Theoretical study of short and long-term behavior in hollow core concrete slabs prestressed with FRP tendons


  • Pablo M. Páez Gus


Fiber reinforced polymers, Hollow core slabs, Long-term, Serviceability, Prestressed concrete


The aim of this work is to assess the suitability of the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tendons in

simply supported, prestressed, hollow core slabs without concrete topping, with respect to their short and long-
term behavior under service load conditions. In this research, the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)

and aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP) tendons are examined. In the first part of this paper, we present a
framework for the short and long-term analysis of prestressed, concrete, hollow core slabs with FRP tendons in
the cracked and uncracked states. Then, based on a theoretical study, we compare the behavior of fully and partially
prestressed, hollow core slabs with either FRP tendons or steel tendons. Our main conclusions are that hollow core

slabs which have been prestressed with either CFRP or ARFP tendons show lower prestress losses and lower long-
term deflections in the uncracked state and for the same initial prestressing stress levels Although insignificant

differences were observed in the cracked state, the main advantage lies in better use of both materials (concrete
and FRP tendons), as these can give better performance than prestressing with steel tendons.





