Aplicação do esquema recursivo do Método dos Elementos de Contorno para o cálculo de derivadas direcionais em problemas de potencial resolvidos pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos
Boundary Element Method, Recursive Scheme, Finite Element Method, Radial Basis FunctionsResumo
The recursive boundary element technique has been used successfully in scalar problems for
recalculation of potential and directional derivatives solutions. It was used for solving problems governed by
Laplace, Navier, and Poisson Equations. In the present work, nodal values on the boundary calculated using the
Finite Element Method are reused by applying them in the boundary element integral equation, aiming to calculate
internal directional derivatives of the basic variable of the problem. It is well known that these internal directional
derivatives calculated by the Finite Element Method (FEM) present low accuracy. Here, to confirm the robustness
of the proposed model, computational tests are performed, in which the FEM results in the classic form are
compared with those obtained by the recursive procedure described former. The solution of problems through the
Boundary Element Method is also presented and benchmark problems that have a known analytical solution are
chosen for analysis, to better assess the quality of the results.