A methodology to evaluate fluid-dynamic forces on immersed bodies in 3D fluid flow problems


  • André S. Müller University of São Paulo
  • Eduardo M. B. Campelo University of São Paulo
  • Henrique C. Gomes University of São Paulo


fluid-dynamic forces, immersed boundary techniques, Nitsche’s method, finite element method


This work presents first results on a methodology to evaluate fluid-dynamic forces on immersed bodies
in three-dimensional fluid flows resolved through the finite element method (FEM). A classical Eulerian approach
is followed to describe the fluid (assumed incompressible through the Navier-Stokes equations). The fluid-body
interface is treated through Nitsche’s method, which is an immersed boundary technique with which we
consistently impose the Dirichlet boundary conditions in a weak form. In order to assess the accuracy and
efficiency of the developed scheme, a numerical simulation of a 3D benchmark stationary flow of an
incompressible fluid is performed. This work refers to an intermediate stage of a doctoral research that aims to
model fluid flows with immersed particles with consistent fluid-particle interaction and particle-to-particle
contacts, as observed in many particle-laden fluid applications.






M4 Advanced Discretization Techniques for the Simulation of Fluid Flow in Porous Media
