Tri-objective optimization of steel frames with the bracing system configuration as a design variable


  • Claudio H. B. Resende
  • Afonso C. C. Lemonge
  • Patrícia H. Hallak
  • Jose P.G. Carvalho
  • Julia C. Motta
  • Luiz F. Martha


3D-steel frames, Multi-objective optimization, Maximum displacement, Global stability, Bracing systems


In steel structural design, especially concerning tall buildings, it may be desired to minimize its cost and
improve its performance concerning horizontal displacements, dynamic behavior, and structural stability. Also, the
predefinition of which bracing system geometric configuration is more suitable for each objective is not evident,
and usually, it is made according to the designer’s experience. Thus, solving this problem considering different

cases of three simultaneous objectives is not a trivial task. Therefore, this paper deals with the tri-objective op-
timization of spatial steel frames, considering the bracing system configuration as a design variable. The third

evolution step of generalized differential evolution (GDE3), the success history-based adaptive multi-objective
differential evolution (SHAMODE), and the multi-objective meta-heuristic with iterative parameter distribution
estimation (MM-IPDE) are the differential evolution algorithms adopted in this paper. In addition, a multi-criteria
tournament method is used to extract desired solutions from the Pareto front according to the decision-maker





