International Symposium on Energy: Energy Transition, Green Hydrogen and Sustainable Industry <p>The International Symposium on Energy (ISE 2023): Energy Transition, Green Hydrogen, and Sustainable Industry is an important event that brings together experts, professionals, and academics from the energy sector from Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, and other countries to discuss and exchange knowledge, experiences in actions carried out for the energy transition and sustainable development. Furthermore, the symposium promotes dialogue, collaboration, and partnerships between energy industry sectors, including policymakers, researchers, investors, technology providers, and end users.</p> pt-BR International Symposium on Energy: Energy Transition, Green Hydrogen and Sustainable Industry OFFSHORE PRODUCTION OF GREEN HYDROGEN BY ELECTROLYSIS OF SEA WATER ON THE BRAZILIAN COAST The production of Green H2 on a large scale is a challenge for Brazil to play a leading role in this segment. In this article, it is proposed the use of offshore installations for the electrolysis of seawater,using power from wind and hydro-kinetic farms located offshore. The “state of the art” of H2 production in Brazil and in the world was established. The electrolysis processes focused on seawater as an inputwere studied. The potential for generating electricity from renewable sources along the Brazilian coast was surveyed and regions with greater suitability to house the proposed facilities were identified. Offshore installations for the production of Green H2 can place Brazil in a prominent position in the emerging, and very promising, "Green Labeled" H2 market. Therefore, it is imperative that the country immediately initiate incentives and investment in this sector.The production of Green H2 on a large scale is a challenge for Brazil to play a leading role in this segment. In this article, it is proposed the use of offshore installations for the electrolysis of seawater, using power from wind and hydro-kinetic farms located offshore. The “state of the art” of H2 production in Brazil and in the world was established. The electrolysis processes focused on seawater as an input were studied. The potential for generating electricity from renewable sources along the Brazilian coast was surveyed and regions with greater suitability to house the proposed facilities were identified. Offshore installations for the production of Green H2 can place Brazil in a prominent position in the emerging, and very promising, "Green Labeled" H2. Therefore, it is imperative that the country immediately initiate incentives and investment in this sector. Uri Stiubiener Igor Fuser Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.8204555 HYDROGEN PRODUCTION INTEGRATED IN THE ETHANOL PRODUCTION PROCESS Because of the increase in gas emissions that intensify the greenhouse effect and the need for diversification of the world energy matrix that arises from this context, debates and research on energy sources that reduce environmental impacts and replace fossil fuels. Among them, two alternatives to the use and dependence on these fuels, which have gained visibility, are biofuels and hydrogen. The Brazilian sugar and alcohol industry is responsible for producing first and second generation ethanol, in addition to enabling the production of other biofuels and electricity from the use of residues from the ethanol production process itself, such as sugarcane bagasse and straw. For instance, fast pyrolysis of straw can produce bio-oil, which after an appropriate treatment can be used as a fuel for transport sector. Thus in this study, the integration of hydrogen production into the ethanol and sugar production process is proposed to use in the hydrotreatment of bio-oil produced through fast pyrolysis of sugarcane straw. Therefore, this study aims to perform energy and exergy assessments of different alternatives of hydrogen production and their integration into the ethanol and sugar production process from sugarcane. The different routes studied were: electrolysis, steam reforming of biogas and steam reforming of the ethanol. In addition, the impacts on the cogeneration system of the production process are also analyzed. Maria Luísa Fernandes da Silva Rogério Luis Aguilera Milagros Cecilia Palacios-Bereche Antonio Garrido Gallego Silvia Azucena Nebra Reynaldo Palacios Bereche Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.2648369 REPOWERING DIESEL ENGINE POWERED THERMAL POWER PLANTS THROUGH A POWER AND COOLING COGENERATION CYCLE This study explored the applicability of the Goswami cycle for repowering internal combustion engine-based power plants, using the Viana Power Plant as a case study. Thermodynamic, exergetic, and economic analyses were performed. The cycle optimized for power generation (GWC-P) outperformed the refrigeration-focused configuration (GWC-R), enhancing net electrical generation and exergetic efficiency. Despite the complexity and implementation costs of the Goswami cycle, GWC-P exhibited potential, yielding up to 5,069 kW of additional power without extra fuel consumption. While GWC-R offered cooling benefits, GWC-P overshadowed it in terms of power generation enhancement. The research highlights the feasibility of the Goswami cycle for repowering, improving efficiency and power capacity in existing power plants. Marcos Vinicius da Purificação Ferreira DIMAS OROZCO Adriano Viana Ensinas Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.9449455 NAPHTHALENEDIIMIDE-BASED METAL ORGANIC FRAMEWORKS FOR THE CAPTURE OF CARBON DIOXIDE We introduce here a novel