Dynamic of Launch Vehicle with Slosh Effects CILAMCE-PANACM-2021


  • Domingos Sávio Aguiar
  • Carlos d’Andrade Souto


Launch vehicle, slosh, finite element method (FEM), mode shapes, natural frequency


The use of liquid propelled rocket engines in launcher vehicles offers many advantages over its solid
counterparts: higher specific impulse; the possibility of re ignition and the control of thrust vector magnitude. The
launch vehicle experiences different dynamics environments during its mission, which can affect the propellant
tanks and drive oscillations of the liquid volume center of mass. Since the mass of liquid propellants in a launcher
can be significant in relation to the whole vehicle mass, oscillations in the fluid volumes can lead to important
dynamic effects. In this work, the dynamics characteristics of a launch vehicle with liquid propellant are analyzed
considering lateral slosh effects. The launch vehicle body is modelled as a beam and the liquid is modelled by a
spring-mass system. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of the vehicle with and without including the liquid
sloshing modes are evaluated for different fill ratios of the propellant tanks.





