Numerical Safety and Performance Analysis of a Multipurpose Building’s Structure – Case Study


  • Leonardo da Silveira Pirillo INOJOSA Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Faculdade de Tecnologia da Universidade de Brasília Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Asa Norte, CEP. 70910-900, Brasília, Brasil


structural model, Structure, Structural System, Pathology of buildings, Elastic Instability.


The present work shows the case study of a multi-use building located in Brasília-DF. The analyzed
building has a structural model formed by elements of a spatial portico and four-knot plate, with dimensions of
25.75 by 25.75 m and a height of 11.65 m. It is supported on the foundations by rotating pillars at the base. It has
a ceiling height of 3.25 m on the ground floor and 2.80 m on the other floors. The closures are in bored brick
masonry. The article presents numerical analyses through the three-dimensional model of the building, using the
SAP2000 structural software. These analyses were executed to verify the displacements and deformations and the
efforts developed by the structure. The ultimate and in-use limit state criteria for the Brazilian standard of
reinforced concrete (NBR 6118) were observed for the study. In addition, the records and analyses of the
structure’s pathologies, found in the building, are presented. The main structural elements with their respective
pathologies are described, detected by visual inspection, and then the numerical tests performed are shown. Due
to the presence of several cracks among other pathologies in the building, an elastic instability analysis of the
structure was performed to verify the collapse load factor, using the Rankine-Marchant analysis model.





M11 Numerical Methods Applied to Structural Design of Civil Construction