ligand, N,N′-bis(4-carboxyphenyl)-1,4,5,8-naphthalenediimide (CNDI), which is a suitable compound for the preparation of new materials for the energy sector. The compound was shown to be an excellent ligand for metal organic frameworks (MOFs). The compound was synthesized in a single step and high yields by using molten imidazole as the solvent. Reaction of CNDI with zinc nitrate or zirconium chloride generated the MOFs CNDI/Zn and CNDI/Zr. The MOFs were characterized by x-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption isotherms (BET method) and UVvisible spectroscopy. The presence of micropores was evidenced by BET measurements. The MOFs will be incorporated into polymeric membranes, which will be tested for the separation of CO2 from other gases. Sergio Brochsztain Gabriela Oliveira José Fernando Queiruga Rey Tatyara Monteiro da Silva Geomar Feitosa da Cruz Caetano Rodrigues Miranda Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.7220525 The Implementation of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) in the BASIC countries – Brazil, South Africa, India and China. The main contribution of this research is to advance on studies of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF), specifically in the BASIC countries - Brazil, South Africa, India and China. The mitigation of civil aviation emissions is negotiated in the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), of the United Nations. Countries are committed to carbon-neutral growth from 2020 onwards and its neutrality by 2050. The essential alternative to achieving the targets is the use of SAF, gradually replacing traditional fuels. Manufacturing technologies and methodologies have already been approved, depending on the production model and the raw material used, such as biomass, oils, residues or algae. BASIC countries have conditions for the development and use of SAF. This research aims to answer two questions: How is the development and implementation of SAF in BASIC countries? The hypotheses are that the four countries have interest and potential to meet national needs and export alternative fuels, according to national characteristics. Jefferson Estevo Lais Thomaz Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.4381868 GREEN LABELED HYDROGEN FROM THE ORGANIC WASTE OF SÃO PAULO'S MARKETS AND STREET FAIRS Street markets of the city of São Paulo produce around 360 tons/day of vegetable solid waste (VSW) which is practically all food waste. The VSW collected by the city is currently sent to sanitary landfills.This study evaluates the potential for generating "green hydrogen" from this VSW. The treatment of VSW from street markets and supply centers can produce biogas through anaerobic digestion. This biogas can be purified into biomethane and then reformed into hydrogen. Hydrogen production from methane reforming is a well established process. Using biomethane will produce "Green Labeled H2". Based on the projected population growth of the city, the estimated VSW production will reach 410 tons/day by 2043. In this scenario, all of the generated VSW is collected and used for this process. Plants around the city will be able to provide adequate treatment for this waste and produce 1,585 t/year of "Green Labeled H2" by 2043 Uri Stiubiener Gilberto Martins Adriano Gomes de Freitas Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.8206214 ENERGY TRANSITION AND PUBLIC POLICIES IN RENEWABLE ENERGY IN BRAZIL To understand the use of biomass as a source of energy in Brazil it is important to know about the challenges and the public energy policies that engender the theme. Brazil has one of the most sustainable energy matrixes of the world. This accomplishment was the resulting efforts toward the intensification of the use of renewable sources every decade. The objective of this paper is to give an overview of the programs and projects related to the energy transition and renewable energy in Brazil. The paper will present those programs and the main axes of it. To understand these energy policies since 2000’s and the results achieved is important to know the challenges that the policy maker face nowadays in a world which climate changes agenda is the one of the points to be considered. Paula Meyer Soares Laura Vieira Maia de Sousa Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.9478205 GEOPROCESSING APPLICATION FOR IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL AREAS FOR HYBRID POWER PLANT INSTALLATION One of the disadvantages of renewable sources in electricity generation is their intermittency. However, this issue can be overcome through hybrid power plants that combine multiple renewable sources, offering benefits such as increased generation scale, infrastructure optimization, efficient resource utilization, and energy matrix diversification. Focused on the state of São Paulo, Brazil, the study employs a multicriteria analysis using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) methods, weighing technical, economic, social, and environmental aspects to identify potential sites for hybrid power plants (solar, wind, biomass, and hydroelectric) using a Geographic Information System. Positive outcomes are observed, indicating locations with already installed plants, validating their potential. Thus, the methodology can aid in pre-selecting suitable sites for hybrid power plant development, facilitating effective planning and utilization of the country's energy resources. Mayara MIRANDA Patrícia Teixeira Leite Asano Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.7311052 FPA APPLIED TO THE RESOLUTION OF THE ECONOMIC DISPATCH PROBLEM WITH OPERATIONAL