XLIII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022 pt-BR Wed, 29 May 2024 12:43:52 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Investigating Satellite Attitude and Orbit Control System Performance of the SDRE Technique regarding Parametric Uncertainty https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5179 <p>The satellite attitude and orbit control subsystem (AOCS) can be designed with success by linear con-<br>trol theory if the satellite has slow angular motions. However, for fast maneuvers, the linearized models are not</p> <p>able to represent all the perturbations due to the effects of the nonlinear terms present in the dynamics which<br>compromises the system’s performance. Therefore, in such cases, it is expected that nonlinear control techniques</p> <p>yield better performance than the linear control techniques, improving the AOCS pointing accuracy without re-<br>quiring a new set of sensors and actuators. Nonetheless, these nonlinear control techniques can be more sensitive</p> <p>to parametric uncertainties. One candidate technique for the design of AOCS control law under a fast maneuver</p> <p>is the State-Dependent Riccati Equation (SDRE). SDRE provides an effective algorithm for synthesizing nonlin-<br>ear feedback control by allowing nonlinearities in the system states while offering great design flexibility through</p> <p>state-dependent weighting matrices. The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE, in Portuguese)<br>was demanded by the Brazilian government to build remote-sensing satellites, such as the Amazonia-1 mission.<br>In such missions, the AOCS must stabilize the satellite in three-axes so that the optical payload can point to the<br>desired target. Currently, the control laws of AOCS are designed and analyzed using linear control techniques<br>in commercial software. Although elsewhere the application of the SDRE technique with opensource software<br>has shown to yield better performance for the missions developed by INPE, a subsequent important question is<br>whether such better performance is robust to parametric uncertainties. In this paper, we investigate whether the<br>application of the SDRE technique in the AOCS is robust to parametric uncertainties in the missions developed by<br>INPE. The initial results showed that SDRE controller is robust to ±20%, at least, variations in the inertia tensor<br>of the satellite.</p> Alessandro Gerlinger Romero, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5179 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On the implementation of SGFEM simulation of cohesive crack propagation problems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5180 <p>The present work aims to discuss some details regarding the implementation of a cohesive crack prop-<br>agation system using the Stable Generalized Finite Element Method (SGFEM), a relatively new approach that</p> <p>derives from a simple modification of enrichment functions used in Generalized/eXtended Finite Element Method<br>(G/XFEM). For this, a combination between Heaviside functions that employ a stabilization parameter, presented<br>in Wu and Li [1], and a trigonometric function [2] is used as enrichment. A cohesive crack model is considered.<br>Though nonlinear material models, e. g., damage or plasticity, could be used, the bulk is considered as a linear<br>elastic material for the discussions carried out in this work. Results involving crack direction criteria, as proposed<br>by Wells and Sluys [3] and Moes and Belytschko [2], are also compared. To the best of the authors knowledge, ̈</p> <p>SGFEM has never been applied to simulate cohesive crack propagation problems with the presence of trigonomet-<br>ric enrichment functions. This work is related to a proposal of expansion of the INSANE (INteractive Structural</p> <p>ANalysis Environment) system, an open-source project developed at the Structural Engineering Department of<br>the Federal University of Minas Gerais. This platform has enabled the resources that allowed the implementation<br>discussed in this work.</p> Thaianne S. de Oliveira, Felício B. Barros, Samuel S. Penna Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5180 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Human comfort assessment of floors subjected to dynamic loading induced by people groups https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5181 <p>This research work aims to investigate the dynamic structural behaviour and evaluate the human comfort<br>of steel-concrete composite floors when subjected to loads induced by rhythmic human activities in places such as<br>fitness centres, event halls and offices. The investigated structural model is characterised by a steel-concrete<br>composite floor of a commercial building used for aerobics, which presents dimensions of 40m x 40m and a total<br>area of 1,600m2. The dynamic loads were obtained through the use of traditional mathematical models associated<br>to “only force” and also based on the use of biodynamic systems, aiming to incorporate the human-structure<br>interaction dynamic effect to assess the human comfort. The floor numerical model was developed based on usual<br>modelling techniques, adopting the mesh refinement present in the Finite Element Method (FEM), and<br>implemented in the computer program ANSYS. The dynamic structural response (displacements and<br>accelerations) was determined through the investigation of several dynamic loading models related to people<br>groups practising rhythmic activities on the floor concrete slab. Finally, based on the dynamic structural response<br>(peak acceleration), the results were compared with the floor project serviceability limits, indicating that the<br>maximum peak acceleration values surpass the design criteria, causing excessive vibration and human discomfort.</p> Elisângela A. R. dos Santos, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5181 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Methodology based on Genetic Algorithms and Finite Elements to obtain the 3D Surgical Planning for the Periacetabular Osteotomy procedure in treatment of hip dysplasia https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5183 <p>Developmental dysplasia of the hip is characterized by a condition of joint instability in which the<br>head femoral artery presents an abnormal relationship with the acetabulum, which may be accompanied or not a<br>partial (subluxation) or complete dislocation (dislocation) of the femoral head. The treatment of hip dysplasia in<br>adults aims to prolong the longevity of the joint by performing the periacetabular osteotomy. In patients without<br>early diagnosis and treatment and in treated young adults inappropriately or incorrectly, surgical interventions<br>such as osteotomies are performed to prevent coxarthrosis and other pathologies that can develop secondary to<br>dysplasia. Periacetabular osteotomy aims to change the biomechanics pathological condition of the hip, causing a<br>reorientation of the acetabulum and consequent improvement of joint stability. In view of the complexity presented,<br>both by the curve of learning and the performance of the surgical procedure, it is interesting to use of tools and<br>computational models in order to assist the surgeon in his achievement and, consequently, in the improvement of<br>results. The present work seeks study the application of a genetic algorithm in conjunction with simulations via the<br>method of finite elements using the ABAQUS®software, in a geometric model obtained through of a computed<br>tomography in a real patient, aiming to optimize the surgical planning based on maximizing the resulting force<br>obtained as a function of contact pressures and contact area in the acetabular cartilage. A comparison is made with<br>the results obtained from the surgical planning developed according to radiographic parameters, from which it is<br>verified that the proposed methodology results in an optimal configuration for the fragment, which translates into<br>improved joint stability. The values of rotation angles in the x, y and z directions are shown.</p> Marcus V. S. Ferraz, Daniel S. Ferreira, Flavia S. Bastos, Bruno G. S. Souza, Sara D. Vecchio Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5183 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nondeterministic dynamic analysis and structural optimization of the steel towers design for wind turbines support https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5184 <p>Considering the growing demand for electricity and the need to reduce the greenhouse gases emission,<br>the adoption of renewable energy has presented considerable growth in recent years. Having in mind its<br>technological development and competitive prices, the use of wind energy has shown an increasing growth on its<br>installed capacity around the world. In Brazil, a wind potential of 1.78 TW is estimated. This way, this research<br>work aims to perform a dynamic structural analysis of a steel tower used to support a Repower model MM92 wind<br>turbine, with a production capacity of 2 MW. The dynamic analysis is performed based on a three-dimensional<br>finite element model through the utilization of the ANSYS software, considering the soil-structure interaction<br>effect, the wind loadings on the rotor and non-deterministic wind loadings applied on the steel tower. To do this,<br>a wind velocity in the range of survival mode of the turbine is considered, aiming to investigate the tower structural<br>behavior under this condition. After the steel tower nondeterministic dynamic structural assessment, the<br>displacements and stresses values calculated in the steady-state response will be considered for the system<br>optimization, based on the Genetic Algorithms, and using the MATLAB software.</p> André Victor da S. Castilho, Francisco José da C. P. Soeiro, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5184 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Investigation on the nondeterministic dynamic structural response of tall buildings https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5185 <p>Based on the last few decades, the Brazilian cities have presented a relevant increasing when the design<br>and construction of tall and slender buildings is considered. It must be emphasized that this architectural trend<br>produced very flexible structures, with low natural frequency values and more susceptible to excessive vibrations<br>problems, especially when subjected to wind dynamic loads. Having these ideas in mind, this investigation aims<br>the study of tall buildings non deterministic dynamic structural response, considering the soil-structure interaction<br>effect. This way, the developed analysis methodology considers the wind pressure coefficients on the building’s<br>facade determined based on the use of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) techniques that nowadays represents<br>an increasingly important role in high-rise buildings projects, utilised as a sophisticated analysis method to predict<br>the airflow on the building’s structural system. This way, the nondeterministic dynamic structural behaviour of a<br>40-storey reinforced concrete building, 140 m high and floor dimensions of 9 m by 29.05 m was investigated. The<br>building numerical model was developed to obtain a realistic representation of the structure, based on the Finite<br>Element Method (MEF), using the ANSYS program. It must be emphasized that the results obtained throughout<br>this research work, considering the wind pressure coefficients calculated based on CFD techniques and those<br>determined by the Brazilian design standard NBR 6123 have indicated important quantitative differences, when<br>the dynamic structural response (displacements and peak accelerations) and the building human comfort were<br>investigated.</p> Leonardo F. de Miranda, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5185 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of the cable system on the static and dynamic stability of Guyed Towers https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5186 <p>This paper aims at understanding the influence of the cable setup on the static and dynamic stability of<br>the guyed towers. For such, simplified models consisting of mast and cables at different inclinations and guys level<br>are studied. The effect of these structural characteristics is studied through a nonlinear finite element model. First,<br>the influence of the configuration of the guys on the linear vibration frequencies and buckling load of the mast is<br>investigated considering the initial deformations and internal forces due to self-weight and cable pretension.<br>Coincident buckling loads and vibration frequencies happen for an even cable distribution around the tower. This<br>symmetry condition may lead to interactive buckling and internal resonance, increasing the effect of the geometric<br>nonlinearities on the response of the structure. Second, the nonlinear static and dynamic frequencies and buckling<br>loads are determined for the different guys configurations. The results show that the towers exhibit highly nonlinear<br>responses, even at low load levels. Thus, the geometric non-linear behavior must be considered in the design stage.<br>In addition, the results indicate the necessity of further investigation of the nonlinear dynamic response of these<br>structures for guys setup and mast dimensions used in actual towers.</p> Ícaro R. Marques, Paulo B. Gonçalves, Deane M. Roehl Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5186 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Verification of the order of accuracy of the discretization error in the simulation of tumor growth https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5187 <p>In Engineering there are several problems to be studied, such as applications in biomedicine, which<br>are typical problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). To solve these problems, numerical methods are<br>used regardless of complexity, geometry, physical parameters, boundary and initial conditions. Linear or nonlinear<br>models can be considered to assess both temporal and spatial evolution. However, one of the main disadvantages<br>of numerical methods is the determination of computational errors associated with their use, in which numerical<br>solutions can be affected by truncation, iteration, rounding, and programming errors. Although numerical errors</p> <p>cannot be eliminated, they must be controlled or minimized. The discretization error is considered the most signif-<br>icant among the sources of numerical error, requiring its analysis. Therefore, this work aims to verify the accuracy</p> <p>of the discretization error of a one-dimensional model of tumour growth, using a priori and a posteriori estimates<br>of numerical solutions. We predict the asymptotic behaviour of the discretization error in the a priori estimation.<br>We estimate the magnitude of the error based on multiple meshes using the Richardson estimator in the a posteriori<br>estimation. The model used in this work is described by a system of partial differential equations in a transient</p> <p>regime, with four variables involved in the process of tumour cell invasion, resulting in the description and evolu-<br>tion of cancer cell density, extracellular matrix (ECM) density, the concentration of matrix degradative enzymes</p> <p>(MDE) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP). To discretize the mathematical model, we used the<br>finite difference method with Central Difference Scheme (CDS) for spatial discretization and the Crank-Nicolson<br>method for temporal discretization. The nonlinear terms involved in the model were linearized by applying the</p> <p>Taylor series expansion. To advance in time, this discretization procedure results in the resolution of a set of alge-<br>braic equations to be solved with the aid of the iterative Gauss-Seidel method. The simulations are performed with</p> <p>Dirichlet boundary conditions. We use the manufactured solutions method for code verification and error analysis.</p> Jesika Maganin, Marcio Augusto Villela Pinto, Neyva Maria Lopes Romeiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5187 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental and numerical dynamic analysis of buildings floors when subjected to human-induced loads https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5188 <p>Numerous cases involving excessive vibrations on buildings floors due to human dynamic actions have<br>been reported over the years. However, it is worth to mention that the human rhythmic activities, especially when<br>performed by people groups tend to increase the degree of synchronization that may result in discomfort for the<br>building users. Therefore, this research work aims to investigate the dynamic structural behaviour of a reinforced<br>concrete floor when subjected to rhythmic human activities. The investigated floor corresponds to a gym with<br>dimensions of 16 m x 35 m, and total area of 560 m2. Initially, the floor dynamic properties (natural frequencies<br>and structural damping) were determined based on the structure experimental monitoring. Afterwards, a floor<br>numeric model was developed, based on the use of usual mesh refinement techniques present in Finite Element<br>Method (FEM) simulations and implemented in software ANSYS. This way, several dynamic loadings<br>mathematical formulations (only-force models and biodynamic systems) were implemented in order to assess the<br>floor dynamic structural response. The obtained results (displacements and accelerations) and the human comfort<br>assessment presented in this study indicate the relevance of the dynamic analysis to investigate the structural<br>behaviour of the reinforced concrete floor and also the influence of the people-structure dynamic interaction.</p> Felipe A. de Sousa, Gilvan L. Debona, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5188 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of the progressive pavement deterioration on the steel- concrete composite highway bridges service life https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5189 <p>Nowadays, the significant increase associated to the vehicle’s weight and traffic volume on the highway<br>bridge decks has made these structures subjected to several degradation phenomena. In this context, structural<br>fatigue is one of these progressive degradation events induced by vehicles dynamic impacts that can produce<br>significant increasing of the stress values. Having these ideas in mind, this research work aims is to develop an<br>analysis methodology to assess the fatigue performance of steel-concrete composite highway bridges, including<br>the dynamic actions due to vehicles convoys and the pavement progressive deterioration effect. The developed<br>analysis methodology is based on the use of Miner-Palmgren linear cumulative damage rule, Rainflow algorithm<br>and S-N curves associated to the traditional design codes. This way, the investigated structural model corresponds<br>to a steel-concrete composite highway bridge spanning 40 m subjected to vehicles traffic. The developed numerical<br>model adopted the usual mesh refinement techniques present in Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations<br>implemented in the ANSYS program. The main conclusions of this investigation focused on verify the extension<br>of the dynamical effects on the service life of steel-concrete composite highway bridges due to vehicles crossing<br>on the deteriorated pavement surface.</p> Ana Célia S. da Silva, Guilherme S. Alencar, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5189 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear analysis and parametric study on steel beams with circular web openings https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5190 <p>Steel beam with circular web opening have been gaining more space in the Brazilian industry. They<br>bring countless benefits to the construction, in addition to reducing the cost, there is also a reduction in weight,<br>allowing the passage of service ducts, which integrate the installations with the floor system. The variability of<br>this system can make it difficult to carry out experimental tests that evaluate all possibilities, as they demand more<br>financial, human, and time resources. Thus, numerical analysis presents as an alternative for this evaluation,<br>seeking the best option for applying this system. Therefore, this paper aims to simulate numerically steel beams<br>with circular web opening, using the finite element method. The analysis includes material and geometric<br>nonlinearities, as well as the study of instability. Through experimental results performed by Morkhade and Gupta<br>(2015), the numerical model was calibrated to carry out a parametric study that evaluates the spacing of openings<br>(s), diameter of openings (d), height of beam web (h) and beam thickness (t). Calibration was performed by<br>comparing the load x mid-span deflection experimental curve with the numerical one, obtaining satisfactory<br>results. The parametric study concluded that, in general, the parameters significantly influenced in the structural<br>behavior of the beam, except the spacing of openings.</p> T. M. Borghi, L. H. C. El Debs, S. De Nardin Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5190 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fluid-Structure Interaction between Broad Crested and Hydrodynamics Effects under Sand bed sediments https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5191 <p>The present study intends to report the initial findings results in the hydrodynamic and sediment<br>transport modeling with a study case of a broad crested weir considering a sediment bed made of sands. The<br>adopted numerical model is the REEF3D, a Computational Fluid Dynamics tool, which is able to do sediment<br>transport simulations, according to Bihs and Olsen [1]. The main objective is to examine the hydrodynamics effects<br>of the flow around the structure in a movable sediment bed.</p> Albernaz, V. R, Elias, R. N Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5191 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Unsupervised feature selection-based technique for locating structural deterioration: a multi-domain approach https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5192 <p>Structural monitoring methods have been extensively researched in recent years due to developments</p> <p>in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. In this regard, the purpose of this work is to offer an automated data-<br>driven approach for deterioration localization based on the extraction of features from raw vibration data utilizing</p> <p>domain knowledge and a filtering procedure. To diversify information retrieval, feature extraction is conducted<br>concurrently in temporal, frequency, and quefrency domains. This filtering process is known as feature selection<br>(FS) and is used to reduce redundancies and raise the relevance of the feature set by removing a subset based on a<br>predefined criterion. The key idea is that the proposed approach may be tuned to the structure while offering<br>generality for whatever shape, material, or excitation it comes across. The deterioration index is calculated via</p> <p>outlier analysis referenced by the structure's healthy condition. The technique was successfully tested in a full-<br>scale bridge, demonstrating a performance that is encouraging for real-world monitoring scenarios.</p> Victor H. M. Alves, Alexandre A. Cury Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5192 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison among four techniques to predict the compressive strength of concrete: Extreme Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Regression, Artificial Neural Networks, and Gaussian Process Regression https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5193 <p>The compressive strength (Rc) of concrete is an important feature that influences the safety, durability,<br>and cost of a structure. To achieve the desired Rc, professionals generally use mix design methods based on empirical<br>tables. Then, the Rc must be confirmed in laboratory with tests that cost time and resources. To mitigate this issue,<br>this study proposes and compares the use of four Machine Learning (ML) techniques to predict the Rc of concretes<br>from their components. The techniques are: Extreme Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Regression, Artificial Neural<br>Networks, and Gaussian Process Regression. Initially, a dataset vastly used in the literature for this purpose was used<br>as input. Secondly, a dataset built by the authors was used to validate the models’ generalization ability. All models<br>were cross-validated (10-fold) and their accuracies were measured by R2, MAE, and RMSE. XGBoost and GPR<br>presented the best performance, while SVR presented the worst. Despite the positive performances measured in all<br>models with the first dataset, the metrics dropped sharply in the validation step involving the second dataset. Thus,<br>the ML techniques are promising tools for the mix design of concretes, but attention must be taken to guarantee that<br>models are not overfitted because of the homogeneity of the input data.</p> Rafael C. F. da Paixão, Rúben E. Penido, Vítor F. Mendes, Alexandre A. Cury, Júlia C. Mendes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5193 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A continuous-discontinuous strategy to represent the crack process in concrete structures https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5194 <p>The study of fracture in quasi-brittle materials such as concrete has significant importance since it is<br>one of the main causes of material failure. There are two numerical approaches to representing fracture: smeared<br>and discrete models, and both techniques have pros and cons. Among the smeared approaches, damage models<br>are used to reproduce the degradation of a continuum media. These models are appropriate for describing the first<br>stages of degradation, identifying damaged regions, and replacing original mechanical properties with damaged</p> <p>ones. This strategy assumes that the cracks are spread over an area known as the fracture process zone. How-<br>ever, this phenomenological approach cannot represent the crack path properly since the discontinuities are not</p> <p>geometrically described. In contrast, the discrete methods are the most indicated to characterize the fracture ex-<br>plicitly. Such methods frequently deal with remeshing, an alternative that has been avoided because of the high</p> <p>computational cost. Although, based on the efficiency of modern computers, it is now possible to evaluate the<br>viability of coupling continuous and discontinuous models to reproduce fracture in its entirety, from nucleation to<br>collapse. In this context, it is proposed a combined strategy that associates nonlocal damage models to represent<br>the smeared aspects of crack propagation with a discrete crack description based on nodal duplication to capture<br>the crack discontinuity. Finally, numerical simulations were performed to analyze the efficiency of this strategy in<br>representing the degradation processes from smeared cracks to geometric discontinuities.</p> Lívia Ramos Santos Pereira, Samuel Silva Penna Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5194 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Uncertainty Quantification in 1d Pore Pressure Prediction of Exploratory Wells https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5196 <p>The pore pressure model serves as a subsidy for the well project, predicting potential risk events. Events<br>such as stuck pipe and inflow of fluids into the well result in a high cost in exploratory oil projects, either due to<br>the time spent fighting them, or the complete loss of the well. Unfortunately, in exploratory projects we do not<br>have enough data, nor the indirect data have good reliability, therefore, these models have high uncertainties. The<br>present work proposes the application and evaluation of the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis methodology in<br>the 1D pore pressure models used in the drilling of exploratory oil wells, to quantify and measure their impact. For<br>this purpose, data from wells drilled in the Santos Basin, southeastern Brazilian margin, were used.</p> Vinícius F. Carneiro, Nelson F. F. Ebecken Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5196 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Neighborhood and wind direction effects on wind pressure distribution on the low-rise building roof https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5197 <p>Low-rise buildings are the majority of the houses that are constructed all over the world. Experiments<br>of the wind loads acting on these buildings provide vital information to design secure structures and adverse<br>weather conditions resistants, considering the basic parameters in the analysis of gable buildings as roof slopes<br>and the wind direction. This study estimated the distribution of wind pressures around the contour of buildings<br>with gable roofs, considering diverse neighborhood conditions such as the number and geometric configuration of<br>buildings on the ground, in conjunction with the different angles of wind incidence. The simulations took place<br>with Ansys Workbench software, and the RNG K-Epsilon turbulence model and tetrahedral mesh were employed.<br>The application validation of the CFD technique occurred in the double sloped pitched roof structure. The results<br>showed good concordance with the literature. The pressure coefficients were analyzed, and in the flow<br>visualization, highlighted the attachment points and the recirculation zones.</p> Vitor Gabriel de Oliveira Camilo, Marco D. de Campos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5197 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effects of epistemic uncertainties on truss topology optimization considering progressive collapse https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5198 <p>The history of engineering contains many examples of structural failures. Despite being related to<br>diverse causes, these collapses can be attributed to the existence of uncertainties, which are usually classified as<br>aleatory and epistemic. In this context, optimization techniques can be employed in order to obtain optimal<br>structural solutions that are robust to the effects of uncertainty. Additionally, the progressive collapse phenomenon<br>has raised engineers' and researchers' awareness in recent years. However, there are still very few papers addressing<br>the optimal structural design under uncertainty considering progressive collapse. Hence, this paper aims to<br>investigate the effect of aleatory and epistemic uncertainties on truss topology optimization considering</p> <p>progressive collapse. Uncertainties are considered in the optimization problems through the RBDO (Reliability-<br>Based Design Optimization) and RO (Risk Optimization) formulations. Non-structural factors, which are</p> <p>epistemic in nature and can lead to progressive collapse, are considered using a formulation based on the latent<br>failure probability concept. Through a simple six-bar truss problem, the huge impact of epistemic uncertainties on<br>optimal topologies is shown. The variation of the latent failure probability indicates the existence of two transition<br>points in the optimal solutions, named Hyperstatic and Redundancy Thresholds. We conclude that these bounds<br>are mainly controlled by the magnitude of epistemic uncertainties, having a strong effect on the reliability and<br>costs of the optimal solutions. These results reveal something that has already been recognized in practice:<br>engineering structures need to be redundant in order to cope with the effect of epistemic uncertainties. Therefore,<br>despite being an idealized concept, the latent failure probability proves to be a simple tool to impose minimal<br>redundancy in optimal structural solutions.</p> Lucas A. Rodrigues da Silva, André T. Beck, André J. Torii Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5198 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessment of the distortion-induced fatigue strength in steel-concrete composite bridges welded joints https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5199 <p>Highway bridges are known as structural systems permanently affected by random loads that can cause<br>significant damage to the structural elements. Nowadays, a challenging problem for structural engineers is<br>associated to the high-stress amplitudes related to the fatigue induced by distortion on the steel elements.<br>Therefore, in this research work, the hot-spot stress method was validated aiming to assess the distortion-induced<br>fatigue strength in welded joints of steel-concrete composite bridges. It is important to emphasize that for the<br>validation of the hot-spot stress method, a full-scale fatigue tests database was taken into account, designed<br>precisely to serve as a basis for the evaluation of the fatigue resistance induced by distortion. This way, the<br>investigated highway bridge finite element model, developed based on the use of the ANSYS program, was utilized<br>as a global model with a local sub model, aiming to perform the compatibility and interpolation of the<br>displacement’s fields of both models (global and local). The numerically obtained results based on the hot-spot<br>approach were compared with those calculated with the conventional methods, resulting, therefore, in a<br>considerable difference, showing that the hot-spot method is more realistic, in view of its effectiveness in terms of<br>capture of stress concentrations due to the geometry of welded details, over for evaluation of fatigue damage.</p> Vencislau M. Quissanga, Guilherme S. Alencar, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5199 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Plastic Stress Concentration Factor KF in Fatigue https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5200 <p>This study uses the stress gradient factors (SGFs) ahead of notch tips to determine the notch effects in</p> <p>fatigue, which are generally smaller than notch stress concentration factor due to the material tolerance to non-<br>propagating short cracks. Even under elastic nominal stress levels, the notch vicinity may accumulate plastic</p> <p>strains when the maximum local stress exceeds the material yield strength. Considering the significant role of local<br>plasticity in the propagation behavior of short cracks within the notch plastic zone and therefore in the notch<br>sensitivity, a methodology is proposed to take into account the elastic-plastic stress and strain fields modeled by<br>Neuber’s rule and cyclic Ramberg-Osgood equation. 2D finite element analyses are conducted to compute the<br>stress intensity factors (SIFs) of smooth and notched specimens, which in turn are used to calculate the SGFs and<br>finally to obtain plastic fatigue notch factor predictions. To validate the methodology, experimental S-N data of<br>centre-notched, U-notched and V-notched plate specimens made of different materials and tested at uniaxial load<br>ratio R=-1, 0 and 0.1 are collected from the literature and compared with simulation results.</p> Mengen Liu, Antonio Carlos de Oliveira Miranda, Marco Antonio Meggiolaro, Jaime Tupiassú Pinho de Castro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5200 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dynamic analysis of Baja-type vehicle subjected to excitation by irregular road profile https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5202 <p>Automotive vehicles are complex dynamic systems that travel over uneven roads of different qualities.<br>This interaction induces vibrations whose characteristics depend on the suspension system, speed, and pavement</p> <p>type, among other factors. Extended exposure to vibrations can be annoying and harmful to human health, de-<br>pending on the acceleration levels. At Baja SAE competitions, small off-road vehicles are designed and built to</p> <p>withstand rough terrains. Therefore, knowing the vehicle’s response to irregularities is relevant to ensuring compli-<br>ance with safety requirements. In this paper, a computational routine is designed to evaluate the dynamic response</p> <p>of a BAJA-type vehicle to excitations induced by an irregular surface. A three-dimensional full-car model with<br>eight degrees of freedom simulates the vehicle’s vertical dynamics. The road surface roughness is modeled in<br>the frequency domain using Power Spectral Density functions, which are converted to time-domain signals. The<br>numerical integration of the equations of motion is made through Newmark’s method. The code is validated using</p> <p>commercial software and data from the literature. The outputs are the displacement, velocity, and acceleration sig-<br>nals for each vehicle’s degree of freedom. Results evidenced the suspension system’s effect on damping vibration</p> <p>levels experienced by the driver in relation to the base motion of the wheels.</p> Laura D. V. Braz, Gabriel R. P. Reis, Guilherme Magnabosco, Letícia F. F. Miguel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5202 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental nonlinear dynamic analysis of a machine supporting structure https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5203 <p>We present an experimental study of the effects of geometric nonlinearities on vibrations of rotating<br>machines support structures. Dynamic characteristics of structures depend on their stiffness, damping and mass.<br>The initial stiffness of a structure, computed in its unloaded state, is affected by the applied forces, the so-called<br>geometric stiffness. Compressive forces reduce the stiffness and the frequencies and may lead to buckling, for zero<br>frequencies. In bases of machines excited by the supported equipment, vibrations may affect the structures but, in<br>general, they may generate damage to the suspended equipment and the quality of the production. Although<br>machine support structures are, as a rule, very bulky, little affected by geometric stiffness considerations, the<br>tendency of modern structural engineering, especially in aerospace applications, is towards slender members, due<br>to more efficient materials and powerful analysis tools. Here we study these effects via experimental methods<br>designed to evaluate previous mathematical models. Our model is a metal beam under compression supporting a<br>DC motor. We suppose the original design provided natural frequencies away from the excitation frequency.<br>Nevertheless, the presence of large axial compressive force will reduce the beam stiffness and natural frequencies<br>leading to unexpected, potentially dangerous resonance states. Experimental imperfections led to observation of<br>interesting phenomena not predicted in our previous theoretical and numerical studies. We also observe, as<br>expected, occurrence of the so called Sommerfeld Effect, when underpowered excitation sources get their rotation<br>regime stuck at resonances.</p> Reyolando M.L.R.F. Brasil Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5203 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A three degrees of freedom model of the support structure of a non- ideal motor https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5204 <p>n rotating-unbalance-machine/structure systems, stable regime is when angular velocity is constant, all<br>energy supplied by the motor consumed by internal friction and energy dissipated by damping of structure. Energy<br>beyond this accelerates the system. Each energy level provided by the motor corresponds to stable constant angular<br>speed. H is the torque consumed by the motor internal friction. Summed to the R torque to overcome damping<br>forces of the support structure gives the S torque. L is the active motor torque provided. In an ideal system, the</p> <p>motor provides power to go over the resonance peaks of the structure and achieve the rated motor speed. In a non-<br>ideal system, with limited power supply, an available motor torque level L can intercept the torque curve S</p> <p>consumed by friction and the structure at a constant rotation point before or after the resonance peak. If before, is<br>a stable point of capture at resonance. Angular velocity no longer increases, stagnating before the peak, not<br>reaching higher rotation speed. Jumps happens when more energy is supplied to overcome this stagnation. There<br>comes a point the torque curve goes over the peak and intercepts the consumed torque curve further ahead in steady</p> <p>higher angular velocity, no intermediate stable steady states. There is really no difference between ideal and non-<br>ideal systems. Only the available power level. A model considering mutual interaction support-structure/machine,</p> <p>should always be used. In that sense, all systems are non-ideal. In practice, if the motor has enough power this<br>effect is negligible and we only consider interaction between the motor and the structure but not the reverse<br>interaction, simplifying the model. Literature is available on 1-DOF support structure models, with 2 coupled<br>autonomous equations of motion, 1 for the structure, 1 for the motor. In this paper we present a better representation<br>of a machine foundation moving in horizontal and vertical directions, with mass, stiffness and damping for each<br>one. Thus, we study 2 possible occurrences of the Sommerfeld Effect in the same model</p> Reyolando M.L.R.F. Brasil, Robert S. Birch Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5204 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete and EPS Core Sandwich Panels under Bending https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5205 <p>The use of construction systems based on the use of Sandwich Panels has grown significantly in the<br>Brazilian civil construction market in recent years, with greater application in residential buildings. However, due<br>to the absence of normative regulation and reliable calculation standards, this system is often used without a<br>fundamental understanding of its structural behavior. Thus, in order to evaluate the resistant capacity of these<br>panels when subjected to bending forces, this work consisted of the elaboration of a three-dimensional numerical<br>model of a Sandwich Panel of reinforced concrete with EPS core and metallic connectors, being used the ABAQUS<br>for its conception, which is a software based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). In addition, the model considers<br>the non-linear behavior of materials, through the use of the Concrete Damage Plasticity model (CDP) and the<br>Plasticity model for steel, which is calibrated and validated by experimental studies present in the literature,<br>presenting results in agreement with those obtained by the experiments.</p> Geovany F. Barrozo, William T.M. Silva, Luciano M. Bezerra, Jerfson M. Lima Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5205 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluating Different Neural Networks Architectures for the Solution of Heat Conduction Problems in NVIDIA Modulus https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5206 <p>The use of neural networks to address engineering problems is increasing considerably. A limitation<br>of using neural networks is the need for large amounts of data to fit nonlinear problems with acceptable accuracy.<br>An alternative to the purely data-driven approach is the physics-informed neural networks, which add physical<br>constraints that significantly reduce the amount of data needed to achieve acceptable accuracy. In this work, we<br>solve two simple heat conduction problems using PINNs, evaluating the complexity of different neural network<br>architectures. A direct comparison to the analytical solution proved the PINNs to be good solvers for the evaluated</p> <p>partial differential equations. A fully connected neural network (FCN) handles the problem well for the steady-<br>state case. However, a gated recursive unit (GRU) architecture is needed to solve a transient problem. For both</p> <p>problems, an architecture of 6 layers with 64 units each is sufficient to achieve good results.</p> Felipe M. Eler, Anaximandro A. P. M. de Souza, Paulo Couto, Alvaro L. G. A. Coutinho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5206 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical observation of traveling wave solution in a non-Newtonian foam model https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5207 <p>Foam injection is an oil recovery technique with great potential to be applied in the Brazillian Pre-salt<br>reservoirs. It consists of injecting gas and surfactant solution into the reservoir to control the gas mobility, avoid the<br>fingering formation, and improve sweep efficiency. Investigating the foam flow in porous media is challenging due<br>to foams’ non-Newtonian behavior. That is why most mathematical studies on this subject consider Newtonian<br>models. In the literature, there is a non-Newtonian model describing the foam displacement validated through<br>laboratory experiments. In the present work, we numerically verified that this model possesses a traveling wave<br>solution i.e., a stable-shape profile displacing in space with constant velocity. Such a solution is similar to ones<br>appearing in Newtonian models. We validate our results by comparing them to the experimental data found in the<br>literature. The numerical method is based on a finite difference Crank-Nicolson scheme with the Newton-Raphson<br>method for time step evolution.</p> Jhuan B. Cedro, Grigori Chapiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5207 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wavefront velocity for foam flow in three-layer porous media https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5208 <p>The foam became interesting for many applications, including the oil industry, due to its capacity to<br>control gas mobility, which is specifically relevant in fractured reservoirs. In the present work, we use a simplified<br>bubble population balance model to describe foam displacement in porous media. We approach the fractured<br>structure of the porous medium in a three-layer configuration, where the middle layer possesses a small width and<br>high permeability. Numerical investigation using Foam Displacement Simulator (FOSSIL) points out the existence<br>of a stable traveling wave water saturation profile evidencing the applicability of the foam injection to control gas<br>mobility in fractured reservoirs.</p> A. J. Castrillon Vasquez, G. Chapiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5208 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear resonance curves of a cylindrical panel with unilateral contact of a discontinuous elastic base https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5209 <p>The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of a discontinuous unilateral elastic base and an initial<br>geometrical imperfection on the nonlinear vibrations of a simply supported cylindrical panel. The cylindrical panel<br>is described by the nonlinear shallow shell theory of Donnell and discretized by the Galerkin method, using a<br>reduced order model which is obtained by a perturbation method. The discontinuous elastic base model is described<br>by a Heaviside function and the unilateral contact is defined by the Signum function. The results show the dynamic<br>analysis of the cylindrical panel through the backbone curves, bifurcation diagrams, phase portraits and resonance<br>curves to understanding the influence of the discontinuous unilateral elastic base and the initial geometrical<br>imperfection of the cylindrical panel. An efficient modal solution with two degree-of-freedom is sufficient to<br>describe the nonlinear softening behavior of the cylindrical panel with a discontinuous unilateral elastic base. The<br>influence of the unilateral elastic base and the initial geometrical imperfection on the dynamic stability of the<br>cylindrical panel is demonstrated in the resonance curves, phase planes, Poincaré mappings and bifurcation<br>diagrams, where it is possible to identify important changes in the stable and unstable regions of the resonance<br>curves when compared with a cylindrical panel with a discontinuous bilateral elastic base.</p> Jordana L. Morais, Frederico M. A. Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5209 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative analysis between different integration methods for frames subjected to earthquakes https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5210 <p>The choice of the type of structure model, the duration time of the dynamic loading, the size of the time<br>step, as well as the inclusion or not of nonlinearity are factors that should be taken into consideration when deciding<br>on different solution methods for the dynamic analysis, as they are able to influence the stability and accuracy in<br>the response of the structure. This paper presents a comparison of dynamic analysis results for different integration<br>methods in the time domain. This comparison is evaluated using a steel plane frame subjected to a Tohoku<br>earthquake that occurred in 2011 in Japan. The structure is modeled in two-dimensional finite elements and<br>discretized into bar elements. The entire analysis is developed by implementing a numerical routine in Python 3<br>language. It is expected to find distinct results regarding the accuracy in displacements, velocities and accelerations<br>due to the spurious oscillations inserted due to the characteristic of the finite element method.</p> Patrick de Oliveira Batista da Costa, Letícia Fleck Fadel Miguel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5210 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mode Localization in Quasi Periodic Cyclic Structures https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5211 <p>In this work, we study the phenomenon of localization of vibration modes in quasi-periodic cyclic<br>structures with linear behavior. They are composed of nominally identical substructures loosely coupled together,<br>taking into account possible small imperfections. Such linear systems in the face of the disorder caused by small<br>imperfections, can lead to the confinement of vibrational energy in certain regions of the structure, a phenomenon<br>known as Mode Localization. This phenomenon can cause catastrophic failure due to high vibration amplitude and<br>fatigue. The identification and study of the location effect from a modal perspective, as well as the response of the<br>structure and its components to dynamic requests is of fundamental importance, as it is a diagnostic tool for<br>possible preventive mitigation actions or even use of this phenomenon in damping of the system. Through the<br>implementation of computer simulation via MATLAB® software, based on the Finite Element Method, the<br>distribution, interference and consequence of vibrational energy on the adopted model are analyzed with reference<br>to the periodic and ordered or aperiodic and disordered dynamic characteristics. The so-called “real case” considers<br>the small variations in characteristics (length, stiffness, attack angle), resulting from manufacturing tolerances or<br>FOD (Foreign Object Debris) impact. This work presents graphically the amplitude of normalized vibration<br>amplitude resulting from the appearance of the phenomenon of localization of vibration modes in the substructures,<br>which can be restricted to one or a few of them.</p> Reyolando F. Brasil, Elizabete O. Silva, Henrique C. Margon Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5211 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A mathematical and rheological study of the pastes that make up obturator endodontic cement from MTA base https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5212 <p>The MTA-Fillapex endodontic cement is constituted from base and catalyst pastes. In the present<br>work we investigated, from several rheological models, the model that described the best relationship between the<br>shear stress and shear rate for the pastes. To the investigation, five paste lots were selected, and the Brookfield<br>RST-CPS rheometer was used to the measurements. The rheological laws were deduced according to the models:<br>Bingham, Ostwald-de Waele, Herschel-Bulkley, and Casson. The models parameters were calculated by means of<br>our code. We used the Levenberg-Marquardt Method, from the computational platform OCTAVE on the version</p> <p>5.2.0. Additionally, we analyzed the parameters’ existence domain, the fitted determination coefficient, the maxi-<br>mum deviation, and the correlation matrix. From this, the preliminary results showed that the Ostwald-de-Waele</p> <p>was most representative rheological model to characterize the base paste, and to the catalyst paste we had the<br>Herschel-Bulkley model as the better representation.</p> Mariana E. Nunes, Eliandro R. Cirilo, Neyva M. L. Romeiro, Paulo L. Natti Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5212 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modelo reduzido para análise estática de uma placa retangular hiperelástica https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5213 <p>Realiza-se a análise estática de uma placa fina retangular, composta de material hiperelástico sujeita a<br>carregamento de pressão uniformemente distribuído. Ambas as não linearidades são consideradas e, para isso,<br>aplica-se o modelo Neo-Hookeano, que descreve a não linearidade física do material, e a teoria não linear de vón</p> <p>Kármán, que incorpora a não linearidade geométrica. Compara-se as respostas obtidas para os diagramas pressão-<br>deslocamento de um sistema de equações com doze graus de liberdade, obtido com aplicação das ferramentas do</p> <p>cálculo variacional no funcional de energia da placa, com um modelo reduzido pelo Método de Karhunen-Loève.<br>Para a geometria analisada, o modelo reduzido, de custo computacional menor que o sistema original, representa<br>de forma satisfatória o comportamento estático da placa.</p> Daniella M. O. Aguiar, Renata M. Soares Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5213 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application of the G/XFEM, quasi-3D theory, and the nonlocal elasticity in the vibration analysis of thick functionally graded nano-plates https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5214 <p>In this study, the problem of free vibrations in functionally graded moderately thick nanoplates is<br>addressed. The numerical models are obtained employing the quasi-3D plate theory and the approximation spaces<br>are obtained according to the G/XFEM with PU's with regularity</p> <p>, = 1,2. The choice to use the cited<br>approximation spaces is related to their regularity, which is extremely relevant in non-local dynamic elastic<br>problems. In this sense, the use of approximation spaces obtained with</p> <p>FEM-Lagrange produces significant<br>differences in the nanoscale result which does not occur in classical or local elasticity. In the case studies, the<br>following effects on the first resonance frequency are analyzed: increase in the nanoplate size, distribution of the<br>biphasic material, and increment of the nanoscale parameter. As a complementary result, the effect of the regularity<br>of the approximation spaces in the verification of the stiffness softening phenomenon is analyzed. The normalized<br>frequencies resulting from those obtained with high order FEM-Lagrange, a semi-analytic solution, and the<br>Hermitian elements (H-FEM)</p> <p>, = 1,2.</p> Oscar A. G de Suarez, Rodrigo Rossi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5214 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fission and Deformations in the Colon Epithelium using Finite Element Methods https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5215 <p>The goal of this work is to model and simulate a crypt deformation and fission in the colon epithelium<br>originated by an abnormal cell proliferation located in the crypt walls.</p> G. Romanazzi, G. Settanni Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5215 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear transient vibrations of an orthotropic silo longitudinally stiffened considering the charging/discharging of the grains https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5216 <p>The type of structure most used for the storage of grains are the cylindrical metallic silos, being slender<br>structures in shell, which have great capacity to withstand the axial loads and the lateral pressures that are<br>submitted. This paper aims to develop a low-dimensional model, with a reduced number of degrees of freedom,<br>capable of analyzing the behavior of orthotropic and longitudinally stiffened silos subjected to static and dynamic<br>axisymmetric actions. The nonlinear Sanders-Koiter theory is used to model the silo and Chebyshev polynomials<br>are used to simulate the cantilever at the base and the free end in which these types of structures are commonly<br>built. Grain pressures are determined according to the Janssen model, including the Heaviside function to simulate<br>charging, and discharging inside the silo. In addition, the Heaviside function is also applied to the kinetic energy<br>and the natural frequency of the system, to compose the variation of mass and damping generated by the grains<br>over time. The motion equations are obtained by applying Hamilton's Principle and the Rayleigh-Ritz method and<br>using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method, the maximum axial and transverse displacements during charging, and<br>discharging are found, noting that an increase occurs when compared to the static values of grain storage, which<br>generates greater efforts being applied to the silo structure.</p> Henrique de O. Pereira, Frederico M. A. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 XLIII Ibero-Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5216 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Artificial Intelligence methods applied to the damage detection in beams https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5218 <p>Structural health monitoring (SHM) has become increasingly important in the field of civil engineer-<br>ing. The objective of this paper is on the application of Artificial Intelligence Methods in the SHM field. The</p> <p>formulation uses modal parameters of a structure to detect damage related to the reduction of stiffness of a section.<br>The databases for training and validating the AI methods were generated in a structured and automatic way by<br>an algorithm developed in Python programming language within the finite element software Abaqus. The modal</p> <p>parameters analyzed were the first five natural frequencies of a beam. An exploratory analysis was performed us-<br>ing other characteristics such as: length of the beam, failure severity, material, boundary conditions, cross section</p> <p>and others. It was possible to evaluate the performance of the AI methods on the proposed problem. Finally, a<br>parametric comparison was made between the different Artificial Intelligence methods.</p> Fernando V. B. Medeiros, Luiz C. Wrobel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5218 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A non-linear finite volume method coupled with a higher order MUSCL- type formulation for the numerical simulation of groundwater solute transport https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5220 <p>A groundwater solute transport model that predicts the process of contaminant migration plays an impor-<br>tant role in the control and remediation of groundwater contamination. For example, in simulating solute transport</p> <p>in groundwater, reliable prediction of fluid dynamics requires a simulator capable of correctly handling highly het-<br>erogeneous and anisotropic permeability tensors on nonorthogonal grids due to the complex geology of the aquifer.</p> <p>To solve the equations that constitute the flow model, simplifying assumptions must be made about the aquifer and<br>the physical processes that govern groundwater flow. In this study, we applied an improved numerical formulation</p> <p>that deals with highly heterogeneous and anisotropic media and can handle distorted grids. The governing equa-<br>tions are solved via an implicit pressure and explicit concentration procedure, where the advective term is solved</p> <p>using a Monotonic Upstream Centered Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) type method. This method is<br>based on a gradient reconstruction obtained by a least square technique in which the monotonicity is enhanced by a<br>multidimensional limiting process (MLP). The essence of the present limiting strategy is to control the distribution<br>of both cell-centered and cell-vertex concentration in a multidimensional way to flow physics. Is showed in the<br>literature that this strategy satisfies the local extremum diminishing condition in a truly multidimensional manner.<br>The dispersion term is discretized by a nonlinear two-point flux approximation method (NL-TPFA). This method<br>is very robust and able to exactly reproduce piecewise linear solutions through a linear-preserving interpolation<br>with explicit weights. The methods can be used with general polygonal meshes, although we restrict ourselves<br>to conformal triangular and quadrilateral grids. To validate the adopted formulations, some benchmark problems</p> <p>found in literature are solved. These numerical experiments indicate that our formulations can provide robust so-<br>lutions for simulating groundwater solution processes, especially in aquifer systems with complex physical and</p> <p>geological properties.</p> Fernando R. L. Contreras, Jose T. G. Silva, Uewerton A. O. Vaz, Alessandro R. E. Antunes, Paulo R. M. Lyra, Darlan K. E. Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5220 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the nonlinear vibration of a clamped cylindrical shell considering the influence of the internal fluid and oceanic waves https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5222 <p>Cylindrical shells are used in various engineering installations, such as nuclear power plants, tanks,<br>cooling towers and oil platforms, which can fluid-filled. In addition, offshore structures are subject to the incidence<br>of ocean waves, which can change their dynamic response. Due to the slenderness of the cylindrical shells, the<br>interaction between these structures and the fluid presents a complex dynamic behavior, and understanding these<br>phenomena is of great interest for the development of these designs. This article presents an analytical-numerical<br>comparative study to analyze the nonlinear vibrations of a clamped cylindrical shell, considering the effects of the<br>presence of an internal fluid, that is incompressible, non-viscous and irrotational, and its free surface. It is also<br>applied to the outer side walls of the cylindrical shell, a load from the action of ocean waves, which are derived<br>from the Airy theory and are time dependent. To describe the deformation field and curvature changes of the<br>middle surface of the cylindrical shell, the nonlinear Sanders-Koiter theory was used. Chebyshev polynomials are</p> <p>applied to define the modal expansions that describe the displacement field of the structure. Finally, the Rayleigh-<br>Ritz method is used to obtain the nonlinear equations of motion of the system. The free vibrations were compared</p> <p>with a numerical model obtained by the Finite Element Method (FEM), with the aid of the commercial software<br>ANSYS. As a response of the nonlinear analysis, the response in time and phase-plane is obtained for the<br>cylindrical shell with the presence of the internal fluid and the action of ocean waves, in addition to evaluating the<br>influence of two types of waves, for shallow and intermediate waters.</p> Montes, R. O. P., Pedroso, L. J., da Silva, F. M. A. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5222 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Local Homogenization of Composite Materials https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5223 <p>The homogenization process has as its basic premise to change multiphase materials into a single<br>material with a representative phase, regardless of which model is being used, whether based on the theory of<br>elasticity, solid mechanics, or the mean-fields micromechanics models. These models, however sophisticated they<br>may be, takes into account the interaction between the inclusions, the geometry of the inclusion up to the physical<br>nonlinearity of the problem, which is always associated with the geometric limitation of the global model. To<br>circumvent the geometric problem, it is proposed the development of a homogenization process that takes into<br>account the geometry of the problem, in addition to the volumetric fractions and properties of each phase. This<br>consideration is given by the generation of a quadtree recursive spatial subdivision, where the mesh nodes represent<br>the inclusions and the elements connected to the nodes represent the matrix. With this, it can be shown the<br>reduction of the global problem to a local problem of the Eshelby equivalent inclusion and homogenize of the<br>mesh node by node. The obtained results are a map of properties homogenized locally since each node has different<br>volumetric fractions for each problem of equivalent inclusion. This procedure opens a range of different<br>possibilities of materials, including the application in multiphase cementitious composite materials.</p> Rodrigo Mero Sarmento da Silva, Matheus Barbosa Moreira Cedrim, Aline da Silva Ramos Barboza Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5223 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wind load effects on photovoltaic modules https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5224 <p>Wind loads are a major concern regarding steel structures, which is the case of the photovoltaic modules.<br>These devices have been studied using different approaches in order to determine their aerodynamic characteristics.<br>Nevertheless, the argentine regulation in this aspect (CIRSOC 102 Ed. 2005) does not contribute with detailed<br>specifications for unconventional structures. In order to provide more data about the influence of the photovoltaic<br>module aerodynamics on its constitutive structural elements, an interdisciplinary approach is presented to define<br>the aerodynamic properties and the mechanical states of a specific model of the photovoltaic module. In the first<br>place, the pressure coefficients obtained experimentally in the Wind Tunnel by other authors were used to determine<br>the most hostile wind loads applied to the studied panel. Secondly, numerical modeling of the type structure in<br>the physical and geometric nonlinear field was carried out, thus obtaining the natural modes of vibration and the<br>structural components with critical solicitation.</p> Juan M. Podesta, Javier L. Mroginski, Hugo G. Castro, Adrian R. Wittwer Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5224 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Solution of ill-posed problem in plane wave decomposition for sound field reconstruction https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5226 <p>Plane-wave decomposition is a recently developed technique in the field of acoustics that stems from<br>an approximation in the inverse spatial tri-dimensional Fourier transform so that it considers that the sound field<br>is represented by the superposition of plane waves traveling in well-defined directions. The calculations for the<br>technique involve the solution of an ill-posed matrix equation, requiring a regularized solution for the least squares<br>problem. This paper will show the implementation of the plane wave decomposition using Tikhonov regularization<br>in the context of a simulated and a measured impedance tube. The classical L-curve algorithm and a fixed-point<br>algorithm for the calculation of the regularization parameter were investigated and compared with the goal of<br>defining which technique produces the least error in this scenario. The reconstructions of the transfer functions<br>in both the simulated case and the measured case were realised, with the fixed-point algorithm displaying an<br>advantage over the L-curve with respect to reconstruction errors in both scenarios.</p> Augusto C. F. de Carvalho, Hilbeth P. A. de Deus, Marcio H. A. Gomes, Eric Brandão, Lorenzo F. R. Garron Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5226 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pisciculture 4.0: Technology and innovation in the fish production https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5227 <p>The aquaponics system is a sustainable model of food cultivation that involves the creation of fish and<br>plants in controlled environments (Aquaculture and Hydroponics) that require a high level of quality,<br>maintenance, and production. This work's main objective is to present the development of a monitoring system<br>based on the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. It proposes the supervision of a substrate cultivation method<br>(Media-filled bed) in which several parameters are monitored through sensors connected by the ESP32<br>microcontroller, and actuators such as pumps and others. The system collects sensor data and stores it in a<br>database. They are treated by optimization algorithms and presented in a graphical visualization WEB interface.<br>Information is delivered in real-time, facilitating safe decision-making at the production and maintenance levels<br>of the aquaponics system. The framework also allows the safe presentation of time series for analysis and<br>production planning. This system was developed and is being installed in a Research Base of the Aquaculture<br>Engineering and Mechanical Engineering courses with the participation of students from the Science and<br>Technology and Mechatronics Engineering courses at UFRN, using the PBL (Problem Based Learning)<br>methodology.</p> Lucas da Silva. Alisson Gabriel, Fernandes Gadelha. Arthur, Magno de Lima. Carlos, Silva do Nascimento. Wallace Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5227 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Multi-agent simulation of Coronavirus contamination on public transport https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5228 <p>Since the beginning of 2020, we are experiencing a worldwide pandemic of the coronavirus. Since then, health<br>authorities around the world have tried to prevent people from infecting themselves with this virus. In Brazil, states and<br>cities plan and take decisions to restrict movement or release some activities to return to normal operation. As noted, these<br>are decisions that can, on the one hand, harm the economy and the citizen's interpersonal relationships and, on the other,<br>lead to overcrowding of hospitals, health chaos and more deaths. For this work, a computer simulator was developed where,<br>together with a mathematical model and multi-agent systems, it was sought to show contamination situations in real<br>environments. The simulator has an interface where it is possible to visualize people moving in a pre-established<br>environment. The objective of this work is to add to the studies already in progress, bringing more data and information<br>that can help to improve policies and actions to combat the pandemic.</p> Victor Geraldo Gomes, Gray Farias Moita Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5228 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Yield design approach to uplift bearing capacity of shallow rectangular plate anchors https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5229 <p>Plate anchors are a widely used class of foundation systems for structures subject to uplift forces. Its<br>bearing capacity evaluation has been object of constant revisions in literature, notably as a result of the recent<br>decommission operations of large offshore structures. In this context, the present paper aims to evaluate the uplift<br>resistance of shallow rectangular plate anchors based on the theoretical framework of limit analysis and its related<br>kinematic approach. Upper bound estimates of the collapse load are obtained from a class of failure mechanisms<br>considering generic discontinuity surfaces defined from the functional minimization of the uplift bearing capacity.<br>The rock is modeled as a Tresca material with a tension cut-off criterion, whereas the lower interface of the anchor<br>exhibits a tensile stress threshold. A parametric study is conducted to evaluate the effect of the problem main<br>parameters, allowing for an estimate of the ultimate pullout force for several cases. Finally, the semi-analytical<br>predictions obtained are compared with available results in the literature, thus validating its application. Results<br>show that model predictions are in good agreement with available results for plates with low embedment ratios.<br>The dependence on the tensile stress limit of the Tresca material and the interface resistance are also highlighted.</p> Mateus Forcelini, Samir Maghous Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5229 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On a High-Order Generalized Finite Element Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5230 <p>In recent years, technological development has grown exponentially. In this context, numerical methods<br>consist of an attractive tool that guarantees flexibility and ease of access in modeling Science and Engineering<br>problems. In particular, the High-Order version of the Finite Element Method (FEM), based upon orthogonal<br>polynomials as a means for constructing hierarchic approximation spaces, is of special interest, due to its high<br>convergence rate and adequate matrix conditioning. However, albeit FEM achieves good results in a large class</p> <p>of problems, it is not as adequate when non-smooth solutions are expected. Aiming to circumvent such a limita-<br>tion, the Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) introduces enrichment functions, selected on the basis of a</p> <p>previous knowledge about the solution of the problem, in order to enlarge FEM’s approximation space. Despite<br>providing scope and generality expansion to the FEM, such technique may lead, nevertheless, to ill-conditioned<br>systems of equations, therefore penalizing numerical precision. Taking this into account, this paper proposes a<br>methodology for integrating positive features of the two aforementioned versions of the FEM, resulting in a stable,<br>precise and high performing numerical tool. The methodology herein presented allows for the possibility of being<br>easily implemented in previously existing codes, already designed to handle GFEM. Planar elasticity applications<br>are considered – including Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics problems, for which GFEM is more suitable – in</p> <p>order to demonstrate the previously mentioned convergence and conditioning properties of the proposed formula-<br>tion.</p> Andre de F. Stabile, Sergio P. B. Proença Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5230 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis on pollutant dispersion in naturally ventilated buildings: nonisothermal conditions https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5231 <p>Pollutants dispersion and human exposure in urban areas are closely linked to urban and building<br>ventilation. In this sense, the main target of the present work is to study the pollutant dispersion phenomenon in<br>naturally ventilated buildings using a numerical model considering incompressible flows with heat and mass<br>transport. For the flow simulation, a semi-implicit Characteristic-Based Split (CBS) model is used in the context</p> <p>of the Finite Element Method, where linear tetrahedral elements are used in spatial discretization. The Navier-<br>Stokes equations and the conservation equations for mass, energy and chemical species form the system of</p> <p>fundamental equations for the flow field. Flow turbulence is treated through Large Eddy Simulation (LES),<br>where the Smagorinsky’s approach is adopted for subgrid scale modeling. Thermal effects on the flow field are<br>considered in the momentum balance equation through buoyancy forces, which are calculated taking into<br>account the Boussinesq’s approximation. Classic examples of Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena are<br>analyzed to verify the numerical model proposed here and a numerical investigation is performed considering a<br>building model subject to natural ventilation, where pollutant dispersion and thermal effects are evaluated<br>simultaneously.</p> Gabriela P. Bianchin, Alexandre L. Braun Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5231 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Verification for the Asian Rust Dispersion in Paraná https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5232 <p>This work aims to study the discretization error of a numerical model describing the atmospheric<br>transport of the Asian Rust spores in Parana. The model was obtained from the discretization of a two-dimensional ́<br>Partial Differential Equation with diffusive, convective, and reactive terms by the finite difference method. To study<br>the behavior of the discretization error, a priori and a posteriori analyzes were performed. From the verification<br>process, it was found that the apparent order converged to the asymptotic order. Thus, the process of estimating<br>numerical errors through the Richardson Estimate presented promising results.</p> Eduardo Oliveira Belinelli, Luciano Kiyoshi Araki, Nicholas Dicati Pereira da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5232 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Convergence Diagnostics for MCMC methods https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5233 <p>The most used method in Bayesian inference is the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). But they<br>are expensive, not only because they require a lot of simulations of the model to explore the posterior distribution<br>but also because there are no clear criteria to determine if the method has converged to ensure the quality of the<br>obtained parameters and error estimates. This work objective is to explore a set of convergence diagnostics or<br>MCMC methods and their strategies for a convection-diffusion model and an epidemiological model, a SIR-type<br>model.</p> Douglas S. de Albuquerque, Renato S. Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5233 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A new dual boundary element formulation for cohesive crack propagation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5234 <p>A cohesive dual boundary element formulation is presented for crack propagation analysis and a path-<br>following method is proposed to solve the nonlinear system of equations by the direct control of one of the known</p> <p>degrees of freedom. The simple linear cohesive model is introduced into the algebraic boundary element equations<br>by local stiffness matrices. According to the cohesive law, the stiffness coefficients decays as crack displacement<br>discontinuities increases. The acting loads are divided into two groups: one in which the load is perfectly known<br>and another in which only the direction is known. The magnitude (or load factor) of the latter is determined with<br>respect to the equilibrium of the boundary fields (indirectly controlled) and an additional path-following constraint<br>equation. The resulting non-linear system is solved using an incremental iterative scheme. For each iteration, the<br>corrections to the boundary fields are obtained in a partitioned manner, in which the load factor is calculated<br>independently using the direct control of the degree of freedom as the path-equation. The results show that the<br>proposed approach can efficiently capture the equilibrium curves.</p> Gustavo O. Daumas, Guilherme H. Teixeira, Rafael M. Lins, Sérgio G. F. Cordeiro, Francisco A. C. Monteiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5234 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural Damage Identification based on the Curvature Matrix of the Accelerance https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5235 <p>In this work, a damage identification method based on the curvature-matrix of the Frequency Response<br>Function-FRF is proposed. This is used in the formulation of two indices to predict the damage location and to<br>estimate the severity of the damage in a structure. To evaluate the effectiveness of the method, numerical</p> <p>simulations are performed in different damage scenarios simulated in a one-storey, one-bay frame using Euler-<br>Bernoulli beam elements. The structural damage is simulated by reducing the flexural stiffness of selected</p> <p>elements. The FRF-Accelerance for the undamaged and damaged frame is numerically obtained with the<br>frequencies and mode shapes of the lower modes. The curvature of the FRF is calculated numerically using finite<br>differences, based on an expansion of the Taylor series. The results of the simulations indicate that the proposed<br>method can localize and estimate the damage severity in a one-storey, one-bay frame. The proposed damage<br>indices could be an alternative to the traditional modal analysis methods.</p> Juan C. Herrera Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5235 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A numerical study of damage evaluation in jointed plain SHCC pavements using new damage evolution laws https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5236 <p>It is well-known in the design of jointed plain cementitious pavements (JPCP) that the damage in the<br>cementitious matrix due to stress near the dowel bars is a key factor that affects the service life of such<br>structures. This study aimed to evaluate numerically the differences in the damage distribution in the near dowel<br>bar region in JPCP considering alternative materials: strain-hardening cementitious composites (SHCC) in<br>substitution to concrete and glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) in substitution to the steel bar. The adopted<br>constitutive model for the cementitious materials was the concrete damage plasticity. A new damage evolution<br>law proposed by the authors in [13] was adopted. Such a law can be very effective in reproducing the SHCC<br>behavior because both damage and plastic strain variables are involved with. Interactions between the<br>cementitious matrix and the dowel bars were simulated by surface-to-surface contact type. The finite element<br>models were validated by comparing available experimental load-displacement curves with the obtained<br>numerical ones. The results for the damage distributions reveal that the use of such alternative materials has<br>induced smaller damage values within a smaller damaged zone when compared with the model with<br>conventional materials: standard concrete and steel bars. Consequently, smaller cracks in such zones will appear<br>which will increase the structural life of the pavement.</p> Edmir J. Santos Júnior, Rafael Marques Lins, Francisco A. C. Monteiro, Sérgio Gustavo Ferreira Cordeiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5236 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear dynamic structural analysis of tall buildings considering the nondeterministic wind-induced actions https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5237 <p>In recent decades, technological advances in civil construction have driven the project and construction<br>of tall buildings in several countries around the world. However, the structural design slenderness increasing has<br>been crucial for reducing the natural frequencies values and the damping structural levels generating, in some<br>situations, excessive vibrations and human discomfort. Aspects generally disregarded in current day-to-day design<br>practice are related to the geometric nonlinearity effect and the soil-structure interaction on the tall buildings<br>structural response. Thus, this investigation aims to evaluate the dynamic structural behaviour of a steel-concrete<br>composite building with 48 floors and 172.8 m height, when subjected to wind nondeterministic actions, including<br>in the dynamic analysis the geometric nonlinearity effects and the soil-structure interaction. The investigated<br>building numerical model was developed to obtain a more realistic representation of the structural system, based<br>on the Finite Element Method (FEM), using the ANSYS program. In this investigation, the found results, based<br>on the calculated displacements and accelerations values, have indicated relevant differences, when the geometric<br>nonlinearity effects and the soil-structure interaction were included in the building dynamic response assessment.</p> Jean Carlos M. Silva, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5237 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear dynamic analysis of storage tanks when subjected to nondeterministic wind loadings https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5238 <p>Storage tanks are associated to thin-walled equipment subjected to wind-induced loads, which can<br>lead the system to structural instability. The storage tanks behavior is too sensitive to imperfections that can be<br>present on the structural system, taken into account damage mechanisms which tend to reduce the integrity of<br>this type of equipment along its service life. In fact, inspection techniques are employed to characterize the<br>damage mechanisms. This way, the laser scan technique has been shown to be accurate in dimensional<br>inspection of storage tanks. Therefore, this research work focuses on the nonlinear dynamic analysis of an actual<br>damaged surface related to a storage tank. The investigated tank presents a diameter of 43.428 m and height of<br>14.63 m, and is used for diesel storage. The deformations present on the tank structure were measured based on<br>the use of a laser scan. The point cloud resulting from the dimensional laser scan inspection was used to build a<br>finite element model taken into account all geometric imperfections. After that, the nondeterministic wind<br>loadings were used to perform the nonlinear dynamic analysis considering the actual deformed structural system<br>of the studied tank. In this investigation, the results have indicated relevant differences, when the geometric<br>nonlinearity effects were included in the structure dynamic response assessment, when compared to those<br>calculated based on the traditional static analysis.