Limit Plastic Analysis of a Structural Concrete Block Wall
structural masonry, structural concrete block, hybrid finite elements, plastic boundary analysisResumo
At this paper, it is searched the maximum collapse load of a structural concrete block wall. Simulations
are made considering the removal of resistant material, such as the installation of a door or openings motivated by
modifications at the architectural project. A mathematical programming using the Coulomb and Von Mises criteria
is used at the limit plastic analysis assuming the basic hypothesis of associated plasticity. It is used a polyhedral
representation of the yielding surface studying the convergence of the results in relation of the chosen number of
planes at each representation. It is used the hybrid finite elements formulation. Numeric examples are shown for
the structural concrete block wall case, considering different finite elements meshes and the obtained results are
compared with those of the analytical analysis that exists at the criteria adopted by the Brazilian concrete block
structure project Standard - NBR 10837. Keywords: structural concrete block, hybrid finite elements, limit plastic
analysis. Theme: research and testing.