Study of the Behavior of SFRC Tunnel Segments using a Multiscale Model
2D multiscale model, tunnel segments, steel fibers, mechanical behaviorResumo
Considering the recent increase of investments in underground infrastructure, progress and innovations
are needed to build in a safe, efficient, and economical way. This paper aims to contribute to the state of the art on
the numerical modeling of hybrid tunnel segments for mechanized tunneling constructed with Tunnel Boring
Machines (TBMs). In this way, a 2D multiscale model was applied to predict the mechanical behavior of individual
segmentsreinforced partial- or fully with steel fibers in a three-point bending setup. The multiscale model proposed
presented good accuracy to represent the nonlinear post-cracking behavior, propagation of fracture and interaction
between reinforcement and concrete. Finally, the results demonstrate that the application of the numerical strategy
adopted for modeling the mechanical behavior of reinforced tunnel segments is highly promising.