> <p>work aimed to establish a reference framework for the existing and future works on this topic. In order to<br>assess the influence of concrete strains induced by curing process on the shaft friction before the start of<br>the load-tests in drilled shafts, several finite element numerical simulations are performed, considering<br>the thermal, autogenous and drying strains. The analyses consider concrete as an isotropic linear-elastic<br>material and the soil as an elastic-plastic material using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model natively</p> <p>implemented in the software ABAQUS. The results are interpreted focusing on the relevancy on the bear-<br>ing capacity and load distribution along drilled shafts considering or not the strains induced by concrete</p> <p>curing.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THE POROMECHANICAL MODELLING AND INTERPRETATION OF FIELD VANE TEST2024-07-18T14:46:27+00:00Mateus Forceliniforcelini.mateus@gmail.comSamir Maghoussamir.maghous@ufrgs.brGracieli Dienstmanng.dienstmann@gmail.comFelipe Schaedler de Almeidafelipe.almeida@ufrgs.brFernando<p>The field vane test is probably the most used apparatus for evaluation of undrained shear<br>strength of clay deposits. Although being designed for low permeability soils, its application in<br>intermediate permeability materials can also be found in geotechnical investigation practice. Since the<br>standard rate of shearing may not ensure undrained conditions in those cases, attention must be paid to<br>partial drainage effects in the soil surrounding the vane, leading to an increase in the soil resistance<br>and an erroneous estimation of the undrained strength. This paper aims to investigate the drainage<br>effects by means of a nonlinear poroelastic model, conceived to capture the transient flow effects in<br>the medium surrounding a rotating cylinder, which can be viewed as a simplified conceptual model for<br>the vane geometry. The model relies on a nonlinear poroelastic stress-strain analysis addressed by the<br>Biot’s poroelasticity framework, where closed-form expressions for pore pressure distribution were<br>derived while stress and displacements are computed numerically through a finite difference scheme.<br>The nonlinear poroelastic model is briefly presented and validated through experimental results in low<br>permeability soils. A parametrical analysis is then conducted to evaluate the response of theoretical<br>materials varying strength, stiffness and influence radius size. Finally, the numerical model is applied<br>to the interpretation of experimental data in zinc mining tailings, viewed as intermediate permeability<br>materials. It has been shown that the proposed poroelastic model is a good tool in evaluating the<br>drainage effects in vane tests, allowing for the identification of test patterns that ensures the desired<br>drainage behavior.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT SIMULATION OF THE EXCAVATION-INDUCED DEFORMATION IN TUNNELS DRIVEN IN POROELASTIC MEDIA2024-07-18T14:49:46+00:00Evandro Pandia Cayroevandro.pandia@ufrgs.brSamir Maghoussamir.maghous@ufrgs.brDenise Bernaud<p>The present paper deals with the formulation of a constitutive and computational model for<br>the analysis of the deformations induced by the excavation of a tunnel in a saturated poroelastic medium.<br>The finite element implementation relies upon the discretization of weak forms of local momentum and<br>fluid mass balance equations in the context of infinitesimal skeleton strains. The simulations of the steps<br>of excavation as well as placement of the concrete lining are modeled by the method of<br>activating/deactivating elements. The accuracy of the finite element approach is assessed by comparison<br>with available analytical and semi-analytical solutions developed for a circular tunnel driven in a<br>poroelastic medium. The numerical simulations notably show that the strain and stress fields developed<br>around the tunnel will depend on the depth, cross-section geometry, surface load distribution, soil<br>poroelastic properties, permeability coefficient and soil porosity. They also allow for the calculation of<br>seepage forces due to pressure gradient induced by excavation and acting on the tunnel wall and tunnel<br>face.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ELASTOPLASTIC- VISCOPLASTIC CONSTITUTIVE LAW FOR TUNNELS2024-07-18T14:52:21+00:00Felipe Pinto da Motta Quevedomotta.quevedo@ufrgs.brDenise Bernauddenise.bernaud@ufrgs.brSamir<p>The paper presents an efficient numerical integration scheme for coupled elastoplasticity-<br>viscoplasticity constitutive behavior with internal-state variables standing for irreversible processes. In</p> <p>most quasi-static structural analyses, the solution to boundary value problems involving materials that<br>exhibit time-dependent constitutive behavior proceeds from the equations integration handled at two<br>distinct levels. On the one hand, the first or local level refers to the numerical integration at each<br>Gaussian point of the rate constitutive stress/strain relationships. For a given strain increment, the<br>procedure of local integration is iterated for stresses and associated internal variables until convergence<br>of the algorithm. On the other hand, the second or global level is related to structure equilibrium between<br>internal and external forces achieved by the Newton-Raphson iterative scheme. A review of the<br>elastoplastic and viscoplastic model will be shown, following the coupling between these models.<br>Particular emphasis is given in this contribution to address the first level integration procedure, also</p> <p>referred to as algorithm for stress and internal variable update, considering a general elastoplastic-<br>viscoplastic constitutive behavior. The formulation is described for semi-implicit Euler schemes. The</p> <p>efficacy of the numerical formulation is assessed by comparison with analytical solution derived for<br>deep tunnel in coupled elastoplasticity-viscoplasticity.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELASTOPLASTIC-VISCOPLASTIC SOLUTIONS FOR COMPACTION PROCESS IN SEDIMENTARY BASINS2024-07-18T19:02:35+00:00Paulo Sérgio Baumbach Lemospaulobaumbach@hotmail.comAndré Brüchandre.reinert-bruch@ifpen.frSamir<p>Simulation of sedimentary basins is a complex multidisciplinary problem that involves<br>geological, chemical and mechanical aspects. The potential applications are important in geoscience<br>and petroleum engineering, including exploration, reserves assessment and production activities. In<br>this context, basin simulators that implement numerical models are used to reconstruct its mechanical</p> <p>state over geological time in order to optimize exploration processes. This work presents semi-<br>analytical reference solutions in elastoplasticity-viscoplasticity to describe the compaction history of</p> <p>sedimentary basins in the context of finite irreversible transformations, which are useful for the<br>verification of numerical simulators. A finite element based modelling specifically devised for dealing<br>with basin simulation has been used for comparison purposes. The numerical responses were<br>favorably compared to the developed solutions, thus providing preliminary verification for the finite<br>element tool.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE INTERACTION OF CONCRETE WALLS WITH THE FOUNDATION STRUCTURE2024-07-18T19:05:07+00:00Lucas Barbosa Moraeslucasbarbosa_eng@outlook.comThiago Bomjardim Portothiago.porto@cefetmg.brThiago Pena Bortonethiago.bortone@cefetmg.brAntônio Ribeiro de Oliveira<p>This paper presents a study of the factors that influence the mechanism of soil-structure<br>interaction in a pilot building in concrete walls and their impact on their performance. Initially, a<br>research was made on the concrete walls structural system, following a brief bibliographical review on<br>the fundamental concepts for the study of the soil-structure interaction (SSI), such as: constitutive soil<br>models, discrete models for soil representation, soil properties, stress analysis and allowable stress,<br>among others. To illustrate the studies carried out, a numerical modeling of a four-floor concrete wall<br>pilot building was performed, subjected to vertical actions, supported by slab foundation, using the<br>Finite Element Method (FEM), using specific 3D software for analysis and structural dimensioning in<br>reinforced concrete. For the consideration of the geotechnical and structural system (foundation<br>structure), the discrete spring model (Winkler model) coupled to the superstructure was used and the<br>slab foundation thickness was varied by 16 cm (model 1), 25 cm (model 2) and 40 cm (model 3). The<br>local geotechnical formation was represented by a soft clay (SPT = 5) from the Belo Horizonte<br>Metropolitan Region, Brazil. The influential factors of the SSI analyzed in this research were: relative<br>rigidity ground structure, uniformity of the requesting stresses, repression in the building and<br>reinforcement rates found. For a better visualization of the influence of these various factors, an analysis<br>was made of the distribution of normal stresses and stresses at the base of the walls of this building, in<br>the form of graphs. Finally, it was concluded that the change in Slab Foundation, stiffness influences<br>the distribution of stresses and stresses in the foundation, with a tendency to uniformity as the slab<br>foundation thickness increases. However, this relationship is not linear.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DO COMPORTAMENTO DE FUNDAÇÕES RASAS FRENTE À GÊNESE DE UM SINKHOLE2024-07-18T19:08:04+00:00Rayane C. R. S Mattosrayane_crs@outlook.comNayara T. Belfortntbelfort@gmail.comIgor F.<p>Sinkholes are depressions on Earth's surface due to underground cavities collapse, and they<br>are commonly found in karstic fields in which soil is susceptible to erosion and leaching, because, both<br>erosion and leaching can create tunnels and galleries in carbonatic soil due to dissolution process. By<br>this sense, unstable caves can be formed below structures or infrastructures, and it can cause economic<br>losses and generate dangerous situations for human beings, as these caves can collapse, plus lead field<br>deformations of about 5 cm/year. Following this motivation, the present work aims to present the<br>influence of a construction with vertical stress equivalent to 15 MPa over a shallow foundation on a<br>karstic field through numerical modeling. In the first scenario, the structure is represented by a<br>distributed equivalent load, simulating a raft foundation, and in the second scenario, the structure is<br>represented by equivalent load distributed by strip footings. By analyzing the numerical modeling, it<br>was possible to evaluate the influence of both hallow foundations on the behavior of the field, which<br>allowed to verify that on the surface the footing scenario presented subsidence higher than 1.21 meter,<br>approximately 3 times the subsidence of the raft scenario, 0.37 m. It was also observed that shear zones<br>near karst and construction were more intense in the second scenario. In this way, this work alerts to<br>careful evaluation of cave stability and buildings safety in karstic environments.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY USING DISCRETE ELEMENT METHOD FOR STRESS-STRAIN RESPONSE OF GEOMATERIALS2024-07-18T19:10:45+00:00Luiz Carlos Facundo<p>Relevant geomaterials, like soils, concretes or rocks, exhibit similar constitutive response<br>when considering their yield strength dependencies or dilatancy processes. The continuous description<br>of these geomaterials encounters limitations when large-scale slip and opening of a large amount of<br>fractures. Discrete-based methods represent the material as an assemblage of independent elements<br>interacting with one another and can be reproduce the discrete nature of the discontinuities, which are<br>represented as the boundary of each element. In this case, for each particle, the interaction law is used<br>in conjunction with the momentum balance principle so as to specify a set of governing equations to<br>describe its interactions and motion. By solving these equations, we obtain the final state of rest of<br>these particles. The constitutive stress-strain response is obtained in an uniaxial compression<br>experiment were a sample of geomaterial is slowly compressed by a piston until failure occurs. The<br>peak stress at which failure of the sample occurs is known as Unconfined Compressive Strength<br>(UCS). This work studies these responses in geomaterials samples using Discrete Element Method<br>(DEM). In our numeric simulation, a set of particles is placed between two piston walls which are<br>compressed at constant speed. Then, we monitor the position and forces for construct a curve by each<br>sample. Interactions incorporate translational and rotational degrees of freedom to rotate relative to<br>each other when in frictional contact. Analytical relationship between the microphysical parameters<br>and the macroscopic properties can be obtained by conducting a series of computational simulations to<br>tune the microphysical parameters until desired macroscopic properties. To simulate elastic-brittle<br>failure of material, a Mohr-Coulomb criterion is employed. These data are used to measure some<br>elastic properties of the particle model such as Young’s modulus, wall forces, broken bond and the<br>UCS himself. Results shows that possible obtain significant values for different geomaterials such as<br>some specific concretes and rocks.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 THRUSTS AND SETTLEMENTS ON A GRANULAR SOIL RETAINED BY A SEMI-INTEGRAL ABUTMENT UNDERGOING CYCLIC LATERAL DISPLACEMENTS WITH DIFFERENT AMPLITUDES2024-07-18T19:13:40+00:00Pedro H. dos S. Silvaeng.phsilva@outlook.comYuri D. J. Costaydjcosta@ct.ufrn.brJorge G. Zornbergzornberg@mail.utexas.eduCarina M. L.<p>Semi-integral abutment bridges are constructed without thermal expansion joints and the<br>superstructure-abutment system is not integrally connected to the substructure. In view of this peculiar<br>characteristics, the abutment undergoes combined movements of translation and rotation due to<br>expansion and contraction of the superstructure caused by temperature variations. Such behavior can<br>increase of lateral thrusts and vertical displacements in the soil close to the abutment. Therefore, this<br>work analyzed lateral thrusts and settlements on a granular soil retained by a semi-integral abutment<br>undergoing cyclic lateral displacements with different amplitudes. A finite element model was</p> <p>developed and calibrated based on field data collected from an instrumented and monitored semi-<br>integral abutment. The soil stress-strain behavior was represented by a hyperbolic constitutive model</p> <p>and the abutment lateral displacements were given by prescribed horizontal displacements. Predictions<br>with the elaborated numerical model were found to produce a good match with the field data. After<br>validation, numerical simulations with displacement amplitudes of ± 5 mm and ± 10 mm were carried<br>out. The passive lateral thrust increased with the lateral displacement amplitude, while the active<br>lateral thrust remained virtually the same in both amplitudes. The settlements, heaves and the<br>disturbance zone within the backfill soil behind the abutment increased with the lateral displacement<br>amplitude.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 RESPONSE OF LARGE-SCALE PILE GROUPS UNDER SEISMIC EXCITATION2024-07-18T19:17:00+00:00Ana C. A. Vasconcelosa209494@dac.unicamp.brJosue<p>Models of the dynamic response of embedded pile groups are fundamental for our under-<br>standing of their interaction with the surface structure. This understanding is especially important when</p> <p>the surface structure has particularly strict vibration requirements, such as particle accelerators, nuclear<br>powerplants, and concert halls. This work presents an implementation of the impedance matrix method<br>for the vibration of pile groups. Especial attention is given to the case of large-scale pile groups, due<br>to our goal of modeling and understanding the response of the foundations of a large synchrotron-light<br>source. The impedance matrix method comprises deriving the flexibility matrix of each layer of soil and<br>of discretized segments along the body of the pile, and obtaining the impedance matrix of the pile-soil<br>system by establishing direct kinematic compatibility and equilibrium conditions at their interface. The<br>soil part is modeled as a isotropic, three dimensional half-space, the solution of which is obtained by the<br>superposition of classical Green’s functions for such medium. The piles are modeled as one-dimensional<br>finite beam elements. Vertically-propagating time-harmonic shear seismic waves are incorporated as</p> <p>excitation sources. The paper presents strategies to deal with the high computational cost of such large-<br>scale models involving the integration of Green’s functions for soil media. The response of different</p> <p>constitutive and geometric parameters of the embedded pile group and layered soils are highlighted in<br>the response of the system to such excitations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE UMA FERRAMENTA EM AMBIENTE EXCEL PARA DIMENSIONAMENTO E OTIMIZAÇÃO DE FUNDAÇÕES SUPERFICIAIS E PROFUNDAS2024-07-18T19:18:58+00:00Gabriela Maria Silvaílio Assunção Marçal de Araú Lourrany Barreto<p>In the engineering, the realization of various activities count with the support of<br>computational tools due to the demanded time and complexity. Considering the ease of access to<br>Microsoft Excel Software, your disponible resources and simplified interface, it is shown as an<br>efficient alternative for the development of those tools. Given the great alterability of the soil where is<br>situated the foundation, the great challenge in the execution of projects is to ally safety and economy,<br>optimizing costs and procedures. Thus, the present article has as objective the development of a tool in<br>the Excel ambience to size and optimize deep and superficial foundations. The sizing is based on the<br>Terzaghi method (1943) for the superficial foundations and in the Aoki-Velloso method (1975) for the<br>deep foundations. Utilizing the VBA UserForms resource, for development in a practice way the<br>graphic interface. The validation of the tool is verified from the results obtained by this one, for<br>questions presents in base bibliography and in conformity with the vigent standards, showing as a free<br>efficient alternative both profissional as well pedagogically.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION METHODS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF LATERALLY LOADED PILE FOUNDATIONS2024-07-18T19:21:21+00:00Vinícius M. Spricigovinicius.spricigo@usp.brMaria L. R. Mineiromarialuisamineiro@usp.brLudmily S. Pereiraludmily.pereira@usp.brEduardo M. B. Campellocampello@usp.brPedro W. G. N.<p>When foundations are subjected to significant horizontal loads, as in bridges or offshore<br>structures, a more in-depth research of the soil-structure interaction is of utmost importance. Different<br>methods are given to carry out such study, among which the Winkler spring models and continuum<br>models stand out. This work addresses these methods for the analysis of laterally loaded piles inserted<br>in clayey and sandy soil. For the discrete spring models, both linear springs with a plasticity criterion<br>and nonlinear springs defined by given p-y curves are adopted. For the continuum model, the soil<br>plasticity is described by a Mohr-Coulomb criterion within a finite element method (FEM) approach.<br>As results, the horizontal displacements of the pile-soil sets are taken and a constant of horizontal<br>subgrade reaction is estimated, which are compared to results from load tests performed in Brazilian<br>soils of Campinas-SP and Ilha Solteira-SP. In general, displacements obtained by the analysis methods<br>were higher than the load tests in the initial elastic part and became smaller at a final yielding phase.<br>The analysis points to the importance of considering concrete as an elastoplastic material and of<br>precisely defining the Young’s modulus of concrete and the initial stiffness of the superficial soil.<br>Among the analysis methods, the linear spring model stands out for its satisfactory results and<br>simplicity, in terms of appliance and input data. On the other hand, the nonlinear spring and<br>continuum methods require specific geotechnical tools, but already contemplate iterative load<br>application, which facilitates the account of concrete’s nonlinearity.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 EFFECT OF FRACTURE TREATMENT PARAMETERS ON DIAGNOSTIC FRACTURE INJECTION TESTS (DFIT)2024-07-18T19:24:54+00:00Renan Marks de Oliveira Pereirarenanmarks@tecgraf.puc-rio.brEleazar Cristian Mejia Sanchezcrisms@tecgraf.puc-rio.brDeane<p>In-situ stresses and permeability of the rock media has a significant role in predicting the<br>production rate of oil and gas reservoirs. Hydraulic fracturing is a widely used technique to increase the<br>rock formation permeability in oil and gas reservoirs. The diagnostic fracture injection test (DFIT) is a<br>commonly used and reliable technique executed prior to a hydraulic fracture stimulation process. Its<br>main objective is to break a small fracture in the rock formation around the wellbore, in order to evaluate<br>the closure of the fracture system. This test provides the parameters necessary for hydraulic fracturing<br>planning, such as minimum horizontal stress, fracture closure pressure, fracture gradient, fluid leak-off<br>coefficient, fluid efficiency, and formation permeability. These parameters play an important role in<br>determining the operation window for stability and planning of secondary recovery operations. This<br>work presents the numerical simulation of a DFIT in a carbonate reservoir of a Brazilian oil field.<br>Coupled hydro-mechanical continuum elements and coupled cohesive interface elements represent the<br>porous media and the hydraulic fracture in the numerical model, respectively. This paper aims at<br>investigating the effect of fracture treatment parameters on the hydraulic fracture geometry before- and<br>after-closure response of the DFIT. The methodology reproduces numerically all stages of a DFIT.<br>Therefore, the comparison of the measured bottom-hole pressure and those obtained numerically show<br>good agreement. The right combination of minimum in-situ stress and permeability estimation was<br>essential to obtain a good closure response after shut-in.