Tri-objective optimization of 3d Steel Frames Considering Columns Ori- entation and Bracing System Configuration as Design Variables


  • Claudio HB Resende Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
  • Afonso CC Lemonge Departamento de Mecânica Aplicada e Computacional - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


Structural optimization, multi-objective, steel frames, bracing systems, meta-heuristics


In the field of steel structural design, particularly in the context of tall buildings, there is a need to minimize costs while enhancing performance with regards to dynamic behavior, and structural stability. Furthermore, determining the most suitable geometric configuration for the bracing system and the optimal orientation of the principal axes of inertia for the columns is not readily apparent. Typically, such decisions are based on the expertise of the designer. Consequently, solving this complex problem, which involves simultaneously considering three objectives, is far from  straightforward. Hence, this paper focuses on the tri-objective optimization of spatial steel frames, considering both the configuration of the bracing system and the orientation of the columns as design variables. To accomplish this, four differential evolution algorithms have been employed: the third evolution step of generalized differential evolution (GDE3), the success history-based adaptive multi-objective differential evolution (SHAMODE), the SHAMODE with whale optimization (SHAMODE-WO), and the multi-objective meta-heuristic with iterative parameter distribution estimation (MM-IPDE). Additionally, a multi-criteria tournament method is utilized to extract desired solutions from the Pareto front, aligning with the preferences of the decision-maker.






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