Graphic Preprocessor for Thermal Analysis via CS-ASA/FA


  • Thiago C. Assis
  • Lavínia L. M. Damasceno
  • Dalilah Pires
  • Rafael C. Barros
  • Ricardo A. M. Silveira


GiD-preprocessor, CS-ASA/FA, Thermal analysis, Fire situation


The structural analysis aims to determine the structure behavior and if it meets all the design's goals as
adequate strength and stiffness for combinations of loading conditions in the ultimate limit states and service.
Stresses, deformations, and displacements are examples of response that act according to the boundary conditions
imposed on the structure. The process of this analysis has three basic steps: create the model, the calculation, and
the analysis of the results. To facilitate this process, a software with preprocessing, processing, and post processing
uses a numerical method for more realistic and efficient analysis. This work presented the development of a
preprocessor for the computational module CS-ASA/FA. This module realizes a thermal analysis in a transient
regime of common cross-sections in civil construction, which are fundamental for the fire analysis. The basic idea
is to produce an intuitive environment, easier and efficient for modeling and releasing a numerical thermal analysis.
Thus, for the elaboration of the preprocessor, used the graphical interactive environment, GiD. Performed
implementation and modifications in GiD’s problem type configuration satisfactorily to attend the demands of
input data files for the CS-ASA/FA program.