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BEHAVIOR MODELLING USING CPTU DATA AND NEURAL NETWORKS FOR OFFSHORE OIL WELL DESIGN2024-07-18T19:27:16+00:00Aline Viana Estevesalineesteves@lccv.ufal.brChristiano A. F. Varady Filhochristiano_varady@lccv.ufal.brEduardo T. Lima Juniorlimajunior@lccv.ufal.brJoao Paulo L. Santos jpls@lccv.ufal.brRafael<p>Piezocone Penetration Test (CPTu) is widely used in Petroleum Engineering for soil profiling<br>and estimation of soil parameters (undrained shear strength, submerged weight), which are essential<br>geotechnical parameters used in the design of oil wells. The in situ test results are used in several<br>techniques for soil characterization, aiming the design of the conductor casing, which is the tubular that<br>provide structural support to the well, serving as its foundation element. Despite its efficiency, this test<br>bears some logistic limitations regarding depth of analysis since CPTu data is usually obtained within a<br>range of 40% to 50% of the conductor casing drilling depth. Data of undrained shear strength of the soil<br>beyond the depths covered by CPTu tests are beneficial to the safety of the drilling operation. Due to<br>the natural variability of the materials, the evaluation technique of this soil property must consider soil<br>heterogeneity as a premise. The present work uses artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict undrained<br>shear strength behavior in offshore soil for depths not reached by CPTu equipment. The MLP (Multilayer<br>Perceptron) networks are trained with test data of different types of soil from two Brazilian offshore<br>basins, using classification techniques to define soil strata and segment the soil response estimation.<br>The error is evaluated using cross-validation procedures for different proportions of training/prediction<br>data. The expected results include the definition of the network architecture and prediction accuracy in</p> <p>different types of soil strata. This kind of study on the soil characterization aims to support the decision-<br>making process on well casing design, allowing a robust structural well integrity analysis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND PHYSICAL MODELING OF REVERSE FAULT PROPAGATION2024-07-18T19:30:44+00:00Thiago C. Oliveirathiago.oliveira@coc.ufrj.brMaria C. F. Almeidamariacascao@poli.ufrj.brJosé Renato M. S. Oliveirajrmso70@gmail.comMárcio S. S. de Almeidamarciossal@gmail.comRicardo Garske<p>Regions subjected to greater geological activity can induce faults, through sedimentary<br>deposits, to the surface of the seabed, affecting structures sensitive to loss of support, especially direct<br>foundations, piles and pipelines. In the case of a pipeline design crossing an area with geological and<br>geotechnical threats, there are two options: (1) change the route, which can represent a significant<br>increase in costs; or (2) allowing the pipeline to cross through the fault with proper design and<br>understanding of the expected fault movement. Surface fault rupture case histories provide valuable<br>insights regarding the response of soils to underlying bedrock fault movements. The current studies for<br>understanding the phenomena of faults propagation are mostly concentrated in dry non-cohesive<br>granular soils. Therefore, the present work aims to investigate the mechanisms of reverse fault<br>propagation in loose sand through numerical analyses using the finite element method (FEM). The<br>elastoplastic Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model has been adopted. The numerical results obtained from<br>ABAQUS and Plaxis 2D were qualitative compared with those from the literature. This work is part of<br>a research project to carry out centrifuge and numerical modeling of fault propagation in offshore<br>seabed. The results obtained through ABAQUS were quite helpful in the design and planning of the<br>centrifuge tests. The analyses undertaken varied the vertical bedrock displacement (U) at the base up to<br>20% of the soil layer thickness in order to understand their effect on the fault propagation and ground<br>deformation using the geotechnical drum centrifuge at COPPE-UFRJ. Results were compared and<br>conclusions were drawn on the most suitable software to be used for the present studies.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO DE TÉCNICAS DE ACOPLAMENTO HIDROMECÂNICO2024-07-18T19:33:44+00:00Raquel Oliveira Limarqloliveiralima@gmail.comLeonardo José do Nascimento Guimarãesleonardo@ufpe.brLeonardo Cabral Pereiraleonardocabral@petrobras.comJean Baptiste Josephjeanjbluxe@gmail.comOscar Simón Melgar Cisnerosmelgaroscar26@gmail.comRicardo Pereira<p>Conventional flow simulators simplify important aspects of the mechanical behavior of<br>rocks that can significantly impact the productivity and integrity of the oil fields. It is important to<br>consider the influence of the variation of effective stresses on the properties of the reservoir, such as<br>porosity and permeability, especially for fractured and stress-sensitive reservoirs. Numerical models<br>that consider the deformation of the porous medium due to the production or injection of fluids can<br>solve the flow problem (pressure and saturation) and the mechanical problem (displacement field) in a<br>single system of equations or in separate systems. This work aims to compare coupling schemes (fully<br>coupled, fixed stress split and the two-way partial coupling) for cases available in literature. For the<br>fully coupled and fixed stress split methods, the flow and mechanical problems were solved through<br>the in-house simulator CodeBright, while for the two-way partial coupling, the flow problem was<br>solved through the commercial flow simulator Imex, while the mechanical problem was solved<br>through a finite element program in Matlab, and simulators were integrated in an automated way by a<br>manager code in Matlab. The two-way partial coupling and fixed stress split methods proved to be a<br>good approximation for the fully coupled method. One of the advantages offered by the two-way<br>partial coupling method is that the mechanical calculations were performed in only a few steps of<br>coupling time, reducing the computational effort and making this method very competitive for the<br>solution of hydromechanical problems of practical interest.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PHYSICAL BEHAVIORS IN COUPLED CONSOLIDATION PROBLEMS2024-07-18T19:37:38+00:00Hermínio T. Honorioherminio@sinmec.ufsc.brAidee A. Torresaideetorres@sinmec.ufsc.brBruno Martinsbmartins@sinmec.ufsc.brCarlos A. S. Ferreiracasf@sinmec.ufsc.brFelipe W. Giacomellife.wallner@gmail.comClovis R.<p>The coupled nature of the equations composing Biot’s consolidation model often produces<br>quite unexpected behaviors. The most common one is the Mandel-Cryer effect, which refers to a pressure<br>increase in certain regions of the domain for a short period of time with no apparent reason. Although this<br>effect is well known and widely reported in the literature, a clear and comprehensive explanation on the<br>physical mechanism that causes of the Mandel-Cryer effect is not easily found. Another counterintuitive<br>behavior is observed in a fully saturated poroelastic column under the influence of a gravitational field.<br>In this case, the poroelastic properties can produce displacement profiles that defies the common sense.<br>In this paper, we provide a deep discussion on these phenomena and a few hypotheses for explaining<br>them are proposed. For instance, we argue that there must be a mechanism responsible for transferring<br>volumetric strain to different regions of the domain in order to occur the Mandel-Cryer effect. For the<br>poroelastic column, we propose a spring-mass system to explain the displacement profiles obtained in<br>different situations. All of these hypotheses are carefully tested through numerical experiments.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING OF BRANCHING FOUNDATIONS2024-07-18T19:41:32+00:00Illa Beghine Soncinilla.beghine@engenharia.ufjf.brLucas Teotônio de Souzalucas.souza@coc.ufrj.brMarcelo Miranda<p>Piles are foundation elements whose mechanism for transferring loads occurs, in many<br>cases, by lateral friction. It is a fact that branched systems have large surface areas and tree roots use<br>this fact to increase their ability to withstand requests on the trees, such as lateral wind loads. In this<br>paper we present a branched structure model based on fractal geometry, used as an alternative solution<br>for foundations, instead of a standard pile model. With three parameters it is possible to generate an<br>infinity of classes of branched systems composed of elements in different quantities, lengths and<br>thicknesses. The aim of this paper is to compare the performance of the branched against standard<br>models from the point of view of support capacity, stresses and displacements. The model was<br>simulated using the software PLAXIS 2D, which is based on the finite element method and it was<br>considered elastoplastic constitutive model with Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion for the soil. The<br>results evidence that a branched structure compared to a standard pile with same volume presents<br>higher carrying capacity and lower maximum displacements. For example, for a single branching with<br>a form of an inverted Y, the load capacity amounts to about three times the carrying capacity of a<br>single pile, and can reach up to about four times in the case of two and three branching orders.<br>Moreover, with only one branch it was verified a reduction of the maximum vertical displacement of<br>the foundation, for a same load, in about 85% of the displacement of the conventional foundation,<br>being able to reach about 90% for two and three order branches, showing a significant reduction of the<br>displacement below the foundation. On the other hand, the displacements around the foundation<br>increase since a branched structure distributes better (because of the higher surface area) the external<br>solicitation to the ground, which may influence possible neighboring structures. Another characteristic<br>of a branched foundation is that the highest stress occurs within the structure whereas in a pile<br>foundation the immediately below soil deals with the highest stress. In addition, we show that the<br>higher the branching angles the higher the load capacity.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELS OF VERTICAL WELLS CLOSURE IN SALINE ROCKS2024-07-18T19:43:55+00:00Bruna L. B. Santosbruna_layz@hotmail.comCatarina N. de A. Fernandescatarina@lccv.ufal.brEduardo N. Lagesenl@ctec.ufal.brLuiz Felippe M. de L. R. dosílio C. C. M.<p>This work proposes the development of a strategy to use equivalent models to estimate the<br>closure of a salt mass drilled by a vertical well. Drilling in areas with salt formations is a great challenge,<br>since these rocks develop high creep strain rates – continuous deformation even under constant tension.<br>Due to this phenomenon, the well diameter tends to reduce over time, what can delay the drilling process<br>for days or even lead to the well abandonment. To avoid these problems, computational models using<br>the Finite Element Method are used to predict the behavior of these rocks during drilling. To design<br>the drilling process, several simulations are needed and they may take many hours or days. Thus, it is<br>interesting to develop approaches that reduce the simulation time, allowing to evaluate the same scenario<br>considering different values for the project variables. The methodology adopted in this work is divided<br>into seven stages: a) definition of the base study scenario; b) simulation of the reference scenario; c)<br>elaboration of rules for the division of the massif into one and two-dimensional models; d) modeling and<br>simulation of pre-defined portions; e) verification of the errors; f) possible adjustments in the rules of the<br>massif division; g) application of the strategy in other scenarios for its validation. With the validation<br>of this strategy, it is possible to reduce the computational cost and the time of elaboration of the well<br>project. To validate the strategy, the result of the simulation of a synthetic scenario is presented, where<br>approximate answers were obtained with reduction in the computational cost, wich leads to a reduction<br>in the well design time.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ELEMENT MODELLING OF THE DIRECT SHEAR TEST2024-07-18T19:47:36+00:00Vicente Mafravicentemafra42@gmail.comGracieli<p>The direct shear test was developed to obtain the failure envelope through a simple and<br>direct analysis. It is one of the oldest and simplest tests for this purpose applied to soil analysis.<br>However, during the direct shear test, the stress distribution in the sample is complex and not uniform.<br>In order to improve the interpretation of the direct shear test results, the present work aims to study the<br>stresses and strains in the sample during the execution of the direct shear test using a model based on<br>finite elements (FEM). The Finite Element model was implemented in the software ABAQUS®<br>,<br>student version. The model is a two-dimensional representation of a section in the direction of the<br>shear force. The shear is considered by applying displacements in a steady state analysis. For the<br>material properties a Mohr-Coulomb elastoplastic model was considered. An evaluation of the chosen<br>model was realised by a direct comparison of model results and laboratory tests, showing in general a<br>good agreement. To evaluate the adherence between upper and lower plates to the soil specimens two<br>geometric models were conceived: one considering toothed plates and another with smooth plates. It<br>was found that the models were able to describe the typical stress and strain curves of the laboratory<br>direct shear test when the results of shear are obtained from the fixed box reaction, although, with<br>some discrepancies between the toothed plates and smooth plates models. The differences observed<br>can be explained observing the failure zone which is distinct in the models: for the toothed plates<br>model, the failure zone as expected, occurs in the central part of the model; as for the smooth plates<br>model the failure zone falls out the central region. Differences can also be highlighted when the failure<br>envelope is reinterpreted from the fixed box reaction, smooth plate models feature slightly smaller<br>parameters, reinforcing the need for good plate crimping.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO NUMÉRICA NÃO LINEAR DE PROVA DE CARGA BIDIRECIONAL EM ESTACAS ESCAVADAS2024-07-18T19:49:43+00:00Hemilly C. L. C. R. Eliasrcre.1904@gmal.comLeandro N. C.<p>For the foundation design development it is essential to determine the allowable load capacity<br>and the prediction of the foundation elements displacements. Thus, it is known that the load test is a<br>suitable way to establish the load-displacement characteristics. In this context, the bidirectional test is<br>used for performance evaluation of in-situ molded piles by applying load to an expansive cell located<br>within the pile. However, these geotechnical tests can present high cost and long execution process,<br>which sometimes make their application unfeasible. Thus, these procedures can be represented by<br>mathematical models, provided that the initial and boundary conditions of the problem are known.<br>PLAXIS 3D, a software that uses the Finite Element Method, is intended for three-dimensional<br>deformation analysis and stability in Geotechnical Engineering and can be used to simulate pile<br>behaviour under bidirectional load tests. Therefore, this work proposes to perform a nonlinear numerical<br>analysis of bidirectional load tests on drilled piles using the PLAXIS 3D software and the results are</p> <p>compared with those obtained through on-site tests, where a good approximation in the load-<br>displacement curve can be observed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DE ESTABILIDADE DE BARRAGEM ALTEADA PARA MONTANTE POR DOIS MÉTODOS DE EQUILÍBRIO LIMITE2024-07-18T19:52:41+00:00Hemilly C. L. Fernandeshemilly.fernandes@fonntesgeotecnica.comRose C. R. Eliasrose.elias@fonntesgeotecnica.comMichel M. M. Fontesmichel@fonntesgeotecnica.comRafael R.<p>The serious consequences of human life losses and environmental disasters make stability<br>analysis of dams slopes play a key role in geotechnical engineering. Recently, we have witnessed events<br>related to the ruptures that make the safety of dams gain more and more relevance and prominence.<br>Already established methodologies such as Simplified Bishop are used for algebraic calculations of<br>slope stabilities. However, they require a lot of calculation and effort when applied to very robust<br>structures. The increasing availability of microcomputers brings important facilities in the systematic<br>application of these slope stability methods, so that more general and comprehensive analyzes can now<br>be performed. The commercial software Slope/W, from the GeoStudio package, and Slide, from</p> <p>Rocsience, are intended for slope stability analysis, simulating the parameters of drained and non-<br>drained soil resistance of the structure along with water and piezometric lines, using the equilibrium</p> <p>limit, which has been widely employed for these stability analyzes due to the mathematical simplicity<br>with which they are formulated and the accuracy obtained. Thus, reflecting on the importance of stability<br>analysis of dams, this study aimed to evaluate the stability of a tailings dam, located in the iron<br>quadrilateral (Minas Gerais), using both commercial software. The geotechnical parameters of the<br>materials were determined through field tests. For the sections analyzed, the variation between the<br>limiting equilibrium methods used and between the programs that evaluated them.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NEURAL NETWORKS IN SOIL SHEAR STRENGTH PREDICTION2024-07-18T19:55:15+00:00D. Motadanielgamota@gmail.comS. Dantas<p>The estimation of soil shear strength parameters has been of much relevance in Geotechnical<br>Engineering since the early stages, leading to the creation of many correlations based on in situ tests.<br>However, Das and Basudhar (2008), Goktepe (2008) and Shooshpasha, Amiri and MolaAbasi (2014)<br>stated that these existing correlations have limited use and low generalization capacity when compared<br>to the neural models they proposed from index properties of soils. On behalf of that, this work was<br>carried on prediction of cohesion and friction angle of soils in the natural state by the use of<br>backpropagation multi-layer perceptrons built from easy-to-collected in situ input, NSPT, V0’ and soil<br>type. The architecture chosen, A:3-5-3-2, used hyperbolic tangent activation function, being trained and<br>tested by 38 soil samples, having reached correlations up to 0,94 for training, attesting its efficiency.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DESIGN SOLUTIONS TO BEARING CAPACITY OF SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS RESTING ON THE SURFACE OF A GRANULAR SOIL REINFORCED BY A SOIL-CEMENT LAYER.2024-07-18T19:57:16+00:00Aldo Fabián Yaharí Guillényahariguillen@gmail.comAracely Belén Albariño Alfonsoa.belen96@gmail.comAlejandro Quiñónezrlopez@ing.una.pyRubén Alcides Lópezrquinonez@ing.una.pyMaría Alicia Aré<p>Shallow foundations are recommended for suitable soils, in terms of bearing capacity and<br>small settlements. For sites underlain loose soils, conventional practice is either to implement<br>expensive deep foundations, or remove and replace the soft soils. In this context, soil improvement<br>with admixtures (such as cement, lime, fly ash, slag, and combinations) turns to be a viable solution.<br>However, designs procedures conceived to estimate bearing capacity improvement of such soils are<br>based on empirical methodologies. The present work aims to study the ultimate bearing capacity<br>problem of shallow foundations resting on the surface of a granular soil reinforced by a soil-cement<br>layer. Such task is accomplished by means of the kinematic approach of the yield design theory<br>through the implementation of several admissible virtual velocity fields, under plane strain conditions,<br>for purely vertical loads. A parametric study is presented as a function of dimensionless parameters,<br>which are defined from geometrical and strength properties. A comparison is then made, with<br>available results obtained in the context of reduced models tests, under plane strain conditions. The<br>maximum gap between the ultimate bearing capacity of the yield design theory and the reduced model<br>tests was of about 18%.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 MODELING OF FINE SOILS FOR EPB TUNNEL BORING MACHINES2024-07-18T20:00:59+00:00Alex Nowak La Flornowak@usp.brFernando Akira Kurokawafernando.kurokawa@usp.brRoberto Cesar de Oliveira Romanocesar.romano@lme.pcc.usp.brHeitor Montefusco Bernardoheitor.bernardo@lme.pcc.usp.brMaria Eugênia Gimenez<p>In tunnels excavated using EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) machines, the excavated soil must<br>have some specific engineering properties for the correct functioning of the excavation system.<br>Therefore, understanding the many characteristics of the excavated material, along with its rheological<br>behavior, is essential for a successful mechanized excavation. These conditions present obstacles that,<br>if not foreseen in design, can result in several problems such as soil loss, instabilities, low excavation<br>performance and damage to TBM components. Aiming at the main goal of creating a procedure of<br>investigation for fine soils excavated with an EPB tunnel boring machine, this paper presents a<br>preliminary step, the calibration of a model using Computational Fluid Dynamics approach making<br>use of a standard soil (bentonite), with a view at investigating tropical soils’ behavior once the<br>methodology is established. The experimental procedure was carried out using two rheological<br>methods, Squeeze Flow and an extrusion technique proposed by Benbow and Bridgewater. These<br>results illustrated that those rheological tests allow to obtain relevant parameters such as yield stress,<br>viscosity, rheological behavior, useful for planning EPB excavation. The numerical simulation is<br>important to predict the behavior of different types of mixtures while changing the variables analyzed<br>in this research. This paper, therefore, shows the experimental and numerical procedures that will be<br>used to different soils and may be used to other types of materials, to better understand the flow<br>through the screw conveyor and give parameters to a better soil conditioning system.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INVESTIGATION OF AN ANOMALOUS CLAYEY SAND SOIL USED AS LANDFILL COVER LAYER2024-07-18T20:04:30+00:00Fellipe J. R. Brandãofellipejosereisbrandao@gmail.comNayara T. Belfortntbelfort@gmail.comRaísa P. L. Bezerraraisaprota@gmail.comJosé F. T. Jucá<p>Given the increase in the purchasing power of population, there is an increment in waste<br>generation. Considering it and the scarcity of adequate areas for final disposal of municipal solid<br>waste, it is recurrent that landfills’ managers invest in increasing the load capacity of landfills. Then,<br>landfills are work of high geotechnical risk in terms of slope stability. Thus, it is important to<br>investigate the mechanical behavior and stability of landfill’s slopes. It should also be noted that the<br>deposits of soil, when mined for raw material supply to compose landfill cover layers, become less<br>stable representing risks to local workers. Therefore, it is important to verify the stability of soil<br>deposits too. In this sense, this paper proposes a geomechanical investigation on the landfill slope<br>stability, as well as on the soil deposits’ slope. Experimental and numerical analyzes were performed.