Development of a web tool for analysis of fatigue life of free span pipelines
VIV, Free span, Pipeline, Fatigue lifeResumo
Throughout the last decades, with the discovery of oil and gas fields in offshore zones, more extensive
pipeline systems are needed and, consequently, more prone to the occurrence of free spans, caused by seabed
irregularities. Pipes in this situation are exposed to the Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV) phenomenon, which can
cause damage, mainly related to fatigue. In this way, several recommended practices provide formulations that can
be implemented in electronic spreadsheets to assist in academic and professional projects. The problem with the
approach of spreadsheets is the difficulty in using their implementations for the coupling with other software. In
this sense, the objective of this work is to develop a web tool for the analysis of rigid free-spanning pipelines in
VIV, using modern web programming resources and enabling its reuse in the development of other applications.