The effect of geometry on the dynamic instability of clamped-free cylindrical shells
cylindrical shells, nonlinear vibrations, geometry effectResumo
In this work, the influence of geometry on the dynamic instability of clamped-free cylindrical shells
subjected to lateral harmonic loads is studied. For this, to model the shell the Koiter – Sanders is considered, and
the Rayleigh-Ritz method is applied to obtain a set of non-linear dynamic equations which are solved in turn by
the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. A detailed study is performed to evaluate the correct nonlinear coupling of
field displacements. To study the dynamic instability, a model with eighteen degrees of freedom is considered and
the resonance curves are obtained for three different shell geometries. It is possible to observe that, depending on
the geometry ratios, the shell will display softening, hardening, chaotic or quasi-periodic oscillations.