LIMITS OF MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM POWER OF THE GENERATING UNITS This paper presents the application of a Computational Intelligence (CI) technique based on Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) to solve an Economic Dispatch (ED) problem. Aiming to minimize the total generation costs and considering operational constraints of each generating unit and the power balance. The algorithm was tested using the case study with fifteen generating units available in the current literature. Finally, the data obtained were compared to others already published, in which the authors applied Directional Search Genetic Algorithm (DSGA) to solve the pointed problem. The good results achieved demonstrate the applicability of the proposed technique. Dayana Kaiser Kuchenbecker Jefferson Lourenço Silva Edmarcio Antônio Belati Ivo Chaves da Silva Junior Patrícia Teixeira Leite Asano Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.7776365 Daily and Weekly Operation of Battery Energy Storage Systems in Networks with High Photovoltaic Generation Penetration: A Comprehensive Analysis This research conducts a comparative analysis of Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) operation in distribution networks experiencing high levels of Photovoltaic generation. The analysis considers daily and weekly operations on an hourly basis. A multi-period modelling approach is used, involving temporal coupling of BESS charging and discharging. The model, implemented in AMPL and solved using the Knitro solver, was validated in a recent work. The convergence process occurs quickly, completing in less than one second, although the problem has been split into 168 hours for analysis. During the analysis period, all network and BESS constraints have been considered. The findings indicate that weekly BESS operation proves more effective than daily operation, achieving up to a 30.06\% reduction in comparison to a network without BESSs, and 8.17\% reduction when compared to daily operations, for the analyzed case. The algorithm is fast, taking less than 1 second to obtain the weekly schedule for the BESSs. Yanick Rodolfo Gomes Diego J. da Silva Edmarcio A. Belati Jesús M. López-Lezama Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.2515747 DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUTION ALGORITHM APPLIED TO 2D FINITE ELEMENT METHOD FOR AIR CORE REACTOR DESIGN WITH VOLUME MINIMIZATION This article presents an approach to optimize the volume of air core reactors, specifically 2D electrical inductors, using the Differential Evolution (DE) technique in conjunction with the Finite Element Method (FEM). Minimizing the volume of these reactors is crucial for enhancing efficiency and reducing costs in the electric power industry. This study proposes an effective methodology that enables the optimization of reactor geometry while maintaining desired performance characteristics. Jeylto Alves de Souza Cruvinel José Roberto Camacho Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.2713954 Layout optimization of offshore wind farms for electricity and clean hydrogen production In several countries, energy planners have analyzed wind energy expansion in the sea to, e.g., diversify their electricity generation matrix. For example, in Brazil, 700 GW of offshore wind energy can be used to generate electricity. However, offshore wind projects have high costs related to capital expenditures and operating expenses. One way to reduce these costs is to evaluate the production of electrical energy and clean hydrogen. Thus, this work presents an optimization model to determine the optimal layout of offshore wind farms, minimizing capital expenditures and operating expenses. Such a model is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem. This model is applied to determine the layout of 30 offshore wind turbines to be connected to a 220 kV substation at sea. The optimal configuration of the offshore wind farm is found using two metaheuristics and an optimization solver to ensure the best solution to the problem. The results of this model can help energy sector planners and agents in each country to use offshore potential energy better, meeting demands for electricity and clean hydrogen. Hayro Anthony Pumalloclla Castilla Karen Fernanda de Paula Joel David Melo Trujillo Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.4884549 AMPACITY AND REGULATORY CHALLENGES FOR DLR ADOPTION FOR BETTER GRID USE IN WIND POWER TRANSMISSION A significant portion of the Brazilian transmission network is in regions characterized by strong winds, where wind farms are concentrated such as in the Northeast region of Brazil. The energy transmission capacity of said transmission lines is determined based on thermal limits, by technical standards for meteorological variables to limit the maximum current levels on the conductor. The cables of the electrical network installed in areas with high wind potential are susceptible to better cooling, creating opportunities for the analysis of mechanisms that can contribute to a better utilization of the transmission lines. This work presents a concise approach to the topic, exploring the window of regulatory opportunity for the use of dynamic ampacity calculation in segments of the Brazilian National Interconnected System. JOACI LIMA OLIVEIRA Patricia Teixeira Leite Asano Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.1954574 ANALYSIS OF BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE MANAGEMENT IN LOW-VOLTAGE CONSUMER AGGREGATION ZONES The opening of the energy market has been encouraged in several countries. In