Investigation of Concrete Damaged Plasticity for steel fiber reinforced concrete through numerical analysis


  • Matos C.C.D.
  • Barboza A. da S. R.


steel fibers, steel fiber reinforced concrete, SFRC, concrete damaged plasticity, ABAQUS


The use of reinforced concrete with steel fibers (SFRC) in conventional structures has grown in civil
construction due to its mechanical characteristics, which have advantages when compared to conventional concrete
as better responses to tensile stresses and post-fissuring behavior. These factors lead researchers to deepen their
studies on properties and computational models in order to obtain better predictions for the structures built with this
composite. This work then has the main objective compare the Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) parameters
suggested by Chi et al. [1] to the default used for plain concrete, simulating the SFRC as homogeneous material.
The presented analysis is performed using the finite element method (FEM), using the ABAQUS software as a
processing environment. Uniaxial tensile and compressive test parameters are used as input to calculate the CDP
parameters for SFRC. Beam models are tested according to the proposed test parameters EN-14651 using the
parameters suggested by Chi et al. [1] and default values for concrete. The model showed resistance, within the
acceptable margins, consistent with the experimental ones. However, these changes in CDP parameters showed
a little impact on mechanical response and curve shape. This process of obtaining the constitutive behavior for
SFRC proved to be acceptable from the practical point of view since it uses the results of tests of easy execution
as input parameters, but a few adjustments need to be done in order to obtain reliable results.