</p> Matheus A. Lopes, Francisco José da C. P. Soeiro, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5238 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Steel-concrete composite floors dynamic assessment when subjected to human walking loads https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5239 <p>This work aims to evaluate the people-structure dynamic interaction effect on the floor’s structural<br>behaviour, considering the development of experimental tests and also numerical modelling. This way, the</p> <p>investigated structural model is related to a steel-concrete composite floor building which is composed of a hot-<br>rolled framing system, with a total area equal to 1300 m2. The floor system is used for normal school occupancy</p> <p>and is supported by steel-concrete composite columns with a ceiling height of 3.40 m. In this investigation, the<br>biodynamic models associated with “spring-mass-damper” systems with one degree of freedom (SDOF) were<br>adopted aiming to represent the people’s walking on the investigated floor. The proposed numerical model,<br>developed for the steel-concrete composite floor building dynamic analysis, adopted the usual mesh refinement<br>techniques present in finite element method (FEM) simulations implemented in the ANSYS computational<br>program. Considering the experimental results calibration, the investigated floor dynamic response was<br>evaluated based on a parametric study, to study the influence of the people’s step frequencies, number of people<br>walking and stationary on the floor, structural damping, and also different trajectories of people walking on the<br>structure. The composite floor dynamic response was determined based on the displacement and acceleration<br>values, and the results were compared with those calculated utilising the traditional dynamic loading<br>mathematical models (“only-force models”); and with recommended limits for excessive vibrations related to the<br>design codes, aiming to assess the floor human comfort.</p> Jefferson V. Aguiar, Bárbara E. Ferreira, H. Carvalho, José Guilherme S. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5239 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Micromechanical Approach to the Effective Poroelastic Behavior of Jointed Rock Masses under One-Dimensional Consolidation and Finite Element Implementation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5240 <p>A micromechanics-based formulation of the macroscopic behavior of saturated jointed rocks regarded<br>as homogenized anisotropic poroelastic media is presented. At the material level, the rock matrix forming the<br>skeleton phase of the porous medium is assumed to be linear elastic, whereas the crosscutting joints stand for<br>the porous space and are viewed as planar interfaces endowed with a specific generalized poroelastic behavior.<br>The effective anisotropic poroelastic properties, including the homogenized drained elastic stiffness tensor C, Biot<br>tensor B, Biot modulusM, as well as the permeability tensor K of the jointed medium are derived. At the structure<br>level, the consolidation problem of a jointed rock layer is addressed in a one-dimensional setting with anisotropic<br>flow conditions introduced by joints orientations. For verification purpose, the analytical predictions derived from<br>the analysis are compared with finite element solutions implementing the effective constitutive state equations,<br>thus emphasizing that the analytical predictions can be viewed as reference solutions.</p> Augusto B. Borges, Samir Maghous Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5240 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Structural Dynamic Modification by Viscoelastic Neutralizers based on Response Reanalysis Methods https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5241 <p>Structural modifications can occur for several reasons, such as unsatisfactory product for the customer,<br>structural defects, updating of obsolete parts, generation of intense noise from the equipment to the operator, and</p> <p>unwanted vibrations. When there is some prior knowledge of the dynamic characteristics of the mechanical sys-<br>tem of interest, particularly in association with the region where the changes will occur, a practical and convenient</p> <p>approach is to analyze the effects of these changes using reanalysis techniques. These techniques aim to predict<br>the dynamic behavior of the system after implementing modifications, from a compact and specific set of data</p> <p>related to the system and the modifications. The present work aims to investigate the use of two response reanal-<br>ysis techniques - in matrix formulation - to evaluate the effects of inserting viscoelastic dynamic neutralizers as</p> <p>localized structural modifications. Viscoelastic neutralizers are considered in the context of future implementation<br>of vibration control on a cantilever steel beam. In modeling the neutralizers, concepts of generalized equivalent<br>parameters are used to maintain the same dimension in the system matrices before and after inserting the devices.</p> <p>To validate the use of the employed techniques, their predictions are compared to the results obtained by an es-<br>tablished computational program dedicated to the optimal design of dynamic neutralizers in mechanical systems,</p> <p>named LAVIBS-ND®. It is shown that the investigated techniques do not differ, as far as their predictions are con-<br>cerned, from the technique currently used in the above mentioned program, which is employed as a benchmark to</p> <p>assess the accuracy of the evaluated methods. It is then concluded that the focused techniques are actually capable<br>of accurately predicting the effects of structural modifications by viscoelastic dynamic neutralizers for vibration<br>control purposes.</p> I. G. Soares, E. M. O. Lopes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5241 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A new approach for the Modified Local Green’s Function Method applied to Poisson equation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5242 <p>Originally proposed at the end of the 80 ’s, the Modified Local Green’s Function Method (MLGFM) is<br>an integral method that was described as a hybrid of the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Boundary Element<br>Method (BEM). The method was proposed to apply the BEM methodology to problems with no knowledge of<br>the fundamental solution. Essentially, the MLGFM creates discrete projections of the Green’s function solving<br>an auxiliary domain problem, and this problem can be solved, for example, by the FEM formulation. Despite the<br>good convergence of the secondary variable in the boundary, the method has a major disadvantage over FEM, the<br>obtainment of the Green’s function projections implies in to solve the system of equations in the domain, resulting<br>in a great computational effort. However, this paper aims to show a new approach to the MLGFM where it is<br>not necessary to obtain the Green’s projections and the final equations system has the same number of degrees<br>of freedom as FEM and still presents high convergence for the secondary variable in the boundary. The new<br>formulation can be obtained directly by the weighted residual sentence and variables using the same approximation<br>of the original MLGFM. The processing time of the two approaches are compared and the method is applied to<br>Poisson Equation.</p> Ramon Macedo Corrêa, Marcos Arndt, Roberto Dalledone Machado Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5242 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Numerical Parameters of a global-local GFEM approach simulating damage propagation in a L-shaped concrete panel https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5243 <p>The nonlinear modeling of concrete structures requires strain-softening models that properly represent<br>the nucleation and propagation of damage. The description of those phenomena, by Finite Element Method (FEM),<br>is highly dependent on the quality of the mesh and the type of the approximation function adopted. The Generalized<br>Finite Element Method (GFEM) has been developed in order to overcome some limitations inherent to the FEM<br>aiming to use some knowledgment about the expected solution behavior to improve the analysis. The GFEM<br>enriches the space of the polynomial FEM solution with a priori known information based on the concept of<br>Partition of Unit. In this context, the global-local approach to the GFEM (GFEM global-local) is investigated here<br>as an alternative to the standard GFEM to describe the deterioration process of concrete media in the context of<br>Continuous Damage Mechanics. Succinctly, the global-local function used to enrich the global problem is obtained<br>through physically nonlinear analysis performed only in the local domain, represented by constitutive models and<br>discretized by a refined mesh, where in fact damage propagation occurs. In the global domain discretized by a</p> <p>coarse mesh, it is performed a linear analysis considering the incorporation of local damage through the global-<br>local enrichment functions and damage state mapped from local problem. In this paper, the Smeared Crack Model</p> <p>is the constitutive model used in the local domain to simulate the damage propagation experimentally obtained in<br>an L-shaped concrete panel. The numerical simulations aim to evaluate the influence of the following numerical<br>parameters of the GFEM global-local approach on the equilibrium paths: number of local steps added to each block<br>of global-local analysis and the size of the global step. The obtained results are compared with the experimental<br>ones, the most suitable sets of parameters can be found and then applied in other simulations that involve the<br>expansion of the local domain and the variation of the nodes enriched with the global-local function.</p> Anelize B. Monteiro, Felício B. Barros, Roque L. S. Pitangueira, Samuel S. Penna Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5243 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Two-dimensional nonlinear analysis of elastic columns stability using the convected particle domain interpolation material point method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5244 <p>This paper presents an elastic two-dimensional analysis of columns stability, using an extension of the<br>material point method (MPM), called convected particle domain interpolation (CPDI). As instability phenomena</p> <p>require a large-deformation study, MPM is chosen by its ability to deal with this situation, using a simple and reg-<br>ular cartesian background grid to calculate the spatial gradients and divergences, besides automatically considers</p> <p>explicit dynamics. The CPDI extension is applied in order to facilitate natural boundary conditions treatment and</p> <p>to avoid the cell-crossing error, since the subdomains are explicitly tracked through the analysis and the shape func-<br>tions have continuous derivatives into these subdomains. A computational routine is implemented using Python</p> <p>3 language, employing Euler-Gauss explicit time integration and update-stress-last (USL) scheme. A rectangular-<br>section slender column is submitted to 4 different load cases. The results obtained are the load-displacement</p> <p>behavior of the columns and its total mechanical energy time variation, which are validated by comparison with<br>the results produced by classic analytical Euler’s theory. It can be verified, after the analyses, that CPDI MPM is<br>able to predict the columns buckling loads and to reproduce the post-critical instability phenomena with a good<br>accuracy. The conservation of energy is achieved in all tests.</p> Lucas P. de Souza, Marco A. Argenta Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5244 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tri-objective optimization of steel frames with the bracing system configuration as a design variable https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5245 <p>In steel structural design, especially concerning tall buildings, it may be desired to minimize its cost and<br>improve its performance concerning horizontal displacements, dynamic behavior, and structural stability. Also, the<br>predefinition of which bracing system geometric configuration is more suitable for each objective is not evident,<br>and usually, it is made according to the designer’s experience. Thus, solving this problem considering different</p> <p>cases of three simultaneous objectives is not a trivial task. Therefore, this paper deals with the tri-objective op-<br>timization of spatial steel frames, considering the bracing system configuration as a design variable. The third</p> <p>evolution step of generalized differential evolution (GDE3), the success history-based adaptive multi-objective<br>differential evolution (SHAMODE), and the multi-objective meta-heuristic with iterative parameter distribution<br>estimation (MM-IPDE) are the differential evolution algorithms adopted in this paper. In addition, a multi-criteria<br>tournament method is used to extract desired solutions from the Pareto front according to the decision-maker<br>preferences.</p> Claudio H. B. Resende, Afonso C. C. Lemonge, Patrícia H. Hallak, Jose P.G. Carvalho, Julia C. Motta, Luiz F. Martha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5245 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Truss chords buckling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5246 <p>The present work proposes reducing coefficients on the buckling length of trusses chords when the<br>normal acting on these chords is not constant throughout the chord. The normal maximum is considered acting<br>on the entire compressed part of the chord, but with a reduced buckling length. In this text, it is obtained an<br>equivalent normal, which, constant in the chord, generates the same deformation energy as the acting variable<br>normal. This equivalent normal has a value lower than the maximum acting normal. It is made, then, the</p> <p>proportion to obtain the reduced buckling length to consider. It is solved, step by step, the case of the double-<br>supported truss under point load in the middle of the span and shown the results for the double-supported truss</p> <p>under uniformly distributed load and the two-span continuous truss, also under uniformly distributed load. The<br>solution of the differential equation with the variable normal in the chord, exact, of difficult solution, is also<br>showed to notice the validity of doing the procedure via energy, approximate. An illustrative numerical example<br>of the application of these buckling length reduction coefficients is shown to easy the practice.</p> Mauriz Alexandre Júnior Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5246 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Efficiency Study of the Radial Polynomial Expansion Method for Solv- ing Singular Integrals in the Dual-BEM https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5247 <p>In the Boundary Element Method (BEM), when the element which is being integrated contains the<br>source point, singularities arise in the integrals that govern the problem. Although several classical methods<br>have already been proposed and successfully used, their numerical implementation is laborious and often requires<br>particular codes for each type integral kernel. Recently, a method that allows the solution of integrals with different<br>singularity orders in a single numerical procedure has been proposed. It is based on the polynomial expansion<br>of the radial distance between the source and field points and it is called here as Radial Polynomial Expansion<br>Method (RPEM). The RPEM has its efficiency studied for application to the Dual-BEM. Elements with quadratic<br>interpolation functions are analyzed. The efficiency is verified in terms of the element distortion and the number<br>of terms needed in the expansion. For this, the method is implemented in a computational code in Fortran 95 and<br>the results are compared with other formulations, such as the singularity subtraction method. Once the reliability<br>and applicability of the method have been proven, it is intended to apply the solutions found in a Dual-BEM code,<br>for the analysis of fatigue crack propagation.</p> Beatriz B. F. Fonseca, Rodrigo G. Peixoto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5247 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Recent Advances in a Multiscale Flux-Based Method for Simulating Flow in Fractured Porous Media https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5248 <p>Computational simulation of reservoir flow is an important tool that provides valuable insight into the<br>decision process in oil extraction. Several types of commercial software have been developed over the years for this<br>application, the majority using low-order schemes, which can become prohibitive for very large models. This issue<br>becomes more apparent since, nowadays, the accuracy of a simulator is dominated by the accurate simulation of the<br>multiscale characteristics of a reservoir such as permeability heterogeneity. To capture these multiscale features in<br>low-order schemes, very refined models are required. Therefore, developing a high-order scheme able to simulate<br>fractured reservoir flow that is accurate and can efficiently capture the multiscale features of the reservoir is of great<br>value for the field. With this motivation, this presentation reports on recent advances in a methodology to simulate<br>flow in highly heterogeneous fractured porous media using the Multiscale Hybrid-Mixed (MHM) method with<br>H(div)-confirming flux approximations. This method is particularly appealing because of its inherent properties<br>such as local mass conservation, multiscale features, and strong divergence-free enforcement for incompressible<br>flows. Flow in the porous media is modeled with traditional Darcy’s equations and the coupling between flow<br>in the porous media and fractures is based on the conceptual Discrete-Fracture-Matrix representation, where the<br>fractures are idealized as lower-dimensional elements at the interface of matrix elements. The methodology is<br>compared with benchmark examples to demonstrate its robustness, accuracy, and efficiency.</p> Nathan Shauer, Jose B. Villegas S., Sonia M. Gomes, Philippe R. B. Devloo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5248 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A reducer order model approach for fuzzy field seepage analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5249 <p>This contribution proposes a strategy for performing seepage analysis where uncertainty associated<br>with permeability is characterized by means of fuzzy fields. In order to decrease numerical costs associated with<br>uncertainty propagation, full system analysis is replaced by a reduced order model. This reduced order model<br>projects the equilibrium equations to a small-dimensional space, which is constructed using a single analysis of<br>the system plus a sensitivity analysis. The associated basis is enriched to ensure the quality of the approximate<br>response. A simple numerical example shows that with the presented strategy, it is possible to accurately estimate<br>the fuzzy seepage flow with reduced numerical efforts.</p> Nataly A. Manque, Matthias G.R. Faes, Marcos A. Valdebenito, Pierre Beaurepaire Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5249 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study on the modeling of the actuation system of a quadrotor https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5250 <p>This work compares the actuator model based on constants, the non-linear model of the actuator’s<br>components, and the experimental data. The actuation model is composed of the following components: electronic<br>speed controller (ESC), motor and propeller. The non-linear modeling of the ESC will be done using the pulse<br>width modulation signal (PWM) as input and the current as output. These current will be the input of the motor<br>which will have as output the angular velocity which will be the input of the propeller model which will have<br>as output thrust and torque. A helical trajectory was defined as a desired in the simulation. In both models, the<br>integral backstepping control was applied. A comparison criterion was used the power consumption, which is one<br>of the major barriers of these types of vehicles.</p> Vitor Tucci Ramos, Reginaldo Cardoso, Decio C. Donha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5250 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Bimoment loads on space frame elements https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5251 <p>This paper presents an algorithm based on the Direct Stiffness Method to solve bars with composite<br>variable cross sections under nonuniform torsion. In this formulation, the primary and secondary torsion modes<br>are described by 2D Neumann's boundary-value problems, which are solved at the cross-section level by<br>employing the BEM. The torsional rotation angle along the element length is described by a set of ordinary<br>differential equations, which are solved by using weighted residual techniques. Herein, a nth-order polynomial is<br>adopted to approximate the torsion angle function. In this paper, we will especially assess the effects of external<br>bimoment loads on the calculation of stresses along the beam. Accuracy of the formulation is observed by<br>comparing results obtained with the present beam formulation and 3D solid ANSYS models.</p> Maicon José Hillesheim, Francisco Célio de Araújo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5251 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Drug Transport and Absorption in a Tumor https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5252 <p>This work describes the diffusion-convection process of transport of the drug (doxorubicin) administered<br>by bolus injection through the tumor and interstitium. We numerically solve a coupled system of partial differential<br>equations that models the drug transport, its uptake, and effect in the tumor.<br>It is used a high order finite difference method that allows to accurately describe the drug effect in the tumor.<br>In fact, we can determine the time needed by the drug to reduce the tumor cell density and approximate the drug<br>spatial distribution in the tumor and interstitium. In addition, the simulations shows how the doxorubicin effect in<br>the tumor increases as its dose level increases.</p> Daniela Cortes, Giuseppe Romanazzi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5252 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On a kinematically exact rod model for thin-walled open section members: incorporating polyconvex constitutive equation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5253 <p>In the current work, advances on kinematically exact rod models for thin-walled open section members,</p> <p>taking into account both primary and secondary cross-sectional warpings, are proposed. Advanced elastic consti-<br>tutive equations are incorporated in order to enable full bending, compression and torsional strain couplings in the</p> <p>finite strain regime. The paper extends a previous contribution by the authors (Kassab and Campello [1] ”On a</p> <p>kinematically exact rod model for thin-walled open section members”, CILAMCE-PANACM-2021) by incorpo-<br>rating a more advanced constitutive equation, now based on the polyconvex neo-Hookean Simo-Ciarlet’s material.</p> <p>The older version contemplated only linear elastic and Saint-Venant ́s constitutive equations, which are known for<br>being unsuited for truly finite strains. Differently from what was performed in a past attempt, all the terms of the<br>constitutive equation were retained. The model was implemented in PEFSYS, which is an in-house FEM program.<br>Validation is performed using existing results from the literature as well as solutions obtained with the Ansys’s<br>shell 281 element.</p> Marcos P. Kassab, Eduardo M. B. Campello, Paulo M. Pimenta Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5253 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative experimental and numerical analysis of pile under lateral load in granular soil in Chilca, Perú https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5254 <p>Piles are frequently used in low resistance soils and often are subjected to lateral loads from different<br>phenomenon as wind, waves, earthquakes events, ground lateral pressure, etc. Lateral resistance of piles should be<br>analyzed to guarantee the stability by theoretical methods or in situ tests for correct design. These investigation<br>compares the deflection results of a lateral load test with the responses in ultimate limit state, p-y and finite element<br>method to serve as an example that the different procedures, some more than others, provide a real approximation<br>to the behavior of the pile under lateral load, therefore carry out an optimal design. The test to analyze experimental<br>behavior was carried out in Chilca, to the down south of Lima in Peru, where full-scale load test provides a solid<br>basis for understanding the problem. The geotechnical characterization was carried out with SPT field tests and<br>seismic refraction results. The properties of the tubular A572 grade 50 steel pile are known for being standardized.<br>Pile under lateral load test followed the guidelines of the ASTM D3966 standard. The analytical and numerical<br>calculations were compared with the experimental measurements through graphs of displacements along the pile,<br>these by performing 3D numerical analysis with the commercial program Abaqus® using elastoplastic constitutive<br>model with Mohr Coulomb failure criterion for the FEM, using GEO5® to solve the subgrade reaction approach<br>(p-y) problem using Matlock and Reese approximation as soil modulus, at last for the ultimate limit state, Broms<br>and Meyerhof formulations for flexible piles were used.</p> Patricio Sanchez, Mario Peña, Marko López, Jorge Zegarra Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5254 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATION OF THE NEWMARK INTEGRATION METHOD TO DETERMINE THE DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF A COMPLETE VEHICLE MODEL SUBJECTED TO THE EXCITATION OF A RANDOM ROAD PROFILE ACCORDING TO ISO 8608 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5255 <p>When analyzing a vehicle traveling on a lane, irregularities in this lane can expose the driver to<br>vibrations that can result in health damage. This implies the need for a suitable suspension system. This study is<br>justified by the fact that the determination of the dynamic response of vehicles traveling on irregular lanes allows<br>us to understand the behavior of the vehicle in terms of displacement, velocity and acceleration as a function of<br>time. The general objective of this study is to determine the dynamic response of a complete vehicle model<br>subjected to the excitation of a random road profile, according to the ISO 8608. The specific objectives are: (I) To<br>reproduce a vehicle model; (II) Determine a random road profile; (III) Apply the Newmark method. The<br>methodology of this study consists of simulating the vehicle in Matlab software and validating this model. Apply<br>the random road profile as road excitation. Determine the dynamic response using the Newmark Method. As a<br>result, the dynamic response of the vehicle subjected to the excitation of a random road profile was obtained. It is<br>concluded that it was possible to complete the specific objectives, reaching the general objective.</p> José Marcelo M. L. Rodrigues, Letícia F. F. Miguel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5255 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of optimum designed models of viscoelastic supports for rotating machines https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5256 <p>Viscoelastic supports (VES) are a simple solution for vibrations in rotating machinery with a low<br>associated cost. The objective of this work is to complement an optimal design methodology for VES, developed<br>by the GVIBS/UFPR group for rotating systems subject to unbalanced excitations, inserting a static stiffness in<br>parallel, whose purpose is to increase the load capacity of the device. The dynamic behavior of the rotating system<br>is represented through the finite element method. For the viscoelastic material, the fractional derivatives model of<br>four parameters is used, which allows considering the effect of temperature and excitation frequency. For the<br>optimal design, the concept of generalized equivalent parameters (GEP) is used, allowing to describe the equation<br>of motion of the composed system with VES, being able to obtain the response of the composed system in a space<br>or subspace of the primary system, efficiently from a computational time perspective. The primary system is<br>modeled considering a simple rotor and the support is introduced via GEP. Nonlinear techniques allow for optimal<br>design of the VES. Numerical simulations on rotors with known dynamic behavior allow showing the results of<br>the proposed methodology and the effectiveness of viscoelastic supports.</p> Bruno F. A. Prado, Carlos A. Bavastri, Eduardo A. Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5256 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Some modeling features for two-dimensional isoparametric and isogeometric finite element analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5257 <p>This work describes some modeling features of an interactive graphics system for finite element<br>simulations in two dimensions. The specific objective of this article is to describe the strategy for domain<br>decomposition into patches ready for isoparametric and isogeometric analysis. The main objective of this system<br>in the future is to provide students and researchers of computational mechanics with an open educational tool for<br>understanding the integration of geometric modeling, mesh generation, finite element analysis, and visualization<br>of results. The presented geometric modeling resources are based on the Half-Edge topological data structure. The<br>system is developed in Python, based on the object-oriented programming paradigm, and uses the Qt user interface<br>system. Modeling is performed through the interactive creation of parametric curves of various types: polygonal<br>lines, quadratic and cubic Bezier curves, composite cubic Bezier curves, circles, circle arcs, ellipses, ellipse arcs,<br>and NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-splines). The system automatically recognizes the creation of closed<br>regions.</p> João Carlos L. Peixoto, Danilo S. Bomfim, Rodrigo L. Soares, Luiz F. Bez, Pedro C. F. Lopes, André M. B. Pereira, Rafael L. Rangel, Luiz F. Martha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5257 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Comparison between Dual Reciprocity and Direct Interpolation Techniques for Solving the Helmholtz Problem by Frequency Scanning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5258 <p>The identification of the modal content of a dynamical system through the excitation frequency<br>scanning procedure is a very common procedure, especially with regard to experimental models. In terms of<br>numerical simulation, this technique is also very accessible and computationally inexpensive. In the case of the<br>Boundary Element Method (BEM), this procedure is much simpler than the direct solution of the associated<br>eigenvalue problem, if the fundamental solution is frequency-dependent since the problem becomes nonlinear. In<br>order to simplify the solution of these problems with the BEM, which are stationary acoustics problems<br>governed by the Helmholtz equation, techniques were developed that use simpler fundamental solutions. Among<br>these are the well-known dual reciprocity technique (DRBEM) and the more recent direct interpolation<br>technique (DIBEM). Both are characterized by employing radial basis functions and thus avoiding domain<br>integrations generated by the reactive term of the governing equation; however, Dual Reciprocity interpolates<br>only the primal variable of the problem, while the Direct Interpolation technique approximates the entire kernel<br>of the domain integral. Although they allow the direct solution of the eigenvalue problem, this article compares<br>the two techniques mentioned to solve the problem of stationary acoustics, through scanning of imposed<br>frequencies. The stationary data was obtained in a chosen frequency range. Error curves are obtained by<br>comparing numerical solutions and available analytical solutions for a more accurate assessment.</p> T. G. Balista, C. F. Loeffler Neto, L. O. C. Lara Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5258 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A numerical scheme for solving a mathematical model derived from larvae- algae-mussel interactions https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5259 <p>In this work we present a numerical formulation for solving a mathematical model, derived from larvae-<br>algae-mussel interactions in aquatic environments, proposed in [1]. The model is composed of three unsteady and</p> <p>nonlinear advective-diffusive-reactive equations for species densities coupled with the Navier-Stokes equations to<br>simulate the velocity field of the water. We employ the operator splitting technique in the finite element method</p> <p>context for solving the transport problem in two stages: first, given the velocity field, we solve the advective-<br>diffusive problem to obtain the densities of larvae, algae and mussels; then, we use this first step approximation as</p> <p>initial condition for solving the system of ordinary differential equations for the reactions terms. In the first stage,<br>the nonlinear stabilized finite element method CAU and the two-step Backward Differentiation Formula of second<br>order are employed in the spatial and time discretizations. The nonlinear process is solved by a Picard fixed point<br>iteration. In the second stage, the system of ordinary differential equations for reactions is approximated by the<br>fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme. The numerical formulation proposed is used to simulate the 3D dynamics of<br>species proliferation and quantify the golden mussel population in a stretch of the Pereira Barreto channel, located<br>in Brazil, with a focus on population control actions. The preliminary results as well as other considerations related<br>to the problem and the numerical model are discussed.</p> Ramoni Z. S. Azevedo, Charles H. X. B. Barbosa, Isaac P. Santos, Jose C. R. Silva, Dayse H. Pastore, Anna R. C. Costa, Claudia M. Dias, Raquel M. A. Figueira, Humberto F. M. Fortunato Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5259 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Use of Random Forest to predict the accumulation of plastic strain at grain boundaries of a polycrystalline material https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5260 <p>The main motivation is the study of the accumulation of plastic strain in the grain scale, through<br>the use of machine learning. This alternative can be a significant contribution towards creating models capable<br>of predicting the accumulation of strains. In this way, machine learning becomes a tool capable of helping to<br>understand which physical parameters control damage accumulation. The objective of this study is to predict the<br>accumulation of plastic strains at grain boundaries using the Random Forest model. For all machine learning<br>models, it is necessary to perform effectiveness tests and in this study cross-validation was used. It is a numerical<br>work, based on machine learning, which uses the Random Forest algorithm and cross-validation to authenticate<br>the model. The metric used to measure the performance of the model was the coefficient of determination (R2).<br>Results for the predictions of the accumulation of plastic strains, when considering the same microstructure, are<br>coherent and of good quality. When comparing the results obtained in this work with the predictions found in the<br>literature, the results obtained are satisfactory. Concluded that the Random Forest model is reliable for predicting<br>the accumulation of plastic strains in grain boundaries of a polycrystalline material.</p> Lara Cristina Pereira de Araujo, Renato Bichara Vieira, Helon Vicente Hultmann Ayala Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5260 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of global stability of guyed towers considering unilateral constraints https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5261 <p>Guyed structural systems are present in several engineering applications, and as a large portion of these<br>structures have a high level of slenderness, their designs are based on stability criteria. The set of cables present in<br>these elements are characterized by high efficiency when they are tensioned. The main objective of this study is<br>to analyze the static and dynamic nonlinear behavior of a discrete guyed tower model with two degrees of freedom.<br>Furthermore, the present work devotes special attention to the consideration of the unilateral contact (boundary<br>condition) in the nonlinear oscillations of this structure. The unilateral contact is manifested in this type of<br>application from the consideration of the capacity of the stays to resist only the traction efforts, as an effect, this<br>approach strongly modifies the analysis of the proposed structural system. For this model, there is a significant<br>influence of the consideration of unilateral contact on the post-critical behavior, with a marked decrease in the<br>critical load of the structure. Thus, the results show that this type of structure is highly sensitive to geometric<br>nonlinearities and to the restriction of certain stays, indicating that these effects must be considered in the tower<br>design phase.</p> Fernanda Neves da Silva, Frederico Martins Alves da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5261 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of the Nonlinear Behavior of Concrete Structures Using a Flat Shell Finite Element https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5262 <p>This work presents a study of the coupling of the geometric and material nonlinearities applied in</p> <p>plain and reinforced concrete structures, using flat shell finite elements. For geometric nonlinearities, the prin-<br>ciple of virtual works and a generalized finite element method (GFEM) approximation are explored to directly</p> <p>formulate the nonlinear governing equations in a total Lagrangian approach. The material’s behavior will be<br>described by a smeared cracking constitutive model, capable of representing the concrete degradation process,<br>from the phenomenological approach of crack propagation. In order to evaluate variations in stresses, strains,</p> <p>and, consequently, degradation due to cracking along the thickness, the shell element is subdivided into N dis-<br>crete layers, allowing the measurement of the inelastic behavior of the material. In this proposal, each layer can</p> <p>be represented by different materials, allowing the representation of reinforced concrete structures with the steel<br>described by a classic elastoplastic model. Finally, numerical simulations of shell structures will be presented,<br>considering the coupling of the referred nonlinearities.</p> Danilo Bento Oliveira, Samuel Silva Penna Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5262 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear analysis of inelastic frames considering a corotational approach and plasticity by layers: a discussion about computational implementation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5263 <p>This work presents the development of a numerical solver for nonlinear analyses of plane frame</p> <p>structures using the corotational formulation to take into account geometric nonlinearity and considering an elasto-<br>plastic constitutive model. A one-dimensional rate-independent plastic model with isotropic hardening was</p> <p>implemented, and the cross-sections of beam-column elements were subdivided into layers to simulate<br>plastification. The goal is to discuss the computational implementation aspects of the inelastic material behavior<br>in an object-oriented framework for nonlinear finite element analysis of frame structural models. A numerical<br>example is presented to highlight the influence of the inelastic behavior in the equilibrium path of structures.</p> Danilo B. Cavalcanti, Rafael L. Rangel, Luiz F. Martha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5263 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical experiments to assess the performance of different formulations and solution algorithms for geometrically nonlinear analysis of two-dimensional frames https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5265 <p>This work presents an investigation, through numerical experiments, of different geometrically<br>nonlinear formulations and solution algorithms for the structural analysis of two-dimensional frame models. The<br>goal is to determine the most suitable formulation and algorithm to be adopted for structural analyses of this type.<br>The formulations investigated for the tangent stiffness matrix of beam-column elements are based on different<br>kinematic descriptions of motion, namely the Updated Lagrangian and Corotational approaches. The algorithms<br>to solve the nonlinear system of equations are continuation methods based on the standard Newton-Raphson<br>iteration strategy commonly used to suppress limit points of load and displacement. The numerical experiments<br>cover a wide variety of simple benchmark models, each one with a distinct nonlinear behavior, to evaluate the<br>performance of the formulations and algorithms selected for this study.</p> Danilo B. Cavalcanti, Rafael L. Rangel, Luiz F. Martha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5265 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FTOOL: Three decades of success as an educational program for structural analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5266 <p>This article describes the history of the development of the educational program FTOOL, which is a<br>user-friendly software used all over the world for teaching structural analysis of two-dimensional frames as well<br>as for engineering projects. The paper highlights the main milestones in the evolution of the program since its<br>creation in 1992. It reports how the main features of the program were progressively incorporated, through the<br>contribution of several academic works, until reaching the current state. The focus is given to the experience of<br>using FTOOL as a powerful educational tool in many structures’ disciplines of a Civil Engineering undergraduate<br>course. It also presents the program's latest improvements and the new features that are coming in the next versions.<br>These new implementations include buckling modes for stability analysis, vibration modes, geometrically<br>nonlinear analysis, semi-rigid connections with linear and non-linear behavior, and reinforced concrete design.<br>With these developments, the program will remain up-to-date with the engineering demands of nowadays.</p> Luiz F. Martha, Rafael L. Rangel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5266 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GES: INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR DETECTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS IN GRANITE PLATES https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5267 <p>According to information from BANDES (Development Bank of Espírito Santo) in 2021,<br>Espírito Santo was responsible for 82% of brazil's marble and granite exports. This is one of the most<br>relevant industries of the Economy of Espírito Santo, representing about 7% of its GDP (Gross Domestic<br>Product). As a comparison, in November 2021 alone, Brazil exported 221,800 tons of ornamental rocks for<br>$138.1 million, accumulating 2.21 million tons of exported rocks in the year, totaling $1.2 billion in the<br>period. Using the process of processing granite sheets, there are many manual activities, such as inspection,<br>cataloging, photography, and registration. Such volume of interactions makes the process slow, and prone<br>to errors that can influence the last price of the product. The applicability of artificial intelligence techniques<br>in these processes is observable, and it is possible to present results from the use of high-resolution digital<br>images, initially fitting the classification and organization of images in a dataset applicable to machine<br>learning techniques. The present work aims to build a classification system of these granite plates, called<br>"GES System", trained from the dataset with images provided by the companies participating in the project<br>and that will be able to identify the rock class, and its defects. The classification process will be done using<br>YoloV5 artificial intelligence tools. The uses of other languages for the complete completion of the project<br>and release for the use of the system in a production environment are planned for other stages. Among the<br>benefits of process automation are cost reduction, agility in the process of identifying defects and<br>standardization of classification.</p> Alexsander A. Novaes, Gustavo M. de Almeida, Rafael P. D. Vivacqua, Daniel C. Cavalieri Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5267 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A MULTI-FIDELITY REDUCED-ORDER MODEL APPLIED TO RESER- VOIR ENGINEERING https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5268 <p>Although the rapid evolution of computational power, some applications (e.g., optimization, uncertainty<br>propagation), combined with the increase of simulation complexity, may still require computational times that are<br>unsuitable for practical purposes. Therefore, in the present work, a multi-fidelity surrogate strategy for expensive<br>reservoir engineering numerical models is presented. The main idea of the approach is to combine information<br>from few high-fidelity samples (of long computational duration) and accurate simulations with faster evaluations<br>from a low-fidelity model with lower accuracy. This strategy provides enough information for creating a surrogate</p> <p>model, however with a lower computational cost than what would be obtained by evaluating just high-fidelity sam-<br>ples (for the same level of quality). Furthermore, conversely to the majority of multi-fidelity models, the present</p> <p>strategy includes a dimensionality reduction technique to deal with multi-dimensional outputs. The presented ap-<br>proach is employed in an example of a reservoir engineering problem for predicting both the net present value and</p> <p>the saturation of oil in the reservoir. The results obtained are suitable when evaluating both time and accuracy,<br>indicating that the presented approach is promising for practical applications. Moreover, it also suggests that the<br>same framework may be used in other computationally demanding applications.</p> Matheus S. Gonçalves, Yuri N. Saraiva, Mathieu Ducros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5268 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modelising the grain mass aeration process using the Thorpe Model with the Finite Volume Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5269 <p>By the technological advancements in agriculture, rural production is searching for ways to improve<br>grain storage. Rigorous control of temperature and moisture is essential as they are the main factors contributing<br>to product deterioration and plague proliferation. One of the most effective ways of achieving this is by aeration, a<br>process widely applied to maintaining grain quality in silos and warehouses. This work aimed to develop a control<br>system for the aeration of stored grains based on experimental data from literature and process simulations. The<br>control strategy employed in the aeration aims to maintain temperatures uniform inside the silo and cool down the<br>grain mass whenever possible. During this process, the grain mass is split into multiple thin layers according to<br>the flow of air (upwards). The mathematical model used was proposed by Thorpe and associates psychometric<br>properties of the air with mass and energy balance equations. In this sense, the system of equations resulting<br>from the mass and energy balances was solved iteratively for each time increment and each layer. Additionally,<br>the model equations were discretized using the Finite Volume Method combined with the Upwind Differencing<br>Scheme for the spatial approximations as well as explicit, implicit, and Crank-Nicolson temporal formulations.<br>Moreover, a posteriori analysis of the discretization error orders was carried out. The proposed model in this study<br>has proved satisfactory, with some variations depending on the combination between the method and the spatial<br>and temporal approximations employed.</p> Jotair E. Kwiatkowski Jr., Luciano K. Araki, Marcio A. V. Pinto, Daniel Rigoni Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5269 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical simulation of bulging and their effects on ultimate bearing capacity in bored piles https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5270 <p>Piles are deep foundations that are used to overcoming difficulties of founding on soft soils to ensure<br>structural safety to carry the loads imposed by a structure through a weak soil to a resistant stratum. It is becoming<br>more important to design piles and avoid their shortcomings. Bulging in bored piles is a common event that can<br>occur due to multiple factors. This type of imperfection increases the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile, due to<br>the increase in its geometry, which increases its ultimate shaft resistance. This can be beneficial for the<br>superstructure that said pile supports. However, said increase in the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile must be<br>analyzed cautiously, to avoid overestimations when conducting the structural design of the superstructure. For this<br>reason, a simulation of the ultimate bearing capacity in a concrete pile without a bulging was conducted, in order<br>to compare the results with different cases of piles with bulging, and to calibrate the model.</p> Michael Vicente, Marko López, Jorge Zegarra Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5270 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BEAM TRANSVERSAL AREA DIMENSIONS OPTIMIZATION USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5271 <p>The present work shows the analysis of a numerical experimental test that was performed using<br>randomized and combined data to study the bending behavior of beams, through the deflection equation<br>considering plane stresses in two different examples. The first is a cantilever beam with force concentrated at the<br>free end and the second is a pinned-pinned beam with loading uniformly distributed along the span. The variables<br>width, height, length, longitudinal modulus of elasticity, deflection, and loading were used as estimated parameters<br>to calculate the ideal width and height dimensions for each beam and obtain a structural optimization considering<br>the limits of deformation according to ABNT NBR 6118/2014. The data generation was generated in Excel<br>spreadsheet format and worked in an Artificial Neural Networks in TensorFlow Python language, with six hidden<br>layers. In addition, the functions 'mae', 'sgd' and 'loss' were used as optimizers or activation function in TensorFlow.</p> FERRO, Marco Aurelio Chaves, PERLINGEIRO, Mayra Soares Pereira Lima, CUNHA, Laís Brilhante da Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5271 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental and numerical study of heat generation by energy dissipation in a rotating drum filled with particulate material https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5273 <p>This work aims to investigate the generation of heat by dissipation of mechanical energy in particulate<br>flows. The behavior of material in a rotating drum is considered in experimental and numerical analyses. In the<br>physical experiments, the temperature of the particles inside the drum was monitored by means of infrared<br>thermography and the influence of rotation speed and filling ratio was explored. The experimental data were later<br>used to calibrate numerical simulations using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The numerical results were<br>then analyzed to gain more insights into the mechanisms of heat generation.</p> Rafael L. Rangel, Francisco Kisuka, Chuan-Yu Wu, Catherine O’Sullivan, Alessandro Franci, Eugenio Oñate Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5273 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Deep learning algorithm based on YOLOV5 Neural Network for dermatoscospic classification and detection of epithelial cancer (MELANOMA) https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5274 <p>Technical concepts are introduced about epithelial cancer or melanoma, one of the most common and<br>aggressive types of existing cancers, and about the use of applications or tools based on Artificial Intelligence<br>techniques and the influence of the application of machine learning to perform pre-diagnoses in medicine in<br>general, which accelerate the time of discovery of the disease and exponentially increase the chances of cure of<br>the affected patient. The technical details of the algorithm based on Deep Learning Yolov5 are developed. The<br>possibility of applying this tool for various purposes is discussed. The dataset used in this research is analyzed and<br>the possibilities of characterizing tumors between benign and malignant are verified, as well as the types of<br>epithelial formations found are classified. The possibility of using these classifications as input for algorithms<br>based on deep learning by scanning images is discussed. It is concluded that it is possible to create logical filters<br>that use the readings of the output data provided by the execution of the Yolov5 algorithm on a photographic basis<br>of dermoscopic exams, obtaining relevantly high levels of accuracy that would point out with great precision the<br>possible existence of cancerous formations, thus facilitating the pre-diagnosis and early combat of skin cancer,<br>considerably increasing the survival of patients.</p> Thiago V. Lecchi, Gustavo M. de Almeida, Rafael P. D. Vivacqua Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5274 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Detection and classification of firearms applied to entertainment media https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5275 <p>Entertainment media have evolved considerably over the years. With this, the immersion and reality in<br>the production of films, series and electronic games has increased. By improving this virtual reality, there are side<br>effects in the production of content aimed exclusively at the younger audience, which, depending on the content,<br>usually has an excessive load of violence, especially content related to firearms. Although the state of the art<br>already has a significant advance in object detection through deep learning algorithms, real-time weapons detection<br>is still a challenge. The detection of two classes of firearms was introduced to this work: handgun and heavygun.<br>A dataset containing 2,000 images was used and another 2,000 were collected from various entertainment media<br>and later annotated. The YoloV5 algorithm was used in this research, since it is already a consolidated model<br>among researchers in the area. The analysis of the result is based on the exposure time in which firearms were<br>exposed in entertainment content.</p> Junior G. Santos, Gustavo M. de Almeida, Flávio G. Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5275 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF AEROELASTIC STABILITY OF VISCOELASTIC SANDWICH PANELS IN SUBSONIC REGIME USING THE NONPLANAR DOUBLET-LATTICE METHOD https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5276 <p>The engineers of aeronautical industries are frequently facing with subsonic panel flutter phenomena,<br>where the design and analyses of aerospace vehicles requires the knowledge of their critical flutter speeds for<br>safety requirements and to avoid catastrophes. Thus, whenever possible it is important to evaluate efficient and<br>low-cost aeroelastic control strategies to deal with the problem of panel flutter phenomenon. In this context, the<br>use of passive constraining viscoelastic layers seems to be an interesting alternative to be used in such situations.<br>However, the structural and aerodynamic modeling procedures of an aeroviscoelastic system subjected to a<br>subsonic airflow are not easy. In most of the cases, the difficult is related to the fact that, the viscoelastic behavior<br>depends strongly on the excitation frequency and temperature, resulting in some difficulties during the coupling<br>between the structural and aerodynamic models to account for the unsteady aerodynamics and complex behavior<br>of the viscoelastic part, simultaneously. In this study, it is proposed an efficient numerical strategy to model<br>aeroviscoelastic systems under subsonic airflows for panel flutter suppression. Here, the curved plate model of a<br>thin three-layer sandwich panel and aerodynamic loadings using the nonplanar doublet lattice method are<br>constructed both in MATLAB® environment code. Also, to solve the resulting equations of motion of the complex<br>aeroviscoelastic system, an improved version of the p-k method is proposed herein to estimate the critical flutter<br>speeds and to verify the possibility of increasing the critical flutter speeds of the base panel by using viscoelastic<br>materials. The influence of design parameters characterizing the performance of the viscoelastic treatment and its<br>operation temperature on the flutter boundary has been also addressed herein.</p> B.S.C. da Cunha, A.M.G de Lima, D.M. Borges Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5276 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Theoretical and finite element analysis of a laminated composite pipe under combined axisymmetric loading https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5277 <p>An essential aspect of hydrocarbon exploitation in offshore fields is ensuring the integrity of the<br>employed flexible pipes. In deep and ultradeep waters, new materials, structural configurations, and numerical<br>and experimental methodologies are required to obtain viable solutions depending on the operational and<br>environmental conditions. For instance, flexible pipes typically employ steel armors to resist the imposed<br>mechanical loads. However, the dimensions of these armors significantly increase with increasing water depths,<br>frequently causing the overload of the top supporting structures in floating production systems. Moreover, these<br>armors are particularly sensitive to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) when transporting fluids rich in<br>contaminants. Aiming to overcome these difficulties, a viable alternative to the typical flexible pipes is the<br>thermoplastic composite pipe (TCP), which is lighter and insensitive to SCC. Hence, this work investigates the<br>response of a composite pipe to combined axisymmetric loadings with two models: an analytical model based on<br>equilibrium and compatibility equations; and a finite element (FE) model. The responses obtained with both<br>models are compared in a parametric study, where the lay-up of the pipes and the operating temperatures are<br>varied. Finally, the burst pressures of these pipes are predicted following different failure criteria.</p> Inês Sterphanne G. Freitas, Waldy T. Zuniga, José Renato M. de Sousa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5277 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sensitivity analysis of dry friction damper position in stay cables https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5278 <p>The aim of this study is to perform a comparative analysis regarding position influence of a damper<br>with the dry friction mechanism to control the cable vibrations in cable-stayed bridges. The finite element method<br>is used to implement the cable model and its validation by analytical theory. Lumped mass matrix and stiffness<br>matrix considering the applied stress were generated considering the cable discretization in one hundred elements.<br>The proportional damping matrix is obtained by the Rayleigh method with a damping rate of 0.13%. Damping rate<br>evaluation take into account the damper position varying unitarily in the first 10% of the cable total length. The<br>excitation force simulates the cable shape in its first mode of the vibration. To numerically solve the second-order<br>nonlinear ordinary differential equation, Newmark’s method with average acceleration is used. The damping<br>factors obtained made it possible to compare with other studies for viscous dampers. Time domain was used to<br>analysis the amplitude variation in the middle of the cable and at damper position, where it was possible to assess<br>mobility limitations and the feasibility of choosing the position. It can be concluded that changing the damper<br>position towards the cable center caused a total damping increase.</p> Thiago C. Martins, Lauren K. S. Gonçalves, Gregório S. Vieira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5278 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Panel Flutter Investigation including Thermal Effects through the FEM https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5279 <p>Thermal effects in aeroelastic stability are of the main concern of super and hypersonic vehicles, since<br>the aerodynamic heating causes, with the rise of temperature, the degradation of elastic properties of the material<br>and, in addition, compressive stresses due to thermal expansion, which can make flutter more critical. In recent<br>decades authors have developed non-linear methods in order to verify this behaviour. This paper aims to verify if<br>the use of the FEM in a two steps analysis employing the Nastran software with a non-linear heat transfer analysis<br>and subsequent eigenvalue flutter analysis can produce results agreeable with the literature. It is used in the linear<br>third-order Piston Theory with Van Dyke’s correction for aerodynamic modelling and the Mindlin-Reissner plate<br>theory for structural modelling. The PK method is used to solve the aeroelastic eigenvalue problem in a range of</p> <p>flow conditions in order to determine the instability boundary. The results are obtained from a metallic simple-<br>supported square panel.</p> Victor Santos, Hélio de Assis Pegado Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5279 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TWO-DIMENSIONAL ELASTIC LINEAR PROBLEMS USING THE VIR- TUAL ELEMENT METHOD https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5280 <p>Virtual Element Method (VEM) is a relatively new method for solving partial differential equations,<br>which proposes to generalize the classical Finite Element Method (FEM) with respect to the mesh discretization.<br>In the two-dimensional case, any simple polygon can be used as discretization element and, as a result, the shape<br>function are not strictly polynomials. The method main characteristic is to compute those functions implicitly,<br>without the necessity of knowing their explicit form, giving it great versatility when treating complex geometries.<br>The VEM presents a dense mathematical formulation, and it was originally developed for the Poisson equation. In<br>recent years, a considerable number of works has applied the method for different engineering problems usually<br>treated using finite element models. For example, VEM formulations were adapted to different rheology problems,<br>contact problems and topological optimization. However, the usage of the Virtual Element Method is not so popular<br>when compared to the Finite Element Method or the Extended Finite Element Method. The main goal of this paper<br>is to present the Virtual Element Method applied to linear elasticity problems in two-dimensions by focusing on<br>its implementation, aiming to contribute for the popularization of the method. The results obtained with VEM are<br>compared with the results from a Finite Element Method commercial software, showing good agreement and the<br>great potential of the method in engineering problems.</p> Paulo Akira Figuti Enabe, Rodrigo Provasi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5280 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Measurement of classified points using stereo vision and techniques of segmentation in disparity map for detection of obstacles. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5281 <p>This work presents an obstacle detection system using a stereo camera as a sensor and segmentation<br>techniques in occupancy maps identifying navigable and non-navigable regions. The disparity images are used to<br>build a 3D point cloud whose distances are calculated from the ground plane. Then, points that are in a range of<br>distances are classified as potential obstacles and recorded on an occupancy map. Clustering techniques are then<br>applied to identify obstacles to identify the position, size and speed of obstacles. To validate the algorithm<br>developed in this work, some real tests were carried out with a full-scale autonomous vehicle.</p> L. Pin, R. Vivacqua, M. Cuadros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5281 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN TURBULENCE MODELS FOR THE RECTANGULAR 2:1 CROSS SECTION https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5282 <p>Flow around rectangular structures is a classic topic in computer simulation due to its incidence and<br>characteristic similar to structures in engineering such as tall buildings, bridge decks, water treatment plants,<br>etc. Therefore, this work discusses the results of two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations of<br>turbulent flow, performed for a rectangular cylinder with Re=105</p> <p>. The Navier-Stokes equations were solved with<br>Reynolds mean turbulence models, specifically, k-ω SST, k-ω SST LM, k-ε. The simulations performed are<br>used as a parameter for a comparative analysis of the performance of these turbulence models. The objective of<br>the research is to carry out a discussion about the presented turbulence models, making a correlation with the<br>coefficients of drag, lift, Strouhal number and the pressure coefficient around the studied section. The analysis<br>showed that for the case studies considered, the k ω SST and k ω SST LM models were able to provide results<br>closer to the literature when compared to the others. All developments were performed with non-commercial<br>OpenFoam code.</p> Juliema Fronczak, Alexandre Miguel Silva Araujo, Gabriel Antonio Mendes das Flores, Alexandre A. Cury, Patricia Habib Hallak Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5282 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPARISON OF DIVERGENCE SCHEMES APPLIED TO THE STATIC CASE OF THE GREAT BELT EAST BRIDGE https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5283 <p>The behavior of slender structures to the action of the wind is the object of study in numerous works.<br>With the constant evolution of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), obtaining and analyzing results through<br>numerical methods has been increasingly used by researchers in order to provide reliable parameters for new<br>engineering projects. In this study, simulations are presented with a 2D approach of the static case of the Great<br>Belt East Bridge in turbulent flow with Re 105</p> <p>, applying the k-ω SST turbulence model to the simulation with<br>the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes methodology (RANS), which deals with an averaging operation applied<br>to the Navier-Stokes equations to obtain the average fluid flow equations. The simulations were performed via<br>OpenFOAM®, using four divergence schemes: Gauss QUICK, Gauss upwind, Gauss linearUpwind, and Gauss<br>limitedLinear. Then, a comparison was made of the average values of the dimensionless aerodynamic coefficients<br>of drag (Cd), lift (Cl) and moment (Cm), in addition to the Strouhal number (St). There was also an evaluation<br>of the computational performance of the schemes applied in the simulations. In conclusion, the QUICK scheme<br>presented promising results in all analyses, and the others were within an acceptable range, with some values close<br>to those found in the literature. Finally, the results obtained via CFD were validated and considered satisfactory,<br>proving the effectiveness of this methodology.</p> Alexandre Miguel Silva Araújo, Juliema Fronczak, Gabriel Antonio Mendes das Flores, Alexandre Abrahão Cury, Patricia Habib Hallak Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5283 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of the NACA0012 airfoil using CFD https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5284 <p>The aerodynamic analysis represents the beginning of the conceptual planning of an aeronautical project.<br>These analysis result in the establishment of important parameters, such as the maximum weight that the aircraft<br>is allowed to have, as well as the aerodynamic coefficients, which define geometric and flight aspects. There are<br>several ways of evaluating the aerodynamic coefficients of a wing, such as, for example, the use of wind tunnels<br>(database in the laboratory), traditional analytical methods, or even computer modeling, which can be based on<br>the method of panels, or finite volume method (FVM). In order to develop this work, FVM and the open source<br>code called OpenFOAM (in C++ programming language) are used. The aim of this experiment is to analyze the<br>activity of the aerodynamic coefficients with the increase of the angle of attack (AoA) of the airfoil NACA 0012,<br>through a two-dimensional model, and apply these data to evaluate the aeroelastic phenomenon of divergence of a<br>conceptual wing. The aerodynamic coefficients of lift and drag were evaluated for a Reynolds number 700000, by<br>the consideration of a turbulence model of the RANS class of the Reynolds averages called k-omegaSST. For the<br>computational solution, the implementation of pressure-velocity coupling was used, through the SIMPLE method.<br>The angle of attack started from 0 degrees to the limit region for the start of the stall. The results were consistent<br>with those established as a reference, which was obtained for data validation of the NACA 0012 airfoil. The<br>rate of variation of the lift coefficient, as a function of the angle of attack of the airfoil, allows the evolution of<br>the aerodynamic loading in the structure, an essential factor for the aeroelastic study of a project. The example<br>discussed in this work does not fail structurally, and presents a divergence velocity value above the limit for the<br>flight envelope.</p> Gabriel Antonio Mendes das Flores, Patrícia Habbib Hallak, Alexandre Miguel Silva Araujo, Juliema Fronczak, Alexandre Abrahao Cury Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5284 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Acoustic cavity theoretical and numerical analyses for noise attenuation by applying Helmholtz resonators https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5285 <p>From the passive methods of acoustic cavity sound control, the use of reactive silencers is widely ap-<br>plied in many engineering sectors. These devices consist of segments of interconnected cavities that do not use</p> <p>materials with dissipative properties. There is a variety of reactive silencers and the present work has highlighted<br>the Helmholtz resonator. Methodologies for the evaluation of acoustic cavities using these resonators for sound<br>control purposes are not extensive, so a theoretical method for the analysis of noise attenuation performance in this<br>acoustic system is presented. In addition, in order to evaluate and discuss the theoretical results obtained, analysis<br>was performed using the finite element method with the aid of ANSYS® software with acoustic extension. In</p> <p>this methodology, the pressure-formulated element has been used. The theoretical and numerical results demon-<br>strated good agreement and evidenced the sensitivity of the acoustic parameters and sound control efficiency to</p> <p>the resonator neck geometry which exerted a strong influence on the modal parameters and on the transmission</p> <p>loss in theoretical results. Lastly, an experimental study of acoustic cavity sound control using Helmholtz res-<br>onators developed at the University of Brasilia is evaluated by the methodology presented, in order to obtain a</p> <p>numerical-experimental comparison of the results obtain.</p> D. Fernandes, M. Barcelos, M. Henrique Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5285 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Multi-level optimization of maintenance planning for corroded pipelines considering different corrosion growth models https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5287 <p>Pipelines are safe and efficient elements used to transport oil &amp; gas products, but over time their<br>structural integrity can be compromised due to corrosion defects. In order to ensure the safety and efficiency of a<br>pipeline, risk management through periodic inspections (and repairs when needed) is essential. In this work, the<br>influence of different corrosion growth models - namely linear and power-law - on the estimated total costs (the<br>sum of cost of inspections, failures and repairs) of inspection schedules is assessed; these schedules are, then,<br>optimized for a given number of inspections, constrained to a predefined reliability threshold. Our findings</p> <p>reaffirm those of previous studies that show the linear model as being more conservative than the non-linear power-<br>law one providing larger optimized total estimated costs.</p> Savanna C.M. D’Aguiar, Álamo D.S. Pessoa, Paulo F.S. Sousa, Silvana M.B.A. da Silva, Ramiro B. Wilmersdorf Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5287 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimal maintenance planning in pipelines with corrosion defects considering different types of steel. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5288 <p>Recent studies indicate that most of the world's fuel is composed of oil and gas, being transported by<br>pipelines. In this scenario, corrosion is considered one of the main problems that affect the integrity of these<br>elements, in which the risks associated with failures can have human, environmental and financial repercussions.<br>Thus, planning its maintenance is essential to control the risk of failures and prevent accidents. In this context, the<br>present work aims to evaluate the influence of the types of steel, considering different expressions for the<br>calculation of the pressure of failure, in the cost and probability of failure of the optimal timeline for different<br>numbers of inspections, not being restricted to the approach of fixed intervals. More than one failure mode is<br>considered, the 'interior-point' algorithm is used in the optimization and the reliability analysis is performed with<br>Monte Carlo simulations, commonly used in the literature. To determine the starting point of the optimization, the<br>objective function is calculated on a sample constructed using the Latin Hypercube - LHS technique. Preliminary<br>results shows that different types of steel have a significant effect on optimal costs and probability of failure for<br>different numbers of inspections.</p> Paulo Virginio da Silva Neto, Paulo Fernando Silva Sousa, Alamo DiTarso Sousa Pessoa, Savanna Cristina Medeiros D‘aguiar, Silvana Maria Bastos Afonso Da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5288 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Shear Strength Prediction of SFRC Beams Using Machine Learning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5289 <p>Concrete is one of the most used structural materials in the world, but it has some limitations such as<br>brittle behavior and low deformation capacity when being tensioned, which makes it susceptible to the appearance<br>of cracks that occur in its interior. The steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) improves the mechanical behavior<br>of concrete structures allowing, for example, the partial or total replacement of the stirrup reinforcement in<br>structural elements. However, due to the complex shear behavior, it is necessary to understand the contribution of<br>each composite parameter to the behavior of the structural member in order to better design new structures with<br>this material. Therefore, the present work uses Machine Learning algorithms to predict the shear strength of SFRC<br>beams from a survey of experimental data found in the literature. Different input parameters are considered for<br>this study, such as the fiber volume fraction, fiber aspect ratio, among others. The results demonstrated a high<br>accuracy of the ML algorithm, reaching a R2 = 0.96. Moreover, a comparison of the shear prediction capacity<br>between ML approach and the analytical models available in literature is performed. This research aims to<br>contribute to a better understanding of the shear phenomenon of SFRC beams, taking into account different aspects<br>that can assist and aid design engineers in the conception and execution of structural projects.</p> Gabriel E. Lage, Thomaz E. T. Buttignol, Luís A. G. Bitencourt Jr. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5289 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Resolution of the One-dimensional Shallow Water Equations by the Discontinuous Galerkin Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5290 <p>The 1D shallow water equations model the unstable flow of an incompressible newtonian fluid in a<br>channel. These equations are given by the conservation of mass and linear momentum, and can be viewed as an<br>average of the Navier-Stokes equations under the assumption that the vertical length scale is much smaller than the<br>horizontal length scale. These equations, also known as Saint-Venant equations, compose a system of conservation<br>laws of hyperbolic nature, allowing for discontinuous solutions. In order to provide a numerical methodology for<br>the approximation of the Saint-Venant equations capable of accurately representing such discontinuous solutions,<br>in this work we adopt the Discontinuous Galerkin method. This class of finite element methods is based on<br>the weak formulation of the differential equation to be studied, and uses discontinuous piecewise polynomial<br>approximations. We present some numerical experiments for different flow regimes and non-horizontal beds for<br>the 1D shallow water problem, such as idealized dam breaking, hydraulic jumps and transcritical flows in channels<br>with non-constant bathymetry.</p> Robson Carlos de Moura Junior, Maicon Ribeiro Correa, Thiago Felipe Castro Carrenho, Ana Claudia dos Reis Valentim Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5290 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Full-interaction design of composite ribbed lattice girder slabs with cold-formed lipped channel shuttering https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5291 <p>The development of design methods for steel-concrete composite slabs grew in importance due to an<br>ever-increasing demand for architectural flexibility, which allows for the reduction of total construction cost and<br>simplifies construction procedures. An alternative to traditional pre-cast lattice joist slabs was recently developed,<br>which implements a cold formed steel (CFS) profile fastened to trussed rebar by uniformly distributed plastic<br>spacers. Previous theoretical studies resulted in methods for predicting the ultimate allowable live load of this slab<br>system. However, steel-concrete composite behavior was neglected due to the absence of experimental data. As<br>such, this paper relies on standardized design codes to propose a design method that accounts for composite<br>behavior, considering full interaction between CFS profile and reinforced concrete (RC). Altogether, the results<br>obtained have evidenced a better performance of the system regarding the previous design methods, expressed by<br>the increase of unpropped span in more than 80%.</p> Lucas Fadini Favarato, André Vasconcelos Soares Gomes, Daniel Carvalho de Moura Candido, Johann Andrade Ferrareto, Juliana da Cruz Vianna, Adenilcia Fernanda Grobério Calenzani Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5291 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF GEOMETRIC STIFFNESS IN THE SIMULATION OF A WIND TURBINE TOWER https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5292 <p>Taking into account that technological advances have enabled increasingly slender projects, it is increasingly<br>necessary to study the influence of second order effects on the behavior of structural elements. When a flexural element<br>is subjected to a significant axial load its elastic stiffness is altered. Wind towers are an example of this, in addition to<br>being subject to bending by the incidence of wind action, they support a large compression load. Item 15.1 of NBR<br>6118:2014 states that the assessment of the second-order effects occurs when the balance analysis is conducted<br>considering the configuration of the deformed. Thus, the present work aims to study the dynamic response of a wind<br>tower considering the influence of geometric nonlinearity resulting from the weight that the tower supports. The<br>modeling of the structure performed in ANSYS adopts the geometric simplification of the blades of Murtagh et al [1].<br>To experiment with the computational procedure used in the analysis of the tower, a beam cantilever submitted to a<br>normal static compression load and a transverse dynamic load at the free end was evaluated. The results obtained by<br>the analytical procedure and numerical simulation were compared and, besides to presenting a good agreement with<br>what is expected, shows the influence of pre-tensioning on the bending resistance of a piece.</p> Sidney Fernando F. Lemes, Suzana M. Avila, Maura A. M. Shzu, Marcus V. G. Morais Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5292 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Recurrent Neural Networks for air-quality forecast models in the city of Rio de Janeiro https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5293 <p>The tropical climate of the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro is especially susceptible to air<br>pollutants such as Ozone and Particulate Matter, which are directly connected to serious cardiopulmonary<br>illnesses. The goals of the present work were: to explore the local meteorological data to find useful patterns<br>among the information and to exam the performance of an ensemble model of Recurrent Neural Networks on the<br>prediction of daily maximum pollutant levels. The analyzed dataset is provided by the Rio de Janeiro local<br>government and it is composed by hourly-levels for pollutants and meteorological features from eight different<br>locations. The Spearman correlation test among the variables of different stations showed that adjacent locations<br>have similar data, with values up to 95% of correlation depending on the examined variable. The experiments<br>showed that the ensemble model has superior performance to simpler models in 3 out of 4 studied scenarios.</p> F. L. Leocadio, N. F. F. Ebecken1 Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5293 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATION OF NEURAL NETWORKS IN A PARALLEL MANIPU- LATOR WITH FLEXIBLE LINKS FOR MODEL EXTRACTION https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5294 <p>Parallel manipulators (PMs) are a viable design alternative for industrial applications. Due to their<br>closed kinematic architecture, they present some advantages compared to their serial counterparts: lightness, high<br>speed/acceleration ratios, high rigidity, load capacity, and high compactness. However, this design option could<br>yield undesired vibrations due to its components‘ flexibility requiring the implementation of novel joint and task<br>space control strategies. Two main challenges arise when designing a control strategy for a PM: the lack of a<br>direct measurement of the end-effector‘s pose and their coupling dynamics. This work proposes an estimator for<br>assessing the end-effector‘s pose of a PM using Artificial Neural Networks using measurements from encoders,<br>strain gauges and camera. The encoders measure the angular displacement of the active joints of the manipulator,<br>the strain gauges the deformation of the links and the camera the position of the end effector. The proposal is<br>validated using experimental data from a 3RRR PM with flexible links. The estimator can be used in control<br>schemes to enhance the performance of flexible PMs.</p> Thiago Liquita Savio, Maíra Martins da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5294 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AN INVERSE PROBLEM APPROACH FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE REFRACTIVE INDEX IN THE HELMHOLTZ EQUATION https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5295 <p>The Identification of parameters for differential equations is one of the most common types of discrete<br>inverse problems. Formulations like these can be used to calculate the thermal conductivity of a material, the drag<br>coefficient in a body during freefall and the diffusion of matter through a certain media. Following this trend, this<br>paper shows how the refraction index of a pre-established domain can be calculated applying inverse problem<br>techniques to the Helmholtz equation. As the main endeavor in inverse problems arise from the necessity of solving<br>matrices with large condition number, this work contains an overall review and a numerical comparison between<br>classical and more recent regularization schemes to solve these ill-posed matrices. In order to validate the results,<br>the problem was also solved in a direct manner using the Finite Elements Method. Results include numerical<br>examples for uniform and non-uniform mesh grids.</p> Matheus de Lara Todt, Hilbeth P. A. de Deus Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5295 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Identification and location of steel coils using the GNSS system with RTK correction https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5296 <p>The precision, repeatability, and accuracy of the system were measured in order to verify if it is possible to</p> <p>identify a coil stored in the yard through its geospatial position. To obtain the desired result, it was necessary to de-<br>velop a hardware that allows tracking the forklift using real-time kinematic correction, also known as GNSS-RTK.</p> <p>The proposed system had a base station communicating directly with one or more rovers, sending data through the<br>RTCM protocol to perform correction calculations based on the received information. After the development of<br>the hardware and validation tests in the laboratory, the hardware was installed on forklifts with load capacity of 40<br>tons that operate in a real coil production and storage environment. The average weight of the coils operated by<br>forklift machinery was 20 tons. This manuscript communicate the real results of the identification and location of<br>steel coils procedures by using GNSS-RTK. The tests were carried out in a large-company producer of steel coils.<br>Our data analysis and results confirm the efficiency of the proposed system in an open-sky yards environment.