Topology optimization of 2D truss structures using the BESO method


  • Gabriel V. O. Padovani
  • Hugo S. Idagawa


Topology Optimization, Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization, BESO, Truss Structures, Michell Structures


Topology optimization is the process of determining the optimal material layout within a given design
domain, for a set of loads and boundary conditions. It is an important engineering tool that allows the design of
lighter structures with improved strength. Among the many optimization techniques, the Bidirectional
Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO) method is a robust and computational efficient algorithm that can
be applied in designing optimized structures. In this work, the BESO method was applied to the design of
optimized 2D truss structures. From a group of reference numerical examples (Michell Structures), the method
capability to achieve optimal solutions was researched. These case studies were also evaluated on the
manufacturability of the final topologies to assess if the BESO method can be used in structural designs of steel
framework structures.


