A novel SPH algorithm to simulate tumour angiogenesis


  • Maria Maria Inês A. Barbosa
  • Jorge Belinha
  • Renato M. Natal Jorge
  • Ana X. de Carvalho


cell proliferation, angiogenesis, smooth particle hydrodynamics, meshless methods, numerical simulations


Nowadays, cancer is one of the foremost causes of death worldwide. As a tumor grows, it requires an increased supply of oxygen and nutrients to sustain its progression. However, once it reaches a critical size, the transportation of these molecules to the center of the tumor becomes challenging. In such circumstances, tumor cells initiate the process of angiogenesis to generate new blood vessels and so, a new nutrient source. Understanding the impact of angiogenesis on tumor progression is crucial for comprehending cancer. In recent decades, computational models have been extensively employed to investigate various biological problems, including tumor progression. The objective of this study was to develop a 3D algorithm to simulate the process of cell proliferation combined with angiogenesis. The algorithm utilizes the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics method and takes into account the concentration of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. To validate the algorithm, various high-concentration points were selected to observe whether the generated blood vessels followed appropriate paths. The proliferation process was assumed to follow an exponential pattern, and its reliance on the created blood vessels was analyzed. The results demonstrated that in all cases, the process of angiogenesis was
successfully integrated with the process of cell proliferation.






M21 Advanced discretization techniques in computational mechanics and biomechanics
