Modelling the hemodynamics in a realistic cerebral aneurysm with clot through transient FSI simulations


  • Concepcion Paz
  • Eduardo Suárez
  • Adrian Cabarcos
  • Sónia I.S. Pinto


hemodynamics, cerebral aneurysm, FSI simulations, UDF implementation


Modelling the hemodynamics of a patient-specific cerebral aneurysm with a clot in the most realistic conditions possible is still a challenge. The present work focus on the validation of the numerical procedure, implemented in ANSYS® software, for further accurate results. The 3D geometry used for simulations is a real patient cerebral artery with an aneurysm. The aneurysm is an Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) and is a saccular type. A Womersley velocity profile at the inlet boundary condition was used and blood was considered as a non-Newtonian fluid. These conditions were implemented in User-Defined Functions (UDFs) of ANSYS®. Moreover, an isotropic linear elastic model was used for the arterial walls and a hyperelastic Ogden model for the clot. The Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) model was also implemented in ANSYS® in order to really mimic the deformability of the artery during the pulsatile blood flow. In this patient case, the maximum WSS was 38 Pa and the TAWSS on the sac surface was 0.1 Pa. These values are within the expected since the results are similar to previous research. Thus, this numerical procedure can be considered valid for further hemodynamic studies of the aneurysm clot migration process in a realistic cerebral aneurysm.






M22 Computational Engineering in Fluid and Solid Biomechanics
