Three-dimensional numerical solution of heat transfer in a built-in domestic oven


  • Gabriel C. de Souza
  • Francisco A. A. Gomes
  • Thiago T. Freitas


Domestic Oven, Convection-Diffusion, Heat Transfer


It is widely observable nowadays the trend of the population, especially in more developed countries,
towards the search for more efficient, safe, and with less environmental impact products and services. This trend
is often reinforced by impositions from regulatory agencies that offer incentives to manufacturers to make their
products better in these aspects. Domestic ovens are a type of durable consumer good and somewhat controversial
in terms of efficiency and safety. Despite the current legislation that aims to guarantee a minimum of safety in
the operation of domestic ovens, especially the most basic models, are still causing accidents, in particular, burns
due to their geometry whose external surfaces can reach high temperatures due to the high dissipation of excess

heat from the cooking process, resulting from fuel-burning or electrical resistors. The present study brings a three-
dimensional and transient analysis of the heat transfer through the numerical solution of the finite volume method

of a standard domestic oven. The analyzed model is based on a small built-in domestic oven, a liquefied petroleum
gas burner, modeled as an insufflation of hot gas, a cavity partially covered by thermal insulation, and a door
composed of a double glass window. From the temperature fields in the model, as well as flow speeds over the
oven’s operating time, a result is obtained that is indicative of the regions with the greatest energy loss, guiding
possible improvements of the model for greater safety during its operation.