extensive distribution networks, the aggregation of consumers can create a competitive market that benefits consumersand distribution companies. Consumers with photovoltaic systems can see a more significant decrease in their electricity bills if they install battery energy storage systems in their homes. However, small-scale battery storage systems are still expensive, making them unfeasible for some consumers. The economic viability of battery energy storage systems becomes favorable when the system’s power is increased. Thus, a centralized battery energy storage system in an aggregation zone may reduce energy billing better. This work analyzes the management of aggregation zones with distributed and centralized battery energy storage systems. A mixed integer linear optimization model was used to reduce the energy purchased from the distribution company, using the type of battery energy storage system installed and hourly rates. The analysis was carried out on a low-voltage network in Denmark with 45 consumers, four aggregation zones and four different cases. The results show an average variation of 23.38% in energy credits concerning the centralized battery system. This information can help the representative of the aggregation zone to make their decisions. Ronaldo Bubola Darlene Josiane Dullius Joel David Melo Trujillo Monica Alonso Martinez Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.3854221 COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES ON THE USE OF ELECTRIC POWER AND PHOTOVOLTAIC DISTRIBUTED GENERATION AT THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF ABC The good practices and recommendations on sustainability criteria at High Education Institutions (HEI) are determined by the institution's Sustainable Logistics Management Plan which might contemplate seven themes: 1- Consumables; 2- Electric Power; 3- Water and Sewage; 4- Garbage Collection; 5- Life Quality at Work; 6- Sustainable Purchasing and Contracting; 7- Staff Displacement. Thus, this essay intends to present a methodology to implement behavioral-based actions aired with suitable communication objects, to publicize the energy efficiency actions carried out from the Ramp;D Priority Project and public call 001/2016. Therefore, it can be noticed the effective gains reached at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) and the appropriate communication strategies to make the actions comprehensive to all the community. Walkyria Elissa Machado Rocha Thiago Abraão dos Anjos da Silva Graziella Colato Antonio Patrícia Teixeira Leite Asano Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.9436358 APPLICABILITY OF ORGANON IN THE OPERATION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESOURCES AND DEMAND RESPONSE The aim's paper is to analyze the operation behavior of the electrical and energy system under real load and energy power conditions, considering the penetration of Distributed Energy Resources (DER), through simulations using Organon. The simulations consider case studies through the implementation of supply and demand energy alternatives, considering energy and electrical security in the interconnections of the Brazilian National Interconnected System (SIN) in the Southern subsystem under real conditions of electrical restriction. The paper shows applications of the concepts of Integrated Resources Planning (IRP) and the simulations consider the penetration of renewable energy sources, solar photovoltaic and wind power, and demand response. Organon software is also presented, highlighting the functionality of generating energy security regions. The results and simulations are shown, highlighting the security regions obtained and the conclusions reached through Organon. Dionei Campos Everthon Taghori Sica Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.3869824 OPTIMIZATION OF GREEN HYDROGEN SUPPLY NETWORK: MILP MODELING FOR CASE STUDY IN MINAS GERAIS This work aims to present a new computational tool, based on mixed integer mathematical programming, to assist the decision-making process in the choice of location and technologies present in the production of green hydrogen, aiming to minimize the total annualized cost. Its applicability was tested in a case study, considering the state of Minas Gerais, in which 15 different cities located in the state of Minas Gerais were considered. The results suggest that the hydrogen network is strongly influenced by production and transportation costs, and that decentralized production may be more suitable for the evaluated context. In addition, the results can serve as a basis for further studies. Victor Fernandes Garcia Willian Patrick da Silva Rodrigues Adriano Viana Ensinas Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.8258363 ANALYSIS OF THE INSTALLATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS IN DENSELY URBAN CENTERS FOR THE FORMATION OF ENERGY COMMUNITIES: A CASE STUDY IN THE METROPOLITAN REGION OF SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL In response to climate concerns, promoting renewable sources such as photovoltaic systems (PV) in urban areas is crucial. However, the shortage of rooftop space in densely populated urban centers makes installations difficult. Consumers can form energy communities (ECs) to address this issue and obtain collective PV benefits. This paper presents a case study that uses a geographic information system (GIS) to identify the most suitable areas for PV installation within groups of consumers forming ECs in vertically growing urban areas. The methodology consists of two modules using GIS data and sustainable development agency