<br>Experimental ones consist of soil’s grain size characterization, soil compaction, and direct shear tests<br>in natural condition, from which the needed parameters to proceed with numerical analyzes were<br>obtained. Numerical analyzes integrate two modeling developed by a software applying the limit<br>equilibrium method improved by Morgenstern & Price. The soil was classified as a clayey sand; it<br>presented an expected friction angle (34.8o) for a sandy soil, but cohesion (56.6 kPa) was above the<br>expected for a soil with 69% of sand. From numerical modeling, it was observed that the soil deposit<br>is stable with FS = 3.1, as well as the landfill cell, which presented FS = 2.2.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF TORPEDO ANCHOR INSTALLATION USING THE MATERIAL POINT METHOD2024-07-18T20:07:25+00:00Leonardo Toledo Ferreiracontato@leonardotoledo.orgAdeildo Soares Ramos Junioradramos@lccv.ufal.brTiago Peixoto da Silva Lobotiago@lccv.ufal.brRicardo Garske<p>Exploration of deep-sea reservoirs is an important industrial activity due to the amount of oil<br>and gas the modern society demands. Thus, one needs to find a safe way to moor ships and platforms and</p> <p>ensure continued and uninterrupted distribution of oil and gas. Torpedo anchors are often used as foun-<br>dation for offshore facilities as they are cost effective and their usage is independent of water depth. As</p> <p>it is not easy to predict the behavior of installing such structures, usage of a numerical tool is necessary<br>and this theme has been the focus of many studies, aided by numerical methods such as Computational<br>Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Discrete Element Method (DEM) and Material Point Method (MPM). The last</p> <p>of these, the MPM uses an interesting strategy that benefits from both Lagrangian and Eulerian formula-<br>tions. For instance, the convective term in momentum conservation is eliminated as a consequence of the</p> <p>Lagrangian formulation and mesh distortion is avoided by a fixed background grid. On the MPM, ma-<br>terial information is placed inside material points, which are used to interpolate data to the background</p> <p>grid, where the equations of motion are solved. Since the grid is fixed, large strains and displacements are<br>not a problem. Many authors used an axisymmetric formulation to simulate the installation of torpedo<br>anchors with the MPM. In real-life situations, however, the soil might display asymmetries. Therefore,<br>this work adopts the usual non-symmetric formulation to simulate the installation of two different anchor<br>designs on a non-symmetric soil using the MPM.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 EVALUATION OF EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS FOR THE COMPRESSION INDEX (CC) IN BRAZILIAN SOFT SOILS2024-07-18T20:10:16+00:00Jaqueline S. Santossantos.js@yahoo.comGerson J. M. dos<p>One-dimensional laboratory consolidation test is used to discover one of the most important<br>parameters of consolidation of cohesive soils, the compression index (Cc). However, it is a long test<br>and requires the utmost care to obtain reliable samples. Geotechnical correlations are largely used<br>because it can give fast means of parameter prediction using simple tests. These correlations are<br>constructed from local data and need to be evaluated before used in other regions. This paper reports<br>on laboratory tests conducted in soft soils of Brazil and shows a more complete form of statistical<br>evaluation for the correlation of the Cc. The database is formed by 430 results of Cc and moisture<br>content (wn) collected in the national literature. The correlations analyzed are exclusively in function<br>of wn. The equations were evaluated using 17 statistical tools for each of the 11 compression index<br>correlations. Comparison between the results showed the best correlations and the less suitable<br>correlations for the database in this study. In this paper an attempt has been made to present the<br>empirical correlations proposed by various researchers for compression index in function of moisture<br>content. The results will be useful in identifying empirical equations to estimate the compression index<br>of Brazilian soft soils.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE REDE NEURAL ARTIFICIAL PARA PREVISÃO DO COMPORTAMENTO CISALHANTE DE DESCONTINUIDADES ROCHOSAS2024-07-18T20:12:19+00:00Ana R. S. A. Dantas Netosilvrano@ufc.brMatheus C.<p>The artificial intelligence (AI) has been widely used in engineering due to its capacity to<br>interpret and process complex information. One of these AI technologies is the<br>artificial neural network (ANN) which is based on the functioning of the human central<br>nervous system and its ability to learn and recognize patterns. This work aims to present<br>an ANN model capable of predicting the shear strength of rock discontinuities. The shear<br>strength of rock discontinuity is one of the most important factors governing the mechanical<br>behavior of rock mass whose definition sometimes requires expensive laboratory<br>procedures not always available. Moreover, the existing analytical models have several<br>limitations regarding not consider all the variables which influence the shear strength<br>of rock joints or needing shear testes. Therefore, nine ANN architectures were tested considering the<br>following inputs: the normal boundary stiffness, the ratio between infill thickness and asperity<br>amplitude, the initial normal stress, the joint roughness coefficient, uniaxial rock compressive strength,<br>infill friction angle, and the horizontal displacement. As outputs the shear strength and dilation of rock<br>discontinuities. The architecture with the best performance is the 7-20-10-2 and with 500,000 iterations<br>with a correlation of 99% for training data and 96% in the validation data. The results show a nice fitting<br>for the ANN model output data with experimental data. As the analytical models made so far for infilled<br>joints are only capable of predicting the peak shear strength, the ANN comes with a handful tool for<br>predicting shear strength with velocity and low cost.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 USE OF BIM (BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING) IN PAVING AS A PROCESS FACILITATOR.2024-07-18T20:14:50+00:00Santos J. S.santos.js@yahoo.comBarbosa V. M.vanessa.mesquita8@gmail.comPereira M.<p>Industry and construction engineering professionals have increasingly sought innovation so<br>that they become competitive in today's marketplace. We have as an example the use of technologies<br>of Augmented Reality and virtual reality for construction as attractive for clients. This work aimed to<br>evaluate the use of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology in road works as a<br>facilitator of the construction and maintenance process. Initially research was carried out on BIM in<br>paving works. With the use of software, such as AutoCad Civil 3D, the benefits generated in the<br>design phases, the optimization in the work of quantitative survey and for the optimization in<br>earthmoving calculation work. The obtained results indicated a greater control of the materials used<br>during the execution of the work, reduction of the time of execution of repetitive tasks and a better<br>general vision of the project of the work in its real conception geography and in 3D which favors both<br>its study and its execution.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CAPACITY ANALYSIS OF PILES THROUGH FINITE ELEMENT: CASE STUDY HERCÍLIO LUZ BRIDGE, SANTA CATARINA, BRAZIL2024-07-18T20:17:15+00:00Gabriel D. Andradegabrieldibe1@gmail.comGracieli<p>Soil engineering has progressed through the gathering of building experiences and the<br>development of theoretical knowledge, allowing the creation of estimating techniques for the ultimate<br>resistance of a foundation element. This ultimate resistance is known as bearing capacity and represents<br>the maximum load acting on the foundation element. On what concerns pile foundations, it is noted a<br>significant difficulty to establish the theory that completely describes the bearing capacity of piles. Thus,<br>different methods aiming to estimate the bearing capacity are currently used, for instance, the<br>semiempirical methods (Aoki-Velloso, Décourt-Quaresma, and others) and the finite element method.<br>In the present paper the bearing capacity of the foundation massif of Hercílio Luz Bridge, located in<br>Santa Catarina, Brazil, will be evaluated through a finite element model of an isolated pile. The pile was<br>modeled using the software Abaqus v. 6.13, considering an axisymmetric model and linear elastic<br>behavior. The latter was submitted to an axial compression load until failure. The soil surrounding the<br>pile was modeled considering the Mohr-Coulomb elastoplastic model. To determine parameters as<br>cohesion, friction angle, and Young Modulus for the soil, literature correlations with Standard<br>Penetration Test (SPT) were used. Numerical results were compared to semiempirical values and a<br>loading test. It was noted that the outcome of the finite element method provided lower bearing capacity<br>than the semiempirical methods and the results of the loading test.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS AIMING TO IDENTIFY THE EQUILIBRIUM AND RATIONALIZATION IN THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THE RESIDENTIAL BLOCKS OF THE COLINA - UNB2024-07-18T22:15:52+00:00Marcelo Aquino C. R. da Silvaarq.marcelo.real@gmail.comMarcio A. R. Buzarbuzar@unb.brLeonardo S. P.<p>The University of Brasília was part of a daring and experimental plan that reached several<br>areas of knowledge, its conception was marked by the architectural and constructive experimentation.<br>Rapid execution and cost-effectiveness were key guidelines in the early years of the Darcy Ribeiro<br>Campus, making room for precast technology. Inserted in this context, the Colina Residential Buildings<br>designed by the architect João Filgueiras Lima (Lelé) were built within a year and appear in the<br>expectation of filling the housing deficit of the university in the mid 1960`s. This work covers the<br>rationalization process of the construction in the initial context of the physical implantation of the<br>university. Comparative numerical analyzes are performed using available computational tools such as<br>Ftool and Sap 2000. Through these analyzes it is possible to justify the choice of the precast structures<br>by means of the balance of forces and to observe the technical solutions of the structural system adopted.<br>In addition, the studies reinforce the economic issue of precast structures by quantifying the volume of<br>the situations tested.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE COMPARATIVA ANALÍTICA E NUMÉRICA DO ESTUDO DE PONTES2024-07-18T22:18:30+00:00Ana Beatriz Rodrigues de Sousaanabeatriz.bia_@hotmail.comBerennicy Sousa Oliveiraberennicy.sousa.oliveira@hotmail.comMaercio Pereira Vasconcelosmaercio2@gmail.comRebeka Manuela Lobo Sousarebekamanuela28@gmail.comSávio Torres<p>As 6.612 pontes e viadutos no Brasil, avaliados em 13 bilhões de reais de acordo com o Tribunal<br>de Contas da União (TCU), apresentam grande importância na nossa economia, pois com uma geografia<br>bastante acidentada, estas chamadas Obras de Arte Especiais (OEAs) são extremamente necessárias por<br>proporcionar uma melhor funcionalidade das rodovias e ferrovias existentes no País, sem deixar de lado a<br>segurança dos seus usuários. No Brasil, as pesquisas com relação às Pontes podem se referir a qualquer<br>situação desde a sua superestrutura até a infraestrutura proporcionando estudos de casos ou abordagens<br>numéricas. Esses estudos relacionados às pontes tornam-se fundamental devido a pouca referência<br>normativa. Diante disso, este trabalho busca observar atenciosamente o estudo perante as normas de<br>pontes, destacando, porém certas circunstancias através do desenvolvimento em um meio numérico,<br>podendo apresentar uma forma mais realista da situação, a fim de compreender o estudo e a essência de<br>alterações mais frequentes nas normas para realizar comparações com intuito de observar a precisão<br>perante os riscos de construção deste tipo de estrutura. Os resultados numéricos encontrados mostraram<br>convergência com os obtidos analiticamente.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE UM APLICATIVO MULTIPLATAFORMA PARA DETERMINAÇÃO DE RESISTÊNCIA DE LIGAÇÕES METÁLICAS FLEXÍVEIS COM CANTONEIRAS2024-07-18T22:21:36+00:00Rafael V. Mirandarafaelmirandaeng@gmail.comArtur M. Reisartur.m.reis@hotmail.comWilliam L.<p>Este estudo retrata o desenvolvimento de um aplicativo multiplataforma em linguagem<br>JAVA® utilizado para a verificação da resistência de ligações flexíveis em estruturas de aço com<br>cantoneiras duplas de abas iguais. O aplicativo pode ser utilizado para verificação da resistência de<br>uma ligação com cantoneiras entre uma viga e um pilar ou entre duas vigas de aço. Essas conexões<br>podem ser aparafusadas ou soldadas. Para verificar a resistência de tais conexões, várias situações de<br>colapso são verificadas, de modo que a menor resistência encontrada entre todas as possibilidades de<br>falha é considerada como a resistência da conexão. O usuário precisa especificar o tipo de aço usado<br>no componente estrutural, selecionando uma das duas opções (ASTM A36 ou ASTM A572); o tipo de<br>aço utilizado nos parafusos (ASTM A325 ou ASTM A490); os perfis de aço usados no elemento<br>estrutural e o tipo de ligação com base em um banco de dados salvo. Além disso, o usuário precisa<br>digitar o diâmetro e o número de parafusos localizados em cada aba da ligação. No caso de ligações<br>soldadas, é necessário considerar também a resistência à ruptura da solda e do aço base próximo à<br>solda. Depois de fornecer esses dados de entrada para o programa, calcula-se a resistência limite da<br>conexão.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DOS EFEITOS DA EXCENTRICIDADE DA REAÇÃO DA LAJE SOBRE AS PAREDES DE ALVENARIA ESTRUTURAL2024-07-18T23:18:17+00:00Manoel Ignácio Xavier Filhoengmanoelxavier@gmail.comJean Marie Désirjean.maria@ufrgs.brSamir<p>In the context of the structural masonry system, design of most current building works involve</p> <p>empirical-based procedures acquired from the engineering practice and transmission from constructor-<br>to-constructor. This kind of approach has revealed suitable as far as small or medium buildings are</p> <p>concerned, and no structural pathologies have been associated with such design methods. The current<br>standards recommend the use of global safety coefficients to cover all the uncertainties that are not dealt<br>with in detail. It is the case of the reaction efforts exerted by the slabs on the walls in structural masonry,<br>which are generally treated as linear load applied along the average plane of the wall. This simplification<br>may lead to uncontrolled approximations in the design the structural elements since it does not account<br>for the wall out-plane bending moment, nor the twisting moment that can possibly arise along the wall<br>supporting beam. This contribution aims at investigating the relevance of considering or not such efforts<br>by analyzing the connection between slabs, walls and beams in a structural masonry building. Emphasis<br>is given to the way the loads are transferred and verifying the limits arising from application of the<br>recommendations of the Brazilian standard regarding the effect of the eccentricity. At that respect, a<br>study case is studied by means of simplified normative approaches as well as by finite element<br>simulations to support the analysis conclusions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE BARRAS COMPRIMIDAS DE MADEIRA TROPICAL UTILIZANDO A DESIDADE BÁSICA2024-07-19T09:41:36+00:00José Humberto Matias de Paula, MSc.jhmatias2011@gmail.comMarco Aurélio Souza Bessa, Eustaquio de Melo, PhD.alej@unb.brJosé Manoel Morales Sánchez, PhD.jmmorsanchez@gmail.comCamilla Silva Almeida de Oliveira, MEng.almeidacs151@gmail.comÁgnis Gabrielle Kühl Rodrigues,<p>Este trabalho apresenta uma formulação matemática para o dimensionamento de barras<br>comprimidas de madeira tropical utilizando a densidade básica. A concepção teórica proposta tem a<br>densidade básica da madeira como variável independente para o dimensionamento de elementos<br>estruturais solicitados a compressão axial. A formulação toma como referência as prescrições da norma<br>brasileira NBR-7190/82. O dimensionamento utilizando a densidade básica pode ser adaptado para<br>qualquer norma de projeto de estruturas de madeira, independentemente se o modelo de segurança é<br>determinístico, ou probabilístico. A formulação matemática utiliza funções de resistência estimadas por<br>um modelo de regressão linear simples amostral, construído a partir de banco de dados obtido de ensaios<br>experimentais para caracterização de espécies de madeiras tropicais. O modelo de regressão linear<br>estima propriedades físicas e mecânicas dessa amostra utilizando a densidade básica da madeira. O<br>Banco de Dados é o resultado de um programa experimental consistente conduzido pelo Laboratório de<br>Produtos Florestais do Ministério do Meio Ambiente, que nos últimos trinta anos estudou e caracterizou</p> <p>259 espécies de madeira da Amazônia, tendo como referência as normas Pan-Americanas COPANT-<br>Comisión Panamericana de Normas Técnicas. Foi elaborada análise da significância estatística das</p> <p>correlações entre propriedades físicas e mecânicas de espécies de madeira e a densidade básica. É<br>possível concluir, a partir das análises de significância estatística e da discussão dos resultados, que a<br>formulação proposta para dimensionamento de elementos tracionados de madeira tropical utilizando a<br>densidade básica, é matematicamente consistente.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE BARRAS DE MADEIRA TROPICAL SOLICITADAS A FLEXÃO COMPOSTA RETA UTILIZANDO A DESIDADE BÁSICA2024-07-19T09:46:32+00:00José Humberto Matias de Paula, MSc.jhmatias2011@gmail.comMarco Aurélio Souza Bessa, Eustaquio de Melo, PhD.alej@unb.brJosé Manoel Morales Sánchez, PhD.jmmorsanchez@gmail.comCamilla Silva Almeida de Oliveira, MEng.almeidacs151@gmail.comÁgnis Gabrielle Kühl Rodrigues,<p>Este trabalho apresenta uma formulação matemática para o dimensionamento de barras de<br>madeira tropical solicitadas a flexão composta utilizando a densidade básica. A concepção teórica<br>proposta tem a densidade básica da madeira como variável independente para o dimensionamento de<br>elementos estruturais solicitados a flexão composta reta. A formulação toma como referência as<br>prescrições da norma brasileira NBR-7190/82. O dimensionamento utilizando a densidade básica pode<br>ser adaptado para qualquer norma de projeto de estruturas de madeira, independentemente se o modelo<br>de segurança é determinístico, ou probabilístico. A formulação matemática utiliza funções de resistência<br>estimadas por um modelo de regressão linear simples amostral, construído a partir de banco de dados<br>obtido de ensaios experimentais para caracterização de espécies de madeiras tropicais. O modelo de<br>regressão linear estima propriedades físicas e mecânicas dessa amostra utilizando a densidade básica da<br>madeira. O Banco de Dados é o resultado de um programa experimental consistente conduzido pelo<br>Laboratório de Produtos Florestais do Ministério do Meio Ambiente, que nos últimos trinta anos estudou<br>e caracterizou 259 espécies de madeira da Amazônia, tendo como referência as normas Pan-Americanas<br>COPANT-Comisión Panamericana de Normas Técnicas. Foi elaborada análise da significância<br>estatística das correlações entre propriedades físicas e mecânicas de espécies de madeira e a densidade<br>básica. É possível concluir, a partir das análises de significância estatística e da discussão dos resultados,<br>que a formulação proposta para dimensionamento de elementos de madeira tropical solicitados a flexão<br>composta reta, utilizando a densidade básica, é matematicamente consistente.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE BARRAS TRACIONADAS DE MADEIRA TROPICAL UTILIZANDO A DENSIDADE BÁSICA2024-07-19T09:50:52+00:00José Humberto Matias de Paula, MSc.jhmatias2011@gmail.comMarco Aurélio Souza Bessa, Eustaquio de Melo, PhD.alej@unb.brJosé Manoel Morales Sánchez, PhD.jmmorsanchez@gmail.comCamilla Silva Almeida de Oliveira, MEng.almeidacs151@gmail.comÁgnis Gabrielle Kühl Rodrigues,<p>Este trabalho apresenta uma formulação matemática para o dimensionamento de barras<br>tracionadas de madeira tropical utilizando a densidade básica. O modelo de resistência proposto tem<br>densidade básica da madeira como variável. A formulação matemática aplica-se tanto para modelo de<br>segurança determinístico, quanto para modelo probabilístico. As funções de resistência para o material<br>foram estimadas por um modelo de regressão linear simples, obtido a partir de um espaço amostral<br>formado por 259 espécies de madeiras tropicais. O espaço amostral é o Banco de Dados resultado de<br>um programa experimental conduzido pelo Laboratório de Produtos Florestais do Ministério do Meio<br>Ambiente, que nos últimos trinta anos caracterizou espécies de madeira da Amazônia, tendo como<br>referência as normas Pan-Americanas COPANT-Comisión Panamericana de Normas Técnicas. Na<br>validação dos modelos de regressão linear foi elaborado minucioso estudo de inferência estatística, com<br>comentários neste artigo. É possível concluir a partir das análises de inferência estatística, que o modelo<br>de resistência para tração axial proposto neste artigo, atende aos níveis consagrados de confiabilidade<br>estrutural, normalmente utilizados para engenharia de estruturas, além de ser de aplicação mais simples<br>que os modelos tradicionais. Os critérios de dimensionamento de barras tracionadas, conforme<br>apresentado neste artigo, faz parte de ampla pesquisa conduzida no Departamento de Engenharia Civil<br>e Ambiental da Universidade de Brasília, para desenvolvimento de modelos de resistência para<br>elementos de madeira tropical utilizando a densidade básica, para estados limites últimos de compressão<br>axial, flexão, flexão composta e ligações, além da influência de outras propriedades.