Numerical Simulation Of FPCB Shear Connectors For Thin Sheets


  • Ariany C. Pereira
  • Rodrigo B. Caldas
  • Cristiane C. C. Lopes


Thin sheet, Ductility, Slip capacity, Composite dowel, Shear connector


In this work, experimental investigations were conducted, and a numerical model was proposed to analyze the behavior of circular openings with transverse bars as steel-concrete shear connectors (FPCB).
Although the effectiveness of these connectors for thick plates has already been proven by previous works, the application of circular openings with transverse rebar shear connectors to thin sheets has not been widely evaluated yet. This paper presented the development of the numerical model for the analysis of circular openings with transverse bars as steel-concrete shear connectors. The three-dimensional model of the plug-in test adapted for the analysis of these connectors was performed in the finite element program ABAQUS. The C3D8R solid element was used to simulate the concrete block, the steel sheet, and the steel rebar. For the steel stirrups, T3D2 truss elements were used. To simulate the concrete the Concrete Damaged Plasticity (CDP) model was adopted and for the steel elements the bilinear simplified curve was implemented. The aim of this paper was to compare it with experimental tests performed by the author and to demonstrate its capacity to efficiently represent the behavior of the circular openings with transverse rebar shear connectors to thin sheets observed in the experimental test.






M2 Advanced Analysis of Steel and Steel-Concrete Composite Structures
