Projection of Covid-19 in state of Minas Gerais using artificial neural network
first palavra-chave, second keyword, third keyword (até 5 palavras-chave)Resumo
Coronavirus is a disease that, since the end of 2019, has been contaminating people in all
countries and continents. As a result of its appearance, scientists and researchers around the world are
conducting studies and disseminating information from data on virus behavior in the human body to data
on contagion and prevention. These research fhave been decisive in the fight against Covid-19, because
according to WHO (World Health Organization) the tendency is that the virus continues to circulate for
some years. Therefore, the exhibition of auxiliary information helps people and governments to take actions
to reduce Contagion. Thus, the present work aims to project the impact of the pandemic in the State of
Minas Gerais, considering the government data to try control the pandemic, such as periods when there was
social isolation and social flexibility. For the realization of this project, the use of Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) was made. To train the ANN, data from public government databases, both national and
international, were used. This data was pre-processed using Python and Matlab programming language. In
addition, they were carried out in the comparative project between the ANN algorithms, aiming to find the
best performance among them.