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE BARRAS FLETIDAS DE MADEIRA TROPICAL UTILIZANDO A DESIDADE BÁSICA2024-07-19T09:54:29+00:00José Humberto Matias de Paula, MSc.jhmatias2011@gmail.comMarco Aurélio Souza Bessa, Eustaquio de Melo, PhD.alej@unb.brJosé Manoel Morales Sánchez, PhD.jmmorsanchez@gmail.comCamilla Silva Almeida de Oliveira, MEng.almeidacs151@gmail.comÁgnis Gabrielle Kühl Rodrigues,<p>Este trabalho apresenta uma formulação matemática para o dimensionamento de barras<br>fletidas de madeira tropical utilizando a densidade básica. A concepção teórica proposta tem a densidade<br>básica da madeira como variável independente para o dimensionamento de elementos estruturais</p> <p>solicitados a flexão. A formulação toma como referência as prescrições da norma brasileira NBR-<br>7190/82. O dimensionamento utilizando a densidade básica pode ser adaptado para qualquer norma de</p> <p>projeto de estruturas de madeira, independentemente se o modelo de segurança é determinístico, ou<br>probabilístico. A formulação matemática utiliza funções de resistência estimadas por um modelo de<br>regressão linear simples amostral, construído a partir de banco de dados obtido de ensaios experimentais<br>para caracterização de espécies de madeiras tropicais. O modelo de regressão linear estima propriedades<br>físicas e mecânicas dessa amostra utilizando a densidade básica da madeira. O Banco de Dados é o<br>resultado de um programa experimental consistente conduzido pelo Laboratório de Produtos Florestais<br>do Ministério do Meio Ambiente, que nos últimos trinta anos estudou e caracterizou 259 espécies de<br>madeira da Amazônia, tendo como referência as normas Pan-Americanas COPANT-Comisión<br>Panamericana de Normas Técnicas. Foi elaborada análise da significância estatística das correlações<br>entre propriedades físicas e mecânicas de espécies de madeira e a densidade básica. É possível concluir,<br>a partir das análises de significância estatística e da discussão dos resultados, que a formulação proposta<br>para dimensionamento de elementos tracionados de madeira tropical utilizando a densidade básica, é<br>matematicamente consistente.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND THE CONSTRUCTIVE AESTHETICS OF THE VILANOVA ARTIGAS BUILDING – FAU-USP2024-07-19T09:58:19+00:00Leonardo S. P. Inojosaleinojosa@unb.brJoão Francisco Silva Pasquajfpasqua@gmail.comMarcio A. R. Buzarbuzar@unb.brStefano Galimistefanogalimi.arch@gmail.comMarcelo Aquino C. R. da<p>The University of São Paulo Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU / USP) building<br>project is authored by and named after the architect Vilanovas Artigas and stands out for the constructive<br>rationality, the spatial richness and the didactic aspect with which the building elements are shown for<br>the users of the building, predominantly architecture students. The project dates from 1961, while the<br>execution took place in the period from 1966 to 1969. The constructed area is 18.600m2 and the total<br>high is of 16 meters. The building follows a structural modulation of 11x11 meters, having a total of<br>110x66 meters. Externally the building is characterized by a rectangular volume, suspended from the<br>floor, supported by sculptural pillars. Internally it is as if it were two volumes of four decks separated<br>by a central void. A single concrete roof with 960 domes unifies both volumes. In contrast to the sobriety<br>and uniqueness of the external form, the internal spatiality is very dynamic, as a result of the game of<br>advances and retreats of the slabs on the central void, the alternation of openings and closures and the<br>generosity of the spaces of circulation. Reinforced concrete was the building technique adopted in<br>almost all of the building, not only in the foundations, beams and pillars, but also in the roof and in most<br>of the walls. Among the elements of greater prominence in the work are the external pillars that,<br>positioned outside the structural modulation, have a sculptural form, distinguishing themselves from the<br>other internal pillars. The objective of the present study is to understand the efforts to which the structure<br>is subject by means of computational tools such as the SAP 2000 software, verifying the constructive,<br>aesthetic and didactic justifications of the structural solution and highlighting the importance of the<br>structural system adopted for the result architectural.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF THE BUILDING OF THE RURAL SCHOOL ALBERTO TORRES IN RECIFE-PE2024-07-19T10:01:37+00:00Leonardo S. P. Inojosaleinojosa@unb.brMarcio A. R. Buzarbuzar@unb.brMarco Aurélio Souza Ritter de Gregó<p>The project of the Alberto Torres Rural School building in Recife dates from 1935 and was<br>the fruit of a pioneering initiative for Brazilian modernism. The creation of the Architecture and<br>Urbanism Board - Diretoria de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (DAU), founded in 1934 by Luiz Nunes, an<br>architect graduated from the Escola de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro, from where it took influences of<br>Lúcio Costa and Le Corbusier. The project analyzed in this work is authored by Luiz Nunes himself and<br>has the structural calculation signed by Joaquim Cardozo. Known as the "Engineer of Poetry," Cardozo<br>is considered a pioneer of the Modern Movement and later would excel as the calculator of the main<br>works of Oscar Niemeyer, in Pampulha and Brasília. Joaquim Cardozo is responsible for a real technical<br>revolution in Brazilian engineering, stimulated and inspired by the projects of great architects with<br>whom he worked throughout his career. In this work an analysis of the structural project of the Rural<br>School Alberto Torres is sought to show elements of creativity of the designer to balance the structure.<br>A qualitative numerical analysis of the structural solution is performed using the computational tools<br>available as the SAP 2000 software. The analyzes seek to understand the efforts to which the structure<br>is subject and to verify the protagonism of the structural solution, innovative for the time, in the aesthetic<br>architectural style that is aligned with the precepts of modernism.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DO COMPORTAMENTO ESTRUTURAL DAS VIGAS DE COBERTURA DO EDIFÍCIO SG 12 DA UNIVERSIDADE DE BRASÍLIA2024-07-19T10:04:28+00:00Samara Dourado de Souzasamara02dourado@gmail.comProfessor Dr. Carlos Eduardo Luna de Melocarlosluna@unb.brProfessor Dr. Luis Alejandro Pérez Peñ<p>Projetado em 1962 pelo arquiteto João da Gama Filgueiras Lima, o Lelé, e executado pela<br>construtora Rabello S.A, o edifício SG 12 tinha como objetivo abrigar funções temporárias e de apoio<br>da Universidade de Brasília, sendo parte do conjunto de Galpões de Serviços Gerais com mesma<br>concepção estrutural da Universidade de Brasília, formado pelos edifícios SG 9, SG 11 e SG 12. O</p> <p>edifício SG 12 abrigou até a década de 1972 a Biblioteca Central, e hoje abriga os programas de Pós-<br>graduação de Geotecnia, Transporte, Estruturas e Construção Civil e Recursos Hídricos. O edifício SG</p> <p>12 foi construído com estrutura pré-moldada de concreto armado, conta com subsolo, térreo, mezanino<br>e cobertura, possuindo uma área construída de 5.437 m2. Uma característica marcante da estrutura é que<br>o pavimento mezanino é atirantado às vigas da cobertura, o que permite flexibilidade de uso ao edifício.<br>O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma análise do comportamento estrutural das vigas da<br>cobertura do edifício, a partir da modelagem estrutural em elementos finitos, utilizando o programa<br>SAP2000. São apresentados os esforços atuantes nas vigas, bem como verificações de estado-limite de<br>deformações excessivas (ELS-DEF) e de vibrações excessivas (ELS-VE), conforme a ABNT NBR<br>6118: 2014.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLCULO DE CONTRA FLECHAS INCLUINDO DEFORMAÇÕES POR FLUÊNCIA DURANTE A FASE CONSTRUTIVA DE ESTRUTURAS EM BALANÇOS SUCESSIVOS2024-07-19T10:06:49+00:00Mariella Falcão de Lima Oliveira Santosmariella.santos@ufpe.brSilvana Maria Bastossmb@ufpe.brRenato Siqueira<p>A análise de estruturas requer a avalição das deformações e, em alguns casos, é necessário<br>acompanhar essas deformadas durante a construção, como ocorre nas estruturas executadas em etapas<br>construtivas. Na execução de pontes e marquises pelo Método dos Balanços Sucessivos, os segmentos<br>são construídos a partir do anterior e uma nova geometria é definida a cada estágio, assim o<br>comportamento da estrutura anteriormente executada precisa ser analisado devido à nova configuração<br>deformada. O uso de contra flechas introduz deslocamentos corretivos de modo a compensar essas<br>deformações. O cálculo dessas contra flechas consideram o ganho de resistência do concreto ao longo<br>do tempo, mas negligenciam as deformações devido aos efeitos de fluência que são diferentes para<br>cada segmento, pois o material possui diferentes idades durante a concretagem e aplicação de carga. É<br>importante que esse tipo de análise seja incorporado a essas estruturas, pois as deformações modificam<br>a cada estágio e o deslocamento acumulado total é diferente quando comparado a uma análise da<br>estrutura com estágios construtivos, mas sem os efeitos da fluência. O presente trabalho consiste na<br>determinação dos valores de contra flecha a serem aplicados em uma estrutura, em balanço sucessivo,<br>incluindo as tensões provenientes da fluência. Um código em elementos finitos foi desenvolvido para<br>o cálculo das deformações em vigas que passam por modificação no seu sistema estrutural ou<br>carregamento ao longo da construção, considerando os efeitos da fluência. Com isso, a análise<br>incremental em estruturas especiais é aplicada e seus efeitos em cada estágio são compreendidos.<br>Exemplos em programas comerciais são apresentados para validação das rotinas propostas, de maneira<br>a mostrar a importância das deformações por fluência no cálculo do projeto.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TOOL FOR ANALYSIS IN SOUND TRANSMISSION LOSS ON SIMPLE, DOUBLE AND MULTILAYER CLOSING PANELS2024-07-19T10:09:20+00:00Reinaldo C. Fortesreinaldoufop@gmail.comRovadávia A. J. Ribasroviaaline@gmail.comGustavo P. Guimarã<p>As edificações construídas sob o sistema estruturado em aço podem apresentar problemas<br>devido ao mau desempenho acústico quando são aplicados sistemas de fechamento industrializados. A<br>flexibilidade e vibração excessiva da estrutura, aliadas à reduzida capacidade de isolação sonora dos<br>materiais dos fechamentos, que, em geral, são mais leves do que as tradicionais alvenarias, podem<br>transmitir para os painéis, que compõem os sistemas de fechamento industrializados, vibrações que<br>tendem a diminuir a perda na transmissão sonora da parede. Os transtornos são em geral complexos e<br>levam a correções onerosas. No entanto, o desempenho acústico de um sistema de fechamento pode<br>ser previsto e otimizado se aplicados, durante a fase de projeto, conceitos e tecnologias adequadas para<br>a análise de sua resposta acústica. A perda na transmissão sonora é um parâmetro que permite a<br>análise do desempenho acústico de sistemas de fechamento, mas sua estimativa envolve vários fatores,<br>principalmente se sua aplicação envolver múltiplas camadas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa<br>é elaborar um modelo computacional para a determinação da perda na transmissão sonora em função<br>da frequência em sistemas de fechamento constituídos por painéis de fechamento industrializados<br>simples e em multicamadas, com e sem absorvedores sonoros entre as placas que compõem os painéis<br>em multicamadas. O modelo é desenvolvido em linguagem JAVA, utilizando a plataforma NetBeans e<br>o banco de dados sqLite, e possui uma interface gráfica para a interação com o usuário de forma<br>facilitada. A modelagem é baseada em um método gráfico, aplicado a painéis industrializados simples,<br>duplos e em multicamadas, com e sem absorvedores sonoros entre as placas que compõem o sistema.<br>Considera-se ainda a forma de fixação dos painéis, que é determinante na eficiência de sua<br>transmissão sonora. A validação quantitativa do modelo computacional é realizada, comparando-se os<br>resultados obtidos com trabalhos publicados, tendo o software apresentado resultados com diferença<br>máxima de 1,5%, o que viabiliza sua utilização para uma rápida análise acústica de sistemas de<br>fechamento industrializados.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Optimization of 3D Trusses considering the Dynamic Effect of the Wind2024-07-19T10:12:01+00:00Rodríguez, Rene Q.rene.rodriguez@ufsm.brCardoso, Emanuely U.emanuely.ugulino@gmail.comSantos, Patrick S.patrick.santos_@hotmail.comQuispe, Alana P. C.alanacostaquispe@gmail.comPicelli, Renato<p>In the civil engineering and construction industry there exists a consistent search for projects<br>that are more functional, safe and efficient. Based on those exigencies, new technologies and analysis<br>methods are being developed, where the common objective is to find the optimal structure in terms of<br>lightweight and efficiency. The use of trusses-kind structures has increased over recent years, this fact is<br>mainly due to its practicity in terms of structural assembly, lightness and high resistance; allowing, for<br>example, its use in large roof structures or stadiums. Nonetheless, an accurate analysis of its behavior<br>is necessary for correctly design these kind of structures. In many cases, a static analysis is sufficient.</p> <p>However, in structures such as roofs or bridges, the dynamic effects could be relevant, as they can gen-<br>erate vibration. Resulting in discomfort for the users, or even, leading to structural failure. Thus, the</p> <p>dynamic effect of the wind should be considered in order to have a more realistic behavior of the struc-<br>tural response. The main objective of the present work is the parametric optimization of 3D trusses,</p> <p>considering the dynamic effect of the wind. The brazilian standard NBR 6123 is herewith used in order<br>to account for this dynamic wind effect. Restrictions are also in accordance with the brazilian standard<br>NBR8800, which features project restrictions for steel structures. The computational implementation<br>was made using Matlab programming language. The structural dynamic response was implemented<br>using the Finite Element Method (FEM), while the optimization procedure was accounted using the<br>Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization (TLBO) method. The objective function for the optimization<br>method is the reduction of the total weight of the structure and project restrictions were considered in<br>accordance with brazilian standards. Some numerical examples are presented to show the applicability<br>of the proposed methodology.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF EXCESSIVE VIBRATIONS ON UNIDIRECTIONAL PRECAST RIBBED SLAB FLOORS2024-07-19T10:15:30+00:00Kildenberg Kaynan Felix Nuneskildenberg.nunes@ct.ufpb.brLays Raianne Azevedo da Costalaysraianne@ct.ufpb.brHidelbrando José Farkat Diógeneshidelbrando@ct.ufpb.brAnne Caroline Linhares<p>The ribbed slabs (RS) are one of several types of precast slabs. This type of slab is suitable<br>for any work, but is very much used in small housing and commercial buildings. The construction<br>system, composed of reinforced concrete ribs, stands out economically when compared to structures<br>cast in loco, whether they are solid or ribbed, since they require a smaller amount of framework and<br>shoring, and reduce the consumption of concrete. From the design point of view, these slabs are often<br>only verified in relation to the ULS and the SLS of deflection, however when the verification of this<br>SLS of vibration is neglected, it results in vibration comfort problems and, in some cases, may cause<br>malfunction of machines and equipment. In this context, this work aims to study the static and dynamic<br>behavior of the RS’s by means of a parametric analysis that evaluates the influence of the useful height,<br>topping slab thickness and characteristic strength of the concrete (fck) in the natural frequency variation,<br>through an analytical and numerical approach (via SAP2000®</p> <p>). The results were discussed comparing<br>the analytical prediction of the limit values proposed by ABNT NBR 6118:2014 and PCI Design<br>Handbook (2010). The results show that with the adoption of additional reinforcement, RS's present<br>worse results for vibration SLS in relation to deflection SLS, fortifying the need to verify the dynamic<br>behavior.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND NUMERICAL STUDY OF MASONRY WITH EMPHASIS ON THE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL EFFICIENCY2024-07-19T10:19:15+00:00Anne C. L. Monteiroanneclmonteiro@usp.brKildenberg K. F. J. F. Diógeneshidelbrando@ct.ufpb.brAndrea B. Silvaandreabrasiliano@gmail.comLays R. A.<p>In view of the speed and ease of execution, structures such as structural masonry are widely<br>adopted in civil construction. Although this construction method is considered simple, for the<br>elaboration of structural projects with satisfactory levels of security and economy, a comprehensive<br>analysis of the structural behavior is essential. In this regard, numerical modeling is an efficient<br>approach. In this work, it is carried out the numerical and experimental analysis of the mechanical<br>performance of small walls of structural masonry, subjected to axial compression. To study the<br>transmission mechanisms of the stresses and modes of failure, a linear analysis was performed from a<br>homogenized model, developed in SAP2000® software. As a secondary aim, the strength of the masonry<br>is compared to that of Light Steel Frame (LSF) panels constructed and modeled with geometric<br>characteristics similar to those of the small masonry wall and their structural efficiencies was evaluated<br>comparatively. From the obtained results, it was verified that the macromodeling is an efficient tool in<br>the prediction of the strength transmission mechanisms in the masonry. About the investigation of the<br>structural efficiency of the analyzed construction methods, a ratio of 2:1 was verified between the<br>specific strength of the LSF and the structural masonry.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÊNCIA DA ELASTICIDADE DA FUNDAÇÃO NA ANÁLISE DE TENSÕES EM UMA BARRAGEM GRAVIDADE DE CONCRETO2024-07-19T10:22:33+00:00Iarly Vanderlei da Silveiraiarlysilveira@hotmail.comLineu José<p>A fundação nas barragens gravidade de concreto é um local de destaque nas análises de<br>estabilidade dessas estruturas, uma vez que os defeitos na fundação ou a sua influência são considerados<br>como um dos principais mecanismos de deterioração e danos ao longo da estrutura. Este estudo consistiu<br>em avaliar a influência da elasticidade da fundação em um perfil de barragem gravidade de concreto<br>com dimensões típicas de uma barragem brasileira, na qual essa estrutura é submetida aos carregamentos<br>gravitacional (peso próprio), pressão hidrostática e sub-pressão. Dessa forma, avaliou-se as tensões<br>principais e deslocamentos em alguns pontos na estrutura variando as condições da elasticidade da<br>fundação. A modelização desse sistema barragem-fundação foi analisada por meio do software ANSYS<br>APDL cuja idealização do solo da fundação e do concreto da barragem foram considerados como<br>materiais de propriedades elásticas, homogêneas e lineares. Os resultados mostram que a modificação<br>da elasticidade da fundação provoca mudanças no comportamento das tensões e deslocamentos na<br>estrutura.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ESTUDO ANALÍTICO-NUMÉRICO DA INFLUÊNCIA DAS CONDIÇÕES DE CONTORNO E DO PROCESSO DE CÁLCULO NA RESPOSTA DE UMA PLACA RETANGULAR NA ZONA DE CONEXÃO COM OS APOIOS2024-07-19T10:32:28+00:00Luan Felipeluanfelipef@hotmail.comAdriana C. Silvaadrianacorreiacds@gmail.comIarly Vanderlei da<p>In civil construction the slab-beam or slab-pillar connections present some uncertainties in<br>the analysis of their efforts, which has led to discrepancies between the calculation and the actual<br>behavior of these structural elements. In addition to inaccuracy during its execution, variations from the<br>conditions adopted in numerical modeling and the accuracy of the calculation procedures also increase<br>the divergence between the results of these analyzes and those observed in loco. These elemental<br>connection zones are critical regions that require this questioning, and thus the results of deflection of a<br>uniformly loaded plate subjected to six different supporting conditions were analyzed comparatively by:<br>(a) Finite Differences Method; (b) Finite Element Method using ANSYS software; and (c) analytical<br>formulation available in the literature. The combinations of support conditions ranged from brimmed to<br>crimped edges. We also conducted a convergence study of the results for each of the imposed conditions,<br>noting that some of the analyzed conditions require greater caution from the designer, given the nature<br>of the analysis methods used and the conditions of the problem addressed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DO COMPORTAMENTO ESTRUTURAL ESTÁTICO EM ELEMENTOS DE PLACA2024-07-19T10:36:28+00:00Murilo Carneiro Rodriguesmurilocr@live.comJosé Vitor Silva de Carvalhojosevitor_carvalho@outlook.comDavidson de Oliveira França Júniordavidson.francajunior@gmail.comWanderlei Malaquias Pereira Jú<p>Um problema prático na engenharia surge com a análise estrutural estática de placas. Soluções<br>analíticas apresentadas na literatura são complexas e extensas, necessitando o uso de métodos de tabelas<br>simplificadas para obtenção desta resposta estrutural estática. No Brasil, as placas têm diversas<br>aplicações práticas e são empregadas principalmente para simular as lajes em concreto armado em<br>edifícios de múltiplos pavimentos. Nesse sentido, neste trabalho é apresentado um procedimento<br>analítico utilizado através de implementação computacional para a análise estática elástica-linear de<br>placas finas retangulares com as bordas simplesmente apoiadas. A solução analítica é obtida tendo por<br>base o cálculo variacional através de uma formulação energética implementada no software MAPLE.<br>Os valores obtidos são comparados com o método dos elementos finitos (MEF) através de uma<br>discretização numérica por meio do software ANSYS. Com base nestes estudos, ficou evidenciado que<br>a metodologia analítica implementada representa adequadamente os deslocamentos, esforços e tensões<br>na laje.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 NUMÉRICO DE VIGAS DE AÇO SUBMETIDAS À FLEXÃO2024-07-19T10:39:39+00:00Paulo R. S. V. Nóão P. B. Cavalcantejpbarrosc@hotmail.comJanielly K. O.