Aplicação de um amortecedor de massa sintonizado para o controle de vibração de uma viga engastada
Tuned Mass Damper, Control, VibrationResumo
The concern with dynamic structural behavior has been increasingly relevant. The constant development
of civil construction, combined with the growth of the regions and the increase in the population, has been forcing
a continuous verticalization of the structures. Due to this verticalization, the structures were designed and built
increasingly thin and with larger spans. However, due to their high flexibility, they are vulnerable to excessive
vibrations that can cause discomfort to users and compromise the safety of the building. One of the control systems
that can be used to reduce these oscillations is the Tuned Mass Damper (TMD), a device that, when coupled to the
primary structure whose vibrations are to be controlled, is able to absorb vibratory energy at the connection point.
In this study, a numerical simulation will be performed using the Finite Element Method (FEM), for a system
formed by a cantilever beam at one end and free at the other. From the dynamic characteristics of the system, a
TMD will be modeled and coupled to the structure, so that the first frequency of the system is attenuated. The
results show a reduction of 77.8% for the displacement of the beam considering a mass ratio equal to 0.005 and a
TMD damping factor of 0.043.