</p> Vitor Paganini Mayer Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5296 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application of a neural architecture to estimate the wear of down and up throats in RH degassers https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5297 <p>During the metallurgical process of steelmaking, conformity is achieved in the processes of primary and<br>secondary refining. One of the types of secondary refining takes place in the RH degasser, where the molten steel<br>from primary refining is fed into a ladle below RH. RH and the ladle are connected by two tubes called "up leg"<br>and "down leg". The steel is encouraged to circulate in the up leg, while the molten bath flows back into the ladle<br>through the down leg. The edges of the refractory bricks of both legs, also called "throats," are subject to wear.<br>This observation is made by an operator who goes to the top of the degassing ladle and uses a cell phone to take a<br>picture of the condition of the throats on the lower vessel of RH. The image is evaluated to check for throat wear<br>and to ensure the integrity of the process to avoid perforations and unavailability of RH. To provide a more<br>meaningful measurement, YOLACT, a neural architecture designed for real-time image segmentation, is used to<br>extract the coordinates describing the segmentation of the throats in the images, which are later processed to<br>estimate the actual wear.</p> Lucas M. Ayres, Pablo F. Salarolli, Leonardo G. Batista, Eric N. de Almeida, Gustavo M. de Almeida, Marco A. S. L. Cuadros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5297 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Virtual Element Method for 3D Poisson Equation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5298 <p>This work reports some of the challenges met with when implementing the Virtual Element Method<br>(VEM) for Poisson’s problem in a three-dimensional setting. The method’s generalization of the Finite Element<br>Method (FEM) for polytopal shapes and arbitrary order introduces many challenges, such as integration over the<br>element, mesh generation, etc. There is a significant increase in complexity when going from a two-dimensional<br>to a three-dimensional implementation of the method, thus the main topic of this work. The Poisson problem is<br>chosen because of its simplicity, allowing the focus to remain on the method itself. The main comparisons are<br>between the two and three-dimensional versions of the method, as well as between the latter and the equivalent<br>Finite Element Method.</p> Tiago F. Moherdaui, Alfredo G. Neto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5298 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Survey Of Machine Learning Based Techniques For Hate Speech Detection On Twitter. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5299 <p>The use of the internet and social networks, in particular for communication, has significantly<br>increased in recent years. Twitter is the third most popular worldwide Online Social Network (OSN) only after<br>Facebook and Instagram. Compared to others OSN’s, Twitter presents a simpler data model and more<br>straightforward data access API, which makes it a useful tool to study and analyze online behavior, including<br>abusive patterns. This survey is an attempt to create a machine learning based guide for hate speech automatic<br>classification including a description of twitter’s technology and terminology, social graphs, sentiment analysis<br>concepts and hate speech identification. This study also adopted a systematic literature review on the most<br>advanced computing techniques involved with the subject, focusing on the machine learning state-of-art and<br>research directions.</p> Felipe R. Oliveira, Victoria D. Reis, Nelson F. F. Ebecken Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5299 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Post-cracking behavior in tensile for UHPFRC using inverse analysis, fracture energy and finite element method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5300 <p>Ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) is an advanced composite material<br>characterized by compressive and tensile strengths above 150MPa and 7MPa, respectively. Initially, an<br>experimental procedure was used to characterize the tensile performance through bending tests, using beams with<br>1% and 2% content by volume of steel fibers. Three-point bending load arrangement notched prisms were used to<br>determine the contribution of the fibers to reinforcing a cracked section. With that, the (F vs. ω) experimental<br>curves were graphed, and from there, the analytic tensile curves (σ vs. ω) was obtained point by point by<br>application of the inverse analysis procedure proposed by the AFGC. With the analytic curves, the fracture energy<br>was calculated, following a procedure proposed by RILEM. Subsequently, the crack width was transformed into<br>strain using a relationship that involves the characteristic length. The resulting analytical behavior law was used<br>to carry out computational modeling applying the finite element method. Both the finite element method and the<br>fracture energy were used to validate the procedures, comparing experimental and numerical results. Models and<br>experiments showed good agreement and finally was determined the constitutive law for the UHPFRC in tension.<br>It can be concluded from this study, therefore, that the post-cracking tensile behaviour of UHPFRC can be<br>appropriately evaluated and validated through the applied analysis procedure in this research.</p> R. Rojas, J. R. Yepez Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5300 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A thermo-mechanical DEM framework for the simulation of selective laser sintering https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5301 <p>This work presents a simple thermo-mechanical model based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM)<br>for the rapid simulation of SLS processes. Our approach combines the DEM with lumped heat transfer equations<br>to describe the various thermal phenomena that may take place when the particles are excited by external heat</p> <p>sources such as laser beams. We consider the essential ingredients that are relevant to the problem, such as inter-<br>particle contact and bonding, heat transfer (through conduction, convection and radiation) as well as phase</p> <p>transformation due to high temperature changes (which may be critical in certain applications). The model is<br>relatively simple and straightforward to be implemented by engineers and analysts interested in the field, and may<br>be a useful tool for practical, rapid process simulation, design, and analysis. Numerical examples are provided to<br>illustrate the practical use of the proposed framework for the simulation of SLS advanced manufacturing processes.</p> Osvaldo D. Quintana-Ruiz, Eduardo M.B. Campello Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5301 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A methodology to predict the effective thermal conductivity of a granular assembly using deep learning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5302 <p>In this work, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is employed to predict the effective (i.e., bulk) thermal<br>conductivity of a granular assembly. The ANN is trained with the help of computed thermal conductivities of<br>various different assemblies, obtained through several simulations with our in-house DEM (Discrete Element<br>Method) code. Convection and radiation are not considered as to isolate the conduction problem and allow for a<br>better estimate of the assembly’s effective response. The methodology enables the effective thermal conductivity<br>of a granular assembly over a wide range of parameter values, including particles’ size and their material’s<br>conductivities.</p> Osvaldo D. Quintana-Ruiz, Eduardo M.B. Campello Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5302 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Solution construction for a drainage process for a system modeling the foam flow with linear surfactant adsorption https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5303 <p>In this work, we present an analytical solution for a drainage process of a system of non-strictly hyperbolic<br>Conservation Laws describing the foam flow in porous media under effect of linear adsorption of surfactant. We<br>adopt a system composed of two differential equations, one modeling the conservation of saturation of the wetting<br>phase and the other the conservation of chemical in the wetting phase with linear surfactant adsorption.<br>The foam flow dynamic is assumed to follow the implicit texture STARS model. In this model, the foam<br>texture assumes local equilibrium, meaning that the foam formation rapidly attains a state where the bubbles<br>generation rate matches the coalescence rate. We present a geometrical construction of the analytical solution and<br>compare our results with a direct numerical simulation.</p> Giulia C. Fritis, Pavel Z. S. Paz, Grigori Chapiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5303 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of an elastoplastic finite element code in Python https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5304 <p>The use of the finite element method is one of the most efficient approaches to dealing with a problem<br>with non-linearity. It is common that such problems are taken to commercial engineering programs, whose main<br>purpose is to obtain the stresses for the user's decision-making, without a deep focus on the methodology that<br>governs such analyses. In this paper, a finite element code with non-linearity of the material was implemented in<br>Python, which is a language highlighted for being an Open-Source technology. The work aims to facilitate the<br>understanding of a practical application of finite elements with perfect elastoplastic behavior and, thus, to serve as<br>a guide for undergraduate and graduate students interested in the subject. As a practical application, a rectangular<br>steel plate was modeled and evaluated against a vertical load on one of its edges. To this end, the Von Mises yield<br>criterion was used to determine the stresses and, after reaching the yield of the material, the Newton-Raphson<br>iterative method was used to determine the displacements. At the end of the work, there was a good agreement<br>between stresses obtained with the finite element code and the chosen commercial finite element program.</p> Leonardo O. Rodriguez, Gabriel M. M. dos Santos, Silvia Corbani Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5304 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Buckling of piles in soft clay: comparison between analytical and numerical forecasting https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5305 <p>Steel piles are deep foundation elements that are mostly used in multi-storey buildings,<br>transmission towers and industrial constructions. It is a structural element that is industrially produced, with<br>laminated or welded steel profiles, single or multiple layer, pipe bending or calendered sheet metal tubes, weld<br>seam or seamless tubes and railway tracks. By the use of reduced cross-sectional area of piles in Brazil, especially<br>thinner steel piles (profile I or simple rails) that cross thick soft clay layers, it is considered the risk of pile buckling,<br>even with fully embedded piles. This work evaluates the critical buckling load of a steel pile in a soft clayed soil<br>using analytical and numerical methods. A comparison between the critical load test result obtained using these<br>methods and the allowable load provided by the pile manufacturer is made. There are differences between the<br>methods mostly due to the limitation on top of the pile. Therefore to verify the critical buckling load on a<br>foundation project, the suitable method should be the one most resembling the real situation acting on the structure.</p> Paula A. P. Martins, Juliane C. Gonçalves Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5305 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Offshore wind farm layout optimization via metaheuristic algorithms using a three-dimensional analytical wake model https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5306 <p>Due to the increasing demand for renewable energies, the wind energy industry has been in continuous</p> <p>progress through studies that aim to contribute to its technological advancement. This work proposes the minimiza-<br>tion of the cost of energy (COE) of an offshore wind farm, given by the ratio between the cost of the farm and its</p> <p>annual energy production (AEP). For this purpose, the layout (continuous variables) and the different commercial<br>types of each wind turbine (discrete variables) were considered as decision variables. Furthermore, econometric</p> <p>models were used to estimate the costs due to wind farm rated power, length of interconnection electricity ca-<br>bles between wind turbines, and different water depths to account for the supporting structures as a function of</p> <p>the installation layout for each wind turbine. To account for the mutual interference of the flow among the wind<br>turbines and its impact on the AEP, and for comparison purposes, this study was conducted under two analytical<br>wake models in the optimization process, namely, Gaussian wake model and the well-known Jensen wake model.<br>The performance of the wind farm, subjected to different wind conditions, was then evaluated as a function of the<br>probability of occurrence of wind direction and speed throughout the year to account for the AEP. To solve this<br>optimization problem, the metaheuristics (Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution) were employed, resulting<br>in a comparative study of their performance.</p> Anderson M. Ribeiro, Felipe S. Loureiro, Patrícia H. Hallak, Afonso C.C. Lemonge Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5306 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural damage detection with autoencoding neural networks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5307 <p>Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a growing field in civil engineering, having relevance for the de-<br>tection of changes in the state of structures, including the identification of possible damage conditions. Commonly</p> <p>used SHM strategies involve employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques on raw dynamic data measured<br>from structures to perform classifications or extract features from the original data. Among the AI algorithms for<br>SHM, autoencoding neural networks, or simply autoencoders, have been identified as promising solutions, being</p> <p>the focus of this article. An autoencoder is designed to reproduce its inputs as closely as possible after unsuper-<br>vised training. This characteristic is a useful tool to extract features that represent the original data with lower</p> <p>dimensionality, which facilitates classifications through statistical methods. A sparse autoencoder (SAE) is a type</p> <p>of autoencoder that includes a sparsity penalty at its training process. In that way, this paper presents a method-<br>ology to detect structural damage by using sparse autoencoders as parameter extractors applied to signals in the</p> <p>frequency domain, combined with the Mahalanobis distance to perform an unsupervised classification. Tests per-<br>formed with data extracted from the Z24 bridge have shown promising results in detecting changes in the structural</p> <p>states, demonstrating the potential of SAE for SHM systems.</p> Lucas V. Resende, Rafaelle P. Finotti, Flavio S. Barbosa, Alexandre A. Cury Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5307 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF A 6X6 VEHICLE’S ACTIVE SUSPENSION SYSTEM https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5308 <p>In a big dimensions vehicle, the suspension system performs an essential role in stability, driveability<br>and comfort, being responsible to reduce vibrations induced by ground irregularities, which provides the<br>increasement of suspension and vehicle components life cycle. In this context, the objective of this work is to<br>analyze the dynamic time response of an active front suspension model in a space-state formulation, obtaining<br>through multibody modeling the optimized response for the system, taking into consideration the variables of<br>interest: control force and reduction of the speed of the suspended mass. The closed loop control systems are<br>designed and compared using different strategies: Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and Genetic Algorithm (GA)<br>associated with LQR in order to check the optimal model. The plant parameters are, at first, equivalent to a 1⁄4 car<br>model of a 6X6 Military Vehicle, and the results obtained are simulated through MATLAB/Simulink® for a 1⁄2 car<br>model to understand the vertical dynamics phenomenon including variables as pitch and center of gravity speed.</p> Gomes C. S. Jefferson, Gomes C. S. Taís, Dias R. L. Elias, Simão R. Gustavo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5308 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PARAMETRIC GEOMETRY GENERATION OF WIND TURBINES https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5309 <p>Wind energy is an alternative of interest to other energy forms, since it is renewable and can reduce the<br>environment damage as compared to other more pollute forms of generation. Thus, understanding wind turbines<br>and how they operate is a key to increase efficiency and production. For numerical analysis of wind turbines, the<br>geometry must be adequately defined, which is a complicated task due to the shape of their blade profiles. Thus,<br>this article proposes a way to create parametric wind turbines geometries using the software Grasshopper, a plugin<br>from Rhinoceros 3D. Grasshopper is a visual programming language, allowing to produce parametric geometries<br>as function of different input parameters. In this work, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) geometries<br>are modelled, which are the horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) references proposed in the project known as<br>Wind Partnership for Advanced component Technologies (WindPACT). As wind turbines have generally the same<br>shape and their dimensions are proportional to each other, the intention of parametrizing the process is to facilitate<br>the geometry creation when some parameters change, avoiding remodeling the entire turbine if it were produced<br>in a usual CAD software. This paper shows how to model and obtain the final geometry, which is readily readable<br>by any simulation software, such as Ansys. All the benefits and problems encountered are commented and the<br>results are shown.</p> Thomas Hachul Bizuti, Rodrigo Provasi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5309 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On the non-linear vibrations of clamped-free cylindrical shells subjected to combined loads https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5310 <p>In this work, the nonlinear vibrations of clamped-free cylindrical shells subjected to combined loads is<br>studied. Combined loads such as axial, lateral and base acceleration can generate complex vibrations in shells and<br>its combination is important to consider in project of these kind of structures. For this, to model the shell the Koiter</p> <p>– Sanders nonlinear shell theory is considered, and the Rayleigh-Ritz method is applied to obtain a set of non-<br>linear dynamic equations which are solved in turn by the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. To study the nonlinear</p> <p>dynamic response, an expansion with fifteen degrees of freedom in the axial, radial and lateral directions, which<br>represents the correct modal coupling, is considered. The nonlinear static paths, the parametric instability<br>boundaries, resonance curves and Poincaré maps are obtained. It is possible to observe that, depending on the<br>geometry ratios, the intensity of the loads, the shell will display complex nonlinear response showing softening,<br>chaotic or quasi-periodic oscillations.</p> Zenón José Guzmán Nuñez Del Prado, Lamartine Brasil Alves Santos Junior Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5310 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development Of A Real-Time Monitoring System For Detect The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) From Machine Learning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5311 <p>PPE is the equipment for individual use used by the worker where its main purpose is to protect against<br>risks capable of jeopardizing their health and safety, in addition also reducing costs to the employer with personnel<br>replacements, dismissals and indemnity processes. However, many times, either through negligence or discomfort,<br>there is resistance to its use and/or the removal of the equipment during the performance of activities. In view<br>of this problem, the HSE department must therefore inspect and monitor the proper use of workers‘ personal<br>protective equipment mostly of the time. As an alternative to assist the security department in verifying, demand<br>and quantifying the use of protective equipment in the workplace, this project presents a machine learning model<br>based on the You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO) architecture to verify the workers‘ compliance regarding their safety<br>behavior in real time, using images / video of a security system installed in a busy place within an industry. The<br>algorithm uses the approach of detecting workers and basic PPE as helmet, gloves, goggles simultaneously by deep<br>learning previously trained by a image dataset of workers in differents types of labour ambient, and next verifies<br>that each bounding box generated is in the correct position, thus confirming if the worker is carrying PPE or not.<br>Later, a program developed in python using the opencv library will quantify the use or not of the use of PPEs,<br>from the bounding boxes generated by more specifically YOLOv4, providing in this way a statistical report as an<br>output. This statistical report will be useful for the HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) department to use its<br>statistics as indicators of reliability that will assist in decision-making and in the management of security within<br>the company.</p> Gustavo G. F. Santos, Flavio G. Pereira, Adilson R. Prado Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5311 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Continuum Damage Micromechanical-Based Model for Fracture Propagation in Viscoelastic Material https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5312 <p>The paper aims to model via micromechanics and macroscopic thermodynamic concepts a<br>propagation law for high densely fractured materials, formulated through a continuous damage variable that<br>account for incorporates the delayed viscoelastic material behavior. The first step of the approach is intended to<br>present the effective behavior of the viscoelastic fractured material and the damage activation criterion. The<br>Mori-Tanaka elastic homogenization scheme and the Laplace-Carson elastic/viscoelastic correspondence<br>principle are combined with an appropriate thermodynamic approach for formulating the damage propagation<br>criterion. This approach allows for analytical description of the macroscopic damage law, which can be handled<br>numerically in the time domain. Due to the damage variable evolution, it is necessary to formulate a non-linear<br>viscoelastic behavior law. The damage evolution rate is assessed by means of a reasoning inspired from<br>plasticity theory. The damage evolution algorithm relies upon the time integration of the damage evolution<br>through an incremental implicit scheme. The numerical implementation and application of the model emphasize<br>the time-dependent effects on damage propagation.</p> Cássio B. Aguiar, Samir Maghous Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5312 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical evaluation of modal indices for damage identification in steel footbridges https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5313 <p>Among several damage detection methodologies, the vibration-based damage identification methods<br>(VBDI) are remarkable since the deterioration in structural elements reflects directly on both global and local<br>dynamic response of the structure leading to changes in modal parameters. Different approaches focus mainly on<br>one-dimensional structures, which, in turn, may not represent the actual dynamic behavior of bold structures such<br>as bridges and footbridges. Some modal indices, namely mode shape curvature, modal flexibility, and modal strain<br>energy were evaluated considering a finite element model of a real curved steel footbridge and three-dimensional</p> <p>vibration modes. Moreover, a recently proposed modal index called resultant vector which incorporate three-<br>dimensional modal coordinates is also compared to the aforementioned indices. Results show that the accuracy of</p> <p>the indices is correlated with the region of the structure where damage is found. The influence of damage presence<br>on adjacent girders and how it is reflected in these indices is also discussed.</p> Augusto C. M. Feijão, Cássio M. R. Gaspar, Elisa D. Sotelino Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5313 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mesh generation and manipulation for finite difference method usage https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5314 <p>This work proposes a rectangular mesh generator software which discretize complex geometries, al-<br>lowing computational fluids dynamics (CFD) simulations. To this porpuse, the software uses different image pro-<br>cessing and data analysis techniques to extract a finite set of points that describe the image contour. The resulting</p> <p>coordinates represents the maximum refinement, describing each pixel from the image contour. Hence, procedures<br>with meshs would require high cost of memory. For this reason, the software approximate the coordinates to mesh<br>nodes, compliant with the mesh size selected by the user, allowing a efficient contour description with low memory<br>cost. Then, the approximate contour mesh is obtained, which can be used as parameters to numerical simulations<br>of partial differential equations using the finite difference method. Also, the software allows selection of regions</p> <p>from the geometry to contain more nodes than the rest of the mesh, creating sparse meshs, resulting in better re-<br>finement using less memory. Finally, the obtained meshs are compared with the original coordinates by their area,</p> <p>ensuring the mesh generation efficiency.</p> Pedro Zaffalon da Silva, Neyva Maria Lopes Romeiro, Rafael Furlanetto Casamaximo, Iury Pereira de Souza, Paulo Laerte Natti Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5314 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NUMERICAL MODELING OF CONVENTIONAL STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL AND INCONEL ALLOY SOLID ELEMENTS THROUGH THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5315 <p>The work will present the development and implementation of linear numerical models, with the<br>objective of performing mechanical analyzes on solid elements of conventional steel (MS250 and HS350),<br>stainless steel (SS304) and inconel alloy (IA718). For this, we intend to implement computationally, with the aid<br>of the FORTRAN programming language, a mathematical formulation based on the Finite Element Method<br>(FEM), whose purpose will be to obtain the values of deformations and nodal displacements at different points of<br>the parts, in addition to the von Mises stresses in each finite element that compose the structures. For the<br>discretization of solid elements, 4-node tetrahedral (T4) and 8-node hexahedral (H8) finite elements were used.<br>For a greater scope of validation of the implemented module and to prove its efficiency, solids with different<br>geometric and physical characteristics will be analyzed. In order to verify the responses obtained from the<br>implemented computational program, comparisons will be made with results found in the literature.</p> Lukerman D. Almeida, Paulo A. S. Rocha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5315 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Timoshenko Beam Formulation with 3D Response for Linear and Nonlinear Materials https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5316 <p>Beam finite elements are computationally efficient, widely used, and sufficiently accurate for many<br>applications. The intrinsic a-priori assumptions and simplifications of classical beam theories do not always<br>represent the actual three-dimensional stress-strain distributions. The cross-section of the Euler-Bernoulli beam<br>remains both plane and orthogonal to the beam axis. This theory does not account for shear deformation, which is<br>considered by Saint-Venant’s solution. Timoshenko beam theory includes the rotation of the cross-section, which</p> <p>remains plane. This assumption yields an average shear strain, which does not correspond with the actual three-<br>dimensional distribution of shear strains. Shear coefficients can be adopted as a correction for beams made of</p> <p>linear materials. However, the analysis of beams of nonlinear materials must consider the three-dimensional stress-<br>strain relationships at each point. An integrated formulation of a beam element with three-dimensional response is</p> <p>discussed. The arbitrary cross-section of the corresponding Timoshenko beam element remains neither plane nor</p> <p>orthogonal to the beam axis. The element kinematics is defined by two fields: the displacement shapes of the cross-<br>sections and the axial functions of their corresponding averaged movements. The deformed displacement shapes</p> <p>are obtained by minimizing the potential energy of a beam slice submitted to the compatibility constraints of the<br>kinematics framework. Higher order models reproduce the three-dimensional distribution of stresses and strains<br>of Saint-Venant’s solution for concentrated loads and Michell’s solution for uniformly loaded beams. The solution<br>also agrees with three-dimensional finite element models with idealized boundary conditions. This paper presents<br>improvements that simplify the theory, focuses on first-order linear and nonlinear analyses, and discusses some<br>examples.</p> Mauro Schulz Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5316 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impacts of the halt of ITA flight operations on the Brazilian Multiplex Air Transportation Network https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5317 <p>The bankruptcy of Avianca Brasil, the COVI-19 outbreak and the sudden halt of operations of<br>Itapemirim Airlines in 2021 changed the topology of the Brazilian Air Transportation Network in past years. The<br>effect was the reduction in the number of network layers and the network concentration. The aim of this paper was<br>to characterize structural properties and evaluate changes in the Brazilian air network after the halt of operations<br>of Itapemirim airline using a multilayer complex network. The multilayer approach considering the weight of<br>interactions makes the network description more detailed than the usual monolayer analysis. We used data related<br>to passenger traffic from November 2021 and January 2022 and each network layer represents an airline. The<br>proprieties and centrality measures were used for Brazilian network characterization, which concentrated into four<br>layers. Gol and Passaredo increased their market share and operating airports while Gol became the biggest market<br>share. The number of routes increased for all airlines, especially Gol which increased by 24%. Gol became the<br>densest layer with the minimum mean path length probably because ITA’s layer had the highest correlation with<br>Gol and edges overlapping. Results suggest Gol may have had the best strategy to incorporate the ITA’s pent-up<br>demand.</p> Fernanda Silva Toledo, Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5317 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Computational Implementation for Seismic Assessment of Existing Structures https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5318 <p>Increasing of seismic record in Brazil resulted in first Brazilian code of seismic NBR 15421:2006. Once<br>publication succeed Brazilian sample building assessment must be developed in order to prevent or mitigate effects<br>of horizontal accelerations from seismic. For preliminary screening of existent reinforced concrete structures<br>qualitative Hirosawa method seems to be suitable to Brazilian reality. This paper aims to implement<br>computationally seismic vulnerability assessment method in order to optimize assessments through opensource<br>SMath Solver and programming language is C#. Adapted Hirosawa method compares resistance of building<br>through seismic index of structure IS and Seismic demand index IS0<br>. Index IS<br>is a product of indexes (Basic seismic</p> <p>index of structure, Irregularity index, Time index) and index IS0</p> <p>is formed by zone index, ground index and usage<br>index. Model structure proposed by literature are analyzed in different levels of seismic acceleration as well as<br>types of soil defined by Brazilian seismic code in order to demonstrate usability of tool. Graphical interface and<br>results obtained from the application are showed aiding in decision-taking about new refined assessments or<br>feasible interventions.</p> Philipe Q. Rodrigues, João C. Pantoja, Paulo S. T. Miranda Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5318 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fatigue life analysis of a wind turbine blade subjected to Davenport loading using the computational Tool ANSYS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5319 <p>Most mechanical elements are subjected to periodic loadings so that throughout their lives some fibers<br>are damaged due to bending cyclic. Even if the stress does not exceed the yield limit, the dynamic characteristic of<br>loads can cause catastrophic failures. Finite Element programs are excellent tools to obtain important parameters<br>of fatigue analysis. In this way, ANSYS uses its structural analysis potential to also analyze the phenomenon of<br>fatigue through the ANSYS Workbench Fatigue Tool module. Firstly, in order to experiment the computational<br>procedure of fadigue analysis a retangular cantilever beam was investigated. It was submitted to harmonic loading<br>and modeled with a solid element of 20 nodes, each one with 3 degrees of freedom, Results obtained in numerical</p> <p>analysis at ANSYS were compared with those obtained in the analytical methodology. The good agreement be-<br>tween them is an important step to encourage the understanding of the quantification of fatigue life of the verne555</p> <p>wind turbine blade submitted to a davenport wind load. The blade modelling was done using shell elements of<br>4-nodes and 6 degrees of freedom per node. The results obtained are presented as expected, which demonstrates<br>the correct use of the chosen computational tool.</p> Lidiane L. S. S. Lima, Suzana M. Avila, Maura A. M. Shzu Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5319 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Validation of the numerical procedure to calculate the fatigue life of welded joints using the Ansys computational package https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5320 <p>The phenomenon of fatigue is highly complex and is present in most mechanical component appli-<br>cations. In this sense, according to Ruchert (2007), fatigue shows itself as the predominant cause in structural</p> <p>failures. Recognizing the importance of fatigue in engineering studies, the goal of this research is to gather infor-<br>mation and data that may become relevant for the computational modeling and analysis of welded joints, as well as</p> <p>the calculation of fatigue life. Thus, was reproduced the modeling of a beam-column assembly, which is subjected<br>to a transverse loading to the free section of the beam, performed previously by Moreira et al (2017). The ANSYS<br>Finite Element software was used, specifically the Fatigue Tool module of the Ansys Workbench environment.<br>The weld element on which fatigue life is evaluated is of the fillet type. The results obtained are compared with<br>those presented by Moreira et al (2017) and showed agreement with each other. Thus, since the adopted procedure<br>proved to be effective in the study of fatigue life, it is details are presented here as a contribution to the development<br>of future works.</p> Gabriel Sabino de Oliveira, Maura A. Milfont Shzu Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5320 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Micromodeling of a dual-phase steel using an idealized micrograph generated by Voronoi diagrams https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5321 <p>Dual phase (DP) steels are high strength steels used mainly in the production of vehicle bodywork,<br>currently about 74% of the structural components are manufactured in this type of material. These DP steels are<br>composed of a soft ferrite matrix with a hard, martensite phase. In this research, mechanical properties<br>characteristic of these materials are linked, establishing dependence between volume fractions of each phase and<br>simulations of the mechanical behavior in different situations are developed. Implementing a 2D bilinear plasticity<br>model from the synergy of three design programs, regions of the martensitic phase of the material were generated<br>in a 3D space. In the same way, these inclusions were parameterized and modeled together with a ferritic matrix.<br>Then, using FEM to simulate 3D micromodeling (RVE), stress-strain diagrams are obtained. Finally, the results<br>show deviations of 10% on average from the experimental values.</p> Yors Ruiz, Carlos A. Bohorquez Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5321 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Micromodeling of a dual-phase steel using an idealized micrograph generated by Voronoi diagrams https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5322 <p>Dual phase (DP) steels are high strength steels used mainly in the production of vehicle bodywork,<br>currently about 74% of the structural components are manufactured in this type of material. These DP steels are<br>composed of a soft ferrite matrix with a hard, martensite phase. In this research, mechanical properties<br>characteristic of these materials are linked, establishing dependence between volume fractions of each phase and<br>simulations of the mechanical behavior in different situations are developed. Implementing a 2D bilinear plasticity<br>model from the synergy of three design programs, regions of the martensitic phase of the material were generated<br>in a 3D space. In the same way, these inclusions were parameterized and modeled together with a ferritic matrix.<br>Then, using FEM to simulate 3D micromodeling (RVE), stress-strain diagrams are obtained. Finally, the results<br>show deviations of 10% on average from the experimental values.</p> Yors R. Cuero, Carlos A. B. Avila Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5322 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of fire resistant steel bars on the fire design of simply supported reinforced concrete beams https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5323 <p>The exposure to fire conditions can cause damage to reinforced concrete structures by reducing their<br>strength. As a result, even today these accidents cause irreparable material and immaterial losses. Therefore, it is<br>understood that the technological improvement of structural elements is essential for the advancement of fire safety<br>engineering. A form of improvement that has been studied in recent years are the steels with enhanced fire<br>behavior, or “fire resistant steels”, as they are usually known. These special metallic alloys are able to maintain<br>their mechanical properties for longer when exposed to high temperatures and are already applied to metallic<br>structures, although their contribution to the performance of reinforced concrete structures is still poorly<br>understood. The present research seeks to evaluate the influence of this type of material on the fire design of simply<br>supported reinforced concrete beams using a methodology that adapts the tabular method to verify these structures.<br>The developed methodology is similar to those presented in NBR 15200 (ABNT, 2012) and Eurocode 2 (CEN,<br>2004) and considers the use of the improved steel in replacement to the conventional tensile reinforcement. The<br>study is essentially theoretical and numerical, through the use of the finite element software Super TempCalc, and<br>the results achieved have shown that there can be a reduction in the minimum dimensions required for beams’<br>cross-sections by the aforementioned codes if the fire resistant steels are used.</p> Giulianna T. A. Listo, Valdir P. Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5323 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A VON MISES STRESS-BASED TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION OF CONTINUUM ELASTIC STRUCTURES THROUGH THE PROGRESSIVE DIRECTIONAL SELECTION METHOD https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5324 <p>This work presents a study applying the von Mises equivalent stress as a performance parameter for<br>topological optimization of two-dimensional continuous elastic structures employing the Progressive Directional<br>Selection (PDS) method. A typical objective to achieve the ideal topology of a structure is to define the best<br>material distribution of the design domain, considering an objective function and mechanical constraints. In<br>general, most studies deal with minimizing the compliance of structures. Numerical methods for optimizing the<br>topology of continuous structures have been widely investigated. Most of these methods are based on finite element<br>analysis, where the design domain is discretized into a fine mesh of elements. Evolutionary Structural Optimization<br>(ESO) is one of these methods based on the simple concept of gradually removing inefficient finite elements from<br>a structure. This method was formulated from the engineering point of view that the topology of the structures is<br>naturally conservative for safety reasons and contains an excess of material. In such a context, the optimization<br>consists of finding the optimal topology of a structure and determining whether there should be a solid or void<br>element for each point in the design domain. ESO's algorithms are easy to understand and implement. The stress<br>level of each element is determined by comparing the von Mises stress of the element and the maximum von Mises<br>stress of the entire structure. After each finite element analysis, elements that present a stress level below the<br>defined rejection ratio are excluded from the model. However, the ESO is a heuristic method, and there is no<br>mathematical proof that an optimal solution can be achieved by eliminating elements. In addition, the original<br>approach is inefficient because it needs to find the optimal topology comparing several solutions generated<br>intuitively, adjusting the rejection ratio and evolutionary rate. To avoid this problem, but taking advantage of the<br>simplicity of applying ESO, a new approach using the PDS method is proposed, inspired by the natural directional<br>selection observed in biology. In the first work using PDS, the optimization problem was the minimization of the<br>strain energy of a structure analyzed through the Finite-Volume Theory (FVT). This investigation discusses a<br>scheme to minimize the von Mises equivalent stress of a discretized domain with a volume constraint. One example<br>of topological optimization of 2D continuous elastic structure inspired by a classic literature problem is<br>investigated.</p> Luiz C. L. Véras, Márcio A. A. Cavalcante Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5324 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION OF CONTINUUM ELASTIC STRUCTURES EMPLOYING THE FINITE-VOLUME THEORY AND THE EVOLUTIONARY STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION METHOD https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5325 <p>In this paper, an original approach that combines Finite-Volume Theory (FVT) and Evolutionary<br>Structural Optimization (ESO) is presented. ESO is based on the simple idea that the optimal structure can be<br>delivered by gradually removing the ineffectively used material from the design domain. Through this procedure,<br>the resulting structure will evolve towards its optimal shape and topology. In theory, one cannot guarantee that<br>such an evolutionary procedure would always generate the best solution. However, the ESO technique provides a<br>useful way for designers to explore forms and shapes of structures during the conceptual design stage. In literature,<br>it is frequent that the design domain is constructed aiming at a Finite Element Analysis (FEA). However, some<br>problems are related to numerical issues, such as the checkerboard pattern and mesh dependence. The checkboard<br>effect is related to the assumptions of the finite element method, as the satisfaction of equilibrium and continuity<br>conditions in the element nodes. FVT overcomes this problem because it satisfies the equilibrium equations at the<br>subvolume level and the compatibility conditions are established through the adjacent subvolume interfaces, as<br>expected from the continuum mechanics point of view. Some ESO’s classical problems are investigated to<br>compare FVT and FEA results.</p> Luiz C. L. Véras, Márcio A. A. Cavalcante Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5325 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Two-dimensional thermomechanical creep analysis of solution-mined cavern convergence – Regina cavern n°5 – Phase 2. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5326 <p>This study aims to evaluate the convergence of the second phase of a cave, obtained by dissolution in a<br>bedded salt, under the effect of different temperatures applied in its cavity. The shape of the cave was obtained<br>from sonar surveys at Regina Cave No.5 in 1983 by TransGas Ltd. The creep model used is based on an empirical<br>formulation that considers the stationary phase of creep, this model is known as the double mechanism creep law<br>or also called the Norton simplified model, presenting good results when the analysis involve long periods.<br>Numerical geomechanical simulations, with a maximum time of 30 years, were performed with CODE-BRIGHT<br>(Coupled DEformation BRIne Gas and Heat Transport) finite element code to the evaluation of rock stability and<br>deformation, showing excellent results in this type of numerical simulation scenario.</p> Nina Rosa dos S. Silveira, Leonardo J. do N. Guimarães. , Inaldo J. M. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5326 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Phase-Field Modelling of a Multiphase Material https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5327 <p>The Phase-Field Modelling has been widely used to model crack propagation. In that model, the discrete<br>crack of Griffith’s theory is transformed into a diffuse crack that spreads on a certain region, according to the length<br>scale parameter. The Phase-Field variable is calculated as a new nodal degree of freedom. It represents, at each<br>point, the amount of damage suffered by the material, in such way that when it’s zero the material is intact, and<br>when it’s equal to one the material is completely damaged. In this work the Phase-Field analysis has been used to<br>study the fracture process in a multiphase material, composed by a mortar with aggregates randomly distributed<br>across the domain. The influence of the material properties on the structural behaviour was also investigated. All<br>the implementation was done in INSANE, an open-source software, developed in Java at the Structural Engineering<br>Department of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Numerical simulations will be presented considering the<br>variation of the sample size and the parameters of the materials.</p> Hugo M. Leão, Roque L. da S. Pitangueira, Lapo Gori, Ramon P. da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5327 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modeling complex mechanical computer codes with functional input via Gaussian processes https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5328 <p>Surrogate models based on Gaussian processes (GPs) have been successfully used as a complement<br>of costly-to-evaluate complex computer codes. They are capable to provide accurate predictions with confident<br>intervals but require fewer costs (in both time and resources). Here, we focus on a class of mechanical codes<br>with functional inputs and output force-displacement curves. We further investigate a GP framework where inputs<br>are handled in a continuous setting, which results in more tractable and scalable models. Both input and output<br>information are correlated using a composite kernel function that can be efficiently computed (and inverted) when<br>tensor-structured data are considered. We demonstrate the reliability and scalability of the GP in a synthetic<br>example with highly variable input and output curves, as well as on a real-world mechanical application modeling<br>the self-piercing riveting (SPR) in a single hat component. Our experiments show that the methodology is able to<br>correctly detect the maximum forces and the displacements at peak force where the failure of SPR appears.</p> Andres F. López-Lopera, Franck Massa, Isabelle Turpin, Nicolas Leconte Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5328 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Contact interaction law based on the Hertz theory for multibody applications https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5329 <p>The normal component of the contact interaction between two bodies arises from the fact that their<br>material boundaries cannot go through each other. One way to deal with this non-penetration geometric constraint<br>is to allow its violation on a controlled manner by adding an increasing magnitude force pair to the system, as long<br>as the constraint violation increases. Methods that use this approach are usually referred as penalty-based methods.<br>The simplest penalty method imposes a force proportional to the normal indentation. The proportionality constant<br>acts as a stiffness parameter. An alternative interface law originates from Hertz’s theory of nonconformal contact<br>between elastic bodies. According to this classic theory, the contact force is proportional to the normal indentation<br>raised to the power 3/2. The proportionality coefficient is not a constant, it has a dependency on the local curvatures<br>of the contacting surfaces. Ultimately, the proportionality constant depends on the configuration of the system at<br>a given time. In this work, we implement a penalty method based on Hertz force law for imposing contact between<br>rigid bodies. The nonlinear dynamical equations for multibody dynamics are solved numerically. In the required<br>linearization process, the dependency of the stiffness parameter on the degrees of freedom of the system is<br>neglected. The results of the present method for a set of simple examples are presented. We verified that the</p> <p>considered simplification has a negative effect on the solution process if the stiffness varies throughout a time-<br>step. The effect may be diminished using a large quantity of time-steps.</p> Lucas da Silva, Alfredo Gay Neto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5329 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A limit analysis approach for plane stress problem https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5330 <p>A finite element is developed for plane stress problems based on the static theorem of limit analysis.<br>This four-node quadrilateral element satisfies the equilibrium equations and the mechanical boundary conditions<br>on average, and, as such, it is not expected lower bounds on the collapse load from the computed results.<br>Numerical tests are carried out using the von Mises criterion, which is exactly satisfied throughout the element.<br>The nonlinear convex optimization problem posed here is treated as second-order cone programming and solved<br>with a primal-dual interior-point algorithm implemented in the MOSEK optimization package.</p> Eric L. B. Cavalcante, Luca G. P. V. Lorenzini, Eliseu Lucena Neto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5330 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Machine Learning Applied to Predict Pile Bearing Capacity https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5331 <p>The present work presents the application of machine learning algorithms to the problem of predicting<br>load capacity of piles. A dataset was compiled from the literature, composed by 165 load tests associated with</p> <p>SPT results performed in different regions of Brazil. From this raw base, 5 datasets were generated based on well-<br>known semi-empirical methods. Such sets were then applied to six ML algorithms and a linear regression. The</p> <p>performances, measured by R2</p> <p>and RMSE, were compared to those achieved by semi-empirical methods. The<br>RF technique stood out from the others, with a maximum R2 of 0.77. A case study was then carried out and its<br>results reinforced the good performance of ML algorithms against semi-empirical methods. Despite the limitations<br>of the work regarding the dataset, the conclusions point to the use of ML tools as a good alternative to the classical<br>methods of calculating load capacity.</p> Yago F. Gomes, Dimas B. Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5331 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BIM Methodology applied to Structural Analysis of the Built Heritage https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5332 <p>Built heritage is one of the key elements through which the identity and culture of a society manifests<br>itself. The so-called Building Information Model (BIM) is a methodology that has gained wide notoriety in<br>fulfilling the role of portraying the physical characteristics and storing information of historic monuments. One of<br>the most useful applications of the BIM methodology is structural analysis, which can be performed based on the<br>graphic representation of the building itself. Structural analysis makes it possible to obtain parameters that are of<br>great value for the study, maintenance, monitoring, and eventual repair of structures. The present work had the<br>objective of comparing two parallel models of the “Nossa Senhora de Fátima” church, known as “Igrejinha”, in<br>Brasília, and the results of their respective structural analyses. The first model was developed based on the<br>structural documents of the building, and the second one, based on accurate survey methods usually employed in<br>historic BIM modeling - terrestrial laser scanning and aerophotogrammetry. The methodology adopted was based<br>on automatically obtaining the analysis results from the architectural representation of the building and its<br>corresponding analytical abstraction. The physical comparison of the models showed a high dimensional<br>similarity. The resulting values of the structural analysis showed, however, significant variations for certain<br>internal forces, demonstrating the influence of the modeling process and the discretization of the structure on the<br>calculation results.</p> Leonardo L. Gonçalves, Leonardo S. P. Inojosa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5332 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fully Implicit Algebraic Dynamic Multilevel and Multiscale Method with Non-Uniform Resolution for the Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Highly Heterogeneous Porous https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5333 <p>Large reservoir flow models today can contain more than a billion unknowns. Simulation of these<br>models is not feasible even with the most powerful parallel computers. Generally, upscaling techniques are used<br>to define coarser, i.e., smaller, models that can be processed with reasonable computer resources and in a<br>reasonable amount of time. These techniques consist in a kind of homogenization of the models to obtain<br>representative properties. Such procedures, of course, lead to loss of information. In the last decades, Multiscale<br>Finite Volume (MsFV) methods have been developed to solve these problems. These techniques, in which<br>operators are responsible for transferring information between the fine and coarse scales, provide more accurate<br>solutions than upscaled models at an acceptable CPU cost. Several authors have developed different strategies to<br>obtain accurate solutions using multilevel or multiscale strategies, such as: the i-MsFV, an iterative procedure to<br>smooth the multiscale solution with an efficiency comparable to the original MsFV; the Algebraic Multiscale<br>Solver (AMS), as a preconditioner; the Two-stage AMS (TAMS), which applies an algebraic variant of the MsFV;<br>the monotone Multiscale Finite Volume, with a selective coarse-scale stencil fixing, where either the RBC is<br>replaced by linear boundary conditions (LBC) or "large" non-physical terms are recalculated with upscaling; the<br>zonal MsFV (zMsFV), which splits the domain of interest into a classical MsFV or with additional zonal functions;<br>and the Adaptive Algebraic Dynamic Multilevel (A-ADM), which solves flow problems in highly heterogeneous<br>petroleum reservoirs using non-uniform levels. In this work, we have implemented the Algebraic Dynamic<br>Multilevel with Non-Uniform Resolution (NU-ADM) using a finite volume formulation of the Two Point Flux<br>Approximation (TPFA) for fully implicit simulation of two-phase flows in highly heterogeneous porous media.<br>The NU-ADM operators are based on the Algebraic Multi Scale (AMS) operators. This method provides adaptive<br>multiscale resolution based on the contributions of each volume to the non-physical terms on the coarse scale<br>matrix. We use mesh adaptivity to control these terms. Our parameters are based on the pressure-pressure terms<br>of the Jacobian matrix and the saturation field and takes place during the Newton-Raphson procedure that is used<br>to solve the nonlinear system.</p> José C. A. dos Santos, Darlan K. E. de Carvalho, Paulo R. M. Lyra Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5333 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear numerical analysis of a concrete frame under corrosion due to carbonatation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5334 <p>Reinforced concrete structures are used worldwide due to their durability, resistance and flexibility to<br>conform to different geometries. However, exposure to weather causes degradation, and pathological<br>manifestations may appear. One of the most common is corrosion, their be generated by chloride ingress and<br>carbonation. In the initiation stage, the corrosion agents cause depassivation of the rebar. Afterwards, the<br>propagation stage begins, where the structures suffer loss of rebar area, cracks, strength loss and, in the end,<br>collapse. In this paper, the displacements evaluation of a structure under carbonation was accomplished by<br>implementing the loss of rebar area. Through the coupling of the reduction of the stiffness of the structure in the<br>propagation stage with the Finite Element Method based on Positions code dedicated to the analysis of laminated<br>frames, developed in FORTRAN programming language, that naturally considers geometric nonlinearities,<br>allowing high displacements and rotations, and using Saint-Venant-Kirchhoff’s constitutive law. FEM based on<br>Positions uses total Lagrangian formulation and its degrees of freedom for frame elements are given by nodal<br>positions and generalized vectors which may express the variation of section heigh and rotations. The physical<br>nonlinearity of concrete was considered by implementing Mazars damage model. The results have shown that the<br>numerical model is efficient to simulate the degradation of structures under uniform corrosion.</p> Chiara P. Teodoro, Adrielle N. Marques, Rogério Carrazedo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5334 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison between Newton and Picard methods for the nonlinear heat transfer modeling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5335 <p>A equac ̧ao do calor n ̃ ao linear possui grandes aplicações em diversas áreas, como nas Engenharias, na<br>Biologia e na Medicina. Neste trabalho comparamos os metodos de Newton e de Picard para resolver numeri-<br>camente a equacão do calor unidimensional não linear, onde a condutividade térmica depende da temperatura do<br>meio. Primeiramente, discretizamos a equação no tempo usando o método de Euler implícito, obtendo-se uma<br>sequencia de problemas de valor de contorno não lineares e a varredura no tempo será realizada com o método&nbsp;<br>padrão, Time-Stepping. Para a derivada espacial que também&nbsp; e dependente do gradiente da temperatura, usamos&nbsp;<br>o Método das Diferenças Finitas. Os sistemas não lineares obtidos são linearizados usando o método de Newton&nbsp;<br>e o metodo de Picard. Com base nos testes numéricos comparamos a quantidade de iterações e os tempos computacionais para resolver os sistemas com o uso de cada um dos metodos de solução e elencamos suas vantagens&nbsp;<br>e desvantagens para este tipo de problema.</p> Priscila Dombrovski Zen, Marcio Augusto Villela Pinto, Sebastiao Romero Franco Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5335 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On the application of a global post-processing strategy for stress recovery in nearly-incompressible elasticity problems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5336 <p>In the context of linear elasticity problems, the two major variables to be determined are the displace-<br>ment and the stress tensor fields, which are often required in real-world applications. However, some classical and</p> <p>widely used finite element methods for these problems only provide approximations for the displacement, and the<br>stress tensor needs to be post-processed. In this work, we study a post-processing strategy for the stress recovery<br>obtained by combining the weak form of the constitutive equation with a least-square residual of the equilibrium<br>equation. We will focus our studies on the application of this post-processing strategy in elasticity problems with</p> <p>nearly-incompressible materials, which are known in the literature to offer additional challenges. Providing an ac-<br>curate approximation for the displacement field, our main goal is to evaluate whether the post-processing strategy</p> <p>is able to obtain satisfactory approximations for the stress tensor field on nearly-incompressible problems.</p> Giovanni Taraschi, Alisson S. Pinto, Maicon R. Correa, Cristiane O. Faria Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5336 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ROS 2 in the development of an autonomous navigation application for a 4WD mobile robot with GPS, odometry and inertial systems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5337 <p>Developing software for robots is a complex task as it involves many fields of knowledge, from sensor<br>drivers for data acquisition, data processing, control loops, artificial intelligence, task management, etc. In<br>addition, the hardware is often built distributed across different devices with different computing capabilities.<br>Based on this, the Robot Operating System (ROS) was developed, which is a framework for developing distributed<br>robot applications. ROS provides a communication layer that abstracts the way communication is performed and<br>allows transparent and distributed access to data. In addition, ROS provides tools for viewing information,</p> <p>compiling, managing packages, etc. A new version called ROS 2 has been launched, and it includes industry-<br>standard features, best practices in software development to better support commercial and research robotic</p> <p>applications. To demonstrate the use of ROS in the development of robotic applications, this paper presents an<br>outdoor autonomous navigation application of a 4WD robot. This application explored the use of microcontrollers<br>to control wheel speed, embedded minicomputer running algorithms for sensor fusion of odometry, inertial sensors<br>and GNSS for localization and navigation algorithms. Navigation tests were conducted in a parking lot.</p> Pablo F. Salarolli, Leonardo G. Batista, Gustavo M. de Almeida, Rafael P. D. Vivacqua, Daniel F. T. Gamarra, Marco Antonio de S. L. Cuadros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5337 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Multi-objective structural optimization of a planar truss considering dy- namic and global stability aspects https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5338 <p>The literature has broadly discussed the development of multi-objective structural optimization prob-<br>lems (MOSOPs) with two objectives: minimizing the structure’s weight and the maximum nodal displacement.</p> <p>This paper proposes the formulation of MOSOPs with three objective functions. New objectives are considered,<br>such as the maximization of the first natural frequency of vibration and the maximization of the difference between<br>the second and the first ones, to avoid the superposition of their modes. MOSOPs are also proposed to maximize<br>the first critical load factor related to the structure’s global stability and the difference between the second and the<br>first ones. The analyzed structure is a 10-bar truss. The design variables are the cross-sectional areas of the bars.</p> <p>The evolutionary algorithm is the third step of generalized differential evolution (GDE3). The Pareto fronts ob-<br>tained for the problems are presented. It is possible to observe how the growth of the truss’ weight causes increases</p> <p>in the first natural frequency of vibration and the first critical load factor, as well as its influence on the differences<br>between the frequencies of vibration and the critical load factors of the structure. Finally, optimized solutions are<br>extracted from the obtained Pareto fronts.</p> João Marcos de Paula Vieira, Afonso C.C. Lemonge, José Pedro G. Carvalho, Patrícia H. Hallak, Bruno E. de O. Brugnara Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5338 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Odometry and speed control of a 4WD mobile robot integrated with ROS 2 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5339 <p>With the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, robots are increasingly used in various<br>applications. There are various types of mobile robots, such as air, land and sea. Among the various types of<br>wheeled mobile land robots, the differential drive 4WD mobile robot stands out for its better performance in<br>navigating outdoor environments, mainly due to the presence of four-wheel drive. However, the differential drive<br>4WD robot exhibits greater wheel slippage especially in the moments of rotation. This type of behavior<br>complicates the accuracy of classical localization methods, such as odometry. In this paper, a real case of odometry<br>implementation is presented, as well as wheel speed modeling and speed controller implementation in a 4WD<br>robot. To enable the use of more advanced libraries and later the development of various applications, the odometry<br>and linear and angular speed control of the robot were integrated into the ROS (Robot Operating System). Practical<br>results in internal and external environments are presented at the end of the paper using graphs and a video with<br>an access link.</p> Leonardo G. Batista, Pablo F. Salarolli, Daniel F. T. Gamarra, Gustavo M. de Almeida, Rafael P. D. Vivacqua, Marco A. S. L. Cuadros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5339 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effective elastic properties of fractured materials by means of a homogenization approach https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5340 <p>A main characteristic of many engineering materials is the presence of natural fractures at different<br>scales. The effective mechanical behavior of these materials is strongly affected by that of the fractures, which can</p> <p>be viewed as discontinuities able to transfer stresses. The contribution of the present work relies upon microme-<br>chanics for assessing the effective stiffness through homogenization upscaling of elastic materials with embedded</p> <p>microfractures. In the context of Eshelby equivalent inclusion theory, the approach makes use of the Mori-Tanaka</p> <p>scheme to formulate estimates for the homogenized elastic moduli. For this purpose, the fractures are geometri-<br>cally modeled as oblate spheroids endowed with appropriate elastic properties. Particular emphasis is dedicated to</p> <p>addressing the configurations of a single family or two families of parallel fractures, as well as the configuration<br>of randomly oriented fractures.</p> Marcos B. Guimaraes, Cassio B. Aguiar, Samir Maghous Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5340 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Time domain aeroelastic analysis of clamped wings and determination of V-g-f plots using modal parameter identification https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5341 <p>Aeroelastic analyses are performed either in time or frequency domains. Frequency domain<br>analyses have the advantage of providing a fast computation of the flutter speed and are more widespread.<br>Their results are presented in the so-called velocity-damping-frequency (V-g-f) plots, which shows the<br>evolution of the natural frequency and damping ratio of each vibration mode as a function of airspeed.<br>This way, the flutter speed (where zero damping occurs) can be determined with precision. On the other<br>hand, time domain analyses allow the inclusion of different types of nonlinearities in the simulations,<br>with the price of being more time consuming. Their results consist of time histories whose vibration<br>amplitudes should be visually inspected to find a constant amplitude situation (zero damping condition).<br>This paper presents time domain aeroelastic analysis of a set of rectangular cantilever plates with different<br>aspect ratios that represent aircraft wings in a simplified way. Time domain results are then used to<br>generate V-g-f plots through modal parameter identification. For the structural dynamics modeling,<br>both the classical beam theory (Euler-Bernoulli) and the classical plate theory have been applied, and<br>the natural frequencies and mode shapes were obtained via the Finite Element Method (FEM). For the<br>aerodynamic modeling of the plates, the Unsteady Vortex Lattice Method (UVLM) was used, which<br>is a three-dimensional aerodynamic model based on a potential flow formulation. The structural and<br>aerodynamic models are coupled using a surface splines interpolation method, and the movement equation<br>is solved iteratively on a time-domain basis, applying a predictor-corrector method. The frequency<br>spectrum of each time response serves as input to the modal parameter identification method, which uses<br>the Least Squares Complex Frequency estimator (LSCF). A stabilization chart is obtained based on the<br>frequency and damping convergence criteria, thereby allowing the identification of the modal parameters.<br>The structural and aeroelastic results of the plate, considering both beam theory and plate theory, are<br>evaluated. It was possible to obtain very clear V-g-f plots, with a precise identification of flutter speeds,<br>for all tested cases. The influence of the structural model on the flutter speed results was assessed.</p> João Pedro Tavares Pereira dos Santos, Guilherme Ribeiro Begnini, Flávio Donizeti Marques Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5341 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Modelling of the Internal Erosion Process in Granular Soils using the Material Point Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5342 <p>Accidents caused by landslides, landslides, or large soil pits in cities are often seen in the media. These<br>events are usually related to erosion, and there are several causes related to this phenomenon, but without a doubt,<br>the main cause is the runoff of water in direct contact with the soil mass. A specific type of internal erosion<br>called piping is the most common cause of failure in dikes and / or earth dams, such as the Aznacollar-Spain dam<br>failure in 1998. Internal erosion can be a natural process, but sometimes they are due to poor decisions or lack of<br>foresight in structural design. The main challenge, then, is to predict with a certain degree of reliability the danger<br>of undermining in this type of structure, subject to large deformations and important changes in its edge conditions.<br>As is well known, one of the great limitations of classical numerical methods, such as the Finite Element Method<br>(FEM), in the simulation of large deformations is the mesh distortion, thus a better alternative should be used. The<br>objective of this work is to present a theoretical/numerical approach to the scour problem using the Material Point<br>Method (MPM), which was developed in order to correct mesh dependence problems with extreme deformations.</p> Javier L. Mroginski, Juan M. Podesta, Juan M. López, Nelson Araujo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5342 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) on the performance of the Connected Control Method (CCM) https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5343 <p>The Connected Control Method (CCM) has proved to be an effective strategy to mitigate the building<br>vibrational response and prevent inter-building pounding effects. In this technique, adjacent buildings are linked<br>together by means of coupling devices to provide appropriate reaction control forces. The application of the<br>CCM using different kinds of passive, active, and semiactive linking devices has been investigated with positive<br>results. It should be noted that most of such research considered the adjacent buildings supported on a fixed base.<br>Nonetheless, every structure generally interacts with the surrounding soil. This process is known as soil-structure<br>interaction (SSI) and there are still few studies in literature about its influence on the CCM and the mathematical<br>formulation regarding the problem is merely incipient. Thus, this work aims to evaluate SSI influence on the<br>performance of this control technique, besides presenting a simple analysis methodology to this type of problem.<br>For this purpose, two buildings connected models supported on a fixed and flexible base are compared. The<br>buildings are modeled as shear buildings and the soil is simulated by a discrete model representing a viscoelastic<br>homogeneous half-space. The results are compared in a way to evaluate SSI influence on coupled buildings<br>dynamic behavior. The numerical analysis was performed in GNU Octave software.</p> Luis A. P. Penã, Suzana M. Avila, Graciela N. Doz Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5343 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ASSESSMENT OF HUMAN COMFORT IN A FOOTBRIDGE SUBJECT TO DYNAMIC LOADS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5344 <p>Footbridges are structures susceptible to excessive vibrations. To avoid this type of problem, it is<br>necessary to study these, especially the modal characteristics. Thus, the present study aims to perform a numerical<br>dynamic analysis in finite elements and experimental of a pedestrian footbridge, located in the city of Natal. For<br>this, a computational model of the structure was developed using the ANSYS 2019 – R3 software, from which a<br>modal analysis was performed to numerically determine the natural modes and frequencies of footbridge vibration.<br>Finally, an experimental modal analysis was performed, using the smartphone application iDynamics, in order to<br>compare the results of the two analyses. The horizontal and vertical numerical frequencies are similar to the<br>experimental ones and are in the range of 2 Hz for the frequency that characterizes the first lateral vibration mode<br>and 4 Hz for that corresponding to the first vertical mode. The results achieved are analyzed in light of current<br>national and international standards and indicate that the structure is in the critical range, which may lead to<br>resonance problems. They also indicate that a smartphone can be used to perform early and fast measurements of<br>the natural frequencies of mixed footbridges.</p> Carolina Mendes Lemos, Graciela Nora Doz Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5344 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Modified Drucker-Prager Cap Plasticity Model for Triaxial Simulation of Residual Soils https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5345 <p>A large area of Brazil, even as the world, is covered by residual soils. These soils arise as the result of<br>the weathering process of the intact rock and are characterized by the permanence of fragmented elements at the<br>site of formation. The accuracy of a numerical simulation depends on the adequacy of the model and its parameters<br>to the soil behavior. In this context, this research aims to numerically evaluate triaxial tests of residual soils to<br>assess the influence of the model parameters on the stress-strain-volumetric response. The analysis was performed<br>using ABAQUS software, in which an elastic-plastic model with Drucker-Prager failure criteria and CAP plasticity<br>was used. The numerical response was compared with a laboratory test in which confining stresses of 20 kPa, 35<br>kPa, and 50 kPa were employed. A sensitivity analysis of the parameters of the model was performed. The results<br>indicated that the studied model showed a satisfactory prediction of stress-strain-volumetric behavior of the<br>residual soil. In the sensitivity analysis, the cohesion, friction angle, cap eccentricity, and hydrostatic yield stress<br>parameters presented more impact in the numerical response.</p> Fernando Fante, Maria Mariana de S. Rocha, Gracieli Dienstmann, Cesar A. Ruver, Nilo C. Consoli Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5345 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence evaluation of high-order terms in the strain tensor for a complete geometric nonlinear analysis with Timoshenko element https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5346 <p>This work evaluates the influence of high-order terms in the strain tensor associated to Timoshenko<br>beam theory for a geometric nonlinear analysis. The tangent stiffness matrix of the studied element considers an<br>updated Lagrangian formulation, shear deformation and the high-order terms in the strain tensor. A complete<br>geometric nonlinear analysis with robust nonlinear solution schemes are performed for structures with a<br>moderate slenderness ratio. The response is compared with a conventional updated Lagrangian formulation<br>disregarding the high-order terms in the strain tensor, and with a corotational formulation. Examples evidence<br>the importance of the high-order terms in strain tensor to perform geometric nonlinear analyses when<br>considering an updated Lagrangian formulation. Moreover, the analysis with reduced element discretization,<br>using the proposed formulation, provides equilibrium paths that are closer to highly discretized models<br>compared to the others formulations.</p> Marcos A. C. Rodrigues, Pedro H. A. Guimarães, Rodrigo B. Burgos, Rafael L. Rangel, Luiz F. Martha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5346 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A low-order preconditioner for high-order element-wise divergence con- stant finite element spaces https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5347 <p>Mixed finite element problems are a class of problems that arises when modeling several physical<br>phenomena, such as in computational fluid dynamics, structural analysis, optimization, etc. Designing efficient<br>iterative schemes for such a family of approximations has been the subject of several works in the past decades.<br>However, its success is intimately related to the proper definition of a preconditioner, i. e., the projection of the<br>original algebraic system to an equivalent one with better spectral properties. In recent work, we have proposed<br>a new class of H(div)-conforming finite element spaces with element-wise constant divergent. This family of<br>elements was designed to improve reservoir simulation computational cost and are obtained by choosing the lower<br>order space with piece-wise constant normal fluxes incremented with divergence-free higher-order functions. In</p> <p>this work, we propose an iterative scheme to solve problems arising in the context of the above mentioned element-<br>wise constant divergence approximation spaces. The strategy consists on using the matrix of linear fluxes as a</p> <p>preconditioner to solve the higher-order flux problem. The latter is solved iteratively by means of a conjugate<br>gradient scheme. In the presented numerical tests, this strategy has shown to be convergent in a few iterations for<br>different problems in 2D and 3D. In addition, as internal fluxes are condensed, only boundary variables need to<br>be computed. This strategy relates to the MHM technique and can be efficiently used to access fast multi-scale<br>approximations in future work.</p> Jeferson W. D. Fernandes, Nathan Shauer, Philippe R. B. Devloo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5347 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison between Monte Carlo Dropout and Variational Inference Techniques for Bayesian Neural Network Models applied to Rotating Machinery Diagnostics https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5348 <p>Rotating components play a crucial role in mechanical systems and are present in several industrial<br>areas. These systems suffer from the adverse actions of loads and environmental condition. Thus, condition-based<br>maintenance of these components is a fundamental technique to synchronize and support maintenance schedules,<br>and machine learning algorithms are nowadays supporting these tasks. This paper aims to present a comparison<br>between Monte Carlo Dropout and Variational Inference techniques applied to Bayesian neural network models in<br>damage dignostics of ball bearings. The Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks were tested, evaluated, validated<br>against the physical data, and their prediction performances were compared. Results showed that both models had<br>high performance in diagnosis. The comparison between the methods applied to Bayesian neural network models<br>showed similar results but each method present their own characteristics that could provides advantages in certain<br>specific situations.</p> Olympio Belli Neto, Matheus de Moraes, Joao Paulo Dias, Helio Fiori de Castro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5348 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear static and dynamic behavior of a multistable structure formed by elastically connected trusses https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5349 <p>Multistable systems have proved to be important in several engineering areas, from nano to<br>macrostructures. Important applications can be found in vibration control, deployable and collapsible structures,<br>dynamic systems with a periodic pattern and in the development of new materials (metamaterials), among others.<br>However, there is a need to investigate the static and dynamic behavior of these eminently non-linear systems.<br>The most basic example of multistable structures is the classic Von Mises truss, which presents two<br>configurations of stable equilibrium, that is, a bistable behavior. In this work, the multistable behavior of a<br>sequence of Von Mises trusses connected through the insertion of a flexible element represented by a linear<br>elastic spring is studied. This system has multiple equilibrium configurations, both stable and unstable, which<br>significantly influences its non-linear static and dynamic behavior. For analysis, the nonlinear equilibrium and<br>motion equations, in their dimensionless forms, are obtained through the criterion of minimum potential energy<br>and Hamilton's principle. Their behavior is then investigated through the use of equipotential energy surfaces<br>and curves, nonlinear equilibrium paths, phase planes and basins of attraction. The parametric analysis<br>investigates the effect of the connection stiffness and the physical and geometric parameters of the trusses on the<br>behavior of the system. Through the results, it is possible to observe the importance of geometric nonlinearity<br>and connection stiffness in the dynamics and stability of this new class of structures.</p> Carlos H. L. de Castro, Diego Orlando, Paulo B. Gonçalves Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5349 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF SOLAR CONCENTRATORS FOR DRYING SUGARCANE BAGASSE USING FEM https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5350 <p>To reduce the impacts of Brazilian agro-industry residues, sugarcane bagasse can be widely used as<br>biomass, however, due to its high moisture content, this biomass has low efficiency for energy production. The<br>conversion of sunlight into thermal energy through Concentrated Solar Energy (ESC), would bring the possibility<br>of achieving good results in terms of sugarcane bagasse efficiency through drying, roasting and charcoal, this work<br>was divided into two parts, initially Solar concentrators were built in different areas, 1 m2 and 2.5 m2, where<br>temperature measurements were carried out and the effect of high temperatures analyzed in batch and rotating<br>reactors. Subsequently, the modeling and reliability analysis of the reactors in the solar concentrators will be<br>carried out through the finite element methods (FEM), using the ABAQUS software, determining the stresses and<br>thermal fatigue resulting from the heat transfer, identifying the failure criteria, determining the more effective<br>parameters to be assigned as random variables such as temperature gradients. Making it possible to identify<br>solutions that can reduce thermal stresses and, if necessary, change the reactor materials.