<p>Structural analysis consists of identifying and predicting the behavior of the structure in the<br>analytical, experimental and numerical fields. For this, physical and mathematical theories resulting<br>from the formalization of structural engineering are used. Numerical modeling is the study of<br>mathematical problem approximation algorithms that converge to the real solution of the problem<br>through computational aid. Beams are generally structures used to resist transverse stresses along the<br>longitudinal axis and to transmit these loads to other structures. This type of element has internal<br>forces such as bending and shear. Bending bending causes a deformation of the pieces, which is<br>determined by the elastic line, resulting in displacement along the axis, the deflection. Thus, this work<br>will have as main objective to perform analytical and numerical study of an isostatic steel beam. After<br>the analytical study, the elaboration of the numerical model through the Finite Element Method (FEM)<br>through the SAP2000 modeling software will be made. Then we will compare the values obtained<br>with the methods used. According to the analytical and numerical results one can infer the<br>effectiveness of the numerical analysis performed, highlighting the efficiency of the nonlinear<br>analysis, in view of the approximation of the results obtained through SAP2000, as well as the<br>refinement of the results. The paper also presents results on the influence of beam variation on<br>deflection analysis, showing that the greater the stiffness of the profile, the smaller the displacement in<br>the vertical axis.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE BRASÍLIA ROAD PLATFORM THROUGH NUMERICAL SIMULATION AND MONITORING2024-07-19T10:42:51+00:00Ronaldo O. de S. da Silvalenildo_s@hotmail.comMarco Aurélio S. Bessabessa.novacap@gmail.comMaruska L. S. Holandamaruskalimaholanda@gmail.comMarianna C.<p>Brasilia, the first urban ensemble of the 20th century to be recognized as a World Heritage<br>by UNESCO, turns 60 years since your inauguration in 2020. Given this and considering that the<br>buildings in Brazil usually have a minimum design life of 50 years (standard reference time), routine<br>monitoring these structures is required to carry out preventive and corrective maintenance actions, as<br>required by the Model Code fib 2010. The Plano Piloto Bus Terminal of Brasília is composed of<br>Ground and Upper Platforms, two squares and an extensive slab-overhang, which holds stairs,<br>elevators, snack bars, magazine stands, taxi stand, etc. The slab-overhang, target of the test, is formed<br>by precast beams, placed next to each other, supported on frames of beams in prestressed concrete on<br>28 metallic pillars. From the monitoring of vibrations, through the use of four accelerometers, two<br>inclinometers, and one temperature gauge, it was possible to obtain the natural response frequencies of<br>the structure. With these results, the structural behavior was evaluated by the development of the<br>numerical model based on the finite element method, using elements in frames and shells. From this<br>assessment, it was concluded that, despite the need to repair the slab, so that its excessive deformation<br>is corrected - and thus providing greater visual comfort to the users - the structural performance of the<br>slab-overhang was satisfactory as for the natural vibration, allowing the normal use defined in design,<br>with the guarantee of user safety.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE STRAIN ENERGY CAPACITY OF ARTIFICIAL TREES2024-07-19T10:46:25+00:00Paula de Oliveira Ribeiropaula_ribeiro@usp.brGabriel Vilelagabriel.vilela@engenharia.ufjf.brMarcelo Miranda<p>Nowadays much effort in science and technology is related to renewable energy, once the<br>actual society is based on available energy and the demand is increasing. One of the actual research<br>areas in harvesting energy is based on vibration using piezoelectric materials. Natural trees are known<br>to be very flexible and resilient. Trees are able to absorb relatively high quantities of energy from the<br>wind due to their flexibilities as well as the high drag force induced by the leafs. Piezoelectric energy<br>harvesters must contain flexible elements in order to induce vibration within its elements, since the strain<br>rate is necessary to induce electrical current within these devices. Artificial trees with a given number<br>of generations may be built by fractal geometry, or iterated function systems. In this paper we propose<br>a 2D model for the trees extended to 3D by unitary depth. Thus, the geometrical properties of each<br>branch are the length and the width. The trees are self-similar, i.e. the quantity of children for each father<br>branch is constant for all branching, as well as the length and width ratios, given by the parameters b, λ<br>and w respectively. Let n be the number of generations, or iterations, and λ0 and w0 the length and<br>width of the trunk. Therefore an infinity of trees may be generated through this set of six parameters. In<br>this paper we present analytical expressions for the strain energy in tree structures generated by fractal<br>geometry. Some numerical experiments are performed in order to both confirm the analytical<br>propositions and evaluate the strain energy for some particular structures.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AXIS WIND TURBINE WAKE FLOW ASSESSMENT USING OPENFOAM2024-07-19T10:48:47+00:00Hugo G. L. M. Podesta ́<p>Wind power is one of the means of producing renewable energy that has grown in popularity due<br>to the horizontal axis wind turbine great efficiency. However, vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) are<br>becoming an interesting option in urban environments. As it is well known, the wake flow generated<br>by the kinetic energy extraction of the wind turbine blades has a direct influence on the wind turbine<br>performance, whether isolated or grouped in a wind farm. This work presents a computational fluid<br>dynamics (CFD) study of a Darrieus VAWT wake flow. The wind turbine is assumed to be located inside<br>a boundary-layer wind tunnel with different inflow conditions. The complete coupling between the<br>rotating rigid solid and the fuid flow is implemented by open source CFD OpenFOAM software. Three<br>dimensional unsteady flow simulations are carried out by means of the Unsteady Reynolds Averaged<br>Navier-Stokes (URANS) method and using the sliding mesh technique in order to explicity resolved the<br>turbine rotation. The obtained results are compared with previous experimental work, showing a good<br>agreement.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF CFD AND THE DMST APPLIED TO DARRIEUS H-ROTOR PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS2024-07-19T10:51:12+00:00Willian Minoru Okitaminoruokita@gmail.comKamal Abdel Radi<p>CFD and other vortex methods are used to predict the performance of horizontal and vertical<br>axis wind turbines and investigate the wake effects with good precision. The main drawback of these<br>methods that they usually consume a lot of computational time and consequently expensive for quick<br>evaluation studies. There are other numerical methods that can be useful for this type of application<br>needing less computational time and reasonably accurate. One of such numerical methods is the blade<br>element momentum (BEM) for horizontal axis wind turbine and double multiple stream tube (DMST)<br>for vertical axis wind turbine. This work reports the results of a comparative study between CFD,<br>experimental measurements and the DMST to predict the performance of Darrieus H-rotor type vertical<br>axis wind turbines (VAWTs). The DMST combines the multiple stream tube model with the double<br>actuator disk theory. The results from the present study compared the CFD results with the present<br>Matlab DMST code incorporating Xfoil. The DMST overestimated the power coefficient but presented<br>similar behavior when compared with other numerical and experimental results. The overestimated<br>values are mainly due to the fact that the wake is not accounted for in a simultaneous way as is the case<br>in the experiments and CFD simulations.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF PROPELLERS BY COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS2024-07-19T10:53:21+00:00Eric Vargas Loureiroeric.vargas@engenharia.ufjf.brNicolas Lima Habib<p>Propellers are widely used in our day-to-day for various purposes. Aerodynamic analyzes<br>are necessary to evaluate the thrust generated and the power that the propeller is capable of absorbing or<br>delivering. Among the available tools for this purpose, we highlight the computational fluid dynamics<br>(CFD). In general, the main concerns for the use of CFD lie in the complexity of its geometry, which is<br>often not provided by the manufacturer, the generation of the mesh, and the use of appropriate numerical<br>techniques to solve the problem. Regarding this last observation, the computational tools must be able<br>to accommodate the movement of the rotating domain of the propeller to the computational domain.<br>Besides, due to the flow characteristics, turbulence models must be incorporated to represent the entire</p> <p>behavior of the system adequately. This study proposes computational modeling and aerodynamic anal-<br>ysis of a fan by CFD using the Ansys commercial program (academic version) and OpenFOAM open</p> <p>source. The computational domain is divided into a rotating and stationary. At interfaces between both,<br>there is no agreement between the nodes and the elements from one mesh to the other, but the numerical<br>technique ensures the correct transfer of information. Also incorporated into the codes are the turbulence<br>models widely reported in the literature. The proposed methodology consists of comparing the responses<br>in terms of thrust and torque for some operating conditions between both programs, adopting the same<br>boundary conditions and similar numerical techniques, and verifying the quality of the results.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF TOWER WIND FORCES TO THE BASE MOMENT OF ONSHORE WIND TURBINES2024-07-19T10:56:01+00:00Lucas Teotônio de Souzalucas.souza@coc.ufrj.brAndréa Oliveira de Araújoandrea_araujo@coc.ufrj.brMichèle Schubert Pfeilmpfeil@coc.ufrj.brRonaldo Carvalho<p>Wind turbines are analyzed and designed according to specific standards such as IEC<br>61400-1 which provides design requirements for all subsystems. Internal forces in the structural<br>elements are obtained through dynamic analyses of the rotor-tower-foundation coupled system under<br>the action of turbulent wind. This work presents and discusses dynamic analyses of a horizontal axis<br>onshore wind turbine model, representative of large wind turbines: the 5MW NREL Base Wind<br>Turbine, designed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The simulations are<br>performed using the FAST and TurbSim computational tools, developed and made available by<br>NREL. The design situations cover normal operating and stationary rotor conditions, with wind<br>velocity fields given by the normal turbulence profile, extreme turbulence model and extreme wind<br>velocity model. The results are discussed in terms of the contributions to the base internal forces of the<br>wind forces applied to the tower, showing that these are predominant in analyses with extreme wind<br>speed.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 WIND TURBINE PERFORMANCE PREDICTIONS BY A LOW COMPUTATIONAL EFFORT ALGORITHM2024-07-19T10:58:42+00:00Pedro A. A. Baracatpedroaab@gmail.comKamal A. R.<p>The use of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) has been increasing in recent years. H-type<br>wind turbines may be a good alternative to horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) at places with low<br>space availability, as occurs in cities, low wind velocity and disturbed wind streams, as occurs in areas<br>of mountainous reliefs. Hence, methods of wind turbine performance prediction have become even more<br>important, in wind energy potential studies. They may reduce the number of experimental trials or field<br>tests needed. However, the wind stream behavior on a vertical axis wind turbine is usually complex and<br>hard to predict. A low computational effort algorithm for H-type wind turbine performance prediction<br>was conceived and tested in a regular home computer. At H-type wind turbine simulation, some inputs<br>are the airfoil, air density and dynamic viscosity, chord length or solidity, rotor height and radius, free<br>stream velocity, tip speed ratio range for a constant number of blades (also an input), initial guess and<br>stop criteria of axial induction factor and maximum number of iterations within the stop criteria. For<br>non-Joukowski airfoils, the lift and drag coefficients are given in input tables, changing with the angle<br>of attack and azimuthal angle, from π/180 (1o) to 2π rad (360o) and step value of π/180 rad (1o). Each<br>table refers to a specific Reynolds number. The tables are previously analyzed, and missing or<br>non-integer angle values of angles of attack with their coefficients are filled-in by linear interpolation.<br>For Joukowski airfoils, the circle parameters are inputs. The resultant profile and lift coefficients are<br>analytically calculated. The variation of power coefficient with tip speed ratio curves are similar to the<br>literature findings. The predicted power coefficient is 2% higher than the maximum value of<br>experimental results (same tip speed ratio), in a simulation that lasted 34 seconds to run.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÁLISE DINÂMICA DE AEROGERADORES OFFSHORE COM FUNDAÇÃO DO TIPO MONOPILAR2024-07-19T11:01:16+00:00Diogo C. F. Barrosdiogo.figueiroa@ufpe.brCarlos V. S. Sarmento Paulo M. V. Ribeirocarlos.vitor@ufpe.brPaulo M. V.<p>The offshore wind power generation has shown a considerable growth over the last few ye-<br>ars. The wind power potential of the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) is significant, with a</p> <p>continental shelf of low depth and extremely favourable wind speed in the Northeast region. Offshore</p> <p>wind power exploration appears as an alternative for the expansion of the national primary energy sour-<br>ces. The monopile type represents approximately 80% of the global foundation solutions for Offshore</p> <p>Wind Turbines (OWT). In general, OWTs exhibit high flexibility and similar behaviour to an inverted<br>pendulum. They are constantly subjected to the dynamic actions of wind forces, which are combined</p> <p>with other loads, such as waves, sea currents, earthquakes. This work presents procedures for the one-<br>way dynamic analysis of monopile OWTs, where aerodynamic loads are obtained by the Blade Element</p> <p>Momentum (BEM) theory and the structural dynamic simulation is performed in a one-dimensional mo-<br>del according to the Finite Element Method (FEM). An integration between aerodynamic loading and</p> <p>the structural module is performed with the aid of MATLAB. The soil-structure interaction is idealized<br>by means of four simplified models: fully fixed, distributed springs, apparent fixity length and coupled</p> <p>springs. Several results are presented for the NREL 5MW reference turbine and validated by robust mo-<br>del solutions available in literature. The results indicate the efficiency of the developed routines on the</p> <p>characterization of the transient wind action on the rotor and its possible use for the dynamic analysis of<br>wind turbines on sea for different environmental conditions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF ONSHORE WIND TURBINES FROM A LAGRAGEAN APPROACH2024-07-19T11:04:13+00:00Henrique A. N. Castro FilhoHcastro3009@gmail.comSuzana M. Ávilasuzana.avila@gmail.comJosé L. V. de<p>Special structures, such as wind turbines, have characteristics and exhibit significantly<br>different behavior than conventional civil engineering structures. Wind turbines are generally flexible<br>structures and susceptible to considerable displacement due to external vibrations. Thus, it is of<br>significant importance to analyze the dynamic behavior of these structures. Considering this, the<br>present study aims to evaluate the dynamic performance of wind turbines through two approximate<br>models, investigating three different conditions and how each one will affect the results. The three<br>studied aspects are the influence of the operational condition (parked and rotating), the influence of<br>SSI and the influence of rotor speed. The NREL 5MW wind turbine will be the source of tower,<br>nacelle and rotor properties. The models use multi-degrees of freedom to represent an onshore wind<br>turbine of horizontal axes; in addition, the Euler-Lagrangian approach is used to process dynamic<br>analysis. The first model was developed using rotary blades modeled as continuous beams. The whole<br>model has 8 degrees of freedom. The blades are analyzed as a system of two degrees of freedom, that<br>is, it is possible to vibrate in the directions in the plane and out of the plane. They are connected in the<br>center of the tower-nacelle represented by a spring of mass corresponding to a system of two degrees<br>of freedom, that is to say, also can have vibrations in the directions in the plane and outside the plane.<br>The second model has the same characteristics as the first; however, a foundation shaped like a spring<br>with bi-directional rotational stiffness is included therein. In this way, it is possible, from this model,<br>to study the soil-structure interaction (SSI). Soil stiffness and damping properties were acquired from<br>the DNV/Risø standards and are used as a comparison. A wind load and an earthquake are used as a<br>source of vibration for the models. The main objective, then, is to evaluate the impact of three<br>different conditions through the dynamic response obtained from the two models. From the results, it<br>can be seen that the responses of the wind turbine in the operating condition are much larger than<br>those in the parked condition; SSI can greatly affect tower responses; however, does not have a<br>significant effect on the vibrations occurring in the plane of rotation of the blades. Finally, it is<br>realized that the amplitude of the response increases with the velocity of the rotor, in general.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF TUBULAR TOWERS OF WIND TURBINES IN COMPOSITE MATERIAL2024-07-19T11:06:48+00:00Antonio Porfirio da Gama Juniorjuniorporfirio@hotmail.comRaphael de Oliveira Guedes de Meloraphael.melo@ceca.ufal.brMárcio André Araújo<p>The wind energy is an important renewable energy resource, and it has been recently explored<br>in Brazil, with a strong tendency to increase in the next decades, considering the Brazil's potential. The<br>most common way to explore the wind energy is through the wind turbines, usually designed to have<br>the maximum efficiency. The tower is an important part of the wind turbine design, once it defines the<br>wind turbine efficiency and must be designed to resist to different loadings, responding for 30% of the<br>wind turbine cost, approximately. The composite materials are an interesting choice to manufacture<br>tubular towers of small wind turbines, because they present great relations between strength and weight,<br>and also between stiffness and weight, and they offer more flexibility in the structural design, in<br>comparison with the conventional materials. This work presents a structural optimization study of<br>tubular towers of wind turbines in composite materials, within a framework based on the strength of<br>materials and the principle virtual work for the structural analysis of the tower, besides optimization<br>techniques, with the goal to minimize the tower’s weight. Some comparisons are made with optimized<br>steel and aluminum towers. The minimization of the tower’s weight through the employment of<br>optimization techniques allows a reduction of the costs with inputs, transportation, assembling and<br>maintenance of the tower, with the intention to make feasible the manufacturing of composite material<br>towers for small wind turbines, especially those ones that will be installed in remote areas with difficult<br>access, besides contributing with the study of this technology not much explored in Brazil.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IN STEEL FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE2024-07-19T11:09:16+00:00Marcello Congromarcellocongro@tecgraf.puc-rio.brFernanda L. G. Pereirafernanda.pereira@uerj.brLourdes M. S. Souzalmsilvadesouza@tecgraf.puc-rio.brDeane<p>In steel fiber reinforced concrete, the random dispersion of discrete fibers in the cementitious<br>matrix and the distinct lengths, cross sections and volumetric contents cause deviations in the global<br>behavior of a given structure. Traditionally, the association of probabilistic and numerical approaches<br>reproduces the variability effects in the material mechanical behavior. However, the accomplishment<br>of these simulations is strongly dependent on statistical study of experimental tests. In recent years,<br>computational intelligence techniques emerge as powerful tools for parameter identification and<br>calibration in engineering. However, parameter sensitivity analysis is a predecessor stage required for<br>applying these new concepts into an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In this sense, this paper presents<br>a sensitivity study of macroscale parameters in steel fiber reinforced concrete by using the Design of<br>Experiments (DOE) methodology. This technique is an important method to analyze the influence of one<br>or more parameters on the given output of the ANN. An experimental database available in literature<br>provides the input data for the ANN: water-cement ratio, volumetric content, diameter and length of<br>steel fibers. The parameter outputs are the Young modulus (E), tensile strength (ft) and fracture energy<br>(G) of the material. Response surface plots are provided in order to identify the relevant experimental<br>parameters for the description of the mechanical behavior of the composite predicted by the ANN.<br>Thereby, sensitivity analysis in Artificial Intelligence methods becomes an attractive approach to verify<br>the mechanical behavior of concrete, establishing the most suitable parameters that will generate a<br>reliable neural network.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÉGIA MULTIESCALA PARA DESCRIÇÃO MICROMÓRFICA DO CONTÍNUO A PARTIR DO CONTÍNUO CLÁSSICO2024-07-19T11:12:06+00:00Leandro Lopes da Silvaleandro-silva@ufmg.brRoque Luiz da Silva Pitangueiraroque@dees.ufmg.brSamuel Silva<p>O comportamento macroscopico dos materiais e função da estrutura que exibem em <br>nível microscopico. A abordagem fenomenológica adotada na teoria do contínuo classico não<br>considera o comportamento individual dos constituintes da microestrutura, mas propriedades<br>macroscopicas efetivas. Por falta de parâmetros microestruturais, esta teoria não descreve <br>adequadamente materiais com microestrutura complexa ou quando as dimensoes estruturais são<br>comparativamente pequenas em relação a sua microestrutura. Neste sentido, diversas teorias de contínuos denominados generalizados foram desenvolvidas, incorporando-se o comportamento<br>microestrutural do meio material. Estas teorias se dividem em dois grupos: (a) as que consideram<br>gradientes de deslocamento de ordem superior e (b) as que adicionam graus de liberdade<br>cinematicos as partículas materiais. A teoria do contínuo micromorfico, na qual cada partícula<br>material possui nove graus de liberdade cinematicos adicionais, representa o caso mais geral <br>deste segundo grupo. Esta teoria e adequada a análise de materiais cuja microestrutura se deforma <br>arbitrariamente. A construção heuristica do contínuo micromorfico com base em considerações<br>termodinamicas (ou no princípio dos trabalhos virtuais) esta bem estabelecida. No entanto, a <br>identificação das correspondentes leis constitutivas e a determinação do elevado número de <br>parametros constitutivos limitam a aplicação prática desta teoria. Neste sentido, este artigo <br>apresenta uma formulação multiescala para obtenção das relações constitutivas micromorficas <br>macroscopicas a partir da solução de problemas de valor de contorno na microescala segundo </p> <p>a teoria do contínuo classico. O sistema INSANE ( ́ INteractive Structural ANalysis Environ-<br>ment), software livre desenvolvido no Departamento de Engenharia de Estruturas da Escola de</p> <p>Engenharia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, e utilizado na implementação.