Controle de alta performance de PMSMs através de observador adaptativo de torque de carga


  • Emmauel Adanski de Moura
  • Rodrigo Varella Tâmbara
  • Pedro Henrique Alves da Silva Silva
  • Rodrigo Padilha Vieira



This paper presents an adaptive Super Twisting Sliding Mode (STSM) load torque observer for improved performance in the speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). The STSM observer offers a high dynamic response, reducing the chattering effect without using output filters, which are typical in sliding mode applications. However, the load torque observer is based on the mechanical plant of the PMSM. Thus, the correct identification of the mechanical parameters is crucial to ensure the high dynamic performance of the observer. In this context, a mechanical parameter estimation strategy based on the Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) algorithm is proposed. The observed load torque is utilized as a feedforward action in the control loop. An online gain tuning of the speed controller is proposed to ensure robustness against parameter variations. The proposed strategy is validated through simulations, considering both linear and non-linear loads.


