Development of a stall sensor for low weight aircrafts


  • Izaias A. S. Junior
  • Thiago M. R. Dias
  • Alan M. Marotta


Stall, Flight Envelope, Angle of Attack


The phenomenon of stall or loss of lift is one of the main factors causing Loss of Flight Control (LOC)

in an aircraft. In Brazil, between 2008 and 2017, most accidents that occurred due to loss of flight control oc-
curred with aircraft weighing less than 2,250 kg. Thus, the objective of this work is to research the development

of a low-cost solution about the devices currently available on the market, capable of identifying a possible stall
situation, alerting, and assisting the pilot through auditory commands in the form of procedures during the flight

envelope resumption maneuver. The results in this work come from tests carried out in a moving land motor ve-
hicle, which have the purpose of simulating the functioning of the sensor developed in an operating aircraftwith

longitudinal average acceleration variation of up to a maximum of 0.2 m/s2

. The preliminary results were promis-
ing since in addition to meeting the proposed objectives, enabled the mapping of low-cost improvements that can

be implemented to increase the performance of the device, which can also be adapted for use in unmanned aerial