</p> Silva. Fernanda Medeiros, Gomes, Gilberto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5350 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A coupled finite element-meshfree smoothed point interpolation method for phase-field modelling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5351 <p>The present work investigates the coupling between the finite element method (FEM) and smoothed<br>point interpolation methods (SPIM) for the solution of crack propagation problems. The region of the model<br>where the crack propagates is previously discretised by the SPIM method and the rest of the domain is represented</p> <p>by the FEM. The phase-field model is adopted as a constitutive model to simulate the degradation of the mate-<br>rial during the analysis. In this model, the crack is considered as a diffuse crack where a length scale parameter</p> <p>controls the size of the diffusive region and the phase field value indicates the integrity of the material. The compu-<br>tational implementations were performed in the INSANE (INteractive Structural ANalysis Environment) system,</p> <p>developed at the Department of Structural Engineering of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Numerical sim-<br>ulations are performed using different smoothing domains and support nodes selection strategies. The results of</p> <p>simulations are compared with the standard finite element method in the complete domain.</p> Larissa Novelli, Samir S. Saliba, Lapo Gori, Roque L. S. Pitangueira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5351 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Computational Approach to Predict the Bond Strength of Thin Steel Rebars in Concrete by Means of Artificial Neural Networks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5352 <p>The bonding between steel rebars and concrete is one of the critical aspects of reinforced concrete<br>structures. As a phenomenon influenced by many variables, it is challenging to establish how the steel-concrete<br>adhesion can be described in the standards used for reinforced concrete design. This study used an experimental<br>data set of 190 pull-out specimens to develop an artificial neural network (ANN). The data used in the modeling<br>were collected from 8 different studies and were arranged as four input parameters: bar surface, bar diameter (φ),<br>concrete compressive strength (fc) and the anchorage length (Ld). The output result was the pull-out load.<br>Several scientific studies on this property have been performed since the 1940s, among many other<br>investigations in this field. Generally, these studies refer to bars with diameters greater than 12.0 mm. However,<br>few studies have evaluated the performance of reinforcing bars with diameters smaller than 10.0 mm, which<br>includes 6.0-, 6.3-, 8.0- and 9.5-mm diameters, usually used in reinforced concrete elements. This work uses<br>ANN to analyze and build a prediction model for the steel-concrete bond and its potential to deal with<br>experimental data. The root mean squared error (RMSE) found for the maximum pull-out load in the pull-out<br>test was 2.35 kN and the obtained R-squared was 0.94. Therefore, the pull-out load results found were compared<br>with the results obtained through the equation available in CEB 2010. Finally, it is possible to conclude that the<br>current model can satisfactorily predict the bond strength of thin bars.</p> Priscila F. S. Silva, Gray F. Moita, Eliene P. Carvalho, Vanderci F. Arruda Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5352 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A comparison of the effects of nonlinear damping on the free vibration of laminated circular cylindrical shells https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5353 <p>Knowing the damping level is important for the analysis, experimentation, and use of the systems. Most<br>of laminated shells studies are concerned with viscous damping, however in several engineering applications the<br>nonlinear damping is introduced by dissipative forces. For this reason, in this study the influence of the nonlinear<br>damping term proportional to the power of velocity on the free vibration of laminated circular cylindrical shells is<br>considered. To model the shell, the Donnell nonlinear shallow shell theory is used, and from energy approaches<br>the set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations of motion is obtained, and then solved by Runge-Kutta method.<br>For these analyzes is considered expansions to describe the axial, circumferential and radial displacements<br>totalizing fourteen degrees-of-freedom. The obtained results show that nonlinear damping have a great influence<br>on the attenuation of free vibration of the laminated circular cylindrical shells.</p> Ana L. D. P. Argenta, Zenon J. G. N. del Prado Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5353 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of the cold start of a distribution transformer filled with biodegradable oil https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5354 <p>This work presents a numerical analysis of the cold start of a distribution transformer filled with<br>biodegradable oil in order to obtain a detailed description of temperatures and velocities distributions inside the<br>transformer. When the transformer is placed in very extreme conditions, like in a wind farm with very low ambient<br>temperature, and is filled with biodegradable oil the pour point of the oil can be reached. This type of analysis<br>has not been necessary since mineral oils have very low pour point temperatures, below −40 °C, but in the case<br>of conventional sunflower oil can be −18 °C. When the transformer is started from a temperature near the pour</p> <p>point the fluidity and hence the natural convection phenomena, which is the principal mechanism of the heat trans-<br>portation inside the transformer, can be dramatically reduced. This reduction can lead to a local increase in the oil</p> <p>temperature, principally in the windings oil channels. In this work, several working temperatures are analyzed for<br>a transformer with a rated power of 315 kVA and a voltage ratio of 13.2kV/0.4kV filled with biodegradable oil,<br>through three-dimensional thermo-fluid dynamics simulations using the multiphysics scientific code Code Saturne.<br>This work is carried out as part of the EU Horizon 2020 BIOTRAFO project.</p> Garelli, L., Ríos Rodriguez, G.A., Storti, M. A., Amadei, M., Ortiz, A. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5354 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study of a roller seismic isolation bearing coupled with an eddy current damping system. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5355 <p>In seismic protection of structures, seismic isolation systems have been implemented successfully. By<br>this year, Japan is probable to exceed 4500 buildings built with this technology. Seismic isolators, in addition to<br>decoupling the seismic excitation of the structure, provide energy dissipation capacity through different<br>mechanisms such as friction and yield of materials. A disadvantage of these dissipation methods is the contact<br>between the damping system components with seismic isolation system. This work studies an efficient energy<br>dissipation alternative, with the application of eddy currents in a roller seismic isolation system; it should be noted<br>that this alternative does not require direct contact with the isolation system components. The characterization of<br>the dissipation system was carried out with the use of magnets and non-ferromagnetic material, coupled to a<br>seismic isolator with rolling supports. Seeking to reduce the horizontal displacement of the seismic isolation<br>without affecting its dynamic behavior, several aspects were considered in this study, such as: rolling friction<br>coefficient, eddy current damping forces and the gap between the conductor and the magnetic system. According<br>to the study’s results, the proposed damping system is viable for use in seismic isolation.</p> Laura N. Sánchez-Nieto, David F. Jején-Rodríguez, Nelson A. Ortiz-Cano Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5355 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Risk optimization of a RC frame under column loss scenario https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5356 <p>The sudden loss of a single supporting element in a RC frame may lead to the disproportionate partial<br>or total structural collapse if its design fails to confine the initial damage through resisting mechanisms, like<br>compressive arch action, Vierendeel action, and catenary action. Since uncertainties related to material properties<br>and geometrical parameters plays a major role in the behavior of these resisting mechanisms, and consequences<br>are highly significant for such failure events, the risk optimization is a very convenient approach to optimize the<br>balance between economy and safety. This is shown herein by the optimization of a RC frame, considering the<br>cross sections and the steel rebar areas of the beam and columns as design variables. Failure consequences are<br>considered for serviceability, beam bending, shear failure, flexo-axial compression of the columns, and steel<br>rupture at and before catenary action. A physical and geometrical nonlinear static analysis is employed, in which<br>the sample points are submitted to pushdown analysis. Material behavior is represented by an elastoplastic model<br>with isotropic hardening for the steel rebars, and by combination of Mazars μ model with the modified Park-Kent<br>model for the confined concrete. Failure probabilities are evaluated by the Weighted Average Simulation Method,<br>and the Risk optimization is done by the Firefly Algorithm. In order to reduce the computational cost due to the<br>nonlinearities involved and the high number of sample points required, Kriging is used to generate a sufficiently<br>accurate metamodel for the limit states and reliability indexes. It is shown that the adopted formulation leads to<br>more allocation of material when a column loss scenario starts to be significant in terms of safety x economy.</p> Lucas da Rosa Ribeiro, André Teófilo Beck, Fulvio Parisi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5356 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Three-dimensional Dipole BEM formulation for Cohesive Crack Propagation Modelling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5357 <p>This work presents a boundary element method (BEM) formulation for cohesive crack propagation<br>analysis in a 3D approach. BEM is a well-known and remarkable approach in fracture mechanics, providing<br>effective stress concentration modelling in addition to less complex remeshing procedures during crack growth.</p> <p>The fracture effects are captured by using an alternative BEM formulation based on introducing a set of self-<br>equilibrated forces, called a dipole, which describes the cohesive zone. This BEM formulation demonstrates some</p> <p>advantages in comparison to the classical DBEM approach. The DBEM solves the fracture problem with the<br>discretization of both crack surfaces, which leads to six integral equations (three displacements and three tractions)<br>per a couple of points at the crack surface. Alternatively, the dipole approach requires the discretisation of solely<br>one crack surface. Besides, the nonlinear solution scheme corrects the stress components solely at the FPZ, which<br>in the present case are three. Thus, the dipole approach requires solely three integral equations at the FPZ, which<br>is half compared to the DBEM. It leads to faster and more effective performance in terms of computational effort.<br>Some classic examples from the literature are presented in order to validate the 3D Dipole BEM formulation in<br>the light of cohesive crack propagation analysis. Finally, this proposal contributes toward advancing BEM in<br>engineering analyses, especially in nonlinear fracture mechanics.</p> Luís P.R. Almeida, Edson D. Leonel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5357 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THERMAL REGULATION OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL BY PIN FINS: A NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5358 <p>Due to the growing interest in solar radiation to generate electricity, the use of photovoltaic panels<br>(PV) has been increasingly explored in recent years. Most photovoltaic modules have low efficiency in<br>converting solar energy to electricity, even under ideal operating conditions. Due to this low efficiency, the<br>remaining energy is converted into heat, increasing panel temperature and decreasing efficiency. In addition, the<br>effect of operating at high temperatures reduces the module's lifespan. Therefore, it is crucial to apply a cooling<br>system to regulate its temperature; this system can be passive or active, which the latter is often unsuitable due to<br>the power required to operate the compressor or pump used in the cooling process. Thus, in the current work, an<br>experimental and numerical investigation is performed considering a passive cooling system consisting of 4<br>segmented L-shaped aluminum fins arranged in the central region on the rear surface of a PV panel. A serial<br>experiment was conducted on different days with clear sky conditions for December 2021. The fins decrease the<br>panel temperature (up to 4.7 °C) and the efficiency and the output power increase by 2.4% and 2.1%,<br>respectively, compared to the reference panel. Moreover, the ANSYS program was used to predict the PV<br>surface temperature; the numerical results were validated with the experimental results for a conventional PV<br>panel without a cooling system. By the numerical analysis considering the fins on the rear surface of the PV<br>panel, satisfactory results were obtained compared to the experimental values, with an average deviation of about<br>2.7%. The proposed cooling method improved the convective heat exchange and cooled the PV system for all<br>days considered in the current analysis; reducing the PV surface temperature can avoid electrical conversion<br>efficiency losses and increase the PV system lifespan.</p> Vinicius Marson, Domisley Dutra Silva, Luis Henrique Custodio Da Fonseca, João Batista Campos Silva, Elaine Maria Cardoso Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5358 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Position Guidance and Control for Fully Actuated Multirotor Aerial Vehicles in Dynamic Environments https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5359 <p>This paper is concerned with the robust position guidance and control of fully actuated multirotor<br>aerial vehicles subject to velocity constraint in dynamic environments involving external disturbances. The overall</p> <p>method consists of an outer-loop guidance based on an acceleration-velocity-obstacles strategy and an inner stabi-<br>lizing control loop based on an integral sliding mode policy. The guidance strategy generates velocity commands</p> <p>to reach a target position while avoiding collision with moving obstacles and respecting velocity bounds. On the<br>other hand, the integral sliding mode ensures that the velocity commands are, in theory, exactly tracked all the<br>time. The proposed method is numerically evaluated using a fully actuated octacopter and shows to be effective.</p> Jorge A. Ricardo Jr, Davi A. Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5359 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical simulation methodology for active-adaptive vibration control using a state-space formulation and IIR filters https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5360 <p>Undesired vibrations can affect performance, reduce life cycle, and generate excessive noise. Therefore,<br>they should be controlled. The present work focuses on an active-adaptive vibration control approach which is<br>implemented and investigated through simulation and experimental trials. The adaptive feature of the control<br>system allows a satisfactorily low level of vibration to be sustained even if some eventual changes affect the<br>structure of concern. The current control system is composed of sensors, actuators and a control unit with digital<br>filters, in a feedforward architecture that uses the FxNLMS or CVA-FxNLMS adaptive algorithms. Such a system<br>is applied to a clamped-clamped metallic beam subjected to harmonic excitation. The main contribution of this<br>work is the development of a time-domain numerical simulation methodology for the aforementioned system using<br>state-space formulation and IIR filters. The model parameters resulting from such a methodology are adjusted<br>via numerical optimization. The proposed simulation methodology is validated by experimental trials, showing<br>reliable performance.</p> Maurizio R. Barghouthi, Eduardo L. O. Batista, Eduardo M. O. Lopes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5360 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On crack simulation by mixed dimensional coupling in GFEM Global- Local https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5361 <p>The Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is a numerical method established as an alternative to<br>Finite Element Method (FEM). Considered as an instance of the Partition of Unity Method (PUM), the GFEM uses<br>enrichment functions that, multiplied by the Partition of Unity (PU) functions, expand the space of the solution<br>problem. These enrichment functions could be chosen according to the problem analyzed or numerically obtained<br>from the results of the analysis of a local problem, in the GFEM global-local strategy. Extending the field of<br>application of this method, the global-local Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) is used here to solve<br>mixed dimensional structural problems. Combining mixed-dimensional elements and a multi-scale analysis can be<br>highly effective to capture the local structure features without overburdening the global analysis of the problem.<br>An iterative procedure, which balances the forces between the two multi-dimensional models, was automated and<br>combined with the global-local analysis of GFEM. This new procedure incorporated into a computational system<br>made possible the simulation of quasi-static crack propagation. In the numerical example a small scale plane<br>stress problem, where the crack propagates, is coupled with a large-scale model described by Timoshenko beam<br>elements.</p> Lorena L. Gomes, Felicio B. Barros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5361 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The use of intelligent algorithms in the prediction of bonding strength in steel-concrete interfaces https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5362 <p>The current study proposes the use of intelligent systems and a statistical technique to predict the<br>strength of steel-concrete bond using a database of academic literature. The work used as the reference deals with<br>the pull-out test that evaluated the steel-concrete bond behavior in thin bars. The experimental program employed<br>concretes of class C25, C35 and C40, and CA-50 ribbed bars (with diameters of 6.3, 8.0, and 10 mm) and CA-60<br>notched bars (with diameters of 5.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 9.5 mm). The database was subjected to data mining strategies<br>for statistical treatment. Conventionally, bond strength is obtained by pull-out and beam tests, as proposed by BS<br>EN:10080, involving expensive and lengthy experimental tests. Alternative ways are the application of machine<br>learning-based methods and the use of statistical techniques. Using these methods it is possible to assess their<br>efficiency in predicting the maximum pull-out force. In the present research two particular methods are used to<br>solve the problem. One technique is Multiple Linear Regression which is a generalization of Least Squares, where<br>the minimization of the sums of the n-th powers of the residuals is considered. Multiple regression analysis is also<br>very useful in experimental situations, where the experimenter can control the predictor variables. The other model<br>is based on statistical learning theory and is called Support Vector Machines (SVM). It is a machine learning and<br>computational intelligence technique, where it is possible to obtain a classification of data from the same domain<br>in which the learning is performed. The method uses a principle called induction, where it is possible to draw<br>generic conclusions from a training set. The main objective of this work is to propose an alternative way to predict<br>the bond strength of thin bars using computational methods and a statistical technique. The methods used is<br>compared via performance metrics to verify which one proves to be more reliable to predict steel-concrete interface<br>bond, considering the safety coefficients used in engineering.</p> Vanderci F. Arruda, Gray F. Moita, Eliene P. Carvalho, Priscila F. S. Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5362 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF A VEHICLE PLATFORM MADE OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, USING THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5363 <p>The present work consisted in the discretization of a vehicle platform in finite elements in a simplified<br>way, responsible for representing a generic vehicle, using 12 elements of Kirchhoff Plates (whose thickness is<br>negligible in relation to the other dimensions), with 3 degrees of freedom per node (one vertical displacement<br>and two rotations), aiming at obtaining an adequate mathematical model, determining the natural frequencies and<br>the time responses of the structure. The simulations were performed with three different materials, two<br>composites and 1040 steel. The results obtained show that the structure made with carbon fiber has the highest<br>natural frequencies when compared to the others, a fact that is linked, above all, to the high modulus of elasticity<br>that the material has. Regarding the responses over time, the structure made with e-glass fiber presented the<br>highest amplitudes of oscillation, indicating that the parameters used may not be very suitable to simulate the<br>structure made from this material. In addition, the structure made from carbon fiber proved to be more stable in<br>the simulations, as it returns to the equilibrium situation in a relatively shorter time when compared to the other<br>materials studied.</p> Henrique Cordeiro Novais, Gilberto Pechoto de Melo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5363 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Member grouping optimization in a multi-objective structural problem of a steel spatial frame https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5364 <p>Structural optimization problems arise from a demand for a low-cost and high-performance structure.<br>Thus, the structures are optimized to minimize the weight, volume, or cost concerning their mechanical aspects of<br>strength and displacements. In theory, these optimization problems are searching to find structures with various<br>elements such as columns and beams. On the order hand, in practice, the wide variety of distinct elements can be<br>an inconvenience in the case of real constructions. This paper analyzes the optimum design of steel spatial frames<br>in which these frames are submitted to a multi-objective optimization considering the weight as the first objective<br>function and the number of distinct members in the frame as the second objective function, both to be minimized.<br>Thus, the paper aims to evaluate the behavior of these two conflicting objective functions to provide to the designer<br>the benefits and disadvantages of increasing the number of distinct profiles in a frame. As a result, a Pareto front<br>that summarizes the conflict between the number of distinct members and the structure’s weight will be placed. In<br>addition, the paper compares this curve of conflicting objective functions with other existing alternatives, such as<br>those obtained by using cardinality constraints.</p> Bruno E. de O. Brugnara, Julia C. Motta, João Marcos de Paula Vieira, Cláudio H.B. Resende, José P.G. Carvalho, Patrícia H. Hallak, Afonso C.C. Lemonge Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5364 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Efficacy of an Adaptive Integration Scheme on the Numerical Performance of DIBEM applied to the Solution of Compressible Diffusive-Advective Problems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5365 <p>Advection-diffusion models can adequately describe several industrial applications in relevant areas such<br>as heat and mass transfer, fluid flow, metallurgy, pollutant dispersion among a wide spectrum of engineering<br>problems. This class of problems presents challenging numerical aspects to the boundary element method (BEM),<br>in special for formulations that employ radial basis functions to approximate the advective domain integral as<br>occurs in the Direct Interpolation technique (DIBEM). Furthermore, the representation of variable velocity fields<br>and the reproduction of compressibility effects in low to moderate Peclet flows also require a more robustness<br>numerical model. For definition, BEM formulations generates singular and quasi-singular integrals that demand<br>an adequate treatment. Specifically, the application of DIBEM requires a greater number of interpolation poles in<br>the domain for a better accuracy. As the internal points are also source points, more refined meshes require the<br>use of adaptive schemes to handle the quasi-singular integrals that arise from locating the source points closer to<br>the boundary. In the present article, the performance of the Telles’s self-adaptive integration scheme is compared<br>to the classical Gaussian quadrature, in a two-dimensional diffusive-advective application with variable velocity.<br>DIBEM results are compared with Dual Reciprocity technique (DRBEM) and the available analytical solution.<br>These preliminar results indicate that the use of the adaptive scheme provides more significant improvements in<br>accuracy for DRBEM when compared to DIBEM.</p> Loeffler, C.F., Santos, A.J., Pinheiro, V.P., Santos, G.A.R., Balista, T. G. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5365 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Kriging-based optimization algorithms for noisy data https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5366 <p>Responses to many real-world problems can only be evaluated perturbed by noise. Intelligent opti-<br>mization strategies, successfully coping with noisy evaluations, are required in order to enable making efficient</p> <p>optimization of these problems. The surrogate model has been popularly used in the area of design optimization<br>with high computational cost, especially in Kriging-based optimization algorithms. The performance of those<br>algorithms depends on a sequential search of so-called infill points, used to update the Kriging meta-model at</p> <p>each iteration. This article explores the most relevant single and multi-objective infill algorithms used for Kriging-<br>based optimization with noise-handling strategies. Those algorithms explore information about the variance of the</p> <p>predictor and the noise from stochastic simulation.</p> Cibelle D. de C. D. Maia, Rafael Holdorf Lopez Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5366 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison of Kriging-based algorithms for optimization with heterogeneous noise https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5367 <p>Problem modeling through response surfaces, or meta-models, has been a great solution adopted for opti-<br>mizing problems with high computational cost, especially Kriging-based optimization algorithms. In recent years,</p> <p>algorithms have been proposed which extend the traditional Kriging-based simulation optimization algorithms<br>(assuming deterministic outputs) to problems in the presence of noise or uncertainty. This paper approaching<br>stochastic kriging meta-model in a comparative study of the performance of three Kriging-based algorithms for<br>unconstrained minimization a noisy function. The Minimum Quantile criterion (MQ), stochastic Efficient Global<br>Optimization (sEGO) and Expected Improvement with Reinterpolation (EIR) will be the algorithms compared</p> <p>using an analytical test function. The conclusions and insights obtained may serve as a useful guideline for re-<br>searchers aiming to deal with optimization problems, especially to apply Kriging-based algorithms to solve engi-<br>neering problems, and may be useful in the development of future algorithms.</p> Cibelle D. de C. D. Maia, Rafael Holdorf Lopez Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5367 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On the initial investigation of the use of temperature gradient measurements to estimate the presence of leaks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5368 <p>Leakage in water pipes is of great concern, so that techniques for its detection have been widely studied<br>over the years. In this scenario, vibro-acoustics techniques are the most used ones because they can be no intrusive,</p> <p>can provide information on the amplitude (severity) and location (time delay) of leaks in buried pipes with reason-<br>able precision, however, requiring the use of equipment and instrumentation of high cost in addition to the training</p> <p>of specialized labor workers. The latter may restrict the application of this kind of solution to a few specialized<br>companies. Hence, the initial investigation of detecting leaks via using temperature gradient measurements is<br>proposed in this work as an attempt to develop a technique that is less costly but still effective in indicating the<br>existence of leaks. This initial investigation is carried out using a straight-horizontal water plastic pipe generally<br>found in ordinary houses, so that the heat transfer mechanism of such situation can be modeled via finite volume<br>method (FVM) considering steady-state condition and the developed code (situations) validated using the software<br>OpenFoam. The simulations were carried out considering a range over which the Reynolds number relies within<br>according to the average leak flow rates commonly found in ordinary residential buildings in Brazil. Moreover, the<br>Nusselt and temperature gradient were then evaluated regarding their variability in the fully developed flow region,<br>as a function of the variation of the external environment condition.</p> Luís A. F. Bispo, Fabricio C. L. de Almeida, Vicente L. Scalon, Gabriel A. Binelli Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5368 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Analysis on Distortional Failure of Cold-Formed Steel Hat- Section Beams under Non-Uniform Bending https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5369 <p>Cold-formed steel (CFS) members stand out among steel structures notably due to their lightness,<br>structural efficiency (high strength-to-weight ratio) and versatility. However, given their high width-to-thickness<br>ratio, CFS are highly susceptible to instability phenomena (buckling). The objective of this research is to analyze<br>the structural behavior of cold-formed steel hat-section beams under non-uniform bending about the major and<br>minor-axis, regarding the risks of distortional failure. Through the Generalized Beam Theory (GBT), using the<br>computational program GBTUL, the geometries where the distortional failure is predominant were selected,<br>presenting: distortional modal participation (Pdist) greater than 85% and distortional critical buckling moments<br>(McrD) significantly below their local (McrL) and global (McrG) counterparts. The beams were analyzed for two<br>end support conditions that differ only by the restriction to warping (free or prevented), and were subjected to<br>moments at the end sections, constituting different loading hypotheses. Through the computational program<br>ABAQUS, a shell finite element model was developed to perform the buckling analysis on the selected elements.<br>The results obtained with the model present appropriate values and the expected behavior, indicating that it<br>adequately simulates the elements. In addition, they demonstrate how support conditions and loading affect the<br>distortional critical buckling moments.</p> Carla A. L. Dib, Guilherme H. S. Ramos, Gregório S. Vieira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5369 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sensitivity and Aerodynamic Analysis of a Darrieus Wind Turbine Using Different Geometric Parameters https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5370 <p>Considering the demand for renewable energy, this work has the objective of contributing to the<br>development of Small-Scale Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine that can be employed in decentralized electrical<br>generation through computational fluid dynamics, operating at a low tip speed ratio (TSR). A 2D numerical<br>modeling is performed with unsteady-state and turbulent flow. Geometric parameters analyzed are profile camber</p> <p>(m), camber position (p), profile thickness (t), chord (c) and pitch angle (β), the first three being based on NACA-<br>4 digit parameterization. A sensitivity analysis using the Smoothing Spline ANOVA algorithm is conducted to</p> <p>predict the influence of each parameter on the power coefficient ( Cp</p> <p>̅̅̅) of the turbine. Two Designs of Experiments<br>(DoE) were created with 100 and 192 possible configurations of the Darrieus turbine, so it was possible to evaluate<br>which parameters and interaction of them have the most influence on Cp</p> <p>̅̅̅. The main finds showed that the pitch</p> <p>angle (β) contribution on Cp</p> <p>̅̅̅ is the highest among others (69%). An analysis considering only the geometry of the<br>blades profile showed its influence on the flow through the turbine. Finally, an increase in aerodynamic efficiency<br>of Darrieus VAWT is the main responsible for increasing Cp<br>̅̅̅.</p> Pedro Henrique B. B. Martinez, Leandro O. Salviano Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5370 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A modified super-twisting algorithm with specified settling time: numerical investigation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5371 <p>The super-twisting algorithm (STA) is a finite-time stable algorithm that can be employed in control<br>and observation of dynamical systems to ensure a good transient performance of tracking and estimation errors.<br>However, only a conservative estimation of the convergence period can be obtained when using a classical STA.<br>To address this limitation, the present work proposes two novel specified-time stable algorithms, in which the<br>convergence instant can be directly specified as a system parameter. For the first one, we modify the right-hand<br>side of an STA by replacing its non-smooth continuous term with a time-varying specified-time stabilizing function.<br>For the second one, we alter the previously obtained system to recover the conventional STA performance after<br>the specified period. We extensively analyze the algorithms’ sensitivity to variations in each of their parameters<br>through numerical simulations. With proper tuning, the last proposed dynamic system is shown to provide robust<br>convergence to the origin at a specified instant of time.</p> Joao F. Silva, Davi A. Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5371 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical-experimental analysis of frost formation on copper flat plates https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5372 <p>In the present work, a numerical-experimental analysis of frost formation on copper flat plates was<br>performed. The process of formation of frost is a physical phenomenon that occurs through the change of phase<br>by resublimation, in which a flow of moist air solidifies when it comes into contact with surfaces with temperatures<br>below 0°C, which occurs in various equipment present in refrigeration processes. Such accumulation gives rise to<br>a porous structure, acting as a thermal insulator, decreasing the heat transfer rate from the surface and the efficiency<br>of the cooling systems. A low-cost experimental apparatus was developed, enabling an experimental analysis of<br>the phenomenon under study. Through numerical simulations, based on a mathematical model of this phenomenon,<br>it was possible to determine the frost thickness. The numerical-experimental analysis demonstrates measurements<br>and simulations of the frost thickness as a function of the elapsed time. The numerical results were in good<br>agreement with the experimental results.</p> Felipe Mercês Biglia, Victor Vaurek Dimbarre, Raquel da Cunha Ribeiro da Silva, Thiago Antonini Alves Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5372 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The influence of non-isothermal flows in the Taylor-Couette instability through numerical analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5373 <p>The Taylor-Couette flow is a classic rotational flow studied since the beginning of the 20th century. The<br>phenomenon occurs in the gap between two cylinders with different rotational velocities. It happens when one of<br>the cylinders, usually the inner one, has a rotation that causes centrifugal forces higher than the viscous forces.<br>The most recognizable characteristic of the flow is the Taylor vortex, an eddy-like pattern that appears across<br>the cylinders length. The present simulation of Taylor-Couette in the gap inside an electric machine considers<br>an aspect ratio air gap - cylinder length of 1:20 and the radius rate of 0.9859. The present work evaluates the<br>necessary rotation, under the geometric conditions presented, to form the Taylor vortices in isothermal flow and<br>when the flow is submitted to temperature gradients. The GCI method is used to validate the grid dependency. We<br>have observed and discussed the sensibility of temperature gradients to the identification of the critical flow, to the<br>velocity field and to the torque at the outer cylinder.</p> Andre Y. K. Kamiya, Henrique Q. Rodrigues, Julien Pellé, Thiago Antonini Alves, Fernando Augusto Alves Mendes, Augusto Salomao Bornschlegell Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5373 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Preference-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Objective Struc- tural Optimization Problems Using Reference Points https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5374 <p>Several structural optimization problems can be formulated as multi-objective optimization problems<br>(MOOPs) due to the existence of multiple conflicting objectives, which must be minimized simultaneously. Most<br>MOOP solvers find the Pareto front formed by the best trade-off solutions, and then the decision-maker (DM)<br>chooses the one that best meets his/her personal preferences. However, many Pareto front solutions have no<br>chance of being chosen once they are outside DM’s region of interest (ROI). On the other hand, some solvers use<br>information from the DM’s preferences and can focus only on DM’s ROI rather than all Pareto front, consequently<br>obtaining better solutions from the DM’s perspective. This work proposes an algorithm named R-WOA to solve<br>the multi-objective structural optimization problems (MOSOPs) using the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA)<br>guided by reference points formed by DM’s desired values for the objective functions. MOSOPs having 10-,<br>25-, 60-, 72-, and 942-bar trusses are carried out to test the R-WOA’s performance. The numerical experiments<br>compare the R-WOA with algorithms R-NSGA-II, R-GDE3, and R-GDE3+APM regarding Hypervolume and<br>IGD+ performance measures. Using a non-parametric statistical test and the Performance Profile, the R-WOA<br>proves to be competitive in most of test scenarios.</p> Denis E. C. Vargas, Afonso C. C. Lemonge, Elizabeth F. Wanner Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5374 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of the bifurcation point sensibility to the temperature field in the Taylor-Couette flow https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5375 <p>The flow between concentric cylinders, called Taylor-Couette flow, has been extensively studied during</p> <p>last century in works describing its governing parameters and presenting the various flow regimes for each con-<br>figuration. This kind of flow is present in the air gap of electrical machines and its characteristics affect the heat</p> <p>transfer and the torque generated on the outer cylinder due viscous forces. The intensity of these effects depends<br>on the flow state, which is governed by geometric characteristics and Reynolds number. Our objective is to analyze<br>the effect of heat transfer on the surging wavy vortex and on the torque generated at outer cylinder. The numerical<br>simulations are done using the software OpenFOAM v9 with K-Omega SST as the main turbulence model. All<br>the simulations were in the transient regime. The pisoFoam solver was employed for the isothermal problem and<br>for the buoyantPimpleFoam solver for the thermal problem. A mesh independence study was done based on Grid<br>Convergence Index (GCI) method, where we found satisfactory values. For the thermal cases, we analyzed the<br>behavior of the flow as we increase the Reynolds number and the temperature at the walls, comparing its results<br>with the isothermal. It is notable the delay in the formation of the wavy vortices comparing with the rotational<br>speed and the decrease of the torque on the external wall.</p> Henrique Queiroz Rodrigues, Andre Yudi Kiatake Kamiya, Julien Pelle ́, Thiago Antonini Alves, Fernando Augusto Alves Mendes, Augusto Salomao Bornschlegell Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5375 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Beams non Linear Analysis from Envelope Concept https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5376 <p>The heterogeneous nature of the Portland cement concrete promotes its irregular mechanical<br>behavior. Due to the shrinkage deformations, the mass of concrete presents cracks, even before loading. Such<br>material exhibit non linear performance since the stress level around 30% of its compressive strength, and, in this<br>way, some researchers developed mathematical models designed to describe that kind of mechanical<br>phenomenon. A model proposed by Branson, is especially useful to analyze reinforced concrete beams from<br>beam finite elements resulting, consequently, computational effort economy. It is known that, in some cases, it<br>may be suitable to carry out continuous beam analysis considering several loading arrangement, culminating<br>over a bend moments envelope. Preliminary comparative studies made over continuous beam, considering the<br>bend moments due to full load and bend moments envelope drafted from different load arrangement alternatives<br>show remarkable differences between these two kinds of analyses versions. The purpose of this work is to report<br>the nonlinear mechanical performance limit analysis of reinforced concrete continuous beams considering,<br>include, the bend moments envelope. To accomplish such a subject, a computational code was developed, based<br>on the finite element approach, applied upon the Branson’s formulation.</p> Edmilson Lira Madureira, Iago Vieira Duarte, Eduardo Morais de Medeiros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5376 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPARISON OF THE IMPACT FORCE ON THE BOTTOMHOLE SURFACE BETWEEN PDC AND ROLLER CONE BITS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5377 <p>In the process of drilling the well, the mud is pumped through the drill string, passing through the drill<br>bit until it reaches the ground, and finally the drilling mud with the particulate material is taken to the surface<br>through the annulus region. The impact of the fluid that leaves the nozzles of the drill bit to the ground, will allow<br>the degradation of the soil and removal of the particulate material. The influence of the rotating drill string on the<br>impact force will be studied through a numerical platform under development based on the Navier-Stokes<br>equations, discretized using the finite volume method using staggered arrangement, with a second order of<br>approximation in space and time. The immersed boundary method is employed, where the fluid is represented by<br>the Eulerian mesh and the geometry by the Lagrangian mesh, which in our case will use two different types of<br>drill bits (Polycrystalline Diamond Cut-PDC and Roller cone) to compare them. The Large Eddy Simulation<br>method was also employed with the dynamic sub-grid scale model, which is associated with describing the<br>turbulence phenomenon. The Reynolds number based on the fluid inlet diameter was 3500.</p> Sammy Cristopher Paredes Puelles, Elie Luis Martinez Padilla, Jonatas Emmanuel Borges, Marcos Antonio Souza Lourenço Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5377 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Non-linear numerical modeling of reinforced concrete structures considering bond slip https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5378 <p>Depending on the stress magnitude in the interface of rebar and concrete, relative displacements may<br>develop. Thus, to develop a reliable numerical model, interaction between rebar and concrete must be included by<br>a bond slip constitutive relationship. Therefore, in this work we propose a numerical model to evaluate the bond<br>loss between reinforcement and concrete, based on the Positional Finite Element Method. In this method,<br>geometric nonlinearities are considered and static equilibrium are obtained though the Principle of Stationary<br>Potential Energy, considering total Lagrangian description. An incremental-iterative Newton-Raphson procedure<br>was used to solve the non-linear system. Fibers (rebars) are immersed in the matrix (concrete) though nodal<br>kinematic relationships, allowing mesh independency. Physical nonlinearity for concrete is considered by Mazars<br>damage model, and for reinforcement it is considered an elastoplastic constitutive relationship. Bond rupture is<br>simulated by Lagrange multipliers and relative displacement of matrix and fiber (slipping) is made up by a<br>dimensionless bonding element after rupture. Results are compared to experimental and analytical examples,<br>showing that the proposed method is reliable and accurate.</p> Adrielle N. Marques, Chiara P. Teodoro, Rogério Carrazedo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5378 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study of simplified elements for static and dynamic analysis of origami structures https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5379 <p>Research works involving structural origami have grown in recent years, especially applied to science<br>and engineering problems. Early applications took advantage of the idea that a system can be folded compactly<br>and subsequently deployed, and that self-assembly can be used to construct a three dimensional structure by<br>starting from a thin sheet. The present work, as part of an M.Sc. thesis carried out by the first author, compares bar<br>and hinge models with the simplest hybrid finite element models for plate and shell in order to represent origami</p> <p>structure panels. The bar and hinge model approach, as given in the literature, is based on folded patterns as pin-<br>jointed truss frameworks: each vertex in the folded sheet is represented by a pin-joint, and every fold line by a bar</p> <p>element. The hybrid finite element formulation is based on the Hellinger-Reissner potential for an approximation<br>of the stress field, thus satisfying the equilibrium equation of the elasticity problem in the domain and leading to<br>a consistent structural model obtained at almost no additional cost when compared with the latter, too simplified,<br>formulation. We assess the mechanical behavior of these structures and the folding energy measured in terms of<br>the eigenvalues associated to the relevant eigenmodes of a cell for both the traditional bar and hinge scheme and<br>the proposed equilibrium-based finite elements. The displacement response in time for a four-cell assemblage is<br>also investigated for the implemented models.</p> Daniel Santos de Carvalho, Renan Costa Sales, Ney Augusto Dumont Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5379 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimization of a 2D reinforced concrete frame considering a seismic load via cross-entropy method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5380 <p>Finding an optimal design for reinforced concrete structures to attend a specific goal is a desirable<br>step for engineers. This paper aims to optimize the dimensions of columns and beams of a 2D reinforced concrete<br>frame subjected to a dynamic load. The structure considered has the specific goal to attend for a seismic action, and<br>this is an important search, since structures in Brazil, for many years, were built with no consideration regarding<br>seismic events. Even after ABNT NBR 15421 (2006) [1] was released, seismic actions were still not considered by<br>most engineers during the design phase, according to Miranda et al. [2], which can lead to catastrophic structural<br>damages if events like these happens in urban regions. The problem is formulated in terms of the dynamical<br>seismic response of 2D reinforced concrete frame, and the optimization algorithm used considers a stochastic<br>solution strategy combining penalization and the cross-entropy method, proposed by Cunha [3]. The consideration<br>of the probability of failure and cost of failure on the objective function makes it a Risk Optimization problem.</p> Isabela D. Rodrigues, Americo Cunha Jr, Andre T. Beck Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5380 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Serie Convergence Applied to Columns Buckling Analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5381 <p>A numerical series represents the sum of terms in a numerical sequence. If the quantity of its terms is<br>unknown, it constitutes an infinite series, and the sum of its terns must be obtained from the convergence analysis<br>procedure. The series used to approach the values of given function, must be of the infinite mode because, in such<br>cases, the quantity of terms that the series needs to attend such demand, is unpredictable. There are engineering<br>problems which may be solved, directly, by the modeling based on approach for infinite numerical series, as the<br>slender columns analysis case. The slender columns analysis cast by elastic and ductile material has been based<br>on the concept of critical load. Such modeling version is not suitable to mechanical analysis of specimens cast by<br>weak rupture pattern material, as the reinforced concrete, but even thus, some concepts involved in such a<br>formulation are used as a classificatory reference. The Mechanics of the Materials uses the physical modeling<br>capabilities in deriving the equations object of approach on the featured theme. The aim of this work is the slender<br>columns mechanical performance modeling through infinite numerical series convergence concept.</p> Edmilson Lira Madureira, Iago Vieira Duarte, Eduardo Morais de Medeiros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5381 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical solution of non-isothermal flow in heavy oil reservoirs using parallel computing https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5382 <p>In this work, we have used the OpenACC to parallelize a reservoir simulator aiming to simulate two-<br>dimensional non-isothermal flows in a heavy oil reservoir. We have considered the production scenario with</p> <p>a vertical well and two static heaters. We have also applied the Control Volume Finite Difference Method to<br>discretize flow and energy governing equations. We have chosen the Conjugate Gradient Method to solve the<br>systems of algebraic equations to obtain pressure and temperature fields along with an operator splitting method. In<br>the study of computational performance, we have employed different computational meshes and achieved speedup<br>values greater than eight.</p> Ralph Alves Bini da Silva Almeida, Grazione de Souza, Helio Pedro Amaral Souto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5382 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear Kirchhoff-Love Shell Finite Element: Two Simple Triangular Shell Element https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5383 <p>Shells are one of the most important models in solid mechanics since many structures in engineering<br>may be associated with it: metal sheets-based products, slabs, thin-walled pressure vessels, and other objects with<br>one of its dimensions considerably smaller than others. Shell models may be adaptable to finite element usage, but<br>some particularities must be watched it, such as locking behaviours.</p> <p>This work aims to study and develop a nonlinear formulation for shells models using a special simple trian-<br>gular shell element, which is a new displacement-based triangular shell element with 6 nodes. Moreover, the shear</p> <p>locking and membrane locking behaviour are not observed at the performance of this new element.<br>In formulation of shell models, we consider finite strains, large displacements, and rotations. Rotation field<br>is re-parameterized in terms of the Rodrigues rotation vector, resulting in a simpler update of rotational variables.<br>The Kirchhoff-Love kinematical assumption and an initial plane reference configuration for the shell is considered<br>here.<br>A computational implementation is done with several numerical examples using the new element developed<br>here. Furthermore, a comparison with numerical examples using the well-known element T6-3i (Campello et al.<br>[1]), a six parameter (3 displacements and 3 rotations) element, is done with the aim to also illustrate the robustness<br>of our formulation.</p> Cinthia A. G. Sousa, Matheus L. Sanchez, Gustavo C. Gomes, Paulo M. Pimenta Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5383 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Morley plate element in the frame of a generalized, frequency-dependent hybrid finite element formulation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5384 <p>The Morley plate element is the simplest triangular finite element for homogeneous, isotropic material,<br>and represents constant bending curvature/moment exactly, as the flexural counterpart of the membrane, constant<br>strain/stress finite element. It has six degrees of freedom: three corner-node transversal displacements and three<br>edge rotations. We propose a slightly modified, improved Morley element based on a frequency-dependent hybrid<br>finite element formulation to be used in the frame of a generalized modal analysis for stiffness and mass matrices<br>given as frequency power series. The domain stress solution satisfies the homogeneous elastodynamic equilibrium<br>equations for moderately thick plates, as we resort to the concept of mean transversal shear distortion proposed<br>in a previous conference contribution (PANACM/CILAMCE 2021). We show that the formulation for just one<br>mass matrix corresponds to a plain displacement formulation, as proposed in the literature for the thin-plate, static<br>problem (although introducing some due corrections). Some numerical tests with one and two mass matrices show<br>that the model can be seamlessly applied to both moderately-thick and thin plate problems – thus without the<br>shear-locking inconvenience – and in spite of its shape-function simplicity ensures good, asymptotic convergence<br>for natural frequencies. As we have a similar generalized modal development for the membrane triangle, this leads<br>to the simplest – and consistently – conceivable shell element.</p> Renan Costa Sales, Ney Augusto Dumont Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5384 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural analysis with nonlinear behavior: The importance of going beyond the line https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5385 <p>This work discusses the importance of numerical methods in structural analysis. It deals specifically<br>with the analysis of frame structures where geometric and material nonlinearity is taken into account. The<br>importance of considering these effects is highlighted with examples of catastrophic events related to instability<br>phenomena. A computational program developed by the authors with educational purposes is presented and used<br>to perform the analysis of a simple frame.</p> Danilo B. Cavalcanti, Rafael L. Rangel, Luiz F. Martha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5385 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Thermoelastic stationary analysis of non-oriented grain steels using BEM https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5386 <p>This work deals with a thermoelastic analysis of anisotropic cold-rolled non-oriented grain steels (FeSi)</p> <p>where the material is subjected to severe thermal and inertial loads. Following the stationary thermoelasticity for-<br>mulation of the boundary element method (BEM), this model focuses on the 2D study of these materials when</p> <p>the elastic properties are temperature-dependent. The cold rolling process promotes a deformed microstructure on<br>steels with 3%Si. After the cold rolling process, this material is subjected to an annealing process to recrystallize<br>the microstructure. This process promotes crystallographic texture in the material, with a strong Goss fiber and<br>weak (hkl)[110] and (111)[uvw] fibers. That is, although classified as non-oriented grain steel after the annealing</p> <p>process, steels with 3%Si produced by the cold-rolled process have crystallographic texture in all stages of man-<br>ufacturing, resulting in an anisotropic material. An industrial application is shown to illustrate the feasibility of</p> <p>using the presented formulation, and the stationary thermomechanical response of the material. Taking advantage<br>of the BEM capabilities to solve high gradients and secondary mechanical fields within the domain.</p> Caio C. C. Moura, Andres F. Galvis, Paulo Sollero Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5386 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Approach to connecting non-matching meshes applied to concrete beams of different sizes in multiscale modeling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5387 <p>This work contributes by presenting an alternative way for connecting non-matching meshes. It uses</p> <p>coupling elements that do not add degrees of freedom to the problem. These coupling elements are used for con-<br>necting the mesoscale with the macroscale in concrete beams subjected to three-point bending tests in multiscale</p> <p>modeling. The beams are of different sizes, so it is possible to analyze the quality of the coupling between meshes<br>with different ratios between the dimensions of their elements. The problem is solved using a geometrically exact</p> <p>version of the Finite Element Method (FEM). At the mesoscale, a damage model allows representing the degra-<br>dation of concrete, including the formation of discrete cracks. The studies carried out showed that the coupling</p> <p>elements used allow connecting meshes with different ratios between the sizes of the elements.</p> Welington H. Vieira, Rodrigo R. Paccola, Humberto B. Coda Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5387 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Computational tool for information management and integrity assessment of subsea rigid pipelines https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5388 <p>Subsea rigid pipelines, widely used to transport fluids in oil and gas production activities, require an<br>Integrity Management System to ensure that there are no economic, environmental, material nor human losses<br>throughout their design life. In this work, an overview of methodologies for data management and generation of<br>results for integrity assessment will be presented. Then, such methodologies are implemented into an integrated<br>specialist software that is currently under development. The aim is to obtain a robust and efficient computational<br>tool whose application in real scenarios will provide the following benefits: a) Productivity gains during the<br>processes of evaluating the integrity of submarine rigid pipelines, including the centralization of relevant<br>information from the history of inspections and pipeline operating conditions; b) Generation of standardized<br>technical reports containing results of integrity assessments under operational conditions; c) User-friendly<br>interface to access information on the operational history of the pipelines during its design life; d) Assistance in<br>the integrity management of subsea rigid pipeline systems, according to the normative and regulatory<br>requirements; e) Ease in analysis sensitivity of relevant parameters, since it integrates, within the same<br>computational system, resources for data acquisition, information processing and integrated assessments of<br>different engineering analyses.</p> Henri S. N. Ndione, Carlos L. P. Souza, Carlos O. Cardoso, Carl H. Albrecht, Breno P. Jacob Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5388 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 GFEM modeling bending of Functionally Graded Material (FGM) plates https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5389 <p>This paper presents a Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) formulation for mechani-<br>cal analysis of Functionally Graded Material (FGM) plates acting both under mechanical loads and under</p> <p>the effect of high gradient thermal fields. It describes the development, implementation and validation of<br>said formulation, based on a composite plate model ruled by Reissner-Mindlin’s first-order shear theory.<br>The calculation of temperature field along the structure’s thickness is made by solving the stead-state<br>heat conduction problem through Finite Difference Method, considering given the boundary conditions<br>on both faces of the plate and thermal conductivities of the base materials. Elasticity moduli and thermal<br>conductivities’ temperature-dependence is considered. Thickness-wise numerical integration procedures<br>are used to compute both the stiffness matrices of the plate and the thermal portions of nodal force<br>vectors. A C<br>k<br>continuous GFEM model with three-noded triangular shaped elements is considered and</p> <p>a linear strain-displacement relationship is adopted. Shepard Partitions of unit with smooth approxima-<br>tion functions are used and enriched by linearly independent polynomials. Solutions are obtained through</p> <p>Newton-Raphson method.</p> Bruno P. Santos, Paulo de Tarso R. Mendonça Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5389 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On the manufacturing condition estimation of spray nozzles via image processing and epicycle representation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5390 <p>Defects on irrigation spray nozzles, occurred during the manufacturing process, can affect such distribu-<br>tion pattern leading to an uneven product application and increasing wastage. With a specific test bench, side-view</p> <p>images of hollow-cone nozzle sprays were collected as an attempt to assess the manufacturing condition of very</p> <p>brand-new nozzles. Classical image processing tools was applied on this side-view images, using a filter to re-<br>duce any spurious noise and the combined use of power-law transformation together with the contrast stretching</p> <p>technique to enhance image contrast, highlighting the presence of grooves in sprays, which is an indication of<br>uneven distribution. An algorithm was develop to represent the spray as a contour with a few representative points,<br>reduced from the large number of pixels and so compressing heavily the image size. These points were then used<br>as input to estimate the spray format via epicycle representation carried out using a computation algorithm based<br>on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) leading to coefficients that are sensitive to the spray jet format. Samples<br>of nozzles presenting no manufacturing defects was used to define threshold values for these coefficients, so that,<br>any change in this regard can be an indication of manufacturing problems.</p> Gabriel A. Costa, Fabrício C. L. Almeida, Marcos Silveira, Paulo J. P. Gonçalves Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5390 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of Isolated Battered Pile and Soil Interaction via BEM/FEM Coupling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5391 <p>The use of battered piles is more and more recurrent in view of their efficiency in certain problems,<br>these are deep-foundation elements widely used in civil engineering due to their ability to reach more resistant soil<br>layers and to support large loads. Bearing in mind that the numerical analyzes appear as an alternative in relation<br>to the empirical analyzes, the present work aims to perform the numerical analysis of isolated battered piles and<br>in groups through the BEM/FEM coupling. The pile is modeled by several finite elements of three-dimensional<br>frame with two nodes, five nodal parameters and any inclination. The soil is modeled by the boundary element<br>method, being considered a semi-infinite, elastic-linear, homogeneous and isotropic medium. Having been the<br>fundamental solution of Mindlin used, the soil discretization is done only on the contact surface with the pile, it is<br>not necessary to discretize the soil surface. The coupling of the BEM / FEM formulation is done considering the<br>transformation of the matrix of soil coefficients (BEM) into a matrix equivalent to the FEM, which added to the<br>stiffness matrix of the three-dimensional frame provides the final system. The interaction forces at the stake-ground<br>interface have a linear distribution. The results obtained were validated by comparison with those available in the<br>literature, showing effectiveness and robustness of the formulation. Finally, the results of which showed little<br>influence of the angle of inclination on the displacements of isolated battered piles.</p> Ray C. S. Silva, João B. Paiva, Endi S. Luamba Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5391 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECT OF MICRO PIN-FIN GEOMETRY ON HEAT TRANSFER PERFORMANCE AND FLUID FLOW IN A SINGLE-PHASE HEAT SINK: NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5392 <p>The growing demand for electronic devices with high processing capacity with increasingly smaller<br>dimensions has been requesting solutions from the scientific community to dissipate the high rates of heat<br>generated in such devices, ensuring their integrity and functioning. Thus, research on applications in compact<br>heat sinks, such as micro pin-fins, has gained visibility, mainly associated with using environmentally friendly<br>working fluids. In this context, the current work analyzes the thermal and hydrodynamic behavior of HFE-7100<br>in a heat sink based on different shape pin-fins. Moreover, different micro pin-fins (with 350 μm height) arrays,<br>in-line and staggered configurations, are tested at different mass velocities. Thus, a numerical and experimental<br>study is carried out on the single-phase heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics. The numerical results<br>showed a good agreement with the experimental data for both geometries and operational conditions analyzed,<br>with a mean absolute error lower than 3.1% for heat transfer coefficient and 12.8% for pressure drop. The results<br>showed that the surfaces with staggered arrays present slightly better thermal performance than the in-line<br>arrays, probably due to the highest number of pin-fins. The staggering array yielded a higher Nusselt number at<br>the same mass velocity, which can be explained by the higher flow velocity and enhanced flow mixing.<br>Regarding the hydrodynamic aspects, the numerical data sets for in-line and staggered pin-fin configurations<br>have the same tendency, increasing with the mass flux. However, the in-line pin-fin values are higher, probably<br>due to the diamond pin-fin shape for the staggered configuration, which, compared to the in-line square shape<br>pin-fins, causes a reduced disturbance to the flow, giving smaller pressure drops. To conclude, both the in-line<br>and staggered configurations of the heat sink are reasonable solutions for the current cooling challenge, with an<br>advantage for the staggered configuration compared to the in-line configuration.</p> Isabelle Guimarães da Silva, Jéssica Martha Nunes, João Batista Campos Silva, Elaine Maria Cardoso Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5392 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Modeling of the Elastoplastic Flexural Response of Ultrahigh Performance of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) using the XFEM Fracture Model https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5393 <p>Recently, several experimental and numerical models have been carried out to investigate the<br>mechanical behavior of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC), especially concerning their flexural response to<br>structural applications. Modern developments regarding these materials involve using ultrahigh performance<br>fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) in strengthening layers or jackets. This particular type of FRC is a<br>relatively new construction material with excellent mechanical properties and a crack propagation control.<br>However, for the structural applications and design, it is necessary to carry out direct tensile and bending tests to<br>obtain the tensile stress-strain behavior and the flexural response of the composite. In this sense, this paper<br>proposes the elastoplastic numerical modeling of the mechanical behavior of UHPFRC, including the fracture<br>evolution analysis using the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM). Mixed-mode fracture behavior is<br>considered. The finite element models reproduce a four-point bending test reported in the literature by<br>Lampropoulos et al. (2021). The results show that the concrete damage plasticity constitutive model can<br>efficiently predict the load-displacement behavior since the load capacity ranges present a good agreement with<br>the experimental reference. Moreover, it is possible to predict the fracture path of the beam in a mixed mode<br>based on the application of the XFEM model.</p> Giulia T. Caravello, Marcello Congro, Deane Roehl Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5393 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application of Artificial Intelligence in Jurisprudence Search Engine https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5394 <p>Search for jurisprudence is an arduous task that requires hours of commitment on the part of the legal<br>professional. Currently, there are several software that help in the search for the ideal document that the lawyer<br>needs to corroborate his processes. However, such systems use search for key words, that is, from a phrase or set<br>of words typed by the user, the software performs research in each document of the databases of jurisprudence.<br>This is a slow process and, by using keywords, the documents resulting from the search are mostly irrelevant with<br>the intention of the lawyer. Thus, this project aims to implement a web software to perform search in databases of<br>jurisprudence using artificial intelligence in its search engine. The methodology applied consists of obtaining the<br>database with all published jurisprudence and training an artificial intelligence algorithm with all the content of<br>the documents. After training the model, it will be inserted into a web software that will receive the lawyer's<br>research. Currently, an artificial intelligence model was generated with 420 documents and the results were<br>satisfactory. In the tests, the model reached 95% accuracy.</p> Edyene Cely Amaro Oliveira, Ingrid Haas, André Isaac Ferreira, Ana Rúbia Martins Ferreira Vieira, Caio Adriano Rodrigues dos Santos, Camila Chaves Mariano, Camilo Leal Ferreira, Eduarda Isabelle Correia Schneider, Filipe André Marcelino E Oliveira, Gabriel Martins Ferreira, Ivan Pedro, Jeniffer Lorrane Costa Sousa Silva, Jonathan Enrique Silva Moreira, Lana de Souza Medeiros, Luciano França da Silveira Júnior, Maria Eduarda da Silva Viana, Matheus Henrique Marcelino e Oliveira, Nathan Siman Teixeira, Patricia Gomes Martins,, Thamirys de Jesus Campos, Viviane Santana Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5394 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A novel Newmark-based method applied to an anisotropic damage phase field model https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5395 <p>We present an anisotropic phase field model for fracture that uses a fourth-order tensor field to describe<br>the damage that degrades the material’s elasticity. The governing equations were obtained based on the use of the<br>principle of virtual power (PVP), the balance of energy and the Clausius-Duhem inequality for the entropy. Small<br>deformation isothermal case was considered. A failure criteria is also presented to define fracture and to establish a<br>numerical criterion for damage irreversibility. The model was implemented using the finite element method (FEM)<br>for the case of plane stress. Results are presented using two time integration methods for the motion equation: the<br>standard and a modified Newmark method. The backward Euler method was used for the damage equation. Time<br>efficiency and accuracy of results were compared for both Newmark methods.</p> Marco Lucio Bittencourt, Carlos Lamarca Carvalho Sousa Esteves, Ana Luísa Evaristo Rocha Petrini, Rodrigo Santos Nogueira Junior, Jose Luiz Boldrini Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5395 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical model of high-strength reinforced concrete columns subjected to the ultimate limit state of instability https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5396 <p>High-strength reinforced concrete columns have greater tendency to slenderness and to higher<br>compressive axial loads. Both aspects contribute to a significant magnified moment, and to a potential context to<br>lead those columns to instability failure. Although the second order effects can be determined by simplified<br>methods in some circumstances, the general method allows to identify the Ultimate Limit State of Instability<br>clearly and to evaluate the second order effects precisely. Thus, it is proposed the employment of general method<br>in two distinct two-dimensional models on finite element Abaqus software to obtain a load-deflection diagram.<br>The first model is a plane stress element with embedded reinforcement, with the Concrete Damaged Plasticity<br>representing the constitutive behavior of the concrete, and the second model adopts a beam element with the rebar<br>embedded into concrete section using Abaqus/Standard, with the Cast Iron Plasticity as a simplified representation<br>of the concrete. The adequacy of the models is validated by experimental data from literature. The results have<br>shown that two-dimensional model is effective to simulate the uniaxial bending High-strength concrete column<br>subjected to the Ultimate Limit State of Instability. In addition, the most simplified model, which adopts beam<br>element with rebar and neglects tensile strength, provides suitable load-deflection diagram. Therefore, this model<br>is recommended to represent such analysis.</p> Nicolle L. D. Guerra, Ricardo Carrazedo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5396 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design of a Two Degree-of-freedom Tuned Mass Damper for a Suspension Bridge Model https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5397 <p>Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs) are very useful when one aims to mitigate vibration-related problems.</p> <p>This device, once attached to a structure, considerably attenuates the effects of dynamic loads (e.g, wind and seis-<br>mic activities). Although TMDs exhibit a favorable performance over one specific frequency range, structures have</p> <p>multiple natural frequencies, and sometimes this raises the necessity of attaching a different TMD for each one of<br>them. However, this kind of solution often overloads the primary structure and limits TMDs’ damping performance</p> <p>(weight penalty). The purpose of this work is to design a TMD capable of damping two vibration modes of a sus-<br>pension bridge’s deck. For this, the primary structure is modeled by the Finite Element Method, using ANSYS®</p> <p>combined with a MATLAB® routine, then it is conceived its modal and harmonic analysis, identified the targeting<br>modes, and applied the “Equal Peak Design” technique to estimate the TMD’s optimum damping and frequency<br>ratio. Based on those factors, it is determined the final TMD dimensions. The results shows the developed TMD<br>has the potential to significantly reduce deck’s vibration levels, for its parameters can be effectively tuned to realize<br>the target modes control.</p> Jose Marcos A. Silva Jr., Paulo R. Novak, Giovanni Bratti, Francisco Augusto A. Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5397 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TOWARDS AN EFFECTIVE DRONE-BASED TECHNOLOGY TO COMBAT MOSQUITO BREEDING SITES https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5398 <p>Drones have become an important technological tool to support health surveillance teams in locating<br>and eliminating mosquito breeding sites in urban areas, since they allow the acquisition of aerial images with high<br>spatial and temporal resolutions. However, such images are often analyzed through manual processes, consuming<br>a lot of time in the inspections. Thus, researchers from different parts of the world have proposed computer vision<br>technologies to enable automatic identification of mosquito breeding sites with the use of drones. However, despite<br>the advances achieved, many of these technologies have some limitations that difficult their use in practical<br>situations. This study is focused on such technologies aiming to investigate their potential, limitations and<br>scalability. The literature review carried out shows that some proposed computer vision approaches could easily<br>compose low-cost softwares to be used in tasks aimed at combating mosquito breeding sites with the use of drones,<br>optimizing time and human resources. Despite that, works addressing software development from the proposed<br>computational approaches are very rare. Other limitations found in the present study are the non-identification of<br>water in the detected targets (suspicious objects and scenarios) and the non-provision of accurate geolocation of<br>them. In addition, in the case of Brazil, the lack of public policies to adequately support the use of the investigated<br>technologies can also be seen as a limitation.</p> Rafael Oliveira Cotrin, Sergio Vicente Denser Pamboukian, Cristiano Capellani Quaresma, Sidnei A. de Araújo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5398 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study of the high temperature effects on steel structural elements via Finite Element Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5399 <p>This article addresses the analysis of the steel behavior, as a structural material, subjected to high<br>temperature and then cooled. This study began with the influence of the cooling method on steel elements<br>at high temperatures questioning, considering the impact this research can bring to day-to-day fire<br>situations. Thus, to have a better understanding of the consequences of thermal actions on steel, tests were<br>carried out on the structural parts, under conditions like those of material characterization, at room<br>temperature and after cooling, using immersion in water and cooling without interference. To validate the<br>proposed constitutive model, the results obtained are compared by the numerical analysis of finite elements.<br>Such simulation was performed using the Abaqus software and considering the refinement of the mesh of<br>the elements for better data accuracy. Thus, the results achieved in the modeling were in accordance with<br>the results obtained experimentally, so that the numerical model was validated.</p> Julia A. Freitas Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5399 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural Health Monitoring of prestressed concrete beams using different CNNs architectures https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5400 <p>There are several damage detection techniques that use signal data and can evaluate and ensure the safety<br>of a structure. Recently, machine-learning algorithms have been used to help classify and detect damages as well as<br>extract structural features from signal data. Learning algorithms have the advantage of using raw data or data with<br>minimum pre-processing as input. Convolution neural networks (CNN) is a supervised learning technique that<br>uses a combination of filters and pooling layer to extract features and classify these types of data simultaneously.<br>The performance of CNNS can vary drastically due to the architecture and the input shape of the input selected. In<br>this study it is compared different CNNs proposed by the literature in order to identify damage presented in a set<br>of eight identical prestressed concrete beams. Tests with sixteen 1D and 2D different CNNS were conducted with<br>results of accuracy, recall and f1-score varying from 50% to 99%.</p> Diego G. de Lucena, Francisco A. das Neves, Claudio José Martins Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5400 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An analytical model for stresses induced by pore-water pressures in porous rock slabs https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5401 <p>A well-known issue of marble slabs casted in building fac ̧ades is the phenomenon of bowing, which<br>may cause damage to constructions all over the world. Laboratory studies have shown that some kinds of marble<br>subjected to temperature oscillations suffer from non-uniform and permanent expansion, and that this problem is</p> <p>exacerbated in saturated environment. The understanding of this pathology is still incomplete, despite its impor-<br>tance for civil construction, in order to prevent or even avoid this issue. In the formulation developed herein, heat</p> <p>transfer problem is modeled by sol-air formulation, in order to linearize irradiation transfer and convective transfer.<br>The fully linearized problem is then solved by trigonometric series specially developed for time-periodic problems<br>in order to represent the daily cycles of heating and cooling. The analytical solution developed is compared to a<br>formulation previously developed by one of the authors of this work (Ito), extended to saturated environment under<br>undrained conditions. The result of this study is a contribution to the understanding of bowing and demonstrates<br>that the development of pore pressures in undrained conditions can accelerate the degradation of marble.</p> Yasmim C. Guimaraes, Anna Maria Ferrero, William H. Ito, Talita Scussiato, Paulo Ivo B. de Queiroz Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5401 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison of EGO and sEGO optimization algorithm based on Kriging for noisy function https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5402 <p>In many engineering optimization problems the number of function evaluations is severely limited by time<br>or computational cost. In addition, the representation of randomness due to noise and uncertainties in the model<br>is essential. One strategy adopted for these cases is solve the problem through response surfaces, or meta-models,<br>especially Kriging model. A traditional Kriging-based algortihm optimization is the Global Efficient Optimization<br>(EGO) method. An most recent algorithm for stochastic problems was sEGO in which it introduces a parcel that<br>reflects the intrinsic noise of the stochastic function in your framework. In this paper these optimization algorithms<br>will be approached through some examples for demonstrate the importance of the variance quantifying approach<br>in the optimization process through Kriging meta-model, highlighting the influence of the noise amplitude in the<br>choice of the optimization strategy. The conclusions obtained may serve as a guideline for choose the best approach<br>for each type of optimization problem.</p> Cibelle D. de C. D. Maia, Rafael Holdorf Lopez Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5402 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Stochastic live load model for buildings and its application in reliability based code calibration https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5403 <p>While the exact loading to which a structure will be subjected cannot be precisely assessed during the<br>design phase due to its stochastic nature, probabilistic models are useful for the rational determination of nominal<br>values, partial safety factors and load combination factors employed in limit state design that accurately reflects the<br>variability of these loads. In this paper, a simple probabilistic model describing the spatial and temporal variabilities<br>of live loads in buildings is presented. This model consists of a sum of a sustained load and an intermittent load<br>stochastic processes. Due to the lack of national data to back up the model, parameters are taken from the Joint<br>Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS), based on international surveys. Using this stochastic model, sample values<br>for live loads are generated for buildings with different occupancy types, and statistics for the fifty-year extreme and<br>arbitrary point-in-time distributions of live loads are derived using Monte Carlo simulations. These values are then<br>compared with those of Brazilian design codes ABNT NBR 6120:2019 (Design Load for Structures), and other<br>major international standards. The resulting statistics are also employed in a reliability-based calibration of the<br>partial safety factors presented in Brazilian design codes for steel (ABNT NBR 8800:2008) and concrete (ABNT<br>NBR 6118:2014) structures. It is shown that, with the resulting set of optimized partial safety factors, reliability<br>is made more uniform over different load ratios, with a smaller variation around a chosen target reliability value,<br>while attaining no significant economic impact when compared with the currently employed factors.</p> Luis G. L. Costa, Andre T. Beck, Wagner C. Santiago Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5403 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analytical model for dissipation of thermally induced pore pressure in marble slabs https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5404 <p>This paper presents a thermomechanical model of a saturated porous slab, which is suitable to the study of<br>rocks subjected to thermal exchanges with the surrounding environment of a building. This model involves linear<br>differential equations of stress equilibrium and transient pore pressure dissipation and its main purpose is to help<br>to the understanting of the bowing, which is an important phenomenon that occur when some porous rocks are<br>subject to temperature cycles. Moreover, an analytical solution for a steady state condition for pore pressure is<br>developed, which describes the situation where the generation of pressure due to cooling of a slab is compensated<br>by pressure dissipation caused by water loss (consolidation). This analytical solution should be useful to test future<br>numerical implementations of the thermoelasticity model presented herein.