Characterization of biodegradable PCL cog threads for pelvic organ prolapse treatment


  • Maria Elisabete Silva LAETA, INEGI, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Fábio Pinheiro LAETA, INEGI, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
  • Antonio Augusto Fernandes LAETA, INEGI, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal


Pelvic organ prolapse, Cog Thread, Surgical Intervention, Biodegradable PCL


Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a disease that progressively affects women,
creating a growing demand for the development of new techniques and methods to treat this type
of disorders. The correction of POP is complex, where the mainstay of treatment for these
problems continues to be surgical correction, which is presented, in most cases, as a highly
invasive procedure in the pelvic area with several associated risks and a relatively high failure
rate. With this, our multidisciplinary team studies the potential of providing to healthcare
professionals a novel and beneficial solution to correct pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Our
proposal is based on the application and proof of concept of novel minimally invasive technique,
using biodegradable PCL (polycaprolactone) cog threads for vaginal tissue reinforcement and
prolapse correction. At the moment, the provisional results obtained from the in vitro controlled
degradation and mechanical tests carried out on the cog threads demonstrate that they have the
desired properties for the formulation of a new technique for prolapse correction. These results
are encouraging and suggest the need for additional testing to better understand mechanical and
biological properties of the PCL cog threads.






M15 Role of mechanics in biological processes