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 EVALUATION OF MICROPOLAR ELASTIC PARAMETERS FOR A HETEROGENEOUS MICROSTRUCTURE2024-07-19T11:19:34+00:00Raphael A. R. Medeirosraphaelrochamedeiros@ufmg.brRoque L. S. Pitangueiraroque@dees.ufmg.brLapo<p>Materials that, like concrete, possess a heterogeneous microstructure, are characterized by<br>behaviours at the macroscale that are difficult to be represented with standard continuum descriptions.</p> <p>Generalized continua models, due to their enriched kinematical description, are well-suited for the repre-<br>sentation of microstructural effects. The main limitation to the use of generalized models is the presence</p> <p>of additional material parameters, difficult to be obtained through experiments. The present work deals</p> <p>with the definition of the two additional parameters of the micropolar continuum theory, using a numer-<br>ical homogenization strategy. The main aim is, then, to obtain an equivalent micropolar macromedium</p> <p>starting from a random heterogeneous microstructure. This paper focuses on a homogenization strategy</p> <p>originally conceived for periodic microstructures, and presents a preliminary investigation on its exten-<br>sion to randon heterogeneous microstructures. The theoretical aspects are discussed, and some initial</p> <p>numerical results are presented.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO ELÁSTICA DE ALVENARIA UTILIZANDO MECANICA DAS ESTRUTURAS GENE 2024-07-19T11:21:57+00:00Francisco P. A. Almeidapatrick@lccv.ufal.brPaulo B. Lourenç<p>A alvenaria e um material compósito formado por unidades e juntas, altamente anisotrópico e de caracterização muito difícil. O presente artigo apresenta de forma inedita a aplicação de mecanica ˆdas estruturas gene (MEG) a homogeneização de alvenarias. Uma vez que se trata de uma técnica semi- <br>analítica, MEG reduz consideravelmente o custo computacional e mantem a mesma precisão de análises </p> <p>tridimensionais (3D), por exemplo, pelo metodo dos elementos finitos (MEF). Outras características in-<br>teressantes sao a possibilidade de obtenção de propriedades 3D a partir da solução de problemas 1D </p> <p>ou 2D e a nao necessidade de aplicação de condições de contorno. Nos exemplos analisados, são cal- <br>culadas as constantes elasticas 3D da alvenaria, considerada como material anisotrópico, a partir do <br>modulo de elasticidade longitudinal e coeficiente de Poisson dos blocos (ou unidades) e das juntas de ar- <br>gamassa, considerados como isotropicos. Os resultados obtidos s ́ ao comparados com diversos métodos,<br>numericos ou teóricos, de diferentes autores, inclusive com uma análise 3D do MEF, e apresentam per- <br>feita concordancia, mesmo para relações entre os modulos de elasticidade dos blocos e da argamassa <br>grandes. Assim, os resultados apresentados no artigo mostram que o metodo MEG pode ser utilizado <br>com sucesso na homogeneização de alvenarias e apresenta vantagens com relação a outros métodos para <br>o mesmo fim.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF VOID DISTRIBUTION ON YIELD SURFACES OF POROUS DUCTILE MATERIALS2024-07-19T11:28:23+00:00Wanderson Ferreira dos Santoswandeson.ufgengcivil@gmail.comJosé Julio de Cerqueira<p>This work deals with numerical simulation of the mechanical behavior of materials composed<br>of heterogeneous ductile microstructures in presence of voids using a multi-scale approach considering<br>plasticity processes. This kind of material has been used in several applications as structural solutions.<br>Therefore, studies about yield surfaces of porous ductile materials are essentials to understanding its<br>mechanical behavior for safety reasons. The numerical modeling is performed in microstructures using<br>the concept of RVE (Representative Volume Element) considering the matrix as considered an ideally<br>plastic material governed by von Mises model with isotropic hardening. Different distributions of voids<br>are analyzed in order to investigate its influence on the proposed yield surfaces. In general way, the<br>RVEs containing concentrated void present yield surfaces with lower values when compared to the other<br>cases therefore the concentration of voids in the RVE decreases its mechanical strength. On the other<br>hand, the RVEs containing random distributions of voids present yield surfaces with high values and<br>RVEs containing symmetric distributions of voids present yield surfaces with intermediate values.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO AUTOMÁTICA DE MODELO NUMÉRICO: ABORDAGEM DE PROBLEMA INVERSO2024-07-19T11:30:55+00:00Paula de Oliveira Ribeiropaula_ribeiro@usp.brGustavo de Miranda Saleme Gidrãogustavo.gidrao@usp.brPablo Augusto Krahlpabloaugustokrahl@gmail.comRicardo<p>O modelo Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP), implementado no software de elementos<br>finitos Abaqus, é tipicamente usado para descrever o fissuramento do concreto sob carga mecânica. As<br>leis de endurecimento e amolecimento são descritas pelo comportamento uniaxial de compressão/tração<br>do material e pelas leis de evolução de danos. Os parâmetros de plasticidade utilizados no modelo são o<br>ângulo de dilatação, a excentricidade, a relação entre as tensões de escoamento biaxial e uniaxial, o fator<br>de forma e a viscosidade. Para que o modelo seja representativo, esses parâmetros devem ser calibrados<br>com base em resposta experimental. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é realizar uma<br>análise inversa para calibrar os parâmetros do CDP, bem como as propriedades mecânicas do material<br>e a condição de contorno a partir de um resultado experimental. A metodologia consiste na atualização<br>do modelo em elementos finitos por algoritmo genético, implementado em linguagem Python. Os<br>resultados mostram a influência da escolha dos parâmetros nos resultados e confirmam o potencial da<br>metodologia aplicada na calibração do modelo em elementos finitos.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF A HIGH-POWER STEEPED PLATE ULTRASSONIC TRANSDUCER2024-07-19T11:33:46+00:00Guilherme Victor Selicaniguilherme.selicani@usp.brFlávio<p>High-intensity airborne ultrasonic waves have been used to accomplish several phenomena,<br>such as defoaming, food drying and agglomeration of aerosol fine particles. In those applications,<br>circular stepped-plates are often chosen to generate continuous waves due to their high efficiency and<br>directive radiation patterns. In this study, a high-power stepped-plate transducer is designed for future<br>investigation of the effects of airborne ultrasonic waves on iron ore flotation froth. The acoustic<br>energy is generated by a piezoelectric Langevin transducer with a mechanical amplifier coupled to the<br>stepped circular plate. The finite element method is used to simulate the dynamic behavior of the<br>device through modal and harmonic analysis. Axisymmetric models are used on a parametric</p> <p>optimization problem formulated to design the transducer. This problem is solved with a meta-<br>heuristic (genetic algorithm) employed to determine the set of lengths that define the geometry of the</p> <p>plate. In this approach, the objective function presented assures the proper vibrational behavior of the<br>device, given a series of practical considerations. To validate the obtained design, a harmonic analysis<br>of a three-dimensional model for the stepped plate is used to assess the occurrence of undesirable<br>modal interactions. The Rayleigh Integral is solved to calculate the acoustic pressure field considering<br>the vibrational displacements of the plate, obtained by the finite element model. The performance of a<br>similar transducer with a smaller vibrating surface is presented to establish a general comparison.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OTIMIZADO DE VIGAS DE AÇO E DE CONCRETO ARMADO: ESTUDO COMPARATIVO2024-07-19T11:36:29+00:00Joel Marcos Ozimboski144171@upf.brZacarias M.C. Praviazacarias@upf.brMoacir<p>This work presents a study related to the optimization of reinforced concrete beams and<br>steel beams. Initially, formulations to optimize reinforced concrete beams of rectangular section and<br>“I” welded steel beams were developed, aiming to minimize the total cost. For both structural<br>materials, cross-sectional dimensions were considered as discrete design variables. To the constraints,<br>related to serviceability and ultimate limit states, Brazilian Standards NBR6118/2014 and<br>NBR8800/2008 were adopted, respectively to reinforced concrete and to steel beams. The developed<br>formulations were computationally implemented by the usage of Simulated Annealing optimization<br>method. From a parametric study considering different spans and loads, simply supported beams were<br>analyzed in order to obtain the optimized costs and their corresponding cross-sectional dimensions.<br>The comparison of concrete and steel beams aimed to clearly identify the advantages of each structural<br>material to a given span in terms of cost, height and self-weight.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF ELASTIC PROPERTIES BY MEANS OF FINITE ELEMENT MODEL UPDATING2024-07-19T11:39:01+00:00Paula de Oliveira Ribeiropaula_ribeiro@usp.brGustavo de Miranda Saleme Gidrãogustavo.gidrao@usp.brEdmar Borges Theóphilo Pradoedmarbt@sc.usp.brUziel Paulo da Silvauziel@sc.usp.brRicardo<p>The range of available 3D printable materials is constantly expanding and unlocking<br>advanced applications. Thus, the using of 3D printers to manufacture industrial parts is increasing due<br>to its adaptable manufacturing of complex geometries and reduction in material waste. Especially the<br>correct adoption of material elastic properties is central to secure and consistent design. However, the<br>methodologies that allow the researchers characterize the mechanical properties of the parts after the<br>impression without damage them are scarce. In this way, this paper presents the calibration of elastic<br>properties by means of a hybrid numerical-experimental methodology that objective the automatic<br>updating of a finite element model regarding the experimental natural frequency. Here, natural<br>frequencies were obtained through acoustic tests of a sample of 30x30x30 mm3 with a square periodic<br>distribution of circular cylindrical holes manufactured by a Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D<br>printer. The sample was positioned on a device which simulates the free-boundary condition and excited<br>by impact using a standard hammer. 10,000 numerical models were processed in ABAQUS and the<br>calibration was carried out employing a genetic algorithm implemented in Python. Based on<br>experimental measurements the elastic constants were determined. This proposed methodology presents<br>high accuracy, the natural frequencies obtained by the calibrated numerical model differed in less than<br>3% of the obtained ones by the experimental model and could be applied in a wide range of materials.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 TRUSS STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION CONSIDERING SIZE, SHAPE AND TOPOLOGY DESIGN VARIABLES SIMULTANEOUSLY2024-07-19T11:42:02+00:00José Pedro Gonçalves Carvalhojose.carvalho@engenharia.ufjf.brAfonso Celso de Castroícia Habib Hallakpatriciahallak@yahoo.comCláudio Horta Barbosa de Resendeclaudio.horta@engenharia.ufjf.brBeatriz de Souza Leite Pires de<p>Structural multi-objective optimization problems are common in real-world problems of En-<br>gineering field where one or more objective functions may be considered and desired to be optimized. In</p> <p>general, these functions are conflicting, leading to complex optimization problems. This paper analyses<br>the multi-objective structural optimization problems considering the weight minimization (or volume)</p> <p>with the compliance or the maximum nodal displacement. The constraints refer to the allowable ax-<br>ial stresses in the bars. Several experiments are analyzed in this paper, presenting their Pareto-fronts</p> <p>showing the non-dominated solutions. The structural optimization problems consider sizing, shape, and<br>topology design variables simultaneously, and they can be continuous, discrete, or mixed. One of the<br>most important steps, after obtaining the Pareto curve, is the definition of which solution or solutions will<br>be considered after obtaining the Pareto curve. This task is not trivial, and a Multi-Tournament Decision<br>method is applied to extract the solutions from the Pareto based on Decision Maker preferences. The<br>search algorithm adopted here is a modified version of the Differential Evolution called Third Evolution<br>Step Differential Evolution (GDE3).</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF DOMES STRUCTURES CONSIDERING AESTHETICAL ASPECTS2024-07-19T11:46:35+00:00Claudio H. B. Resendeclaudio.horta@engenharia.ufjf.brAfonso C. C. P. G. Carvalhojose.carvalho@engenharia.ufjf.brPatrícia H.<p>Large-scale domes are commonly used in cultural buildings like stadiums, sports gymnasiums,<br>hangars, and so on. Given a large number of people that interact with the environment, architectural<br>aspects are desired in the conception of the structure. This paper deals with sizing structural optimization<br>problems concerning the minimization of the masses of domes considering axial forces, displacements,<br>and frequencies as the constraints of the problems. It is very common to use tubular cross-sectional areas<br>of the members in the structural configuration. In this sense, it may be desirable that the bars should have<br>the same outer diameters for visual comfort as well as aesthetical aspects. For instance, the designer<br>may set just one outer diameter as the design variable. Thus limiting the maximum number of different<br>thicknesses, also as design variables, to be used in the optimized structural configuration. The analyzes<br>of the domes involve bending and torsion moments. Also, it can be attractive to use a reduced number of<br>distinct cross-sectional areas minimizing costs of fabrication, transportation, storing, checking, welding,<br>and so on. As a result, it is expected a labor-saving when the structure is welded, checked, and so on.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 SOLUTION FOR STRUCTURE HEALTH MONITORING2024-07-19T11:49:57+00:00Reynier Hernandez Torresreynierhdez@gmail.comHaroldo Fraga de Campos Velhoharoldo.camposvelho@inpe.brLeonardo Dagnino<p>Structural damage is a key concern for several areas in civil engineering sector (buildings,<br>bridges), mechanical engineering, aerospace sector (aircrafts, rockets, satellites), automotive sector, and<br>many other Therefore, the structure health monitoring is an important topic research and operation. The<br>structural damage identification can be addressed as an inverse vibration problem. This inverse problem<br>can be formulated as a generalized least square problem, where the stiffness matrix must be identified in</p> <p>order to have a best matching between measurements and the mathematical model added to a regulariza-<br>tion operator. We solve the forward problem using finite element method, and an entropic regularization</p> <p>is also applied to the cost function. The optimization problem is solved by using a hybrid method, com-<br>bining a stochastic metaheuristic with a local searching method. The Multi-Particle Collision Algorithm</p> <p>(MPCA) is the metaheuristic technique and the Hooke-Jeeves (HJ) direct search method complete the<br>hybrid optimizer. The proposed methodology is applied to different study cases showing good results. A<br>cantilever beam is the testing structure for the developed approach.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OPTIMIZATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS2024-07-19T11:52:36+00:00Estevão A. Bandeiraestevaobandeira@usp.brYuri Farias da Silvayurifarias@usp.brValério Silva<p>The application of parametric and topological optimization in the conception of buildings is<br>a problem of high complexity due mainly to the large number of variables of interest to be optimized<br>and to its nature intrinsically multiobjective. Due to the computational development occurred in the last<br>decades, it has arisen the opportunity for a broader study and development of numeric models in this<br>field. For the conception of structural projects, it counts on vary computational programs that automate<br>great part of the structural projects’ conception process. However, in the stage of definition of the<br>structural elements position, such as columns and beams, there is still a high level of dependency of the<br>designer because it is long the time spent in the project’s conception and not always the solution found<br>is the most viable in economic and executive terms. In view of this problem, the current work aims to<br>initiate the development of a computational model of structural optimization of tall buildings in<br>reinforced concrete to decrease the designer dependency with the objective of minimizing the costs –<br>such as concrete volume and steel weight – through the search of columns positions and its dimensions,<br>restricted to an imposed architecture. It must be employed the evolutionary computation philosophy<br>through the use of the heuristic method of genetic algorithms, in the generation of the various feasible<br>solutions, which are obtained by the results of the model of analysis by spatial framed structures, based<br>on the finite element method. For the generation of the cost function, it will be considered the<br>determination of the section area of the column and the steel needed that attends the equilibrium of each<br>reinforced concrete section subjected to biaxial (oblique) bending with axial force state. Lastly, it will<br>be performed comparative studies, qualitative and quantitative, between structural conceptions with and<br>without the optimization technique in order to verify the consequences of its use.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PROBLEM IN DAMAGE IDENTIFICATION OF A HELICOPTER’S ROTOR BLADE USING BAT ALGORITHM2024-07-19T11:55:06+00:00João Artur Souza Guilherme Ferreira<p>In this study, a damage detection method is proposed using the bat optimization algorithm<br>and vibration data simulated in CAE software. The method was applied in a helicopter rotor blade<br>based in the AS350’s rotor blades. The rotor blade was modeled and simulated in ANSYS APDL®, the<br>modal solution was exported to MATLAB® and then the algorithm was applied to optimize the<br>objective function defined by the authors. Three objective functions of displacement in the three axis<br>were used and theirs results were compared. The numerical results show that the method is reliable<br>and adequate for practical application in the industry.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO SIMULTÂNEA DO CUSTO E DA CONSTRUTIBILIDADE DE PILARES EM CONCRETO ARMADO2024-07-19T11:58:14+00:00Moacir Kripkamkripka@upf.brVictor Yepesvyepesp@upv.esTatiana<p>Structural design, in general, consists of an iterative process developed with base on the<br>intuition and previous experience of the designer. This strategy makes the design exhaustive and<br>makes difficult to obtain the best solution. In addition, usually only one design criterion is adopted,<br>being usually cost or weight. If other issues are considered, such as the environmental impact or<br>construction facility, a more complex problem need to be solved. In such context, the aim of this work<br>is to present the development and implementation of a formulation for obtaining optimal sections of<br>reinforced concrete columns subjected to uniaxial flexural compression, taking as objectives the<br>minimization of the cost and the maximization of the constructability. The constraints of the problem<br>are based on the verification of strength proposed by the Brazilian code ABNT NBR 6118/2014. To<br>the optimization of the column section, Simulated Annealing optimization method was adopted, in<br>which the amount and diameters of the reinforcement bars and the dimensions of the columns cross<br>sections were considered as discrete variables. The total cost is composed of the cost of steel bars,<br>concrete, and formworks, and the maximization of constructability is obtained by minimizing the total<br>number of steel bars. The optimized sections were compared to those obtained considering only the<br>cost as the objective function. To the example considered, it was observed that a significant reduction<br>of the number of steel bars can be achieved with a small increase on the section cost.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF AN AIDING TOOL FOR THE OPTIMAL DETAIL OF ACTIVE REINFORCEMENT USING GENETIC ALGORITHM2024-07-19T12:00:56+00:00Victoria Carino Nevesvictoriacarino27@gmail.comGuilherme Coelho Gomes<p>The aim of this paper is to present the development of an auxiliary tool for the optimal de-<br>tail of active reinforcement on a prestressed concrete section. To achieve it, the methodology considers</p> <p>normative requisites and the tension required at the most critical section of the beam. The problem of<br>optimization seeks to minimize the volume of steel while satisfying the conditions of minimum cover and</p> <p>spacing between reinforcement cables. Design variables are the number of strands per cable and the po-<br>sition of each cable within cross section. Due to the nature of the variables and the constraints involved,</p> <p>genetic algorithm seems to be the most suitable optimization procedure. Hence, the proposed methodol-<br>ogy is implemented using the native implementation of genetic algorithm of MATLAB, a broadly used</p> <p>computer program in academy. The developed tool allows to detail different sections, since it treats the<br>cross section as a general polygon. Thereby, it allows exploitation of new sections for future projects,<br>as well as assisting in the time of design. It is worth mentioning that a complete automated prestressed<br>concrete executive project is still far down the road. Numerical examples are analyzed to demonstrate<br>the efficiency of the presented tool and to illustrate it’s usage in a actual life design process.