</p> Paulo Ivo B. de Queiroz, Yasmim C. Guimaraes, Anna Maria Ferrero, Caroline T. Santos, William H. Ito Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5404 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of the effect of penetration rate in piezocone tests on silty soils https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5405 <p>Partial drainage is a relevant effect in piezocone tests (CPTu) performed on geomaterials with<br>intermediate permeability, such as silts and mine tailings. However, the penetration rates that cause partial drainage<br>vary for each material. Thus, to investigate the effects of the cone penetration rate on different geotechnical<br>properties, numerical simulations of cavity expansion were performed. The Cam-Clay model was used, and the<br>parameters of strength (M), stiffness (κ and λ), and permeability (k) were varied for different cone penetration<br>rates. The material studied was silt from the Yellow River Delta (China) through the tests performed in centrifuges<br>by several authors. With the results of the numerical simulations, it was possible to obtain the theoretical drainage<br>curves of the material, which indicate the penetration velocities that trigger partial drainage. Sensitivity analysis<br>demonstrated the large effect of the friction coefficient on the drainage curve, the increase in soil stiffness leads to<br>a decrease in penetration rates and the alteration in the material permeability does not change the magnitude of the<br>resistance and excess pore pressure generated. The comparison with experimental centrifuge results indicated good<br>agreement of the numerical analysis.</p> André Luis Meier, Jade Jacomini de Jesus, Jonatas Sosnoski, Gracieli Dienstmann Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5405 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Robust design of piezoelectric energy harvesters using polynomial chaos expansions and multi-objective optimization https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5406 <p>The generation of electrical energy from mechanical vibrations and using piezoelectric materials is an<br>attractive alternative due to the high density of electrical charge present in these materials. Although energy can be</p> <p>harvested, the design of devices for this purpose must satisfy specific criteria, because the energy available for con-<br>version into electricity is low. This work suggests the robust design of beam type piezoelectric energy harvesters,</p> <p>considering the presence of uncertainties in certain parameters. Thus, the study presents a finite element can-<br>tilever beam model and, through multiobjective optimization, designs the energy harvesting devices to maximize</p> <p>the mean power and minimize the relative dispersion simultaneously. The mean and variance for the frequency</p> <p>response function of the power output are estimated using polynomial chaos expansion. Results show that harvest-<br>ing devices with smaller length and larger masses generally lead to best nominal performance but also to higher</p> <p>dispersions. Also, the dispersions can be reduced by using effective circuit resistances smaller than the nominal<br>values. With the increase of uncertainties in the parameters of the devices, better performances and decrease in the<br>response variability are achieved by using other design variables in the optimization.</p> Paulo H. Martins, Marcelo A. Trindade, Paulo S. Varoto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5406 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The effect of geometric stiffness on vibration frequencies of bulkhead frames of pressurized aircraft fuselages https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5407 <p>Aircraft fuselages are structured by, among other elements, planar portal frames called bulkheads.<br>Among their main loads, is the internal pressurization, which causes considerable traction efforts. It is well known,<br>from the Matrix Structural Analysis theory, that the stiffness of frame elements is composed of two parts, the<br>elastic stiffness and the geometric stiffness. The latter depends on the level of axial forces acting on the members.<br>If in traction, it increases stiffness, and, consequently, raises the frequencies of free vibration of the structure<br>related to it. This effect is widely explored in so-called tensile structures, such as inflated blimps. If of compression,<br>it decreases the total stiffness and lowers the frequencies, leading, in the limit, to the buckling of the element. In<br>this work, a bulkhead portal frame of a fictitious aircraft is numerically analyzed, demonstrating that the presence<br>of high levels of traction that such structures support, due to internal pressurization, considerably increase their<br>frequencies.</p> Kaique M. M. Magalhães, Reyolando M. L. R. F. Brasil, Alexandre M. Wahrhaftig Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5407 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Graphics Post-Processing for Thermal Analysis via CS-ASA/FA https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5408 <p>Structural analysis aims to determine structural behavior, and whether it meets all the design's goals,<br>such as adequate strength and stiffness for combinations of loading conditions within the serviceability limit and<br>ultimate limit states. Stresses, deformations, and displacements are examples of response that act according to the<br>boundary conditions imposed on the structure. The process of this analysis has three basic steps: create the model,<br>the calculation, and analysis of the results. To facilitate this process, a a numerical method software was used for<br>preprocessing, processing, and post-processing, providing a more realistic and efficient analysis. In this context,<br>the aim of this article is to present the development of a post-processing for the module CS-ASA/FA. This module<br>performs a thermal analysis in a transient regime of common cross-sections in civil construction, which are<br>fundamental for the analysis in a fire situation. A graphics post-processing gives the analyst a major reduction in<br>the required effort to visualize the results, facilitating the interpretation of the data generated by the analysis<br>program. It developed the post-processing graphics using an interactive environment denominated GiD, and its<br>implementation in CS-ASA/FA creates a new result file to attend the GiD’s demands for input files and satisfactory<br>graphic presentation.</p> Lavínia L. M. Damasceno, Thiago C. Assis, Dalilah Pires, Rafael C. Barros, Ricardo A. M. Silveira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5408 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pore network evaluation of the hydrophysical properties of carbonate rocks (coquinas) https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5409 <p>Carbonate rocks often show nontrivial flow behavior because of their multimodal pore structure. The<br>pore size distribution and pore space topology, the latter describing also how pores are interconnected, can provide<br>much information about the hydraulic behavior of these rocks. Pore Network Modeling (PNM) is an effective<br>method for evaluating petrophysical parameters, including especially the permeability. Pore networks can be<br>generated directly from microCT images to obtain such information as the pore-size distribution, the pore body<br>and pore throat radii distributions, and relevant coordination numbers. The purpose of this paper is to combine<br>microCT, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mercury intrusion (MICP) techniques to obtain information<br>about petrophysical properties that are not easily measured directly. We were especially interested in comparing<br>microCT, NMR and MICP results, assessing the multi-porosity nature of the coquinas, correlating the permeability<br>with porosity, and obtaining capillary pressure–fluid saturation (Pc-S) relationships. Results were to provide<br>important information about the generally highly heterogeneous nature of carbonate rocks, with as ultimate goal<br>to improve petroleum recovery from oil-bearing carbonate reservoirs. For our study we used four coquina samples<br>from the Morro do Chaves Formation, considered a close analogue of Brazilian Pre-Salt facies. The samples were<br>subjected to routine core analysis, NMR, MICP and microCT scans. The samples had very similar porosities<br>(between 10 and 16%), but different absolute permeabilities (between 5 and 245 mD). Results indicated good<br>correlations, especially between the NMR and microCT data. We further used the mercury intrusion results to<br>obtain estimates of the Pc–S curves. As an example, sample 136.85 showed excellent cross-correlation between<br>the NMR and MICP data, and a well-defined curve of the MICP-derived Pc–S functions for air-water. Plots of the<br>mercury intrusion data and the fitted van Genuchten hydraulic functions indicated a double porosity pore structure.</p> Maira C.O.L. Santo, Mateus. G. Ramirez, Elizabeth M. Pontedeiro, Martinus Th. van Genuchten, José L.D. Alves, Paulo Couto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5409 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Graphic Preprocessor for Thermal Analysis via CS-ASA/FA https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5410 <p>The structural analysis aims to determine the structure behavior and if it meets all the design's goals as<br>adequate strength and stiffness for combinations of loading conditions in the ultimate limit states and service.<br>Stresses, deformations, and displacements are examples of response that act according to the boundary conditions<br>imposed on the structure. The process of this analysis has three basic steps: create the model, the calculation, and<br>the analysis of the results. To facilitate this process, a software with preprocessing, processing, and post processing<br>uses a numerical method for more realistic and efficient analysis. This work presented the development of a<br>preprocessor for the computational module CS-ASA/FA. This module realizes a thermal analysis in a transient<br>regime of common cross-sections in civil construction, which are fundamental for the fire analysis. The basic idea<br>is to produce an intuitive environment, easier and efficient for modeling and releasing a numerical thermal analysis.<br>Thus, for the elaboration of the preprocessor, used the graphical interactive environment, GiD. Performed<br>implementation and modifications in GiD’s problem type configuration satisfactorily to attend the demands of<br>input data files for the CS-ASA/FA program.</p> Thiago C. Assis, Lavínia L. M. Damasceno, Dalilah Pires, Rafael C. Barros, Ricardo A. M. Silveira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5410 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of floating structures using a fluid-structure interaction model for free surface flows and anchored bodies https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5411 <p>The present work is dedicated to the numerical simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI)<br>problems involving floating bodies subjected to the action of free-surface flows, where the structure may or may<br>not be anchored through mooring cables. The numerical model proposed here may be utilized in several practical<br>applications, such as: ships hydro-aerodynamics, stability of oil extraction platforms, efficiency of wave energy<br>converters, stability of floating bridges, floating houses and buildings. In the present model, the fluid equations<br>are discretized using the Characteristic-Based Split (CBS) method in the context of the Finite Element Method<br>(FEM). For the treatment of multiphase free-surface flows, the Level Set Method is used, where the fluid is<br>considered as a biphasic medium. The structure is kinematically described using a rigid body approach and the<br>mooring cable is modeled using an elastic material with geometric nonlinearity and the Nodal Position Finite<br>Element Method (NPFEM). The system of equations of motion is discretized in time using the implicit<br>Newmark and α-Generalized methods. Problems involving floating bodies with and without anchoring are<br>simulated to demonstrate the applicability and accuracy of the proposed numerical model.</p> Mateus Guimarães Tonin, Gabriela Penna Bianchin, Alexandre Luis Braun Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5411 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reliability of built-up cold-formed steel columns designed by the direct strength method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5412 <p>Built-up cold-formed steel (CFS) columns are composed of two or more sections that are joined together<br>with welds, bolts or screws. The use of built-up sections may be an option at certain locations in a CFS-framed<br>building when higher axial capacity or local frame rigidity is required. This paper presents a study of the reliability<br>of built-up cold-formed steel columns. Reliability indexes are evaluated by First Order Reliability Method (FORM<br>method) for usual nominal live-to-dead load ratios. The reliability analysis used to assess the safety level of design<br>specifications included the model error and other random variables such as strength parameters, geometric<br>parameters, dead and live loads. For the statistical study of the model error variable, column test results obtained<br>from literature were compared to the resistant capacities obtained by the direct strength method (DSM). A total of<br>266 column tests were selected in order to ensure representativeness of the buckling modes and section types. A<br>lack of uniformity of reliability indices was observed in the analyzes organized by instability mode or by section<br>type. It was found that the all-data case leads to unsatisfactory results, with the reliability index lower than the<br>target value.</p> Celmar P. de Andrade, Marcílio S. R. Freitas, André L. R. Brandão Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5412 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Linear and non-linear analysis of space trusses subjected to wind actions and temperature variation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5413 <p>The structural analysis seeks to determine the behavior of a structure when subjected to external actions<br>and makes it possible to obtain its responses in terms of stresses, strains, or displacements, for example. Most<br>engineering structures present a linear elastic behavior, however, some complex structures, such as arches and tall<br>buildings, may present a non-linear behavior, requiring tools that allow considering such effects to obtain more<br>realistic results. In this context, the present work proposes a comparative analysis between linear and non-linear<br>responses in space trusses through a computer program developed in Fortran language. The structure studied is a<br>metallic lattice dome subject to self-weight loading, wind action, and temperature variation, considering the<br>technical specifications of the ABNT NBR 6120:2019 and ABNT NBR 6123:1988. To describe the behavior of<br>the structure it was used the finite element formulation for bar element and the geometric nonlinearity due to<br>normal forces. The results showed that the internal forces on the bars can vary up to 850% between the analyzed<br>cases.</p> Lucas A. de Aguiar, Marcos B. Guimarães, Daniele K. Monteiro, Rodolfo S. da Conceição Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5413 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Composite Laminate Plates Subjected to Explosive Loading https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5414 <p>Explosive loads have been the target of study in recent years due to the catastrophic effects that this<br>type of loading can cause in civil engineering structures. This phenomenon is characterized by the release of energy<br>in short time intervals, causing a peak of overpressure and, in sequence, a suction process, or overpressure. Due to<br>the high impact, this episode can generate catastrophic effects on structures, such as partial or total collapse, and<br>in severe cases, several deaths. At the same time, laminated plates are structural elements that are being studied<br>for their characteristic of improving the physical properties of the primary materials used in their composition.<br>Thus, this work aims to present a study on laminated plates, present in literature, subjected to blast loads to<br>reproduce the results. In the sequence, an evaluation of their behavior when the negative phase is not considered<br>is verified, to understand how this portion of the loading influences the final behavior of the structure. Finally, a<br>parametric study of the laminated plates is performed to determine, for each structure, equations of correlation<br>between the maximum displacement obtained by the structure and characteristic parameters of the shock wave. In<br>the calculation process, for each example present in the literature, a plate theory is used, considering second-order<br>effects. The differential equations are obtained according to the Total Minimum Potential Energy, in their solution,<br>the Galerkin method is employed, and, finally, to obtain the displacements the Runge-Kutta numerical method is<br>used.</p> Ana Waldila de Queiroz Ramiro Reis, Rodrigo Bird Burgos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5414 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Topology Optimization of Periodic Materials employing the Finite- Volume Theory https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5415 <p>This paper presents a computational tool for designing composite materials with periodic<br>microstructures for optimal effective elastic properties. The effective elastic properties of the periodic porous<br>material are evaluated through a combination of the homogenization method and finite-volume theory analysis.<br>The finite-volume theory results are employed in the topology optimization procedure, combining this technique<br>with the dual optimization algorithm of convex programming. In this approach, to find the optimal microstructural<br>topology for the periodic unit cell, specific linear combinations of the components of the effective elastic tensor<br>are considered to obtain extreme elastic properties, such as the maximum shear or bulk modulus under a prescribed<br>volume constraint. Some numerical examples involving materials with periodic porous microstructures are<br>analyzed, and the results demonstrate the finite-volume theory formulation’s performance for the optimal design<br>of composite porous materials.</p> Arnaldo S. Júnior, Márcio A. A. Cavalcante Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5415 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Infering the passenger’s trip purpose in the Smart card data using data mining techniques, an case study of the Belo Horizonte Brazilian city https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5416 <p>Planning a quality public transport system starts with collecting data about passenger demand. Tradi-<br>tional data collection forms are expensive and do not precisely represent the travel demand. On the other hand,</p> <p>secondary data collected passively, for long and continuous periods, and at low cost is emerging as a new oppor-<br>tunity, such as Smart-cards data. However, these data are also limited and miss important information, such as</p> <p>trip purpose. Knowing the trip purpose of public transport passengers is essential to ensure integrated planning<br>between transport and land use and to guarantee higher quality of the public transport service and attract more<br>users, thus contributing to the mitigation of excessive use of the car and its impacts. In this context, the process<br>of Knowledge Discovered in Databases can be used to extract knowledge from these secondary data, improving<br>their applicability in travel demand models. Under this perspective, this study contributes to the enrichment of<br>Smart cards data from the public transportation system of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte by infering<br>the passengers’ trip purposes using data mining techniques.</p> M. G. O. Pinheiro, G. F. Moita, A. L. Guerra , R. G. Ribeiro, I. M. Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5416 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of reinforced concrete beams with opening using incompatible mode elements and strut-and-ties model https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5417 <p>The need to reduce the execution time has led to the negligence in the process of compatibility project.<br>One of the consequences is the need to drill holes in beams for the passage of ducts and piping. This practice<br>occurs without criteria for analysis and structural design. Openings in beams performed without an accurate<br>analysis result in reduced strength considered in the design, instability and compromised safety. In the regions of<br>openings, usually called “Regions D”, the Bernoulli hypothesis becomes invalid and, therefore, the strut-and-ties<br>model associated with the finite element method has been used. This work proposes to analyze the distribution of<br>stresses in beams with opening using classical finite elements and enhanced with incompatible modes. Precise<br>results of internal efforts allow an adequate arrangement of reinforcements and fulfillment of safety in the ultimate<br>and service limit states. In order to validate the performance of the elements implemented for the analysis of<br>structures with discontinuities, the results obtained are compared with those found in the literature and calculated<br>using a commercial package. The results obtained attest to the quality of the implemented formulation.</p> Evilly R. H. Silveira, Adenilda T. Salviano, Sebastião S. Silva, José S. Neto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5417 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of a modular analyzer using low-cost microcontrollers https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5418 <p>In the industrial sector, the monitoring and evaluation of machinery in continuous operation has vital<br>importance, principally considering the high competition and the pursuit of high-quality products without<br>increasing the cost of manufacture. Although, the lack of appropriate maintenance increases the possibility of<br>problems such as undesirable vibrations, which cause a lack of performance, several flaws in primary and<br>secondary systems, and unexpected downtime on their applications, increasing the manufacturing cost.<br>Predictive maintenance is applied to anticipate and identify these issues before that lead to the unplanned<br>downtime of the equipment. To apply this kind of maintenance, some analyzers are used to keep updated the<br>condition of the machinery, with information such as vibrations amplitudes, temperatures, and rotation velocities.<br>However, analyzers have a high initial cost, this does not mean a huge problem for large industries, but for small<br>and medium-sized ones, especially for those that go through periods of economic instability, it can be an<br>investment out of reality.<br>Taking advantage of the current expansion of low-cost microcontrollers and sensors, the objective of this paper is<br>to apply these programmable open-source to develop a modular data acquisition device, initially focusing to<br>acquire vibration and rotation speed signals with low-cost sensors. The raspberry pi 3b+ was used for that<br>application, and an algorithm was developed to collect and process data captured by compatible sensors, and<br>then applied to an experimental test bench.</p> Soares S. J., Senko R. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5418 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of temperature treatments and manufacture methods of superelastic niti bending springs with complex-shape https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5419 <p>The application of smart materials in mechanical systems has been increasing, due to these materials<br>presenting a capacity to reduce undesirable vibrations with a small increase of mass in the system. The most<br>applied material is the Shape Memory Alloys (SMA), which change their characteristics with variations in<br>temperature or mechanical stress. SMAs have two effects: shape memory effect (SME); which changes its phase<br>with temperature variation, and superelasticity (SE); which modifies its phase with the change in mechanical stress.<br>For the SMA-SE, properties such as damping capacity and complex stiffness are relevant for application in systems<br>with undesirable vibrations, principally considering some external parameters such as temperature, frequency, and<br>amplitude can change the properties of the material. However, if the SMA-SE device has a complex shape, more<br>procedures are needed to achieve it. Thus, complex-shaped devices tend to be more liable to changes in the starting<br>properties of the material during the process of obtaining the sought shape, due to the forming process. Therefore,<br>focusing on obtaining balanced properties, such as damping capacity, complex stiffness, and transformation<br>temperatures on the SMA-SE devices, several parameters should be considered during the manufacturing, such as<br>time and temperature of the treatment, cooling speed, and the method of material forming. This paper aims to<br>evaluate types of heat treatments, application of mechanical forming, and different types of cooling applied in the<br>manufacture of superelastic NiTi bending springs with complex-shape, to obtain balanced properties for<br>application in the rotating system to intend to reduce vibration in a passive form.</p> Sena I. J., Senko R. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5419 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dynamic Analysis of an Aluminum Spur Gear pair https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5420 <p>Dynamical systems are those that show evolution with respect to time and are generally described by<br>ordinary differential equations with their respective initial conditions. However, the equations of motion obtained<br>are often difficult to solve analytically, which makes it necessary to use one of the methods of computational<br>numerical simulation. This work presents the dynamic modeling of a spur gears pair, considering the torque input<br>of an electric motor. The system is modeled analytically using Newton-Euler equations of motion resulting in a<br>system of equations with four degrees of freedom. The mathematical model results in an ordinary second-order<br>differential equation and is solved using the fourth and fifth order Runge Kutta methods, implemented in MATLAB<br>software; the parameters inertia, damping and gear stiffness are considered. Dynamic system simulations are<br>performed to observe the dynamic behavior in different scenarios. The results clearly show the differences obtained<br>between the transient and steady regimes and the short period of disturbance of the system.</p> Tobias J. D. E. Rosa, Rogerio P. Menezes Filho, Elias D. R. Lopes, Gustavo S. Rodrigues, Sergio G. L. Bodart Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5420 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Steel shuttering optimum geometry in construction stage for steel- concrete composite slabs https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5421 <p>The use of profiled steel sheeting in steel-concrete composite slabs stands out for its economic and<br>environmental advantages, since they are easy to install, fast in construction and reduce material waste. However,<br>this system is still little used in Brazil and one of the reasons may be associated with the restricted supply of steel<br>formwork geometries available in the national market. Therefore, this article determines the optimal structural<br>solution for steel shuttering geometry of composite slabs focused on the construction phase, considering the<br>minimization of steel consumption in the manufacturing process. The steel formwork design was performed by<br>applying the Effective Width Method (EWM), which is a traditional and analytical method present in several<br>optimization studies of cold formed steel structures. Finally, the optimization process was performed by Particle<br>Swarm Optimization (PSO) in the software MATLAB®. In addition, four different commercial geometries will<br>be analyzed at this stage in order to contribute to the development of new market models of shapes. The solution<br>reduced steel consumption by 34.65% on average for formwork with intermediate stiffeners and 26.16% for<br>sections without stiffeners.</p> Gabrielle Gonçalves de Oliveira da Silva, Mayane C. Loureiro, Élcio C. Alves, Adenilcia Fernanda G. Calenzani Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5421 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reinforcements in Structural Masonry Prisms: A Numerical Study of Static and Dynamic Characteristics https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5422 <p>Structural masonry is one of the oldest structural systems explored and currently has great relevance<br>due to its economic competitiveness. Still, the need for structural reinforcement in this system is ever more<br>common, either by restoring older structures or by changes in the behavior of static and dynamic loads on the<br>systems. Thus, it becomes more necessary to know the dynamic characteristics of structural masonry walls,<br>including those with structural reinforcements. This need occurs because of the wall’s slenderness and also since<br>these structures are subject to dynamic loads such as those caused by winds and earthquakes - which may be<br>unforeseen additional loads due to recent changes in their territorial scope. Thus, this paper observes three different<br>numerical models referring to concrete structural masonry prisms. The first type of prism was an Unreinforced<br>Masonry (URM), the second was a Reinforced Masonry (RM) with a steel bar and grout, and the third type is<br>reinforced by Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM). Therefore, the responses of the numerical models<br>of the prisms to static loads were observed, using a load prediction for the models, in addition to an analysis of the<br>vibration modes and the respective excitation frequencies.</p> Orlando M. L. Almeida, Orlando G. L. Almeida, Arlan A. Melo, Hidelbrando J. F. Diógenes, Joel A. N. Neto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5422 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A refined plastic-hinge-based formulation for advanced analysis of CFST columns: a co-rotational proposition https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5423 <p>The present work aims to propose a lumped plasticity-based numerical formulation for the non-linear<br>analysis of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns. The study is divided into two main parts: cross-sectional<br>analysis and global structural analysis. The local analysis is made by means of the strain compatibility method.</p> <p>Thus, the moment-curvature relationship is evaluated by an incremental-iterative process. Through of this method-<br>ology, the limits of uncracked, cracked, elastic, inelastic and bearing capacity are determined for various axial</p> <p>efforts. Thus, the NM diagram is calculated with three curves and five regimes to describe the cross-section flex-<br>ural stiffness. For the precise evaluation of this numerical procedure, the materials constitutive relationships are</p> <p>explicitly considered. For the global analysis, the co-rotational-based approach is used to describe the finite ele-<br>ment formulation allowing large displacements and rotations in the numerical model. This approach is coupled to</p> <p>rotational pseudo-springs at the ends of the finite element, where the gradual loss of stiffness was determined by<br>combining the normal force and bending moment (NM) in the cross-section. The numerical results were compared<br>with experimental results [15]. In average, the results found present an error of 0.1% in relation to the data obtained<br>in the laboratory, demonstrating the accuracy of the proposed numerical formulation.</p> ́Igor J.M. Lemes, Pedro H.A. Lima, Ricardo A.M. Silveira, Jessica L. Silva, Rafael C. Barros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5423 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimization of metallic truss using genetic algorithms via CS-ASA/MATLAB® softwares coupling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5424 <p>Optimization consists of finding the best solution for a given objective, under given constraints. In<br>Engineering, the application of optimization algorithms has greatly developed in the last decades, but it faces<br>fundamental difficulties connected to the complexity of the mathematical models to be solved. In this last context,<br>optimizing structures tries to achieve a reduction of the structural cost, under the restriction of not compromising<br>efficiency and safety. This work aims to apply a heuristic optimization method — genetic algorithms (GA) — for<br>the determination of optimal aluminium truss structures, considering design constraints associated with minimum<br>areas and the maximum allowable stress. In this way, a computational routine is implemented in the MATLAB®<br>program, using the GA with the advanced structural analysis program, based on the Finite Element Method, named<br>CS-ASA (Computational System for Advanced Structural Analysis). MATLAB® manages all stages of the process,<br>from the internal call of the CS-ASA to carry out the structural analysis, to the application of the optimization<br>function, with the evaluation of the objective function and design constraints. Besides the analyses and comparison<br>with literature, it is shown how numerical strategies to make the process less computationally expensive influence<br>the total processing time.</p> Laís B. Lecchi, Francisco A. Neves, Ricardo A. M. Silveira, Walnorio G. Ferreira, Jose Eduardo S. Cursi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5424 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave propagation analyses considering a truly-explicit time-marching formulation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5425 <p>This work discusses a truly-explicit time-marching formulation to analyse wave propagation models,<br>which is based on locally-defined adaptive time-integrators and time-step values. The discussed technique</p> <p>considers single-step displacement/velocity recurrence relations, providing an easy to implement, truly self-<br>starting methodology. The stability limit of the discussed approach may become larger than that of the central</p> <p>difference method, and it enables controllable adaptive numerical dissipation to be locally applied, improving the<br>accuracy and versatility of the solution procedure. As an explicit approach, the technique does not require the<br>solution of any system of equations, standing as a very efficient methodology. To solve problems regarding wave<br>propagation in complex media, subdomain decomposition procedures, associated to multiple time-step values and<br>sub-cycling, are also considered, improving the performance and accuracy of the technique. The entire formulation<br>is carried out taking into account automated computations, requiring no effort and/or expertise from the user. At<br>the end of the paper, numerical results are presented and compared to those of standard techniques, illustrating the<br>great effectiveness of the discussed approach.</p> Lucas Ruffo Pinto, Delfim Soares Jr., Webe João Mansur Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5425 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical simulation of fluid-structure-soil interaction on the CAARC standard tall building https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5426 <p>In the present work, the effects of the wind action over a tall building are evaluated considering the<br>influence of soil-foundation interaction. The numerical model is developed in this work from a partitional coupling<br>scheme, in which the physical media involved are solved sequentially, and may present independent discretization<br>and solution methods. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is adopted for the spatial discretization of all physical<br>media, where linear hexahedral elements with underintegration techniques are used. Load transfer between soil<br>and structure is performed by a three-dimensional contact algorithm based on the penalty method and infinite<br>elements are employed at the boundaries of the soil computational domain to avoid the reflection of waves to the<br>region of interest. Due to the high computational demand, a hybrid parallelization model based on CUDA-OpenMP<br>techniques is employed to accelerate the processing time associated with the present simulations. Numerical results<br>obtained from aerodynamic and aeroelastic analyses are compared with numerical and wind tunnel measurements</p> <p>reported by other authors. It was observed that the building response to the wind action was influenced by the soil-<br>foundation interaction, where a good agreement was obtained with respect to the reference results.</p> Michael R. M. Visintainer, Miguel A. Aguirre, Alexandre L. Braun Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5426 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Three-Dimensional Phase-Field FEM Modelling for Fracture https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5427 <p>The study of crack growth is very important in Structural Engineering to prevent catastrophic collapses.<br>This task becomes easier through developing software to model and to study the crack propagation, the crack path<br>and the prediction of where these pathologies will emerge in a solid. A promising approach, which lately has been<br>largely used, is the Phase-Field modelling, that transforms the sharp crack of Griffith’s criterion into a smoothed<br>crack that spreads on a certain region of the domain. Our research group, located in the Structural Engineering<br>Department (DEES) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), has been studying the Phase-Field<br>modelling since 2019. The computational implementations have been done in INSANE (INteractive Structural<br>ANalysis Environment), an object-oriented software developed by DEES. The two-dimensional modelling of<br>Phase-Field was previously implemented by Leão [1] in which has been proven the benefits of that approach in<br>the study of crack propagation. This paper presents the expansion of Phase-Field FEM models for the 3D version,<br>where it is possible to evaluate the cracks in solids. Preliminary results using 3D modelling are compared with<br>those published in the literature.</p> Leilane R. S. Gomes, Hugo M. Leão, Roque L. S. Pitangueira, Lapo Gori Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5427 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative analysis of composite slab steel formwork design by Direct Strength and Effective Width Methods https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5428 <p>Among the different methods used to analyze the behavior of a cold-formed profile section subjected to<br>bending moment, the Direct Strength Method (DSM) and the Effective Width Method (EWM) have become<br>popular in the design of these structures. Although recently both methods have been approached in the area of<br>optimization for different geometries and applications and, also, in the comparison with experimental results, there<br>is a lack of studies that contemplate the design of composite slab formwork considering the construction phase in<br>which the resistant section is that of profiled steel sheet. Thus, this article aims to compare the Direct Strength and<br>Effective Width methods when used to dimension steel formwork sections for composite slabs. In the application<br>of the DSM, to obtain the critical moments through the analysis of elastic stability, the computational program<br>CUFSM was used, whose methodology used is the finite strip method (FSM). The design process was carried out<br>on the MATLAB® computational platform and the analysis started from 4 different geometries, produced for<br>commercialization in the Brazilian market. EWM has proven to be a more conservative approach for geometries<br>with stiffeners and DSM for geometries without stiffeners.</p> Mayane C. Loureiro, Élcio C. Alves, Adenilcia Fernanda G. Calenzani Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5428 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Settlement analysis of an oil storage tank considering inclined subsoil layers https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5429 <p>Oil storage tanks are usually designed and built in coastal regions where the subsoil is characterized by<br>stratigraphic intercalations of fine sands, silts, soft clays and marine sediments. The loading applied by thank is<br>generally of small magnitude, but the occurrence of differential settlements, due to compression of the soil, may<br>seriously damage the main tank components, including pipes and connections for oil supply. The main objective<br>of this study is a numerical evaluation of a tank foundation with respect to slightly inclined subsoil layers,<br>comparing the results with measured data from field hydro tests. The consideration of slope variation in the subsoil<br>layers has a direct influence on the settlement, especially with respect to the clay layers. This study also highlights<br>the importance of several factors that affect the foundation behavior and may be helpful for engineers to make<br>appropriate decisions from a technical and economical point of views.</p> FERNANDES, R.P, ROMANEL, C., FILHO, P.R. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5429 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Semi-empirical equation for determination of stress concentration factors (SCF) in tubular joints of fixed offshore platforms subjected to axial forces https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5430 <p>Considering the importance of studying fatigue failure in offshore structures, the stress concentration<br>factor (SCF) is one of the most relevant parameters for its evaluation, obtained through equations that vary<br>according to the geometry of the tubular joint; the type of joint in question; and the load to which it is subjected.<br>Even though numerical research on KT-type tubular joints is widely discussed in the literature, this article applies<br>the symbolic regression method in order to evaluate and discuss existing equations. Through a parametric study in<br>finite elements, using the ANSYS software, with a variation of KT joints subjected to an axial load, it is possible<br>to obtain the SCFs, using a specific point for analysis. Thus, through the use of dimensionless geometric<br>parameters, the parametric equations for the SCFs are obtained, using the symbolic regression method. Based on<br>these equations, it will be possible to make a comparison with existing equations and verify the possibility of<br>improving the values of SCFs.</p> Leidiane A. Costa, José Renato M. de Sousa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5430 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Buckling of Structural Insulated Panel under In-Plane Loading https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5431 <p>Structural insulated panels (SIP) are booming in the construction industry as an alternative to traditional<br>materials. These panels considerably improve construction times compared to conventional wet systems. Its<br>implementation in varied designs results in versatile structures with more comfortable and cooler interior<br>environments, which translates into significant energy savings for its inhabitants. These panels are a composite<br>material. They are typically comprised of two outer layers and a core layer. The outer layers are formed by wooden<br>flakes mixed with a phenolic and polyurethane adhesive pressed at high temperature and pressure. The core middle<br>layer is formed by high-density expanded polystyrene and bonded to the outer layers by high-strength adhesives.<br>Various mechanical tests are usually carried out on isolated panel modules in order to ensure their good structural<br>behavior. This study reports the results of one of them, and it is focused on analyzing the structural behavior of an<br>isolated module subjected to in-plane compression. The research is based on experimental measurements carried<br>out on a panel to determine its maximum loading capacity and deformation. A numerical analysis is implemented<br>by modeling the panel with a multipurpose finite element code. Linear buckling analysis (LBA) and geometric<br>nonlinear analysis (GNLA) allowed the evaluation of buckling loads and nonlinear behavior. Modeling results are<br>compared to the experimental results in order to validate the features and behavior of the model so it can be used<br>in future analyses involving three-dimensional configurations created from the combination of multiple panels</p> Cindy G. Wozniuk, Eduardo M. Sosa, Guillermo M. Badano, Rossana C. Jaca Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5431 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of geometry on the strength of shear keys based on numerical analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5432 <p>Shear keys are present in several precast elements, such as foundation sockets and beam-column<br>connections. In the literature, several analytical formulations are observed to predict its resistance. However, the<br>formulations do not consider the entire geometry of the shear keys. In this paper, numerical models in finite<br>elements were used with the software ABAQUS® to calibrate the shear keys tested by Zhou et al. (2005) and<br>Faleiros Júnior (2018). The influence of the key geometry and the concrete strength was evaluated through a<br>parametric analysis and compared with the analytical formulations. The results showed which geometric<br>parameters have more influence on the strength of the keys. Furthermore, the results indicated that analytical<br>formulations are inappropriate for some geometries.</p> Luan Reginato, Danilo Pereira dos Santos, José Anchiêta Damasceno Fernandes Neto, Ray Calazans dos Santos Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5432 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Structural reliability of strengthened reinforced concrete beams: comparative study of different design methods https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5433 <p>There are some methods in the literature for the design of concrete jackets for beams and they differ in<br>the way they represent the structural behavior of the beam cross-section. As a consequence, it is possible to obtain<br>different results for a flexure strengthened beam. This scenario raises doubts about what are the consequences of<br>adopting different hypotheses. In the present study, two methods from the literature for strengthening design with<br>jackets were compared. The first considers a monolithicy factor that reduces the beam resistance, while the second<br>considers the compression steel contribution to resistance. The strengthened sections were analyzed using the First<br>Order Reliability Method. Information about the random variables limit state functions involved were obtained<br>from the literature. Ten experimental strengthened beams available in the literature were selected to apply the<br>design methods and to perform the reliability analysis. The strengthening design and reliability analysis routines<br>were implemented in the Matlab environment. The results indicate that the first method, the one that considers a<br>monolithicy factor, results in a larger steel reinforcement area for the strengthening. Also, the reliability analyses<br>shows that the different parameters considered in each design method have a significant impact in the reliability<br>index.</p> Flávia Gelatti, Wellison J. S. Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5433 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical evaluation of the strength of graphene-reinforced metal matrix composites https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5434 <p>This work evaluates the overall strength of graphene-reinforced metal matrix composites employing a<br>computational homogenization procedure. The simulations are carried out using the finite element method and<br>are based on unit cells representing an aggregate composed of a metallic matrix, obeying the von Mises criterion,<br>which is reinforced with high strength and stiff plane inclusions mimicking graphene. Uniaxial displacement<br>boundary conditions are imposed. The macroscopic stress components are calculated from the reaction force<br>obtained from the simulations and assumed to be the mean stress component in that direction after reaching an<br>asymptotic response. The study considers different volume fractions and orientations of the reinforcement, thus<br>addressing the effects of such material features on the macroscopic yield behavior.</p> Pedro F. M. Pires, Eduardo T. Moos, Rodrigo Rossi, Rene Q. Rodríguez, Tiago dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5434 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SHALLOW WATER EQUATION MODEL AND DISSOLVED OXYGEN TRANSPORT IN A BUBBLING AERATION SYSTEM IN THE BAY OF ASUNCION ́ https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5435 <p>The presence of oxygen in natural water bodies is essential for the organisms responsible for photo-<br>synthesis, oxidation-reduction and the decomposition of organic matter. Thus, it is important to study and analyze</p> <p>the distribution and concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO). This work presents a model for DO transport in a<br>bubbling aeration system in the Bay of Asuncion for surface water treatment. The mathematical model considers ́<br>DO advection-diffusion-reaction equation, as well as wind shear and bottom drag for water flow, in 2D Shallow</p> <p>Water equations (SWE). The kinetic model of oxygen absorption is obtained from a prototype of bubble aera-<br>tion system for several air-flows. The equations are solved using OpenFOAM® software, and simulations of the</p> <p>bay of Asuncion are performed with mesh independence tests. The results obtained without the aeration system ́<br>are compared with field measurements of DO concentrations. Finally, the effects of the aeration system on the<br>improvement of water conditions in the bay of Asuncion are analyzed and presented ́</p> Paula M. Pedrozo, Hyun Ho Shin, Cristhian E. Schaerer, Magna M. Monteiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5435 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of Methods for Optimizing Structural Design Parameters in Oil Wells https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5436 <p>Present work focuses on the optimization of the conductor casing length and sensitivity analysis of the<br>cement top of surface casings ensuring that global structural design criteria are met. These criteria include: 1)<br>bearing capacity of the conductor casing, 2) displacement of the wellhead system, and 3) surface casing triaxial<br>factor of safety. The implementation uses several optimization techniques to evaluate the performance and<br>accuracy of the parameters while minimizing the criteria. Assessment of the mechanical behavior of the soil-well<br>coupling is done using finite element software and it serves as a data source for the optimization techniques. The<br>implemented software is treated as a “black box” and global criteria are evaluated based on the simulation results.<br>The finite element software is used by an oil company, which also gave specific data about well design as case<br>studies. The case studies are used to evaluate which optimization method provided the best results and processing<br>time for each case. This kind of study on optimization techniques aims to support the decision-making process on<br>well casing design to evaluate the integrity of structural casings. Previous results show consistent accuracy among<br>casing length and cement column parameters for the employed methods.</p> Christiano A. F. Várady Filho, Aline V. Esteves, Joyce K. F. Tenório, Beatriz R. Barboza, João P. L. Santos, Eduardo T. Lima Junior, Rafael Dias, Fábio S. Cutrim, Bruno Sérgio Pimentel de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5436 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Formulation for the local contact problem between smooth convex NURBS particles https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5437 <p>The paper presents a formulation for the local contact problem between smooth convex particles whose<br>boundaries are defined by a set of non-uniform rational B-splines surfaces. By assuming a master-to-master<br>approach for the contact and an optimization scheme, the maximum penetration between particles is a minimum<br>of an objective function that gives a constrained distance between surfaces. This objective function is defined with<br>the aid of the Minkowski sum, configuration space obstacle and support mapping, which are concepts usually<br>employed on computer graphics. A numerical example shows the good behavior of the method in handling contact<br>between generic particle shapes. Comments on the numerical problems that can arise when generating particle<br>boundaries with multiple patches are also presented.</p> Marina V. Craveiro, Alfredo Gay Neto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5437 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Efficient Optimization of Engineering Problems using Multi-Fidelity Models https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5438 <p>Optimization methods can be employed to find the optimum design of engineering structures. Due<br>to their ease of implementation and robustness, bio-inspired optimization algorithms have been widely applied<br>to solve complex optimization problems. However, these methods require a large number of expensive function<br>evaluations. For a more efficient process, surrogate models can be used to provide a cheaper estimate of the<br>structural responses. These models are built from a small set of true responses, and their approximated surface<br>assists in the selection of promising trial designs. Efficient Optimization can be performed by iterately improving<br>the model by the addition of new points in regions of interest, thus improving the accuracy of the model near<br>the optimum location. In this work, we study the use of Multi-Fidelity models for the Efficient Optimization of<br>engineering problems. Kriging and Hierarchical Kriging models are employed, and the selection of new points is<br>performed using variations of the Expected Improvement and Probability of Improvement criteria. The obtained<br>results are compared in terms of accuracy, the number of evaluations, and computational efficiency. Results show<br>that Multi-Fidelity approaches are able to find optimal results using fewer high-fidelity evaluations.</p> Leonardo G. Ribeiro, Evandro Parente Jr., Antonio M. C. de Melo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5438 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Agrophotovoltaic system in Alagoas – Design contribution and performance analysis of support structures for photovoltaic solar panels https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5439 <p>Agrophotovoltaic (APV) systems are widely used nowadays. They are shown as a sustainable strategy<br>transition to renewable energies and are a "dual-farming" technique combining photovoltaic and crop cultivation.<br>The sugarcane energy sector is the main economic activity in Alagoas. The electrical transmission structure and<br>the available cultivated area offer optimal symbiotic conditions for implementing these systems. This work<br>proposes a structure to support the photovoltaic solar panels and their loads as well as the flexibility to adjust the<br>angle of the panels and modify the distance between the individual structures. The estimates of the structural loads<br>were carried out through the combinations of the predicted actions, such as the weight of photovoltaic solar panels<br>and structural elements and the action of the wind, considering the most unfavorable situation in the structure<br>sizing. Structural analysis and design were carried out considering the Service Limit State (SLS) and the Ultimate<br>Limit State (ULS) through the structural analysis based on the finite element method, SAP2000, considering the<br>Brazilian standards. All results are within limits established in the Brazilian National Standards Organization,<br>Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) in Portuguese.</p> José Luiz Carlos Marinho Peronico Pedrosa, Márcio André Araújo Cavalcante Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5439 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical modeling of dynamic behavior in a bi-axial hollow slab https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5440 <p>Bi-axial hollow slab is a technology that reduces the amount of concrete by replacing it with plastic<br>spheres with voids on their inside in areas where it does not perform substantial structural function. This technique<br>leads to material economy and self-weight saving, without considerable inertial loss. As a result, this method<br>is increasingly becoming more present in the matrix of Brazilian construction methods, due to its efficiency in<br>technical, economic and environmental aspects. One of the main loads that a structure is subjected to is dynamic<br>excitation caused by human interaction, such as walking, jumping and running, which are characterized by being<br>periodic and low frequency. With that, the spread of this technology depends on a reliable numerical modeling<br>that describes these behaviors, so that structural designers can have confidence in their work. As a relatively new<br>technology in Brazil’s business, the lack of commercial software that has computational models of cross sections<br>with spherical voids makes it difficult to popularize this constructive method. In this context, this work aims to<br>develop a mathematical model that describes the structural dynamic behavior of the hollow slab. To that end, four<br>finite element models were created, and their dynamic properties of vibration modes and natural frequencies were<br>compared to an experimentally tested hollow slab specimen. The models I, II, III and IV were elaborated with<br>frame, shell-thin, shell-layered and solid element, respectively. The results presented in this paper show that the<br>vibration modes were similar, but with different values of natural frequencies compared with the specimen. The<br>lowest variation was obtained by the model IV, with a 0,60% difference for a 6,7 Hz frequency relative to the<br>first mode of the experimental hollow slab. Models I, II and III varied by 8,92%, 1,34% and 43%, respectively.<br>Therefore, it can be concluded that, among the numerical models analyzed in this work, the one that best describes<br>the modal behavior of a bi-axial hollow slab it’s the model IV, with finite shell-layered elements, although model<br>II presents good precision too. This opens up a possibility for reliable modeling of the dynamic behavior of this<br>type of slab.</p> Tiago A. Mota, Marcos H. Oliveirar, Graciela Doz Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5440 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Topology Optimization of Plane Trusses Employing the Progressive Directional Selection Method. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5441 <p>More and more, inspiration is sought from nature to solve complex problems in modern society.<br>Whether observing the morphological characteristics of animals and plants or even the behavior of living beings<br>in the environment they live. The naturalist Charles Darwin studied this behavior in depth and proposed a theory<br>that explains how life became what it is today, the Theory of Natural Selection. The theory of natural selection of<br>the directional type inspires the topological optimization method proposed in this work. The Progressive<br>Directional Selection (PDS) method seeks to optimize a structure by selecting the parts that contribute the most to<br>support the mechanical loads and eliminating the parts that contribute the least in different stages of removal.<br>Numerical applications of PDS were performed in two-dimensional truss structures, starting from a ground<br>structure. The matrix analysis of plane trusses and the direct stiffness method are employed to analyze the plane<br>truss in the linear regime. The obtained optimal topologies are structurally stable and efficient and very similar to<br>the results of other topological optimization techniques presented in the literature. The results demonstrate that<br>this method can be employed for the topological optimization of two-dimensional trusses.</p> Nayro S. N. Cavalcante, Márcio A. A. Cavalcante, Luiz C. L. Véras Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5441 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modeling and Analysis of Fractures in Concrete Beams Using DBEM and the BEMCracker2D Program https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5442 <p>In its remarkable progress, Fracture Mechanics, equipped with Computational Mechanics, explained<br>the huge lack of structural norms in the face of structural failures conceived in fragile materials, still allocated<br>under stresses below the design limit stress. Generally, such failures result from events ranging from structural<br>weaknesses to the occurrence of failure by the brittle fracture mechanism. In this context, this work is equipped<br>with concepts related to Fracture Mechanics, in particular, to Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics, LEFM, to<br>Boundary Element Method, BEM, and to Double Boundary Element Method, DBEM, and seeks to implement and<br>attest the BEMCRACKER2D software as an effective tool to predict the propagation of multiple critical shear<br>cracks in simple concrete elements, with the consent of discontinuities along their interfaces. As a methodology<br>for this finding, at first, the necessary adjustments will be made in the BEMLAB2D graphical interface so that it<br>is possible to model cracks with several segments. Subsequently, simulations of propagation of shear cracks in<br>plain concrete will be carried out, in which their results will be used to evaluate their respective Stress Intensity<br>Factors in light of Integral J, as well as the direction and propagation path obtained through software, in the<br>application of the Maximum Circumferential Stress criterion, MCS, and fatigue crack propagation, resulting in the<br>comparison with other works already consolidated in the application of predictive analysis of similar cases.</p> A. S. Moura, G. Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5442 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Phase-field model for pressurized fractures simulation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5443 <p>The present work investigates the numerical simulation of pressurized fracture, using the phase-field<br>strategy, and its implementation. A simplified approach to hydraulic fracture with phase-field already available in<br>the literature, is implemented in the open-source software INSANE (INteractive Structural ANalysis Environment)<br>developed at the Structural Engineering Department of the Federal University of Minas Gerais, taking advantage of<br>its object-oriented structure. Within this simplified model, inertial and leak-off effects are neglected, the reservoir<br>is considered impermeable and the fluid incompressible, leading to a fracture system where the fluid pressure<br>is constant. The pressure load is applied directly on the fracture surface influencing its behavior. Numerical<br>simulations performed with the finite element method are presented, aiming to illustrate the model as well as to<br>evaluate the initial results found with regard to the behavior of the crack subjected to pressure load.</p> Eduarda M. Ferreira, Roque L. S. Pitangueira, Lapo Gori Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5443 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Artificial Neural Networks applied to assess the impact of PM2.5 on hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5444 <p>The high emission of atmospheric pollutants in large urban centers causes several harms to population<br>health. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the negative impact of its concentration to assist in decision-making and<br>public policies by government agents. Several modeling techniques have been used to assess the effects of air<br>pollution on human health. However, due to their greater flexibility in analyzing the complex nonlinearity of<br>environmental data, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been shown to be the most attractive approach for<br>solving such data modeling problems. This work aimed to compare the performance of two artificial neural<br>networks, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) in estimating the number of<br>hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases due to the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in<br>Joinville, Brazil. Daily PM2.5 concentration and meteorological variables were considered as input variables. MLP<br>network was able to achieve better performance to estimate hospital attendance because of these environmental<br>conditions after three days of PM2.5 exposure. The results demonstrate that ANN can be used to predict hospital<br>admissions due to air pollution levels or adverse meteorological conditions and therefore, be used to guide<br>government public policies on air quality and health risk assessment.</p> Jéssica C. Santos-Silva, Yara S. Tadano, Hugo V. Siqueira, Sandra H. W. Medeiros, Luiz V. Silva, Danielli V. Ferreira, Thomas S. Pereira, Carlos I. Yamamoto, Ricardo H. M. Godoi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5444 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Approximating the operator of the wave equation using deep learning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5445 <p>Deep operator networks (DeepONets) have demonstrated the capability of approximating nonlinear<br>operators for initial- and boundary-value problems. One attractive feature of DeepONets is their versatility since<br>they do not rely on prior knowledge about the solution structure of a problem and can thus be directly applied to<br>a large class of problems. However, convergence in identifying the parameters of the networks may sometimes be<br>slow. In order to improve on DeepONets for approximating the wave equation, we introduce the Green operator<br>networks (GreenONets), which use the representation of the exact solution to the homogeneous wave equation in<br>term of the Green’s function. A comparison between the GreenONets and the DeepONets is shown on a series of<br>numerical experiments for homogeneous and heterogeneous medias.</p> Ziad Aldirany, Regis Cottereau, Marc Laforest, Serge Prudhomme Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5445 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Use of Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant in Fashion Consulting https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5446 <p>Several people have difficulty acquiring clothes. This is since she does not know her personal style.<br>According to experts there are seven universal styles that are: Classic, Sporty, Contemporary, Romantic, Sexy,<br>Creative and Dramatic. So, if a person cares about the image she is passing on to the world she needs a fashion<br>consultancy. However, a fashion professional is not popular or as affordable, as it can be an expensive service for<br>the end consumer. Therefore, this project aims to implement a platform where fashion professionals such as<br>Fashion and Image Consultants offer the service. In addition to this modality the project will contain an intelligent<br>agent that can be used as a fashion consultant. To training the artificial intelligence model data was collected<br>through forms made available on the Internet and disseminated to certain populations such as schools and colleges.<br>In this first phase, only 500 samples were obtained, and the model reached 95% accuracy, but it will be necessary<br>to obtain a larger amount of data. After all, the identification of the correct style of a person is something complex,<br>248 characteristics were detected. In the next step will be collected more data and other machine learning models<br>will be tested.</p> Edyene Cely Amaro Oliveira, Geanneti Tavares Salomon, Bruna Giordano Juvenal, Camila Chaves Mariano, Cecilia Eduarda, Francielly Marques Bitencourt, Gabriel Henrique Dias, Guilherme Magalhães, Gustavo Henrique Gonçalves de Oliveira, Igor Almir, Marcos Alves Ramos, Matheus Henrique Marcelino e Oliveira, Wilton Silva Andrade Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5446 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Vibration of tall buildings under wind loads https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5447 <p>The evaluation of the dynamic response of tall buildings exposed to wind loads is an important complex<br>subject that is usually treated through different simplify method which are addressed in this study. The first one is<br>Mario Franco’s “Synthetic Wind Method”, which allows simulating the fluctuation of the wind from the<br>superposition of harmonics obtained from a power spectrum of wind speed. It was also studied methods for the<br>assessment of dynamic torsional moments caused by turbulent wind, and its influence on the total dynamic<br>response of tall buildings. The torsional dynamic wind loads were simulated trough literature available power<br>spectra. All load methods were addressed on case studies which involved two different tall buildings modelled on<br>commercial software’s based on Finite Element Method. It was observed that reliability of the obtained results<br>depends strongly on the choosing of the method appropriate for the buildings geometry. Also, the disregarding the<br>floating torsional moments due to wind load in the dynamic analysis of tall buildings can lead to major error in the<br>human comfort analysis.</p> Padilha, A. Caio, Vieira D. Janine, Carvalho L. M. Eliane Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5447 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design of optimum viscoelastic dynamic neutralizers by response reanalysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5449 <p>In the past decades, response reanalysis techniques have been widely used to predict the dynamic effects<br>of localized structural modifications, for they offer the advantage of circumventing the need to reprocess the whole<br>set of information relative to the system of concern at each modification stage. Some recent works addressed the<br>issue of evaluating the effects of inserting a viscoelastic dynamic neutralizer into a primary system by means of<br>reanalysis, but none of them tackled the problem of finding the optimum modal parameters for the device based<br>on these techniques. In this context, the present work aims to investigate the use of two response reanalysis<br>techniques - in matrix formulation - to iteratively predict the response of the modified system after alterations in<br>the parameters of a single-degree-of-freedom neutralizer, which provides a convenient method to find the optimal<br>modal characteristics for the device. The considered primary system consists of a cantilever steel beam, the<br>vibrations of which are meant to be kept under control. A finite-element model for the beam is implemented and<br>a combination of a genetic algorithm and a local Nelder-Mead technique is used to ensure that global minimum<br>vibration levels are achieved. The results show promising evidence for generalizing the use of the technique to<br>multiple-degree-of-freedom devices and for applying the method to specific, large scale systems, such as overhead<br>transmission line conductor cables.</p> Gabriel R. do Amaral, Kevin M. M. Ribeiro, José M. Balthazar, Alexandre de Macêdo Wahrhaftig, Isabel Gebauer Soares, Eduardo M. de Oliveira Lopes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5449 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Study of the Relationship Between Bit Stick-Out and Drill Bit Size in Deepwater Jetting Drilling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5450 <p>Jetting is a common technique for conductor casing driving in cohesive soils. This installation method<br>shows faster results with less cost. However, even nowadays, the jetting operation relies on the experience and<br>expertise of the drilling team for a successful performance. Therefore, to have a clear picture of jet excavation,<br>computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches have been applied as a safe and economical alternative compared<br>to field tests. This paper presents a numerical simulation of jetting operation for conductor casing in cohesive soil.<br>Since the main operation parameters are pump rate, the ratio of bit-to-conductor dimensions and bit stick-out, this<br>work investigates the relationship between the bit stick-out and drillbits of different magnitude. For simulation of<br>the soil-jet interaction, a two-phase Lattice-Boltzmann model (LBM) combined with the Volume of Fluid (VoF)</p> <p>method was used to track interface behaviour. The soil is represented as a viscous fluid and described by Herschell-<br>Bulkley viscosity model. The model is calibrated for a well in the Brazilian Pre-Salt. Therefore, this study purposes</p> <p>a follow-up analysis of the jetting process on Brazilian wells to advance understanding of the interaction between<br>its different parameters and their effect on the operation performance.</p> Natália C. S. Santos, Beatriz R. Barboza, Eduardo M. A. Pacheco, João P. L. Santos, Delton L. Resende, Rafael Dias, Fábio Sawada Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5450 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Artificial swimmers in concentration gradients: Simulation and learning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5451 <p>The coupled problem of hydrodynamics and solute transport for artificial microswimmers is studied,<br>with the Reynolds number set to zero and Peclet numbers (Pe) ranging from 0 to 100. The adopted method is ́<br>the numerical simulation of the problem with a finite element code based upon the FEniCS library. Details of the<br>second-order treatment of the time-evolving geometry are presented and shown to be essential for the basic physics<br>to be respected. The code is first applied to compute the effective solute intake of several artificial swimmers<br>as functions of the Peclet number. The results confirm that no significant gain in solute intake is achieved by ́<br>swimming if Pe is smaller than 10. We also consider the swimmers as learning agents inside a fluid that has<br>a concentration gradient in the far field. We couple the simulations with reinforcement learning processes and<br>investigate the ability of the agents to learn to move towards the region of higher concentration. The results<br>demonstrate that microscopic organisms need to solve a challenging learning problem to migrate efficiently when<br>exposed to chemical inhomogeneities.</p> Gustavo C. Buscaglia, Stevens Paz, Roberto F. Ausas, Juan P. Carbajal Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5451 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical solution of single-phase flows in karstified heterogeneous carbonate rocks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5452 <p>Oil reservoirs in carbonate porous media are usually composed of several structures such as matrices,<br>fractures and cavity systems, which impact properties like porosity, permeability and fluid transport behavior [1].<br>In this context, the problem of flow through a reservoir in the presence of karsts is rather challenging, and therefore<br>the predictive capabilities related to the flow and transport processes remain severely limited. In this work, we<br>perform simulations of a quarter of a five spot problem in a domain Ω ⊂ R<br>2</p> <p>to numerically describe an incom-<br>pressible single-phase flow in a karstified carbonate rock. The methodology is based on the geometric treatment</p> <p>and simulation data proposed in [2], and on the application of the Karst Index (KI) concept presented by [3]. The<br>use of the KI follows a similar approach to the application of the Well Index presented in [4]. Given the lack of<br>knowledge of the precise geometry of karst network shape, we test different arrangements with branching (such as<br>in [2, 5]). The mathematical model used includes equations that describe the fluid flow through a conduit, and a</p> <p>mass conservation equation for each component. The domain is discretized by cartesian grids with different con-<br>figurations of homogeneous and high-contrast heterogeneous media, while the governing equations are discretized</p> <p>by conservative finite volume methods. Results are verified in terms of conservation of mass. We compare the<br>generated results by using Darcy’s law changing the parameters of the conduit to assess its influence on the overall<br>simulation.</p> Uebert G. Moreira, Franciane F. Rocha, Alfredo Jaramillo, Fabricio S. de Sousa, Roberto F. Ausas, Gustavo C. Buscaglia, Felipe Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5452 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Human-Structure Interaction during jumping on Rectangular Plates https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5453 <p>In this work a Spring-Mass-Damping system (SMD) of one degree of freedom is used to represent the<br>human-structure interaction during jumping on a thin rectangular plate under a time-dependent base excitation.<br>The plate is considered simply supported and its strains relations are described by the Von Karman nonlinear<br>theory. A parametric analysis using the piecewise-smooth contact dynamics theory is performed to study the<br>influence of loss of contact during the flight phase of jumping cycles. The different stable jumping strategies of<br>the human body for incremental values of the human damping ratio are found. Obtained results show that,<br>depending on the values assumed for the biodynamic parameter, chaotic responses, hysteresis and coexisting<br>attractors can be observed in the bifurcation diagrams when the human degree of freedom is controlled.</p> Phablo V. I Dias, Zenón J. G. N. Del Prado Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5453 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design of a composite steel-concrete multi-storey building with high- strength steels and built-up sections https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5454 <p>One of the main advantages of the composite steel-concrete structures is the feasibility to explore the<br>combined potential of the materials, i.e., steel in tension and concrete in compression. The construction system<br>allows two materials to be used together in beams, columns, and slabs to obtain a building with excellent structural</p> <p>performance. Therefore, this project aimed to evaluate the reduction of the self-weight of the structure of a multi-<br>story (G+7 story) building using steel-concrete composite structures together the use of high strength steels, such</p> <p>as the ASTM A572 grade 65 (yield strength of 450 MPa). A complete building project of real building available<br>in the literature was used to be the comparison parameter for this study. Originally, the design present in the<br>literature adopted European rolled profiles with European S355 steel, which has yield strength similar to the ASTM<br>A572 grade 50 (yield strength of 345 MPa). A complete finite element model of the building was developed using<br>the finite element program Autodesk Robot Structural to carry out static and quasi-static structural analyses.<br>Design verifications were implemented and conducted in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and MS Excel®<br>macros using Brazilian design standards (NBR 8800 and NBR 6118) for ultimate-limit and serviceability states.<br>This paper is included in the context of an undergraduate final project work and present the state of the ongoing<br>research. At this first phase, the use of high-strength steel allowed the reduction of some built-up sections and<br>hence the total weight of the structure.</p> Deborah S. Fassini, Guilherme S. Alencar, André V. S. Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5454 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A numerical study of cardiac pacemakers with relaxation oscillators https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5455 <p>The cardiac pacemaker is an important device for the proper functioning of the human cardiac system.<br>A modeling to represent the signals from the operation of a pacemaker has been done using a relaxation oscillator,<br>the Van der Pol oscillator, given by a second order differential equation. This paper aims to demonstrate the<br>development of a cardiac pacemaker model based on the modified Van der Pol oscillator to simulate it numerically,<br>in order to analyze the signal in the time domain, as Phase Portrait, and in the frequency domain, as Fourier<br>Transform and Wavelets Transforms, in order to identify the stability of the oscillator and its response in the<br>frequency domain. The numerical integrations performed in this paper were done with the fourth order Runge<br>Kutta method.</p> Felipe Lima de Abreu, Marcus Varanis, Clivaldo de Oliveira, Jose Manoel Balthazar, Angelo Marcelo Tusset Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5455 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Model updating using hierarchical Bayesian strategy and error scale factor employing B-WIM calibration data https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5456 <p>Data collected during the calibration process of bridge weigh-in-motion (BWIM) systems can be applied<br>both for evaluating the behavior of the structure and for updating models and parameters. These model update<br>techniques aim to adjust parameters of a structural model making predicted responses closer to the experimental<br>behavior. Bayesian modeling is well applied to the present problem, as it makes possible the combination of<br>previous knowledge and experimental data, allowing better parameter estimates. However, in some civil<br>engineering applications the updated parameters may contain inherent variability during the experimental process,<br>due to external factors such as environmental conditions, and may have considerable changes during the process.<br>To consider this inherent variability, a hierarchical Bayesian model was adopted. Sampling from Markov Chain<br>Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods is applied. It was also observed that there is an increase in variability with<br>increasing vehicle weight. The introduction of this effect to the model was then studied, comparing 2 ways of<br>considering this variation, both as a linear function of the expected signals for a given vehicle, and using the area<br>under this predicted signal. Results for both numerical simulations and real bridge calibration data indicate that<br>the hierarchical Bayesian approach proposed for the model update, including the scale factor according to vehicle<br>weight, is able to perform properly, providing confidence intervals for predicted signals by unseen vehicles that<br>best fit within the observed strains.</p> Sabrina Kalise Heinen, Rafael Holdorf Lopez, Matheus Silva Gonçalves, Leandro Fleck Fadel Miguel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5456 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sensor Placement Optimization for Numerical Model Reduction using Genetic Algorithm https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5457 <p>Numerical reduction techniques are crucial for numerical and experimental model compatibility.<br>Besides reducing computational costs, finite element (FE) models generally have significant number of degrees of<br>freedom (DOFs) when compared to experimental models. Therefore, sensor placement techniques based on<br>effective independence (EI), condition number of the modal matrix (CN) and the sum of the off-diagonal terms of<br>the modal assurance criteria (off-MAC) matrix aim to provide optimal sensors position setup for future accurate<br>experimental tests. Thus, this work presents a comparative study among the mentioned sensor placement<br>techniques for selecting the candidate numerical DOFs to reduce the free-free beam FE model through the Guyan<br>technique. In addition, it is applied genetic optimization algorithm (GA) under CN and MAC techniques to reach</p> <p>optimal solutions. A sensitivity analysis of the optimal responses from CN and MAC was held, along with an F-<br>test, which ranked the relevant DOFs for sensor placement. The results showed that root-mean-square-error</p> <p>(RMSE) between the reduced FE and full FE models was less than 5%. MAC values were above 0.86. Finally, it<br>was identified that the three methods need a DOF’s selection of spatial constraints to circumvent possible problems<br>of the modes poor spatial resolution of the reduced FE model.</p> Diogenes B. Fontes, Fábio R. da Silva, Leonardo O. Felix, Antônio C.R. Troyman, Brenno M. Castro, Luiz A. Vaz, Ulisses A. Monteiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5457 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced embankments on soft soils https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5458 <p>This paper analyzes, through numerical modeling in finite element software, the behavior of an<br>embankment reinforced with geosynthetics on soft soils. The results presented and discussed allowed us to<br>establish conclusions regarding the behavior of settlement, horizontal displacement, excess pore pressure, tension<br>and deformation in the geosynthetic as a function of time, depth and horizontal distance. In summary, the numerical<br>analyses presented satisfactory behavior and the results show that the insertion of geosynthetics does not influence<br>the response of some analyzed variables, except for the horizontal displacement. However, the use of geosynthetics<br>aims to increase the global stability of the soil mass through contact interactions and reduce embankment<br>deformation. The contributions of this work to the understanding of the behavior of geosynthetic reinforced<br>embankments on soft soils are highlighted.