Isogeometric Analysis For The Platelets Role On Shear Stress Effect Over The Cancer Cells Into The Blood Vessel


  • Jose A. Rodrigues Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações (CIMA), Evora, Portugal Dept. of Mathematics, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal


Isogeometric analysis, Shear stress, Metastasis, Cancer cells,, Blood flow, Navier-Stokes equations


The spread of cancer cells from the original place to another part of the body is known by metastasis. During this processes, cancer cells leave from primary tumor, travel through the blood or lymph system, and form a new tumor in other organs or tissues of the body. Before arrive to new tissues, the cancer cell are subject to the natural body defenses. Once inside the blood vessel, the cancer cells are subject to the shear forces and immune defenses. Recent works induce that platelets play a relevant role in the protection of the cancer cell clusters while in circulation, protecting them from the effects of shear force by forming clumps with the cancer cells.
Using Isogeometric analysis, for modelling complex geometries, we numerical study the shear stress effect over the cancer cells on interstitial medium on later works. With the present work we pretend continue the numerical investigation, through the development and analysis of a mathematical model, for the shear stress effect over the cancer cells into the blood vessel and quantify the platelets protection effect.






M15 Role of mechanics in biological processes