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ALGORITHMS FOR MULTI-THRESHOLDING OPTIMIZATION FOR MRI SEGMENTATION2024-07-19T13:12:27+00:00Tiago S. Ferreiratiago.s.f3@gmail.comLuís Fillype da Silvasilvaluis_@outlook.comLuan A. Sousaluanfelcomp@gmail.comRitta S. Abreurittaseixas@gmail.comItalo R. Feitosaitalo85199@gmail.comMarta de Oliveira<p>Image segmentation is an essential task in image processing that aims to simplify and/or<br>change its representation for easier analysis. Medical images of the brain are extremely important in<br>the detection and diagnosis of diseases, as well as relevance in research in the biological area. In this<br>article, an approach for the segmentation of brain images is proposed, using the method based on<br>genetic algorithms with multiple thresholds, in order to find thresholds that optimally separate gray<br>matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid in cranial images. The most appropriate threshold<br>parameters were identified in order to obtain the best possible solution for image segmentation.<br>Magnetic resonance imaging of 10 patients was obtained from the National Center for Image Guided<br>Therapy database. Next, a preprocessing was established to improve the input images in the<br>segmentation algorithm. It was based on the application of multi-threshold image segmentation, which<br>aims to maximize intra-class variation between object(s) and background, as well as the minimization<br>of inter-class variation, i.e. between background pixels among pixels of objects, then obtaining the<br>tissues of interest. The genetic algorithm proved to be an efficient method to obtain optimal values for<br>the thresholds, so it is possible to perform segmentation of the image showing the brain tissues of<br>interest.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STAGE OF DIABETIC RETINOPATHY USING DEEP LEARNING2024-07-19T13:18:59+00:00Matheus Silvaérgio Nery Simõessergionery@gmail.comCassius Zanetti Cruz Carreiro Pinascogustavo.pinasco@emescam.brVinícius Araújo Santosdr.vini1984@gmail.comWiller França Fiorottiwillerfiorotti@gmail.comBruno de Freitas<p>The diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of main complications of diabetes mellitus (DM),<br>presenting in about 40% of diabetics and being the leading cause of blindness in 16 to 64 years old<br>people.The DR is caused by damage to the blood vessels. The diagnosis is given through analysis of<br>images generated by retinoscopy, that is an easy operating electronic device. Despite this, in the<br>Brazilian National Unified Health System (SUS), the access to this type of medical assessment<br>specialized is still poor, resulting in long queues until an ophthalmological consultation. The latest<br>Brazilian Diabetic Society Guideline recommends annual evaluations for DR in diabetic patients, a<br>non-realistic scenario for SUS patients. In view of this, a screening tool that could predict the RD and<br>that could be used by primary care practitioners could be an awesome public health solution. Then, we<br>presenting a deep learning framework (DLF) to classify DR stages. In this paper, we will perform the<br>entire DLF cycle: data collection, data preparation, model creation and validation. The main novelty is<br>the use of siamese convolutional neural network (SCNN), which will receive input pairs of eye fundus<br>images.The purpose of using this set of tools is to use the layers to extract the main characteristics of<br>the inputs of each neural network, so the weights of layers are shared and the similarity degree<br>between neural networks outputs are measure. We train this network using a high-end graphics<br>processor unit (GPU) on the publicly available Messidor dataset and, with this approach, we expect<br>better results in predicting the DR stage when compared to others works.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT CLASSIFICATION STRATEGIES IN MEDICAL IMAGES OF SPECULAR MICROSCOPY TO DETECT GUTTAE IN EARLY STAGES OF FUCHS’ DYSTROPHY2024-07-19T13:23:52+00:00Marlon Woelffel Candotimarlonwoelffel@gmail.comDiego LuchiDiego.lucchi@gmail.comFlávio Garcia Pereiraflaviogarciap@gmail.comDaniel Cruz<p>Fuchs’ endothelial dystrophy, or Fuchs‘ dystrophy, is a slowly progressive corneal disease<br>that usually affects both eyes. Although in many cases early signs of the disease can be seen in people<br>aged 20-30, the disease rarely affects vision until the person reaches the age 50-60. The tests to diagnose<br>the disease are: Biomicroscopy, and Specular Microscopy. In both cases, it is possible to find the<br>morphological changes characteristics of the disease. In this context, this paper compares the use of<br>three distinct machine learning techniques to perform the Fuchs‘ dystrophy diagnosis on Specular<br>Microscopy images in order to reduce the time spent in a manual analysis of the specialist. The<br>approaches used in this work were: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN); Support Vector Machines<br>(SVM) with features extracted from Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and by Speeded Up Robust<br>Features (SURF). The dataset consists of 123,200 images of both eyes of different people, obtained over<br>9 years at Hospital Evangélico de Vila Velha, Espírito Santo, Brazil. Due to the absence of labels in the<br>original dataset, only 2400 images were analyzed and labeled with the help of a specialist. In this subset,<br>only in 1165 exams the Fuchs’ dystrophy is present. A cross-validation approach using 10-folds was<br>performed and the results were evaluated through the accuracy, area under the Receiver Operating<br>Characteristic (ROC) curve, precision, recall and F1 score metrics with the CNNs outperforming the<br>other methods.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 R-CNN APPROACH TO DETECT HEALTHY VEGETATION AREAS IN NIR IMAGES2024-07-19T13:27:11+00:00Rhynner Hugo Richelly Silva Santosrhynner.santos@gmail.comFlavio Garcia Cruz<p>With the development of new technologies in the field of deep learning, sectors such as agri-<br>culture have been benefited from the application of intelligent systems allied to the use of UAVs (Un-<br>manned Aerial Vehicles) in crop monitoring to quickly and accurately detect specific areas of vegetation</p> <p>and optimize decision making to ensure the quality of planting. Some researchers inspired from the<br>deep learning advance and its success in many areas have been studied solutions in detection of healthy<br>vegetation areas, but, how better are the performances of advanced techniques compared to traditional<br>techniques? In this context, this paper presents a comparison between a traditional technique (K-Means<br>Clustering) and advanced technique (Mask R-CNN) applied to detect different vegetation areas in NIR</p> <p>images. The database of this work consists of NIR images provided by a modified RGB camera in-<br>stalled in a UAV. Basically, as an input were used NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), an</p> <p>important index of vegetation healthy, obtained from the NIR images. Finally, a comparison between the<br>proposed algorithms for detection of healthy vegetation areas is presented, showing the improvements of<br>the proposed Mask R-CNN algorithm.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS FOR CARBONATE ROCKS USING PNM FROM MICRO-CT IMAGES AND NMR T2 DISTRIBUTION2024-07-19T13:29:38+00:00Marianna Dantasmarianna.silva@coc.ufrj.brElizabeth M. Pontedeirobettymay@petroleo.ufrj.brMaira Limamairalima@coc.ufrj.brWilliam Godoywmgodoy@petroleo.ufrj.brPaulo Coutopcouto@petroleo.ufrj.brPatrick<p>Reservoir studies have reached a great advance in the last years with the introduction of<br>microtomography (micro-CT) images of rocks. This technology is a non-destructive method that allows<br>the investigation of internal structure of rock in pore scale, and to build representative 3D models of the<br>rock. With the purpose to retrieve representative petrophysical properties from these digital models, the<br>objective of this work is to apply a Representative Elementary Volume (REV) analysis for the<br>heterogeneous carbonates, considering threshold values, image resolution and NMR pore-size<br>distributions, to estimate porosity and permeability REVs. In this study, carbonate rock samples,<br>Coquina and Edwards Brown, were submitted to three main laboratory measurements: routine core<br>analysis, NMR experiments, and microtomography scans. The micro-CT images were processed using<br>a commercial image processing software. The threshold selection analyzed by applying three methods,<br>but the NMR pore-size distribution oriented threshold was used to proceed with the entire workflow.<br>Skeletons were extracted from pore space binarized in the micro-CT image and exported to PoreFlow<br>for the generation of Pore Network Models (PNM) and permeability estimation. The permeability of the<br>PNMs were estimated considering Hagen-Poiseuille Law to simulate single-phase flow and Darcy’s<br>Law. This methodology was applied to three samples of different sizes, their volume was further divided<br>into smaller sub volumes and their relation with REV were analyzed. The rock samples studied could<br>be considered, with a high confidence, as REV for porosity, but only the larger samples could be<br>considered as REV for permeability.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PORE-SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY IMAGE ANALYSIS OF STACKS WITH LARGE IMAGE SPACING WITHOUT RESIZING2024-07-19T13:33:10+00:00Adriano S. RochaAdriano.rocha@coc.ufrj.brElizabeth M. B. D. Pontedeirobettymay@petroleo.ufrj.brJosé L. D. Alvesjalves@lamce.coppe.ufrj.brW. G. A. L.<p>The characterization of porous media is a crucial process to study the flow in porous<br>structures and the pore-size distribution (PSD) is a fundamental parameter to perform this<br>characterization. The PSD describes the porous volume fraction of each different pore-size. The PSD<br>is usually estimated by laboratorial tests, which have long durations and may be sample destructive.<br>Yang and collaborators developed an alternative capable to estimate the PSD of porous media by<br>image analysis, which has a fast result and preserves the sample. The method requires the digital<br>reconstruction of the porous medium by creating a stack of images that should be spaced by a length<br>equal to the pixel size used on these images. To overcome this problem, Yang suggests to resize the<br>image stack to match the image spacing to the pixel size, which reduces the image stack resolutions<br>and increase the errors. To avoid the resizing procedure and its consequences, this paper tested three<br>different approaches: the first one consisted in using the method proposed by Yang and collaborators<br>without resizing the images; the second approach consisted in approximating the pores to spheres and<br>analytically calculate their volumes; and the last approach was to approximate the pores to prolate<br>spheroids and analytically calculate their volumes. The results showed that the first and second<br>approaches were more efficient than the resizing alternative and that the third approach could be used<br>to improve the results from the other two approaches.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DENOISER ENHANCEMENT VIA GENETIC ALGORITHMS2024-07-19T13:35:50+00:00Matheus Lacerda BezerraMath2.0@hotmail.comLeonardo França BessaLeofranca16@gmail.comPhilipe Manoel PinheiroPhilipepinheiro@aluno.uema.brMarta<p>Image processing is becoming a more open and extended field, with endless possibilities<br>and meaningful applications, specially for medical images. There, a point that brings much interest is<br>the X-ray imaging, which are generated by sending high-frequency electromagnetic radiowaves, and<br>then retrieving them in a metal plates that they will collide with. But those metal plates might receive<br>electromagnetic interference or uncontinuous radiowaves, causing image noise, which are inevitable.<br>That noise can be decreased by image filters. Although those filters have become standard and work<br>well, their parameters values are static, even though there are many possible parameters values and<br>each image will have different denoise results with different values. This articles descibres the use of<br>Genetic Algorithms to find the best parameters with fewer processes. GA are heuristic search<br>procedures based on natural selection. Only the algorithms that give the best results will generate other<br>algs, decreasing the number of processes needed. The method uses Genetic Algorithms to find best<br>parameters according to each image for the “Non-Local Means” denoise filter from the OpenCV<br>Python library. The X-ray images used in were Optical Coherence Tomography of people with<br>Pneumonia, published on the online database Mendeley by the University of San Diego California,<br>and tested on the Python scripts implementations. By the results obtained, it was noticeable the<br>positive correlation between the filter parameters chosen by the GA for each given image and the<br>improvement of image denoise from the classical methods, proving that Genetic Algorithms are great<br>for such applications, decreasing the number of processes needed to find the the best parameters for<br>any input.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF GENETIC ALGORITHMS TO AUXILIATE VEHICLE PLATE DETECTION IN IMAGE SEGMENTATION USING OPENCV2024-07-19T13:38:38+00:00Lucas Gomeslucasgomes0017@gmail.comThomaz Machadothomaz_16@hotmail.comAndrelina Martinslynna.martins@gmail.comCély Gabriellecelygabriellesantoss@gmail.comGuilherme Alexanderguilhermealexander23@gmail.comJoão Mendesjoaorenatomendes@gmail.comLuis Silvasilvaluis_@outlook.comLucas Fernandeslucasraphael.fernandes@gmail.comMarta<p>One of the fundamental steps of image processing is the segmentation of images, which<br>aims to partition the image in a way that makes data analysis and extraction simple. In this article, a<br>method is proposed that performs the segmentation of images, using multiple thresholds, through<br>genetic algorithms to find the contours of a car's plate. For this, the algorithm should validate a set of<br>characteristics that define a region as being a car plate. Identify optimal threshold parameters in order<br>to obtain the best possible solution for image segmentation and detection of vehicular plaques. The<br>methodology used consists of the bibliographic review of an image segmentation article on Genetic<br>Algorithm Application for the Evolution of Parameters for Image Segmentation and an article on the<br>detection of vehicular plaques using Python and OpenCV. The employee image bank was obtained<br>from a public repository of images. The parameters that will be estimated to validate whether or not a<br>given object is detected on a board are: the board's outline and the presence of alphanumeric<br>characters. In this way, it will be possible to optimize detection efficiency by eliminating false positive<br>results, such as image contours that do not correspond to the plates. The segmentation of the image through multi-thresholds occurred and it was possible to identify vehicle plates in the image with<br>greater precision.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK-BASED APPROACH FOR VISUAL QUALITY INSPECTION OF READY-TO-EAT CRISP LETTUCE LEAVES2024-07-19T13:42:55+00:00Wilson David Alves de Araú<p>Among the leafy vegetables, lettuce is considered a product of great importance, especially<br>in the context of healthy eating. The species Lactuca sativa var. crispa, or crisp lettuce, is one of the<br>most produced and consumed vegetables in Brazil. Packaged lettuces have represented a new marketing<br>model and have been gaining space in the final consumer's table. As they are minimally processed to be<br>ready for consumption, there may still exist points of dirt or rot in the leaves due to failures in the visual<br>inspection process that is conducted manually, and consequently the possibility of contamination of the<br>product. This work presents an approach for automatic visual inspection of the quality of ready-to-eat<br>crisp leaf lettuce. To this end, we employed computer vision methods and a convolutional neural<br>network (CNN) that was trained with two databases, one composed by 12400 sub-images (windows) of<br>30×30 pixels and another composed by 2560 sub-images of 50×50 pixels. These sub-images were<br>extracted from healthy parts of lettuce leaves and parts containing the major defects (burnt edges,<br>putridity, and dirt and pest infestation). In the experiments conducted, the databases were enlarged<br>during the training phase of the CNN employing the data augmentation technique, which increases the<br>training set in about 1000 times. To evaluate the proposed approach two other databases containing 4211<br>and 1551 of sub-images were employed. For the 30×30 and 50×50 sub-images, the average hit rates<br>were 96.1% and 91.6%. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach and indicate<br>that smaller windows provide better CNN performance.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 VISION BASED APPROACHES FOR BEAN DEFECTS DETECTION2024-07-19T13:45:02+00:00Peterson Adriano Aparecido Gomes de Alves de Araú<p>In this work are proposed computer vision approaches to detect three of the main defects<br>found in beans: broken, bored by insect (Acanthoscelides obtectus) and moldy. In addition, we describe<br>a fast and robust segmentation step that is combined with the proposed approaches to compose a<br>computer vision system (CVS) applicable to the Brazilian beans quality inspection process, to determine<br>the type of the product. The proposed approaches constitute an important practical contribution since,<br>although there are some papers in the literature addressing visual inspection of beans, none of them deals<br>with defects. In the conducted experiments a low-cost equipment, composed by a table made in<br>structural aluminum, a conveyor belt and an image acquisition chamber, was used to simulate the<br>characteristics of an industrial environment. The CVS evaluation was performed in two modes: offline<br>and online. In the offline mode, a database composed by 120 images of bean samples containing grains<br>of different classes and with different defects was employed, while in the online mode the grains<br>contained in a batch were spilled continuously in the conveyor belt of the equipment for the proposed<br>CVS to perform the tasks of segmentation and detection of defects. In the experiments the CVS was<br>able to process an image of 1280×720 pixels in approximately 2 s, with average hit rates of 99.61%<br>(offline) and 97.78% (online) in segmentation, and 90.00% (offline) and 85.00% (online) in detecting<br>defects.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK-BASED APPROACH FOR DETECTION OF OBJECTS AND SCENARIOS SUSPECTED OF BEING POSSIBLE BREEDING SITES OF AEDES AEGYPTI MOSQUITO2024-07-19T13:47:57+00:00Daniel Trevisan Alexandre Luz Alves de Araú<p>In remote sensing field, the use of satellite images to detect small objects becomes impractical<br>due to the low spatial resolution of such images. With the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),<br>popularly known as drones, it is possible to acquire aerial images with high spatial and temporal<br>resolutions that allow the detection of small objects on the earth's surface and the perception of changes<br>in a certain region in a short period of time. However, the detection of certain objects in the images<br>acquired by UAVs has been a great challenge due to the amount of details present in these images,<br>especially those acquired in urban areas. This work investigates the automatic detection of objects and<br>scenarios in aerial images acquired by UAVs. The proposed approach aims to detect target objects<br>(typical containers for water storage) and scenarios suspected to be possible breeding sites of the Aedes<br>aegypti mosquito. For the detection of the objects and scenarios, two convolutional neural network<br>(CNN) architectures from the YOLOv3 framework were employed. In the experiments conducted, we<br>considered 142 images acquired in peripheral regions of the city of São Paulo/Brazil containing water<br>tanks; 25 images of real scenarios, obtained by Google image search, containing garbage and old tires<br>and 35 images containing scenarios simulating the main mosquito breeding sites (old tires, gutters,<br>among others). In the experiments performed, in which the proposed approach was evaluated using the<br>mean average precision (mAP), the rates of 0.95 and 0.97, respectively, were obtained for the detection<br>of objects and scenarios, indicating that the proposed approach is a good alternative to solve the<br>investigated problem.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE PROTÓTIPOS PARA SISTEMAS REAIS2024-07-19T13:50:21+00:00Márcio Ribeiro de Oliveira Filhomarcioribeiro7390@gmail.comÁlan Crístoffer e Sousaacristoffers@gmail.comEmerson de Sousa Costaemersondesousa@gmail.comValter Junior de Souza<p>Models represent physical phenomena mathematically. Through it, it’s possible to obtain</p> <p>mathematical expressions that describe the behaviour of the real system, allowing, for example, to simu-<br>late its evolution in time as a response to some input stimulus without actually operating the real system.</p> <p>They also allow the creation of control laws that are mathematically correct and adequate to the system,</p> <p>allowing the development of formally correct and performant controllers. In this study, a system of cou-<br>pled tanks, present in CEFET Campus V’s Signals and System Analysis laboratory, was modelled in 6</p> <p>different configurations. The system is composed of 4 water tanks, two on the top shelf and two on the<br>bottom, with valves that allow the water to flow to its sibling or the one directly below it. The valves</p> <p>allow the user to chose how the water will flow through them. We developed a model for each configura-<br>tion using physical laws of water flow in cylindrical recipients and estimated the values of the constants</p> <p>through tests. The models are represented using state-space, as it allows to identify the dynamics of<br>the system internal energy, as well as the use of modern control techniques. Each model was validated<br>against the real system to measure its correctness. The models obtained are available for students of the<br>laboratory, both undergraduate and postgraduate, to streamline the study of system analysis and control<br>theory.