</p> Gustavo H. Rossi, Naloan C. Sampa, Bianca C. Caetani, Douglas Kaípo Dominguês Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5458 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Computational tool for design of steel elements in fire situation with and without fire protection material https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5459 <p>At high temperatures, steel presents changes in its mechanical properties, which can cause severe<br>accidents. Due to this, fire safety engineering has two objectives: the preservation of life and the reduction of<br>property losses. Among the measures that can be adopted to increase the fire resistance time of a structure, the<br>application of passive fire protection materials stands out. Despite the importance of these materials, information<br>about their fire behavior and their thermal properties are still limited, causing, currently in Brazil, the material<br>thickness to be determined based on fixed critical temperature values. Therefore, in this paper, a computational<br>tool was developed to help the design of fire protection materials in steel structures. The tool was developed in<br>Visual Basic for Applications language and performs the design of steel columns and beams at room temperature<br>and in a fire situation, with or without fire coating materials. The computer program considers protective materials<br>such as spray-applied mortar, gypsum board, and intumescent paint. The results obtained by the developed tool,<br>when compared with the literature, were satisfactory, indicating that the tool is a reliable and useful instrument for<br>the correct design and specification of protection materials.</p> Thayná C. S. Marcelino, Macksuel S. Azevedo, Adenilcia Fernanda G. Calenzani Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5459 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DESIGN OF INJECTOR PLATES FOR HYBRID ROCKET MOTORS TEST BENCH WITH GASEOUS OXYGEN https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5460 <p>Hybrid rocket motors have been intensively studied in universities because of their many advantages<br>compared to other chemical rocket motors. They are safe, simple to handle, present low cost, environmental<br>cleanliness, and throttling features. Because of these reasons, hybrid motors injection plate is a primary item. There<br>is a lot of available experimental data about the atomization of particles for liquid injection. However, for laboratory<br>applications, in which liquid oxygen is more expensive and challenging gaseous oxygen is desirable. From this<br>point of view, the present study is motivated by the lack of literature about injection plates for compressible fluids.<br>This paper presents an analytical and numerical design of injectors for gaseous oxygen. In the analytical study<br>section, continuity, ideal gas, and atomization equations present in literature have been used to design a showerhead<br>injection plate for the desired pressure drop. The numerical study made it possible to model a viscous flow through<br>the designed injection plate, resulting in slightly higher pressure drops than isentropic analytical results since the<br>theoretical results do not account for viscous losses. This numerical model validation enabled the design of more<br>complex injection plates, such as hollow-cone, pressure-swirl, and vortex ones.</p> Paulo Gabriel Cunha Martins, Kesiany Maxima de Souza, Rene Gonçalves, Leonardo Henrique Gouvea, Cristiane Aparecida Martins Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5460 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Hybrid Algorithm based on Stationary and Krylov methods for Nonsy- mmetric Linear Systems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5461 <p>Iterative Krylov methods, like Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES) and Full Orthogonalization</p> <p>Method (FOM), are normally used for the solution of sparse and nonsymmetric linear systems from Computa-<br>tional Mechanics problems. In practice, restarted versions, are used to reduce storage and orthogonalization costs.</p> <p>However, numerical experience shows that these methods may present stagnation or slow convergence. The Sta-<br>tionary method is older, simpler to understand and implement, but usually not completely effective. Contrarily, the</p> <p>Krylov method has a more recent development and is more effective than the former, but the analysis is usually<br>harder to understand with difficulties in selecting its parameters. A cycle of a proposed hybrid method consists<br>of n Stationary iterations of Richardson followed by m × k iterations of the restarted GMRES, where n, m and<br>k are values much smaller than the dimension of the non-symmetric matrix. Such cycles can be repeated until<br>convergence is achieved. The advantage of this approach is in the opportunity to allow better performance of its<br>individual properties. This combination of methods is competitive from the point of view of helping to accelerate</p> <p>convergence with respect to the number of iterations for some linear problems. We are going to present compu-<br>tational experiments to show the advantages and the main problems raised from the perspective of the proposed</p> <p>hybrid method.</p> Sebastian Marin, Carlos M. Vera, Juan C. Cabralr, Christian E. Schaerer Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5461 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sensitivity analysis and parameter identification to railway bridge structural model updating https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5462 <p>One of the major challenges in the management of infrastructure systems is to ensure their safety and<br>structural integrity throughout its useful life. This is due to the fact that the material and structural properties loss<br>and the eventual failure of these structures has catastrophic consequences. In that context, this project aims to<br>contribute to the application of methods that allow the safety and structural integrity assessment of railway bridges<br>based on experimental modal data. The objective is to apply the sensitivity analysis of a real railway bridge<br>structure using finite element model update to its unknown structural parameters. For this purpose, the Sobol‘<br>indices are studied to describe how the variability of the model response is affected by the variability of each input<br>parameter or combination thereof. Usually, these indices are computed by Monte Carlo simulation. However, they<br>are practically not applicable to CPU-intensive models such as finite element models. An alternative approach to<br>overcome this scenario is the use of surrogate models to speed-up the calculations, such as a polynomial chaos<br>expansion, a robust framework to compute Sobol’ indices. Thus, for the sensitivity analysis of this paper, it brings<br>a connection between these approaches. Finally, the role of the parameter identification is discussed, based on the<br>results of the sensitivity analysis.</p> Thiago M. Fernandes, Rafael H. Lopez, Leandro F. F. Miguel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5462 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reliability analysis of cold formed steel members with plain C-lipped and SupaCee section in shear https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5463 <p>This article presents a procedure for the reliability assessment of cold-formed steel members with plain<br>C-lipped and SupaCee® sections in shear. The SupaCee® sections contain additional return lips and web stiffeners</p> <p>which enhance the bending and shear capacity of the sections. The development of the DSM for designing of cold-<br>formed sections in pure shear is available in North American (AISI) and Australian (AS/NZS 4600) standards.</p> <p>However, the Brazilian standard does not provide the application of the DSM for shear case. A test database of 23<br>cold-formed steel members in shear was assembled and test-to-predicted statistics were obtained for the Direct<br>Strength Method (DSM). The reliability indexes, resulting from the reliability analysis, were determined using the<br>First Order Reliability Method (FORM), First Order Second Moment (FOSM) and Monte Carlo Method (MCM).<br>It was found that the DSM safety level, adapted to the Brazilian standard, satisfies the target reliability index of<br>2.5 if a resistance factor of 1/1.2 is used.</p> Frederico B. Costa, André L. R. Brandão, Marcilio S. R. Freitas Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5463 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CHARACTERIZATION OF DISTURBANCE IN ELECTRIC POWER SIG- NALS: A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5464 <p>Voltage variation in electrical networks is one of the problems that arise when it comes to electronic equip-<br>ment that is sensitive to voltage variations. As a way of classifying voltage variation phenomena, such as Voltage</p> <p>Sag or Swell, this paper aims to use artificially created voltage signals in the time domain, which represent each<br>electrical fault, which will be analyzed in the frequency domain with techniques of time frequency analysis (TFA)</p> <p>and entropy analysis, among other Features. Subsequently, with classic methods from the Machine Learning lit-<br>erature, classify the general electrical signals and identify the respective faults. As a working tool, the Python</p> <p>language is used, as it is easy to implement and learn, in addition to being widely documented. Additionally, the<br>scikit-learn librarie is used, which are widely tested and documented in the literature.</p> Felipe Lima de Abreu, Marcus Varanis, Pedro Augusto Beck, Clivaldo de Oliveira, Jose Manoel Balthazar Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5464 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Interactive graphic software for structural analysis of slabs using Grid Analogy with consideration of column’s stiffness https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5465 <p>For the dimensioning of reinforced concrete slabs, the appropriate determination of internal forces and<br>displacements is vital. These parameters are subject of structural analysis and, in the case of slabs, the equation<br>that mathematically describes such elements’ behavior is the Lagrange Differential Equation, which analytical<br>solution has a high degree of complexity, that increases considerably depending on the boundary conditions<br>involved. However, in modern days, thanks to the computational revolution, numerical solutions for this problem<br>have become more and more feasible and accessible, and are now widely used as basis for the structural analysis<br>of slabs. Among the several viable methodologies used with this purpose, this paper describes the use of the Grid<br>Analogy Method as the core method for developing a Python interactive-graphical software focused on the<br>structural analysis of concrete slabs. Furthermore, based on the observation that a solidarization process occurs in<br>the slab-column interface regions, the effect of the direct employment of the columns’ bending stiffnesses on the<br>stiffness matrix of the structural system is also analyzed. For verification matters, the recorded grid analogy results<br>are compared with data present in the Literature, while the influence of the columns’ stiffness is studied by<br>comparing the results of the analysis of the same structure with and without this consideration. The results were<br>very satisfactory, both numerically and regarding the graphical environment created, that can be used for handling<br>the structural model design and presenting the results of internal forces and displacements.</p> Christian C. de Oliveira, João C. C. Barbirato Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5465 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 CONCRETEGRID: A COMPUTATIONAL TOOL TO ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF STRUCTURAL GRIDS IN REINFORCED CONCRETE https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5466 <p>The structural solution in grids is widely used in civil construction, as in building floors and bridge<br>boards, due to its large bearing capacity. The grids are structural systems composed of a set of linear elements<br>(beams) belonging to the same plane, designed to resist the solicitations coming from not coplanar actions to this<br>system. Its large bearing capacity is due to the stiff connections between the beams that compose the structural<br>grid, allowing the loads applied to a single beam to be redistributed to the others, so that all elements work together.<br>Therefore, the stiffness relationship imposed by the nodes, be related to bending or torsion, implies in a formulation<br>adapted to the impact on the structure's behavior, in efforts and displacements. In this context, we present the<br>application ConcreteGrid, a computational tool developed in Python programming language for analysis, design<br>and verification of grid elements in reinforced concrete structures. The computational implementation allows the<br>user to define the structure of interest with its loads, providing the analysis of displacements and acting efforts,<br>considering the dimensioning of the longitudinal and transversal reinforcements of the grid beams, as well as the<br>verification of the reinforcements in terms of satisfying the criteria of ultimate. The validation of the presented<br>tool is performed through the analysis of applications available in the literature, proving the relevance of the<br>formulation used and the computational implementation performed.</p> Milton M. G. dos Santos, João C. C. Barbirato Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5466 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NUMERICAL STUDY OF A MULTI-DEGREE OF FREEDOM STRUCTURE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF WIND EXCITATION. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5467 <p>Nonlinearity is always present in the most diverse real structures, so the more reliable the computational<br>numerical modeling of these structures, the more one must consider the nonlinearities present. This paper aims<br>to study the nonlinear dynamics of a structure under the action of wind force based on a structure with multiple<br>degrees of freedom (shear building) with the addition of a duffing spring, which introduces nonlinearity to the<br>system, where the external force will be implemented through the wind force applied to one of the floors of the<br>structure. The entire analysis will be performed through the numerical integration of the ordinary differential<br>equations, thus obtaining the response in the time domain, and through transforms, such as the continuous wavelet<br>transform (cwt), extract the signal in the frequency domain, allowing to observe phenomena that are not possible<br>to observe in the time domain, thus having a complete analysis of the system behavior.</p> Geder G. L. Cunha, Marcus Varanis, Murilo Cesar Filipus, Clivaldo de Oliveira, Jose Manoel Balthazar Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5467 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZATION OF A PRESTRESSED CONCRETE WIND TURBINE TOWER USING DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUTION https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5468 <p>Optimization procedures are being increasingly used in wind tower structure design in order to provide<br>more efficiency. In the face of recent advances, towers are getting bigger in order to perform better by providing<br>better winds for the turbines. Thus, prestressed concrete towers emerge as an excellent solution. This work aims<br>to apply and evaluate the Differential Evolution algorithm in order to reduce costs and improve the performance of<br>prestressed wind towers. The Finite Element Method is used for structural analysis. The algorithm is evaluated in<br>terms of accuracy and computational efficiency.</p> Jonatas M. F. C. Martins, A. Macario C. de Melo, Evandro Parente Junior Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5468 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A numerical model with an explicit representation of steel fibers for modeling SFRC beams subjected to torsion https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5469 <p>A numerical model with a discrete and explicit representation of steel fibers is used for modeling steel<br>fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) beams subjected to torsion. The numerical model is a combination of a fiber<br>cloud, cement matrix, and the fiber-matrix interaction. It is well known that the addition of steel fibers to concrete<br>increases the torsional and rotational strength, in addition to greater cracking control. In this context, this work<br>aims to assess the capability of the numerical model to simulate experimental tests available in the literature of<br>SFRC beams under torsion with steel fiber rates of 25 kg/m3 and 50 kg/m3. The results demonstrated that the<br>numerical model proposed is appropriate to represent the failure process of beams under torsion and the numerical<br>tool can be very useful in future studies in combination with analytical equations proposed by standard codes.</p> Giuliano R. Balsamo, Luis A. G. Bitencourt Jr. Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5469 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fuzzy Controller for a Battery and Ultracapacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System Vehicle https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5470 <p>With the increase in transportation electrification, one of the biggest challenges is to improve battery<br>performance and autonomy. A battery normally has a high energy density with a low power density, while an<br>ultracapacitor has a high power density but a low energy density. Therefore, this paper has proposed associating<br>more than one storage technology generating a Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS), which has a battery and<br>ultracapacitor, whose objective is to improve the electric vehicle (EV) driving range. When batteries and SC<br>are associated, the power management complexity increases considerably. In this work, a fuzzy logic power<br>management control for the HESS is developed for the best use of the regenerative energy released for charging<br>the capacitors and minimizing battery wear in urban driving cycles. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the<br>correct power distribution between the storage devices to enhance the system efficiency by saving the battery from<br>excessive efforts. The topology used considers bidirectional converters, coupled to the bus and connected to the<br>electric motors which propel the EV. For the simulations, Matlab and Simulink software is used, where it is possible<br>to analyze the dynamic behavior of the electric vehicle.</p> Taysa Marques, Gabriel do Carmo, Matheus Laia, Daniel Batista, Hugo Valadares Siqueira, Fernanda Cristina Correa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5470 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Employment of Artificial Intelligence in Fish Fraud Identification https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5471 <p>Acquiring fish for consumption whether in restaurants, supermarkets or fishmongers can become a<br>frustrating task from the moment it is perceived that the species at hand is not the expected fish. Added to this is<br>the fact that fraud always aims to deceive to make a profit. There are some applications that aim to identify fish<br>species; however, they have no specific focus on certain species. With this, the user applies to all species of fish<br>and ends up disappointed with the inefficiency of the application. This project aims to implement an application<br>that uses artificial intelligence to identify certain species of fish. The main point of the application are fish species<br>and cannot be used for ornamental fish. The method used was to obtain images and configuration of models of<br>artificial neural networks for image recognition. During the tests the implemented model reached 75% accuracy.<br>The model had difficulty recognizing three species accurately, it was the case of Merluza fish that was confused<br>with Salmon and Trout. It is believed that this occurred due to the low number of samples, but in short, the model<br>achieved satisfactory results.</p> Edyene Cely Amaro Oliveira, Carol Conceição Haddad, Ana Júlia Kavalco, Camila Chaves Mariano, Camila Imulia Porto Braz, Daniel Teófilo da Silva, Dayvidson Henrique Moreira da Silva, Eduardo Lucas Ramos da Silva, Gabriel Alexandre do Amaral, Herbert Lucas Gomes da Silva, João Vitor Clavilho dos Santos, Lucas da Rocha Silva, Matheus Henrique Marcelino de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5471 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Fourier stability study for an explicit numerical scheme applied to the fractional diffusion equation with dimensional correction https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5472 <p>This paper presents a study of stability analysis for the generalization of the fractional diffusion equa-<br>tion FDE with constant coefficient, when the dimensional correction parameter τ is inserted in the model. The</p> <p>numerical approach chosen is an explicit finite difference scheme inspired by the classical forward Euler method.</p> <p>The fractional temporal order derivative adopted in the equation is the Riemann-Liouville one, which is approxi-<br>mated by the Grunwald-Letnikov operator. The stability analysis is conducted with the application of the Fourier ̈</p> <p>method, allowing to show that the proposed explicit scheme is conditionally stable. A numerical experiment is<br>also presented with displayed results so as to back up the theoretical conclusions and to point the influence of the<br>dimensional correction parameter.</p> Jhoab P. de Negreiros, Cristiane O. Faria, Carlos A. de Moura Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5472 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Global buckling of thin-walled laminated composite columns https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5473 <p>The search for lighter and larger structural components makes the use of fiber-reinforced laminated<br>components increasingly slender. However, the increase in slenderness makes the structure more flexible, which<br>can cause stability problems and large displacements. As a result, buckling has a great influence on composite<br>material column designs, so their failure can occur with stress lower than the strength of the material. In this<br>way, the evaluation of the stability of these structures is of great importance because it allows for predicting the<br>load capacity. However, one of the main objectives of the industry is to replace experimental tests with numerical<br>simulations, since in tests of composite material structures, numerous and expensive tests are usually required.<br>Therefore, this work aims to study of global buckling of laminated composite channel-section columns. Two<br>approaches are employed in this context. The first approach consists of a three-dimensional beam finite element</p> <p>for stability analysis of thin-walled laminated composite. Regarding the second approach, it relies on the Rayleigh-<br>Ritz framework assumes that the axial strain is neglected, and the column only buckles according to the minor</p> <p>axis of bending, evaluating the behavior of channel-section columns, with different layups when subjected to<br>compressive loads. Both strategies are based on a fully coupled constitutive matrix, and the results obtained were<br>compared with shell finite elements.</p> Jonas Aguiar Jr., Evandro Parente Jr., Marcelo Silva Medeiros Jr., Luiz A. T. Mororó Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5473 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Modal analysis of a simply supported beam subjected to a moving mass https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5474 <p>This study presents a computational analysis of the dynamic behavior of a simply supported beam<br>subjected to a moving mass and corresponding load that travels along its entire length with different speeds. The<br>first analysis aims to understand the behavior of the structure and to determine transversal response of the structure.<br>Here, a discretized simply supported beam model was developed, based on the Finite Element Method, using<br>numerical integration by Newmark’s Method for the solution of ordinary differential equations and obtaining the<br>displacements of the structure in the time domain, to evaluate its behavior due to moving masses and loads. The<br>analysis is made in different velocities and damping rates aiming to find the maximum transverse response, and<br>comparing with the static response to find the maximum amplification coefficients. This article aims to evaluate<br>the frequencies and vibration modes associated with the maximum displacements found and its relation with the<br>different velocities applied.</p> Baddyo K. S. P. Silva, Reyolando M. L. R. F. Brasil Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5474 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison between predictions of the annual cyclic response of a semi-integral abutment using finite and discrete element methods https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5475 <p>This work compared predictions of the annual cyclic response of a semi-integral abutment retaining a<br>granular backfill using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Finite element<br>(FE) and discrete element (DE) models were developed based on the field data collected from an instrumented and<br>monitored semi-integral abutment. A 15-node triangular FE mesh was used to discretize the backfill in the<br>simulation with FEM while spherical particles were used to represent the backfill in the simulation with DEM. A<br>± 5-mm lateral displacement was imposed on the abutment to simulate the effects of expansion and contraction of<br>the bridge superstructure due to annual temperature variations. The cyclic sequence of imposed lateral<br>displacements was chosen to simulate the abutment lateral movements after the bridge construction completion in<br>the summer season. Results showed that a good agreement was found between the numerical simulations using<br>FEM and DEM. Lateral earth pressures on the abutment and vertical displacement of the backfill surface increased<br>with annual cycles for both methods. Values of peak wall reaction ratio were similar in both methods while higher<br>values of settlement were observed using DEM compared to FEM.</p> Pedro H. dos S. Silva, Railton R. D. Câmara, Yuri D. J. Costa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5475 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The importance of linear search for the bound-constrained solver for phase- field modeling of fracture in quasi-brittle materials with FEM https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5476 <p>The propagation and emergence of cracks are widely explored in fracture mechanics. A study that<br>has increased with the advancement of computer technology is the phase-field for crack modeling. This model<br>approaches the crack as continuous and diffuse, placing a damage variable in the problem and a variable with the<br>crack band size. There are different ways to control crack irreversibility, such as the bound-constrained solver<br>and the historical solver. The bound-constrained solver allows you to choose any crack geometry function and<br>energy degradation while the historical solver needs to be a specific crack geometry function. In this article, the<br>importance of linear search for bound-constrained solver results will be discussed through numerical simulations,<br>showing that the line search is necessary to avoid numerical instabilities as well as a correct load peak. Numerical<br>simulations were processed in INSANE software (INteractive Structural ANalysis Environment). This work uses a<br>bound-constrained solver from the PETSc library, connected to INSANE through a JNI.</p> Matheus Moreno Fortes, Hugo Mouro Leão, Lapo Gori, Roque Luiz da Silva Pitangueira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5476 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear geometric analysis of orthotropic laminated plates and shells with zig-zag effect https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5477 <p>In this study, a positional Finite Element Method (FEM) formulation is applied to simulate orthotropic<br>symmetric laminated plates and shells. Alternatively to the traditional FEM, the positional formulation uses a total<br>Lagrangian description based on generalized vectors and nodal positions, providing an inherently nonlinear<br>geometric formulation. However, basic kinematics are not able to satisfy a continuous stress distribution along the<br>laminate thickness. The stress discontinuity is related to the emergence of a zig-zag displacement profile in the<br>transverse direction caused by mechanical properties changing between adjacent laminas. Therefore, the proposed<br>formulation introduces new degrees of freedom to regularize the classical Reissner-Mindlin kinematics and</p> <p>reproduce the zig-zag effect. In addition, the mechanical model uses Green-Lagrange strain and the Saint Venant-<br>Kirchhoff constitutive law, which allows moderate strain. A numerical example is employed to validate the</p> <p>proposed formulation and demonstrate its quality when compared with literature results.</p> Vinícius B. Souza, Humberto B. Coda Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5477 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 FIRESTEEL: A COMPUTATIONAL TOOL FOR THE STUDY OF STEEL ELEMENTS IN FIRE SITUATION https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5478 <p>Fire is the occurrence of uncontrolled fire, an extremely dangerous phenomenon that can affect the<br>safety of buildings, sheltered heritage and living beings. By causing the temperature increase, the action of fire<br>triggers physicochemical transformations that degrade the properties of materials and interfere with the integrity<br>and behavior of structural elements, which can compromise the resistance capacity of the structure as a whole.<br>This phenomenon is particularly important in the case of steel structures, as the elements usually used are generally<br>light, slender and with an open cross-section, characteristics that tend to favor the quick heating of the parts. In<br>this context, it is essential to study the evolution of the temperature in steel as a function of the temperature<br>variation of the gases, as well as the consequent degradation of the resistance capacity of the structural elements.<br>Once the problem is established, this work presents the FireSteel application, a computational tool developed in<br>Python language that allows the evaluation of the thermal evolution, the verification of the resistant force and the<br>determination of the critical temperature in structural steel elements in fire situation. For this, FireSteel has a<br>customizable data entry that gives the user the freedom to select the data they want to obtain. The calculations<br>were made in accordance with the Brazilian technical standards currently in force and the results were validated<br>based on information available in the technical literature.</p> Milton M. G. dos Santos, Luciano B. dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5478 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical modeling of a reduced scale mooring line experimental investigation for load attenuation evaluation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5479 <p>Oil platforms are migrating into deep waters, where the maintenance of its position represents an<br>engineering challenge. It has become usual to adopt mooring systems composed of chains that extend from the<br>floating unit to the foundation element and, along its length, have an embedded segment in the seabed, shaped as<br>an inverse catenary, capable of attenuating the acting forces. Several studies have been conducted to improve the<br>understanding of soil-chain interaction and estimate the expected attenuation level according to each problem’s<br>characteristics. Investigations in this area can be developed under experimental approach, normally on reduced<br>scale, or under numerical approach, which allows the simulation of a wide range of scenarios. Therewith, the<br>present work aims to simulate experimental tests in 1:40 geometric scale that reproduce the segment of a mooring<br>line embedded in soil, using a numerical finite element model built in a commercial software (ANSYS). The model<br>considers soil elements as a perfect elastoplastic material, chain elements as an elastic material with tension only<br>behavior and pair of target and contact elements which simulates the interface between soil and chain. The obtained<br>results are discussed by means of stress distribution in soil and percentages of load attenuation.</p> Eduardo Gibbon Rosa, Marcelo Maia Rocha Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5479 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A position-based Space-Time formulation for geometrically nonlinear problems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5482 <p>Space-Time finite element methods has been developed over years for solving a series of time-dependent</p> <p>problems like elastodynamics, fluid-structure interaction, fluid flows, advection-diffusion equations and heat trans-<br>fer problems. The core of this approach is the treatment of time as a dimension of the finite element problem,</p> <p>leading to space-time finite element discretizations. Single-field or two-fields formulation are possible, where the<br>first one uses only displacement as unknowns, while the second uses both displacements and velocities as variables.<br>Some challenges that appear in the Space-Time FEM are the increased size of the equation systems as the precision</p> <p>in time is increased and the 4D meshes representation. Nevertheless, this approach can lead to higher order accu-<br>racy in time and direct dynamic spatial re-meshing. On the other hand, time-marching methods are well-known</p> <p>numerical time integrators that have been applied to discrete systems of differential equations obtained from dif-<br>ferent spatial discretization techniques, including FEM. Most of them deal with approximations for displacements</p> <p>and velocities, and the discrete system of differential equations are solved at each discrete time level taking into<br>account the variable fields from the last time step and the current boundary conditions. Moreover, they can be<br>formulated to present unconditional stability, to present controlled dissipative properties and different orders of</p> <p>accuracy. As a disadvantage, dynamic re-meshing procedures are not directly feasible, as it demands the projec-<br>tion of past time step fields over the new mesh, including projection errors. This work presents a position-based</p> <p>Space-Time FEM formulation for two-dimensional solids with large displacements, using a total Lagrangian de-<br>scription. This formulation is naturally isoparametric and designed directly over the large displacement assumption</p> <p>making the geometric non-linearities intrinsically considered. In order to verify the potential of the formulation, a<br>comparative analysis with the time-marching method alpha-generalized is carried out.</p> Darcy Hannah Falcao Rangel Moreira, Weslley Camargo Lopes, Rodolfo Andre Kuche Sanches Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5482 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical formulation for advanced analysis of semi-rigid steel-concrete composite frames https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5496 <p>The present work aims at the implementation and validation of a displacement-based two-dimensional<br>numerical formulation including several sources of non-linearities in steel-concrete composite frames, such as<br>second-order effects, plasticity and beam-to-column semi-rigid connections. The co-rotational-based approach<br>is used to describe the finite element formulation, allowing large displacements and rotations in the numerical<br>model. Rotational pseudo-springs are used at the ends of the finite element, where the gradual loss of stiffness<br>is determined by combining the normal force and bending moment (NM) in the cross-section. The limiting of<br>the uncracked, elastic and plastic regimes are defined in the NM diagram. In the cross-sectional analysis, the<br>Strain Compatibility Method (SCM) is used to capture the axial strains in the section components. In this way, the<br>constitutive models of the materials are described by continuous functions. The semi-rigid connections are also<br>simulated by the rotational pseudo-springs at the finite elements ends, and the connection behavior is given by<br>its moment-rotation relationship. A multi-linear model for beam-to-column connections is used. To validate the<br>proposed numerical formulation, the results obtained are compared with numerical and experimental data available<br>in the literature. Since the model proposed here starts with the concentrated simulation of nonlinear effects, an<br>examination of the finite element mesh refinement is also carried out.</p> Luiz O. M. Teles, ́Igor J.M. Lemes, Ricardo A.M. Silveira, Rafael C. Barros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5496 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Topological optimization of composite truss beams considering CO2 emissions https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5497 <p>In order to provide more sustainable solutions to the construction of composite truss beams, the present<br>work proposes a formulation to optimize dimensional, geometric and topologic parameters aiming to minimize<br>CO2 emissions. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are used to solve the<br>optimization problem considering the choice of steel profiles, characteristic strength of concrete, formwork,<br>number of panels and truss total height. The methodology is applied to a problem where three different models of<br>truss are considered - Pratt, Howe and Warren - and an analysis of the best solution’s emissions composition is<br>made. In conclusion, results shows that the better result to the optimization problem was obtained in the Warren<br>model and both optimization algorithm presents consistent solutions.</p> Gabriel Erlacher, Élcio C. Alves Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5497 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A study on using an immersed boundary technique for modeling 3D incompressible fluids with internal fluid-body interface https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5498 <p>This work investigates the outcomes of using an immersed boundary technique for the mixed finite<br>element formulation of tridimensional incompressible fluid flows governed by the Navier-Stokes equations with</p> <p>internal fluid-body interfaces. A classical Eulerian approach is followed to describe the fluid. A Newton-<br>Raphson scheme is devised to solve the resulting non-linear equations within a time step. The fluid-body</p> <p>interface is treated by the Nitsche’s method, which is an immersed boundary technique whereby the fluid<br>boundary conditions over the contact with the bodies are imposed weakly. In order to ascertain the accuracy and<br>efficiency of the adopted method, numerical simulations of tridimensional flows of an incompressible fluid are<br>analyzed and compared against reference solutions. This work refers to an intermediate stage of a PhD research<br>that aims to model problems of fluid-particle interaction (FPI) and particle-laden fluids.</p> André S. Müller, Eduardo M. B. Campello, Henrique C. Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5498 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical investigation on tornado-like flows and immersed bodies using vortex models https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5499 <p>A study on the characteristics of real and experimentally simulated tornado flows is carried out in this<br>work using a numerical formulation based on the model of Vatistas et al. [1]. The flow governing equations are<br>discretized using an explicit two-step Taylor-Galerkin scheme and a finite element formulation is used for spatial<br>discretization, where eight-node hexahedral elements with reduced integration are used. Tornado flow fields are<br>reproduced numerically from a velocity profile model by Vatistas et al. [1], where time-dependent boundary<br>conditions are used to account for tornado vortex translation. Turbulence modeling is performed using Large<br>Scale Simulation (LES) with the Smagorinsky sub-grid scale model and the computational code is parallelized<br>using CUDA FORTRAN directives for processing on graphics cards. An experimentally generated tornado flow<br>field is reproduced using the model implemented here and a cubic building model subjected to different tornado<br>flow conditions is also analyzed. Results demonstrate that the velocity profile models are able to satisfactorily<br>reproduce the tornado flow fields and the corresponding aerodynamic forces on immersed bodies.</p> Miguel A. Aguirre, Alexandre L. Braun, Armando M. Awruch Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5499 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of an unreinforced embankment on soft soil https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5500 <p>The present work analyzed, through numerical modeling, the behavior of an unreinforced embankment<br>on soft soil. The simulations were performed in the Abaqus software, from which the Mohr-Coulomb failure<br>criterion was established for the granular material of the embankment and the Modified Cam Clay model for soft<br>soils. As result, the paper presents and discusses the behavior of settlement, horizontal displacement, excess pore<br>pressure, and effective stress variation as a function of time, horizontal distance, and depth. The adopted numerical<br>model and the observed behavior patterns are satisfactory so that the results of this study can assist in the analysis<br>of the performance of embankments on soft soils.</p> Bianca C. Caetani, Naloan C. Sampa, Gustavo H. Rossi, Laura Z. Sassi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5500 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Reliability study of the ductility of reinforced concrete beams based on the NBR 6118 (2014) https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5501 <p>Semi-probabilistic methods are the procedures used in most structural design codes to try to ensure the<br>safety of structures. However, there are several uncertainties related to the structural models, as well as<br>uncertainties in the loads, in the geometric properties of the elements and in the mechanical properties of the<br>materials employed. Therefore, it becomes necessary to apply probabilistic methods to verify safety, and structural<br>reliability methods appear in this scenario as a way to calculate probabilities of failure taking into account the<br>uncertainties involved. Several studies were developed about the reliability related to the strength of reinforced<br>concrete beams. However, reliability analyzes focusing on the ductility of these structural elements are still rare in<br>the literature. In the present paper it is intended to determine the level of reliability related to the ductility of<br>reinforced concrete beams designed in accordance with the Brazilian code for the design of reinforced concrete<br>structures (NBR 6118). For this, an analytical model which tries to adequately represent the non-linear behavior<br>of the beams is implemented. To evaluate the structural reliability, a limit state function based on strains in the<br>tensile rebar is presented. A code in MATLAB is developed, in which the Monte Carlo simulation is implemented<br>and a beam is evaluated for a rage of concrete strength from 20 to 90 MPa. From this study, it is concluded that in<br>some cases the reliability related to ductility can be considered low.</p> Ana Carolina da Silva Pacheco, Wellison José de Santana Gomes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5501 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A boundary element formulation for two-step thermoelastic analysis without internal cells https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5502 <p>Uncoupled (two-step) thermoelastic analysis is addressed by a new boundary element method formula-<br>tion that eliminates the use of internal cells. The first step is a steady-state thermal analysis. The second step is a</p> <p>mechanical analysis, which uses the temperature field obtained in the first step as part of the applied loads. Domain<br>integrals in temperature, displacement and stress boundary integral equations are transformed to boundary by the</p> <p>radial integration method. The radial integration method is a simple and powerful method based on a pure mathe-<br>matical treatment, which transforms any domain integral into a boundary and a radial ones. The radial integral is</p> <p>independent of geometry and no discretization is necessary for its evaluation, while the boundary integral can be<br>solved using the existing boundary mesh. Since temperature has been evaluated only at discrete points, namely the<br>boundary nodes and a set of internal points, the moving least square procedure is used to calculate temperature at<br>numerical integration points during evaluation of radial integrations of the second step. The moving least square<br>is a technique usually adopted to generate shape functions in Meshfree methods. Two representative examples are<br>presented to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed formulation.</p> Rodrigo G. Peixoto, Lucas de P. de Souza Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5502 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NEW STUDIES ON META-MODELING FOR LAZY-WAVE STEEL CATENARY RISERS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5503 <p>Offshore production systems are very complex structures involving safety and economic aspects. For<br>these reasons, several research is done to reduce these costs. At design phase, riser layout and its configuration are<br>a key factor as this is a high-cost component and suffers from the action of environmental loads and dynamic<br>movements of the floating unit where it is connected. This component is mathematically modeled, and calculations<br>are performed using the Finite Element method to assess the structural feasibility and optimization algorithms can<br>be used to determine the viable configuration with the lowest associated cost. The problem with this methodology<br>is that the analysis of different configurations in an optimization process demands a very large computational<br>power, consequently a very high processing time. Previous works have demonstrated that meta-models such as<br>ANN - Artificial Neural Networks can be used to replace the finite element procedure in the evaluation of riser<br>configurations. In this work, novel developments were studied considering two approaches, first the optimization<br>process starts and after a specified number of generations, the training of the meta-model is carried out and from<br>that point the optimization uses the meta-model as a method of evaluation. The second approach has the first part<br>the same as the previous one, however, after the first training, re-trainings are carried out, incorporating new<br>individuals to the knowledge of the meta-model during the optimization process itself.</p> Edivaldo Ramos Delgado, Bruno da Fonseca Monteiro, Carl Horst Abrecht, Breno Pinheiro Jacob Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5503 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A stochastic gradient descent approach for risk optimization using the Chernoff bound https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5504 <p>We propose a method for solving Risk Optimization (RO) problems based on the Stochastic Gradient<br>Descent (SGD) methods. SGD is used to minimize the expectation of functions. We approximate each limit state<br>function in the RO problem using the Chernoff bound, thus recasting the original RO problem as an expectation<br>minimization problem. The Chernoff bound approximation requires the evaluation of Monte Carlo sampling,<br>which could be expensive. However, once the Chernoff bound parameters are set, they can be used to cheaply<br>approximate the probabilities of failure of each state limit for several iterations. We propose a heuristic approach to<br>tune the Chernoff bound parameters after a distance from the last update. Moreover, we decay the update distance<br>each iteration, thus guaranteeing that the probabilities of failure approximations are accurate as SGD converges<br>to the optimum solution. We present numerical results supporting the efficiency of our approach to different RO<br>problems with applications in structural engineering. Comparisons of SGD equipped with our Chernoff bound<br>approximation against particle swarm optimization using sample average approximation validate the efficiency of<br>the proposed approach.</p> Andre G. Carlon, Henrique M. Kroetz, Andre J. Torii, Rafael H. Lopez, Leandro F. F. Miguel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5504 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Thermal And Structural Behavior of Cold-Formed Steel Frame Under Fire Condition https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5505 <p>The Light Steel Frame building system is composed of structures manufactured in cold-formed profiles<br>of light and galvanized steel. With the union of these profiles structural and non-structural frames are assembled,<br>such as floor and wall beams, slabs, among other components. Over the metallic structure, a coating is applied by<br>cement boards, drywall, smartsid, or vinyl siding. These plates can contain acoustic, thermal and fire-resistant<br>coating layers. Because it has a metal support structure, LSF buildings receive great influence in fire situations,<br>since high temperatures modify the physical and mechanical properties of steel. The present paper aimed to<br>evaluate the behavior of a structural panel of the steel frame type, covered with gypsum plasterboards, in a fire<br>condition, analyzing the influence of temperature increase on the mechanical properties of the structural profiles<br>that constitute it. To achieve this objective, numerical analyses were performed with the commercial software<br>ANSYS, where the instability modes, the loadbearing capacity and the influence of the thermal action on the frame<br>were evaluated. With the result of the analyses, it was possible to obtain the fire resistance of the structure.</p> Felipe Frizon, Diego Rizzotto Rossetto, Paulo A. G. Piloto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5505 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS BASED ON HEAT TRANSFER IN THE DRYING PROCESS OF SOLID BRICKS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5506 <p>Being the ceramic a widely used material and with great economic importance, its process of drying has<br>been studied due to the occurrence of numerous phenomena, beyond a high energy consumption that happens in<br>this stage of manufacturing. The use of numerical simulation technologies can alter the operating conditions and<br>geometric of the drying object, all of this at low cost and relatively easy. Therefore, this job was carried out with<br>the purpose of studying the drying process of massive ceramic bricks, considering it a solid means by<br>Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), under the following experimental conditions: drying temperature of 60 °<br>C and 80 ° C, initial moisture content of 0.001734 and 0.00158 (kg / kg, bs) and relative humidity of 10.1% and<br>5%, respectively. The massive brick drying phenomenon was studied isolately, considering the drying model by<br>liquid diffusion. The results of the temperature and volumetric fraction of water inside the brick obtained by the<br>ANSYS CFX software package ® 19.2. Comparing the moisture and temperature simulated with experimental<br>data can validate the numerical results, estimating the coefficient of mass diffusion and coefficient heat transfer<br>from the surface of material. The results obtained in simulations show with the existence of important temperature<br>and humidity gradients, which areas can shed cracks and deformations.</p> Eric de Araújo Facundo, Rosilda Sousa Santos, Diego David Silva Diniz, Vicente Fernandes de Souza Neto, Romeu da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5506 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BEHAVIOR EVALUATION OF THE FLUID DYNAMICS OF A DRYING PROCESS TO OBTAIN ROOF TILES https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5507 <p>Currently, several researches have been developed on the drying of ceramic materials, most of which<br>are carried out experimentally. This process requires high investments and energy consumption, resulting in high<br>costs for companies in the sector. The drying process can be defined as a unit operation that consists of removing<br>water from porous materials through heat transfer. So, aiming at a better cost benefit, it is common to use<br>theoretical solutions that allow, with relative ease of replication and low cost, to change operational and geometric<br>conditions of the dryer or drying object. In this sense, this work aims to predict the drying process of a ceramic<br>tile in a kiln via computational fluid dynamics (CFD). To carry out the simulations, the commercial package Ansys<br>CFX® 22.R1 was used. For a drying temperature of 82,7 °C, the results of drying and heating kinetics, product<br>moisture content, oven air velocity and pressure are displayed and analyzed. A comparison between predicted and<br>experimental data of the average moisture content of the tile throughout the process was performed and a good<br>agreement was obtained</p> Romeu da Silva, Rosilda Sousa Santos, Diego David Silva Diniz, Eric de Araújo Facundo, Vicente Fernandes de Souza Neto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5507 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sensitivity Analysis of Hydraulic Fractures for Well Stimulation in Shale Gas Reservoirs https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5508 <p>Unconventional reservoirs are formations incapable of producing significantly and economically<br>without the use of massive stimulations, due to low porosity and permeability values. Despite these restrictions,<br>the unconventional resources were responsible for the increase in the volume of gas production in the US, mainly<br>with Shale Gas. Among the forms of stimulation of oil wells, hydraulic fracturing is the most used. This technique<br>consists of injecting a pressurized fluid into the formation until the rock breaks. In this context, the proposed article<br>aims to evaluate a Shale Gas reservoir with a horizontal well and multiple transverse fractures, where the main<br>geometric parameters – length, fracture height and spacing between fractures - were combined with different<br>values to obtain the productivity of these configurations. Furthermore, with the same reservoir properties and<br>fracture geometric parameters, the permeability was studied for 3 different values, to compare the influence of<br>permeability on production. The purpose of this study is to, in the future, develop a computational tool capable of<br>predicting the ideal dimension and spacing of fractures that maximize the recovery factor of Shale Gas reservoirs.<br>For now, the simulations aim to evaluate the fracture parameters that most influence productivity, through a<br>correlation matrix.</p> Felipe R. Tiba, Juliana S. Baioco Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5508 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Computational modeling of a mass concrete structure using a post-cooling system https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5509 <p>The thermal cracking of young concrete, associated with the high costs and safety requirements of in-<br>frastructure works, has been a concern of the engineering community since the first applications of mass concrete.</p> <p>The generation of heat during hydration and the consequent increase in the temperature of concrete are impor-<br>tant, not only because they can generate thermal gradients in space and time, responsible for the appearance of</p> <p>high initial stresses, but also because deleterious phenomena such as delayed ettringite formation (DEF) have been<br>shown to be associated with the existence of thermal fields in the early ages of cementitious material. In this sense,<br>this work will present the simulation of the construction of a mass concrete structure, on a mesoscopic scale, in<br>which the temperature of the material is reduced during hydration by the circulation of water in pipes embedded<br>in the formwork by a postcooling system. The simulation was based on data obtained from the construction of a<br>concrete slab, previously builded and tested in the laboratory of FURNAS (Goiania/GO). The computational mod- ˆ<br>eling was performed using the finite element method (FEM), in a parallel environment, developed in FORTRAN<br>programming language, by PEC/COPPE/UFRJ.</p> Igor A. Fraga, Ana B. C. G. Silva, Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5509 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A fem-based approach coupled to path-following strategies for non-linear anaylis of steel-concrete cross-sections https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5510 <p>The present study aims at the non-linear analysis of steel-concrete composite cross-sections. The strain</p> <p>compatibility method (SCM) is used to describe the sections deformed shape in each step of the incremental-<br>iterative solution process. Four-node quadrilateral finite elements (FE) are implemented to compose the FE mesh</p> <p>of the analyzed sections. For the full analysis of the moment-curvature relationship, the SCM is coupled to path-<br>following strategies (adapted generalized displacement technique and adapted minimum residual displacement</p> <p>method) to go beyond the critical bending moment points in the construction of the relations that describe the</p> <p>complete cross-section mechanical behavior. Concomitantly, the strain-control strategy is implemented as an al-<br>ternative numerical approach and used for comparison, since the bending moment limit points do not prevent the</p> <p>complete construction of the cross-section equilibrium path. The constitutive relationships are addressed explicitly,<br>as well as the residual stresses present in the steel sections. To validate the proposed numerical formulation, the<br>results obtained are compared with the numerical and experimental data available in the literature.</p> Pedro H.A. Lima, ́Igor J.M. Lemes, Ricardo A.M. Silveira, Rafael C. Barros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5510 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimization of 3d ground-structures with constraints of overlapping bars https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5511 <p>The ground-structure is a manner of representing solid geometries in an optimization problem. Opti-<br>mizing mass in ground-structures truss models means leaving the geometry with bars where the main stress chains</p> <p>occur, i.e., searching for its performance. In real-world applications, describing geometry as a ground-structure<br>might be beneficial since the results are composed of bars and might be easier to manufacture. Also, depending on<br>the length of the bar, it might represent multiple elements in a continuous traditional mesh, which will likely reduce<br>the computational cost of the design’s analysis. The solutions from traditional optimization processes with meshes<br>consisting of polygonal elements and ground-structure approaches should be quite similar, as this last method has<br>been largely used lately in literature. This work deals with topology optimization of 3d ground-structures truss<br>models with constraints of non-overlapping bars and maximum material volume. The algorithm chosen is the<br>Differential Evolution (DE) coupled with the Adaptive Penalty Method (APM) to handle the constraints.</p> José P. G. Carvalho, Afonso C. C. Lemonge, Beatriz de Souza Leite Pires de Lima, Patrícia Habib Hallak Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5511 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Thermal analysis of timber cross-sections via CS-ASA/FA https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5512 <p>When exposed to high temperatures, such as in a fire situation, the physical and resistance characteristics<br>of the materials employed in the structure deteriorate as the temperature increases. This fact promotes a<br>considerable loss in the bearing capacity and stiffness of the structural system. The verification of a structure<br>exposed to fire depends primarily and principally on the thermal analysis of the cross-section of the structural<br>element. This analysis permits the determination of the temperature variation or temperature range in the element<br>from the boundary conditions provided by the fire model adopted. Timber, being an anisotropic material, with<br>irregular fibers, presence of knots and flammable, and widely used in civil construction, becomes a target for the<br>study of realistic behavior in fire. As such, this study has the objective of performing a thermal analysis in a<br>transient regime utilizing the finite element method on timber cross-sections that are employed in civil construction<br>through use of the Computational System for Advanced Structural Analysis/Fire Analysis (CS-ASA/FA module).<br>Two cross-sections were analyzed, and the results obtained were very satisfactory. Therefore, it is possible to<br>conclude that the CS-ASA/FA module can yield the necessary information when a thermo-structural analysis is<br>performed for the evaluation of strength and stiffness losses of the structural material when exposed to fire.</p> Jackson S. Rocha Segundo, Rafael C. Barros, Ricardo A. M. Silveira, Dalilah Pires, Ígor J. M. Lemes Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5512 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Preliminary model for evaluation of surgical guide in the periacetabular os- teotomy procedure through finite element evaluation, optimization in Ge- netic Algorithms and topological optimization https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5513 <p>It consists of a preliminary model to evaluate the surgical guide, a tool used in the periacetabular<br>osteotomy procedure, a highly complex surgery used in the correction of hip dysplasia. A code (”script”) capable of<br>generating static, simplified and two-dimensional models in finite elements in the software ”ABAQUS”, optimizing<br>parameters using Genetic Algorithms and performing topological optimization, was developed to evaluate the<br>guide. The parameters evaluated in the Genetic Algorithm are height of the guide, radius of the screw used to<br>fix the guide in the bone, distance of the screw in relation to the chisel, clearance between guide and chisel, and<br>inclination of the chisel. The topological optimization consists in changing the modulus of elasticity in regions<br>that present the lowest stress values. Through the results obtained, it was possible to minimize the maximum stress<br>in the guide, obtain better theoretical parameters for the procedure, and obtain a guide that fits better to the bone.<br>The results obtained through this preliminary study are good indications for the construction of an optimal guide<br>of great utility in the surgical procedure, in addition to serving as a basis for more complex studies.</p> Gustavo S. de O. Marques, Marcus V. de S. Ferraz, Flavia de S. Bastos, Bruno G. S. e Souza Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5513 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A meshfree approach for geometrically exact shear-deformable beams https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5514 <p>Besides the finite element method (FEM), a number of numerical methods have been proposed in the<br>literature for the analysis of geometrically exact shear deformable beams, developed to improve the convergence</p> <p>properties and the shear-locking behaviour exhibited by the finite element method. This paper illustrates some pre-<br>liminary results obtained with the application of a meshfree method of the family of Smoothed Point Interpolation</p> <p>Methods (SPIMs) to the analysis of a geometrically exact shear deformable beam. Among the possibilities of shape<br>functions creation, the so-called edge-based approach with polynomial basis is extended for this one-dimensional<br>model. A classic example is solved numerically to validate the code. The resulting nonlinear system of equations<br>is treated by a Newton-like algorithm with load control.</p> Felipe P. dos Santos, Enzo Marino, Lapo Gori Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5514 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Simulation of wheel defects and train unbalanced loads for smart detection based on wayside monitoring systems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5515 <p>.</p> C. Vale, D. Ribeiro, A. Mosleh, P. Montenegro, R. Silva, M. Mohammadi, A. Guedes, J. Meira, V. Gonçalves, A. Lourenço, A. Meixedo, G. Marreiros, R. Calçada Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5515 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation and Validation of a 6-Degree-of-Freedom Nonlinear Model for an Aircraft https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5516 <p>Aircraft dynamic modeling at SAE Brazil Aerodesign competition has become a fundamental part of<br>the project to compute the payload and performance characteristics of the aircraft. With each year, the airplanes<br>become more refined and the analysis for the project, more complex. The need to evaluate in more detail the<br>behavior of the aircraft arises to ensure flight handling quality and verify that the mission requirements have been<br>fulfilled, even before building a prototype, specially since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, in<br>alternative of the 3 degrees of freedom linear models described in the literature, it is proposed the use of a more<br>complete model, with 6 degrees of freedom, to describe with more fidelity the flight dynamics of the aircraft. The<br>implementation, written in Python, computes the movement of the airplane with twelve state variables in each<br>instant of the analysis, which is done by numerical simulation with either Euler’s or Runge Kutta’s method. It was<br>observed that the developed software can be used to estimate handling quality parameters with the aeronautical<br>regulations and, as a result, refine the project towards a more competitive aircraft capable of ranking the team<br>higher at the national competition.</p> Einar L. Aquino, Matheus A. Freitas, Danilo Azevedo, Simone S. Hoefel Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5516 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Geomechanical damage evaluation of fractured carbonate rocks scenarios related to the Brazilian Pre-salt via finite element analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5517 <p>The structural configuration of the Brazilian Pre-salt oil system took place in a Rift tectonic formation<br>environment. The presence of faults, joints, breccias, fractures, and microfractures makes the system complex.<br>Natural discontinuities impact reservoir fluid production because they may be a highly conductive primary flow<br>pathway in naturally fractured reservoirs. Several factors affect the pathway conductivity, such as the fracture's<br>state, size, stiffness, and geometry. Moreover, fluid-rock interaction also controls the reservoir fluid production<br>dynamics due to the hydro-mechanical effects. Our work analyzes the geomechanical behavior of fractures in<br>naturally fractured carbonate reservoirs. We apply finite elements methods (FEM), the embedded strong<br>discontinuities methodology, and Barton's constitutive model. The methodology discretizes coarser meshes in the<br>domain and shows the impact of the fracture aperture as a function of the normal fracture stiffness. The results<br>show that initial fracture normal stiffness directly impacts the fracture deformability during production, especially<br>near the wellbore.</p> Ximena A. Rodríguez Flórez, Leonardo J. Guimarães, Bruno M. Canabarro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5517 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Hybrid–Stabilized FEM Method Applied to Heat Conduction Equation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5518 <p>In this work, it is performed a numerical analysis of a totaly discrete formulation for the transient heat<br>conduction problem. This formulation is constructed by using a discontinuous hybrid stabilized finite element<br>method in space combined with a high order finite difference approximation (Crank-Nicolson method) for the<br>temporal dependency. The computational methodology used to solve the formulation is a static condensation<br>scheme resulting in a global system related only with the Lagrange multiplier associated with the trace of the<br>temperature at the edges of the elements and local problems that are solved for the temperature. In doing so, the<br>number of the degrees of freedom of the global system is reduced. Numerical results are presented confirming the<br>optimal rates of convergence obtained in the numerical analysis.</p> Daiana S. Barreiro, Jose Karam-Filho, Cristiane O. de Faria Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5518 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Parametric optimization of an off-road car suspension system aiming for a compromise between comfort and safety https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5519 <p>This work addresses the the parametric optimization of an off-road car suspension system. The aim is</p> <p>to find a compromise between comfort and safety while respecting functional constraints such as maximum de-<br>flections for the suspension and the tires, as well as the tendency of oversteering on cornering. The vertical vehicle</p> <p>dynamic is used to evaluate both the comfort and safety criteria for different operational conditions: uniform recti-<br>linear movement; braking; curves; and longitudinal acceleration. Tires were subjected to base excitation, obtained</p> <p>from the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the road profile. The tendency to oversteer on cornering was measured<br>by comparing the frontal and rear torsional stiffness. The Finite Element Method (FEM) was implemented to solve</p> <p>the transient equilibrium problem needed to evaluate the comfort and safety criteria as well as the functional con-<br>straints. The design variables considered in the parametric optimization were the springs and tires stiffness, and</p> <p>dampers damping. The optimization algorithm used was a modified version of the Particle Swarm Optimization<br>(PSO). Results show that it is possible to obtain a feasible final configuration minimizing the objective function,<br>thus improving both safety and comfort criteria.</p> Wander Carlos Bortolon, Eduardo Lenz Cardoso Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5519 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Robust Topology Optimization of Resonant Structures Considering Uncer- tainty in the Excitation Frequency https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5520 <p>This article addresses robust continuous topology optimization of resonant structures under uncertain</p> <p>excitation frequency. The harmonic dynamic response is evaluated by a density-weighted norm and the optimiza-<br>tion problem is solved by using the Method of Moving Assymptotes. The formulation is assessed by using a</p> <p>common benchmark problem. Results show that the proposed formulation leads to the design of resonant struc-<br>tures with improved robustness. Results also show that the mechanism used by the optimizer to improve robustness</p> <p>depends on the magnitude of the target excitation frequency: at lower frequencies, a low-energy resonance is used<br>to create an interval around the target frequency with minimized dynamic response variations whereas at higher<br>frequencies, a pair of high-energy resonances is located at the neighborhood of the target excitation frequency to<br>create the same effect and improve the dynamic robustness.</p> Fernando Valentini, Olavo M. Silva, Eduardo Lenz Cardoso Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5520 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 High-Order discontinuous boundary elements: Formulation, convergence and performance analysis on 3D elasticity https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5521 <p>The Boundary Element Method (BEM) is known for its ability to accurately approximate difficult engi-<br>neering problems in elasticity, such as stress concentration, contact problems, etc. Due to its inherent complexity,</p> <p>element order has been historically kept as low as possible in the literature, being most of the time restricted to lin-<br>ear and quadratic elements, as they present an already adequate precision. Due to Green’s function singularities, a</p> <p>large part of the BEM integration process is performed with high-order Gaussian quadratures, such that increasing<br>element order is, in many cases, more efficient than mesh size refinement. Moreover, it was recently highlighted<br>that the singularity subtraction method may impose the usage of high-order elements. This work’s objective is<br>to investigate the possible effects of employing a p-refinement on some selected benchmark problems. For that<br>purpose, we present a newly developed library and its formulation for computing arbitrary order shape functions<br>considering continuous or discontinuous, and Lagrangian or Serendipity type QUAD elements. This library (as<br>well as the BEM code) is written in GNU Octave, where the shape functions are automatically generated and tested<br>using a Computer Algebra System. This process avoids the manual implementation of these functions which in<br>general is cumbersome and prone to errors. The meshes for the benchmark cases are generated using GMSH,<br>which can generate arbitrary-order QUAD elements. Solution convergence is analyzed in terms of the L2 error<br>norm. The continuous versus discontinuous element subject is also briefly discussed.</p> Cristiano J.B. Ubessi, Rogerio J. Marczack Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5521 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Inference of the modal parameters of a walkway through the clustering and bootstrap techniques association https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5522 <p>Monitoring the behavior of a structure in operation is essential for the early detection of changes that<br>may compromise its integrity. This is possible from the identification of its modal parameters, estimated through<br>the modal analysis of the response signals (continuous in time) of the structure to the actions that act on it. Because<br>they are estimated, the parameters obtained have uncertainties that significantly interfere with the reliability of<br>structural monitoring, and therefore their quantification is essential. The principles of systems identification and<br>experimental estimation have provided, in the last decades, innovative tools for the understanding and control of<br>vibrations, design optimization, performance evaluation and structural integrity (Rainieri and Fabbrocino [1]).<br>Several studies have also ratified the efficiency of continuous monitoring of structures in assessing their integrity<br>(CHENG et al. [2] and SAISI et al. [3]). Thus, there is a need for study and continuous improvement of monitoring<br>and structural identification systems in order to ensure the safety of existing structures. The objective of this work<br>is to apply, in response signs of a pedestrian walkway submitted to people walking, a modal analysis methodology<br>that provides more robust estimates and with lower levels of uncertainty of its modal parameters, through the<br>association of Data- driven Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI-DATA), bootstrap and clustering techniques.<br>Finally, the results found for the uncertainties of the estimated parameters are discussed.</p> Renato C. Lefone, Carlos Magluta, Luiz A. C. M. A. Filho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5522 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Three-dimensional finite element analyses of monopiles in cohesive soil for offshore wind turbines https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5523 <p>In the vast majority of offshore wind farms, monopile-type foundations are the most used in the<br>construction of wind turbines, however, there are limited guidelines available for analysis and design of<br>foundation/support structures. Although it is a simple structure, its behavior under loads of wind, waves and<br>currents is very complex. As there is no design standard for offshore monopiles, offshore wind turbines are<br>designed based on the API standard, which has only been designed for small diameter monopiles; but, for the wind<br>industry, diameters greater than 4 m are used. Consequently, monopiles are commonly designed for an extreme<br>load scenario. For this reason, in this article a three-dimensional finite element analysis of the mechanical behavior<br>of offshore monopiles under vertical, horizontal and moment loads placed in cohesive soils is carried out, since<br>these soils, by presenting high plasticity, decrease their load capacity and increase their properties. A Modified<br>Drucker-Prager/Cap model (MDPC) and Mohr-Coulomb model (MC) is used to study the soil and its response to<br>complex loads. The results of the numerical simulations are presented and compared with the results of the vertical<br>bearing capacities predicted by the American Petroleum Institute (API) code method and the lateral displacement<br>at the pile top with the p–y curve method and the LAP GEOCALCS software. The analysis indicates that the<br>MDPC model has a better prediction of the load-displacement response than the MC model. The prediction of the<br>stress in the monopile in both models are very similar. The API method underestimated the lateral displacements<br>of the monopile at large forces and the LAP software predicts a flexible behavior of the monopile.</p> Marko López, Emilio Chi, Alex López Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5523 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical study on fiber-reinforced concrete using finite element method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5524 <p>Different techniques have been recently developed to increase the tensile and shear strength of reinforced<br>concrete elements in addition to improving their durability. Fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) has been the target<br>of many studies, since it presents a higher tensile strength and toughness when compared to regular concrete,<br>thus reducing crack growth, and increasing the concrete’s durability. In this study, a finite element analysis was<br>carried out to simulate the behavior of FRC and normal concrete beams under four-point loading conditions. A<br>parametric study was set to evaluate the influence of the the steel fibers concentration and stirrups ratios. The<br>ABAQUS Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model was used to describe the material’s constitutive behavior.<br>The ultimate bending capacities of the beams simulated were compared against the models proposed in the ABNT<br>NBR 16935:2021. Experimental results from the literature were compared to the results were found to be in<br>accordance with the finite element simulations and with the ultimate flexural capacity analytical solution proposed<br>by the NBR standard. The study showed that the finite element simulation method using the CDP model predicts<br>load-displacement curves slightly more stiffer than the experimental results nevertheless in good agreement with<br>the analytical models proposed by NBR 16935:2021.</p> Luiza Maria da Silva Santos, Lia Beatriz G. Furtado, Marcelo S. Medeiros Jr., Joaquim E. Motta Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5524 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A neural network model with finite element method for steel beams design https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5525 <p>This work aims to create an artificial neural network model to assist steel beam design either beam profile<br>and its connection with the column. The input data for the model are the beam length and the applied distributed<br>load. The output data are the beam profile, the connection angle profile, and the number and diameter of connection<br>bolts. We selected for training 10 W-type profiles, 3 angle-type profiles, and 2 bolt diameters. The data for training<br>the neural network has been acquired from the design results according to the Brazilian standard NBR-8800:2008<br>criteria. The bending moment and shear forces have been calculated from beam internal stresses. The internal<br>stress diagrams have been obtained from the finite element method (FEM) results. The beam analysis with the<br>FEM has been carried out with a flat shell quadrilateral element (plane stress plus Kirchhoff-Love plate effects)<br>for profiles and a three-dimensional frame element for bolts. All nodes at the hole edge and the bolt element in the<br>same plane are coupled. The modeled neural network has been evaluated with its confusion matrix and its accuracy<br>in indicating configurations that attend the design criteria. The results show a good prediction performance and<br>errors obtained are acceptable when compared to the level of safety factors of structural engineering.</p> Nicolas P. Macedo, Marco A. Argenta Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5525 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study of Ballistic Parameters for Projectile Range Extension https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5526 <p>The external ballistics of an artillery shell requires an understanding of aerodynamics in compressible<br>flow. In this context, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques are used because real tests with ammunitions<br>are more expensive than numerical simulations. The purpose of this study is to simulate the use of downstream hot<br>mass flow injection, which is technically called base bleed, because it increases base pressure to an optimal value<br>that reduces base drag, which is the main component of the total aerodynamic drag. The compressible, stationary<br>and two-dimensional axisymmetric flow around the projectile is simulated and analyzed. For the simulations,<br>the SST k-ω turbulence model is used, based on the Reynolds means (RANS). The results are compared with a<br>specific commercial program for application in weapons ballistics. The main results are the velocity, pressure and<br>temperature fields; in addition to obtaining drag coefficients for different situations of boundary conditions.</p> Wallace Ramos Rosendo da Silva, Andre Luiz Tenório Rezende Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5526 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Representative computational mechanical simulation of a penstock reinforced transition block https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5527 <p>This work describes the numerical-computational mechanical simulation of a hydroelectric plant wa-<br>ter intake (penstock) transition block, in reinforced concrete, evaluated according to the premises of ABNT NBR</p> <p>6118/2014 standard. The computational mechanical simulation performed, based on the finite element method</p> <p>(FEM), discretized the block in three-dimensional tetrahedral solid elements and the reinforcement in three-<br>dimensional single-line elements. Author based the analysis on loads in service, i.e., safety coefficients have</p> <p>not been used to reduce the resistance of the material or to increase the self-weight and hydrostatic loads. Author</p> <p>have carried out a results analysis of the block concrete using the Willam-Warnke criterion of failure. In the rein-<br>forcement, author have used the safety factor as a function of the resistance of each bar. The results showed the</p> <p>block has enough structural integrity to not suffer structural failures in service.</p> Marco Andre Argenta Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5527 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the critical crack size and operational factors in tensile armors of flexible pipes. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5528 <p>Oil &amp; Gas companies have been looking for new hydrocarbon deposits in deep and ultradeep waters.<br>However, this scenario has shown numerous challenges related to exploiting these natural resources, forcing the<br>offshore industry to invest in new technologies to resist extreme environmental conditions and increase operational<br>safety. Therefore, understanding how to evaluate crack behavior in offshore structures is essential as it helps predict<br>the equipment’s service life, reduces the cost related to inspecting, and avoids accidents. Hence, this work studies<br>crack propagation in tensile armors of flexible pipes considering corrosive environments. The cross-section of the<br>analyzed tensile armors was assumed to be rectangular, and the nonlinear material response was represented with<br>the Ramberg-Osgood model. Finally, two-dimensional (plane-stress) finite element (FE) models were constructed<br>to evaluate the effect of cracks in these armors. The FE models estimated the energy release rate (J−integral)<br>and stress intensity factor (KI ) when cracked armors were under operational loadings. The BS7910 standard’s<br>equations calculated the fracture parameters as well. Then, the responses obtained with both models helped to<br>elaborate on the failure assessment diagram (FAD) level 1. These analyses allowed an understanding of the wire’s<br>capacity for several crack sizes and operational loadings.</p> Waldy J. T. Zuniga, Jose R. M. de Sousa, Thiago A. G. de Lacerda Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5528 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Thermomechanical analysis of early age concrete by computer modeling https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5529 <p>This study describes a procedure for the analysis of concrete structures where thermal properties are<br>investigated in a finite element model to predict the temperature and stress profile elements due to the hydration<br>process at early ages. An exponential function is used to determine the degree of hydration of the concrete; the<br>temperature-dependent thermo-physical parameters are considered, and the external heat loss by convection. The<br>commercial software ABAQUS was used to carry out the study and FORTRAN subroutines were developed to<br>allow solution-dependent material properties in the calculation of thermal stress (taking into account the rising of<br>Young's modulus). The main data are obtained from the literature and adjusted for this specific study, to predict<br>the evolution of temperature and the tensile tendency of a concrete structure in the initial hours. The numerical<br>results obtained in this work are well correlated with the literature values. The results show the thermal-stress<br>behavior of a concrete block during the early age, taking into account the variation of elasticity modulus and also<br>the weather conditions of Curitiba.