Computational Implementation for Seismic Assessment of Existing Structures
Seismic Vulnerability, Adapted Hirosawa Method, Seismic-V, Reinforced Concrete StructureResumo
Increasing of seismic record in Brazil resulted in first Brazilian code of seismic NBR 15421:2006. Once
publication succeed Brazilian sample building assessment must be developed in order to prevent or mitigate effects
of horizontal accelerations from seismic. For preliminary screening of existent reinforced concrete structures
qualitative Hirosawa method seems to be suitable to Brazilian reality. This paper aims to implement
computationally seismic vulnerability assessment method in order to optimize assessments through opensource
SMath Solver and programming language is C#. Adapted Hirosawa method compares resistance of building
through seismic index of structure IS and Seismic demand index IS0
. Index IS
is a product of indexes (Basic seismic
index of structure, Irregularity index, Time index) and index IS0
is formed by zone index, ground index and usage
index. Model structure proposed by literature are analyzed in different levels of seismic acceleration as well as
types of soil defined by Brazilian seismic code in order to demonstrate usability of tool. Graphical interface and
results obtained from the application are showed aiding in decision-taking about new refined assessments or
feasible interventions.