Structural Topology Optimization Applied to Scarifier Subsoiler
BESO, Agricultural Machinery, ANSYS, MatlabResumo
The subsoiler is one of the most used tools in tillage, mainly in the subsurface layers, helping in the
availability of nutrients for the plants and reducing soil compaction. In some cases, this tool is oversized due
to the lack of engineering tools and technical knowledge. In this aspect, this work aims to apply the topology
optimization method to the shank of a subsoiler to decrease the consumption of raw material while maintaining
performance during tillage. It was used Ansys, to solve the finite element analysis, in parallel with Matlab based
in Bi-directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) scheme for the compliance minimization and con-
sidering the volume as the constraint. The three-dimensional model of the subsoiler shank was generated on 3D
Computer-aided design (CAD). MatLab reads the set parameters, builds an Ansys input file, and sends it to Ansys
to perform the finite element analysis. Ansys exports geometry details and elemental strain energy necessary to
perform the topology optimization. As a result, the topology optimized subsoiler shank is is 25% lighter than the
original part with a 8% increase in the mean compliance . An adaptation of the final geometry was implemented
so that the subsoiler could be more easily manufactured after applying the topological optimization method.