Three-dimensional geological mapping based on cross sections restoration


  • Vinicius Almada
  • Luiz Fernando Martha
  • Andre Luís Muller
  • Marcio R. de Santi


Geological restoration, Geological mapping, Surfaces and volumes deformations


The geological restoration of cross sections is one of the main oil and gas industry resources to assist

in structural interpretation. In general, geological processes occur three-dimensionally. However, 3D restora-
tion is complex and costly. The present work proposes a methodology and the tools development to map the

three-dimensional movement based on the geological cross sections restoration. This methodology addresses the
problem in 2 steps. The first maps the movement of the cross sections to the surfaces of the model. Subsequently,
the movement of the sections together with the movement of the surfaces maps the movement of the volume. The

numerical approach for the first step performs the movement of the surfaces considering control points, restric-
tions from movement of the cross sections, together with the minimization of a functional tri-harmonic in order to

guarantee surfaces of minimum variation. The second step performs the movement of the volume based on control
points given by the movement of the cross sections added to the movements of the surfaces, obtained in step 1.
The basis for the development of these studies is the RECON-MS System, a software developed by PETROBRAS
in partnership with the Tecgraf PUC-Rio Institute, which allows the restoration of geological sections.





