Optimización de armaduras con un algoritmo de evolución diferencial a través de control de parámetros


  • Oscar. Contreras-Bejarano
  • Jesús D. Villalba-Morales


algoritmo adaptativo, armadura, control de parámetros, evolución diferencial, optimización


In recent decades, numerical tools have been to improve the design process of civil structures. Among
them, it is possible to find the evolutionary algorithms, which are based on analogies with the evolutionary process.
Among the main limitations observed in the literature for its implementation is the need to enter the algorithm
parameters for a problem in study by the user. There exist some parameters own of each algorithm that control the
success level. This paper presents the application of an adaptive differential evolution algorithm (ADEA) to the
optimization of planar steel trusses. In ADEA is necessary that the user to set the population size and the
coefficients cF and cCR. To show the performance of the proposed methodology, two cases obtained in the literature
are presented for comparison, which is done in terms of quality of the objective function, robustness and
convergence. It is expected that with this type of work, the results required in structural optimization problems can
be improved through implementing the differential evolution algorithm.