databases. First, suitable installation areas within an Energy Community (EC) are identified. Secondly, the impact of each PV in each ECs on the electrical distribution network (EDN) is assessed. This approach is applied to the densely urbanized city of São Paulo. The results show that when establishing ECs, the technical losses (TLs) in the system decrease. This reduction could have a positive impact, reducing of costs and enabling tariff differentiation for each ECs and added value to the sustainable development of the city. Christian Jhojan Palacios Quispe Gian Carlos Garcia Montalvo Anselmo Martinho Rajabo Anselmo Joel David Melo Trujillo Jesus Maria Lopez Lezama Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.7909429 ENERGY QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: FRAMEWORK OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MATURITY ANALYSIS Sustainability is nowadays a watchword in large companies and is always part of their strategies. Understanding how electrical energy is used is increasingly necessary to seek ways to improve its applications in industrial operations and guarantee sustainability. To this end, energy quality information is an indispensable asset. Energy Quality Management Systems (EQMS) are essential tools in this strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to have a minimum set of requirements that meet the needs. Many EQMS providers are on the market, but their solutions are at different maturity levels. This study proposes a framework of technical criteria that can be used to analyze these tools. This framework was evaluated on the leading commercially available EQMS to assess its efficacy. The results showed that the current EQMS solutions still need more maturity to meet these requirements fully. Ralf Moura Débora de Souza Martins Rafael Mofati Campos Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.4633502 Energy transition and the main challenges faced by the brazilian institutions Energy transition represents a global movement aimed at addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Brazilian institutions are currently facing numerous challenges in implementing the actions and plans outlined in the regulatory framework. Despite boasting one of the world's most sustainable energy matrices, Brazil is still in the process of deliberating decisions that would enhance the effectiveness of climate change mitigation, a matter currently under discussion in Congress.This paper aims to present the primary institutional challenges and the regulatory framework, shedding light on the delays in making decisions related to the energy transition. The methodology employed in this study will draw from academic articles and studies conducted by experts in the field.The findings reveal that protracted discussions and conflicts of interest have hindered Brazil's active participation in the global discourse and delayed decisions in line with other countries, such as those in Europe and the United States. Bruna Martins Morais Mota Paula Meyer Soares Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.3528283 DEVELOPMENT TO TECHNOLOGY READINESS LEVEL 9 OF THE CONTROL AND MONITORING TECHNOLOGY OF AN AIR-COOLED PEM FUEL CELL This document outlines a proposal to raise the maturity of a monitoring and control system designed for hydrogen fuel cells with natural air cooling, advancing from TRL 5 to TRL 9 within the automotive sector. The primary goal is to guarantee optimal performance and efficiency during full operation, all while establishing a dependable supply chain for essential components. Moreover, dedicated efforts are aimed at enhancing the reliability and scalability of this technology, offering distinct advantages for streamlined series production that supports Full Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs). This, in turn, simplifies their seamless integration with electric powertrain systems in diverse urban and industrial transport environments. Bruno Bueno Furquim Fabio da Silva Teixeira Ugo Ibusuki Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.3675628 A DISCUSSION ABOUT CARBON CAPTURE The paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of carbon capture and utilization (CCU) and carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. This is the process of capturing CO2 from industrialemissions and using it to produce synthetic fuels, chemicals, and other materials, or storing it underground. The paper also discusses the potential benefits of these technologies and the challenges of these technologies, such as their high cost and the limited availability of storage sites. The authors argue that they have the potential to create jobs, improve air quality, and make fossil fuels more sustainable but also potential risks, such as the risk of leakage from storage sites. Carbon capture technologies are still in their early stages of development, but they have the potential to play a major role in reducing global heating. Continued research and development, and supportive government policies, are required for CCS play a significant role. Carbon credits can be an instrument to boost the energy transition process. Uri Stiubiener Adriano Gomes de Freitas Joel David Melo Trujillo Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.6075563 THE PRODUCTION PROSPECTS OF HYDROGEN FROM THE BIOGAS IN BRASILIA The research and use of hydrogen in the world is growing up, with many ways to produce and to utilize the gas hydrogen, besides the ecological advantage, this fuel will become necessary soon. In this scenario, there are the hydrogen by the sewage sludge, where the hydrogen coming