</p> Cladilson Nardino, Roberto Dalledone Machado, Ricardo Pieralisi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5529 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BIODYNAMIC MODELING OF THE HUMAN ACTIONS IN THE DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FOOTBRIDGE https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5530 <p>Civil structures such as footbridges and floors are commonly subject to dynamic loads due to human<br>activities such as walking, running and jumping. Currently there are several light and slender structures with low<br>natural frequencies, which are susceptible to human actions, generating discomfort and structural safety risks<br>problems. In most cases the human induced loads on footbridges are considered as equivalent static loads or as<br>moving loads. This paper presents a biodynamic modeling of human walking or running on footbridges,<br>considering people as a simple spring-mass-damper system. The dynamic analysis was based on the finite element<br>method and implemented using Scilab open-source software for numerical computation. The results showed that<br>crowd load can significantly change the responses in relation to the moving load because of the addition of mass<br>and damping to the system and due the dynamic interaction between structure and people.</p> Vitor A. Gonçalves, Anderson de S. M. Gadéa, Geraldo J. B. dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5530 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Multiscale Model to Simulate the Bone Remodeling Process https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5531 <p>Bone tissue is a living material under constant activity. Bone response to an external stimulus application<br>causes renewal of its local properties by the bone remodeling process. The synchronized activities of three bone<br>cell lineages are related to the process. The osteoblast lineage is responsible for bone formation, while the<br>osteoclasts are responsible for the resorption process. Finally, the osteocytes cells provide mechanosensitivity to<br>the bone tissue. An important factor for controlling the cell activity is the OPG-RANKL-RANKL pathway.<br>Another characteristic of the bone tissue is its multiscale behavior. The behavior at the microscale influences the<br>properties at the macroscale. In this sense, this study aims to develop a model for simulating the bone remodeling<br>process. This model considers mechanical, chemical, and biological variables, and the bone multiscale. We use<br>the finite element method to analyze the remodeling process by using Abaqus and Matlab software. The biological<br>model considers the interactions between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Also, the model considers the control<br>performed by the OPG-RANKL-RANKL pathway. We determine the mechanical stimulus at the microscale using<br>a representative volume element (RVE). This stimulus interacts with chemical factors. This interaction controls<br>the bone cell evolution that changes the RVE's volume fractions. Thus, the volume fractions evolution influences<br>the mechanical properties at macroscale (density and elastic modulus). The BR model allowed characterizing the<br>structural morphology of a human femur. We observed its main characteristics.</p> José E. Gubaua, Gabriela W.O. Dicati, Emilio G.F. Mercuri, Jucélio T. Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5531 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Design, simulation and validation of a viscoelastic damper for structural vibration reduction https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5532 <p>Passive dampers are used to reduce structural vibration levels in a wide range of applications. Rubber<br>is still one of the most widely used materials. However, to simulate the viscous-elastic properties, complex<br>dynamic models are frequently required. In this project, we designed, synchronized, and built a viscous-elastic<br>damper for use on a steel frame structure. FRF was used to identify the structure's initial modes, and vibration<br>levels were measured using a shake table and an impact hammer. To describe and simulate the entire system, Finite<br>Element Models were developed. To linearize the viscous-elastic damper behavior we built a sample and tested it<br>to estimate equivalent proprieties values. Based on those equivalent properties, the mass and shape of a new sample<br>were adjusted to synchronize the frequency and optimize the damper effect. The resulting geometry was fabricated<br>and applied at the structure. The structure was excited over again and the vibration levels were compared to<br>previous results. The results show a 48.7 percent reduction in vibration levels with only a 8.3 percent increase in<br>mass (damper mass). The experimental tests and simulation comparison also demonstrates good agreement.</p> Abner da Silveira Alves, Márcio Diniz da Silva, Antonio Almeida Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5532 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THERMOCAPILLARY FLOW 2D AND 3D: A BI-PHASE SMOOTHED PARTICLE HYDRODYNAMICS APPROACH https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5533 <p>This work presents a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method for modeling the heat transfers,<br>natural convection, and thermal Marangoni effects at the interface with density variation and bi-phase fluid flows<br>in two and three dimensions. A capillary interface (surface tension) scheme was implemented with the Continuum<br>Surface Force (CSF) model and the approximation of the SPH to the Navier-Stokes equations for delimiting stable<br>interfaces and smooth bi-phase to allow the simulation of flows between liquid-liquid and liquid-gas. Moreover,<br>the solution strategy with SPH for the combination of temperature gradient (heat transfers), gravity, and surface</p> <p>tension, as required for modeling the Marangoni forces, is verified with related cases of study. Problems of ther-<br>mally driven flow and Bernard convection in cavities are studied to validate the heat transfer and convection. The</p> <p>solutions are displayed in respect of temperature, velocity fields, and Nusselt number, with different Rayleigh<br>numbers (Ra) regimes (103 ≤ Ra ≤ 106</p> <p>). Thus, the bi-phase method applies the thermo-capillary flow, in the<br>migration rises a droplet due to a surrounding fluid with a linear temperature gradient. In these cases, different</p> <p>aspects of the dynamics of the thermo-capillary flow were considered for verification. Finally, the numerical ex-<br>amples show that the SPH and CSF proposal is efficient, reliable, and with good precision in modeling inter-facial</p> <p>flow problems under hydrodynamic and thermal influences.</p> E. A. Patino-Nariño, A. F. Galvis, R. Pavanello, M. R. Gongora-Rubio Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5533 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A position-based Space-Time formulation for geometrically nonlinear problems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5534 <p>Space-Time finite element methods has been developed over years for solving a series of time-dependent</p> <p>problems like elastodynamics, fluid-structure interaction, fluid flows, advection-diffusion equations and heat trans-<br>fer problems. The core of this approach is the treatment of time as a dimension of the finite element problem,</p> <p>leading to space-time finite element discretizations. Single-field or two-fields formulation are possible, where the<br>first one uses only displacement as unknowns, while the second uses both displacements and velocities as variables.<br>Some challenges that appear in the Space-Time FEM are the increased size of the equation systems as the precision</p> <p>in time is increased and the 4D meshes representation. Nevertheless, this approach can lead to higher order accu-<br>racy in time and direct dynamic spatial re-meshing. On the other hand, time-marching methods are well-known</p> <p>numerical time integrators that have been applied to discrete systems of differential equations obtained from dif-<br>ferent spatial discretization techniques, including FEM. Most of them deal with approximations for displacements</p> <p>and velocities, and the discrete system of differential equations are solved at each discrete time level taking into<br>account the variable fields from the last time step and the current boundary conditions. Moreover, they can be<br>formulated to present unconditional stability, to present controlled dissipative properties and different orders of</p> <p>accuracy. As a disadvantage, dynamic re-meshing procedures are not directly feasible, as it demands the projec-<br>tion of past time step fields over the new mesh, including projection errors. This work presents a position-based</p> <p>Space-Time FEM formulation for two-dimensional solids with large displacements, using a total Lagrangian de-<br>scription. This formulation is naturally isoparametric and designed directly over the large displacement assumption</p> <p>making the geometric non-linearities intrinsically considered. In order to verify the potential of the formulation, a<br>comparative analysis with the time-marching method alpha-generalized is carried out.</p> Darcy Hannah Falcao Rangel Moreira, Weslley Camargo Lopes, Rodolfo Andre Kuche Sanches Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5534 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of a computational routine in Fortran language for analysis of plane and space trusses using the finite element method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5535 <p>Computational tools applied to the teaching and learning of structural analysis have been increasingly<br>developed and improved to optimize computational time and cost. The method to solve the analysis, the language<br>to be chosen, the organization of the algorithm, as well as the programming paradigm adopted, are factors that<br>must be taken into account in numerical analysis. Thus, this paper aims to study the behavior of 2D and 3D trusses<br>in the linear-elastic range using a code developed with Fortran programming language, showing the importance<br>of computational application and numerical methods in civil engineering. To solve this problem, the bar finite<br>element formulation was used. Three different benchmark examples were analyzed and verified with a commercial<br>software, one plane truss and one space truss. The results of these structures in stresses and displacements were<br>compared with MASTAN2, proving the efficiency of the built algorithms to solve the studied problems.</p> Lucas A. de Aguiar, Marcos B. Guimaraes, Daniele K. Monteiro, Patrick de O. B. da Costa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5535 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NUMERICAL-EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE PERFORMANCE OF AN EARTH-AIR HEAT EXCHANGER (EAHE) https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5536 <p>Studies have been searching for new ways to lower energy demand in air conditioning conditions<br>because heating and cooling make up a sizeable component of global energy consumption. As a result, discussions<br>about building energy efficiency and the active and passive solutions needed in thermally inefficient design<br>projects have increased in recent years. Soil may be used as a renewable energy source, and the employment of<br>passive solutions in these projects has proven beneficial for energy savings. Due to its high thermal capacity, the<br>soil can act as a large thermal reservoir, largely independent of the climatic conditions of the surfaces, adding or<br>removing heat from the ambient air inside the buildings. This study investigates the effectiveness of an earth-air<br>heat exchanger (EAHE) in heating or cooling air in various environments. The system, which includes 100 mm<br>diameter Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) ducts, 2" galvanized steel pipes, and a fan for airflow control, was built on the<br>premises of the Federal University of Technology of Paraná (UTFPR) Campus Ponta Grossa. The pipes were<br>insulated to prevent heat loss along the way, and a series of k-type thermocouples were inserted along the EAHE,<br>the ground, and the environment. Temperatures were recorded hourly over four days in January 2022 using a data<br>acquisition system. From the data of the experiment, a numerical analysis was performed to evaluate the<br>temperature variation, heat removed, and to calculate the coefficient of performance of the heat exchanger and<br>compared with the experimental results. Despite the thermal gains of radiation in the system and in the ground,<br>the consequent increase in the inlet temperature of the exchanger, and the relatively low COP, positive results were<br>obtained in the removal of heat from the environment, factors such as the high power of the fan and the climate in<br>the region were crucial to ensuring that results did not improve.</p> C. H. Diedrich, D. P. Vasconcellos, V.V. Dimbarre, G.H. dos Santos, T. A. Alves Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5536 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Simulation of Oil and Water Displacements in Petroleum Reservoirs using a Multipoint Flux Approximation Method Coupled to a Flux Corrected Transport with a Flow Oriented Formulation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5537 <p>The numerical modeling of multiphase and multicomponent flow in oil reservoirs poses a great<br>challenge and demands the development of robust and computationally efficient numerical formulations. Common<br>reservoir simulators are based on the combination of the classical Two Point Flux Approximation (TPFA) for the<br>discretization of diffusive fluxes and the First Order Upwind (FOU) method for the discretization of the advective<br>fluxes in the fluid flow equations. In certain cases, particularly for high mobility ratios between the injected and<br>the resident fluids, the numerical solution may strongly depend on the alignment between the flow and the<br>computational grid, this is known as the grid orientation effect (GOE). This effect is linked to the anisotropic<br>distribution in the truncation error associated to the numerical approximation of the transport term. Another<br>problem occurs when non monotonic solutions are obtained whenever using highly distorted meshes. Besides, the<br>standard TPFA method may not converge at all to an adequate solution when the grid is non k-orthogonal. In this<br>context, in the present paper, our main goal is present a full cell centered finite volume formulation for the<br>numerical simulation of oil-water displacements in oil reservoirs using a segregate formulation in general<br>unstructured and non k-orthogonal 2D meshes. For the discretization of the diffusive fluxes, we use a Multipoint<br>Flux Approximation based in Harmonic Points (MPFA-H) and for the discretization of the transport term, we<br>present a modified version of the 2nd order Flux Corrected Transport (FCT) approach to reduce artificial numerical<br>diffusion and we also use a Flow Oriented Scheme (FOS) in the computation of the low-order approximations<br>used in our modified FCT scheme. The FOS philosophy consists in using weights that are properly adapted to the<br>flow direction, turning our scheme into a truly multidimensional approximation in order to reduce GOE. Our<br>strategy was tested against one benchmark problem available in literature, producing very accurate results with<br>reduced artificial numerical diffusion and GOE.</p> Gustavo L. S. S. Pacheco, Paulo R. M. Lyra, Phillipe C. G. da Silva, Fernando R. L. Contreras, Márcio R. de A. Souza, Túlio de M. Cavalcante, Darlan K. E. de Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5537 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Risk analysis in corroded buried pipelines https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5539 <p>Transporting fluids such as oil and gas through corroded pipelines presents economic, human and</p> <p>environmental risks. This work aims to make a qualitative and quantitative analysis of these risks, based on DNV-<br>RP-G101 (2010). To measure it, it is necessary to analyze the failure probability through structural reliability</p> <p>methods. Programming was made using MatLab software. For the use of the FORM and Pure Monte Carlo,<br>statistical data of random variables such as thickness and diameter of the pipe, internal pressure and defect depth<br>are used. The failure function is defined here by the difference between the failure pressure and the acting pressure<br>in the pipeline. For this, the failure pressure is calculated applying the method proposed by the practical<br>recommendation manual, the DNV-RP-F101 (2015). In possession of the failure probabilities, which are obtained<br>in the reliability methods, it is made the risk analysis of the buried corroded pipelines. Therefore, it is possible to<br>analyze and compare results obtained in this analysis, aiming a greater safety with less cost.</p> Marilia G. A. de Arruda, Thiago V. S. Ferreira, Silvana M. B. Afonso, Juliana v. S. Torres Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5539 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Collapse strength of worn casing tubes from wear log inspection https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5540 <p>Oil wells are drilled by depth intervals with different diameters, which usually get smaller when it gets<br>deeper. When the bottom of a phase is reached by the drill bit, it needs to be cased, cemented, and tested. The inner<br>wall of the casing string will always be subject to the drill string’s intense contact and rotation. The friction will<br>remove material from the casing tube, reducing its strength. The current deep wells with directional trajectories<br>and severe tortuosity increase the casing wear making its assessment even more relevant for structural integrity<br>purposes. This work proposes a methodology to estimate the collapse strength of worn casing tubes using<br>inspection data of oil wells integrated with nonlinear Finite Element Analysis (FEA). The methodology starts by<br>identifying wear grooves from an ultrasonic log (US) by applying a strategy from the literature. Then, an equivalent<br>cross-section geometry is proposed, in which the identified wear grooves are inserted, emulating the most likely<br>original geometry, since the inspected shape is deformed. Although inner radius and thickness data for many cross<br>sections of the casing string also become available with the inspection, the boundary conditions are not known,<br>e.g., pressure and temperature. Due to this, FEA performed with this scanned geometry will result in an unrealistic<br>estimate of the tube strength. The 2D numeric simulation is performed in Abaqus with the equivalent geometry to<br>estimate the residual strength of the worn casing tube. A nonlinear approach is necessary because the collapse of<br>a tube is an instability problem. It is observed that the stress concentration in the groove wear zone reduces the<br>resistance. The results show that the multiple wear grooves observed from the inspection can significantly reduce<br>the strength of the tube. However, most works found in the literature are concerned with only one wear groove in<br>their modeling, since the inspection data is not accurately interpreted. A case study is presented to demonstrate<br>this contrast.</p> L. P. Gouveia, G. T. Silva, E. T. Lima Junior Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5540 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Three-dimensional numerical simulation of the dynamic behavior of slopes of the Costa Verde cliff - Armendariz Sector https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5541 <p>In this research, slope stability was evaluated in dynamic terms, specifically in the Armendariz descent,<br>by means of three-dimensional numerical analysis using the finite element technique and finite differences, where<br>the parameters were calibrated for static and dynamic conditions by means of large-scale tests and wave<br>propagation, respectively. For the estimation of the parameters under static conditions, the elastic-plastic response<br>trajectory of the large-scale direct shear test was taken into account and compared with the numerical model with<br>the same test characteristics until the soil parameters were found by curve fitting (comparison with the response<br>of the in-situ test). For the estimation of the parameters under dynamic conditions, comparisons were made<br>between the dynamic responses, in terms of accelerations, recorded instrumentally with the three-dimensional<br>dynamic wave propagation analysis, considering the soil stratigraphy and the geometric configuration of the<br>slopes.</p> Dr. Jorge Luis Cárdenas Guillen, Bach. Anderson Luis Barreto Goñi Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5541 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 USAGE OF THE NEURAL NETWORK TO PREDICT MEAT TENDER- NESS APPROACH https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5542 <p>Meat tenderness is one of the main qualitative attributes sought after by consumers when purchasing<br>beef. Among the various properties of meat, tenderness is one of the most appreciated by the public that buys this<br>type of food. The tenderness of the meat is influenced by several factors in the constitution, from genetic, food,<br>and environmental factors is the tenderness evaluated in the post-mortem of the animal is a direct and objective<br>measure to be quantified. This property is obtained through mechanical tests already known in the literature, by<br>obtaining the shear force necessary to break the set of muscle fibers of the tissue examined. In this way, this paper<br>estimates the tenderness of the meat in a non-destructive way through the use of computational techniques using<br>machine learning, such as the use of artificial neural networks, to quantify the dependence of variables that can be<br>obtained without the destruction of the sample, but that obtain a satisfactory approximation in obtaining the shear<br>force of the analyzed beef tenderloin samples. Thus, to evaluate the tenderness parameters, measurements made<br>from tests were used for the values of PH, sample color, hot carcass weight, loin eye area, breed, sex, infrared and<br>ultraviolet images, and shear force of fillet samples. In this way, the objective of the neural network was to find the<br>dependence of the variables on the shear force necessary to break the fibers of the sample. For this, a cross-data<br>model known as Random Forest was used for training neural network was performed based on the present data, and<br>an average error of 20% was obtained compared to the value obtained for the shear force through the mechanical<br>test. It was observed that the shear force prediction values are directly influenced by the number of variables to be<br>introduced in machine learning, as well as the number of observed samples.</p> Gabriel Furini, Ana Cristina Dornelles Gomes, Angelo Polizel Neto, Heinsten Frederich Leal dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5542 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Simulation of Multiphase and Multicomponent Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs Using a Fully Implicit Formulation https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5543 <p>Of the many techniques and tools used for estimating oil and gas production in the recovery processes,<br>compositional simulation model is important for problems with complex phase behavior, as in the application of<br>Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods. The solution of the compositional model involves spatial and time<br>discretization schemes and approaches for handling the coupling of fluid flow and phase behavior. Several solution<br>algorithms arise from combining the different selection of primary variables and decoupling techniques. In this<br>work, we present a Fully Implicit (FI) formulation using cartesian grids for the compositional reservoir simulation<br>based on Equation of State. For the diffusive terms of the equations that describe the mathematical model, we<br>discretize by the Two-Point Flux Approximation (TPFA) finite volume method, while in the advective terms, we</p> <p>apply the first-order upstream weighting. So far, the implemented model considers isothermal flow, up to three-<br>phase flow, and that there is no mass transfer between water and hydrocarbon phases. Physical dispersion and</p> <p>capillary pressure effects are neglected. Our FI formulation is evaluated by solving a benchmark problem found<br>in literature and the results are promising, providing a basis for future implementation of a non-isothermal model<br>to simulate EOR problems, such as steam injection.</p> Igor V. Lacerda, Maria E. S. Galindo, Paulo R. M. Lyra, Darlan K. E. Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5543 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analytical and numerical comparison of bearing capacity of strip foundation on slopes https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5544 <p>Several engineering projects such as buildings, transmission towers and bridge abutments are founded<br>in areas adjacent to a slope. When this occurs, the behavior of the foundation is affected by presence of the slope,<br>which modifies its bearing capacity and failure mechanism of the ground, being substantially different from that<br>developed by footings on horizontal geomorphologies. In 1957, Meyerhof was a pioneer in developing a theory to<br>determine the bearing capacity of a foundation in areas adjacent to a slope, and his work was complemented by<br>several researchers in later years and is still under study today. This paper presents a comparison of the available<br>methods developed by different authors to estimate the bearing capacity of a strip footing at the top of the slope.<br>In addition, the calculation of the bearing capacity is determined using the finite element method with the Abaqus<br>program. Finally, a parametric numerical study is carried out on the effects of slope height, distance to the footing<br>crest/width and soil strength parameters and slope angle are found to be the most influential. In the end it is<br>concluded that the analytical solutions have limitations, and the numerical model turns out to be faster and the<br>changes can be better appreciated.</p> Marko López, Anthony Flores, Saskia Arévalo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5544 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mechanical model comparison using Sobol’ indices https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5545 <p>Models are mathematical representations capable of describing phenomena in different scenarios. Usu-<br>ally, two or more models are available for the same phenomenon, which leaves the choice of the most suitable</p> <p>model to the user. In practice, simplified models can be as precise as more refined ones and, simultaneously, less</p> <p>demanding in terms of computational power. In this work, we present a novel approach for measuring the discrep-<br>ancy between models when considering the randomness of the variables. We first define a uniformly distributed</p> <p>random variable that chooses which model is employed to evaluate the response. A global sensitivity analysis<br>(GSA) is then performed by determining Sobol’ total index of the response with respect to this variable. The result<br>reveals the importance of choosing between one model or another and indicates the level of discrepancy between<br>them in the stochastic context. Two numerical examples are presented, indicating the kind of insight the proposed<br>approach produces.</p> Andre J. Torii, Riccelli Begnini, Henrique M. Kroetz Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5545 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Limit Plastic Analysis of a Structural Concrete Block Wall https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5546 <p>At this paper, it is searched the maximum collapse load of a structural concrete block wall. Simulations<br>are made considering the removal of resistant material, such as the installation of a door or openings motivated by<br>modifications at the architectural project. A mathematical programming using the Coulomb and Von Mises criteria<br>is used at the limit plastic analysis assuming the basic hypothesis of associated plasticity. It is used a polyhedral<br>representation of the yielding surface studying the convergence of the results in relation of the chosen number of<br>planes at each representation. It is used the hybrid finite elements formulation. Numeric examples are shown for<br>the structural concrete block wall case, considering different finite elements meshes and the obtained results are<br>compared with those of the analytical analysis that exists at the criteria adopted by the Brazilian concrete block<br>structure project Standard - NBR 10837. Keywords: structural concrete block, hybrid finite elements, limit plastic<br>analysis. Theme: research and testing.</p> Marcio A. R. Buzar, Marcos H. R. de Gregorio, Leonardo S. P. Inojosa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5546 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Modelling of Skin Tumor Diagnostics through Dynamic Thermography https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5547 <p>Dynamic thermography has been clinically proven to be a valuable diagnostic technique for skin tumor<br>detection as well as for other medical applications such as breast cancer diagnostics, diagnostics of vascular<br>diseases, fever screening, dermatological and other applications. Thermography for medical screening can be done<br>in two different ways, observing the temperature response under steady-state conditions (passive or static<br>thermography), and by inducing thermal stresses by cooling or heating the observed tissue and measuring the<br>thermal response during the recovery phase (active or dynamic thermography). Both methods have been used for<br>medical applications; however, recent research on dynamic thermography has shown many advantages over static<br>thermography. The numerical modelling of heat transfer phenomena in biological tissue during dynamic<br>thermography can aid the technique by improving process parameters or by estimating unknown tissue parameters<br>based on measured data. This paper presents a nonlinear numerical model of multilayer skin tissue containing a<br>skin tumor, together with the thermoregulation response of the tissue during the cooling-rewarming processes of<br>dynamic thermography. The model is based on the Pennes bioheat equation and solved numerically by using a<br>subdomain boundary element method which treats the problem as axisymmetric. The paper includes computational</p> <p>tests and numerical results for Clark II and Clark IV tumors, comparing the models using constant and temperature-<br>dependent thermophysical properties, which showed noticeable differences and highlighted the importance of</p> <p>using a local thermoregulation model.</p> Luiz C. Wrobel, M. Hriberšek, J. Marn, J. Iljaž Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5547 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Core flood in porous micromodel made of glass https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5548 <p>Research using microdevices related to the flow in porous media are widely developed by the oil<br>industry, aiming to understand the behavior of fluids, the interactions between the phases and the porous structure,<br>and to increase the hydrocarbon recovery factor from the reservoirs. The objective of this work was to reproduce<br>core flood test that was done on a rock but using a microdevice and the same fluid from the Brazilian pre-salt.<br>Complex porous mesh micromodel was obtained through simulation, made of glass, and aged with crude oil, thus<br>changing its wettability for oil wetting. Synthetic desulfated seawater (DSW) was injected as secondary recovery,<br>at room temperature, with a flow rate of 1cm3/h and a bump flow of 2cm3/h. The experiment was recorded with<br>high resolution images and a computer simulation was performed for the DSW velocities inside the micromodel.<br>As a result of the image analysis, the recovery factor was calculated, which after the injection of 100 pore volumes<br>was approximately 11,21 %. With the increase in flow, 7,92 % more oil was produced. With this, the fabricated<br>microdevice has shown that it can be used to better understand fluid distribution and oil production in a core flood<br>test.</p> Jordana Colman, Fernanda Oliveira Hoerlle, Agatha Densi dos Santos Francisco, Raquel Machado Fedrizzi, José Luís Drummond Alves, Paulo Couto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5548 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adaptive Importance Sampling for Reliability Analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5550 <p>Several numerical schemes have been proposed in the last decades to address the problem of reliability<br>analysis (i.e. evaluation of the probability of failure). Among these, a very popular method is Importance Sampling<br>(IS), where the probability distribution employed for sampling is different from that of the random variables. It is<br>known that by appropriate choice of the sampling distribution it is possible to reduce the variance of the estimate<br>and thus obtain more accurate results. However, it is often difficult to known beforehand what is an appropriate<br>sampling distribution for IS in practice. In order to avoid this difficulty, in the last years researchers developed<br>Adaptive Importance Sampling (AIS) techniques. The idea of AIS is to take an initial sampling distribution, draw<br>a sample, evaluate the required statistical moments and then improve the sampling distribution using some update<br>rule. In this work we compare some of the existing AIS techniques in the context of Reliability Analysis.</p> Andre Jacomel Torii, Rafael Holdorf Lopez, Leandro Fleck Fadel Miguel, Henrique Machado Kroetz, Wellison Jose de Santana Gomes , André Teófilo Beck Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5550 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Analysis of an Embedded Pile in Fractured Rock https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5551 <p>The determination of the load capacity of deep foundation elements is complex and requires the<br>definition of a good physical and mathematical model that expresses an adequate approximation of the installation<br>process, interaction mechanisms and the failure mode. In particular, piles embedded in rocks add difficulty to<br>predictions due to scarcity of specimen tests of the rock to define appropriate stress-strain relations, and<br>information about rock integrity in field. To overcome these issues, the Brazilian national practice of deep<br>foundations uses semi-empirical methods to predict load capacity validated with loading tests. In this context, the<br>present work presents a load capacity analysis of a deep foundation element embedded in rock using finite element<br>approach which is directly compared with axial compression static loading test, and semi-empirical predictions.<br>The pile was modeled considering elastic behavior, soil layers and fractured rocks were modeled considering the<br>elastoplastic model of Mohr Coulomb. Interaction mechanisms were modeled considering a normal rigid contact<br>behavior and penalty for tangential behavior. Results of two analyzes were presented in the paper: an analysis<br>defined considering a set of parameters derived based on in situ investigation (Standard Penetration Test - SPT<br>and Cone test - CPT) and; a parametric analysis to investigate the influence of the interaction coefficient. The<br>results presented contribute to the understanding of the behavior of embedded piles in situ and aims to help in the<br>definition of suitable models for prediction in future works.</p> Bruna Carvalho Matheus, Rafael Marcus Schwabe, Gracieli Dienstmann Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5551 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Cooperative transport of objects by multi-robots https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5552 <p>Coordinated transport of objects by robotic swarms can be advantageous when the object to be trans-<br>ported is too large and/or too heavy to be effectively handled by a single robot alone. This type of operation</p> <p>requires coordination and synchronization of the pushing forces, which are to be exerted by the robots in order for<br>the object to be transported successfully. In this paper, a new algorithm called Cooperative Object Transport is<br>proposed. The algorithm has four stages. The first stage implements the object search done by the swarm robots.<br>The second stage of the algorithm starts when a robot finds the object. It then recruits the other robots. During<br>the third stage, each robot first computes and then goes towards the location where it must position itself around<br>the object to cooperate in the pushing actions required for executing the transport properly. When the positioning<br>of all robots around the object is completed, the fourth stage of the algorithm begins. From then on, the robots<br>start alternating between pushing and re-positioning actions in order to keep the object moving along the expected<br>transport trajectory. This procedure is executed until the object is actually homed. In this work, the implementation<br>of the object search stage is inspired by the strategy used by ant colonies during their foraging for food sources,<br>depositing pheromones along the traversed paths. The proposed algorithm is implemented in GRITSBot swarm<br>robots, using Robotarium. We evaluate the impact of ant foraging strategy on the overall collective transport task<br>in swarm robotics, comparing it to a random object-seeking strategy. The achieved results prove that the proposed<br>algorithm is effective yet efficient in finding the shortest path while looking for an object. This allows for an<br>efficient execution of the transport stage of the sought object from its original location to the intended warehouse.</p> Gustavo B. Ferreira, Nadia Nedjah, Luiza M. Mourelle Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5552 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Gaussian Adaptive PID control (GAPID) and the Fuzzy logic PID control (FLPID) Tuned by Particle Swarm Optimization for a speed control in a BLDC motor https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5553 <p>The usage of Brushless Direct Current Electric Motors (BLDC) is each time more frequent in indus-<br>trial appliances such as the automobile segment. In such application the BLDC motor is exposed to many types</p> <p>of charge disturbances which makes the conventional control methods, such as proportional–integral–derivative<br>controller (PID), not reaching its variables with precision in cases of sudden perturbation and variation of the</p> <p>parameters. Thus, the PID controller might have its performance improved with the application of adaptive tech-<br>niques which collect data from the operating system environment and make adjusts based in the condition where</p> <p>it is found. In this case, two techniques are chosen: the Gaussian Adaptive PID Control (GAPID) and the Fuzzy<br>logic PID Control (FLPID), choosing its parameters is not an easy task, although they can be obtained through the<br>usage of optimization techniques, such as the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), ensuring a better performance<br>and robustness of the GAPID and FLPID compared to the linear PID by load and gain sweep tests, achieving<br>fast response and minimal variation. This paper aims to accomplish the comparison between different control<br>techniques for the speed control in a BLDC motor and its practical implementation in a ESP32 microcontroller.</p> Carlos da Conceição Castilho Neto, Taysa Millena Marques, Hugo Valadares Siqueira, Mauricio dos Santos Kaster, Marcella Ribeiro Martins, Fernanda Cristina Correa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5553 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Variational Full-Network Constitutive Model with Anisotropic Damage and Viscoelasticity Induced by Deformation for Biological Tissues https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5554 <p>Rubberlike materials, such as soft biological tissues, may exhibit high nonlinear inelastic responses<br>when subject to large strains. Also, anisotropic inelastic behaviors induced by deformation are observed in the<br>literature. The anisotropic behavior associated with coupled inelastic effects has been a major challenge in the<br>constitutive modeling of materials. Then, this paper presents a variational full-network model capable of<br>representing coupled anisotropic damage and viscoelasticity responses induced by deformation. The proposed<br>model combines the advantages of the full-network and variational frameworks, resulting naturally in a set of<br>scalar minimization problems. The inelastic scalar variables at each material point are related to the quadrature<br>points directions used in the full-network integration scheme, and their evolution is assessed graphically in a very<br>intuitive way. A numerical inflation test of a plate is presented to explore the ability of the proposed model to<br>represent anisotropic damage and viscoelasticity and maintain accuracy for large deformations and increments.</p> Daniel M. Cruz, Francisco L. Bresolin, Jakson M. Vassoler Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5554 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Automatic segmentation of breakouts in acoustic borehole image logs using convolutional neural networks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5555 <p>Breakouts are collapsed zones on borehole walls caused by compressive failure. The identification<br>of breakouts in wellbores is fundamental for estimating the stability of the well and to obtain the magnitude of<br>the maximum horizontal stress present in the rock formation. Traditionally, professional interpreters identify and<br>characterize breakouts manually, which can be considered a very time-consuming task due to the massive size of<br>the borehole data. Due to the complexity of the structures of interest and several noisy artifacts in the image log,<br>traditional image processing methods are not very effective in solving the problem. The U-Net proposed by Olaf<br>Ronneberger et al. is a convolutional neural network model commonly used in medical image segmentation that<br>has been applied on several areas. This architecture is composed of two parts: the encoder, which is used to capture<br>the image context, and the decoder, which is used to allow a precise location using transposed convolutions. A<br>series of changes in this architecture has been proposed to improve the network’s capacity to extract features in<br>multiple scales and improve the skip connections between encoder and decoder. The DC-UNet (Dual Channel<br>U-Net) is one of the U-Net based models designed to overcome some limitations of the original network. In<br>this work, we present the application of DC-UNet for breakout segmentation in wellbore’s amplitude image logs.<br>Furthermore, we also discuss the problems related to the inaccuracy of the data’s annotated masks and the image<br>pre-processing strategies applied to reduce their effects.</p> Gabrielle B. dos Anjos, Marcelo Gattass, Augusto I. Cunha, Candida M. de Jesus, Luiz F. Santos, Mayara Gomes, Nelia Reis, Raquel Guilhon, Renata Nascimento Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5555 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Cubic nonlinear stiffness and quadratic nonlinear piezoelectrical coupling on the dynamic behaviour of an aeroelastic energy harvesting system https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5556 <p>Nonlinear aspects of energy harvesting have been extensively investigated in the last 10 years for two</p> <p>main reasons: improve the accuracy of the mathematical models of systems that inherently present nonlinear be-<br>haviour, and to intentionally introduce nonlinear behaviour to the system in order to improve the harvesting perfor-<br>mance. In this paper, we show the contributions of cubic nonlinear stiffness and quadratic nonlinear piezoelectrical</p> <p>coupling on the dynamic behaviour of an aeroelastic energy harvesting system. To analyse each case analytically<br>the method of multiple scales is used. The application of nonlinearity can make systems difficult to solve. Multiple<br>scales is an analytical method to provide an approximate expression of the response of a system. This method work<br>for small periodic finite movements in the vicinity of a equilibrium. One of the advantages of this method is that<br>it allows solving equations in the presence of damping and nonlinearity. Numerically, the response is calculated<br>using a 4th order Runge-Kutta method. The amplitude related to plunge, pitch and voltage degrees of freedom as<br>function of the wind speed is analysed for different values of cubic and quadratic nonlinearity. The results indicate<br>that amplitude decreases when cubic nonlinear stiffness and quadratic nonlinear piezoelectrical coupling increase.<br>It is important to observe that the results show good agreement in the LCO amplitudes only near the bifurcation.</p> Ana Carolina Godoy Amaral, Marcos Silveira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5556 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dynamic analysis of prestressed concrete beams in service https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5557 <p>The study and improvement of research related to the structural dynamics are more relevant to each<br>development leap of new techniques and materials used in constructing new buildings. These buildings have been<br>designed with a bolder look due to advanced technical regulations for using concrete and steel with high strength.<br>These constructions have become more susceptible to actions that can generate significant vibrations in the<br>structure and make them increasingly efficient, which requires intelligent vibration control. Allied to these factors,<br>the evolution of theoretical models allows an accurate analysis of the system, which architects and structural<br>engineers widely explore. The dynamic analysis of concrete beams submitted to these actions is justified because<br>these elements undergo a high degree of bending during service, resulting in a significant stiffness loss by cracking.<br>The prestressing applied to these structures has become an effective and widely used technology, avoiding, in most<br>cases, the development of tensile stresses, allowing the maintenance of stiffness necessary for vibration control<br>during service. This work investigates the dynamic structural behavior of a reinforced concrete beam during its<br>service. Its behavior is studied due to vertical loads in operation and axial loads from the prestressing action.<br>Besides, the influence of the fundamental dynamic parameters in beam behavior is verified due to these actions.<br>The results obtained are compared with the recommendations prescribed in the national and international codes.</p> Antônio C. P. Viana, Tereza D. P. de Araújo, Antônio M. C. de Melo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5557 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Implementation of a non-intrusive approach using a global-local strategy for the Generalized Finite Element Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5558 <p>In general, the standard finite element method available in most commercial software faces difficulties<br>solving complex structural problems. The Generalized/eXtended Finite Elements Method (G/XFEM) is a powerful<br>tool for the solution of the class of problems involving discontinuities and singularities such as crack propagation<br>analysis. In recent years, several investigations have been proposed to make G/XFEM available in the industry<br>routine. A trend is the complementary bundling of commercial FEM codes with in-house G/XFEM codes,<br>requiring non-intrusive coupling between these two types of software. This work presents the implementation of<br>a non-intrusive coupling of multiscale iterative analysis by G/XFEM using global-local enrichment functions<br>(IGL-GFEMgl). The problem is decomposed into three scales. Commercial FEM software may perform the global<br>simulation, but here, the same in-house software is used to evaluate these results. G/XFEM global-local code<br>handles meso and local scale in the INteractive Structural ANalysis Environment (INSANE), an open-source<br>software developed at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. The meshes of the two bigger scales are conform<br>and the coupling between them is straightforward established. The Iterative Global-Local (IGL) strategy accounts<br>for displacement compatibility and force balance at the interface between global and mesoscale. Numerical<br>examples are presented to evaluate the performance of this strategy.</p> Neimar A. da Silveira Filho, Felício B. Barros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5558 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AERODYNAMIC LOAD IN SILO DESIGN https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5559 <p>Metal silos are thin structures composed mostly of steel sheets intended for grain storage. When empty<br>and exposed to wind action, they are susceptible to the phenomenon of instability, thus characterizing the critical<br>state of the structure. The instability of these profiles occurs from the formation of vibration modes leading to loss<br>of local stability. To guarantee the integrity of the structure, transverse stiffeners are added, increasing the rigidity<br>of the steel profiles. The present work consists in the modeling of a park of metallic silos submitted to the<br>aerodynamic action of the wind for the analysis of the structural behavior will be considered the formation of<br>vortices and turbulences in the empty structure, submitted only to its own weight, as well as, with the pressure<br>coming from of your storage. For this, the structure was modeled in software based on the finite element method.<br>The knowledge of the dynamic forces in light profile structures is essential to guarantee the integrity of the silos.</p> M. S. Junior. Antonio, K. Stuepp. Beatriz, Santos. Diego, K. L. Kzam. Aref Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5559 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Aerodynamic Modeling of Generator Towers https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5560 <p>The energy produced from wind turbines is the result of a modern technology applied to the force of the<br>wind to obtain electrical energy. The towers are large structures that guarantee clean and renewable energy and<br>continue to expand in Brazil, with a promising scenario. According to the [1], in 2020 there was a 14.89% growth<br>in power compared to December 2019. In the same year, 66 new wind farms were installed in the country and<br>another 14 were repowered, totaling 2.30 GW of new capacity. The wind towers can reach up to 130 meters in<br>height and are made of metallic or concrete material, both prefabricated and assembled in the wind farms. In this<br>case, the present work aims to model a wind tower, using finite element software, in order to verify the influence<br>of aerodynamic phenomena, especially the Flutter phenomenon in the wind turbine blades and its consequences<br>on energy production. It is expected to obtain in the final result, how vibration phenomena affect the yield of<br>electricity production in wind farms.</p> Andrés E. P. Cardozo, Giovani P. S. Junior, Ornella V. T. Maia, Aref K. L. Kzam Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5560 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TRANSMISSION TOWER: COMPUTATIONAL MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF THE SIMULATION OF WIND EFFECTS. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5561 <p>In Brazil there is a great need for electrical transmission towers, due to its large territorial dimensions,<br>as well as the great distances between energy production sites and high consumption centers. In this perspective,<br>the use of this important type of structure tends to be usual. The objective of this work is to perform a graphical<br>and computational modeling of a self-supporting lattice structure. Then, the aerodynamic analysis of these<br>structures is carried out simulating the structural effects of random loads due to wind actions. For the transmission<br>tower model chosen, the finite elements of the truss model were considered, straight, connected by perfect joints.<br>In the simulation, the towers located in the city of Foz do Iguaçu - PR were considered. From this modeling, the<br>wind effects produced bending and torsion in the structure, as well as axial forces in the bracing members, which<br>prevented high horizontal displacements, proving that the adopted model meets the design criteria. It was also<br>evaluated that the structural failure, in an eventual episode of overload due to wind, should occur by buckling of<br>internal elements, where the application of structural reinforcements will be proposed.</p> Paulo H. N. Nascimento, Gabriel A. S. Correia, Aref K. L. Kzam Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5561 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Increasing the Overall Efficiency of Hydro Power Plants by Using Virtual Prototyping in the Design of High-Performance Hydromechanical Assets https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5562 <p>Intake racks play a very important role in the prevention of accidents and premature failures in<br>Hydroelectric Power Plants. As a primary function, the racks act as filters, preventing the passage of large<br>particulates and debris to the hydraulic turbine. However, intake rack designs, historically, do not take into account<br>extensive analysis, and there are many cases of failures in these structures, which despite appearing simple, require<br>adjustments to the actual operating conditions, in addition to the operational complexity of these devices. Thus,<br>the use of novel techniques, virtual prototyping focused on numerical simulations of CFD (computational fluid<br>dynamics), FEA (finite element analysis) and FSI (fluid structure interaction), allows the development of<br>optimized designs for these assets. In conjunction, the use of FEA allows the evaluation of the new intake rack<br>geometry considering, through FSI coupling, the dynamic pressure exerted in each specific region of the<br>component, and no longer average values as used by standard but for the entire component, allowing a more global<br>and assertive view of the mechanical stresses induced by its operation.</p> Rodrigo C. Quadros, Lucas G. Fonçatti Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5562 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimization of steel castellated and cellular beams using finite element method and genetic algorithms https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5563 <p>The quest to consume resources more consciously and effectively encourages the use of optimization<br>processes. In this sense, the present study aims to employ computational optimization techniques to determine the<br>maximum strength of open-web steel beams, for two groups of different cut lines, one generating beams with holes<br>in the hexagons-shape and another in ellipse format. From these two models of cut lines, a set of parameters is<br>defined that establish different configurations for the cut line in an analyzed I-shaped profile, for example: distance<br>between holes; position along the web height; hole dimensions; among others. A computational routine is<br>implemented to generate, from the analyzed I-shaped profile and for certain parameter values, a finite element<br>mesh. The load capacity of the castellated and cellular beam is defined through a nonlinear analysis using the finite<br>element program FEMOOP and a three-node triangular finite element in plane stress state. This element was<br>chosen due to the need for a very refined mesh in the discretization process of the different possible configurations<br>of cut lines, therefore, the finite elements are small and do not require high degree interpolating functions. The<br>optimization process consists of defining, for a given I-shaped profile, which configuration of the cut line produces<br>a castellated or cellular beam with greater load capacity. The implemented routines are validated from numerical<br>and experimental models found in the literature, and it is expected, from an analysis of the beams found in the</p> <p>populations obtained by the evolution of the genetic algorithm, an increase in the load capacity of the analyzed I-<br>shaped profile.</p> Gabriela Pereira Lubke, Amilton Rodrigues da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5563 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Classification of seismic facies using seismic multi-attribute https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5564 <p>Seismic interpretation is a fundamental process for hydrocarbon exploration. This activity consists<br>of identifying geological information through the processing and analysis of seismic data. With seismic data’s<br>rapid growth and complexity, manual seismic facies analysis has become a significant challenge. Mapping seismic<br>facies is a time-consuming process that requires specialized professionals. The objective of this work aims to<br>apply multiattribute classification using a deconvolution neural network to map the seismic facies and assist in<br>the interpretation process. We calculate a set of seismic attributes using Opendtect version 6.6 software from the<br>amplitude data contained in the Facies-Mark Dataset. They are: Energy, Pseudo Relief, Instantaneous Phase, and<br>Texture, all selected by an interpreter. The results showed that the attributes obtained a satisfactory result, reaching<br>85.15%, and the attributes together with the amplitude obtained 85.73%, while the amplitude, which is the most<br>commonly used data in seismic classification, obtained 81.23%, based on the FWIU metric. In a direct comparison<br>between the model with data augmentation and with attributes, the second performed better.</p> Nelia Cantanhede Reis, Luiz Fernando Santos, Mayara Gomes Silva, Marcelo Gattass, Carlos Rodriguez Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5564 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Study of Approximate Solutions for The Number Partitioning Problem https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5565 <p>The number partitioning problem (npp) is important because it is a combinatorial optimization NP-hard<br>problem and one of the canonical cases of NP-complete decision problem described in the literature. An exact<br>formulation for the decision problem is presented through dynamic programming approach. However, since the<br>npp is NP-complete, the dynamic programming algorithm has pseudo-polynomial complexity time which works<br>well for small instances. Also, several heuristic methods are used to approximate the exact solution for the problem.<br>In this paper, following the Ising formulation described in the literature, the npp optimization problem is formulated<br>as a cost Hamiltonian in terms of spin variables. Additionally, we discuss solutions for this formulation by two<br>quantum heuristics for a limited number of qubits. In the first one, we use a Quantum Approximate Optimization<br>Algorithm procedure based on some given ansatz to make a search for approximate solutions. In the second one,<br>we use an evolutionary technique ansatz-free with evolutionary quantum gate circuits. Both procedures show the<br>good features of the Ising model formulation for easy instances of such a problem.</p> Rodrigo Bloot, Anton Simen Albino Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5565 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Computational Model for the Analysis of Uplift Pressures and Fluid Flow in the Jucazinho RCC Dam https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5566 <p>The Jucazinho dam is of the Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) type, completed in 1998. The first flood<br>was in 2004 with a 1,4m thick spill, causing deterioration of part of the dissipation basin. This situation triggered<br>investigation services to assess the structural integrity of the structure. It was found that the drainage gallery<br>presented several pathological manifestations arising from the water seepage through the concrete monolith. In<br>2017, there were maintenance and consolidation services throughout the dam structure, paying particular attention<br>to cracks and the rehabilitation of the dam gallery. Several studies were carried out on the dam: (i) verification of<br>the quality of the materials used throughout the structure; (ii) exceptional seismicity actions that could cause major<br>problems preventing its use; (iii) global stability analysis. But the effects of seepage flow in the concrete were not<br>deeply analyzed. These considerations justify the occurrence of existing manifestations and serve as a reference<br>for monitoring the dam's safety. In order to analyze the water seepage that occurs in Jucazinho dam, the 2D Finite<br>Element Method (FEM) was used using the ABAQUS software, considering: (i) flow through porous media with<br>coupled fluid diffusion and stress analysis; (ii) finite elements with combined displacement and pressure degrees<br>of freedom; (iii) the solver of non-symmetric equations; (iv) steady-state analysis. Following these considerations,<br>this article presents a brief review of the literature on the subject and the knowledge of the physical parameters of<br>the dam. Subsequently, it introduces the physical and mathematical formulations that characterize the problem to<br>be studied in Jucazinho dam. With the numerical simulations the following results were achieved: (i) the<br>equipotential and flow lines inside the monolith; (ii) the displacements and stresses for the fully coupled analysis.<br>These parameters are important for future investigations and safety monitoring of the Jucazinho dam. Reference<br>simulations performed without fluid flow in the confined medium demonstrate that the values obtained differ<br>completely from the simulations that considered the water seepage inside the concrete, reaffirming the importance<br>of considering flow analysis coupled with stress analysis.</p> Josinaldo Leandro de Souza, Paulo Marcelo Vieira Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5566 Wed, 29 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimized analysis of T, Circular and Rectangular cross-sections of reinforced concrete under biaxial bending https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5567 <p>He analysis of polygonal reinforced concrete sections subjected to biaxial bending is of great interest in<br>civil construction. Generally, its dimensioning is done through design charts, generating a section that is often<br>uneconomical. Therefore, this work aims to implement an algorithm capable of optimally distributing a number<br>of steel bars in a T, rectangular or circular cross section in such a way that it is safe and efficient for a combined<br>loading of moment and axial force. it is also the objective of this work, the development of a graphical interface<br>that stores the data provided by the user and performs the optimization and detailing of a cross section. This<br>algorithm uses the sequential linear programming method, where a nonlinear problem of determination of the<br>resistant efforts of the section is linearized, having its optimal point defined at each step using the Simplex method.<br>The development of this graphical interface took place through the Visual Studio Community software, using the<br>C# programming language. The implemented algorithm also allows considering the dimensions of the T, circular<br>and rectangular section as a design variable, defining an optimized section through an objective function given by<br>the cost of materials. Using numerical examples available in the literature, one can prove the efficiency of the<br>algorithm presented in this work. The results obtained were also evaluated through the axial force-moment<br>interaction curves, being able to observe that the optimized sections did not present slack in relation to the applied<br>efforts.</p> Lucas Teixeira Araújo, Amilton Rodrigues da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5567 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Wave propagation in one-dimensional diatomic metastructure with high- static-low-dynamic stiffness https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5568 <p>In this work, we explore wave propagation in a one-dimensional diatomic periodic structure with high-<br>static-low-dynamic stiffness (HSLDS) characteristics, which is a geometric nonlinearity. A diatomic chain consists</p> <p>of two different masses per unit cell, and diatomic periodic structures can present interesting dynamic characteris-<br>tics, in which waves can attenuate within frequency bands that are called bandgaps. A periodic structure consists</p> <p>fundamentally of identical components, the cells, connected in a way that characteristics of mass, stiffness, and or<br>damping are spatially repeated, and present interesting characteristics for vibration attenuation that are not found<br>in classical structures. These characteristics have been explored for automotive and aerospace applications, among<br>others, as structures with low mass are paramount for these industries, and keeping low vibration levels in a wide<br>frequency range is also desirable.</p> <p>We use closed-form first-order approximation via perturbation analysis to study wave propagations by disper-<br>sion relations of the infinite structure considering the effect of nonlinear terms. We verify the nonlinear bandgap</p> <p>seen via the dispersion relation by comparing it to the transmissibility of a finite structure. We use the disper-<br>sion relation to analyse how some parameters can influence the bandgaps, such as the mass ratio between the cell</p> <p>elements and amplitude.</p> Diego P. Vasconcellos, Marcos Silveira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5568 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Study of the Effect of Cutting Parameters on the Orthogonal Cut of Inconel 718 Alloy https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5569 <p>This work aims to study the effects of cutting parameters, such as feed per tooth and cutting speed, in tradi-<br>tional machining process. For this, a bi-dimensional orthogonal cut model was used to represent the problem on</p> <p>a commercial finite element tool. The Johnson and Cook plasticity model was assumed to describe the behavior<br>of the work material in terms of yield strength and damage level. Inconel 718 alloy was used as the base material<br>due to its great importance in engineering. This material imposes challenges when machined and it is well known<br>for its low machinability. With the simulations, a qualitative analysis was made regarding the effects of the cutting<br>parameters on chip formation.</p> Gabriel de Paiva Silva, Romulo R. de Andrade Santos, Juan Linhares Barbosa, Talles Jordan Setubal Carvalho, Deborah de Oliveira , Lucival Malcher Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5569 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Dimensioning of sheet bending process trough ductile damage https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5570 <p>This work seeks to dimension the sheet metal bending process through the control of ductile damage.<br>For this, the material parameters of a 6101-T6 aluminum alloy are used. The process is simulated on a commercial<br>finite element tool as an elastoplastic problem with ductile damage. Parameters such as sheet thickness and<br>geometry of forming tools are evaluated. Thus, possible problems associated with the process are analyzed, such<br>as cracks in the bending regions, fractures and deformations. Three sheet thicknesses are evaluated, more<br>specifically 1, 2 and 3 mm. For the 3 mm sheet, a new geometry of the forming tool was proposed in order to<br>smooth the entire process. Three parts were modeled for analysis: two parts for forming the sheet, called tools "A"<br>and "B", and the sheet. Tool “A” works like a punch, tool “B” works like a mold. The problem was modeled<br>considering plane strain state. The tools used for the sheet bending process are modeled as rigid bodies, whereas<br>the sheet is modeled as a deformable solid.</p> Lucas de O. Barros, Ricardo N. Miranda, Caio C. A. Bílio, Paulo H. R. Brandão, Lucival Malcher Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5570 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Simulation of a Forged Inconel 718 Alloy Indentation Process https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5571 <p>This work proposes the numerical simulation, through the finite element method, of an indentation test in the<br>forged Inconel 718 alloy. Hardness tests are performed on the alloy, under three levels of strength. At the same<br>time, process simulations are carried out to determine the same print obtained experimentally. The effect of spring<br>back and the possible use of the method in the parametric identification of hardening properties of the alloy are<br>evaluated, when there are small volumes of materials for mechanical characterization.</p> Jose Felipe de Aguiar e Silva, Artur Silva Pereira, Lucival Malcher Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5571 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Simulation of the Deep Stamping Process https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5572 <p>The process of stamping is largely used when manufacturing a variety of structural and mechanical<br>components, composed basically of a die, a punch, and a blank holder. The CAE finite elements software,<br>Abaqus, allows the modeling, simulation, and analysis of the stamping process thus showing the influence the<br>punch displacement speed has over the maximum stress in the material. By the end of the analysis, including mesh<br>convergence studies, it is easy to observe that greater speeds result in greater stress levels of the workpiece and<br>larger deformations of its intended geometry. The study found that optimal punch speed levels for manufacturing<br>small aluminum cups lie between ranges of 40 to 60 mm/s.</p> Gabriel Guimaraes Hofmam, Valter Alvares Gonzaga Filho, Lucio Starling de Azevedo, Matheus Correa Santos, Brenda Kennedy de Oliveira, Lucival Malcher Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5572 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fully explicit FEM formulation for NMR simulations using the Dufort- Frankel method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5573 <p>In this paper we present a fully explicit finite element implementation for the simulation of the T2<br>relaxation and T1 recovery process in nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. We consider 2D domains defined<br>by images. We propose the combination of a lumped mass matrix and stable time-marching schemes to achieve<br>a fully explicit and stable simulation even with large time steps. The time-marching scheme we consider is the<br>Dufort-Frankel method which allows for large time-steps even for problems in the fast diffusion regime. We show<br>that the use of the lumped mass matrix adds a negligible amount of numerical error in comparison to the error<br>introduced by the discretization. We also show that this method compare favorably to the Explicit Euler in terms<br>of necessary number of time steps in order to achieve a reasonable threshold of numerical error.</p> Luiz F. Bez, Ricardo Leiderman, Andre Souza, Rodrigo B. de V. Azeredo, Andre M. B. Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5573 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical solution of axisymmetric shells under bilateral contact constraints https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5574 <p>In structural analysis, the possible geometrical configurations of the structure are fundamental for the<br>choice of the coordinate system to be used and, consequently, for the determination of solutions. The structural</p> <p>problem description through an appropriate coordinate system allows us to visualize aspects that would not neces-<br>sarily be observed in another coordinate system. In this sense, the correct specification of the coordinate system</p> <p>is important and necessary. The most general coordinate system, of which all others are particular cases, is the<br>general curvilinear coordinate system. Simultaneously, differential equations are widely used to model problems<br>in structural engineering. In the solution of a differential equation, the finite difference method plays an important<br>role, promoting the discretization of space by a mesh of discrete points, with the unknown functions and their<br>derivatives being replaced by approximations at the grid points through difference quotients. In particular, the</p> <p>analysis of contact problems between a structure and a deformable foundation is an essential task in civil engineer-<br>ing, with crucial use in different support systems. Undoubtedly, thin axisymmetric shells are structural elements</p> <p>widely used in structural engineering, especially when interacting with elastic or inelastic means. The main objec-<br>tive of this work is to develop a computational tool for the study and analysis of problems under bilateral contact</p> <p>constraints, involving axisymmetric shells and elastic means, using the approximations derived from Sander’s the-<br>ory for slender shells. General equations applicable to any coordinate systems are developed. As an application</p> <p>example, a slender cylindrical shell supported on soil (elastic foundation) is used.</p> McGlennon R. Regis, Ricardo A. M. Silveira, Christianne L. Nogueira, Paulo B. Gonçalves Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5574 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Identification of horizons in seismics using convolutional neural network https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5575 <p>Seismic structural interpretation is an essential step in exploring and producing hydrocarbon reserves.<br>This interpretation requires identifying geological features such as facies, horizons, and faults in the region of<br>interest. The manual identification of these features is a time-consuming task. Convolutional neural networks<br>(CNN) are widely used in computer vision problems, yielding excellent results in many situations, including the<br>seismic interpretation process. This work studies supervised convolutional neural networks to segment horizon<br>lines delimiting seismic facies based on seismic amplitude. We evaluate our proposal using the F3 block with the<br>seismic facie annotations. In the original dataset annotations, the labels were annotated areas for each seismic<br>facies, so this set of annotations was changed from a multiclass problem to a binary, considering only the boundary<br>between one seismic facie to its neighbor. The horizon prediction uses the ResUnet network, a combination of<br>Unet with residual blocks, designed to obtain high performance with fewer parameters. Some loss functions are<br>analyzed to optimize the segmentation result. Generalized dice loss and Focal Tversky loss functions yield best<br>results in our experiments. The Dice metric reached an index above 50% with the Focal Tversky loss function,<br>showing promising results.</p> Mayara G. Silva, Felipe Jordao P. de Andrade, Nelia C. Reis, Marcelo Gattass Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5575 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Image-based detection and classification of screws and nuts using deep learning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5576 <p>Object detection in images has been one of the biggest challenges for computer vision researchers. This<br>paper presents a case study on screws and nuts detection and classification. The identification of screws is not a<br>trivial task. There are about 1,500 unique bolts, and in some cases, the differences between the two pieces involve<br>only tiny details, making identification difficult for untrained people. The experiments used an MVTec Screws<br>dataset with 384 images of bolts and nuts on a wooden background. The classification problem consists of 10<br>classes that differ in the length and width of the screws or nuts diameter, the color of the metal, and the shape<br>of the screw head, tip, or thread. Objects in some images are separated, in others ones, objects are together or<br>overlapped. For screws and nuts detection and classification, the network YOLOv4 and the Darknet framework<br>were used for training and inference. Performance was evaluated considering detection and classification after<br>4,200 epochs run. The results in detection, in terms of IoU and mAP, scored 77.79% and 97.79%, respectively. In<br>classification tasks, all classes reached above 99% F1-Score.</p> Gizele P. do Nascimento, Karin S. Komati, Luiz A. Pinto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5576 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prediction failure in electric motors bearings using vibration signals and Long Short Term-memory neural networks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5577 <p>Bearing failures modify the vibration regime of electric motors. The acquisition and analysis of these<br>signals may provide important information about the operating condition of these components. In this context, the<br>use of failure prediction techniques can ensure the rolling bearings will be always in good operating condition,</p> <p>ensuring the production processes continuity and avoiding accidents. This paper investigates the subject of fail-<br>ure prediction in rolling bearings from vibration signals using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. The</p> <p>experimental was carried out on the vibration signals from the data set IMC. The method consisted of building 6</p> <p>models in different training settings by using either raw data or 13 statistical descriptors in time domain. Perfor-<br>mance evaluation was accomplished by means of accuracy, precision, sensibility, sensitivity and F1-Score. The</p> <p>best result (92% of accuracy, 94% of precision, 86% of sensibility, 94% of specificity and 89% of F1-score), indi-<br>cates the use of LSTM aiming to predicting failures in rolling bearings can improve the reliability of production</p> <p>systems, by anticipating preventive actions and reducing the need for corrective maintenance.</p> Rodrigo C. Campos, Gabriel T. Zago, Luiz A. Pinto Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5577 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPUTATIONAL MODELING AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF NEW WHEELCHAIR SEAT-BACK SYSTEMS TO IMPROVE COMFORT AND POSTURAL ADEQUACY FOR CHILDREN WITH MOTOR DISABILITIES https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5578 <p>Physical or motor disability may be considered a body structure or function disorder that interferes with<br>the movement and locomotion of the individual, and this may impact several activities such as school and work.<br>The current work focused on the development of assistive technology and postural adequacy areas, aiming the<br>social inclusion of children with motor disabilities in the educational system in the Pernambuco state. In this work,<br>a computational model was developed to represent the current seat-back system used by children. In order to<br>simulate representative loading conditions, it was used temperature digital data collected in the seat-back system<br>through the thermography technique. Those data have been transformed into pressure maps and implemented as<br>mechanical loads in the computational model. Numerical simulations were then performed using the commercial<br>software COMSOL Multiphysics®. The results of the simulations were analyzed to identify critical stress<br>concentration zones and high contact pressure in the actual seat-back system, which can possibly lead to bedsores<br>and discomfort. The next step of the work was to propose new seat-back systems, improving better posture and<br>comfort to the children. Therefore, new mathematical models were implemented in the software to test and<br>evaluate the performance of different foams.</p> Lucas D. V. Silva, Nadège Bouchonneau, Marcus C. Araújo, Juliana F. Q. Marcelino Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5578 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Soft Faults Diagnosis in Analog Circuits Using Optimization Inspired by Bat Behavior https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5579 <p>Open-circuit or short-circuit faults, as well as faults in discrete parameters are the most used models in<br>the simulation method before testing. As the response of an analog circuit to an input signal is continuous, failures<br>in any specific circuit element may not characterize all possible component failures. There are three important<br>features in diagnosing analog circuit faults: faulty component identification, faulty element value determination,<br>and circuit tolerance restrictions. To solve this problem, a fault diagnosis method is proposed in this work using<br>a bat-inspired algorithm, where the nonlinear equations of the circuit under test are used to calculate the circuit<br>parameters. The fault diagnosis is transformed into an optimization problem. The bats represents the values of</p> <p>faulty components and applied to the transfer functions of accessible nodes. the objective is to minimize the dif-<br>ference between the responses obtained in the real circuit and the response simulated by the optimization process,</p> <p>identifying which circuit component has the potential to present the failure. The proposed methodology is capable<br>of diagnosing simple faults and is proven with the Biquad Tow-Thomas Filter.</p> Jalber D. L. Galindo, Nadia Nedjah, Luiza de M. Mourelle Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5579 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical solution of the liquid film model for intermittent gas-liquid flows https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5580 <p>Multiphase flows occur in several industrial sectors, such as oil and natural gas production and transport.<br>Its understanding gives several technical and economic advantages. Gas-liquid flows are often grouped into three<br>main patterns: dispersed, separated, and intermittent. A succession of liquid pistons (aerated or non-aerated) and<br>elongated gas bubbles parallel with a thin liquid film that repeats itself over the pipe in a non-periodic way describes<br>the intermittent or slug flow. These flows can occur in a steady state considering the unit cell concept. Thus, the<br>hydrodynamic parameters of this kind of flow can be estimated using several models developed based on this<br>concept. This work aims to solve numerically one of the models more complete for film profile estimation using a<br>fourth-order Runge-Kutta method. A computational code is being written in MATLAB to implement the film profile<br>model and the empirical correlations for estimating the closure parameters. The numerical results obtained for the<br>film and piston lengths were compared with experimental data from the literature to validate the model solution<br>employed. In addition, liquid film (or elongated gas bubble) profiles were plotted graphically for visualization and<br>comparison with descriptions presented in the literature.</p> Alysson H. R. de Almeida, Luiz E. M. Lima Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5580 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 STAYED BRIDGE: COMPUTATIONAL MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF THE SIMULATION OF WIND EFFECTS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5581 <p>Cable-stayed bridges can present damage to their components because they are constantly subjected to<br>the action of the winds. This type of structure was a great advance in engineering, making it possible to build more<br>economical bridges, as they were able to overcome large spans without the need for several supports or a large<br>structure in arches. At the same time, it made the problem of wind forces more important, because it is a light and<br>slender structure, it ends up suffering serious aerodynamic effects, which in more extreme cases can lead to<br>collapse. Using finite element software, a model bridge located in the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu-PR, subjected<br>to the effects of the natural action of the winds of this region, was analyzed to verify the behavior of the stays and<br>the vibrations transmitted by them to the decks, verifying possible ruptures caused by fatigue and the possibility<br>of the occurrence of rupture caused by the resonance of the components, thus obtaining expected results in terms<br>of their resistance capacity to a stress situation.</p> Alef K. O. Pontes, Cecilia A. C. Nuñez, Gloria E. M. Iglesia, Patrick G. Goulart, Aref K. L. Kzam Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5581 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PREDICTING LOAD CAPACITY OF PRECAST CONCRETE PILES USING SPT AND ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5582 <p>One of the great challenges of foundation engineering is the calculation the bearing capacity of piles<br>because it requires, in theory, the estimation of soil properties, its changes by the execution of the foundation and<br>the knowledge of the soil-pile interaction mechanism. The semi-empirical methods of Aoki-Velloso [1] and<br>Décourt-Quaresma [2] are the most widely used to estimate the bearing capacity of concrete piles in Brazil.<br>However, these methods were developed for a group of soils from a specific region, so it is necessary to adjust<br>them to adequately represent the soil-pile interaction mechanism in soils from regions different from those initially<br>studied. In the geotechnical engineering, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have shown potential in determination<br>of the bearing capacity of deep fundations. In this paper, an ANN model is implemented to predict the bearing<br>capacity of precast concrete piles based on data from 126 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and their respective<br>load tests results, static and dynamic pile testing. Based on the results obtained, the ANN model may represent a<br>promising solution for the design of precast concrete piles.