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARATIVO SOBRE CLASSIFICAÇÃO DE LESÕES DE PELE COM RNA-MLP E SVM2024-07-19T13:52:53+00:00Gilson Saturnino dos F. de<p>Technological evolution, evidenced in recent years, has contributed significantly to both<br>Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Image Processing and Analysis (DIP) areas. Several<br>computational methodologies can be found in the specialized literature, with different applications, such<br>as the classification of skin lesions from dermatoscopic images. Although the initial analysis of skin<br>lesions is based on a set of visual rules known as the ABCD rule (Asymmetry, Borders, Color and<br>Diameter), the performance of this visual analysis is influenced by factors such as variation of<br>illumination during capture of the image, the presence of artifacts that cause noise, and the visual<br>fatigue of the specialist during image analysis. A mistaken initial analysis may lead to delays in the<br>elaboration of an adequate treatment plan, affecting the effectiveness of this treatment. The<br>interdisciplinarity between AI and DIP has produced good results when the algorithms are intended for<br>specific applications and use a priori knowledge based on the problem addressed. In this context, this<br>work presents a comparative study between the classification methodologies based on Artificial Neural<br>Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), using the existing knowledge about the visual<br>evaluation of skin lesions as knowledge base a priori to train these classifiers. In general terms, it is<br>expected to better understand the performance of these two AI techniques when applied to classify<br>skin lesions in malignant and non-malignant, evaluating the performance of each methodology. To<br>perform this work we used the Weka tool, with the implementation of Artificial Neural Network<br>(Multilayer Perceptron) and Support Vector Machine (Sequential Minimal Optimization). The dataset<br>used has 200 examples and 14 attributes. The methodology used was Stratified Cross-Validation in 10<br>parts. The parameters of each algorithm were defined as standard in the tool. The results obtained<br>were promising, showing the relevance of the AI algorithms to skin lesion classification and the<br>relevant features of the Weka to improve the quality of the classification modeling solutions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 REFLECTIVE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS APPLIED TO SMOOTHED PARTICLE HYDRODYNAMICS METHOD FOR SOLVING THREE-DIMENSIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS PROBLEMS2024-07-19T13:55:08+00:00Carlos Alberto Dutra Fraga Filhocadff1@gmail.comChong Pengcadff1@gmail.comMd Rushdie Ibne Islamcadff1@gmail.comChristopher McCabecadff1@gmail.comSamiullah Baigcadff1@gmail.comGonella Venkata Durga<p>The mixing of continuum and microscopic laws is a contradiction often existing in the<br>boundary conditions utilised in meshfree particle methods. Boundary techniques employing fictitious<br>(or ghost) particles and artificial forces (defined in the molecular microscopic scale) are still used in<br>SPH simulations and should be avoided. Currently, there is an effort in replacing boundary techniques<br>that mix concepts of different scales by others that respect the continuum laws. This paper aims to<br>present the implementation of the physical reflective boundary conditions (RBC) in Smoothed Particle<br>Hydrodynamics (SPH) method for solving three dimensional (3-D) fluid dynamics problems. In this<br>work, SPH was applied to solve the physical conservation equations for a Newtonian, incompressible,<br>uniform and isothermal fluid. Applications in hydrostatics and hydrodynamics are presented as well as<br>the validation of the results in 3-D domains. Two problems were studied: a still fluid inside an<br>immobile reservoir and dam breaking flow. The results achieved presented a good agreement with the<br>analytical solution and literature data.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPARISON BETWEEN SMOOTHED PARTICLE HYDRODYNAMICS (SPH) AND MOVING PARTICLE SEMI-IMPLICIT (MPS) METHODS FOR DAM-BREAKING EVENT2024-07-19T13:59:22+00:00Rubens A. Amaro Jrrubens.amaro@usp.brLiang-Yee Chengcheng.yee@usp.brSergei K.<p>Lagrangian particle-based methods have opened new perspectives for the investigation of<br>complex problems with large free-surface deformation. Some well-known particle-based methods<br>adopted to solve non-linear hydrodynamics problems are the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH)<br>and moving particle semi-implicit (MPS). Both methods modeled the continuum by a system of<br>Lagrangian particles (points) but adopting distinct approaches for the numerical operators, pressure<br>calculation, and boundary conditions. Despite the ability of the particle-based methods in modeling<br>highly nonlinear hydrodynamics, some shortcomings, such as unstable pressure computation and high</p> <p>computational cost still remains. In order to assess the performance of these two methods, the weakly-<br>compressible SPH parallel solver, DualSPHysics, and an in-house incompressible MPS solver are</p> <p>adopted in this work. Two test cases consisting of 3D dam-breaking problems are simulated and wave<br>heights, pressures and forces are compared with available experimental data. The influence of the<br>artificial viscosity on the accuracy of SPH is investigated. Computational times of both solvers are<br>also compared. Finally, the relative benefits of the methods for solving free-surface problems are<br>discussed, therefore providing directions of their applicability.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024ÇÃO NUMÉRICA DE TRATAMENTO PARA CÂNCER COM ˆHIPERTERMIA E ESTIMATIVA DO DANO UTILIZANDO MALHA OCTREE2024-07-19T14:02:47+00:00Andre Valente Conceição Petersfran@coc.ufrj.brWebe Joao<p>Tratamentos com hipertermia para cancer estão se tornando cada vez mais objeto de pesquisas. <br>Nestes tratamentos o aumento correto da temperatura no tecido vivo deve ser eficiente para causar um<br>dano irreversível apenas ao tecido doente, mantendo íntegro o saudavel. Este trabalho apresenta o desen- <br>volvimento de uma formulação baseada no MVF usando malhas OcTree que visa simular o tratamento </p> <p>com hipertermia por injec ̧ao de nanopartículas diretamente no tumor e estimar o dano causado. Um mod-<br>elo 3D com o uso da equaçã não linear de Pennes e empregado para simular a transferência de calor </p> <p>em tecidos vivos com a presença de um tumor. A malha OcTree e utilizada devido a sua simplicidade <br>e capacidade de refinamento local. Um exemplo numerico simples e analisado, validando o algoritmo <br>proposto e mostrando a eficiencia do esquema. </p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 parallel implementation of a thermoregulation model using the finite element method2024-07-19T14:08:18+00:00Henrique C. C. Andradehenriqueconde@coc.ufrj.brAna Beatriz C. G. Silvaanabeatrizgonzaga@coc.ufrj.brFernando Luiz Bastos Ribeirofernando@coc.ufrj.brLuiz Carlos<p>This paper presents a parallel implementation of a thermoregulation model using the finite ele-<br>ment method to perform numerical analyses of brain cooling procedures in neonates and adults. The par-<br>allel method was designed for hybrid parallel machines, which is the case of PC clusters with multicore</p> <p>processors connected via a local network. Compressed data structures are used to store the coefficient<br>matrices and obtain iterative solutions in a subdomain-by-subdomain approach. The MPI standard is</p> <p>used for distributed memory interprocess communication and for shared-memory, with intranode com-<br>munication being performed simulating a virtual distributed-memory system in a multicore hardware.</p> <p>The method is used in a FEM package applied to the solution of the continuum bioheat Pennes equation</p> <p>with a blood pool approach for arterial temperature changes. The efficiency of the parallel implemen-<br>tation is tested in two different platforms using a complex three-dimensional geometry obtained from</p> <p>computed tomography medical images.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ESTUDO SOBRE O COMPORTAMENTO MECÂNICO DE TECIDOS TENDINO- SOS VIA ABORDAGEM DE HOMOGENEIZAÇÃO COMPUTACIONAL2024-07-19T14:10:58+00:00Bruno Klahrbruno.klahr@posgrad.ufsc.brMauricio Lazzarimauricio.laz@gmail.comThiago A. Carnielcarnielta@gmail.comEduardo A.<p>The present manuscript provides a numerical investigation on the multiscale behavior of ten-<br>don tissues employing a computational homogenization approach. The numerical approach used is for-<br>mulated considering a variational framework, finite kinematics and based on the concept of representative</p> <p>volume element (RVE) of the material. Since tensile tests are broadly applied to assess the mechanical<br>responses of tendons, a proper multiscale boundary condition is used aiming to recover the mechanical<br>states obtained by such experimental tests. The macroscopic results (homogenized quantities) and the<br>microscopic ones (stress and strain fields of the RVE) are retrieved from a three-dimensional RVE of<br>a tendon fascicle designed based on experimental observation. The following aspects are investigated:<br>evolution of the macroscopic volume of the tissue under physiological strains; microscopic kinematic<br>fields; strain localization in the cells.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 STUDY OF EXTRAMEDULLARY OSTEOSYNTHESIS FOR TIBIAL PLATEAU FRACTURES: A FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS2024-07-19T14:13:51+00:00Celso Junio Aguiar Mendonç Gonc ̧alves Di Salvadori Moura<p>This study presents a comparative structural finite element analysis of two different fixa-<br>tion methods for high energy tibial plateau fractures: through conventional plates and screws and using</p> <p>blocked plates with locking head screws. The project consists on the modelling of the assemblies in a<br>CAD environment based on the images from a computed tomography (CT). Autodesk Fusion 360<br>c was<br>used to perform the CAD step. Afterwards, finite element analysis was performed in both assemblies.<br>This type of analysis allows a great modelling versatility and also a great level of correlation between its<br>results and the expected physical behaviour of the structure evaluated. Altair HyperWorks</p> <p>c was chosen</p> <p>to pre-process and post-process the analysis and Abaqus CAE</p> <p>c for solving. The comparison parameter<br>chosen to drive the results is the displacement of the bone fragments over the fracture border. Smaller<br>relative displacements between the bone fragments are desirable for a shorter recovery time, since this<br>condition provides the required stability for the bone to regenerate and consolidate without defects. The<br>model was built considering the boundary conditions foreseen in specific bibliography and submitted to<br>a vertical compressive load of 3224,5 N. The osteosynthesis of blocked plates with locking head screws<br>showed the best results since it presented inferior relative displacements over the fracture border.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF A HUMAN LUMBAR SPINE BY EULER-BERNOULLI BEAM THEORY2024-07-19T14:16:26+00:00David Santos de Pereira Ramos dos Santos<p>Human lumbar spine supports most of loads arising daily activities. Those loads are mainly<br>dynamic or periodic, therefore, an accurate study of free vibration of this structure can lead to a better<br>understanding the behavior of the system. In anatomical point of view, there are five lumbar vertebrae<br>in a human lumbar spine, two adjacent vertebral body are separated from each other by upper end plate,<br>intervertebral disc and lower end plate. Each part of the column has a unique structure. In this paper, an<br>analytical approach to study free transverse vibration of a human lumbar spine as a segmental multi-layer<br>beam by the classical beam Euler-Bernoulli theory is developed. A uniform transverse section of lumbar<br>spine is considered and the material properties are composed of different mechanic parameters. Free<br>vibration is analyzed considering different material properties, in order to simulate the aging process.<br>Continuity and equilibrium conditions are imposed as boundary conditions throughout the junctions of<br>the segments. Those conditions are in terms of displacement, slope, shear force, and bending moments.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE EFFECT OF NOZZLE DESIGN ON RHEOLOGICAL BIOPRINTING PROPERTIES USING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS2024-07-19T14:18:48+00:00Isabela M. Poleypoley@ufmg.brPatrícia M. de B. Las Casasestevam.lascasas@gmail.comMarina S. Lasína A.<p>Bioprinting is the utilization of techniques derived from three-dimensional printing to<br>generate complex bio-logical structures which may replace natural tissues or organs. It employs high<br>spatial resolution deposition of different cell types, growth factors and biomaterials. Those together<br>form bioinks, which are the bioprinting inputs, analogously to conventional inks with regard to inkjet<br>printing. In extrusion bioprinting, continuous bioink filaments are deposited layer by layer on a surface<br>by means of an extruder nozzle, employing the displacement of a piston or pneumatic pressure. If<br>mechanical stresses applied on a cell membrane exceed a critical value, which depends on the cell<br>type, the cell membrane may disrupt. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of the bioink<br>extrusion were done to evaluate shear stresses caused by the internal pressure of extruder nozzles<br>during bioprinting. Different three-dimensional conical nozzle designs were tested by varying angles<br>of convergence, lengths, input diameters and output diameters of the nozzles. The power-law model,<br>with constants k = 109.73 Pa·s0.154 and n = 0.154, was used to describe the expected non-Newtonian<br>behavior of the bioink. Shear stresses and shear rates were evaluated for each nozzle design<br>considering different pressures or velocities as boundary conditions at the nozzle entrance. The<br>maximum wall shear stress value on each different nozzle varied between 1,038 Pa and 4,915 Pa. The<br>results indicated which details of nozzle geometry are most relevant in order to optimize bioprinting.<br>The best conditions for bioink rheology were also evaluated to ensure good printability and high cell<br>viability.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 COMPUTACIONAL DA ARTICULAÇÃO GLENOUMERAL2024-07-19T14:22:00+00:00Alexandre Neves Trichez Júniorntrichez@gmail.comJosé Otávio Reggi Pécoraotavio.pec@gmail.comArnaldo Amado Ferreira Netoaafneto1@gmail.comCarlos Rodrigo de Mello Roeslerr.roesler@ufsc.brEduardo Alberto<p>The development of the shoulder model was based on the information acquired from clinical<br>exams of a subject and from the literature data. The forces acting on the joint are the arm weight, the<br>muscle forces, the reaction forces due to the muscle wrapping and the joint reaction force. The amplitude<br>of these forces were obtained from a mathematical approach in which the objective is the determination<br>of the lowest forces that the muscles should exert to stabilize the glenohumeral joint. These forces were<br>then applied on the FE model on Abaqus. The analysis was performed in static positions of 0°, 30°, 60°,<br>90° and 120° of abduction with the arm in 90° of external rotation. The joint reaction force magnitude<br>increases up to 690 N at 90o of abduction and decreases at 120o, showing the same trend observed in<br>other studies. The muscle forces are consistent with the information found in the literature, where there<br>is a high activation of the subscapularis, possibly due to the absence of the passive stabilizers, and the<br>deltoid. The articular contact center is initially located in the central region of the glenoid cartilage and<br>moves in the superior-anterior direction up to 60o of abduction, moving then to the central-anterior<br>region. The maximum contact pressure is observed at the 60o of abduction and the translation of the<br>humeral head remains within a sphere with a diameter equal to 3.1 mm, whose center coincides with the<br>center of the articular surface of the glenoid cartilage.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 modelo constitutivo variacional com anisotropia induzida para tecidos biológicos moles2024-07-19T14:24:58+00:00Francisco Luiz Bresolinfrancisco.bresolin@ufrgs.brJakson Manfredini<p>Viscoelasticity, strongly nonlinear behavior, and damage are commonly observed mechanical<br>behavior exhibited by most soft biological tissues. Also, tendons, arteries and skin can progressively<br>show lower extensibility during increasing stretches, which may be referred to strain orientation effects.<br>In addition, due to its internal organization, experimental observations have shown that finite strains<br>induce a directional history-dependent organization of the fibers. In order to account these mechanical<br>behaviors, in this work, a variational micromechanics-inspired constitutive model is presented. This<br>model is based on the full-network approach with a viscous and a damage internal variable. Some<br>numerical tests are presented to evaluate the constitutive model capabilities in order to represent soft</p> <p>biological tissues. The results have shown that the model is capable of representing the anisotropic-<br>induced behavior observed in soft biological tissues.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ESTUDO DE MODELOS MATEMATICOS BIFÁSICOS PARA TECIDOS BIOLÓGICOS MOLES SOB GRANDES DEFORMAÇÕES2024-07-19T14:27:00+00:00Jonatas Stefanello Fagundesjonatas.fagundes@ufrgs.brJakson Manfredini<p>Several biological tissues present a considerable percentage of their weight constituted by<br>fluid, which directly impacts on its mechanical behavior, mainly due to viscous effects. An appropriate<br>approach for the description of this material is the biphasic theory, in which the intrinsic mechanical<br>properties of each phase, as well as their interactions, are taken into account. Therefore, this work has<br>the objective of evaluating if biphasic models found in the literature are capable of representing the<br>mechanical behavior of soft biological tissues in large deformations. The biphasic theory was used to<br>describe the tissue as a continuous mixture of two incompressible phases: a hyperelastic solid phase,<br>and an inviscid fluid. Finite element formulations, based on mixed elements and penalty technique, were<br>implemented. The computational cost and accuracy of results were evaluated for an isotropic tissue in<br>the case of a confined compression. An anisotropic constitutive relation for the solid phase was also<br>studied under traction for fiber-reinforced biological tissues. The results for the confined compression<br>shown good agreement with the literature. The traction case allowed to evaluate the ability of the model<br>to represent the dissipative and anisotropic behavior expected for hydrated fiber-reinforced biological<br>tissues, which would allow its use for the characterization of tissues under physiological conditions.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ESTIMATION USING ABC TECHNIQUE OF MHD PULSATILE FLOW OF A NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID IN POROUS BLOOD VESSELS2024-07-19T14:31:58+00:00Jackline Rodrigues Ferreiraferreira.jackline@ufpa.brFabio de Andrade Pontesfabiopontes@ufpa.brHelder Kiyoshi Miyagawahelderkm@ufpa.brEmanuel Negrão Macêdoenegrao@ufpa.brJoão Nazareno Nonato Quaresmaquaresma@ufpa.brDiego Cardoso Estumanodcestumano@ufpa.brNielson Fernando da Paixão<p>In this work, parameter estimates of a magnetohydrodynamic model (MDH) representing the</p> <p>transient pulsatile blood flow were performed, considering blood rheology as a third-degree non-<br>Newtonian fluid, through a porous blood vessel, under the action of a magnetic field, pressure gradient</p> <p>and subjected to an externally imposed periodic acceleration field. The direct model (MHD) is solved<br>by applying the Method of Lines (MOL). For the application of the inverse problem via Approximate<br>Bayesian Computation (ABC), the sensitivity coefficient was first analyzed to define which parameters<br>should be estimated simultaneously. The algorithm used was an adaptation of ABC SMC proposed by<br>Toni et. al., (2009), where verification was performed by simulated measurement generation at different<br>levels of uncertainty (1%, 5%, and 10%) and considering different particle quantities (200 and 500).<br>The results show the efficiency of this algorithm to estimate the parameters of mathematical models of<br>this nature.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 DE UM GUIA CIRÚRGICO DE PERFURAÇÃO PRECISA PARA INSERÇÃO DE IMPLANTE EM CORPO VERTEBRAL DE CÃES2024-07-19T14:36:48+00:00Maira H. H. Lagemairahhl@ufmg.brEstevam B. Las Casasestevam@dees.ufmg.brRafael R. Faleirosfaleiros.ufmg@gmail.comRoberto L. S. Araujorobertolucena12@gmail.comAlysson R.<p>A maioria das cirurgias de estabilização de coluna em cães requer perfuração do corpo<br>vertebral para inserção de implantes. No entanto, tais técnicas de perfuração óssea não são totalmente<br>precisas, predispondo a complicações graves durante o ato, como invasão do canal medular e danos<br>neurológicos e vasculares. Propõe-se o uso de ferramentas computacionais e de engenharia para o<br>desenvolvimento de um guia personalizado de perfuração precisa em corpo vertebral. visando atenuar<br>estas complicações. Devido à complexidade e à variedade anatômica entre as vértebras de pacientes<br>caninos, o modelo deve ser confeccionado de forma individual com base em imagens de tomografia<br>computadorizada obtidas do próprio paciente. O segmento anatômico da coluna proposto para este<br>estudo é o toracolombar, por ser descrito como a região com maior incidência de lesão que requer<br>estabilização. O guia cirúrgico será projetado com base em tomografia computadorizada e utilizando<br>programas como InVesalius, MeshMixer e SolidWorks, testes de eficácia serão posteriormente<br>realizados comparando as tomografias pré e pós inserção de fios guias, utilizando o modelo do guia de<br>perfuração obtidos por prototipagem rápida, na coluna vertebral de cadáveres caninos.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CRACK PROPAGATION PROCESS IN CORTICAL BONE MICROSTRUCTURE2024-07-19T14:40:17+00:00Marcos André Margalho de Barrosmbarros@usp.brLuís Antônio Guimarães Bitencourt Júniorluis.bitencourt@usp.brOsvaldo Luís<p>This work aims to simulate the crack initiation and propagation processes in cortical<br>bone using a two-dimensional mesh fragmentation technique. High aspect ratio elements (triangle<br>elements with height much smaller than its length) are inserted between the regular constant strain<br>triangle finite elements, and their behavior is described by a tensile-damage model (stress-strain<br>relation). The constitutive model is integrated using an implicit-explicit (Impl-Ex) scheme in order to<br>avoid convergence problems. The proposed approach is applied to simulate cortical bone<br>microstructures, described as a 4-phased material: interstitial matrix, cement line, osteon and<br>Haversian canal. The methodology is validated through the simulation of conceptual problems<br>available in literature, in which the influence of the cortical bone microstructure in crack propagation<br>process is assessed in three-point bending tests, by considering the presence of one and two osteons.</p>2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024