from the biogas by the decomposition of this sludge. In Federal District, most electric energy uses are imported and purchased by hydroelectric. In Brasilia, there are CAESB, the company responsible for the water treatments. The stations receive sewage every day, and by law, it is an obligation to produce biogas. In this work, was elaborated a viability to produce hydrogen by the reformer of the biogas and using in small and adapted thermoelectric. In a simulation, a unique station, taking studies as reference, receiving 50,000 m3/day, it is possible to power up 525 houses in the near regions. Tiago da Silva Alves Paula Meyer Soares Rodrigo Arbey Munoz Meneses Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.1114815 THE ROLE OF SMALL HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ENERGY TRANSITION Brazil plays a significant role on the global stage when it comes to the use and generation of Renewable Energy. This present work aims to present the importance of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHPPs) in the context of the energy transition. The methodology involves exploratory research conducted with government agencies, Brazilian regulations, and resolutions to study the energy potential of SHPPs. An example is the production of Green Hydrogen (GH2) in hybrid generation systems, meaning producing GH2 from renewable energy sources such as SHPPs and associated Photovoltaic (PV) Plants. This proposal will make GH2 prices more competitive in the medium and long term, especially in the Southeast/Central-West region of Brazil, where the highest number of SHPPs in operation and the largest installed solar energy capacity are concentrated. This work also aims to contribute to the planning studies of the National Hydrogen Plan and stimulate discussions on this topic. Francisco Wellington Martins da Silva Jacson Hudson Inácio Ferreira José Roberto Camacho Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.9139974 CONTINUOUS HYDROGEN RICH SYNGAS PRODUCTION VIA SUPERCRITICAL WATER GASIFICATION The supercritical water gasification (ScWG) technology is a promising alternative to produce hydrogen rich syngas from renewable sources such as ethanol or residual glycerol from the biodiesel manufacture. The ScWG process can achieve high selectivity towards hydrogen and elevated conversion efficiencies in short reaction times. In this work, the ScWG of mixtures of glycerol and ethanol were investigated in the absence of catalysts. At constant pressure of 25 MPa, the effects of temperature (500 – 700 °C), feed flow rate (10 – 20 mL min-1), organic carbon concentration (15 – 25 g L-1), and ethanol to glycerol ratio were evaluated. At optimized conditions, that is, temperature of 700 °C, feed flow rate of 20 mL min-1, organic carbon concentration of 25 g L-1 and ethanol to glycerol ratio of 50:50, a mean total gaseous flow rate and hydrogen molar fraction of 1842.5 N mL min-1 and 60.56% were respectively achieved. Rafael Felipe de Rezende Isabela Milhomem Dias Lucas Clementino Mourão Guilherme Botelho Meireles de Souza Christian Gonçalves Alonso Mariana Bisinotto Pereira Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.2934628 Analysis of the Optimized Allocation of Distributed Generation in Radial Distribution Networks Considering the Current Carrying Capacity of the Power Cables Due to climate change and increasingly high temperatures, distribution network planners face newchallenges that can overload power distribution networks. Thus, such overloads can lead the distributionsystem to operating points with low levels of safety and reliability. This work presents a case study toshow how the optimized allocation of distributed generation (DG) can reduce the current overload inregions with high temperatures. This allocation is carried out in a distribution network of 138 nodes inInírida, Guainía, Colombia, considering the static thermal classification of the conductors defined in theIEEE 738-2012 standard. Additionally, we consider three load and temperature growth scenarios usinga particle swarm optimization algorithm to optimize DG allocation. The results show that optimized DGallocation could reduce the overload by up to X% when X DG systems are installed in the distributionnetwork. The analysis can help energy distribution companies plan the dispatch and integration of distributed generation. cristoercio da silva Gian Carlos Carlos Paez Joel David Hayro Anthony Pumalloclla Castilla Isaac Dyner Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.3369982 Perspectives for the Production of Green Hydrogen in Brazil Brazil has great potential to become a world leader in the production of green hydrogen (H2V), but it still does not take advantage of it, mainly due to lack of investment. The country has a mostly renewable energy matrix, with emphasis on hydroelectric, wind and solar energy. Brazil has a large territory with favorable geographic and climatic conditions for the production of H2V. The Brazilian territorial sea has an immense potential for renewable energy generation that is totally unexplored. Brazil needs to invest more in research and development to take advantage of its full potential. It is also necessary to create public policies to encourage the H2V production. This article discusses the theme and evaluates regions that have vocation and potential for the production of H2V. The article argues that, with investments and research, Brazil can become a leader in the production of this clean and renewable fuel. JULIANE PIOVANI Victoria Alejandra Salazar Herrera Federico Bernardino Morante Trigoso Adriano Gomes de