</p> Juliele N. Jesus, Maria do Socorro C. São Mateus, Anderson de S. M. Gadéa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5582 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MACHINE LEARNING APPLICATION TO ASSESS A PROCESS CON- TROL OF A CATALYTIC CRACKING UNIT https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5583 <p>Catalytic cracking is extensively applied in the downstream oil and gas industry to process an oil charac-<br>terized by a high value of API degree, in other words, petroleum with a high percentage of heavy hydrocarbons,</p> <p>resulting in many products with smaller molecular weight. The biggest challenge of this process is the evaluation<br>and control of catalyst deactivation, a phenomenon characterized by inducing the inactivity of disponible porous</p> <p>regions of the catalysts that take place the chemical species transfer or reagent to inside the porous, after the chem-<br>ical reaction discharge to external medium products with a less molecular chain. One alternative workable in this</p> <p>industry is a continuous regular substitute of deactivated catalyst, using the chemical or pyrolysis reactivation and<br>returning to the chemical process. To ensure the efficiency is crucial to determine the substitute frequency and<br>the amount of reactivated catalyst to maintain the maximum yields of the process. To analyze aspects of catalyst<br>deactivation, a system control project that aims to ensure the conversion obtained at the reactor and the flow of<br>the reactivated catalyst is required. Since both variables are explicitly important to the problem, it is possible to<br>define the optimal set-point for system control by monitoring these variables. So, a strategy based on ratio control,</p> <p>that uses mathematical modeling to obtain the set-point to the conversion and flow of the reactivated catalyst, clas-<br>sification as control and manipulate variables, respectively. Thus, get the suitable ratio in accord at the set-point</p> <p>of the process. As a way of evaluating and optimizing the flow of catalyst employed, after the projected control<br>system, it will apply a model of machine learning, Support Vector Machine (SVM), a supervised method that with<br>a data set prescribe a hyperplane and assess each point of distance on relation this plane for determining which<br>class best representing the data. This work aims to study which variables influence the deactivation catalyst and<br>suggest ways to mitigate and control them.</p> Guilherme Lopes de Campos, Troner Assenheimer de Souza, Víctor Rolando Ruiz Ahon, Ninoska Isabel Bojorge-Ramirez Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5583 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Efficient backcalculation procedure for asphalt pavements using the Finite Element Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5584 <p>Backcalculation is a procedure used to estimate stiffness properties (resilient modulus) of asphalt<br>pavement layers through non-destructive tests. The resilient modulus of each pavement layer is adopted as the one<br>that produces the simulated deflections closest to the deflections obtained in field tests. This paper presents an<br>efficient backcalculation approach based on the minimization of the sum of squared errors between the measured<br>field deflections and deflections obtained using an axisymmetric linear elastic layered model for the pavement<br>with finite and infinite elements. The resulting nonlinear least squares problem is solved using the Gauss-Newton<br>(GN) and the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) methods. The gradients of deflections with respect to the material<br>parameters used by the optimization methods are computed accurately and efficiently by the finite element code.<br>The two methods are compared in terms of accuracy, robustness, and computational efficiency for pavement<br>structures with different characteristics.</p> Elias S. Barroso, José L. F. Oliveira, Evandro Parente Jr., Lucas F. A. L. Babadopulos, Juceline B. S. Bastos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5584 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Geometrically Nonlinear Isogeometric Analysis of Functionally Graded Solids https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5585 <p>Functionally Graded Materials (FGM) are composites with a gradual and continuously varying com-<br>position. Given the constituents, the volume fraction is evaluated by a mathematical function and the effective</p> <p>properties by a homogenization method. Composite structures made of FGM are commonly analyzed using Fi-<br>nite Elememt Method (FEM). Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is an alternative to FEM where the displacement field</p> <p>is approximated using the same basis functions employed in geometric representation, as B-Splines or NURBS.<br>This work presents an isogeometric formulation for geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded solids<br>based on trivariate basis functions. Numerical results are evaluated for small and large displacements problems,</p> <p>and excellent results are obtained in all examples and gradations studied. Furthermore, the results showed that us-<br>ing higher order functions leads to faster convergence, requiring fewer degrees of freedom in comparison to lower</p> <p>order functions.</p> Elias Saraiva Barroso, Evandro Parente Jr., John Williams Ferreira de Souza, Marcelo Silva Medeiros Jr., Renan Melo Barros Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5585 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 2D contact simulation of fretting specimens using IGABEM https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5586 <p>In this paper, the isogeometric boundary element method (IGABEM) is used for determining tractions<br>in contact problems. We simulate contact between a fretting pad and a metallic specimen, a usual experimental<br>configuration. The results are compared with standard boundary elements method and analytical results. The<br>analysis consists of evaluating tractions during one loading cycle, which includes normal and shear loads. After,<br>the results are validated using analytical formulae. Lastly, a performance comparison between each method is<br>presented.</p> L. B. Silva, F. M. Loyola, T. Doca, E. L. Albuquerque Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5586 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Soil-Cement Mechanical Characterization Using Acoustic Vibration https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5587 <p>The execution of small and medium-sized foundations (for houses, townhouses, sheds, etc.), has often<br>been proven unfeasible because the use of semi-empirical equations results in low load capacity values, generally<br>leading to the use of piles. However, this is not always an economical alternative, due to the low level of loads on<br>the pillars. There are alternatives for improvement such as the use of cement. The mechanical characterization of<br>these materials is needed; therefore, the use of acoustic vibrations appears as a non-destructive and economical<br>technique. This technique is used for materials such as concrete and hasn’t been often applied in the soil area. In<br>this work, the feasibility of mechanically characterizing the dynamic modulus of elasticity and damping ratios is<br>studied for soil-cement-compacted (SCC). The experimental program consists of carrying out acoustic tests on<br>SCC specimens with cement dosage of 6, 9 and 12% in relation to the total weight of the mixture.</p> Anagua Coila Rolando, Dario Gomez Araujo Ivan, Suhett H. G, Bizarreta O. J Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5587 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL MASONRY PANEL USING MACROMODELING AND SIMPLIFIED MICROMODELING https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5588 <p>The structural masonry is among the oldest construction techniques, but over time it was replaced by<br>concrete and steel constructions. Recently, the number of buildings executed in structural masonry is increasing,<br>mainly due to the social interest housing programs, leading at the same time the increase of the cases of structural<br>pathologies, highlighting the need of additional studies and research in this area. Unlike frame structures, where<br>the walls are used only as enclosure elements, in structural masonry the panels are load-bearing structures and can<br>be represented by some of their 5 possible distinct elements (block, mortar, grout, interface and reinforcement) or<br>by panels of a single homogenized material. The representation of the panel by distinct elements generates<br>difficulties but is essential for local analysis of stresses and load distributions in the panels what permit to evaluate<br>the structural performance of this constructive technique and emergence of the building pathologies (damage and<br>crack pattern). In this work, the modeling and analysis of a structural masonry panel was carried out using the<br>Ansys software based in the Finite Element Method (FEM), applying the simplified micromodeling and<br>macromodeling techniques. The panel was analyzed in a two-dimensional way, being detailed the expressions for<br>stress and strain that govern the problem, as well as the properties of the equivalent material considering the<br>orthotropy applied in the macromodeling technique (homogenization). The panel analyzed was detailed as a<br>structural masonry wall, formed by solid blocks of concrete and having a concrete beam as a supporting element.<br>For analysis, a linear load was applied to the panel, being evaluated in this work, in a comparative way, the panel,<br>containing opening and the panel without opening. The panel modeling was performed using the PLANE42<br>element in state of plane stress, what is bi-linear Lagrange element (4 nodes) and two degrees of freedom per node.<br>Through the results obtained in this work, it was possible to evaluate that the wall and beam set works in a similar<br>way to the arch, with compressive stresses on the wall and tensile stresses on the beam being predominant, with a<br>concentration of stresses also being observed for the area of the panel close to the support. It was also possible to<br>verify that the presence of the opening in the panel causes a high concentration of tensions at the top and at the<br>bottom, justifying the use of the joint reinforcement at lintel bearing. When comparing the stress results obtained<br>between the micromodeling and macromodeling technique, it was observed that the homogenization technique has<br>convergent results on the global behavior.</p> Emily Rocha dos Santos, Geraldo José Belmonte dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5588 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Computational modelling of tendons: poromechanical approach for microscales https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5589 <p>Fluid flow effects on the microstructure of soft biological tissues are of fundamental importance in</p> <p>understanding mechanobiological processes, such as in mechanotransduction. Since these tissues are highly het-<br>erogeneous and have a large microstructural hierarchy, investigations of macroscopic behavior by incorporating</p> <p>microstructural effects can be performed using multiscale techniques. This work aims to bring additional discus-<br>sion related to the micromechanics of fibrous biological tissues such as tendons. For this purpose, technical aspects</p> <p>involving the first-order multiscale formulation developed by the authors are discussed, presenting advantages and<br>limitations of this type of model. Some results related to a multiscale framework that considers hydro-mechanical<br>coupling are presented and discussed, aiming point out some features of the formulation.</p> Bruno Klahr, Jose L. M. Thiesen, Otavio T. Pinto, Thiago A. Carniel, Eduardo A. Fancello Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5589 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Computational method for estimating the emissivity of human skin under different conditions: dry skin, sweaty and with lotion https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5590 <p>With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, sanitary barriers that use infrared thermography have<br>become more relevant as a means of combating the spread of this type of disease, as it is a non-contact diagnosis<br>method. A crucial factor when working with thermography is the emissivity of the analyzed surface, a base<br>parameter that thermal imagers use to estimate the temperature. For human skin, researchers generally adopt the<br>emissivity value of 0.98. However, this value considers only the condition of dry skin in its natural state. Therefore,<br>it is necessary to estimate the emissivity of the skin in other conditions, such as sweating skin, which are common<br>in passersby of sanitary barriers. In this paper, the authors present an experimental procedure to obtain the forehead<br>emissivity of volunteers by using the electric tape method and a developed a computer program algorithm based<br>on Planck's Law of Thermal Radiation to enhance this method. Both approaches, the electrical tape method with<br>and without the developed algorithm, were applied to thermographic images of thirty-six volunteers. Both methods<br>obtained similar results, showing that it is possible to use the developed algorithm with the electrical tape method,<br>enabling emissivity estimates to be more efficient.</p> João T. Lemos, Andriele Ninke, Josemar Simão, Hércules L. M. Campos, Reginaldo B. Nunes, Pablo R. Muniz Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5590 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Recent advances in numerical modeling of massive concrete structures https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5591 <p>This paper presents recent advances in numerical modeling of massive concrete structures resulting<br>from the conclusions of the Technical Committees of RILEM TC 254-CMS "Thermal cracking of massive<br>concrete structures" and RILEM TC 287-CCS ‘‘Early-age and long-term crack width analysis in RC structures’’,<br>committees chaired by the authors. The TC 254-CMS Committee met for 7 years (2013-2019) and involved the<br>participation of approximately 30 researchers and professionals from different continents. In addition to several<br>meetings, symposia and participation in Conferences, the Committee has published a book on the state-of-the-art<br>and also some articles in specialized journals that indicate procedures pertinent to the construction of massive<br>structures that are of fundamental importance for designers and constructors. Therefore, in the present paper,<br>several conclusions about the best practices in numerical modeling of the problems related to the hydration of<br>early-age concrete will be addressed. The concept of massivity index will also be discussed which determines the<br>need to analyse a structure considering the hydration effects at the early ages.</p> Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn, Miguel Azenha, Fragkoulis Kanavaris Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5591 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SHM APPLIED TO THE REHABILITATION OF HISTORIC STEEL BRIDGE https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5592 <p>The historic Imperial Dom Pedro II Bridge, located in Bahia, Brazil, underwent a major rehabilitation<br>program that began in 2018. All tensioned diagonals, made of puddled iron, were replaced with new components,<br>made of stronger steel. This paper presents a numerical model of the Dom Pedro II Bridge capable of reproducing<br>structural performance before and during the replacement work. Numerical results were verified by the<br>experimental data derived from monitoring systems installed in the bridge on several occasions. The differences<br>observed from the numerical results could be justified by the bridge’s age and maintenance condition. In general,<br>the numerical results were fairly similar to the measured data, indicating the numerical solution could be used to<br>assess other sequences of tensioned diagonal replacements. It was concluded that the replacement work improved<br>the safety of the bridge, and the proposed modeling process may be suitable for other sequences of replacements,<br>including other steel truss bridges.</p> Fernanda S. Ramos, Túlio N. Bittencourt, Alberto B. Colombo, Hermes Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5592 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Study of Thermal Cracking in The Buttresses Blocks in Itaipu Dam: Thermochemical-Mechanical Numerical Analysis https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5593 <p>The Itaipu hydropower plant is a world leader in clean and renewable energy. One of the main structures<br>is the right bank dam, which is composed of buttress blocks. It was built in 1978 and in 1980 the first cracks were<br>already observed. The thermo-mechanical model, which predicts an increase in temperature inside the concrete<br>mass due to the hydration of the cement, explains the thermal stresses in these dam blocks. In order to validate this<br>model and verify if those cracks in Itaipu buttresses are thermal cracks, the block was modeled in DamThe software<br>in 3D simulating the D38 block. The 3D simulation achieved results that are close to those observed in the field<br>regarding the position of cracks in the blocks and the temperature developed inside the blocks, compared to the<br>temperatures observed in the thermometers. The model, already verified in previous works, was validated, as it<br>was able to predict the temperatures and the tendency to crack. This indicates that it is a reliable program for<br>designing structures and anticipating undesirable cracks in massive concrete structures. It was also noticed that<br>the cracks have a thermal origin and may have a mechanical contribution, but not exclusively.</p> Gabriella P. Valentim, Mariane R. Rita, Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn, Étore F. Faria Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5593 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Artificial neural networks applied to heat exchangers problems: a review https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5594 <p>Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are computational algorithms inspired by the nervous system of<br>animals. They are powerful tools to predict patterns and behaviors for problems in different fields of study. Heat<br>exchangers are devices created to improve heat transfer that are hard to model by conventional methods but are<br>highly important in many applications. ANN have been used to model heat exchange problems, thus, helping to<br>predict and analyze patterns and behaviors not easily predicted by traditional methods. This review discusses the<br>application of ANN to heat exchanger problems, evaluating the improvement in the field over the last decades. To<br>achieve this goal, the number of publications was first analyzed, and the studies were divided into groups according<br>to the research goals. It was also analyzed the number of publications each year. It was considered the keywords:<br>"artificial neural network" and "heat exchanger" in the Science Direct platform. One hundred nine papers were<br>found, and around 50% were published in the last five years. 68% of the articles focused on the evaluation of the<br>ANN rather than utilizing it to optimize heat exchangers, showing that the method is still in development even if<br>it has become more important in the last decade.</p> Thomas S. Pereira, Thiago A. Alves, Hugo V. Siqueira, Yara de Souza Tadano Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5594 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical modeling of the linking damage zone between geologic faults https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5595 <p>Brittle fault zones are geological structures formed by a core and a damage zone that impact the fluid<br>flow within geological formations. The fault core is usually responsible for the compartmentalization of several<br>reservoirs acting as barriers while the damage zones may enhance the fluid flow. Both components present low<br>seismic resolution that does not allow an appropriate characterization of those regions. Recent works based on the<br>Finite Element Method (FEM) have focused on the characterization of damage zones adjacent to a geological fault.<br>However, the interaction of two or more faults may create linking damage zones and preferential flow paths or<br>barriers to fluid flow. This paper presents a methodology for the numerical modeling of damage zones resulting<br>from the interaction between two geologic faults. Several scenarios of different relative distances between two<br>faults are analyzed to understand the effect of linking damage zones.</p> Karoline N. Oliveira, Roberto Quevedo, Deane Roehl, Bruno R.B.M. Carvalho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5595 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An as-built digital twin visualization and generation tool using with three- dimensional CAD models and 360o images of industrial facilities. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5596 <p>Today, many companies use digital twins as part of their activities. Digital 3D models enable planning,<br>data extraction, simulations, and training on local conditions. However, an incorrect digital twin may induce errors<br>that offset all possible advantages of the digitalization process. On the other hand, an information-rich digital twin<br>allows simulations and data extraction to be faithful to reality. Enriching the data of a digital twin is a process<br>that takes time, expert analysis, costs, and equipment, making the update process difficult. Photos, 360o images,<br>and 3D models can be used to support evaluation and updates. However, differences between pictures and models<br>yield confusion when transferring and connecting information. This work presents a tool that explores the benefits<br>of combining 360o images of industrial facilities with three-dimensional CAD models to generate a correct as-built<br>digital twin. This tool has an interface capable of displaying three-dimensional models of an industrial plant in<br>conjunction with 360o photographs, allowing the user to navigate an augmented reality environment. GPS or simple<br>annotations in the 360o images allow an easy manual camera calibration interactive process. The tool proposes an<br>effective interaction to make annotations in the CAD models and the 360o photographs.</p> Anderson S. Fonseca, Marcelo Gattass, Paulo I. N. Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5596 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Wind Turbine Spread Foundation: a Case Study. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5597 <p>Wind is a renewable source of energy, and its use occurs through the conversion of translational kinetic<br>energy into rotational kinetic energy, through the use of wind turbines to generate electricity. The present work<br>deals with the consideration of Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) in a specific case of a wind turbine tower supported<br>on an “insulated footing” surface foundation. That said, a case study will be presented, which aims to analyze the<br>interaction of the wind tower foundation with the soil, verifying the use of additive materials to concrete, and the<br>SSI. To carry out the study, the computational tool, Diana FEA finite element modeling software, was used, which<br>allows the modeling and analysis of the structure by the finite element method. The results obtained in this work<br>allowed to enrich the discussion on soil-structural interaction.</p> Daniel C. Figueiredo, Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn, Rodolfo G. M. de Andrade Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5597 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Passive control of plate vibrations: dimensional optimization of constrained layers by using kriging surrogate https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5598 <p>Plate structures are slender and flexible structures and can be subject to vibrations. Vibrations can cause<br>problems such as acoustic discomfort, mechanical fatigue failure, and/or reduced performance. Thus, it is<br>necessary to use forms of control that aim to reduce and avoid vibration. One method is the passive vibration<br>control using constrained layers (CL). This method stands out due to easily and simplicity of application. In this<br>control form, the vibrating structure receives a layer of viscoelastic material (VEM) and a material layer, usually<br>metallic. For efficient vibration control, it is necessary to determine the optimal parameters of the CL. Thus, this<br>work aims to present a methodology for optimizing the vibration control of a plate using CL and Kriging's<br>surrogate. Considering the width and length of the VEM fixed, the design variables of this problem are the<br>thickness of the constrained layer (VEM) and constraining layer (metallic layer). The CL kept dimension and<br>shape fixed during the optimization process. The objective function evaluated is the Euclidean norm of a<br>component of the matrix function of inertance. As a result, we obtained optimal thicknesses of VEM and restrictor<br>layers for effective control of the second and third vibration modes.</p> Sandmara Lanhi, Gabriela W.O. Dicati, José E. Gubaua, Jucélio T. Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5598 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Determination of the critical length of elastic buckling by distortion in Z-profiles stiffened under centered compression using artificial neural networks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5599 <p>NBR 14762 (ABNT, 2010) does not have a defined method to determine the critical distortional<br>buckling stress, making it difficult for designers to verify the PFF strength. Because of this, researches were<br>developed in order to solve this problem. However, there are difficulties in the methods developed in the literature.<br>An alternative to overcome such difficulties is the use of the critical length associated with the distortional mode<br>in order to help in the determination of the distortionary critical elastic stress. In this sense, this article aimed to<br>determine an equation for the critical length associated with the distortional mode of cold-formed profiles with Z<br>section stiffened under centered compression and with bi-articulated support with free warping. For this, Artificial<br>Neural Networks (ANNs) were trained. Such ANNs were validated using experimental and numerical results<br>available in the literature and some equations were generated. The equations obtained through the adopted ANN<br>obtained good correlations with the literature.</p> Tailanne S. M. Silva, Leonardo P. Silva, Patrícia dos S. Andrade, Anderson de S. M. Gadéa, Koji de J. Nagahama Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5599 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of lateral displacements of a reinforced concrete tower of telecommunication systems under wind action in urban contexts https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5600 <p>Most of the existing reinforced concrete towers existing in Brazil intended for supporting<br>telecommunications systems were installed in the 1990s shortly after the “Telebrás” systems were privatized by<br>the Brazilian government. Currently, there is substantial growth expected in the internet sector with the appearance<br>of 5G in the country, and for that, there should be a new demand for the structural engineering involved. In this<br>context, the main objective of this work is to computationally assess the lateral displacements produced by the<br>wind in a reinforced concrete tower considering the geometric nonlinearity and concrete creep. For this, a useful<br>life horizon was defined which allows the structure to age within the estimated time for its operation. A non-linear<br>analysis based on the finite element method is used to operate the calculations. The loading characterizing the<br>problem includes the structure’s self-weight and the wind action in urban contexts. The wind forces were obtained<br>through a Computational Fluid Dynamic, which considers the aerodynamics of the structure and existing devices.<br>Herewith, it was possible to evaluate aspects related to the serviceability requirements throughout its useful life<br>and recommend updating existing systems in order to guarantee the quality of the service provided.</p> Elizete S. Dantas, Geraldo J. B. Santos, Alexandre M. Wahrhaftig Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5600 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical Modeling in Reinforced Concrete Tie Rods https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5601 <p>Concrete is a fragile material when subjected to tensile stresses, however, it is possible that a<br>substantial contribution can be perceived in the design of reinforced concrete elements under tension, even in the<br>post-cracking stage. In plain concrete, when the tensile strength is reached, cracks appear that progress until the<br>material ruptures, this is a localized behavior known as “strain softening”. Different from plain concrete,<br>reinforced concrete does not show softening due to the transfer mechanisms of tensile forces existing at the<br>steel-concrete interface, so tensile stiffness is a phenomenon that occurs exclusively in reinforced concrete<br>structures. The steel-concrete adhesion is directly related to energy absorption, which allows the redistribution of<br>stresses between the materials after cracking, contributing to an increase in the strength and stiffness of the<br>reinforced concrete element in an effect known as tension stiffening.</p> Bruno Ricardo Ferreira de Oliveira, Eduardo de Moraes Rego Fairbairn, Rodolfo Giacomim Mendes de Andrade Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5601 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nonlinear modeling of a bamboo bio-concrete beam https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5602 <p>Concrete is one of the most consumed materials in the world, so it is essential to promote the<br>sustainable development of this material. For this, it is possible to obtain environmental benefits through the<br>substitution of cementitious materials and/or aggregates. Bamboo is a material that has been used in several<br>studies as an aggregate in the production of bio-concrete, through the pressing procedure or conventional<br>techniques for manufacturing concrete. One way to evaluate the quality of this material is by analyzing its<br>mechanical behavior, either by experimental procedures or numerical modeling. The objective of this study is to<br>perform numerical simulations of a bamboo bio-concrete beam imposing different cracking models and tensile<br>laws, and compare the numerical results to the experimental ones collected from the literature. The results<br>indicated that the Rotating cracking model represented better the experimental load versus deflection curve than<br>the Fixed crack model. Furthermore, all tensile laws showed consistent results by varying only their intrinsic<br>characteristic of tensile softening.</p> Kaliel Gomes Andrade, Alfredo Quiroga Flores, Vanessa Maria Andreola, Romildo Dias Toledo Filho, Túlio Raunyr Cândido Felipe, Eduardo de Moraes Rego Fairbairn Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5602 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical modeling of mass concrete structures: practical applications and relevance to society https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5603 <p>Computational analysis has become crucial in almost all disciplines of our society, together with theory<br>and experimental analysis. In civil engineering, the thermal cracking of young concrete, associated with the high<br>costs and safety requirements of infrastructure works, has been a concern of the engineering community since<br>the first applications of mass concrete. It happens that several massive concrete structures such as hydroelectric<br>and nuclear power plants, thick foundations, bridge pier columns and caps, thick walls, and tetrapods breakwaters<br>may experience cracking induced by the generation of heat during hydration reaction (hardening). Considering<br>the nature of this type of work, whose risk, cost, and predictability of behavior are extremely important factors for<br>our community, accurate models are necessary to guarantee the success of the project. In this sense, this work will<br>considerer the most commonly used numerical method – Finite Element Method (FEM) - in practical applications<br>for numerical modeling of concrete structures developed by PEC/COPPE/UFRJ in several engineering works,<br>showing its impact and importance for society.</p> Igor A. Fraga, Mariane R. Rita, Ana B. C. G. Silva, Eduardo M. R. Fairbairn, Romildo D. Toledo Filho Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5603 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Collection and Processing of Data on Brazilian Technical Production in Engineering Areas https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5604 <p>The main objective of this article is to present a strategy for the identification and extraction of data<br>from Brazilian patents from researchers working in the areas of Engineering, such as title, abstract, filing date,<br>publication date, inventors, owners, among others. Such a strategy will allow the construction of a local database<br>of the Brazilian technical production of individuals working in the engineering areas, enabling analysis of the large<br>volume of data in a shorter time, since the analysis will be local and not in online repositories of patents. Therefore,<br>the proposed solution will allow to minimize several restrictions imposed by online repositories, among them it is<br>possible to mention the limit in the volume of data access and internet connectivity. In this study, the National<br>Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the international patent repository Espacenet, of recognized international<br>relevance, will be used as the main repositories. The obtained results allow us to verify how this type of production<br>has evolved over the years, considering the technical production of individuals who work in the various areas of<br>Engineering.</p> Raulivan R. Silva, Thiago M. R. Dias, Higor A. D. Mascarenhas Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5604 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Elastic-Viscoplastic analysis of Reissner’s plates by the Boundary Element Method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5605 <p>This work presents a formulation for elastic-viscoplastic analysis of plate bending by the Boundary<br>Element Method (BEM). It is employed Reissner’s theory, in which transverse shear strains are considered and<br>so, it holds for thin and thick plates. Basic formulation of Reissner's plate bending theory is presented, with the<br>consideration of physical nonlinearity. The related integral equations are shown for displacements at internal and<br>boundary points and also for moments and shear resultants at internal points. The theory for considering<br>viscoplasticity is presented, as well as the procedures for the solution of these equations by the BEM. This process<br>offers an alternative method of solution for elasto-plastic problems, when steady-state condition is reached. For<br>the numerical implementation, quadratic boundary elements of linear geometry and constant internal cells, also of<br>linear geometry, are employed. These cells are only necessary where the existence of inelastic strains is expected.<br>Numerical examples are presented and the obtained results are compared with solutions found in literature.</p> Jair G. de O. Borges, Vânia J. Karam Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5605 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 On-bottom roughness analysis for repurposing of gas export pipelines in Brazilian coast https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5606 <p>This work describes the on-bottom roughness analyses performed for the repurposing of two gas export<br>pipelines in Brazilian coast for conditions out of original design premises, as well as the assessment of a lateral<br>buckle identified in one of them. The main aspects of the employed methodology are presented, followed by their<br>results. The importance of these analyses in a repurposing context is also discussed.</p> Rafael C. O. Góes, Ricardo R. Martins, Alexandre S. Hansen, Thiago L. A. dos Santos, Rafael F. Solano Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5606 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Collaboration in Technological Development: an Analysis Based on Patent Proposition Networks https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5607 <p>Analyzes of scientific collaboration networks have been widely explored for some time in research in<br>different areas of knowledge, in view of their ability to identify how groups of researchers have carried out their<br>work collectively. Such studies make it possible to identify how collaboration between individuals occurs through<br>analyzes based on social network metrics. In this context, new studies have been proposed in order to analyze<br>collaboration in the development of technical products, with data on patents being studied in most studies. This<br>type of analysis is relevant because it makes it possible to understand the process of collaboration in proposing<br>new inventions. In this work, a general characterization of the group of individuals analyzed is initially presented,<br>and after that, a global and temporal analysis of the collaboration network in the patent proposal of Brazilian<br>individuals with CVs registered on the Lattes Platform is carried out. For this, all patents registered in the curricula<br>of these individuals were used for the identification and characterization of collaboration networks. As a result, it<br>is possible to see how collaboration in the proposed inventions of the analyzed set has been intensified over the<br>years, with emphasis on the institutions and areas of activity of each inventor.</p> Patrícia M. Dias, Thiago M. R. Dias, Gray F. Moita, Emerson S. Costa Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5607 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Analysis of the modal response of a structure considering the periodic foundation effect https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5608 <p>The densification of the areas of urban structures has caused structures in general that are increasingly<br>approaching road traffic and this scenario, with which the structures are presented in these environments as being<br>the environment caused by the flow of traffic. studies that predict structures designed by traffic but do not address<br>technical/intelligible isolation isolation from manipulation/insulation intelligibility. The vibrations generated by<br>the impact cause discomfort to building users in addition to causing damage to buildings, including cracking or<br>even more serious problems such as the collapse of the structure. Research shows that it can isolate the use<br>of periodic structures as vibrations of a structure. The idea is that these periodic structures work like a filter,<br>absorbing as frequency bands, not passing this vibration on to the rest of the structure. Periodic structures are<br>being used in several areas of engineering, however, with limited use in civil engineering. In this context, this<br>work intends a numerical modeling in finite elements of a structure with a periodic type foundation, to study the<br>vibrational construction of the foundation, in comparison with a simple foundation structure. In other words, the<br>model is based on the development of the soil-structure coupling of finite elements, adopting the contour structure<br>as a basis for the study between conditions as foundations as well as between the foundation and the foundation.<br>Numerical modeling in finite elements was performed in the free and open source software FreeCAD version 0.19<br>with analysis performed in the solver Calculix. The modal response will be used to verify the filtering of the<br>structure’s vibrational response.</p> Jakeline Loureiro, Francisco A. A. Gomes, Paulo R. Novak, Rodrigo B. Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5608 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Performance analysis of random forest and support vector machine models in predicting pore pressure from well-log data https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5609 <p>Pore pressure (PP) prediction is critical for well drilling operations and oil reservoir characterization<br>and management. Recent advances in the development of Machine Learning (ML) models have led to a growing<br>application of these methods for pore pressure prediction using well log records. In this work, we have evaluated<br>the performance of two ML models for the task of PP prediction, one based on Random forest (RF) and another<br>based on Support vector machine (SVM). The study used geophysical logs (Gamma-ray, Sonic, and Density) of<br>stratigraphic wells drilled in the offshore Sergipe Basin, NE Brazil, to predict the PP in the regional sedimentary<br>column of the basin. The values obtained by the ML models were compared with values of PP obtained by<br>classic approaches used in the industry to establish the actual accuracy of the methods tested. We divided the<br>data used in the study in training and testing into the proportion of 70% and 30%, respectively. We also used the<br>metrics Mean square error – MSE and R-squared to evaluate the performance. The MSE of the SVM model was<br>about one order of magnitude greater than that obtained by the RF in the training data. The validation data<br>showed a similar result. This behavior appeared for different training data sizes, which shows the invariability of<br>the relative performance of the models related to the amount of data used. Another aspect observed was the<br>scalability of the models. The results show that the RF model presents a linear behavior concerning the model<br>fitting time as a function of the amount of data, while the SVM model has an exponential behavior. Finally, in<br>the test data, the RF model presented better results in all evaluated metrics, with an MSE of about 90%, which<br>was lower than that obtained by the SVM model. By comparing the values predicted by the models and the<br>actual values, the RF model has an r-squared of 0.99, while the SVM model has an r-squared of 0.96. Thus, the<br>performance of the RF model was superior to that of the SVM in all treated aspects.</p> Gallileu Genesis, Igor Fernandes Gomes, José Antonio Barbosa, Carlos Humberto Cuartas-Oquendo Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5609 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A rate-dependent and unconstrained phase-field model for brittle fracture https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5610 <p>This work deals with the formulation and numerical implementation of a rate-dependent model for<br>brittle fracture that allows for damage healing. The model formulation, which is carried out within the framework<br>of continuum mechanics, relies on the introduction of an extra independent kinematical descriptor, the phase field,<br>along with the corresponding force system, the microforce system. The governing equations of theory are obtained<br>by supplementing the standard and extra force balances with a constitutive theory consistent with a mechanical<br>version of the second law of thermodynamics. A particular version of the theory is singled out to provided a<br>regularization of a standard theory constrained by the assumption of damage irreversibility. The model shows a<br>derivation of an ”optimal” kinetic modulus function from an ”optimal” penalization of rate-independent model in<br>the literature, which made it capable to avoid healing at a level previously unknown for rate-dependent models of<br>that type. A few simulation results are shown for different problem parameters previously explored by other works.<br>To solve the equations of the model, we use the finite-element method, for spatial discretization, and a backward<br>Euler scheme, for the time integration, in a Python implementation aided by an open-source computing platform<br>FEniCS.</p> Diego R. D. Turbino, Fernando P. Duda, Gabriel M. Guerra Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5610 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Classification of Skin Lesions using CNN https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5611 <p>Various computational methodologies can be found in the specialized literature, with different<br>applications, among which the classification of skin lesions in dermoscopic images stands out in this work.<br>Although the initial analysis of skin lesions was performed using a set of visual rules known as the ABCDErule<br>(Asymmetry, Borders, Lesion Color, Diameter, and Evolution), the performance of this visual analysis is<br>influenced by factors such as lighting variation during image capture, the presence of artifacts that cause noise,<br>and the specialist's eye strain during image analysis. A mistaken initial analysis can delay the development of an<br>adequate treatment plan, affecting the effectiveness of this treatment. In the task of computational recognition of<br>elements in an image, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)stands out. In this context, this work presents the<br>results of the application of CNN ResNet for the identification of melanomas. To carry out this work, TensorFlow<br>and a database with 9144 images were used. The results were promising, reaching approximately 75% accuracy.</p> Gilson Saturnino dos Santos, Alex F. de Araujo, Angelino Caon, Vitor Oliveira da Silva Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5611 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPUTING DEFLECTIONS OF TOPOLOGICALLY OPTIMIZED BEAMS https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5612 <p>In civil engineering, computing deflections is a fundamental step in the structural design process.<br>However, most structural optimization codes do not directly compute or evaluate displacements in the resulting<br>optimized structures. In that context, this work presents the basis of an approach to compute and analyze<br>deflections (vertical displacements) in optimized beams. Using Matlab®, we implemented an extension to the<br>FEM-based 99 Line Topology Optimization Code (Sigmund, 2001), which is able to compute deflections and plot<br>deformed shapes of optimized structures, allowing users to analyze deformation during the design process. We<br>also compared maximum deflections of optimized versus nonoptimized beams. According to results, for constant<br>boundary conditions, optimized beams present smaller maximum deflections.</p> Joanna Paulla Alves de Castro, Leonardo Henrique Borges de Oliveira, Matheus Fernandes de Araújo Silva, João Carlos Arantes Costa Júnior, Paulo Henrique Araújo Bezerra Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5612 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical modeling of composite steel-concrete beams with truss type shear connector https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5613 <p>Numerical analysis, when properly calibrated, presents itself as an important tool for the study and<br>development of new technologies. The truss type shear connector appears as a technically and economically viable<br>alternative, however its use in composite steel and concrete beams still needs to be studied and analyzed. For this<br>reason, in the present work, a non-linear three-dimensional model of composite steel and concrete beams with<br>lattice shear connector was developed, seeking to analyze the efficiency of the alternative connector. The<br>methodology used in the modeling was validated through experimental studies in the literature.</p> Paulo Henrique Roberto Moura, Jerfson Moura Lima, Gustavo Henrique Silva Rodrigues Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5613 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Optimal power flow considering non-smooth generation cost function and emissions using AMPL and Knitro solver https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5614 <p>The Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem aims to analyze the planning and operation of electrical power<br>systems and has been widely used due to the benefits that can be obtained. This work analyzed the application of<br>language AMPL (Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming) and the Knitro commercial solver, to solve<br>the Economic and Environmental Dispatch (EED) problem, modeled as an OPF. In the proposed OPF modeling<br>were considered equality constraints such as active and reactive power balance and inequality constraints such as<br>generator, transformer and Shunt VAR compensator constraints that represent the operational and physical limits<br>of the system. The problem was implemented as single and combined objective functions aiming minimize the<br>generation cost with and without valve point effect and emissions. These characteristics make the problem more<br>complex, nonlinear, and non-convex. Additionally, a simple heuristic was proposed to deal with the discrete<br>characteristic related to the value of transformer taps. The IEEE 30-bus test system was presented to illustrate the<br>application of the proposed problem. Finally, the obtained data were compared with the literature and the<br>superiority of the approach was demonstrated.</p> J. L. Silva, E. A. Belati Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5614 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Identification of Text Relevance in Service Desk Systems using Machine Learning Classifiers https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5615 <p>Service Desk systems form a wide source of useful information for organizations, which consists of<br>historical support requests. Such information can serve as a reference for responding future requests. Standardized<br>search tools, such as keyword searches in support request histories, are infeasible in large datasets and may provide<br>answers unrelated to a problem of interest. This manuscript aims to compare the performance of machine learning<br>algorithms in classifying support requests as relevant or not. We define as relevant the support requests that have</p> <p>the potential to serve as a basis for responding to others. We will develop a filter to remove non-relevant informa-<br>tion from the dataset of historical support requests to provide a finite low-cardinality set of recommendations for</p> <p>future support and assistance. In the performed tests, Naive-Bayes, Adaptive Boosting, Random Forest, Stochastic<br>Gradient Descent, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, and Light Gradient Boosting Machine classifiers<br>were used. The classifier with the best performance (Random Forest) presented maximum average accuracy close<br>to 80%, and recall, F1-score, and AUC values all greater than 80%.</p> Marciel M. Degasperi, Daniel C. Cavalieri, Fidelis Z. Castro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5615 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Epidemiologycal SIR model to study ’infodemics ́ about child vaccination https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5616 <p>Technological development has made the internet increasingly accessible in recent decades. However, despite</p> <p>&nbsp;the benefits, overexposure to the dissemination of information has become a social concern. The rapid dissemina-<br>&nbsp;tion of information with fewer criteria plagued by rumours and fake news has compromised its accuracy, clarity</p> <p>&nbsp;and reliability. The process of rapid and massive dissemination of unreliable information has been called an info-<br>&nbsp;demic because it behaves an epidemic. Google Trends is a tool developed to show the relative number of searches</p> <p>&nbsp;for a given term of interest available on the Google platform. In this work, we apply the classic SIR model of<br>&nbsp;mathematical epidemiology to study the case of the time series of the frequency of searches on the controversial</p> <p>&nbsp;term ‘childhood vaccination’. The aim of the approach is to assess how accurately the simple form of the epidemi-<br>&nbsp;ological model can describe the infodemic process. The matter is treated as complex open system and the model</p> <p>&nbsp;parameters like infection and recovery rates from infection are supposed to vary but keeping stable along intervals<br>&nbsp;of engagement and disengagement. We show that the model parameters can provide useful information about the<br>social phenomenon in periods of social media engagement and disengagement in controversial news.</p> J. C. Onofre, J. L. Acebal Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5616 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Topology optimization of 3D truss structures considering stress, displace- ment and buckling constraints https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5617 <p>This work addresses the development of 3D optimal trusses using the topology optimization method.</p> <p>The aim is to minimize the total volume with local stress and displacement constraints as well as buckling con-<br>straints. The augmented Lagrangian method is also implemented to solve the optimization problem. The formu-<br>lation and the implementation are assesed by means of some benchmark problems found in the literature. Results</p> <p>also show the importance of properly selecting the material parametrization.</p> Verônica C. H. Pazda, Eduardo L. Cardoso Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5617 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Python Language Applied to Flutter Analysis in a VANT‘S 3D Wing. https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5618 <p>Flutter is one of the most well-known dynamic aeroelastic phenomena, known for its destructiveness<br>and frequently associated with thin structures and less rigid materials, and has been widely used in the evolution<br>of the aeronautical industry. The SAE Aerodesign competition simulates the design of UAVs - Unmanned Aerial<br>Vehicles - and includes the study of the probability of aeroelastic phenomena in the project to qualify students<br>and enthusiasts in the field. Aiming to enlarge access to Flutter analysis occurrence by students and produce an<br>efficient study of the Flutter Critical Speed, the Python language was applied to create a program able to interact<br>with the Aerodynamics through the Panel Method and the structural behavior by the Grid Method and return the<br>Critical Speed calculated according to Method K, generating the V-G Diagram of the aeroelastic behavior of the<br>plane. The wing of the UAV designed by Araras Aerodesign team in the system with two degrees of freedom was<br>used as an example. The code was efficient in generating the expected result, checked according to the literature,<br>and compared with commercial software.</p> Nicolle C. Parra, Helio de A. Pegado Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5618 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical modeling for deformation analysis of a cantilever beam https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5619 <p>The tireless quest for better living conditions makes people use technological resources as manners to<br>balance a work/economy/safety relationship. Those technological resources have been applied more frequently in<br>engineering. This is due to development of simulation software in order to provide greater economic viability in<br>engineering projects. The considerable growth in the infrastructure market, further promoted the application of<br>beams in projects, linked to this is the concern with the deformations that are caused to them. In this sense, the<br>deformation suffered by a beam was evaluated via structure analysis using the ANSYS Mechanical software. The<br>beam is at one extremity and supported by fixed support at the other extremity. To obtain the values of<br>deformations a beam was developed in ANSYS, and after, the deformation was found through finite element<br>methods. To verify the methodology effectiveness proposed in this study the numerical results were compared to<br>data obtained in the tests and theoretical calculations. Through the values obtained, it was concluded that the values<br>obtained in the simulation present deformations very similar to the tests and the theoretical calculation.</p> Gilsomaro Barbosa de Melo Silva, Rosilda Sousa Santos, Diego David Silva Diniz, Walber Medeiros Lima, Jackson de B. Simões Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5619 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation of the mechanical behavior of concrete wall panels with functionally gradation fiber content by finite element method https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5620 <p>Concrete is a material with brittle rupture behavior when subjected to efforts that result in tensile<br>stresses, generating internal micro-cracks, facilitating the action of aggressive agents and reducing its useful life.<br>With the demands of improving the durability and mechanical performance of structures, the functional gradation<br>of concrete properties with the use of fibers has been presented as a promising alternative. With the recent<br>publication of NBR 16935, in addition to contributing to durability, fibers can be used to totally or partially replace<br>steel reinforcement, especially in structural elements where the distribution of internal tensile stresses is not well<br>defined, as in the case of of wall panels and other slender pieces subjected to compression. The production of<br>concrete wall panels with functionally gradation of fiber content allows a more efficient use of materials,<br>distributing the fibers only in the regions that can present a real contribution, enhancing their physical and<br>mechanical properties due to their presence. This work seeks to evaluate the mechanical behavior of functionally<br>graded fiber concrete wall panels through modeling and computer simulation. The model was implemented in the<br>commercial software ANSYS, which is based on the finite element method. Different configurations of the<br>functional gradation of the fibers were simulated along the thickness and in different regions. Each configuration<br>of the functional gradation in the panels were simulated in static and buckling analyses. For calibration of the<br>parameters of the materials of each layer, the values present in the literature for different types and fiber contents<br>were adopted. Finally, the numerical results obtained were compared with experimental results from the literature<br>to validate the proposed model. The functional gradation of fiber content did not compromise the strength of the<br>panels and the model adopted presented an acceptable correspondence with the experimental results found in the<br>literature.</p> Rafael N. Moreira, Paulo R. L. Lima, Geraldo J. B. dos Santos Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5620 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PARAMETRIC OPTIMIZATION OF QUARTER VEHICLE SUSPEN- SION MODEL BY RESPONSE MAP TECHNIQUE https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5621 <p>This work aims to set the suspension optimal parameters of a quarter vehicle model, using an exhaustive<br>parametric optimization technique. The objective function minimizes sprung mass rms acceleration considering<br>a Gaussian white noise road profile for a fixed sprung/unsprung mass ratio with different control strategies for a<br>semi-active suspension system.</p> Leonardo da Costa Rodrigues Ferreira, Suzana M. Avila, Marcus V. G. de Morais Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5621 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Convolutional Neural Networks Implementation on a Network-on-Chip Platform https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5622 <p>Delivering more throughput to a given computational system or device may be crucial when using<br>computational intelligence-based approaches as a design preference for a growing set of applications. On the other<br>hand, these approaches are frequently under rigorous constraints regarding processing time, power consumption<br>and required memory. One of the main topics of interest in computational intelligence is machine learning. It deals<br>with computational methods and models based on observational data. In machine learning, the machine develops<br>the ability to continually learn with data, in an attempt to predict and recognize patterns as humans do. Deep neural<br>networks use several hidden layers to achieve pattern recognition. The main difference between traditional neural<br>networks and deep neural networks is the amount of network layers. A convolutional neural network is a deep<br>learning model, usually used to classify and recognize patterns in image and video-based applications. One of<br>the most known designs for convolutional neural network is LeNet-5. It allows manuscript characters recognition.<br>This kind of neural network consists of an input layer, that receives the image, a series of layers, that implement<br>image operations for characteristics mapping, and a last layer, that consists of a classification neural network, using<br>the characteristics map and provides the classification result as output. The network structure consists of a series<br>of paired convolutional layers followed by pooling layers. The output is classified by a fully connected layer. A<br>convolutional layer is used to allow image characteristics mapping. A pooling layer is responsible for reducing<br>the matrixes dimensionality and data complexity. Our work aims at investigating the use of parallel processing for</p> <p>the implementation of a convolutional neural network on a multiprocessor system-on-chip. It exploits a network-<br>on-chip platform for communication between the processing elements. Mainly, our work consists of grouping</p> <p>the network operations into conceptual units called tasks. These tasks are the workload to be distributed between<br>the processing units, which will operate in a parallel manner. As a case study, we implement LeNet-5 on the<br>multiprocessor system-on-chip MEMPHIS platform. We demonstrate that the distribution of the convolutional<br>neural network workload over a set of processing elements leads to significant performance gain over the serial<br>implementation.</p> Alexandre N. Cardoso, Luiza de Macedo Mourelle, Nadia Nedjah Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5622 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Crack Detection In Concrete Using Artificial Intelligence With Deep Learning https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5623 <p>Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field that has been drastically changing not only several areas of<br>knowledge, but it also brings high expectations regarding the future of professions. While there are projections of<br>great growth in demand for data scientists, there is the possible threat to unqualified labour, where AI can offer a<br>low-cost alternative. Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning, which is a field dedicated to the study and<br>development of machines [1], which can be seen as a stage of AI. Also called Deep Neural Network, refers to<br>Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) with multiple layers. In recent decades, it has been considered one of the most<br>powerfull tool, and has become very popular in literature as it is able to deal with a great amount of data. Interest<br>in having deeper hidden layers began recently to overcome the performance of classical methods in different fields,<br>especially in pattern recognition [1]. Neural networks are used in many areas, such as search algorithms on search<br>engines, content recommendation algorithms, autonomous cars, speech recognition (audio), natural language<br>recognition (text) and computer vision (images). The use in image recognition is mainly done with Convolutional<br>Neural Networks. Thus, the present work intends to apply Convolutional Neural Networks for the detection of<br>cracks in concrete structures through image processing, especially the obtained with drones. The detection of<br>cracks by visual inspection can be a very laborious process, depending on the number of cracks and the difficulty<br>of access, in addition to relying heavily on the subjectivity of the observer. Thus, several methods have been<br>proposed to automate this process, which consist of image processing techniques. However, the implementation<br>of these techniques is difficult when there are adverse conditions, such as changes in different textures [2]. It is in<br>this sense that the use of neural networks brings the expectation of being a method appropriate in relation to the<br>stability in the detection, even considering variations in the conditions for acquiring images, such as lighting, angle<br>of acquisition, texture, dimensions, among others. This expectation is mainly due to the ability to automatically<br>learn the characteristics relevant to the detection of cracks, whereas there are adverse conditions in the learning<br>data.</p> Túlio de Araújo Vieira, Lenildo Santos da Silva, Leonardo da Silveira Pirillo Inojosa, Márcio Augusto Roma Buzar Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5623 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Calibration and validation of the numerical model of a freight wagon based on dynamic tests under operating conditions https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5624 <p>This work presents an efficient methodology for the calibration and validation of a freight wagon<br>numerical model by an iterative methodology based on experimental modal parameters identified in a dynamic<br>test under real operating conditions. The dynamic tests involved the use of a minimalist on-board monitoring<br>system, which did not cause any interference in the vehicle's operational logistics. The identification of the<br>vehicle's dynamic properties was made through the application of operational modal analysis techniques to the<br>data collected during the vehicle circulation. A 3D numerical model of the freight wagon was developed and<br>calibrated using an iterative methodology through a genetic algorithm and based on the identified modal<br>parameters. The applied methodology proved to be effective and robust in estimating three numerical parameters,<br>besides a significant upgrade in the natural frequencies compared to the model before calibration. Finally, the<br>dynamic response of the model was validated by means of a direct comparison between numerically simulated<br>results, based on a vehicle-track interaction analysis, and experimentally collected time history responses.<br>Comparisons revealed an excellent agreement between the experimental and numerical time series after<br>calibration, especially for the frequency range covered by the identified modes.</p> Cássio S. C. Bragança, José Neto, Nuno Pinto, Pedro A. Montenegro, Diogo Ribeiro, Hermes Carvalho, Rui Calçada, Túlio N. Bittencourt Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5624 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Degradation prediction of in-service railway bridges supported by Semi-Markov process https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5625 <p>This article describes a model for predicting the degradation of in-service railway bridges based on a<br>semi-Markov continuous time process. This model relies on the history of inspections of 588 bridges located on a<br>heavy-haul railway line in Brazil, between 2016 and 2020. A dedicated computational tool developed in Matlab<br>allows the automated data processing. A parametric study is performed to understand which factors derived from<br>the bridge structural characteristics, as well as operational and environmental factors, most influence the<br>deterioration model. The type of material proves to be a decisive factor and therefore two specific prediction<br>models are stablished, one for concrete bridges and other to steel bridges. The prediction models have an efficiency<br>equal to 93.7%, for concrete bridges, and 95.1% for steel bridges.</p> Fagner Furtado, Adriano Bonatto, Diogo Ribeiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5625 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of punching shear in concrete reinforced flat slab using damaged plasticity model https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5626 <p>Due to high shear stresses in the slab-column connection, reinforced concrete flat slabs may be</p> <p>vulnerable to punching shear failure. In this paper, nonlinear finite element analyses of a reinforced concrete slab-<br>column connection under static loading were conducted using ABAQUS software and the concrete damage</p> <p>plasticity (CDP) model. The material parameters of the CDP model were calibrated based on experimental results<br>of punching shear strength of a reinforced concrete flat slab presented in the literature. Failure mode and cracking<br>pattern at ultimate load were evaluated, indicating that the calibrated model adequately predicts the punching shear<br>response of the slabs.</p> Gustavo Savaris, Elyson Andrew Pozo Liberati Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5626 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Numerical analysis of structures with a GFRP application in a transmission line tower https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5627 <p>This work aims to investigate through numerical simulations the mechanical behavior of the glass fiber<br>reinforced polymeric (GFRP) line post structures. It is presented a numerical validation of the mechanical<br>properties of the composite material, in order to ensure the representativeness of the model. Additionally, in order<br>to understand the impact of parameters change, such as fibers orientation, layer thickness, and resin type in the<br>structure model, the structure mechanical response curves is evaluated. Therefore, a parametric analysis is made<br>to provide an understanding on the structure response characteristics such as load versus displacement, stress<br>versus deformation, buckling modes, as well as the cause and effect relationship in the results obtained. The<br>orientation of the fibers showed to be the most important parameter on the mechanical behavior of the structure,<br>as well as the number of layers, a factor observed as being one of the most relevant in the verifications of the<br>buckling modes.</p> Leonardo W. Felchak, Kelvin L. Becker, Ana C. A. Lopes, Joseane V. Gulmine, Renan M. O. Pereira Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5627 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Vibration correlation technique applied to cylindrical and conical shells—an overview of the recent developments https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5628 <p>Traditional buckling experiments of imperfection-sensitive structures like cylindrical or conical shells<br>may result in the permanent failure of the specimen. Yet, for validating the numerical models and, consequently,<br>the design of aerospace barrel structures, to perform a qualification test is a crucial step. There is, therefore, interest</p> <p>in non-destructive experimental procedures for predicting the buckling load of these structures from the pre-<br>buckling stage, allowing the use of the same specimen in further qualification tests. An example of these</p> <p>methodologies is the Vibration Correlation Technique (VCT), which allows determining the buckling load without<br>reaching the instability point through a sequence of vibration tests performed at different load levels. In this review,<br>focus will be given to the VCT applied to cylindrical and conical shells, revisiting the analytical foundation<br>supporting its applicability together with experimental and numerical results of simplified downscaled barrel<br>structures with different design details and test conditions, highlighting its non-destructive characteristic. The state<br>of the art corroborates the robustness of the VCT when applied to imperfection-sensitive thin-walled structures;<br>however, more test results, especially for real-scale barrel structures, are needed for expanding the experimental<br>database and confirming the application of VCT to predict the buckling load these structures.</p> Felipe Franzoni, Adrian Gliszczynski, Theodor Dan Baciu, Richard Degenhardt Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5628 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Hybrid models for time series forecasting of the dam monitoring data https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5629 <p>Time series forecasting is a result that contributes to analysis and decision-making and can be applied<br>in several areas of knowledge. In the area of dam structural safety, this practice is little explored, although the<br>equipment used in the monitoring feeds an extensive database. This work aims to apply a hybrid methodology for<br>forecasting time series, integrated into the processing of data collected by monitoring instruments of a concrete<br>dam. Wavelet Decomposition will perform the time series processing, then to separate the series components, an<br>Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model will be fitted. Residuals resulting from this<br>mathematical/statistical model will be modeled through Artificial Neural Networks of Radial Basis Functions. The<br>linear combination of these models will generate the time series forecast itself. The combination weights will be<br>defined by solving a nonlinear programming problem. The investigated approaches will be compared and selected<br>according to the smallest mean absolute percentage error measure. The partial series models do not need to have<br>high performance for the prediction proposed to be satisfactory. The proposed approaches for predicting the test<br>set have MAPE of less than 0.57%, while ARIMA and ANN-RBF models used separately reached values of up to<br>4.33%. The results indicate gains in forecasting assertiveness, aiding decision-making, which aims to create<br>preventive measures to ensure dam safety.</p> Eliete N. da Silva, Cassius T. Scarpin, Sheila R. Oro, Ubirajara F. Moreno, Nestor Roqueiro Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5629 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Forecast of time series earned by the Piezometer through Method Multiple Kernel Sarima Support Vector Regression Wavelet https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5630 <p>In this study time series predictions were made from measurements of the instrument called piezometer<br>(PS), located in the key block (I10) of stretch I of the Itaipu hydroelectric dam. The results show that the forecasting<br>performance attained by the method called SARIMA Support Vector Regression Wavelet of Multiple Kernels<br>(SSVRWMN) was notably superior to predictive methods SARIMA, SVR, and SARIMA-SVR combined.<br>Comparing it to the second-best result (namely, the SVR method), the relative reduction was approximately 39.1%<br>in the mean square error (MSE) accuracy measure.</p> Samuel B. Rodrigues, Jairo M. Corrêa, Tássia Hickmann, Lucas S. Ribeiro, Levi L. Teixeira, Etore F. Faria Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5630 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application of a hybrid method for forecast time series in concrete deformation in a counterstruct dam https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5631 <p>The concrete deformations have been researchers study object in the structural safety of dams process.<br>These deformations, which occur over time, are influenced by various physical and environmental factors. One of<br>the environmental factors that affect the deformations of concrete is the ambient temperature. In this paper, a<br>hybrid method called SARIMAX-NEURAL is presented for prediction of concrete deformations that are<br>influenced by ambient temperature. This hybrid method was defined as a linear combination of predictions from<br>Box &amp; Jenkins methodology models and Deep Learning neural network models with Long Short-Term Memory<br>architecture. Historical data of concrete deformations were measured by rosettes strain installed in a buttress block<br>in the Itaipu dam for a period of 34 years. The proposed hybrid method, which considered the effect of ambient<br>temperature on the deformations of concrete, effective results presented in comparison with the individual methods<br>in which the effect was not considered to ambient temperature. The predictive accuracy gains were between 25%<br>and 60%.</p> Lucas da Silva Ribeiro, Samuel Bellido dos Santos, Jairo Marlon Correa, Tásia Hickmann, Étore Funchal de Faria Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5631 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fragility curves and failure models based on lumped damage mechanics applied to reinforced concrete frames under seismic loads https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5632 <p>This paper presents a methodology to apply the Lumped Damage Mechanics (LDM) in the Perfor-<br>mance Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) approach, to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of reinforced con-<br>crete frames. The lumped damage model represents the evolution of damage and plasticity lumped in inelastic</p> <p>hinges at the nodes of the elements. The method allows the estimation of material nonlinear effects due to shear</p> <p>and bending moment under static, cyclic and dynamic loads, considering fatigue and hardening. Incremental dy-<br>namic analysis using artificial earthquakes are performed to calculate the fragility curves of the RC frames with</p> <p>LDM. The paper proposes a procedure to identify and characterize collapse mechanisms from the local internal<br>variables of damage, using system reliability theory. The main results show that LDM can be efficiently applied<br>to PBEE and it is possible to use the internal variables of damage as engineering demand parameter (EDP) in the<br>vulnerability analysis.</p> Rubia M. Bosse, Andre Teófilo Beck Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5632 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Thermometer Data Forecast for a Buttress Block of the Itaipu Dam https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5633 <p>The article presents the temperature forecast of thermometers installed in a buttress block of the Itaipu<br>dam, more specifically the D-38 block. The models used were ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving<br>Averages) and Holt-Winters (simple exponential smoothing), additive and multiplicative. Temperature data from<br>three thermometers were used: TI-D-001, TS-D-003 and TS-D-004. The analyzes were carried out with the help<br>of free software, R. The series with quarterly periodicity from 2008 to 2017 were considered for the modeling,<br>with forecasts for the quarters of 2018, which were compared with the real data. The modeling that presented the<br>best result, for the TI-D-001 and TS-D-004 instruments, was the additive Holt-Winters whose information criterion<br>AICc obtained the lowest value and, in addition, presented the lowest MAPE in relation to the ARIMA model ,<br>which makes it the most suitable model. As for the TS-D-003 instrument, the model that best fitted, according to<br>the AICc criterion, was the multiplicative Holt-Winters, but for the 2018 quarters, it presents MAPE superior to<br>those of the ARIMA model.</p> Jairo M. Corrêa, Larissa M. Martinello, Samuel B. Rodrigues, Tásia Hickmann, Lucas da Silva Ribeiro, Etore Funchal de Faria Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5633 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Influence of different factors related with the train-bridge interaction system in the stability of high-speed trains subjected to strong winds https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5634 <p>Strong crosswinds are one of the most critical sources of excitation that may impact with the train<br>runnability and safety. However, there are a significant number of characteristics related with the train-bridge<br>system that are rarely addressed which may influence the train’s performance when subjected to this kind of<br>actions. The present work aims to fill this gap, by individually studying the impact of such characteristic, such as<br>the bridge lateral stiffness and the track condition, in the runnability of high-speed (HS) trains moving over bridges<br>subjected to crosswinds. The Arroyo de Las Piedras Viaduct, a high pier viaduct belonging in the Spanish HS<br>network, was used as case study. The study concluded that the bridge’s lateral behavior has a negligible impact in<br>wind-induced derailments, while the track condition, considered in this work with four quality levels, proved to<br>significantly influence the train’s running safety, especially at higher speeds. This is due to the fact that the Nadal<br>and Prud’homme indexes strongly depend on the wheel-rail lateral impacts, which become more pronounced for<br>higher speeds and under poorer track conditions.</p> P.A. Montenegro, H. Carvalho, D. Ribeiro, M. Ortega, F. Millanes, J.M. Goicolea, W. Zhai, R. Calçada Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5634 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Integrated Methodology for Fatigue Life Prediction of Existing Metallic Railway Bridges https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5635 <p>In general, bridges are large structures modelled at the global scale in order to avoid computational<br>limitations. The fatigue assessment of these structures using such a type of modelling is not possible based on local<br>mechanical quantities due to the inherent difference between the size of bridges and the local nature of fatigue<br>phenomena. Currently, the most important standards propose S-N relations for nominal stresses to overcome this<br>multiscale problem, requiring an inherent approximation between the local characteristics of the investigated detail<br>and those at the basis of a relatable S-N curve, which may be particularly conservative for complex connections<br>of bridges in service with ancient construction technologies. Aiming to reduce unnecessary safety margins, local<br>fatigue approaches based on submodeling techniques leveraged by modal superposition principles are proposed to<br>implement local methods using fatigue quantities evaluated considering the real response of the mechanism of<br>loading transference. A complementary relation can then be established between the global conservative normative<br>approaches, applied to identify the fatigue-critical details, and such local fatigue approaches, defined as advanced<br>calculations stages. Therefore, an integrated methodology for fatigue life prediction of existing metallic railway<br>bridges is proposed, suggesting different phases of analyses at multiple scales. A real case study is investigated to<br>demonstrate the added value of this multiphase calculation strategy.</p> Cláudio S. Horas, Abílio M.P. Jesus, Rui Calçada Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5635 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tuned liquid column damper modeled by pressure based eulerian approach using isoparametric quadrilateral finite element https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5636 <p>This paper model sloshing in 2D tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) using a pressure based Eulerian<br>approach. The fluid domain is discretised by isoparametric quadrilateral 4-nodes (Q4) finite elements coded in<br>MatLab. A TLCD was modelled with rigid contours and a free surface to study uncoupled liquid reservoir. It is<br>performed free and forced (harmonic) analysis to determine dynamic parameters. The numerical results were<br>validated using experimental Alkmin’s results presenting acceptable errors (inferior of 1.7% relative error) with<br>less than 5k elements. The present numerical implementation presents a good agreement with analytical solution<br>and experimental results.</p> Agnaldo A. M. T. da Silva, Juliano F. Martins, Suzana M. Avila, Marcus V. G. de Morais Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5636 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 USE OF THE INERTER DEVICE IN AUTOMOTIVE SUSPENSIONS: PARAMETRIC STUDY https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5638 <p>The inerter appears as an innovative mechanical device capable of generating a resistance force<br>proportional to the relative acceleration between its two terminals, so that the proportionality constant is called<br>inertia and, like an element of mass, is measured in kilograms. (kg). Its properties support the purpose of<br>suspension systems to promote the reduction of vibration levels and the maintenance of stability and adherence of<br>a vehicle in front of a series of road profiles, as they allow the addition of inertia to a dynamic system without a<br>significant increase in mass. In this work, a parametric study of the properties of an inerter spring damper (ISD)<br>suspension coupled to a 1⁄2 vehicle model is carried out using the response map technique. The influence of<br>stiffness, damping and inertia parameters on vibration levels are evaluated for a random road profile. The response<br>maps are derived from the frequency domain model comparing the performance of the passive inert suspension<br>system and the conventional passive system. The analysis consider the main performance indicators of these<br>systems in terms of comfort, stability and adherence and simulations were carried out in MATLAB software.</p> Marcos Paulo M. Costa, Suzana Moreira Ávila, Marcus Vinicius Girão de Morais Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5638 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A position-based Space-Time formulation for geometrically nonlinear problems https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5639 <p>Space-Time finite element methods has been developed over years for solving a series of time-dependent</p> <p>problems like elastodynamics, fluid-structure interaction, fluid flows, advection-diffusion equations and heat trans-<br>fer problems. The core of this approach is the treatment of time as a dimension of the finite element problem,</p> <p>leading to space-time finite element discretizations. Single-field or two-fields formulation are possible, where the<br>first one uses only displacement as unknowns, while the second uses both displacements and velocities as variables.<br>Some challenges that appear in the Space-Time FEM are the increased size of the equation systems as the precision</p> <p>in time is increased and the 4D meshes representation. Nevertheless, this approach can lead to higher order accu-<br>racy in time and direct dynamic spatial re-meshing. On the other hand, time-marching methods are well-known</p> <p>numerical time integrators that have been applied to discrete systems of differential equations obtained from dif-<br>ferent spatial discretization techniques, including FEM. Most of them deal with approximations for displacements</p> <p>and velocities, and the discrete system of differential equations are solved at each discrete time level taking into<br>account the variable fields from the last time step and the current boundary conditions. Moreover, they can be<br>formulated to present unconditional stability, to present controlled dissipative properties and different orders of</p> <p>accuracy. As a disadvantage, dynamic re-meshing procedures are not directly feasible, as it demands the projec-<br>tion of past time step fields over the new mesh, including projection errors. This work presents a position-based</p> <p>Space-Time FEM formulation for two-dimensional solids with large displacements, using a total Lagrangian de-<br>scription. This formulation is naturally isoparametric and designed directly over the large displacement assumption</p> <p>making the geometric non-linearities intrinsically considered. In order to verify the potential of the formulation, a<br>comparative analysis with the time-marching method alpha-generalized is carried out.</p> Darcy Hannah Falcao Rangel Moreira, Weslley Camargo Lopes, Rodolfo Andre Kuche Sanches Copyright (c) 2024 https://publicacoes.softaliza.com.br/cilamce2022/article/view/5639 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0000