Freitas Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.2270049 A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ASYMETRY IN THE OPERATION PLANNER DILEMMA In large hydro-dominated electrical power systems, such as the Brazilian interconnected system, with centralized operation the decision-making process during operation planning is usually referred as “operation planning dilemma”. In this case, the dilemma resides in the management of the hydroelectric power plant dams along the time with the focus on the minimal operation cost along the planning horizon. In the typical optimal timeline of the decision-making process, spillage and droughts are plotted with symmetrical undesired impacts, however, as it has been observed in recent years, the consequences are very asymmetric. This paper will present the dilemma of the planner and discuss the impacts of its real asymmetries. Roberto Asano Patricia Teixeira Leite Asano Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.4315302 A NEW MILP-BASED SUPERSTRUCTURE FOR BIOREFINERY OPTIMIZATION CONSIDERING HEAT INTEGRATION – A SUGARCANE BIOREFINERY CASE STUDY In this work, a new MILP-based superstructure formulation is presented to determine an optimal biorefinery configuration, which, in addition to process selection and scale-up, simultaneously considers utility selection and process heat cascade integration. A study was carried out considering the sugarcane biorefinery, whose configuration was determined for different biofuels production routes. As result, the ethanol production by sugarcane distillery, showed the lowest payback value, while the methanol production by bagasse gasification the lowest total annualized cost, therefore, the most advantageous. It was also verified the positive impact of the energy integration between cascades for the energy efficiency of the processes, and the unfeasibility of methanol production by the carbon dioxide catalytic hydrogenation due to the high costs associated with the hydrogen production, thus suggesting that the reduction of its cost can bring economic and energetic advantages for the biorefinery. Victor Fernandes Garcia Adriano Viana Ensinas Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.2718392 IMPORTANCE OF HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS IN THE NATIONAL ENERGY TRANSITION: A COMPLEX CASE STUDY HENRY BORDEN The energy transition is a gradual shift towards predominant renewable and sustainable energy sources, with a goal to decrease reliance on fossil fuels. Multiple factors, namely concerns about climate change, the necessity to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, and the pursuit of cleaner and more efficient energy solutions, have propelled the energy transition at both national and international levels. The primary focus lies on hydroelectric generation, but the country is also leveraging other sources like biomass, wind, solar, and nuclear. In Brazil, the process of energy transition is currently taking place, given the diversified energy matrix of the country. The energy transition spans a complex process that encompasses a combination of energy source replacement, as well as modernization of generation, transmission, and distribution infrastructures. Additionally, it aims at promoting energy efficiency and the rational use of resources. It is a worldwide challenge that requires coordinated actions and investments in innovative technologies, appropriate public policies, and societal engagement, as a whole. In this context, this article aims to conduct numerical simulations of potential water transfers for the purpose of increasing the generation of electrical energy in the Henry Borden complex in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and assess the impact on water quality. The results indicate the need to treat the water before carrying out the transfers. Guilherme Prata Patricia T. L. Assano Roseli F. Benassi Eduardo L. Subtil Fabiana de O. Ferreira Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.9232686 Harmonic Spectrum Analysis at Interconnection Points between Electrical Power Networks and Photovoltaic Systems via Numerical Simulation The growing use of photovoltaic systems (PVs) as renewable energy sources has driven their interconnection with conventional electrical grids. However, this integration can lead to power quality issues, including harmonic distortion. Understanding the harmonic spectrum at interconnection pointsis vital to ensure network reliability. This study investigated four photovoltaic generation sites, each withdistinct characteristics. The analysis revealed more pronounced harmonic distortions where the capacityof PVs was significant compared to the load. The predominant harmonic frequencies indicated possiblesources of distortion. Understanding this spectrum is crucial to prevent transformer damage and maintain electrical system stability. This study contributes to a holistic approach that considers photovoltaicgeneration and interconnection elements. Lázaro Nogueira Pena Neto José Roberto Camacho Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.6894482 PINK AMMONIA PRODUCED THROUGH NUCLEAR CO-GENERATION To contribute significantly to the reduction of CO2 emissions, the production of hydrogen through water electrolysis using renewable sources has emerged as an excellent alternative. Within this context, "pink hydrogen," generated via electrolysis powered by nuclear energy, can play a pivotal role in emissions reduction when employed in the production of ammonia. Ammonia production involves the use of both hydrogen and electricity for separating nitrogen from the air and converting them into ammonia, a process commonly referred to as "pink ammonia". Nuclear energy boasts low CO2 emissions, akin to solar and wind energy sources, but it holds distinct advantages over these sources due to its consistent power generation without intermittency. Moreover, the recent advent of Mini and Small Modular Nuclear Reactors that can be directly integrated into the energy industry makes nuclear generation an excellent choice for ammonia production. Mauricio Oliveira Patricia Teixeira Leite Asano Roberto Asano Junior José Rubens Maiorino Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.5308590 PHOTOVOLTAIC DISTRIBUTED MINI-GENERATION MONITORING SYSTEM ON UFABC CAMPUS This article presents the results of the development of a Supervision, Control, and Data Acquisition System to monitor photovoltaic solar plant equipment at the Federal University of ABC campuses. Currently, the system consists of frequency inverters, digital panel electric meter magnitudes, an automatic interlocking device between the inverter and diesel generator, and solar monitoring stations. The advantages of using a Monitoring System include the ability to integrate data into a single platform and the possibility of presenting information in a customized manner. This tool enables the operation, maintenance, and management of equipment parks. SCADA allows users and managers to create operating scenarios and record information, such as alarms and alerts for operating failures and aids in accurate diagnosis and quick maintenance. Another important aspect highlighted in this work is the administrative management’s ability to provide an adequate budget in view of the energy cost and distributed generation, which is a tool of great support for public administration in budget planning. Thiago Abraão dos Anjos da Silva Patrícia Leite Asano Romulo Gonçalves Lins Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.7559710 Energy Demand Estimation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Modern Energy Systems Planning The increase in the Electric Vehicles (EVs) fleet will raise the energy demand due to the expansion of the infrastructure of public charging stations (PCS). Before this happens, the electrical system must be adequately prepared to maintain operational stability. On the other hand, planning is always tricky in times of new technology development. Given this, this work presents a methodology for estimating the energy demand of PCS where the dynamics of electromobility and the location of the PCS are considered. The proposal was tested in a large metropolis in northeastern Brazil to demonstrate application in energy and urban planning. José Calixto Lopes Júnior Thales Sousa Joel D. Melo Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.3139621 Role of Biogas Reforming for hydrogen production in Brazil's Energy Transition In the context of the Paris Agreement, several countries have set forth ambitious global goals aimed at stabilizing and reducing carbon emissions. One of the primary avenues to accomplish these goals is through the concept of energy transition. Within the scope of this study, energy transition is defined as the progression towards economically sustainable and renewable energy technologies, which play a crucial role in mitigating the impacts of climate change. Researchers have engaged in extensive discourse regarding the viability of biogas as a viable fuel source for hydrogen production. This discourse underscores the considerable potential of biogas in waste energy management and harnessing. This research undertakes a comprehensive literature review that delves into the multifaceted role of biogas in achieving cost-effective and ecologically sound hydrogen production. This investigation pays particular attention to nations undergoing development, such as Brazil, which possess significant, yet untapped, biogas potential, the process of biogas reformulation emerges as a highly promising approach not only for hydrogen gas generation but also for mitigating the demand for natural gas. This strategy holds the potential to significantly contribute to the global goals of the energy transition and the global reduction of carbon emissions. Guilherme Almeida da Silva Gabriele Pereira da Silva Maciel Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.5512056 Fault Classification in Power Distribution Systems with Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Insertion Faults detection and classification considering distributed generation insertion is a crucial procedure for power distribution systems. The significant growth of distributed generation units in the utility grid results in impacts on the conventional protection systems’ operation. These impacts are mainly caused by changes in the short-circuit current’s characteristics, direction, and amplitude. In this sense, this study addresses the impact of photovoltaic penetration on short-circuit fault classification process. The fault conditions are available in a modified IEEE 34-bus test system and modeled in ATPDraw. The algorithm for shot-circuit fault detection and classification is developed using MATLAB programming environment. Multilayer Perceptron artificial neural network is used to classify short-circuits types. The accuracy rate of the fault classification algorithm reduces as long as the photovoltaic panels insertion increases, being 100% and 96.5% without photovoltaic insertion and with high photovoltaic insertion, respectively. ANDRÉIA S. SANTOS ANDREIA B. A. FERREIRA PAULA A. MONTENEGRO LUCAS TELES FARIA CARLOS R. MINUSSI Copyright (c) 2023-12-18 2023-12-18 1 1 10.55592/ISE.2023.6196040